Chapter 3 - The New Face of Morelli

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Brielle's POV

Five Years Later...

The hairdresser is behind me doing the final touches of my hair for the runway show. This is my last show in Paris before I return to the States.

Picking up my phone I go through my phone and stop at one that captures my attention. I open the email.

From: [email protected]
to: [email protected]
subject: New Face of Morelli

Dear Miss Hilton.
                          We would like to congratulate you with becoming the new face of Morelli for the 24-25 line up. It will be a pleasure to work with you.

Please report to HR on Monday for the details of your new role. We look forward to meeting you.


Lois HR Manager

A smile spreads across my face. "I GOT THE JOB." I yell, getting the attention of everyone.

Max hears the good news and walks over to me. "I knew you could do it. How are you going to deal with being close to that Ex Husband of yours?"

"I won't be working closely with him. He's never been apart of the shoots before so I don't see why he should be there to bother me."

Harlow runs over to me and throws her arms around. "That's great news that you're going to be the new face of Morelli. They don't take it lightly when it comes to choosing someone for their brand. Can I come back with you to the States? I like working closely with you?"

Max smiles at his niece. "If you want to continue learning from Brielle I have no problems with that. However, I'll have to call your parents and tell them you're returning to New York."

"Okay," she skips away with a smile on her face. Then she begins talking to some of the models.

I put my phone in my purse and let the make up artist do her job. It takes about fifteen minutes for her to complete the job.

She puts her hand on my shoulder. "I can't believe you're leaving us after five years. You have been one of my favourite people to work with. Thing's aren't going to be the same without you here." Candice hugs me. "I'm going to miss you."

Returning the hug I whisper. "I'll stay in touch."

"Good," She hands me her business card. "That has all my details on it. Including Social Media. From what I've seen Harlow is the one keeping that up to date for your fans."

"That's right she is."

"Harlow," she walks over to me. "Can you put this somewhere safe for me."

Taking the card from me she looks at it. "Sure," Harlow pulls a purse that has card slots in them and adds it the business cards that I have acquired over the years.

Max walks into the room and looks at the ladies. "Ladies, the show is about to begin. Get into order and I will see you after the show."

Savannah stands up and she's the first one to go on the stage.

Backstage I get to glimpse all the beautiful dresses worn by the models. Every dress has been designed for that model by Max.

He told me that he wants to make the perfect dress for an individual person and if someone wants to order a dress that they've seen on the runway he would design it for them. Adding something special for that person.

The line keeps moving forward and before I know it, it's my turn to go on the runway.

A smile spreads across my face as I make my way down the runway.

There's many familiar faces in the crowd and I nod my head at them and they wave at me. I continue to make my way down the runway. I spin as I make it to the end, showing off the beautiful red dress that i'm wearing.

It has a slit up the side and the material has cuts at the side, showing off my sides. The material is silk and it feels soft against my skin.

I finish my first run before making my way back to the change room where I put on the second dress.

This dress is a light blue, the material is soft and it showcases all my curves. At the back is material that crosses each other.

After I slip on the dress I head back to the runway and show off the second dress. I walk down the runway and stop a few times spinning around to show off the dress. I continue the walk until I'm at the end of the runway.

Then all of a sudden the lights turn off and Max's voice comes over the speaker. "Everyone thanks for coming tonight. However, one of my favourite models Brielle Hilton is leaving us. I would like to spend a few moments showing you some of our favourite moments over the last five years.

Damn it. Why does he have to embarrass me like this?

Turning around I look at the screen and watch all the shows that I've done over the years. With every picture he wrote which runway and country we were there and the year.

After the videos are done the light turns on and Max moves towards me. Kissing my cheek he says. "Thank you for working closely with my company. We're going to miss you."

Taking the flowers from him. "Thanks, Max." I grab the microphone from the stand. "Thanks for coming out to the show. I hope you enjoyed another runway by one of the best designers in the world. Max Hardwell. It's been a pleasure working with you and getting to see all the amazing work you do." I hug him before going back stage.

I make my way over to my assigned seat and start taking my make-up off. Once it's all off. I grab my phone from my purse and reply to the email I received earlier.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re New Face of Morelli

Dear Lois.
          Thank you for you email. I will be at the office on Monday at 10am. I look forward to meeting you and being apart of this company.



Max walks over to me with a few bags. "I want you to take these with you. I'm sure you're going to find many opportunities to wear these when you get back to states. Also, the dresses you wore today you can take them too."

"Thanks, Max. You spoil me a lot."

A brown hair, brown eyed woman with a slight tans walks towards us. Her face is slightly covered as she walks towards us. "Max," she kisses his cheek. "It's good to see you again."

"You too, Nicola. Nicola I want you to meet..."

She cuts him off. "Brielle Hilton," Holding her hand out to me. "It's a pleasure to meet the woman that shines brightly on the runway."

"Thanks," I take her hand. "What brings you here?"

Pulling out a box she gives it to me. "Before you leave Paris. I'd like you to wear some of my jewellery for a catalogue."

"Before I accept who are you?" I look her up and down trying to remember who she is.

"I'm Nicola Burgess. From Burgess and Co."

Wow, I can't believe they want me to show off their jewellery line.

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