Doc (1)

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Your head was buried in a book, but you weren't reading it. Instead, you were using it to hide your face as your crush passed by. His name was Frank DuFresne, but everyone just called him 'Doc', since he wanted to be a doctor.
Your face heated up when you realized that he stopped in front of you. You slowly lowered the book and looked up at him with a shy smile.
"Oh, hey Doc!" You waved at him.
"Hey y/n! I thought it was you, but I wasn't sure until you lowered the book." He glanced down at it and chuckled to himself. "Anyways, I saw that you signed up for the track team. I just wanted to say that I really hope you make the team!"
Your face turned bright pink. "R-right. Try-outs are today after school..." You mumbled. You'd completely forgotten about track try-outs! You signed up because he was the team captain, and because your friends pressured you into it.
"Well, I'll see you later! Remember to drink lots of water before-hand!" He reminded you, and waved before heading off. He looked down at your book and laughed one more time.
Confused, you looked down to see why he was laughing. Your face heated up when you realized you were holding it upside down... which meant that he knew the book was an excuse to hide yourself. Embarrassed, you grabbed your bag and head to class.
After school, you head out to the track field, where Doc and a few others were stretching. You smiled when he waved at you, then head into the locker room to get changed.
You lined up with a few other people who wanted to get onto the team, and took a few deep breaths to prepare yourself. There was a ringing noise, and you started running with everyone else.
You were surprised at how fast you could run. Doc whistled and cheered from the sidelines, and that made you run even faster. As you finished your first lap, you turned and waved as you passed him. Then, you were falling backwards, and saw the sky flying in reverse. "Ah!" You shouted out as you slipped on something.
Rubbing your head, you sat up. Both of your elbows were scraped, and the side of your face.
"Ow..." you grumbled, feeling a burning sensation spread across your skin.
"Y/n! Are you alright?" Doc asked, as he knelt beside you.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I think." You laughed a bit, and so did he.
He picked up somebody's waterbottle. That must've been what you tripped on.
He shook his head, looking disappointed. "People should really watch where they put their things." He said as he opened the brand new bottle and poured some water over your scrapes, so he could clean the cuts. He put a bandaid on each cut, then finished off the one on your cheek with a kiss.
"Feeling better?" He asked, smiling when he saw your face slowly turning red.
"M-much better." You stuttered.
"Make sure to check if you made the team." He reminded you with a quick wink, then helped you up.
Confused, you head over to the bulletin board, where the coach had posted the new team's names. Your name was at the bottom, with a small star beside it. You jumped when you realized Doc was standing right beside you.
"What does the star mean?" You asked.
"It means that you made the team, but you still have room for improvement. I'm sure that with a little private practice, we can get you into shape." He chuckled when he saw your face flush.
You punched his arm playfully, and giggled when he kissed your scrape again. "Feel better soon."

[Request by: Sakura3434]

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