Doc (2)

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You coughed weakly as dust was kicked up into your face. Another one of your teammates ran by, ignoring you while you bled out on the ground. Why didn't anybody care?
They continued shooting at the enemy. Nobody helped you up or put you out of your misery.
You watched your teammates getting picked off, one by one. As the last man dropped, you knew the fight was over.
You lost.
They won.
There was nothing left to do except for wait for yoursef to die.
So, you shut your eyes as an enemy soldier approached withtheir weapon drawn.
You heard the soldier's gun click, then there was a split-second of silence. The gun went off, and your breath hitched, but you didn't feel any pain.
"What are you doing?! You should be back with the others, treating their wounds!" The female soldier shouted.
You peeked open one eye to see what had happened. It looked like a guy in purple armor had pushed her out of the way, and the bullet had missed your head by a few inches. Now, he knelt beside you and reached towards you.
You flinched, expecting him to hurt you, but he only checked your pulse and examined your injuries.
"I'm a pacifist, remember?" He asked the woman. "We can still save her."
"If you save her, as soon as she's better, she'll try and kill us!" The woman shouted. He ignored her, still looking down at you with worry. "Fine." She scoffed. "If she hurts anyone, it's your fault." She spat, then walked off.

Time-Skip~ 3 Weeks

As your wounds started to heal, you started developing a crush on your savior. Now, after three weeks, you were able to walk and move around again. He helped you to stand, then let go of you to check your balance.
You wobbled a bit, feeling dizzy. You steadied yourself, then sighed in relief. You then smiled widely.
"Thank you so much!" You cheered, and hugged him tightly.
He cheered too, and in your excitement, you kissed him on the cheek.
It was just a small peck, but it was enough to make you both blush.
"Oh, uh... sorry!" You mumbled.
"Don't be." He smiled and kissed you back.
"So, does this mean you're my private medic?" You chuckled.
"Well, I have a lot of other patients, but I don't think I love any of them." He laughed.
You blushed again. "So that means you love me?"

[Requested by HeyTherePumpkinPie]

[Sorry if it's short]

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