Felix (1)

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"Maybe it was his constant charm, or stunning good looks... Maybe it was the way he saved her life, over and over again... But she could tell, that under that armor, he was mega sexy." Your friend teased you as you watched your crush from across the room.
You and your best friend were sitting and eating, watching the lone mercenary as he picked at his food.
You talked to him often, and he was really nice to you, and super flirty... but you almost never got the chance to spend time with him alone.
You were both up early, and your friend woke up with you. He always seemed to be awake and alert, so you thought it you got up really early, you could find a way to talk to him.
"Well... I have to go catch up on training." Your friend laughed, elbowing you lightly. "Go talk to him." She whispered, before heading out of the room.
Your eyes widened and you rubbed the place she'd elbowed. There were a few other people in the mess hall, but it felt like you and him were all alone in that large room.
You stood and head over to where he sat, ready to tap his shoulder. But... something held you back. You hugged yourself tightly, worried about how he'd react to you suddenly asking him if he wanted to hang out. Especially in a time of war...
Wrong place, wrong time. You decided, then quickly head for the exit.
"Shit!" You started as you tripped over your own feet and busted your nose on the corner of a table.
Half of the room looked towards you in concern, while the other half ignored you. You sat up and rubbed at your nose, frowning when you spotted a speck of blood on your finger.
"That looks like it hurt." Someone commented from above you. You looked up to see Felix standing there, with his hand reaching out to you.
"Uh... You didn't see that?" You tried, and he cracked a small smile as he helped you get up.
"I'm guessing you did that on purpose?" He asked jokingly. "I bet you wanted to impress me, huh?"
Your face flushed red. "Whatever. I'm not into guys like you." You lied.
He hummed thoughtfully. "I think you're lying." He guessed.
You gave him a sideways glance. "Oh really?" You asked, lifting an eyebrow for effect. You both started walking towards the shooting range, to start morning training. Luckily for you, your friend was nowhere in sight.
He chuckled to himself. "I bet I can get you to fall for me by the end of the day."
You tapped your chin thoughtfully. "What are we betting?" You asked.
"Loser has to buy the other dinner at the cafe." He suggested.
"I think I can live with that. You have until the sunset to get me to say 'I love you'." You said with a wide smile on your face. You would wait until sunset, then confess your feelings. That seemed easy enough!
But you didn't know how determined he was.
While you were shooting he walked right onto the gun range, out of armor.
"Mind if I stretch here?" He asked, and you had to force yourself to avoid your eyes as he flexed and stretched. He was putting on a show, and he even bent over at one point. He yelped when you shot him in the thigh with a training bullet.
"What the fuck?!" He cursed.
"Get out of here." You warned. He left, looking defeated.
Later, you were struggling to master your aim by throwing small stones. Even though it didn't seem useful, it actually helped out a lot, and there was an infite supply of rocks in the cave.
You felt a hand rest on your hip, and another traveled up your arm, taking hold of your wrist. "You have to pull your arm back a little more." A familiar voice told you, then pulled your arm down a bit. "And stop aiming so high... the target isn't that far."
You shuddered as his warm breath tickled your ear. He held your hand as you pulled back and threw the rock surprisingly far.
It struck the target in the center.
"Thanks." You muttered, with a bright blush on your face. You quickly hid it by sucking in a short breath.
He didn't let go of your wrist. Instead, his grip tightened, and he pushed you against a wall, yanking off his helmet and yours.
"It's almost sunset. I've been trying non-stop to get you to at least blush once, but so far I haven't seen shit." He murmured into your neck, making your face flush. "Maybe  it's time I tried something more... direct?" He asked, kissing your collarbone gently.
"Felix..." you warned. The rock in your hand from training fell to the ground with a quiet thud when he bit your neck lightly. Your hand came up and rested on his chest, while the other brushed through his hair, smoothing it back as he brought his face up to meet yours.
He kissed you deeply, twisting his tongue with yours. It seemed like he pulled away too soon.
"I love you." He whispered. "Can you say that for me?" He asked sweetly.
You smiled, watching as the sun fell below the horizon behind him. "I love you, Felix." You admitted, and he turned around with a proud smirk on his face.
You watched his shoulders slump, and as he turned back towards you. He shot you a nasty glare before kissing your more roughly. You laughed into the kiss and then pulled away with a playful grin on your face.
"You cheated." He accused.
"And you owe me dinner."

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