Chapter 36: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect Because I'm Already Perfect

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Chapter 36: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect Because I'm Already Perfect

       As I was waiting at the front of the school for Sawyer to pick me up, I saw the devil walking towards me. I was really hoping she was just walking in my general direction and was going to pass by me but, of course, I was wrong.

       "We need to talk," Kitty said.

       "No, we don't," I said.

       Kitty ignored me anyway and continued whatever conversation this was. "I hear you're entering the cross-country competition in two months."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "How did you hear abut that?" I just decided I was going to enter the competition a few days ago. It hasn't even been a full week since Lauri talked to me about it.

       "Word gets around fast," Kitty said. "I also hear that you're in talks about going on tour with a bunch of other competitors. Steph and I are also being considering and there are only two cross-country spots left on the team."

       "Cool," I said, wanting this conversation to end soon. Now I was starting to feel a bit uneasy know that there were only two spots left on the team, and to hear that Kitty and Steph were also being considered. Sure, I beat them once, but that didn't mean I was going to beat them again.

       "I'm just thinking how amazing it's going to be when I'm on tour with Sawyer," Kitty said. "Even better, when you're not there. Then Sawyer can finally see that he and I are meant to be."

       "Why do you keep pining after him when you're the one who broke up with him?" I asked. 

       "Because I still love him."

       "Loving someone isn't shaming them for their sexuality, Kitty."

       "So I made a small mistake. I still love him."

       "You should follow the famous saying that goes something like 'If you love someone, let them go'."

       "Why don't you let him go?"

       "Hell no. I'm not stupid enough to dump someone like Sawyer."

       "Might as well do it now because it's going to happen eventually."

       Why was Kitty still acting all delusional after all this time? Did she really think Sawyer would get back together with her when she still hasn't really done anything to redeem herself? It was just the same old, same old with her; trash anyone who she didn't like and not sure any remorse.

       There wasn't really any sign of Kitty ending this conversation, but thankfully I saw Sawyer's truck pull  to the side of the road. 

       "Oh, would you look at that?" I said, looking at Sawyer's truck. "My boyfriend is here to pick me up. But, as always, it has been such a pleasure talking to you." I rolled my eyes before heading to Sawyer's truck, climbing into the passenger seat.

       "What did Kitty want?" Sawyer asked.

       "She just wanted to tell me that she is also being considered for a cross-country spot for the team," I said. "So is Steph. So I probably just have to beat one of them to make the team."

       "Well, you did beat both of them last time," Sawyer said as he started driving to the farm. "You'll definitely be able to do it again."

       "Don't jinx it," I said.

       Sawyer furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not? I'm just telling you that you're going to do extremely well. You're going to get a spot on the team, Jamie."

       "Can I bribe Lauri to give me a spot?"

       "What? No."

       "Darn it..."

       "All you have to do is place extremely well and you'll make the team," Sawyer said. "And you will. You did amazing during the competition, and that was your first one. There's no doubt that you're going to do well again."

       I was glad Sawyer had faith in me because honestly, I was starting to doubt myself. And I didn't doubt myself often. I was too amazing to doubt myself. 

       Should I tone down my ego? Probably. Was I actually doing to? Probably not.

       "Do you want to practice a bit when we get home?" Sawyer asked. "I could set up a course for you on the trail."

       "You don't have to do that," I said.

       "I know, but I will," Sawyer said. "Especially when you made me a course to help me get back into showjumping. And besides, it will probably be better for you to practice on the trail instead of just practicing the jumps. That way, I can time you doing an actual course to see how you're doing."

       I couldn't help but smile at Sawyer. "Then thank you. Ooh, I can thank you with sex."

       Sawyer chuckled and rolled his eyes. "I knew you were going to say something like that. Is there any chance you can just, I don't know, not be horny?"

       "Me? Horny?" I asked. "Sawyer, that is very inappropriate. I would never be horny."

       "Sure you wouldn't," Sawyer said.

       When Sawyer and I got home, he told me he was going to get started on making the course right away. So in the meantime, I went to the kitchen and sat at the table to do some of my homework. I'd rather do Sawyer right now, but I couldn't have everything I wanted.

       It did take Sawyer quite some time to get a course set up, but I didn't mind. It did give me time to do my homework, and to day dream about Sawyer. Mainly the latter. I kept zoning off just thinking about Sawyer because he was so perfect.

       Sawyer came into the house, and I immediately started checking him out. He had taken off his flannel shirt and tied it around his waist, so his muscles were completely visible now that he was only wearing a tank top as a shirt.

       And let me tell you, living on a farm really did do his muscle wonders.

       "The course is all set up," Sawyer said. "I'll lead you through it before we saddle up Paint."

       "Can you lead me to the bedroom first?" I asked.

       Sawyer just ignored me and walked back outside, expecting me to follow. I sighed as I did follow him, feeling sad that I couldn't continue in my horndog ways right now.

       Sawyer led me through the trail so I could see the path I had to take and jumps I had to make. When we looped back around the the farm's field, we got Paint out of his stall and saddle him up. Once I was on, I looked down at Sawyer. "Do you really think I'll be able to make it on the team?"

       "Of course you will," Sawyer said. "When Lauri was talking to me about my spot on the team, she looked over at you and recognized you right away as the person who won the under 18 cross-country category. She seemed very keen on having you join the team. I even think you competing in two months is just a formality."

       "Unless I don't place at all," I said. "Oh my gosh, what if I don't place? I won't be able to be on the team, Kitty and Steph will probably make it, Kitty will constantly flirt with you, and I won't be able to glare at anyone who flirts with you. And I won't be able to flirt with you in person. I'll just have to settle with sending you nudes."

       "Jamie, you will place," Sawyer said. "You and Paint have such an amazing bond. He was even willing to compete in the rain, and you know how much he hates the rain."

       "I still might not place. What if I really did just luck out the first time?"

       "You didn't luck you. You can't just luck out in a competition like this. You and Paint are amazing, and you will do amazing in the competition. And to give you even more confidence, if you place in the competition, we will celebrate in the only way you would want to celebrate."

       "Bribing me with sex?" I asked. "That is... actually going to work."

       "Of course it is," Sawyer said. "You're too horny. Now, ready to practice?"

       "Ready as I'll ever be," I said.


if jamie doesn't make the team, let's sue (i say as if i'm not the one making the decision)

also no spoilers or anything, kitty won't be this annoying forever. i love redemption arcs and i also don't want the same antagonist next book lol.

also hi i'm 22 now oof

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