Chapter 2: Storm Flower The Twins

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*poke poke* "sigh," Ren felt his sides being poked and was forced awake. It was always annoying to him whenever Nora woke up this early. Her sleeping cycles were always random, sometimes she would sleep in but then she would get up in the wee hours of the morning. Ren opened one eye to see the clock and saw that it was 6:00 in the morning.

"Nora, it's too early to wake up. Breakfast isn't getting served until 8:00," Ren told her.

"Reeeeen! I'm bored!" he heard.

"Yeah we're bored," he heard?

Ren suddenly got up and looked around the room, at first he didn't see anything strange, apart from the fact that today really was one of Nora's late sleeper days. She was still in bed, as well as Jaune and Pyrrha. There was nobody awake to call to him.



Looking down the side of his bed he saw the source of the noise.

Two short kids barely half the size of Ren, both of them wearing similar jade green shirts like his own, both of them were wearing a necklace of metallic jade beads, and black shorts. Their hair was grey like metal, but the one on the left had a strand of hair that was black, while the one on the right had a strand of green hair. Both of them were looking at him with eyes of magenta.

"Two kids, in a school for warriors in a room they shouldn't be in," Ren said to himself, "Nora, did you do this again?" he asked her sleeping form.

"*burp*… mmnn, pancakes," she said still asleep.

"Something tells me it's not her," Ren said, "Uh… hey little guys, where'd you two come from?"

"Whatch mean?"

"You put us in your sleeves."

"Huh?" Ren questioned.

"I'm bored."

"Yeah let's go and have fun."

"Let's go and shoot some Grimm."

"I wanna stab things in the brain."

"… Nora are these two yours?" Ren asked again, this time worried.

"Renny… quiet it's too early," Nora complained from her sleep.

Weiss and the rest of team quickly got dressed in their school uniform and headed for their lockers. It was pretty early in the morning and they had an hour or two until class so they were able to sneak Myrtenaster through the halls without any students seeing her.

As soon as Weiss got to her Locker she pulled out the regular metal sword Myrtenaster.

"Ha! See, my swords right here," Weiss said to the group, "Care to explain this?" she asked Myrtenaster.

"Oh well… that's my body yes but I left it," Myrtenaster explained.

"You left your body?" Weiss questioned.

"Yes… is that really so hard to believe miss Weiss?" Myrtenaster asked her worried.

"Yes!" she told her loudly annoyed.

"Oh uh… I-I'm sorry," Myrtenaster said.

"Weiss, be nice to her. She's not doing anything to hurt you," Yang said.

"Yeah, you should treat your weapons better," Ruby told her.

"She's not my weapon!" Weiss yelled at them.

"You-… y-your giving me up!?" Myrtenaster said saddened and worried, "T-That's fine… i-if this is what miss Weiss wants then I will oblige… I-… I hope the next weapon you choose meets your expectation," Myrtenaster said on the verge of tears.

"Weiss! You can't do that to your own weapon!" Ruby said.

"After everything she's done for you too," Yang said.

"That's pretty cold," Blake said.

"I'm not-! Will you all stop treating this woman like she's a weapon!" Weiss yelled at them.

"Myrtenaster is there any way you can prove you're who you say you are?" Ruby asked her.

"Oh… I'm not sure actually," Myrtenaster said pushing a finger to her chin and tilting her head, "What do you usually do to prove who you are?"

"uuhhh," Ruby tried thinking of a solution.

"Thaaat's a good question," Yang said.

"People usually have some sort of ID on them that says who they are," Blake said.

"Well I seriously doubt that they make ID's for weapons," Weiss said, "Besides, she's not even who she says she is. Myrtenaster is right here, and she… huh?" Weiss suddenly started tapping on the chamber of her blade.

"What's wrong miss Weiss?" Myrtenaster asked her.

"Stop calling me that! My weapon won't activate," Weiss said, "Ususally when I grip it right here I'm able to spin the dust chamber, but I think it's jammed. I was so sure I cleaned it when I left it here."

"Oh… what chamber were you hoping to switch to miss Weiss?" Myrtenaster asked her.

"Wha-… oh I see what game you're playing," Weiss said holding Myrtenaster the sword to Myrtenaster the woman, "Go ahead then, fix your body then, make it switch to the red Dust," she said expecting Myrtenaster the person to take Myrtenaster the sword.

"Yes miss Weiss."

*spin* *click* The chamber of the sword suddenly spun on its own and when it stopped the blade started to glow red from red Dust circulating it. What was really impressive was that Myrtenaster the person didn't even touch the blade.

"Uh… wh-?" Weiss was suddenly flabbergasted.

"Whoa that's so cool!" Ruby said with sparkles in her eyes, "How did you do that!?" she asked Myrtenaster.

"What do you mean? It's my body," Myrtenaster told her.

"Okay that fully convinces me, she's the real deal," Yang said.

"No wait!" Weiss said, "D-Do it again, switch it to yellow," she ordered.

*spin* *click* The chamber once again spun around all on it's own and filled the blade with yellow Dust.

"It does appear that she's telling the truth now," Blake said.

"This is sooo awesome!" Ruby said suddenly glimmering with awe, "We have our own weapon person on our team!" she said glomping onto Myrtenaster.

"Kyaah! R-Ruby please!" Myrtenaster said blushing when Ruby hugged onto her neck.

"Shouldn't be we discussing how this happened?" Blake asked her worried.

"Sure later," Ruby said not caring.

"It was the green dust," Weiss said.

"Wh- you knew!?" Yang questioned her.

"Whoa! Green Dust brings things to life!?" Ruby asked.

"Well… I was hoping it didn't do things like this, but apparently it does," Weiss said, "Life dust has a funny way of acting out on its own, my father used to tell me stories about events like this… truth be told I thought he only told me this just to keep my away from the 'merchandise'," she finished annoyed.

"So… this isn't what you were expecting when you wanted to become better with your weapon?" Yang questioned looking at both Myrtenaster's.

"I wanted to become more skilled, not make more friends," Weiss said.

"Ah… I-I'm sorry miss Weiss," Myrtenaster said.

"Will you stop apologizing for everything!?" Weiss yelled at her.

"O-Oh… sorry miss Weiss… A-Ah! Sorry… Ah Sorry! Rrgh s-Sorry! Sorry! Ah-S-Sorry-!"

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Weiss ordered her.

"Aw come on, I wanted to see how long she'd do that," Yang said having fun.

"What I don't understand is how this happened," Weiss said, "I didn't have a chance to use the green Dust, so how did it get on her?"

"You didn't try it out?" Ruby questioned.

"No, I spent all my spare time hiding it, I didn't get to use any of it," Weiss said.

"Except for the dust that Ruby sneezed," Blake said, "Is it possible to spread it out in an explosion?"

"Well apparently it is," Weiss said looking at Myrtenaster.

"But why did only your weapon come to life?" Yang asked her.

"O-Oh the rest are alive," Myrtenaster told her, "We all left our bodies in the middle of the night."

"Really!?" Ruby exclaimed, she jumped off of Myrtenaster and hurried over to her locker opening it up and taking out Crescent Rose in its rifle form.

"Hey buddy!" she said expecting an answer, "… how come it isn't talking to me?" Ruby asked Myrtenaster.

"Well… to be honest, I'm the only one who made the effort to return to miss Weiss, everyone else went to go do their own thing," Myrtenaster told her.

"Hmm… it does seem a little lifeless now," Ruby said, she pressed the mechanism that turned Crescent Rose into it's Scythe form. It transformed halfway before the whole weapon stopped moving turning it into some useless form, "Wh-? Hey come on move," she said trying to move it into its Scythe form.

"Any idea where my weapon is?... the person?" Yang asked Myrtenaster.

"Uh… well I tried to talk the rest into coming with me, everyone else went their own way," Myrtenaster told her.

"Wait the other weapons are somewhere around the school!?" Weiss said worried, "Where did they go!?"

"I-I don't know, I'm sorry miss Weiss," Myrtenaster told her.

"We can't let the rest of the school know! We need to find them now!" Weiss told them.

"What's the big deal?" Yang questioned her, "It's not like you can get in trouble for this… wait can you?"

"I don't know! What I'm really concerned is if someone finds out I have green Dust. My father will kill me if he finds out I used some of his secret stash," Weiss told them.

"Oh right, I guess you don't want Daddy to find out you stole from him," Yang teased.

"I-I didn't steal… I m-merely borrowed… without asking," Weiss said unsure of her words.

"M-Miss Weiss!" Myrtenaster exclaimed, "Y-You should tell your father what happened right now! You can't keep lying to him, what if he finds out?"

"He's not going to find out I borrowed from his personal stash, he literally leaves it there to collect dust- why am I defending my actions to you!?" Weiss yelled at her.

"S-Sorry miss Weiss," Myrtenaster said.

"Weiss stop being mean to her," Ruby told her, "Myrtenaster, how many of you guys are there?"

"Uh… well all of your weapons, as well as the ones from team JNPR," Myrtenaster told her.

"Them too!?" Weiss was now even more worried than before.

"Looks like all the weapons in the Gym got effected," Blake said.

"If dad finds out… ," Weiss started having a mini panic attack.

"We're not going to let that happen," Ruby said as she took charge, "Alright team RWBY, we got… living weapons to find I guess. What time is it?"

"6:26," Blake said looking at her scroll.

"Then we don't have much time," Ruby said, "Yang, go tell JNPR what's going on, and to join us. The rest of us will start looking around the school."

"What about her?" Weiss questioned pointing at Myrtenaster the person.

"Myrtenaster go with Yang and wait in our room," Ruby said, "We'll round up the rest and they can wait there as well."

"I-If that is what miss Weiss wants-." "Yes that's what I want! Go go go!" Weiss shooed her and Yang out of the place towards their room.

"S-Shouldn't I be in the room?" Myrtenaster questioned worried, the two of them were outside team JNPR's room.

"Naw naw, stick with me, it'll be funny to show you to the others," Yang said, she lightly tapped on the door, "Hey guys, you up? You're not going to believe what happened."

"Uh… kinda busy in hereplease don't' come in!" Yang heard Jaune call out from the other side of the door.

"What's wrong? You guys doing okay?" Yang asked him.

"Fine! W-Were fine just… can you come back later?"

"Are you guys indecent or something… in the Co-ed room?" Yang teased.

"No!" Jaune's voice tensed up.

"You know I've been curious about that, how do you all get dressed in a single room? Is it a trust system, or have you all bared it all to each other already?"

"YANG! W-We-! We're dealing with something now! J-Just go away."

"Yang, perhaps we should leave them alone," Myrtenaster suggested.

"Oh my god it finally happened didn't it?! You suffered the effects of women," Yang concluded having fun.


"You and Pyrrha getting it on?"

"What!?" "HUH!?" this time Yang also heard Pyrrha's voice.

"They're doing what?" Myrtenaster's own cheeks turned a deep red.

"I should have expected this, I mean sure it was to be expected of Nora and Ren," Yang said.

"We're not doing that," Ren said, but calmly, not effected by Yang's teasing.

"Yeah, the closest I've gotten to Ren is when I booped him."

"That doesn't mean what you think and you know it."

"But you Pyrrha, in front of your own teammates… that's kinky," Yang continued with her teasing.

"T-That's not-! I never-!" Pyrrha tried to find the right words to say but stuttered with every word.

"We're not doing that at ALL!" Jaune denied.

"Then let me in," Yang told him.

"I we… l-look we… have a problem… one that we can't really discuss with you," Jaune said.

"Let me guess, you got a new friend that says they're one of your weapons?" Yang said.

" … was the teasing necessary?" Jaune slowly opened the door, poking his head out of the door to check if it was clear.

"pfft, you still sleep in that?" Yang questioned staring at Jaune in his onesie with bunny slippers.

"… who uh… who's she?" Jauen questioned.

"Jaune, meet Myrtenaster," Yang said.

"H-Hello," Myrtenaster said nervously waving.

"Wait, Myrtenaster, Weiss's weapon!?" Jaune questioned looking her over.

*SHOVE* "You got one to?!" Nora asked, pushing Jaune out of the way just shoving him onto the floor.

"Nora!" Pyrrha said worried about Jaune.

"Yeah turns out that green Dust of Weiss's brings things to life or something, so come on invite me in. What crazy person did you get?" Yang stepped over Jaune to and let herself in.

What she saw was one child sitting on Pyrrha's lap, while the other one was riding around on Ren's shoulders.

"EEEEE!" Yang excitedly and instantly grabbed both of them at once, hugging them close to her, "So cuuuuute!" she said happily hugging them both.

"I know right!" Nora said.

"Who are you two little guys?" Yang asked the two children.

"I'm Storm Flower."

"I'm Storm Flower."

"Ha ha! Storm Flower? Ren?" Yang questioned looking at him.

"Yeah," Ren plainly answered.

"You got little twins? That's soo cool! And they're sooooo cute!" Yang squealed hugging the two of them closely.



"Y-Yang, Yang! They need to breath!" Pyrrha called out.

"Oh sorry!" Yang said loosening up her grip, both Storm Flowers pushed themselves off of Yang's chest and started breathing heavily, "Man why did you get the adorable ones?"

"Wait where's your friend," Pyrrha asked her.

"She's right… oh come on!" Yang complained.

"W-W-Wait! Miss Weiss told me to wait in your room!" Myrtenaster said as she was dragged out.

"Come on!" Yang told her.

"Oooh," Nora oohed at Myrtenaster examining her from every which angle. Myrtenaster was getting jumpy every time Nora merely touched her.

"So… they really are our weapons?" Pyrrha asked her, "I thought someone was playing a prank on us."

"Yeah same here, but when Weiss was testing out her weapon Myrtenaster was able to activate it without touching it. Weiss couldn't even get it to move normally," Yang said, both of the twins were sitting on her lap just listening to her story, "Turns out the rest of our Weapons are lifeless without them in them."

"Lifeless?" Pyrrha questioned.

"A lot of this is sounding pretty hard to believe," Jaune said.

"No she's right, remember last night? We couldn't get any Aura in our weapons," Pyrrha said, "I knew I was doing it right," she said relieved.

"This is so awesome! Any idea where Magnhild is? I wanna see if he's happy with the life choices I've made for him, wait would they be his choices since I thought he was just metal? Where is he?" Nora asked.

"They're somewhere in the school so now we need to get the rest of our weapons before everyone else wakes up," Yang told them.

"Why? We're not doing anything wrong are we? I'm sure if we asked we could get a message across the campus with the intercom," Jaune suggested.

"Oh no, that's a really big no. See Weiss really doesn't want anyone figuring out that she stole from daddy," Yang told him.

"Oh that's right," Jaune said remembering yesterday.

"Anyway get dressed, and let's go. We're gonna need your help searching them out before anyone finds out. Weiss is having a fit with this," Yang told them.

"Got it," Jaune said.

"Wait, what about Storm Flower...'s', we can't leave them alone," Pyrrha said.

"Got it, Myrtenaster you mind babysitting them?" Yang asked her.

"Huh? O-Oh uh… I-I suppose, if miss Weiss is okay with it," Myrtenaster said.

"Miss Weiss?" Nora questioned.

"Perfect," Yang said handing the two twins to Myrtenaster.

"W-Wait!? How do I take care of them?" Myrtenaster questioned.

"Just don't let them die, that's how I took care of Ruby when she was a kid."

"That explains a bit," Jaune said.

"She and the twins can stay at our place, I'm going to join the others, if you find someone call us and we'll bring them back to our room," Yang told them leaving taking Myrtenaster and the Storm Flower twins with her.

"Sooo… all our weapons are alive now?" Jaune questioned.

"It appears so," Pyrrha said.

"We better get moving, school starts in just two hours," Ren said.

"You behave now, if they get hungry… I don't think you need to eat actually," Yang hurried off leaving the weapons alone.

"Uh… h-how do I take care of these kids?" Myrtenaster asked herself.

"I wanna color!"

"I want a cupcake!"

Little Velvet was carefully walking around the dorm halls. Using her advanced hearing she was listening for any sound of danger, specifically team CRDL. She preferred getting up early in the hopes that she would be left alone. However, part of her suspected that the bully team was starting to get wise to her sneaking ways.

Carefully listening around the corner of the hall she didn't hear anything so she assumed that she was safe. She tiptoed around, but then she froze when she saw her enemy.

"Hey Velvet," Cardin said, almost like he was trying to be friendly.

Velvet quickly turned around trying to get away.

"Hey Velvet where you going?" Cardin called to the Fauna, she could hear his massive footsteps. She hurried her pace trying to get away, but she could hear him walking right behind her.

*Thud* "Oof," Velvet fell back when she crashed into what felt like a steel wall. Looking up she saw a young looking girl around her age. Wearing a small set of armor on her body, which looked old and worn with multiple scratches. Her hair was blonde and in a long pony tail reaching her waist and kept together with a few strands of old leather.

This woman's face, though it looked young, to Velvet she couldn't help but feel that it had a look of years worth of experience. Her blue eyes looked on her with a sense of great kindness with age.

"Oh I'm sorry," the woman said, "Please forgive me, I did not mean to impede you," she said extending her hand to assist Velvet up.

"U-Uh… i-it's fine," Velvet said shyly taking the woman's hand and standing up.

"Hey Velvet!" she heard Cardin call out to her, she tensed up in fear and worry.

The girl could easily see the fear in the young Fauna.

"Get behind me," the blonde girl ordered her.

"H-Huh?" Velvet questioned, "B-But you'll-."

"Now," she commanded her, Velvet didn't question her and just went behind the woman.

"Hey Velvet," Cardin said arriving, he saw Velvet hiding behind the other woman.

"Are you tormenting this woman?" the blonde girl asked him.

"What this freak?" Cardin said back, "I just wanna say hi to her, that's all," the blonde girl could feel Velvet shrink back some more.

"Well it's perfectly clear that she doesn't want to speak to you, either leave her alone or I'll make you," she warned her.

"pft, you serious?" Cardin questioned laughing at the girl.

"I'm dead serious," she said to him, "We're in a place surrounded by people, I could ruin you you know, make people ridicule you for the rest of your days here. You could see what it feels like to be tormented."

"That a threat you little bitch?" Cardin questioned flexing his fist.

"You don't scare me, I've seen your true façade," she told him, "You act tough because you believe no ones tougher than you, yet when something bigger comes to get you you scurry away. You're weak, as well as a coward."

"You better shut your-!" *CLANG* Cardin punched the woman right in her face, and Velvet cringed at the sight. However the blonde woman didn't react to Cardin's fist in the slightest.

Carding took ahold of his hand, it started to bruise after hitting something that felt similar to metal.

"Drrgh, the hell?" he questioned in pain.

"One last warning, leave now or I let you know what it's like the be ridiculed," she warned.

"Shove it! You and the freak are both going down."

"That's it," she said, "Fun fact, did you know that certain points on a human body can be manipulated by forcing Aura into them."

"What's that supposed to meRRGH!" the woman instantly pushed both of her hands right into Cardin's abdomen, even with the extra armor plating he could feel something inside of him react.

He knelt to the ground in pain, he could feel his stomach start to gurgle and swell up.

"What did you- oh man!?" Cardin started to feel something else react inside of him, his lower abdomen started acting on their own. His knees buckled and he started tensing up his body as hard as he could.

"Oh no… no no no no no NO!" Cardin's whole body shot up, he stood straight clenching himself from behind.

"Wh-?" Velvet was a bit confused, worried about Cardin when he started looking very very worried himself, "Wh-what did you-?... sniff sniff." Velvet was about to ask the girl what she did, until she started sniffing the air and smelled something foul.

"Did-… d-did you make him?" Velvet questioned. The girl didn't say anything, only look at Cardin with the face of disgust.

"You-!" Cardin was about to say something, but he was trying to focus on keeping still.

"OH MY GOD!" the blonde suddenly yelled.

"Wh-sh-shut up! Shut up!" Cardin tired to whisper to her, but the girl kept yelling at her.

"YOU'RE A SICKO! WHAT THE HELLS WRONG WITH YOU!?" by now one or two doors opened and a few people looked outside to see what the racket was.

"Shut up! Shut up right now!" Cardin was furiously ordering her.

"What's going on?" a student suddenly asked the blonde girl.

"This ass hole Cardin just confessed to me, and just because I didn't return his feelings he crapped in his pants!" she told him.

"WHAT!? NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!" Cardin yelled at her.

"EW! What's that smell!?" a student asked just waking up.

"GRRGH!" Cardin didn't waste any time and started crab walking as fast as he could, though it was too late. A few students already heard what the blonde woman said and started piecing it together. A few students were already yelling out in disgust and slamming their doors shut to hide from the stench.

"Let's go," the woman told Velvet. The two of them started walking away, the sounds of the students ridiculing Cardin could still be heard.

"u-Uh… h-how did you-?" Velvet asked nervously.

"I've been taught about how the body works for many years, it wasn't difficult to figure our how to control his body," she said.

"D-Don't you think you were a bit rough on him?" Velvet asked her.

"I've seen people like him millions of times, people like him are difficult to fix. Offering him sound logic will not fix him, nor will offering him any kindness. He would grow to be a worthless and tyrannical person if nothing was done, humiliation like this is for the best," she told her, "It will either turn him into a better person, or he'll break down like all truly weak people."

"O-Oh… u-uh I see," Velvet said.

"Your own kindness is a blessing to see," she said.


"I could easily see that that boy has been tormenting you for a long time. That he is a monster to you, and yet you still show concern for him," she said, "Never lose that kindness you have, the world desperately needs people like you."

"O-Oh… u-um… thank you," Velvet said, "Ah um… m-my name is Velvet by the way."

"Crocea Mors," the woman Crocea Mors said.

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