knights legacy begins

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In the mindscape of a 10 year old jaune arc

???: "we are in your mind right now"

Jaune: "ah who are you"

???: "i am you from a different timeline but to make this easier you can just call me the rusted knight"

Jaune: "like from the story and what do you mean your me"

Rusted: "it as i said i am you from a possible future i died before we could win but as a reward for all the good i done the brother gods granted me a wish my wish was for my memories to go to all the jaune arcs across all timelines so they can prepare and get ready to stop this war that i have lived through right now i am just a body made up of memories the real me is happily resting in the after life since your me I know you want to be a hero so take my hand and I will give you everything you need to be one"

Jaune: "alright I wont look a gift horse in the mouth"

He grabs the rusted knights hand as the memories of the jaune who passed start flooding into his mind

Rusted as he was fading away said use this how ever you see fit and I know things wont be exactly the same as this is a different timeline all together but most events should line up 1 to 1

Arc manor in the morning

After that event have happened jaune couldn't sleep so he decided to go to his family training field and started putting the rusted knights memories to good use

Jaune: "they would never let me here cause of the fact i was born premature and was very weak ignoring I got better very fast i have not been sick in a long time now I will prove them wrong"

He grabs a heavy stick no way was it perfectly balanced but it didn't matter to jaune to him it was just what he needed he goes through all the katas that the rusted knight has done practicing his swings, strike and stances all night all the way into the morning and jaune was a prodigy of hard work he catches on quickly and works diligently to master everything taking the quote of a mistralian martial artist to heart i fear not the man who practiced a 1000 moves one i fear the man who practiced 1 move a thousand times

And so he did just that practicing all the moves he got from the rusted knight focusing only on the basics first

What was truly amazing though was when his family saw him out there and ran to get him away from training in missed placed worry he swung his stick very fast,strong and fluidly that it cut through the dust reinforced steel like its was nothing the stick had no damage on it whats so ever

His family stared at him in shock at what he just pulled off

Jade: "jaune that was amazing where did you learn to do that!"

He just looks at them and smirks

Jaune: "isn't it obvious from all of you I took carful notes on all of you your fighting styles your stances your weapons of choice your attack patterns and everything I made books on them you remember those journals of mine you all openly mocked me for saying there no point cause I will never be huntsmen material much less dad would sooner kill himself than actually give the chance to prove i am strong enough to handle huntsmen training he gives them a glare well looks who laughing now I dont need any of you to be a huntsman anymore any training you give me would be obsolete and useless anyways now if you excuse me I rather be anywhere but here with you guys

He shoves his way past then all with some of his family feeling bad and the other half feeling that they were not wrong and he is still too weak to be a huntsman

Saphron: " I am taking him to signal and none of you can or will stop me cause unlike you all I actually believed in his dream like a good big sister would do"

She runs after jaune

With jaune and saphron

Saphron: "jaune wait up I need to talk to you about something"

Jaune stops and looks at her

Saphron: "oh good you stopped now look jaune I know your mad at them but please try to understand there just overly paranoid so please try to forgive them eventually but enough of that pack up I am taking you to patch to sign you up for signal academy it clear you have a strong talent for being a huntsman and I rather you pursue it and get better than you training off of analysis books"

Jaune: "thats great and all saph but where am I going to stay once I am in I am not exactly old enough to rent much less buy a place to stay"

Saphron: "Don't worry about it little bro me and my girlfriend where thinking of moving to patch anyway much more peaceful and warm than argus"

Jaune: "alright if you say you and terra have it covered I will go back to my room to pack"

Saphron: "good I will be waiting for you down stairs"

Jaune heads back to his room and started packing only the essentials

Jaune: "I have no time to waste I have to get strong for them for her!"

his thoughts goes to a beautiful girl in black and red with a smile that can melt glaciers and beautiful silver eyes that can see into your soul and always finds the good things in you

Jaune: (I don't know why or how my other fell in love with you but I do know your a kind and beautiful girl and I want to get to know you better)

He closes his suit case and walks down the stairs he does not bother grabbing crocea mors as if hes going to be a signal student that means hes going to make his own weapon as an class assignment

Jaune: "I am ready saph"

Saphron: "good lets go"

she takes his hand and leads him to a car they will be riding in anx the driver was revealed to be saphons girlfriend terra cotta

They enter the car and drives off to patch it recently got a bridge built connecting it to the mainland setting up super easy trade for everyone now

Terra: "alright we are here!"

Saphron: "oh wow this cabin quite big and you said it was only being sold for 1000 lien?"

Terra: "yeah apparently the owner of the house is a huntsman and teacher at signal academy and no longer needed this house and so he refurbished everything and put it up for sell cool thing about it is we are neighbors with him so getting things signed should be easy and fast"

A blonde man come out of the house next to theirs

???: "Hi my name is taiyang are you the ones buying the house?"

Terra: "yes! My name is terra cotta and this is my girlfriend Saphron arc and her little brother jaune arc we here to move in and also sign up jaune here to signal"

Tai: "oh really now then you guys have some great timing cause signal entrance exams tomorrow just send him over and if he passes the exam he be a student"

Saphron: "perfect jaune go inside and pick a room and start unpacking for the most part the house has everything we need just no food but beds and all other essential things are in there already"

Jaune does as he told a d he chooses the biggest room on the first floor

Jaune: "there done let's explore patch it shouldn't change to much from the rusted knights memories"

as it turned out the memories of the rusted knight was completely useless in this situation patch was 20 times larger and there like 30 new stores here but jaunes destination was the forge

Jaune: "if ruby anything remotely like her other from the rusted knight timeline she be in the forge tinkering around with custom parts and making new type of weapons theories"

he enters the forge and see the very girl he was looking for but she stood there frozen eyes wide as he was not prepared for how beautiful she would actually be in person he did not know what to expect to be honest his memories of her are when she was older when she was a young women they where both ten here considering the rusted knight memories made him the middle child of his 7 sisters he was older than her but here he was the youngest of all his siblings so it safe to guess there the same age.

she was short her hair was the same as he remembered when in beacon but she seemed to be wearing only a red tank top and some shorts as she works on smelting the metals and hammering the weapons and parts coming out of the molds

Jaune: (Snap out of it arc shes beautiful but your both strangers still just calm down and try to become friends)

Jaune: "Hi what your making here?"

Ruby: "Ahhh!"

she jumped into the air while throwing the stuff she was working on in the air

Jaune: "oh no he quickly ran over to her and caught her and caught all the things she threw in the air on the metal tray neatly and perfectly"

(An: I am sure we all know this scene from Spider-Man from the raimi trilogy)

Jaune: "I am so sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that!"

Ruby: "No its ok I should have been paying more attention to my surroundings"

(An: obviously it before ruby got to signal so she be more confident as she would not be dealing with people trying to use her to get to yang yet)

jaune: "My name is jaune arc short and sweet what's your name?"

Ruby: "Oh my name is ruby rose nice to meet you jaune"

Jaune: "So if you don't mind me asking what where you making?"

Ruby: "Not at all I don't mind so I will be entering signal tomorrow as a first year but the thing is my whole family are huntsmen so I been trained long before and well every huntsmen makes their own weapon a weapon that screams this is me and I had a design that I loved for a long time and I decided all her parts should be custom made here let me show you her schematics!"

she goes and grabs the paper and shows him

Jaune: "oh nice a high impact sniper rifle thats also a scythe? thats cool though I would recommend on changing the scythe blade from valen steel to this custom alloy that you will just love I call it the variable mass alloy you make it by mixing any metal of your choice with gravity dust and using a stabilizer to prevent partial activation of the dust as you forge it in how it works is you can add aura to the blade to change it mass on the fly making it light or heavy mid swing and the speed is not lost only increased while also adding in much more power!"

Ruby eye lit up in excitement from hearing that

Ruby: "thats amazing how come I have never heard of this alloy!"

jaune: "because no one made it yet besides me and I plan to patten it"

Ruby: "Oh this is amazing you think you can help me make the alloy?"

Jaune: "Of course I can though to be fair I have to help you as I am the creator of the alloy in the first place"

they spend the whole day and night making prototypes of ruby huntsman weapon and jaune teaching her how to perfect making variable mass alloy or as they both took to calling it gravity alloy and while they were at it jaune managed to get it patented over the internet using his scroll and he blew up over night in the weapon and armor smithing community and even in other things like construction and so on the fact you could make a super sturdy thing and make it light cut down the cost of so much equipment and medical bills they almost missed there signal exam cause of there all nighter in the forge they passed pretty well despite being sleep deprived there test was to kill 5 young beowolves jaune wanting to show off refused to use the provided weapons and picked up a stick and did what he did back home he took one step and the next thing any one knew he was behind the grim and they fell apart in pieces the stick was not even broken or covered in grim sludge

Tai: "holy hell kid that was amazing when your sister was talking you up I thought she was exaggerating but I was wrong your the real deal"

Ruby: "Jaune that was so cool!"

seeing jaune be a badass gave her a little adrenaline boost that helped her pass her test

Ruby pulled out one of her prototype scythe she made with jaune and does a few spins and swings putting in her aura into it so change the mass on the fly the grime all charge at her at once ruby quickly uses the new gravity alloy to her advantage and quickly changes the weight of her scythe to block all there attack quickly and them making them heavy when she goe for a counter the first one was cut in half from a uppercut slice, then the second one got bisected the rest was ta blur to her all she remembers the last grim was cut into mice meat as it slowly fade away

Tai: "congratulations you both pass!"

only to not hear cheering so he takes a look at them only to see them both asleep laying down on the same tree ruby's head on jaunes shoulder and jaunes head laying on top of ruby's head

Qrow stopped tai from waking them up

Qrow: "Let them sleep they pulled an all nighter back at the forge cause that boy made the greatest discovery in weapon and armor smithing history and he taught ruby how to make it so let them sleep"

Tai: "Fine but we can't just leave them there"

to be continued

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