Chapter 7 - Bodhi's Injuries

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Damon's POV

Club Inferno is going off tonight. There's heaps of people in my club. They are enjoying the DJ I hired for the night.

I'm sitting in my office going through the financials for the club. When it comes to this type of thing I like doing it myself before letting an accountant see everything.

There's a knock on the door and the person waits until I tell them to "enter," Lena is standing at the door when I look up. "What's going on, Sis."

"The security team won't let my friends and boyfriend in. They said that the club is over capacity. Yet, they let me in." She crosses her arms across her chest.

"I'll let your friends in. You can use my private VIP area, as I won't be using it tonight."

"Thank you." She rushes over to me and hugs me. "Can we get free drink too?"

"Of course."

She starts jumping around. "I love you, big Bro." Lena takes my hand and pulls me away from my office. It doesn't take long before I'm standing in front of the entrance to the club.

"Jackson, let those six in. They will be using my VIP room, so the club won't be over crowded." Jackson waves them through and people waiting in line complain. "Follow me to your private booth." I walk through the club and stop at a set of stairs that says VIP.

The security looks guy looks at me and smiles. "Good evening, Mr Sanders." He takes the rope off the pole and lets us through.

"Hey, Thomas." I show the group to my room. When I get there I unlock the door for them. "Have a great night." Turning towards my sister I add. "When you leave let me know so I can lock up."

"Okay," she enters the room and starts dancing with her girlfriends.

I leave them to have their fun. As I'm making my way back to my office I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Pulling out I see that it's the local hospital.

Who's been hurt?

Answering the phone I say. "Hello this is Damon Sanders."

"Mr Sanders, I'm a nurse at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. We just had a Bodhi Morelli admitted to the hospital."

Me: How is he?

Nurse: He's been in a serious accident.

Me: What's the prognosis?

Nurse: He has a head injury, which has led to a bleed in the brain. We need permission to operate.

Me: Who is his emergency contacts?

Nurse: It was a Brielle Morelli. However, we haven't been able to reach her. You're the second name on the emergency contact list.

Me: Do what you have to.

Nurse: We need you to come to the hospital to fill out the forms.

Me: I'll be there ASAP. Thank you, nurse.

Nurse: I'm Iris. That's who you will look for when you get to the emergency department.

Me: okay, bye, Nurse Iris.

Hanging up the phone I pull my sister's name up and send her a message.

Me: Lena, I've gone to the hospital. Before you leave can you lock up the room?

Before I leave for the hospital I lock the office door before exiting through the side door.

A car is parked in the alley and I climb into it. "Hey, Nick. Can you take me to NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital."

"Is everything okay, sir?" He looks at me through the read view mirror before turning the engine on and pulling away from the club."

"No, a friend is in the hospital."

Over the radio they give a news update. "Breaking news from downtown. Our favourite billionaire Bodhi Morelli has been in a serious car accident. Where he was the passenger. As for the driver it looks like they have vanished into thin air. As we get more reports about the accident we'll let you know. Stay safe out there, people."

Nick tightens his grip on the steering wheel. "Who the fuck would do something like that to Mr Morelli? He's a great guy. Once you get past that hardened exterior."

"I know someone who would do it. She doesn't have a moral compass. She does whatever she pleases no matter the problems she leaves behind. One day she'll meet her match and everything she knows will turn to shit."


My phone goes off with a message.

Lena: Okay, I can do that. Is everything okay?

Me: Bodhi's in the hospital. I'm his emergency contact.

Lena: I'll see him tomorrow. Take care of yourself too, Damon. Once you worry about someone you're the last person you take care of.

Me: I'll try to remember.

It doesn't take long until we're pulling in front of the Emergency Department. I climb out of the car and head inside to the Nurses station.

When I get there blonde woman is behind the counter. On the tag she's wearing it says 'Iris,' "Good evening, Sir. How can I help you?"

"I'm Damon Sanders. You called me to sign some papers for my friend Bodhi Morelli."

Her face turns a bit red. "I'll get them for you." She walks to cabinet and grabs some forms." She places them on the table. "I should have known your face? After all everyone knows who Bodhi Morelli and Damon Sanders are."

"It's okay, sweetheart. I can see you've been working hard and it looks like you need a rest."

"I do. However, I still have three hours left until my shift ends."

I fill out the forms while I talk to her. "How is Bodhi doing now?"

"You'll have to ask the Doctor." She nods her head towards the door as a Doctor enters the room.

"I'm looking for the Emergency Contact for Bodhi Morelli?"

"That's me." I finish signing the paperwork and move over to the doctor. "How is he?"

"We stopped the bleeding to his brain. Due to the trauma we put him in a medical induced coma. He also sustained a broken leg after the dashboard collapsed on him. He will be put in the VIP ward in a hour."

"Thank you, Doctor." I move over to the waiting area and pull my phone out. I call Bodhi's Mom.

The phone rings a couple of times before a sleepy voice says. "Hello, this is Maggie."

Me: Mrs Morelli it's Damon. I'm at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital with Bodhi.

Maggie: What? Is he okay?

Me: No, he's not. Bodhi was in a serious accident. He sustained a head injury which led to a bleed on the brain. The Doctors operated on him. He's now in an induced coma. He has a broken leg also.

Maggie: Thank you for calling Damon. He'll be at the hospital in the hour.

Me: Okay, I'll see you then.

Bodhi you have to make it through this. I didn't pick Brielle to be the face of Morelli without you being here.


A smile spreads across my face and I look at the name flashing across my screen. 'Brielle,'

It's been a long time since I've had the pleasure of talking to her. I wonder if she's heard about Bodhi and that's the reason for this phone call.

Swiping my finger across the screen I say. "Hello, this is Damon."

Brielle: Damon, it's Bri.

Me: So she knows how to use a phone. I tease her. Is everything okay?

Brielle: How is he?

It looks like wherever she is. She heard about the accident, which is why she called me.

I'm glad she still cares for my idiot best friend.

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