Chapter 33: A Break By the Lake. Hey, That Rhymes.

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Chapter 33: A Break By the Lake. Hey, That Rhymes.

       Like Sawyer promised, he was going to take me somewhere special this weekend. However, he wasn't telling me exactly where we were going. I wasn't sure if I trusted him. Last time he wanted to take me somewhere, we went to a haunted forest.

       He was probably going to take me somewhere worse than a haunted forest.

       He was probably going to take me to a haunted house. Or worse. An abandoned asylum.

       Should I hide from him?

       "Jamie, are you almost done packing?" Sawyer asked. "We should be heading out soon."

       "It depends," I said, shoving some clothes into a suitcase despite not being sure if I wanted to go with Sawyer so he didn't kill me or cause me to get possessed. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

       "I told you, it's a surprise," Sawyer said.

       I huffed. "Great. I guess I should break something to protect myself. Like salt or sage."

       "I'm surprised you didn't say condoms," Sawyer said.

       I looked at Sawyer and smiled widely. "Sawyer Colt Birch, did you just make an innuendo?"

       Sawyer furrowed his eyebrows. "What? No. I just said I was surprised you didn't say that."

       "Yes, but you also thought that I would say that," I said. "Meaning you thought about the innuendo when I said something to protect myself. Meaning you made an innuendo and nothing you say will change my mind."

       Sawyer chuckled. "Of course. Well, c'mon and hurry up. I want to get going, and we need to stop off at the grocery store first."

       I eyed him suspiciously. "Why? Are you going to buy stuff to sacrifice me to demons? Is that the only reason why you're dating me? So you can sacrifice me to the demons and I won't expect it?"

       "I don't even want to question what goes on in that pretty little head of yours," Sawyer said.

       "You're not denying it," I said. "That's it. I'm staying home. In fact, I'm moving to the guest house so you can't come in."

       "I have keys to the guest house."

       "Then... I'm moving into Paint's stall. He'll protect me. In fact, he'll get mad once I tell him you're planning on sacrificing me to demons."

       "I'm not... I give up," Sawyer said. "I don't have to take you out anywhere, you know."

       "I'm only kidding," I said. Well, at least I was half-kidding. I still didn't know Sawyer's true intentions for taking me to the 'special' place.

       I finished packing so Sawyer and I grabbed our suitcases and bags before heading downstairs. "Well, we're about to head off," Sawyer said to his family and mine, who were in the kitchen.

       "Quick question, do any of you know morse code?" I asked. "I might have to send a message if I get in trouble."

       Mom furrowed her eyebrows. "Why would you get in trouble?"

       "I don't know. Ask Sawyer." I glared at him.

       "Don't worry about him," Sawyer said. "He's just convinced that I'm going to sacrifice him to demons."

       Mom looked even more confused and I didn't blame her. Sawyer was an extremely nice guy. Nobody would expect him to sacrifice me to demons. Maybe that was why he was dating me. Nobody would expect his ulterior motive.

       Sawyer led me outside of the house and two his truck. We put the suitcases in the back before getting into the truck. "Is there any chance you can tell me where we're going now?" I asked.

       "Jamie, you can wait," Sawyer said. "I promise that you'll like it."

       "That's what you said before we went to the haunted forest."

       Sawyer chuckled. "Fair point. Okay, I will tell you that where we're going isn't haunted or anything like that."

       "That's what someone would say before taking me to a haunted place."

       "True, but I promise that it's not haunted. And I'll never break a promise to you."

       "Okay, if you say so..." I was still unsure about whether or not Sawyer was telling the truth but I was going to trust him. For now. If we ended up going somewhere haunted, I was going to cry and break up with him.

       We first stopped off at the grocery store to pick up some food. Sawyer did grab some graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows so I was afraid we were going to the haunted forest again.

       We didn't.

       He soon parked the truck beside a lakeside cabin, one that seemed huge. "Here we are," he said, turning off his truck.

       "What is this place?" I asked. 

       "It's my family's cabin," Sawyer said. "We come here all the time. And whenever one of us wants to come here alone or with friends, my parents are cool with it as long as we don't make a mess, don't throw a party without telling them, or don't get anyone pregnant."

       I sighed heavily. "I guess that means no to us banging, huh?"

       Sawyer gave me a weird look. "You do know that none of us can get pregnant, right?"

       "You do know what a joke is, right?"

      Sawyer rolled his eyes as he got out of the truck. "Hurry up and get out. I want to show you around the cabin."

       I got out of the truck, grabbing my backpack before closing the door behind me. I went to the back of the truck and took out my suitcase. Sawyer grabbed his as well before leading me into the cabin. I immediately had such a warm feeling as we walked inside. There was just something about this place that seemed so homely and welcoming.

       "Now I know why you wanted to take me here," I said. "It already feels so relaxing, and I definitely need to relax after everything that has happened recently. And the best part is Lulu and Beau aren't here so I won't feel like a third wheel. They're gross."

       "I thought you wanted them to finally get together," Sawyer said.

       "I did," I said. "But they're too lovey-dovey. It makes me feel lonely at school because my boyfriend doesn't go to that school."

       "You'll live," Sawyer said. "So what do you want to do first? We can sit by the fireplace and watch a movie, swim in the lake, just sit by the lake. Oh, we can have a hot tub in the back."

       "Ooh, can we skinny dip in the hot tub?" I asked.

       "Of course that's the only thing that came to your mind."

       "You know, I tend to focus on only the positive things in my life so all I heard was 'of course', meaning that's a yes to skinny dipping."

       "How about we eat something first?" Sawyer asked.

       "You asked what I wanted to do first and now you're taking away my choice?" I asked. "How rude."

       "Once again, you'll live," Sawyer said. "We're here for two more days, until Sunday. We have all the time in the world to do anything you want. After we eat first. I am starving."

       "I'm starving as well."

       "Then we'll ea--"

       "Starving for you."

       I was, admittedly, trying to annoy Sawyer but he was starting to get less and less annoyed by my sexual comments. Right now, he just smiled softly and chuckled. "You're something else, Jamie."


oh how i missed jamie, my sexual boy <3

so at first, i wasn't sure if this was going to be a solo book or end up being a series but i hath finally decided what it will be...

A SERIES! i figured out what the second book is going to be about and yes, my boy jamie is still the protagonist because he's so fun to write about.

anyway i'm actually getting this posted a lot earlier than normal :O i normally end up posting my books between 1am-3am (sometimes past 3 oof) but it's only 11:20pm

it's only because i finally got a game i've been wanting since april (persona 5 oof) so i wanna focus on playing it oof

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