Chapter 35: When Opportunity Knocks at Your Door, Get Dressed Before Answering

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Chapter 35: When Opportunity Knocks at Your Door, Get Dressed Before Answering

       Once Sawyer parked his truck and turned it off, I opened the door and hopped out. It probably would have been better if I simply stepped out, but I liked going the flashy route. Definitely a bad decision considering I stumbled and nearly fell to the ground. When I perfectly regained my balance, I announced, "I'm okay!"

       Sawyer chuckled. "Do you ever learn from the past couple times you nearly fell from getting out of the truck to fast?"

       "Nope," I said, going to the back of the truck so I could start unloading the stuff from our little getaway. Though part of me was just wanting to head inside to my room and lie on the bed for the rest of the day.

       Or do inappropriate things with Sawyer, but he probably wouldn't be up to it right now.

       I tried taking out my bag, but I was struggling too much. I didn't even know why I wasn't able to simply life it out of the back right now. Was I really this weak?

       Short answer? Yes. Long answer? It was because of all those darn weights I kept in my bag because I worked out all the time. Because I was strong. Very strong.

       Sawyer noticed my struggling to get my bag out of the back. "Seriously, what on earth do you have packed in your bag. We were only gone for the weekend."

       "Weights," I said. "Because I need to work out." I flexed my arms. "I don't muscles like this by not working out."

       Sawyer chuckled as he walked over to me, kissing my cheek before taking my bag out of the back. "Oh, wow. I can feel how heavy this is. So heavy."

       "Okay, I get it. You're strong. No need to rub it in, Sawyer."

       "Are you always so dramatic?"

       "Pretty much. It's why you love me so much."

       "I mean, I wouldn't say that's the reason why I love you, but I do love you." He gave me a quick kiss. "Now let's actually unload the truck."

       Was it bad that I spent most of my time just watching Sawyer unload, just so I could admire his muscles? I mean, he didn't seam to be complaining that I wasn't helping out too much, so surely it couldn't be that big of a problem.

       Once everything was unpacked and in our room, I flopped onto the bed. "So, wanna have s--"

       Of course, I was cut off before I could even finish the sentence. "Not once my family is home. Besides, I need to tell them the touring company to tell them my decision. I shouldn't hold off on that for too long..."

       "Right," I said, getting off the bed. "I'm really proud of you. You are going to kick ass on tour."

       Sawyer smiled at me. "Thank you, Jamie. I'm glad I have your support. I was a bit afraid you'd be upset that I was considering going on tour..."

       "Hey, I would never be upset at you for having an amazing opportunity," I said. "In fact, it's going to give me the opportunity to send you nudes while you're away."

       Sawyer sighed. "Of course that is what's on your mind right now."

       I just smiled innocently as I kissed Sawyer's cheek before leaving the bedroom so I could give him the privacy to call the touring company. I really was proud of him for getting this opportunity, especially when he just got back into showjumping.

       The only thing that I was worried about was that there could be people who will flirt with Sawyer if I wasn't there. And this wasn't me not trusting Sawyer or anything. This was me wanting to glare at anyone who flirted with him.

       Anyone who even thought about looking at Sawyer could catch these hands.

       I immediately headed to the field so I could see Paint, since I wasn't able to see him while Sawyer and I were at the cabin. He was at the far side of the field but once he saw me, he galloped over and neighed happily. I smiled at him as I hopped over the fence to greet him. "Hi, Paint. I'm sorry I couldn't take you with me. Blame Sawyer for that. He just had to take me on a romantic getaway."

       I was happy nobody was really listening to my conversation right now with Paint. Apparently, it wasn't 'normal' to talk to horses like they could understand you. What did they expect me to do? Just not talk to Paint at all? Yeah, not happening.

       As I was just hanging out with Paint, Sawyer walked out of the house and headed towards where I was. "So how did it go?" I asked.

       "Good," Sawyer said. "One of the managers of the team is going to come over here soon to talk to me in person about it. It's easier to talk in person than the phone, after all. So are you talking to Paint again?"

       "Yes," I said. "Stop judging me, Sawyer, and let me just talk to my horse in peace."

       "I'm not judging you," Sawyer said. "I think it's cute that you're always talking to Paint."

       "You know what else is cute? You. Naked."

       Sawyer gave me a flat look. "Really?"

       "I'm kidding. You're obviously very hot when you're naked."

       Sawyer sighed, but there was a small smile creeping up on his lips. "You're unbelievable, Jamie."

       "Thank you. I try."

       It actually didn't take long for one of the managers of the tour to show up to the farm. Sawyer immediately went to go greet her and in the meantime, I sat on top of the fence with Paint just standing right beside me. As much as I loved the getaway Sawyer and I had, I did miss spending time with Paint.

       After Sawyer greeted the manager, he led her over to the stables, I'm guessing to get Raven out so she could see both Sawyer and Raven together.

       I was right. Sawyer got Raven out of his stable and led him over to the manager so she could also meet him. Their conversation didn't last long, and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, Sawyer was supposed to go on tour with the company last year, so I guess the manager didn't need to get to know Sawyer too much since she probably already knew him. 

       So... Good news, I guess?

       I hopped off of the fence and looked at Paint. "So do you think I should send Sawyer nudes when he's gone?"

       Paint neighed before beginning to graze at the grass.

       "I'll take that as a yes," I said, rubbing Paint's neck. "Thanks, Paint."

       Paint looked at me before going back to grazing.

       I suddenly noticed Sawyer and the woman walked over to me, so I had to quickly tell myself to not make an innuendo while she was here, which was going to be very difficult because, I mean, Sawyer was hot.

       "Jamie, this is Lauri," Sawyer said. "She's from the company that I'm going to be touring with."

       "So it's one-hundred percent?" I asked.

       Sawyer smiled. "It is."

       I smiled back. "Awe, yay. I'm so happy for you, Sawyer."

       "Thanks, Jamie," Sawyer said. "Anyway, Lauri wants to talk to you for a bit."

       "I was at the competition to see if I can find anyone that would be a great addition to the team that will be going on tour," Lauri said to me. "And from what I saw, you and your horse were amazing during the cross-country competition. How long have you been competing?"

       "That was actually my first competition," I said.

       "Really?" Lauri asked.

       I nodded. "Really. I definitely want to compete more. It was amazing."

       "Well, I would like to make you an offer," Lauri said. "There's a cross-country competition coming up in two months. If you compete and place well, I'll offer you a place on the touring team as one of our cross-country competitors."


       Wait a second.

       Hold on a minute.

       Was she really offering me a spot on the tour that Sawyer will be on?

       Did that mean I could glare at anyone who dare to flirt with Sawyer?

       "Really?" I asked.

       Lauri nodded. "Really. For your first competition, that was an amazing score. I know the company would love to have you on the team. So what do you say? Feel like competing again to see if you can join the team?"

       "Yeah," I said. "Yeah, that will be great."

       Lauri smiled. "Perfect. I'll see you at the competition then."

       Once she walked off, I looked at Sawyer. "Sawyer... I could actually go on tour with you. I won't have to send you nudes to satisfy my horniness."

       "You're seriously just thinking about nudes right now?"

       "Of course that's not the only thing I'm thinking about. Do... Do you want me to go on tour with you?"

       "Are you kidding me? Of course I do. I didn't want to spend the whole summer without you. And to make sure you get the spot on the team, I will be helping you train. Just like what you did with me when I got back into showjumping."


will jamie get a spot on the team? will he ever stop being horny? find out next chapter.

which unfortunately isn't written rn but i hope i don't neglect this book for two months again :( i'll try to update again this week but just a heads up that i don't update thursday nights (early friday mornings are when they are usually posted) and saturday nights (again early sunday mornings)

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