Chapter 7: Slow Dance? Sure. This Totally isn't a Date.

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Chapter 7: Slow Dance? Sure. This Totally isn't a Date.

       I was actually excited for the fair that was happening in Ruralburgh. Not just because Sawyer was technically forced to spend the whole day with me since I won the bet but because I genuinely felt like I was going to have a fun time there.

       Ruralburgh did the fair every single year, probably ever since the town was created. I did slightly remember what it was like from the time I had lived here before. The had an endless amount of carnival games, food, even a few rides.

        They also had some cook-offs, other competitions, and even some performances. It was going to be great to actually have some fun for once and take my mind off of everything.

       Well, actually, living in Ruralburgh again was doing quite a bit for me to take my mind off of losing my dad. Living back in the city was only a constant reminder of what I lost. Everything reminded me about him.

       But here, I didn't have too many strong memories that I associated with my dad. It was almost like a fresh start. Something my family really needed.

       Most of the Birch family had to head to the fairgrounds earlier than the official start time because they all had an important thing to do. Trey and Monica were entering the chili cook-off together while Beth and Vincent were entering the pie cook-off together. Anyone entering the cook-offs had to get there earlier to register and set up.

       For the chili cook-off, that was going to be happening during the fair so Trey and Monica had to bring all the ingredients they were planning on using there and make sure everything was ready. For the pie cook-off, the pie had to be made at home and brought to the carnival, still before it started so the judges had enough time to judge the entries and still have free time to enjoy the carnival.

       And Erica, apparently, was a popular singer in this town and was going to be performing a few songs so she had to be there early as well. Sawyer was the only one who didn't have to be there early so he offered to drive my family there, that way we wouldn't have to take two vehicles.

       As soon as we got there, I helped Dorothy get out of the truck. Once her feet were on the ground, she was about to run during the entrance but I quickly caught her. "You can't just run off," I said.

       "But I want to go to the fair," Dorothy said.

       "We will but you have to wait for Mom and Sawyer," I said.

       Dorothy scowled and crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for Mom and Sawyer to come on this side of the truck since it was closest to the entrance of the fairgrounds. Right as Dorothy saw Mom and Sawyer, she took off again.

       I didn't bother trying to stop her this time. She could get lost for all I cared.

       "Dorothy Krukowski!" Mom called after her. "What did I say about running off?!"

       Dorothy still tried making her way to the entrance but this time, Sawyer was the one who stopped her, picking her up so she couldn't run away anymore. She was probably going to try escaping again so Sawyer placed her on top of his shoulders. "How's that?" he asked.

       "I can see so much!" Dorothy said happily.

       "I bet," Sawyer said. "Can you see the Ferris wheel?"

       "Yes!" Dorothy said. "It looks cool!"

       "Well, when it gets dark out, the Ferris wheel lights up in all these beautiful colours," Sawyer said. "It's really pretty going on there when it gets dark."

       Dorothy looked over at Mom. "Can we go on there when it's dark?"

       "Of course we can," Mom said. "Only if you don't run off anymore."

       "I can't run off while I'm up here," Dorothy said. "Duh."

       I think she was learning too much from me about who to give people attitude. I should stop but where was the fun in that?

       Once we got into the fairgrounds, Dorothy was starting to get a bit restless, wanting to explore so Sawyer put her back on the ground, telling her we had to buy tickets first otherwise she wouldn't be able to try games.

       She didn't run off this time.

       I was starting to think Sawyer was a Dorothy whisperer.

       We got to the front of the line in the ticket booth where Mom was about to buy me some tickets but Sawyer had to stop her and say he had to. She didn't have time to question it since the line was starting to get long. She paid for her and Dorothy's tickets and then Sawyer paid for my and his.

       We stood off to the side so we weren't in anyone's way and that was when Mom asked why Sawyer had to pay for me. And being the pest I was, I gave her the answer both she and Sawyer wouldn't want to hear.

       "Because it's a date," I said.

       "It's not a date," Sawyer said. "Long story short, he won a bet so I will be paying for him at the fair."

       "That's just his excuse," I said. "He and I both know it's a date."

       "Jamie, leave Sawyer alone," Mom said.

       "How can I leave him alone when we're on a date?" I asked. "That would be considered standing him up and that's a very rude thing to do."

       Sawyer chuckled. "He's relentless. I don't think he's ever going to give up."

       Mom sighed heavily. "I am so sorry."

       "No, don't worry about it," Sawyer said. "I know he's only joking around. It's our thing."

       "Ooh, we have a thing," I said. Sawyer rolled his eyes and lightly nudged my shoulders.

       Dorothy was looking around the whole time we had a conversation, trying to scope out the games she wanted to play. After a few of them caught her interest, Mom said I was welcome to go off with Sawyer so I wouldn't have to follow Dorothy around and do only what she wanted.

       Dorothy and Mom went off to the first game my sister wanted to try so Sawyer looked at me. "So what do you want to do first?"

       "Can I say you?"

       "I want to say I didn't expect that answer but honestly, I'm not surprised that was your answer. Do you even have an off switch? Or at least something that turns down your sexual comments?"

       "Maybe. You'll have to search me to find it."

       Sawyer sighed, the familiar smile slightly showing as he tried to hide it. "I can't believe I walked right into that one. Okay, Jamie, what booth in the fair do you want to try first?"

       I wasn't even ashamed to admit that I, once again, tried thinking of a sexual comment to Sawyer's question. But I was ashamed that I couldn't think of one. 

       I was losing my touch.

       I chose a game for us to try and afterwards, the two of us just kept playing carnival game after carnival game. Normally, I was a very competitive person and I thought I would have gotten competitive with Sawyer and see who won the most games.

       I didn't. I just genuinely enjoyed spending time with him, not even worrying about who won and who lost.

       After a lot of games, we each got some soft pretzels to eat before heading over to where the chili cook-off was taking place to see how Sawyer's dad and sister were doing. The time limit to make the chili was about to end so they were both focused on making sure it tasted exactly how they wanted to.

       "Perfect timing," Trey said when he saw us. "We need a taste tester."

       "I would but I'm taking a step back from spicy food," I said. "And I do remember your family always entering the spicy category."

       "You're right there," Trey said. "Sawyer, can you taste it?"

       Sawyer nodded and grabbed one of the spoons on their table before testing the chili. After a few moments of letting the flavour set in, he said, "Perfect."

       "Really?" Monica asked. "We don't have to add anything else? Because I'm worried we're going to lose."

       "Come on, we never lose the chili cook-off," Trey said. "We'll be fine."

       "Well, good luck," Sawyer said. "And hope that Mayor Ward isn't one of the judges."

       Trey sighed. "I hope she isn't. I really would like to think she would be impartial but you and I both know that won't be the case. She really favours her daughter over everyone else and she has shown her dislike towards our family."

       Even though Kitty was the one in the wrong with the break up between her and Sawyer. How could her mom take her side over it and start to dislike the Birch family? Kitty was the one who dumped Sawyer right before a competition. Kitty was the one who was biphobic towards Sawyer.

       He did nothing wrong. So why did the mayor have a dislike towards his family?

       At least Sawyer and I hadn't ran into Kitty yet despite being at the fair for a long time. I also didn't want to run into her mother. I haven't met her yet but I had a feeling she would immediately dislike me if she really was listening to everything her daughter said and wanted.

       Sawyer and I stuck together at the fair the whole time and I was really enjoying it. I was really happy we were still able to be friends as soon as I moved back here.

       As the sun started to set, the winners of all the cook-offs were announced. Trey and Monica did, in fact, win the spicy contest so either the mayor wasn't a judge or she was smart enough to be impartial because she would surely be called out for it since the Birch family won every year.

       For the pie cook-off, Beth and Vincent placed third but Sawyer told me that was definitely a good thing since there were always so many entries. 

       After all the announcements, that was when the performances began. Erica was the first one on the stage, receiving a loud applause as she walked up on there. She really was a popular singer here. I couldn't wait to actually here her sing.

       Once she did start singing, I understood why she was a well-loved singer in Ruralburgh. She had a beautiful voice and was able to get in touch with the emotions of the songs she sang. She was amazing.

       Sawyer and I were just standing off to the side since those who wanted to dance were in the middle of the area. However, while Erica was singing a slower song, Sawyer looked at me and asked, "Want to dance?"

       "Depends what kind of dance," I said. "Is grinding involved?"

       "I can't even ask you a simple question without receiving a comment like that," Sawyer said. "Do you consider talking dirty one of your talents?"

       "Oh, definitely," I said. "It takes a lot of skill and perfect execution, both of which I have."

       "So... The dance?" Sawyer asked.

       "Well, this song is a slow song," I said. "Wouldn't you rather wait for a more upbeat song?"

       "I know it's a slow song," Sawyer said. "That's why I asked to dance."


       "There's nothing wrong with a slow dance. I'm surprised you haven't jumped at the chance when I asked you considering you think we're on a date."

       "We are, which is why I am accepting the dance."

       Sawyer chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling me to where the people who were dancing were. Keeping my hand in his, he took my other arm and wrapped it around his waist before he wrapped his arm around my waist.

       "I'm starting to think Kitty is somewhere to be seen and you're trying to get her mad," I said. "Because if that is the case, I support it."

       "That isn't the case," Sawyer said. "I haven't seen her all day. If she is nearby, then I guess that's a bonus. I just wanted to dance with you."

       "But as friends."

       "Right. As friends. Friends can dance together. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with it. So did you have fun today?"

       "I did," I said. "I had a lot of fun. Thank you."

       "For what?"

       "Just spending the day with me. Even if it was part of a bet."

       "Even if it wasn't, I still would have spent the day with you. I like spending time with you."

       Sawyer was smiling at me by this time so I smiled back at him. "I like spending time with you, too."

       Sawyer's smile was one of the brightest smiles I had ever seen. Just looking at it gave me such a warm feeling; a feeling of content and peace.

        And judging by the rapid speed my heart was starting to gain, a feeling of something else.

       Something I wasn't sure I wanted to feel right now.



i love saying oof. it's my favourite sound effect OOF.

ugh i'm really enjoying this book, mainly because of jamie. i'm having so much fun writing him lol. his comments give me life.

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