The rusted knight wish

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It been so long I waited for you to come but you never came narrated a old tired voice as we see a man in rusted armor lay on the ground bleeding out in the arms of a young women in a red cloak as she holds him close as he slowly dying behind her 3 other women look away crying themselves

Ruby: "Jaune please don't speak save your strength we can fix this I can fix this ash she applies more pressure on the wound as she pours her aura into him praying his aura will accept it and let her heal him"

The man now named jaune just put on hand behind her head and on finger on her lips

Jaune: "shh ruby listen to me it's no used my aura won't accept your aura cause it is already too late and we both know you need it for the final fight I am sorry I won't be there for you to help you so now I need you to listen to me and listen good. When I got here I made a vow that I will not die here that I will wait here for you and I did I help the ever afterans did everything I can waiting here for you even in my time of dying I resisted the sweet embrace of death not until you got here so I can tell you something I been keeping to myself I never told you sooner cause there was never a good time but now that I am dying I have to get it off my chest.

I love you ruby rose I have for a long time now, I am sure you don't feel the same as I do but you still deserved to know and when you get out of here I will never be truly gone cause I am leaving you a gift it will protect you where I could not.

*he makes a condense ball of white aura mixed in with the magic of the ever after he places it on her chest and pushes it into her the effect was immediate her body aura burst out of her flaring up wildly as red and white aura clashed and then fused together one it died dow jaune leas his head on her forehead*

Jaune: "there my semblance is now your to use ruby it will protect you where I failed to do so now go out there and save the world for me become a hero I could not be."

*he gives her a kiss and his body falls limp on her shoulders as ruby eyes stay wide as she start panicking and hyperventilating her aura flaring up and lashing as she screams in misery as her eyes glow bright and flair up just like when pyhrra died but only stronger cause what jaune didn't know is she loved him to and now they can never be together when the lights faded away the rest of team ruby looked concerned for there leader as she just sat there cradling jaunes corps tears falling out of her eye and and her once bright and hopeful eyes are left cold and dead with deep rooted hatred she stands up this war ends now he commands yang to hold jaunes body*

Ruby: "we are not leaving him here he deserves a proper burial back at remnant and after that we will hunt down cinder and the rest of her son of a bitch allies and we will kill them salem included we will find a way to take away her curse and she will die!"

her new empowered aura flares up from the spike in anger causing the great tree to shake violently

Ruby: "and our first target she looks at neo with a glare is right here"

*and before anyone could react or stop her ruby used hers and jaune's semblance at the same time making her so fast people can't even sense her much less see it anymore was behind neo crescent rose by her side in a pose implying she swung her a few seconds later neo head fell off*

Ruby: "lets go she said coldly"

The others look at each other in concern but followed ruby through the door back to remnant

meanwhile in the afterlife with jaune

Jaune: "so this is the after life I expected a paradise not a white void"

???: "That because your one of the lucky few who gets 1 wish"

he looks up and see a women that looks exactly like ruby only with longer hair and a white cloak instead of red

Jaune: "Your ruby's mother aren't you?"

???: "yep summer rose at your service nice to meet you jaune I will say I approve of my daughter choice you where a great man jaune now enough of the pleasantries jaune arc you are one of the few lucky mortals who been deemed worthy enough to have 1 wish from the brother gods so think wisely on them cause like the jins in the relics they take everything literally

Jaune: "I my wish is for my memories to be sent back in time to all versions of me across all time lines to so they have the skills and powers to prevent the tragedy that happened to mine that is all now I would like to rest I believe I earned it."

Summer: "very well jaune your wish shall be granted paradise awaits you"

she leads him to remnants version of heaven as the gods grants his wish now lets focus on one of these timelines and see what shall happen will his wish work or would it all be for not and they all crash and burn as he did? let's find out

to be continued

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