Chapter 8: Back Off, Lulu. Even Though You Don't Like Sawyer. Still. Back Off.

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Chapter 8: Back Off, Lulu. Even though You Don't Like Sawyer. Still. Back Off.

       "You have some explaining to do," Lulu said as she and Beau sat down at the table I was already sitting at in the cafeteria. We always sat down at the same table and normally, I was first one to get there since my class was closest to the cafeteria.

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What exactly do I have to explain?"

       "What I saw at the fair," Lulu said. "It was the cutest thing ever I had ever witnessed and it mad me so happy. And a bit mad because it meant you lied to me."

       I was still confused as to what Lulu was talking about and what she thought I lied to her about. Why couldn't she ever get right to the point at times?

       "I don't get it," I said. "What are you going on about?"

       "You told me you and Sawyer were only friends," Lulu said. "But you didn't seem like just friends at the fair."

       "Yeah, you're going to have to expand more," I said. "Because I am very confused right now and have no idea what you're talking about."

       Lulu eyed me suspiciously. "Are you only saying that to try avoiding the question? Or do you really have no idea what I'm talking about? Because I feel like it's the first one. You do realize I'm going to keep bugging you until you tell me, right?"

       Beau, thankfully, realized I really didn't have any idea what Lulu was talking about so he was the one who clarified things for me. "She's talking about you and Sawyer dancing together."

       "Oh, that," I said.

       "Yeah, that," Lulu said. "How could you keep that from me? And didn't you tell me that you two were only friends? You didn't seem like just friends."

       "Lulu, we are just friends," I said. "Friends can dance together. There's nothing wrong with it."

       "Friends don't slow dance together," Lulu said. Beau was about to open his mouth to say something but Lulu beat him to it. "We don't count, Beau."

       "And you don't you two count?" I asked.

       "Don't change the subject," Lulu said. "I'm just curious about the whole thing."

       "There's nothing to be curious about," I said. "We were just standing off to the side with nothing to do so he asked me to dance. That's it. Nothing more."

       Even though to me, I was starting to think there was more to it. I just didn't want to admit it to anyone yet. Or maybe not at all. It was something I was going to keep to myself until the feelings passed.

       "Alright, fine," Lulu said, surprisingly. I thought she would have kept pushing me to answer in the way she wanted me to. "I guess you two are just friends. That's all you'll ever be. Nothing more. Ever."

       "I don't know if you're trying to play a mind game or something but you're right there," I said. "Sawyer's my best friend. That's it."

       "Sure, sure," Lulu said. "Whatever you say."

       "Can't you just leave him alone?" Beau asked. "Not try your weird mind games that don't even work because people know you well enough to know what you do for your mind games?"

       "Who's side are you on?" Lulu asked.

       Beau frowned. "I wasn't aware there were sides. I'm just saying you shouldn't try interfering with Jamie's personal life and relationships..."

       "Thank you, Beau," I said. "I'm starting to see why you tried telling me to escape Lulu's friendship before it was too late. I regret not leaving while I was able to."

       "Suck it up, Jamie," Lulu said. "I'm one of the best friends anyone could have."

       "Sure, sure," I said, mainly to mock Lulu. "Whatever you say."

       "Oh, wow, you're so funny," Lulu said. 

       "Thanks, I try."

       I actually loved being friends with Lulu, despite her very, very outgoing personality. She still knew her limits and when she should stop pushing people to tell her something or do something. 

       Not only that but also being friends with Beau helped balance things out. He definitely helped keep her a bit more grounded. If it wasn't for him, her personality would be a lot more bold.

       Which actually happened once when Beau didn't come to school one day because he was sick. Without him around, Lulu was a lot more outgoing.

       During the last class of the day, a class I had with both Lulu and Beau, we were given a group project to work on and the worst part was that we were only given two days to work on it.

       Two days. For a group project.

       Didn't teachers know that group projects took forever to do because there was always only one, maybe two, people doing all the work so it took them a bit longer?

       At least us being able to choose our groups made up for it. We had to get into a group from three to five people, which was perfect for me, Lulu, and Beau.

       "So I'm guessing we should work on the project now," Beau said. "At least I think we should work on it now. We're not given much time to do it..."

       "No, you're right, we should work on it now," Lulu said. "Ooh, we can go to Jamie's house."

       "I sense some ulterior motive," I said.

       "What?" Lulu said. "No, definitely no other motive here. Just a friend wanting to go to another friend's house."

       "We can go to my house," Beau offered.

       "But Jamie's house is closer," Lulu said.

       "How do you know where I live?" I asked.

       "Uh, because you live with the Birch family?" Lulu said in an obvious tone. "And everyone knows where their farm is. So are you okay with us coming over to work on the project?"

       "I still sense some ulterior motive and knowing how relentless you are, I know it's best to just agree to it," I said. "I just have to text Sawyer's dad to see if he's okay with it."

       Trey replied to my text pretty quickly, saying it was more than okay for Lulu and Beau to come over. He also said I didn't have to ask to have my friends come over any time. I just felt like I had to ask anyway since it wasn't my technically house. 

       My mom, Dorothy, and I were still in the main house since there was a lot of renovations that had to be done in the guest house.

       I didn't mind since I got to share a room with Sawyer.

       I mean what?

       Once we all got what we needed from our lockers, we left the school and walked to the farm. Now that I mostly knew my way around the town, I didn't need Sawyer to pick me up anymore. He still dropped me off most mornings since I was running late from taking care of Paint.

       When we got there, I tried leading Lulu and Beau into the house but Lulu was currently distracted watching Sawyer work. "Dang, you're lucky if this is your view every day," Lulu said.

       "Seriously?" Beau asked.

       "What?" Lulu said. "It's true. Jamie is very lucky."

       "Can't we just go inside and work on the project?" Beau asked.

       "What's up with you?" Lulu asked.

       "Nothing. I just don't want to spend all day procrastinating when we don't have long to work on the project. Nothing's wrong."



       Poor Beau. Liking such an oblivious person.

       Lulu sighed dramatically. "Fine, but we need to work by a window so I can't lose this gorgeous view."

        And of course I was starting to feel jealous even though I had nothing to be jealous of. She was just appreciating Sawyer's looks, something I did all the time.

       Lulu looked over at me, giving me an innocent smile. "Why, Jamie. You look jealous. Are you sure he's just a friend?"

       So that was her motive.

       Of course it was. I should have assumed that.

       "I'm not jealous," I said. "Why would I be jealous that you're appreciating his good looks? I do that all the time. Everyone probably does."

       Lulu sighed. "When are you going to get out of this denial stage?"

       "Once there's a stage to actually get out of because right now, there's nothing to deny," I said. "We should really get started on the project, though. Beau is right. We shouldn't procrastinate since we have two days."

       "Fine, but I will get you to admit it sooner than later," Lulu said.

       It was a good thing I was an expert at keeping things to myself.


same jamie same

can we just talk about how precious beau is? he's one of my most precious characters and i love that little bean so much <3

i've always been writing until three in the morning the past couple days (nights?) because i don't start writing until close to 11 pm because i've been playing a game every day since i got it on wednesday. it's an addicted game

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