Chapter 8 - Seeing Bodhi

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Brielle's POV

The driver drops me off at my new apartment building. I grab my stuff that's placed at the side of the road. "Thanks," I wheel the suitcase towards the building.

A security guard is sitting behind a desk and when he sees me approaching he walks over to the door. "Hi, How can I help you, Miss?"

"Hi, I'm moving into the building today. My name is Brielle Hilton."

"Ah, yes. Mrs Morelli told me to expect you today. Follow me to the desk and I'll get you keys for you. I'm Kyle."

"It's nice to meet you Kyle. How many security guards are there on patrol here?"

"There's twelve of us. We do ten hour shifts. While living here you'll meet most of them. Just know we are here to protect you. If there's a problem you can call us too." Kyle hands me the keys followed by a card. "That has the contact number for this desk. Someone will be here at all time."

"Thanks, what floor am I on?"

"The top floor. There's about four apartments up there. They are all owned by the Morelli's. For some reason when they saw your name they wanted you on their floor for added security."

Why would Mrs Morelli do that for me?

Taking my stuff I walk over to the lift and press the button. It doesn't take long for the doors to open and then I step inside.

The door closes and I hit the button for the twelfth floor. It goes straight up to my floor and then the door open. I step out and head over to my apartment.

Unlocking the door I step inside to a fully furnished apartment. On the table is a gift basket with a card.

I open the card and read it.

Dearest Brielle.
              Welcome back home. I'm sorry that I wasn't nicer to you when you were part of the family. I realised that I made a lot of mistakes when handling you.

I hope this time around you will give me a chance to show you I have changed.

The family hasn't been the same without your bright light around. We've been shrouded by darkness for years now. Since, my son let Cynthia into his life.

Please come to the hospital and see Bodhi. I know he'll wake up if he hears your voice.

Take Care

- Jessica

That's the first time I've heard her name. She wants people to call her Mrs Morelli.

I grab an apple from the fruit basket and wash it before eating it.

Once I finish eating I head to the bathroom and have a shower.

After showering I get dressed and send Damon a message.

Me: Hey, Damon. Can you send a car to pick me up.

Damon: Of course.

I send him my address and wait for the car to arrived.

Around twenty minutes later, I get a message from Damon.

Damon: The car is waiting for you.

Me: Thanks,

Grabbing my handbag I grab my keys and lock up the apartment before making my way downstairs.

The driver steps out of the car and opens the door for me. "Good afternoon, Miss Hilton. I'm Javier. You're driver."

"It's nice to meet you. How long have you worked for Damon?"

"Twelve years. I've been with his family longer than that." He waits for me to climb in before closing the door. Javier starts the car. "Damon will meet you at the entrance to the Emergency Department. He doesn't want you to enter the hospital alone."

"Okay," leaning forward I ask. "Have they found the one responsible for the car accident?"

"No, she's hidden herself well. I'm not sure if anyone will find her."

She will come out. Once she hears that I'm back in town. I was once unnoticed but working closely with Max has made me a public figure.

At NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital I see Damon out front and close by are a few photographers and the local news stations.

Stepping out of the car I make my way over to Damon. I hug him. "Hi, Damon. It's good to see you."

"You too, Brielle."

"Oh, look." A reporter says. "That's Brielle Hilton. What is she doing here with Damon Sanders." They take pictures of us as we enter the hospital.

"Before we go in any further is Mr and Mrs Morelli here?"

"They are around. Are you scared of facing them again?"

Shaking my head I look into his sky blue eyes. "No, there's a few things I'd like to talk to them about. That can wait until after I've seen Bodhi. He's my number one concern right now."

A smile spreads across his face. "I'm glad you said that, Brielle." He leads me through the hospital until we reach Bodhi's room. When we get there he opens the door for me. "I'll make sure that no one interrupts your time with him.

I watch as Damon closes the door. "Bodhi," I whimper. When I see all the machines connected to him. "That girl really needs to be taught a lesson."

Sitting in the chair next to his bed I grab his hand. "Bodhi, it's Brielle. I came as soon as I could. You need to pull through this. You have a number of people who love you and rely on you."

I brush some of his hair away from his face. "This is the longest conversation that I've had with you. Where you're not ignoring me or grunting at me. Pretty much disregarding what I have to say."

Sighing I look around the room. "You know it's hard for me to be in this room while you're like this."

Standing up I start to pace the room. I pull my hand through my hair. "Bodhi, why did you choose that woman over me? We may not have had the perfect marriage, but we still were a team when it came to the important things. Like family dinners, family events."

The door to the room opens and Mrs Morelli walks in. She looks at me and then pauses. "What are you doing here, Brielle?"

"I wanted to see Bodhi. Seeing him like this is breaking me."

She holds her arms out the me. "Come here. Sweetheart."

I step into her arms and let her hold me as I cry. "A part of me still loves Bodhi, Jessica. Leaving him wasn't easy, but I had to give into his wishes of divorce and I hoped that he didn't continue with the farce with that woman. It turns out he couldn't marry her. Why is that?"

She pulls back and makes me look into her eyes. "He couldn't marry her because someone took his heart with her when she left. He's been half of himself since. Now you're back. I'm hoping you can give him back the pieces that are missing."

Looking back at the bed I say. "Can I have a minute with him, Mrs Morelli."

"Please call me, Jessica." She walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.

Walking over to bed I step right next to him. "Please wake up, Bodhi. I can't live without you being in this world." I press a kiss to his forehead. "My heart still belongs to you." With that I slip out of the room.

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