Chapter 21: Why Did We Choose the Woods When It's Ideal for Axe Murderers?

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Chapter 21: Why Did We Choose the Woods When It's Ideal for Axe Murderers?

       I didn't know why expected to have a peaceful night's sleep while on the camping trip. There were a bunch of teenagers, some of who drank, without any parents nearby to keep an eye on us. Of course some of them weren't going to actually go to sleep. 

       I just didn't think it would get as crazy as it did.

       I did fall asleep for a bit but I ended up waking up to a few people being very loud. Well, they weren't really loud but with the open and quiet air, they did seem very loud. I was tempted to get out of my tent and collapse the tents of the people who wouldn't stop talking. Especially Kitty and Steph. They ended up setting their tent close to my and Sawyer's and they wouldn't stop talking. In fact, they were the loudest out of everyone. It was like they didn't care that people were trying to sleep.

       I didn't know how Sawyer was able to sleep through all of this.

       Maybe I should scare everyone to make them shut up. My phone was still charged since I made sure to bring a portable charger. I could always play some bear sounds.

       ...No, that would only make things worse because people wouldn't stop screaming if they believed it to be an actual bear.

       I could always wake up Sawyer so he could pay attention to me and would have to suffer through the pain of hearing annoying people with me.

       Too bad I was too nice of a boyfriend to wake Sawyer up from his sleep. If only he could wake up by himself but he just had to be a heavy sleeper.

       Thankfully, Sawyer eventually did wake up but not because of me. He woke up due to Lulu yelling, "Kitty, if you don't shut the hell up, I will go over to your tent and make it collapse!"

       "We're not the only ones talking!" Kitty called back.

       "You're the only ones I could hear so shut up!"

       "Yes, please shut up!" a random person called. "I've been hearing you gossip for hours and I'm trying to sleep!"

       I loved when multiple people told Kitty to shut up. I should join in. I was going to but that was when Sawyer woke up with a heavy sigh. "I should have known this was going to happen," he muttered. "People don't like to sleep on these camping trips."

       I rested my arms on Sawyer's chest and placed my chin on them so I could look at Sawyer. "Since we're both awake, want to make out?" I asked.

       "Why am I not surprised that's the first thing you asked?" Sawyer asked. "I'm tired. I was sleeping. It's the middle of the night."

       "You're too tired to make out with me?" I asked. "I'm insulted."

       "Of course you are," Sawyer said.

       "I also want to make an innuendo about you being too tired. You can probably already guess what it is. Mainly because of what we were doing last night."

       "Jamie, we literally did nothing last night because you were constantly whining about being cold and then you fell asleep."

       "Biggest mistake of my life. We could have had fun."

       "No, we couldn't have with a lot of people around the campsite." Sawyer sat up, causing me to sit up as well since my head was resting on his chest. "I actually have to go to the washroom."

       "Ooh, that sucks having to use the washroom in the middle of the night when you're camping," I said. "And I was just about to ask if we could have a washroom make out session but then I realized the washroom here is an outhouse and I hate outhouses. They don't have mirrors."

       "Since when have you been obsessed with mirrors?"

       "Since I realized I could see my good looking self in the mirror."

       Sawyer chuckled and kissed my cheek before he started heading to the tent door. However, before he got far I pulled him to me, pressing my lips on his. I was, thankfully, able to distract him enough since he forgot he was going to leave the tent as he kissed me back, moving closer to me.

       I knew the kiss wasn't going to last long but I was certainly enjoying it right now. I couldn't believe I used to think it would just be best for me to move on from my feelings for Sawyer because right now, I was happy. Really happy. Being with Sawyer made me happy.

       Unfortunately, Sawyer realized he was currently being distracted so he pulled away from me. "Jamie, I really have to go to the washroom."

       "Fine, leave me," I said. "Who knows if I'll even be here when you come back?"

       "You will. This is our tent. You don't have anywhere else to go."

       "Don't be a smart ass."

       "I will be a smart ass all I want. You are really rubbing off on me."

       "You need to stop setting me up for all the innuendos if they bother you so much."

       "I'm so close to dumping you," Sawyer said.

       I scowled as Sawyer kissed my cheek before he grabbed a flashlight, then headed out of the tent to go to the washroom. While he was gone, I laid back down to try to go back to sleep but I knew it wasn't going to happen because Kitty was still talking to Steph loudly. I think it really was my turn to tell her to shut up.

       Too bad other people beat me to it. At least three other people told her to shut up, even though there were clearly other people talking. I just think everyone wasn't fond of Kitty.

       Kitty, surprisingly, finally shut up so maybe I would be able to fall asleep.

       I still wasn't able to. This time, it was because Sawyer was taking way too long to come back and I was starting to worry.

       I gave it a few more moments before getting up and grabbing the other flashlight. I left the tent, putting my shoes on and zipping up the tent. I turned on the flashlight so I could make my way to the outhouse without tripping on anything.

       A few people were still outside by the campfire. Apparently, there were always the people who wanted to pull all-nighters by the campfire. At least these people were quiet talkers. In fact, I didn't think they were some of the people I heard while I was in my tent.

       My worried feeling got a lot worse when I noticed the outhouse was vacant. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking around but not seeing a single sign of Sawyer.

       I didn't even know where I could look. I didn't know this place at all. Even if I did, it was too dark for me to recognize anything. All the trees looked the same. I probably would have gotten lost if the outhouse wasn't so close to the tents.

       I went back to the tents, immediately going to Zach's tent since he was the best person to help me out right now. Not only was the woods part of his family's land but he was also one of Sawyer's best friends. He knew both the woods and Sawyer.


       "Zach," I said in a loud whisper, hoping he was awake.

       He wasn't.

       So I shook his tent. "Zach, you idiot, wake up."

       "Screw off, Jamie."

       "I need your help."

       "It's the middle of the night. Go away."

       "I think an axe murderer got to Sawyer."

       I heard shifting in the tent before Zach opened the tent door so he could look at me. "What?"

       "He went to the washroom but he was taking too long so I went to see if he's okay," I said. "But the outhouse is empty so either he got lost, he went to go do something else, or someone here is an axe murderer and killed him. Whose idea was it to camp in the woods? That's, like, the ideal place for axe murderers to strike."

       I thought Zach was just going to go back to bed and tell me not to worry about it but he got out of the tent, putting his shoes on. "I'll help you find him but I'm pretty sure you're overreacting and there's no axe murderer."

       I eyed him suspiciously. "That's what an axe murderer would say."

       "Dude, I'm too tired to argue right now," Zach said. "So why exactly did Sawyer leave the tent in the middle of the night?"

       "Because he had to go to the washroom," I said. "I just told you. Pay attention. Your best friend's life could be in danger."

       "Does he have his cell phone?" Zach asked.

       "No, he left it in the tent," I said. "Please tell me you know where he could be."

       "To be honest, I have no idea," Zach said. "We'll just start looking around."

       Great, I asked a useless person to help me. Maybe I should have asked Kitty since she was obsessed with Sawyer so she should know where he was.

       Wait a second...

       What if she was the axe murderer?

       I clearly needed some sleep.

       Zach and I walked passed the outhouse, going a bit deeper in the words just in case Sawyer was an idiot and forgot which way he came from even though the tents were in clear view from the outhouse.

       While we were walking around, I heard the sound of someone walking on the pile of leaves on the ground, directly behind us. I moved closer to Zach, whispering, "I think the axe murderer is following us."

       Zach sighed. "There isn't an axe murderer."

       "That's what people say right before they get killed in movies."

       "Okay, am I the axe murderer or am I the person who gets killed because they said there isn't one? Make up your mind."

       I ignored him and turned around, not seeing anybody there. Either I was imagining things or the axe murderer was a master of stealth.

       Zach suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking around. "Haven't we already been here before?"

       "Very funny," I said.

       "I'm being serious," Zach said. "I swear, we were just here. I think..."

       "You think?" I asked. "I asked for your help to find my boyfriend because the woods are part of your land. I figured you knew the place."

       "I do," Zach said. "Not when it's dark out and all the trees look the same. Don't worry, we'll figure things out. We'll just head back the way we were just walking. Hopefully then we remember where we've been and if we've actually been walking in a circle."

       Shortly after we were walking back from where we had just come from, I heard someone walking nearby again. I was tempted to just push Zach towards whoever it was and run but that wasn't needed. Only because the person who was walking nearby ended up bumping into Zach.

       "Lulu?" Zach asked. "What on earth are you doing roaming the woods so late?"

       "I can ask you the same thing," Lulu said and by the way she said it, it sounded like she was crying. I couldn't really tell because I couldn't fully see her face but I think she was crying.

       "Is everything okay?" I asked.

       "Not really," Lulu said. "Beau and I got into an argument."

       "Really?" Zach asked. "But you two never argue. At all."

       "Yeah, thanks for the reminder," Lulu snapped. "I just wanted to go for a walk and cool down since we're sharing a tent and I didn't want to argue with him anymore but I forgot my flashlight and I was too angry to go back in the tent so I got lost."

       "You could have just went to my tent," Zach said.

       "I did but you weren't there," Lulu said. "I thought you gave up camping and went to our house so, again, I just wanted to go for a walk. What are you two doing?"

       "Just looking for my idiot of a best friend," Zach said.

       "Hey, you should be nice towards the guy who could have been murdered," I said.

       "What?" Lulu asked.

       "Nothing," Zach said. "Sawyer just went to the washroom and was taking too long so Jamie went to go check on him but the outhouse was empty. And Jamie thinks there's an axe murderer among us."

       "I'm just saying that we're in the woods with a bunch of people and no authoritative figures," I said. "It's the ideal situation for murderers. Speaking of, it could be Kitty. She finally stopped talking before I left. What if she left her tent to murder people?"

       "Wait, hold on," Zach said. "Kitty stopped talking all of a sudden?"

       "Yes, why?" I asked.

       "Because I know her," Zach said. "She takes forever to fall asleep. She wouldn't just stop talking all of a sudden because she fell asleep."


       "You're an idiot, Jamie," Lulu said. "Even I got it and I'm too upset to think. Kitty isn't in her tent. Where else would she go, in the woods, in the middle of the night?"

       "To kill people," I said. "I knew she was the axe murderer."

       "Jamie, just give the axe murderer thing up," Zach said. "Seriously, think properly for a moment, all axe murdering aside. You can't find Sawyer. Kitty isn't in her tent. Chances are, they're together."

       "I really hope you're not suggesting that they're... I don't even want to say it."

       "What? No," Zach said. "No, definitely not. Sawyer is as loyal as they come and he's crazy for you, not to mention he can't stand Kitty. I meant that she's probably just bothering him and they're caught up in an argument."

       "Or, and hear me out..."

       "She's not an axe murderer, Jamie," Zach said. "Give it up."

       "You know, Sawyer could be lying somewhere, bleeding out because of Kitty and you're denying it. You're going to regret ever telling me to give it up."

       Zach sighed heavily and started walking down the path again with me and Lulu following him. I didn't know if we were going to be able to get back to the tents because I had no clue where we were going.

       It didn't help that the flashlight I had was starting to flicker.

       "Seriously?" I muttered. "You know, this is the type of things that happen--"

       "Before we get killed by an axe murderer?" Zach asked.

       "Yes, exactly," I said. "I'm glad you're catching on."

       "I think I see the outhouse up ahead," Lulu said. "No, wait... That's just a tree. It's official. We're never getting back. Well, at least not until the sun rises because then I can actually see where we are. At least we have some light from the flashlight."

       She jinxed it because right at that moment, the flashlight went out.

       "Well, this is officially the worst senior camping trip ever," Lulu said.

       I looked ahead of us, seeing someone walking with a flashlight not too far away. "Hey, at least there's someone over there. Maybe it's Sawyer."

       It wasn't. 

       It was Beau. 

       "Oh, it's just you," I said when we walked over to him.

       Beau looked confused so Zach said, "Ignore him. We're just looking for Sawyer. At least, Jamie and I are. Lulu joined us because she got lost." He gently pushed his sister towards Beau. "There, now you two can kiss and make up."

       Lulu glared at Zach before looking at Beau. "I am sorry. I didn't mean what I said."

       "I know," Beau said. "I'm sorry too. I just... Was feeling a bit upset because of what Kitty did during Never Have I Ever."

       Lulu furrowed her eyebrows. "But... She didn't target you."

       "But she did target Jamie using a topic that's still sensitive to me," Beau said.

       "Oh, right," Lulu said. "Now I feel even worse. I should have known you were feeling upset. I'm a horrible best friend."

       "No, you're not," Beau said. "You're the best friend I could ever ask for."

       As they hugged, Zach said, "Well, this has been sweet but I'm afraid Jamie and I have to leave you two on your own because we have to go look for my best friend."

       "Have you seen Sawyer?" I asked Beau.

       Beau shook his head. "No, sorry."

       "If I don't find him soon, I'm breaking up with him," I said. "Unless I can't find him for the reasons I'm really believing happened."

       "I have to admit, even I'm starting to believe it," Zach said. He then patted Lulu's shoulder. "I'll, again, leave you two alone since you still have to do the kissing part of kiss and make up."

       "Shut up, Zachary," Lulu said.

       "Love you, Lucilia," Zach said before walking off and I quickly followed him.

       We, finally, found the tents again and I went back to mine to make sure Sawyer didn't come back while I was gone. "He's still not there. I swear, if he wasn't killed by the axe murderer, I'm becoming the axe murderer."

       "Relax, we'll find him," Zach said.

       "Are you talking about Sawyer?" one girl by the campfire spoke up.

       "Yeah," I said. "Please tell me you've seen him."

       She nodded. "He went that way a while go." She pointed towards the path that led to the exit of the woods towards Lulu and Zach's house. "And Kitty did follow him so he might need some saving. We all know how annoying and possessive she can be."

       "Quick question, did she have an axe?" I asked.

       "No, she didn't," the girl said. 

       Okay, so Kitty wasn't the axe murderer. That didn't mean there was going to be one here.

       Yeah, I really needed some sleep.

       "I'll leave you to deal with this alone," Zach said. "I'm tired and want to go back to sleep. I also don't want to see Kitty's face when I'm tired."

       "Wow, you're such a supportive best friend," I said. 

       "Yeah, whatever," Zach said as he made his way back to his tent. "Good luck."

       I didn't need luck. I just needed to possess all my annoying abilities.

       I followed the path that the girl pointed out, soon hearing two voices nearby. I knew it was Sawyer and Kitty but I wasn't able to make out what they were saying yet until I got a bit closer.

       "Kitty, I seriously don't want to be doing this right now," Sawyer said.

       "Come on, Sawyer," Kitty said. "We actually have time to talk now."

       "I don't want to talk to you," Sawyer said. "When will you finally get it in your head? We're over. I don't like you anymore."

       "Are you sure about that?" Kitty asked, taking a step closer to Sawyer. "Because we were together for a long time. I'm pretty sure we can't just lose what we have to quickly just because there's someone new in your life. And I can prove it."

       I swear, if she was going to do what I think she was...

       "There's nothing to prove," Sawyer said, taking a step away from her. 

       "Come on, just one kiss," Kitty said. "I bet all those feelings for me will come rushing back. Besides, nobody is here to see."

       "You're... something else," Sawyer said. "I'm not kissing you. I'm not kissing anyone except for Jamie, my boyfriend. I'm not doing that to him."

       "He won't know," Kitty said.

       "Uh, he will know," I finally spoke up. "Do you not have any morals or something? Actually, don't answer that. I already know that answer."

       Kitty glared at me. "Go away."

       "Don't tell me to go away when you were hitting on my boyfriend," I said. "Seriously, just leave him alone."

       "I'm not giving up," Kitty said. "I'll get what's rightfully mine."

       "You saying that is just making the already small possibility of me liking you again even less," Sawyer said.

       Kitty finally walked away and she even had the audacity to have a smirk on her face. I had never met anyone as unlikable as her.

       I looked at Sawyer. "Why were you here? I thought you were just going to the washroom."

       "I did," Sawyer said as he walked over and that was when I noticed a blanket in his arms. "I was heading back to the tent but then I remembered I had an extra blanket in my truck. Figure I'd bring it since you were still cold. Then Kitty showed up and I tried getting away from her but I ended up arguing with her."

       "I just wish she would give up..."

       "Hey," Sawyer said, wrapping the blanket around my shoulder. "She can try to get me back all she wants. It's not going to work, especially when I have the world's hottest boyfriend."

       "You shouldn't boost my ego," I said. "It's dangerous."

       "I know," Sawyer said. "You really do have nothing to worry about."

       "I know," I said. "She's just annoying. At least we only have to deal with one annoying ex. Can we go back to the tent now? And cuddle? I would say make out but you're mean."

       "We will for a bit," Sawyer said.

       I smiled. "Now we're talking."


there's still more to the camping trip oof. the chapters just end up being longer than i thought lol. i would have still worked on this but it's almost 3:30 and i have a doctor's appointment sometime at 9 so i really need to get some sleep.

at least i don't have any homework to do for once so i can just nap when i get back.

anyway beau is adorable send him some <3 and uwu

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