Temple (2)

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You frowned deeply, running a hand through your hair as you looked up at the machine Loco was building. He had just finished telling you what it was for, because he said he trusted you. Right now you had to decide whether or not to tell the rest of the Reds and Blues.
Apparently Temple was leading this whole operation, and he had already captured the two reporters and Wash and Carolina.
You felt a hand rest on your shoulder, making you jump in surprise. You spun around and saw Temple, but you couldn't read his expression past his helmet's visor.
"So, you know." He stated, keeping his voice level and emotionless.
"Killing all the freelancers... Overthrowing the UNSC... Do you really think that will make things right?" You asked him, reaching for the pistol you kept on your belt.
"It doesn't matter if it makes things right! I'm not trying to change what happened. I'm just giving those power-hungry assholes what they deserve!" He sighed, then removed his helmet and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Look, I'm sorry for yelling, but it's very important that you don't tell anyone else about what's happening."
You were surprised to find your holster empty. You reached for your knife, but that was missing too.
He smirked, amused. "Looking for these?" He asked, raising your pistol and knife.
You swallowed hard, unsure of what to do.
"T-Temple, just give me some time to think." You pleaded.
His eyes narrowed a fraction.
"I can't risk it." He took a long stride forward and gripped both of your shoulders tightly. "I love you, Y/n. But I can't trust anyone anymore. Please, show me I can at least trust you."
You shook your head quickly, wanting to deny everything he was saying. "Please, let us go. We don't have anything to do with this. Tucker, Simmons, Donut... We aren't a part of this. Neither are the reporters."
He chuckled darkly. "Do you think I'm an idiot? You would never leave here without your freelancers pals." He pulled you closer to him, but you planted your hands against his chest, holding him back.
Tears threatened to spill out if your eyes, but you held them back.
"Damn it, Temple." You shrugged off his hands and stepped away from him, hugging yourself tightly. "I wish i coud hate you." You muttered.
"Does that mean that you'll stay quiet?" He asked hopefully.
"Y-Yes." You replied.
"I'm glad!" He hugged you tightly, and you spun around hugging him back.
Your hand slid down his side, where you felt the hilt of your knife, resting on his side.
"We'll take down everything from freelancer. I'm sorry about your friends, but maybe we can keep them alive, and you can visit them, or-" He continued to ramble excitedly.
You wiped away a small tear before grabbing the knife and carefully pulling it off his belt.
You raised it, preparing to plunge it into his back, when you felt a sharp pain in your own spine.
Again, he laughed, this time hatefully.
You pulled out of the hug, feeling your knees give out as you fell to the ground. He lowered you down carefully, with only a hint of guilt in his eyes.
"I already told you. I'm not an idiot."

[Up Next: Doc, Grif, Caboose(1) p2! If I didn't add your request to this list, please comment so I can add it to my to-do list!!]

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