Chapter 6 - What The ???

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Brielle's POV

Tomorrow I will be leaving London for New York. All my bags are packed and placed by the door.

It's just after 11pm, when there's a knock at the apartment door. Walking over to the door I look through the peep hole and see Harlow standing on the other side. She has her phone in her hand. "Bri, open the door. You need to see this."

Opening the door I look into her eyes and she has tears in them.

What has her upset?

"What happened?" I usher her into the room. "Is everything okay?"

"No," she shakes her head. "I thought you should know about this." Harlow gives me her phone. "You may want to sit to read that."

Following her order I take a seat on the couch. Looking at the article my heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

Billionaire Bodhi Morelli In Serious Accident.

Bodhi Morelli was a passenger in a vehicle when it was involved in a serious accident.

Before the accident occurred the driver was driving recklessly and ran a couple of red lights before being struck my another vehicle.

It's believed the driver is on the run and hiding somewhere. From the police description the driver was a female.

Cynthia Richardson. I bet all my money it was her behind this whole thing.

Further investigation was conducted and the breaks had been cut. This was a deliberate act by the driver.

As soon as we know more about the accident we'll post it for you.

Dropping the phone on the couch I look over at Harlow. "After everything he put me through I never thought about what the world would be like without him in it. It hurts to think about." Tears begin to fall.

Harlow wraps her arms around me. "It's okay, Bri. Do you know anyone that would be able to keep you updated until we get home?"

"Yes," picking up my phone I go through the contacts until I reach Bodhi's best friends name.


He's the one that would keep me up to date. I know that after I left he wanted to stay in touch. However, I didn't have it in me to do it.

I hope he picks up my call.

Dialling his number I wait for him to answer. The phone rings a couple of times before he picks up.

Damon: Hello, this is Damon.

Me: Damon, it's Bri.

Damon: So she knows how to use a phone. He teases me. Is everything okay?

Me: How is he?

Damon: So you heard about the accident?

Me: Yes, please can you tell me?

Damon: Are you sure you want to know?
It's going to be hard to hear it

Me: Stop stalling, Damon. Just tell me.

Damon: He bumped his head hard and it turns out that he has bleeding on the brain. They had to stop the bleeding and now he's in an induced coma. To help him heal.

Me: Oh, no. I whimper. Do you think I'll be able to see him when I get to New York.

Damon: If that's what you want. I can have someone pick you up and drive you back home so you don't have to worry about that.

Me: That would be great.

Damon: When will you be back home?

Me: I'll be there on Sunday.

Damon: Call me when you land and then give me an address to pick you up at.

Me: Okay, did he sustain any other injuries?

Damon: A broken leg too. His foot was trapped under the dashboard.

Me: Do you know who was driving?

Damon: It was Cynthia.

Me: Do you think Bodhi knows that the woman he let back into his life would do this to him.

Damon: There's something I need to tell you about the night that Bodhi asked for the divorce.

Me: That doesn't matter, Damon. What's in the past should stay there.

Damon: I doubt this past will stay there. Because it's not the first time he's been injured by her.

Me: What?

Damon: He was in a boating accident the day before he came home. She saved his life and changed everything for you.

She ruined our lives is what she did. I don't think I'll be able to forgive her for that. When I get home. She and I will have our moment together.

Me: Thanks for telling me this. Who was his emergency contact?

Damon: You were his first. Since, the hospital couldn't reach you it was me.

Me: Does his family know?

Damon: Yes, they've been in with him all night. They heard it on social media, but they knew if they didn't hear it from someone close to the family that it was a prank. Hearing from me made them realise it was true.

Me: Thanks, Damon. I'll see you.

Damon: Before you go. I want to congratulate you on being the new face of Morelli.

Me: How did you know?

Damon: The Board chose the face this year. We haven't been happy with the choices that Bodhi has made so far.

Me: Has anyone told him that I will be the one doing the job?

Damon: No, we've decided to let him find out himself.

Things are going to be interesting when I start working at Morelli.

Me: Bye, Damon.

Damon: Bye, Bri. Don't be a stranger.

Hanging up I look over at Harlow. "He's in an induced coma, due to bleeding on the brain. Also, he has a broken leg."

"Are you okay?"

"I will be once I see him. He may have been an asshole before I left, but still he holds a piece of my heart."

She places her hand on my shoulder. "You don't need to explain anything to me. I wouldn't have known anything about Bodhi and you, had my uncle not mention it."

"Thanks for coming to me tonight with this news. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. If you need anything I'll be in my room." With that she walks out of my room and across the hall to hers.


I look at the message in the screen and it comes up with a phone number. Opening the message I read it.

Unknown: Hey, Bri. Once I get rid of Bodhi I'm coming for you. There's no place for you to hide. That I won't find you. I'm looking forward to the game of cat and mouse.

Me: There won't need to be a game of cat and mouse. I'm coming home. So, it will be game on.

Unknown: Do you know who I am?

Me: Of course I do. You made a mistake by cutting his breaks and causing the accident. Where ever you're hiding I'll find you, Cynthia.

Cynthia: You won't find me. I won't make it easy.

Me: There are things you don't know about me, Cynthia. Things that will make you piss your pants. Once all my secrets are revealed you'll wonder how you crossed paths with me.

Cynthia: You're full of shit, Bri. Everyone knows the story about the poor orphan named Brielle Hilton and how nobody wanted you.

Me: You believe the lies. The truth will never set you free from my story.

I block Cynthia before climbing into bed.

I have a long day tomorrow.

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