Chapter 4 - Reap What You Sow

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Bodhi's POV

For five years I've had to 'Reap what I Sow.' And that includes dealing with the woman that I broke my marriage up for.

Cynthia walks into my room with bags in her hands and following behind her is the maid. She turns to her and says. "Put the bags on the floor. I'll sort them out and put them away myself. I don't want your filthy hands touching my stuff."

"Cynthia," I reprimand her. "Don't talk to her like that. I've had enough with the way you've been treating everyone inside my house." I make sure to emphasise MY to her.

The maid walks out the door without saying a word. She gently closes it behind her, giving us privacy.

She drops the bags she's holding and places her hands on her hips. "You embarrassed me in front of the help, Bodhi. Why are you being mean to me?"

Pushing her up against the wall I lean my head close to hers and look into her cold blue eyes. "You think what I've said is mean? I've been holding back on you, Cynthia. Since you came into my life all you've been doing is spending my money, treating people like they are beneath you. This," I wave my hand up and down her body. "isn't the woman who I owe my life too. It looks like she disappeared once all the fortune came into her life."

"That woman that saved your life has been me. I haven't changed. You have. What happened to the man that promised to give me what I wanted. The name Morelli means everything to me and you still haven't asked me to marry you, Bodhi."

I don't intend to ask you to marry me. This is as far as our arrangement will ever go. The last name Morelli belongs to a woman that my heart belongs to and I haven't found that person.

She has tears falling down her face. "When are we going to move forward with our lives? It's been five years since you divorced that woman and still you're not ready to commit to me." Cynthia slides down the wall until her butt hits the floor. "What have I done for you not to fall in love with me."

Grabbing my keys from the nightstand I look at the pathetic woman sitting on the floor. "Absolutely nothing, Cynthia. My heart broke when you left me, but over time it healed and became cold. Just like how I feel about you now. You're not going to get your way. Thanks for saving my life." With that I walk out the door.


My phone goes off alerting me to a message from my secretary.

Jeff: Hey, Boss. You have a fitting with Susan in twenty minutes.

Me: Thanks, I'm leaving the house now. I will see you soon.

When I get to the car I unlock it before climbing inside. I start the engine, but before I can get it out of the garage Cynthia climbs inside. "I'm coming with you the office today and then we'll take the afternoon off to have lunch and talk."

Ignoring her I reverse the car out of the garage and then drive past the fountain that has a gold statue M in the middle of it.

When I get to the end of the driveway the gates open thanks to the Security Guy that looks after the property. "Thanks, Gus." I beep the horn before driving the fifteen minutes to Morelli.

Once we get to Morelli I climb out of my car and head in the direction of the lifts. I press the button for the lift and wait for it to stop at the basement.

Cynthia stomps over to me. Her gaze has a cold look in them as she glares at me. "What's your problem, Bodhi? You've never been this cold towards me."

"My life doesn't revolve around you and your problems, Cynthia. I have a multi-billion dollar company to run and all I keep hearing from you is nag, nag, whinge, whinge. I'm getting over it. Why don't you find something that you like to do and leave me alone during work hours. This is meant to be my down time away from you, but no. Today you chose to tag along and get on my last nerve."

The door to lift opens and I step inside. Before the doors close I look at Cynthia and say. "Are you getting on?"

"No," her eyes narrow. "I'll take the next one. Right now I don't want to be near you."

Good. I don't want to be near her right now, either.

Pressing the button I take it to my office. Once I reach the 20th floor I see people running around the floor with magazines and putting them away.

"Good morning, Mr Morelli." My assistant Jeff says. "There's a coffee on your desk. Also, the materials you need for the dress is in the designer room."

"Thanks," Opening the door to my office I take a seat and drink my coffee. I go over the design for Susan's dress.

There's a knock on my door and I look up and see Michelle standing at the door. She's shifting from on foot to other. Her hands are fidgeting.

"Come in, Michelle."

She walks into the room and sits on the chair across from me. "Sir, one of the dresses have been ruined."

"Which one?" I growl.

"The one that you designed for Susan." She lowers her voice. "Miss Richardson saw the dress and put it on. When it wouldn't fit her properly she yanked on it, causing it to rip. There's no way we can fix it before Susan comes in."


This is the last thing I needed to deal with today. How can that woman be so irresponsible?

"Get security to throw her out." I shake my head. "Susan needs this dress for tonight. How am I going to get a dress made up in a couple of hours?"

Michelle stands up. "You have a few dresses that no one has seen before. Why don't you give her one of those? It will make up for the inconvenience."

A smile spreads across my face. "Thanks, Michelle. I will do that."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Those dresses you have set aside are they for someone special?"

I made those dresses with my ex wife in mind. I was hoping for her to wear it to one of my runway shows, but that went all to shit after I did what Cynthia wanted.

Since then the dresses have been sitting in storage waiting for someone to wear them. It's time that these dresses are shown to the world.

"They used to be. She's not coming back and I just have to deal with that." Standing up I follow her to the design room which is located on the 19th floor.

When I get to the room there's material everywhere and it looks like a bomb went off in this room. "Is this what Cynthia did?"

"Yes, Sir." Jerome one of designers say. "She went ballistic when she saw the dress on the mannequin and said that it's hers. We knew it was for Susan. We tried to stop her."

Holding my hand up I say. "Enough, Jerome. It's not your fault. This will never happen again. Cynthia, is banned from this office. Clean up the place and we'll compensate our client for the trouble caused by..." I cut myself off as the room knows who I am talking about.

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