Chapter 22: Rain, Go Away. Unless You're Raining On Kitty's Tent So She Suffers

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Chapter 22: Rain, Go Away. Unless You're Raining On Kitty's Tent So She Suffers.

       I should have known better to think I would be able to peacefully sleep throughout the rest of the night on the camping trip. Apparently, things weren't going to go well at all.

       Sawyer gently shook me awake. "Jamie. I need your help."

       "Unless it has to do with kissing, let me sleep," I said.

       "It's going to start pouring soon," Sawyer said. "It's sprinkling a bit."


       "And we're in our tent. Unless you want rain to soak through, we have to go set up some tarps."

       I sighed heavily, mainly to be a dramatic pain. I looked over at Sawyer who was now putting on his sweater. "Can we make out first?" I asked.

       "I'll go ask Zach for help if you don't want to help me," Sawyer said, opening the tent door and putting on his shoes. "I have to go to my truck to get the tarps."

       Oh, there was no way I was letting Sawyer go out on his own after what happened last time. If Kitty saw that Sawyer was on his own, she wouldn't hesitate to make a move on him. Like always.

       "I'm coming too," I said, getting out of the sleeping bag and pulling on a sweater before following Sawyer outside of the tent and putting on my shoes. 

       It was sprinkling a bit like Sawyer said and judging by the dark, grey clouds, he was also right when he said it was going to start pouring soon.

       Hopefully everyone else was prepared so they wouldn't get soaked through the night. Except Kitty. I couldn't care less if the rain soaks her tent.

       In fact, I hoped she wasn't prepared so she could suffer.

       Some people were actually prepared. Those who were pulling the all-nighter sitting by the fireplace had put out the fire and set up a gazebo over it so they could stay dry. They were also setting a tarp up over it to double make sure.

       Sawyer and I left the forest and went to his truck so we could get some tarps and bungee cords for the tent. The rain was starting to fall a bit more heavily so we had to hurry back to where the campgrounds were.

       This time, more people, if not everyone, were out of their tent because of the rain. Some had been prepared. 


       Not so much.

       "How come you didn't check the weather forecast before deciding to find a date and place for the camping trip?" Beau asked Lulu while they got out of their tent.

       "How come you didn't check before agreeing to it?" Lulu asked. "Don't blame me. Did you bring a tarp?"

       "Why would I bring a tarp when I didn't expect it to rain?" Beau asked. "Besides, your house is close enough to get one."

       "But it's too far," Lulu whined.

       "I have extras," Sawyer said. 

       "Thanks, Sawyer, for actually being prepared," Lulu said before glaring at Beau.

       Beau furrowed his eyebrows. "But... Camping today was your idea. You weren't prepared either."

       I grabbed one of the tarps and a few bungee cords from Sawyer before handing them to Lulu. "How about you stop arguing with your boyfriend and set up the tarp?"

       Lulu glared at me. "He's my best friend and you know that."

       "Yeah, that's what I said."

       "You said boyfriend."

       "Exactly. Boy. Friend. He's your friend. Who's a boy."

       Lulu continued to glare at me before getting to work on setting up the tent above her and Beau's tent. Sawyer and I started setting up the tarp above our tent while I watched some people panic about the rain because they weren't prepared.

       Kitty, thankfully, was one of those people who weren't prepared. 

       The first thing she decided to do was walk over to me and Sawyer. Well, more specifically Sawyer.

       "Sawyer, do you happen to have an extra tarp Steph and I could use?" she asked, even going the extra mile to bat her eyes as if she had an effect on him.

       Clearly, she didn't. He just continued to set up the tarp. "Sorry, I gave the extra one to Lulu and Beau," he said. 

       "Oh," Kitty said. "Well, since my and Steph's tent is going to get wet, any chance we can bunk with you?"

       Sawyer stopped trying to set up the tarp, as did I at Kitty's questionable attitude. How on earth did she think Sawyer would be okay to her sharing a tent with us?

       "You're just... relentless, are you?" Sawyer asked.

       "It's just a simple question," Kitty said.

       "And here's a simple answer," Sawyer said. "No. And here's a more in depth answer. Not happening, leave me alone, and stop thinking I'll do what you want just because you give me that... look."

       "What look?" Kitty asked innocently.

       Lulu groaned loudly. "Just begone, you she-devil. Nobody wants to watch you constantly hit on Sawyer when he's not interested because he's madly in love with his boyfriend."

       "Uh, I wouldn't say madly in love," Sawyer said. "If anything, I just tolerate him. He's too annoying."

       I looked at Sawyer. "Excuse me?"

       Sawyer winked at me before getting back to work on the tarp. 

       "Awe, looks like there's some trouble in paradise," Kitty said, curling her bottom lip in a fake pout.

       "There isn't any trouble," Sawyer said. "I was clearly joking. Well, sort of. Jamie is annoying but I more than tolerate him." I glared at him. "Don't give me that look. You know you're annoying, Mr. I Think It's Okay To Say Innuendos No Matter Who's Around."

       I opened my mouth to object but then I realized he was right. At least I had some decency to somewhat censor my mouth. I could make a lot more innuendos if I wanted to but I was too kind to embarrass Sawyer all the time.

       "Look, Kitty, if you're so worried about staying dry during the rain, then just chill with those people under the gazebo," Sawyer said. 

       Kitty snorted. "Seriously? It's, like, three in the morning. I need my beauty sleep."

       "And you definitely need as much sleep as you could," Lulu said. "Might as well hibernate for the rest of the season. Maybe even the whole year. Or two."

       "Shut up," Kitty said. 

       "I would but you were talking all night when we were all trying to sleep and wouldn't listen when we told you to shut up," Lulu said. "So take your own advice before dishing it."

       Sawyer and I finished setting up the tarp so I decided to be a huge pest and ask, "So can we go back into our tent and make out? You're a really good kisser."

       Sawyer leaned towards me and said in a quiet voice so only I could hear, "I know you only asked that to bug Kitty but I'm tempted to agree to it."

       "Ooh, really?" I asked.

       "Yeah, I just want to make sure everyone who wasn't prepared is set for the night," Sawyer said.

       "Uh, you said it yourself to Kitty," I said. "They can just go under the gazebo."

       "It might not be big enough for everyone," Sawyer said which made me smile and bite my bottom lip. "Goodness, Jamie, do you have to make everything dirty?"

       "Yes, it's what I'm good at," I said. "You know what else I'm good at?"

       "I'm ignoring you," Sawyer said before walking away to make sure everyone else was prepared for the rain. I was upset he didn't want to immediately make out with me but my heart also fluttered because of how kind he was. He didn't have to make sure everyone was set for the night but he was anyway.

       Since Sawyer was no longer in earshot, Kitty decided to say, "You're not going to win this."

       "Oh, I think I already won," I said. "You do realize that Sawyer is never going to give you another chance, especially after everything that you've been doing recently, right?"

       "And you realize that I always get what I want, right?" Kitty asked.

       "If you always get what you want, I'm pretty sure you would have had Sawyer by now," I said. "But..." I gave her a fake wince. "I guess that's not true."

       "Things take time," Kitty said. "But you should be prepared because this... You taking Sawyer from me..." She took a step towards me. "Means war."

       "He was a single man, Kitty," I said. "I didn't take him from you. He's not yours. He's not even mine. He's his own person so get this delusional thought out of your mind that you owe him. And if that means war..." I took a step towards her, closing the space between us. "Bring it."

       Kitty stared at me for a bit, her eyes narrowed, before walking off. I think I needed some disinfectant spray now. Or maybe I should bathe in some disinfectant spray.

       Either way, Kitty breathed too much of the same air as me.

       The rain was starting to actually pour now so I chose to get into my now-covered tent, letting everyone else suffer since they weren't prepared. Then again, Sawyer was helping them.

       He soon got into the tent after me. "Is everyone good?" I asked.

       "Yep," Sawyer said. "Some tarps that people brought were big enough to cover two tents so those who didn't have one shared. And once covered three so that helped too. I just helped set them up."

       "So... Can we make out now?" I asked. "I doubt I'm going to fall asleep now since stuff keeps on happening on this campout."

       "Knowing you, you're going to actually fall asleep after whining a bit about how cold it is," Sawyer said.

       "Okay, but... Before I start whining, can we make out?" I asked.

       "Yeah, come here."

       I smiled before moving towards Sawyer, pressing my lips on his.


i love jamie so much ahahaha

which makes me even more excited for the crossover i'm planning since grant and jamie will be excellent friends 

also i the chapters names are so fun to think of, and i'm even going to go back and rename most of them so they fit this kind of style, aka something that jamie would say about the chapter

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