Chapter 20: Whoever Says Nature Brings People Closer Obviously Hasn't Met Kitty

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Chapter 20: Whoever Says Nature Brings People Closer Obviously Hasn't Met Kitty

       Now that I was finally well enough to go on a camping trip with the rest of the seniors in my school, Lulu was able to find a place and pick a date for it to be. Unfortunately, not too many actual campsites wanted to rent to a bunch of teenagers due to last year's incident.

       I didn't know what last year's incident was but I was blaming Kitty for it.

       Thankfully, Lulu was able to talk to her parents about letting the camp out be in the forest that was part of their land. On top of it all, her parents even said they would go out of town for the night so they wouldn't bother us at all.

       If I ever asked my mom to have a camp out with a bunch of teenagers in our backyard, she would laugh in my face and then tell me to do my homework.

       "So what exactly happens at one of the senior camp outs?" I asked Sawyer as we packed our bags for the overnight trip. "I mean, obviously each trip is different since it's student planned but some of it might be the same."

       "Well, chances are there will be alcohol there," Sawyer said. "Some people will more than likely be drunk out of their mind. Probably a game of truth or dare. Teenagers like that game for some reason."

       "Yes, because nothing says fun like being forced to spill life secrets or do some crazy dare," I said. "I always lie when I play truth or dare anyway. Nobody will know."

       "Wow, we got a rebel here," Sawyer said. "I've never played truth or dare but I feel like if I did, I would also lie."

       "You've never played truth or dare?" I asked.

       "Nope," Sawyer said. "Never really had the chance. The only chance I did was during my senior year's camp out but I just sat out. I didn't see the point of playing it. Wait, now that I said that, please don't make me play it tonight if it comes up."

       "Oh, don't worry, I won't," I said. "And that's for one reason, really. Kitty."


       "She'll be there. I don't trust her. Just imagine what dares she'll think of."

       Sawyer sighed. "I almost forgot she was going to be there."

       "You don't have to come if you don't want to," I said. "It's not like I'll be lonely or anything. Beau and Lulu will be there."

       "No, I want to come," Sawyer said. "Really. Kitty being there is just one downside to it but there a lot more reasons that I do want to go."

       "I really want to make an innuendo."

       Sawyer sighed as he zipped up his bag. "Of course you do. You almost done packing? We should get going."

       I nodded as I zipped up my own bag, still wanting to say the innuendo but I decided to give Sawyer a break for right now. That, and I wanted to save all my innuendo energy for tonight when Kitty was around to hear it.

       Who was I kidding? I never ran out of innuendo energy. That was what I lived off of.

       Sawyer had to go to the storage room to get all the camping stuff we would need. The last time I went camping was a few years ago and my parents did all the packing so I had no idea what to bring. Apparently, the Birch family went camping multiple times every year so Sawyer knew exactly what to bring. 

       While Sawyer was getting all the supplies, I went outside to Sawyer's truck and placed the bags, as well as our pillows and extra blanket, in the back. Sawyer soon came out with everything else we needed, placing them in back.

       Before Sawyer and I got into the truck to leave, my mom and his parents came outside, probably to tell us to be good little people and to not get into any trouble with the authorities.

       Actually, only my mom would tell me that. Sawyer was trustworthy. I was not. 

       "If something ever goes wrong there, please call," Beth said. "We know how crazy those camping trips can get."

       "Yes, so please no drinking," Trey said.

       "Dad, I'm legal to drink," Sawyer said. "I won't but you can't really tell me not to drink when I technically can."

       I think my sassiness was rubbing off on Sawyer. My bad.

       Trey didn't look impressed so Sawyer said, "Dad, seriously, you don't have anything to worry about. I packed some non-alcoholic drinks for me and Jamie, and Lulu even said that's what she's packing for everyone. It's just the party people who bring the alcohol. Can we go now? We want to get there earlier to make sure we get a good spot for out tent."

       "Alright," Trey said. "But seriously, call us of anything goes wrong."

       "And Jamie, don't you think about touching a drop of alcohol," Mom said. "If I find out that you did..."

       "Mom, I'm not going to," I said. "You know I'm not into partying and drinking. I'm just going for the s'mores, to be honest. And because Lulu said she would kidnap me if I didn't go and she scares me."

       And Lulu did. It was hard saying no to her.

       Mom and Sawyer's parents finally let us go after telling us over and over again to call any of them, or even Sawyer's siblings if we couldn't get a hold of them, if something went wrong.

       I was starting to think something would go wrong because they were jinxing it.

       Sawyer and I got into the truck before he drove us to Lulu's house. I did tell her that we were going to get there early so both she and Beau were waiting outside for us.

       Sawyer pulled into the driveway of Lulu's house where I noticed Lulu had placed giant arrows pointing to the forest where the camping trip was taking place.

       We got out of the truck, grabbing all of the stuff out of back and carrying it to the campsite. A few people were there already, Lulu and Beau being two them of course. As soon as Lulu saw us, she hurried over to me and gave me a hug. "There's my favourite person in the world," Lulu said. "Well, not according Beau because let's face it, Beau is always going to be my favourite person in the world."

       "Yeah, I was about to question you favouring Jamie over me," Beau said. "No offence, Jamie."

       "None taken," I said. 

       But I was still wondering how on earth Lulu could be such an oblivious person about Beau. She was always praising him, saying the best things about him, gloating about him, and yet still friend-zoned him.

       I wanted to play cupid for them but I also didn't want to mess up their friendship.

       Such a difficult decision.

       "So you can set up your tent anywhere you like," Lulu said. "I would recommend it not being close to the outhouse due to, well, I'm sure you know. Also don't be close to the fire. Also, you two might want to put your tent further away from everyone else, if you know what I mean."

       "Go away, Lulu," I said.

       Lulu just winked at me and Sawyer before grabbing Beau's arm and pulling him back to their tent they were setting up.

       "Sometimes I question my friendship with her," I said. "Actually, all the time I question my friendship with her."

       "Yeah, I bet," Sawyer said. "C'mon, let's find a place to set up out tent."

       It was a good thing we came a bit early so we could get a good spot for our tent because soon after our tent was set up and all of our stuff was in it, a lot of people had shown up. Kitty was one of, them.

       As soon as she saw that Sawyer was here with me, she walked over to us, her arms crossed over her chest. "What are you doing here, Sawyer?" she asked.

       "Obviously I'm here with Jamie," Sawyer said. "And don't even think about saying how I'm not allowed because this is a senior camping trip. I'm not the only one here that's not a senior."

       "And this is Lulu's family's land," I said. "She's the one who invited Sawyer anyway so go complain to her."

       "Whatever," Kitty muttered before walking over to her friend.

       "This is going to get annoying," Sawyer said.

       "You really didn't have to come," I said.

       "Jamie, I told you, I wanted to," Sawyer said. "Kitty being here is just a minor inconvenience but with you, it's definitely worth it."

       I smiled at Sawyer as he leaned down and pressed his lips on mine but we soon pulled away when we heard someone standing nearby say, "Awe, so cute. What a lovely couple."

       When we did pull away, we looked at the source of the rude person who interrupted our kiss. Sawyer sighed once he saw one of his best friends leaning against the tree by our tent. "Zach, what are you doing here?"

       "Okay, one, you're rude," Zach said. "Two, this is my land so I can be here if I want. And three, my mom told me to lowkey spy on Lulu to make sure she's not the one that's making the camping trip go out of hand because let's face it, it's going to happen eventually."

       "Wait, you're Lulu's brother?" I asked.

       "Yeah, you didn't know?" Zach asked. "Does she even talk about me?"

       "Well, clearly not if I didn't know you're her brother," I said.

       "What an evil little sister," Zach said. "Then again, it's probably because the only person she talks about is Beau. All the time. Nonstop. I don't get it."

       "You don't get why she talks about her best friend all the time?" Sawyer asked.

       "No, I do get it," Zach said. "I just don't get how she's still oblivious to all of it. One day, I'm going to lock her and Beau in a room and not let them out until they figure things out because Beau is too afraid to and Lulu is too stupid to. Anyway, I have to go spy on Lulu now but I just wanted to say it took you two long enough to date."

       "Yeah, you said that to me already when I told you I was dating Jamie," Sawyer said.

       "And I'll keep saying it because it took you a long time, idiot," Zach said before walking off.

       "You know, even though Zach can be very annoying at times, it's a good thing he's here," Sawyer said. "Because he's not afraid to talk back to Kitty and give her attitude."

       "Neither am I," I said. "Or Lulu."

       "I know," Sawyer said. "And three people basically telling her to shut up and get over it is better than just one person. I just really hope Kitty doesn't try anything."

       Sawyer was a foolish man for hoping so.

       Once everyone showed up to the campsite, that was when it started to get a bit crazy. Like predicted, alcohol was brought but thankfully, nobody was being pressured to drink. It was just there for those who wanted it and even then, not too many people did.

       It started getting a lot crazier when the sun was starting to set. That was when everyone decided to sit by the campfire and I could tell a game of some sorts was arising.

       It was Kitty's friend, Steph who suggested we play Never Have I Ever. It could get messy but at least it wasn't truth or dare. Even though I could tell that game was definitely going to get played later.

       Everyone got a drink, whether it was alcoholic or not, before the game started. Steph went first since it was her idea for the game and I was worried about what she was going to say but surprisingly, she kept it simple by saying, "Never have I ever been out of the country."

       I still didn't trust her or Kitty.

       Since we were going around the circle, Kitty was next and she also kept it simple. This was suspicious. All too suspicious.

       Lulu was even eyeing them suspiciously as she whispered something to Beau, who shrugged in reply. 

       By the time is was Steph's turn again, it was clear what their motivations were. They just wanted to make sure everyone was already invested in the game before taking petty jabs at me and Sawyer.

       "Never have I ever broke my ex's heart by refusing to forgive them for a simple mistake they made," Steph said. Everyone furrowed their eyebrows, muttering among each other as nobody took a drink. "Uh, Sawyer. Come on, drink."

       Sawyer rolled his eyes and didn't bother taking a drink of his water.

       "Fine, whatever," Steph said. "I guess only some people are wanting to play this game properly. Your turn, Kitty."

       "Let's see..." Kitty said as if she was thinking, though I could tell she already knew what she was going to say. "Never have I ever lost my dad due to cancer."


       I can't believe I was stupid enough to admit that I never thought Kitty would actually stoop that low.

       Once again, everyone was confused at the statement and didn't take a drink so Kitty said, "Jamie, didn't that happen to you recently? I don't know why you're not taking a drink."

       "Shut the hell up, Kitty," Beau snapped, which shocked basically everyone here since he was known as such a quiet and sweet guy who tried his hardest not to get into any drama. "Seriously, can you stop being such a bitch for even one night?"

       Out of everyone, Kitty seemed the most taken back. There were so many times when she want out of her way to bother me and Lulu all while Beau tried his hardest to end the arguments that happened between us. Kitty, nor anyone else for that matter, didn't expect this.

       I didn't know if Lulu expected it or not but right now, she was just watching Beau with a proud look in her eyes, her hands resting over her heart.

       "Excuse me?" Kitty asked.

       "You heard me," Beau said. "Stop acting like this. Nobody wants to listen to your theatrics and problems that you're blowing out of proportion."

       "Relax, it's just part of the game," Kitty said.

       "Targeting people isn't part of the game," Lulu said.

       "It's my turn now," Zach spoke up.

       "What?" Kitty asked. "No, it's not. We're going in order."

       "Hey, if you can break the rules and target people, I can break the rules and go when it's not my turn," Zach said. "So never have I ever been a selfish, biphobic bitch who expects their ex-boyfriend not to date anyone else despite breaking up with said boyfriend just because he's bisexual."

       "Well, come on, Kitty," Lulu said. "Drink."

       "Maybe we should just change the game," one girl spoke up. "It might not be smart to continue when there are a few exes here."

       "Fair enough," Lulu said.

       While everyone tried deciding on a game to play, Sawyer wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer so I leaned into him. "Are you okay?" he asked in a quiet voice. I gave him a nod and a smile, one I felt was a bit weak. I wasn't really okay. Losing my dad was still a sensitive subject.

       And I was stupid enough to believe Kitty wouldn't bring it up again just to hurt me.

       Sawyer kissed the side of my head and gave me a tight squeeze. I did feel a bit better being in his arms but I was still a bit upset. I was probably just going to sit out of this game and watch the drama that didn't involve me unfold.

       Some people wanted to play truth or dare but the ones who didn't said it wasn't the best idea with exes here. Kitty and Sawyer weren't even the only exes here but she was probably the only petty one that would willingly attack her ex and his new boyfriend.

       "How about this?" Zach said. "We play truth or dare but nobody is allowed to ask their exes."

       "Their friends aren't allowed to ask for them either," Lulu said. "Steph."

       Steph rolled her eyes as everyone agreed to the rules for truth or dare. Lulu asked if anyone wanted to sit out on it, which Sawyer and I said we would. We weren't the only ones, thankfully. Beau wanted to sit out too.

       "I'll go first," Lulu said. "Kitty, truth or dare."

       "Didn't you just make the rule where friends can't ask exes?" Kitty asked.

       "Yes," Lulu said. "But I'm not technically Sawyer's friend. I'm Jamie's friend and Jamie isn't your ex. Sawyer is. So truth or dare unless you're too afraid of what I'll say."

       "Truth," Kitty said. "I choose truth."

       "You're no fun," Lulu said, her face faltering at the fact that she couldn't tell Kitty to do whatever dare she had planned.

       The game was actually going calmly since the rule of exes was made. There were some crazy dares and truths but nothing that consisted of petty jabbing.

       When it was Kitty's turn again to ask someone, she looked at me and said, "Are you sure you don't want to play? You don't have to be boring and sit out."

       "And you don't have to be a bitch but clearly, you are," I said.

       "Come on, just one turn," Kitty said.

       I didn't feel like arguing with her right now so I said, "Fine. Truth." But if she made another petty jab at me, I was going to roast a marshmallow and get the stickiness in her hair and then dump my lemonade on her, hoping she would attract some ants in the middle of the night.

       "Alright, what's one thing you hate about Sawyer?" Kitty asked. Okay, not a petty jab but she was clearly trying to start some drama between me and Sawyer.

       Too bad she couldn't outsmart me.

       "Easy," I said.

       "That's an easy question?" Sawyer asked.

       "Shush, I'm answering," I said before looking back at Kitty. "One thing I hate about Sawyer is that he dated you." Kitty glared at me as Zach snorted a laugh. "What? It's the truth. Zach, you can take my turn to ask someone. I just wanted her to shut up."

       "I think we all do," Lulu said.

       Kitty turned her glare to Lulu who just gave her an innocent smile.

       The game went on for a while, even long after it was completely dark out. While the game was still running, Beau went to get the marshmallows and roasting sticks so I went to help him, mainly to get Kitty out of my peripheral version for a bit.

       And so I could talk to Beau. "Thanks," I said as I helped him grab anything. "For standing up for me against Kitty. I have to say it wasn't expected."

       "You're welcome," Beau said. "To be honest, that's a sensitive topic for me as well. I lost someone to cancer too. A few months ago. And I'm still not over it. I don't know if I'll ever be."

       "Yeah, I know how that feels," I said. "Having all these constant reminders like memories and having their birthday without them."

       "It's the worse," Beau said. "Especially having our birthday without him."

       "Our?" I repeated.

       "My twin brother. That's who I lost."

       "Oh, Beau," I said before pulling him into a hug. "I want to say I'm sorry but I hate it when people say it to me. But I will tell you that I'll be here to talk to if you need it. I don't know exactly what it's like because losing a parent is slightly different than losing a sibling but I still know part of it."

       "Thanks," Beau said. "It will be good to talk to someone. Lulu tries her best to listen when I need to talk but she doesn't fully understand. I still love her for trying."

       I couldn't take it anymore. I had to say something.

       I pulled away from Beau to look at him. "Speaking of Lulu, what on earth is going on between you two?"

       Even though it was dark out, I could see the blush rising on his cheeks. "Nothing."

       "Don't nothing me."

       Beau sighed. "You have to promise not to say anything to her."

       "That you're in love with her?" I asked, causing his blush to deepen. "Dude, I would have said something by now. I already know."

       "Is it that obvious?" Beau asked.

       "To everyone but Lulu, yes," I said. "She's too oblivious. You should drop hints."

       "No," Beau said. "No way. I'll only end up making it too obvious because I don't know how to drop hints and I don't want to make it too obvious if she doesn't like me back."

       "I could drop hints for you," I said. "I can be subtle."

       Beau looked like he was debating it before unfortunately declining. "No, I... I don't want to make things complicated. I'll just wait it out. Hopefully."

       "Alright, if that's what you want," I said. "If you ever want me to drop hints, I'll be more than happy too. Now we should get all this stuff to the others before they complain about us taking too long."

       Nobody did complain. They were too invested in the game right now which included Zach having to do some push-ups with his shirt off. I didn't get how he got dared to do that but I wasn't complaining.

       When I sat down beside Sawyer, he slapped my arm. "Stop checking him out."

       "I'm not," I said. "I'm just wondering how many push ups he could do. He's good at it." Sawyer glared at me. "I'm kidding. Sort of." Sawyer scowled so I kissed his cheek. "I still like you."

       "Yeah, whatever," Sawyer said. 

       As the game continued, now with people roasting marshmallows, I decided to finally get my subtle revenge on Kitty for what she did to me during Never Have I Ever. And by subtle, I meant rubbing my relationship with Sawyer in her face by sitting on his lap.

       She didn't like it.

       Sucks for her.

       Truth and dare finally ended late into the night when everyone was saying they couldn't think of anymore truths or dares. Now we were all just sitting by the campfire, talking and roasting marshmallows.

       Since it was late at night, people were starting to get drowsy, including Lulu who was now cuddled up against Beau. They looked so cozy and adorable.

       How could Lulu be oblivious?

       I was starting to think she was denying her feelings for him.

       ...No, she was definitely oblivious.

       I was getting tired too and Sawyer noticed so he asked, "Want to turn in for the night?"

       I nodded, wanting to fall asleep as soon as possible. 

       Though I regretted it. I should have stayed up as long as I could after what happened during the night.


beau :( he needs a lot of love so pls send him some love and uwus <3 <3 uwu uwu

but dang when beau goes off, he goes OFF

i should have started to write this chapter a lot earlier because it's almost 5 am rn and i haven't gone to sleep yet ahahaha what is life?

it's okay because even if i finished it early, i still probably wouldn't have gone to sleep until 5.

this reminds me of how one of my professors told us he wakes up every day at 5 to write since that's the best writing hour. i can never do that. if anything, i'd just stay up until 5 to write. 

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