Chapter 3: Crocea Mors The Guardian

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"We're not going to find them in time," Weiss said worried, she Blake and Ruby were roaming the halls of the school searching for the Weapons. Weiss began panicking again when their search turned up fruitless, and school was a mere hour and a half away from starting.

"Don't worry Weiss, we still have time," Ruby told her trying to calm her down,

"Barely! Students will be getting up now! Who knows what's going to happen? What if somebody gets to our weapons first?" Weiss questioned.

"I doubt anyone is just going to assume that they're weapons if they meet them. Myrtenaster might have acted weird, but she looks like a normal person," Blake said.

"Oh yeah that's right! She did look like a regular person" Ruby said in realization, "So maybe that means we can relax a bit?"

"No way! I'm not taking chances," Weiss told the two.

"Fine, we'll hurry it up," Ruby said annoyed and exhausted, "But we don't have much time left, we better split up and cover more ground."

"Alright fine, but you two better not slack off just because I'm not here! I won't have my name tarnished as a thief!" Weiss told them before heading off in one direction.

"I'm slightly tempted to just call her dad and tell him," Blake said.

"She is started to seem a bit… not tolerable," Ruby said.

"Intolerable," Blake corrected her.

"Right… that," Ruby said.

"Can't believe this… it's like I have to find a bunch of lost kittens," Weiss complained as she walked down the halls, "Why couldn't they all be like Myrtenaster and just come back to our room."

"Yo Weiss," Yang called to her from behind.

"There you are," Weiss said, "Did you find any other weapons?"

"Oh you're not going to believe this, Ren's got twins," Yang said grinning to her.

"He's go twins? What does that me- wait his guns?" Weiss questioned.

"Yeah his guns, turns out Storm Flower turned into a pair of twins," Yang told her.

"He has two of them!?" Weiss panicked once again.

"Yeah… why? What's so bad about that?" Yang questioned.

"This could mean that we have more than eight weapons to find!" Weiss said, "Which means less chance of us rounding them all up in time!"

"Oh yeah," Yang said realizing the situation, "Well I guess that means my weapons split up into two people to… and Jaune's… and Pyrrha's… and maybe Blakes I mean sheath of hers can be used as a weapon as well."

"So now we have an extra four to find!?"Weiss said, "Perfect, as if this day could get any worse!"

"… sniff sniff ew what's that smell?" Yang questioned suddenly.

"What are you… GWAH! What's that horrid smell," Weiss said covering her nose.

"Out of the way!" they two of them heard, behind them they saw Cardin crab walking quickly trying to get past the two.

"What the hell?… did you-?" Yang was questioning as he passed them.

"It wasn't me! It was some stupid bitch in old armor made me do this!" Cardin complained.

"Just go already! And take a bath for goodness sake," Weiss ordered him holding her nose.

"Wait old armor?" Yang questioned, "Where is she?"

"I don't know, she was with that bunny Freak," Cardin said.

"Her names Velvet," Yang told him annoyed at his intolerance.

"Like I give a damn," Cardin said.

"Don't you mean 'Give a crap'?" Yang teased.

"Sh-Shut up! I didn't do it on purpose!" Cardin yelled at her.

"Just GO already!" Weiss yelled at him.

"I'm movin! Shut up!" Cardin yelled at her awkwardly hurrying off.

"Well looks like we found a weapon," Yang said.

"What are you talking about?" Weiss asked her.

"Girl in old Armor, made a grown man… boy I suppose would be the technical term for him, crap his pants," Yang said, "Sounds like odd behavior to me."

"Gasp, one of the weapons!" Weiss said.

"Seriously? Now you're getting it, and you were the one panicking this whole time," Yang said.

"Let's just hurry," Weiss told her rushing off in the direction Cardin came from, "Urrgl, the smell is still lingering."

"mnnn," Ruby lightly moaned holding her stomach. She and Blake were walking outside the campus looking around for their weapons.

"Hungry?" Blake asked her.

"Yeah," Ruby said, "Think Weiss would mind if we took a break?"

Blake just have her a slanted look.

"Yeah I didn't think so," Ruby said disappointed, "We've searched nearly the whole school, maybe they're farther away."

"You think they ran away?" Blake asked her.

"Mmm… nah, Myrtenaster said that her body was still the sword. I don't think they would leave their own body," Ruby said.

"I guess I wouldn't want to leave my own body either," Blake said, "… wait hold on," she halted Ruby when the two of them were in front of the Library.

"Hey if I can't get breakfast than you can't stop at the Library," Ruby told her.

"Look there," Blake said pointing inside the Library through one of the windows.

The inside was empty, except for a lone man sitting at one of the tables reading one of the books. He was tall, his skin was almost grey, and wrapped around his body were black straps completely covering him like a mummy except for the one section leaving his amber eyes uncovered.

"Whoa… is that… your weapon?" Ruby asked her.

"He does look similar to how I would picture my weapon," Blake said.

"You imagined what would happen if your weapon came to life?" Ruby asked her suspiciously.

"I got the idea from reading a book once," Blake told her.

"Um… excuse me?" Ruby said to the strange man, he just lifted up his eyes to look at her.

"Gambol Shroud?" Blake asked him.

"Hmm? Ah Blake, it's good to see you," the man Gambol Shroud politely said to her.

"Wait you know who she is?" Ruby questioned surprised, yet Blake still had a stoic look.

"Why wouldn't I? She's my mistress, she's carried me around with her for many years," Gambol Shroud told her.

"Well…. Right, I guess," Ruby said feeling a little awkward for some reason, "Listen could you come with us?" she asked her.

"Very well," he said.

"Wh-uh… really? You don't want to know why?" Ruby asked him confused.

"You're a sensible person, I'm sure you have your reasons," he said closing the book in his hand and standing up.

"Oh well… o-okay let's go… kinda thought that would take longer," Ruby said surprised at his reasoning.

"First, have you seen any of the other weapons?" Blake asked him.

"Yes I believe Ember Celica is in the back," he said.

"Really!?" Ruby said excitedly, "Well this is going to be easier than I thought."

"Uh…?" Ruby and Blake both made their way to the back of the Library to find what looked like a small fort made entirely of books.

"Such a disrespectful treatment of the books," Gambol Shroud said as he kept his eyes on the book he was reading.

"Uh… hello?" Ruby called out listening.

"Who goes there!?" a girls voice called out, but Ruby and Blake couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from.

"Ember Celica?" Ruby asked nobody.

"Hey Rubes," the voice called out.

"Ember Celica?" Ruby questioned nervously.

"Yeah it's me, wha'dya need?"

"Well… we need you come with us," Ruby said.

"Nobody bosses me around! I'm in charge of fort book, and we're making our stand here… well me actually, me making my stand here… I."

"Wh-huh?" Ruby stated confused at the words.

"This one seems a bit… immature," Blake said annoyed.

"You guys will never find me!"

"Find you? Are you not in the fort?" Ruby asked her pointing to the book fort.

"W-… n-no… you don't know that."

"It seems pretty obvious that you would be hiding in there," Blake said calmly.

"You can't prove that! G-Give me a second… uh… okay I got the law book and it states that you need evidence for the porridge to be just right… oh wait I'm reading two books together."

"This is annoying," Blake said heading right for the small fort, *BAM* "Ah!?" she was suddenly hit with the book "Goldilocks and the Three Ursa" from out of nowhere.

"Blake!" Ruby said worried, but Blake seemed unfazed by the hit and just rubbed her nose in slight pain.

"Stay out of my territory!" Ember Celica yelled out.

"This is a public Library, thus its public property," Blake told her.

"Your face is public property."

"That insult doesn't make any sense," Ruby said.

"Your face doesn't make any sense!"

*BAM* "EEP!" Ruby was hit flat on her face and knocked to the ground by the large book "Law 101" "How come she got the small fairy tale and I get hit with a law book!?" she questioned angrily rubbing her head in pain.

"As the old saying goes, sticks and stones will break my bones but words will always hurt me."

"Are you reading two books again?" Ruby questioned annoyed.

"No I'm ad libing."

"This is taking far longer than it should," Blake said out of patience, "Can you get her out of there?" she asked Gambol Shroud.

"Of course," holding the book open with one hand he extending his free left hand out.

From his arm some of the black ribbon like wrappings unraveled out and extended out quickly like a darting snake from his wrist. The ribbon weaved its way into the book fort entrance.

*SNAP* "Gah!" the sound of the ribbon snapping and a cry of shock was heard, followed by the sound of crying and hands trying to grasp the thin carpet.

"No my Kingdom!" Ember Celica cried out as she was pulled away.

It turns out that she was a short girl, and she looked like a kid, maybe a young teen. She was wearing a black leotard and a leather coat similar to Yang's, her hair was blonde but short only reaching her neck, and her eyes were the same shade of Lilac.

Gambol Shroud dragged her up to his arm and held her up by the leg.

"So… sheeeeee uh," Ruby was trying to find the right words.

"I agree, this is not what I expected Yang's weapon to look like," Blake said surprised with her.

"Hey! Gamby! What's the big idea!?" the short Ember Celica complained struggling and flailing as she dangled from the much taller Gambol Shroud.

"You're being rude to Ruby and Mistress Blake, not to mention you're treating the books here with great disrespect," Gambol Shroud scolded her.

"What do you even care? You can't read," Ember Celica told him annoyed.

"What?" Ruby and Blake questioned.

"That doesn't mean you can use them as projectiles or bricks," Gambol Shroud told her.

"Wait you can't read?" Ruby asked him concerned.

"Of course not, I never could learn before. Did you ever teach your weapon to read?" Gambol Shroud asked her.

"Well… no, I guess that makes sense why you can't read," Ruby said, "So… wait, then why are you always looking into books if you can't read?"

"It doesn't mean I can't try," Gambol Shroud said.

"You know you could start with a simpler book, like one that could teach you to read," Blake said.

"There are books that teach you to read?" Gambol said a bit excited, "Can we get some before we go?" he asked them.

"And one on castle building, with pictures," Ember Celica asked them.

"Might as well," Blake said.

"Yeah, knowing Weiss she's gonna want to keep a close eye on them in one place. We should give them something to do," Ruby said sadly.

"You mean the Snow Bitch?" Gambo Shroud asked.

"Wha- Gambol!" Ruby nearly yelled, "Don't call her that! Especially not in front of her face."

"But that's what Mistress Blake called her."

"What?" Ruby questioned now looking at Blake.

"I was… still mad at her," Blake said only a touch ashamed.

"There they are," Yang pointed out. She and Weiss arrived at the cafeteria where only a few students were there. The two of them also saw Velvet nibbling on a carrot muffin as well as her friend in old chipped armor.

"That's got to be one of them," Yang told her.

"Great, let's get her and go," Weiss said hurrying along.

"So… there's something that's been bugging me about… I hope I don't sound rude but, Fauna's like you," Crocea Mors said to Velvet.

"W-… w-what do you mean?" Velvet said nervous.

"Well it's just that, you have rabbit ears as well as human ears," Crocea Mors said.

"Um… i-is that a problem?" Velvet said worried.

"It's just that, well to me, if you already have the Fauna ears then doesn't that mean that your human ears are pointless," Crocea Mors asked her curiously.

"Oh… well I suppose I never thought of it like that," Velvet said now lightly tugging at her regular ears.

"I'm not really saying you shouldn't have four ears, it just seems like a bit or a biological un-necessity. Those Function like a regular rabbits ears correct?" Crocea Mors asked her pointing to her Fauna ears.

"Yes, I can hear from any direction. They can also keep me cool during the hot days," Velvet said.

"Hmm… rabbits keep themselves cool with their ears because they are unable to sweat like humans, or pant like dogs. Is that the same for you?" Crocea Mors asked her.

"No, I've definitely sweated before, I don't know about panting though," Velvet told her.

"Really? Then it kind of seems like evolution was a bit forced on you," Crocea Mors said.

"Oh… I-I'm sorry," Velvet said.

"What are you apologizing for, I didn't mean it was a bad thing just a curious thing," Crocea Mors said, "Honestly, you need to have more confidence in yourself. Humans might talk down to Fauna, but the reality is that you're all naturally superior to humans."

"R-Really?" Velvet questioned slightly astonished at her friends words.

"Well humans certainly can't hear like you, not to mention you also have Fauna's who also use their tails as third arms. I once knew a Fauna who could wield three weapons because of his tail," Crocea Mors told her.

"Oh… was he your friend?" Velvet asked.

"Nope enemy, not only that but I had to beat him," Crocea Mors told her.

"O-Oh… you beat him?" Velvet asked her now concerned.

"Well I didn't want to, truth be told it wasn't up to me. We met on the battlefield, and it was either me or him," Crocea Mors told her turning depressed at her thoughts.

"Oh… w-well maybe you could talk to him some time, perhaps apologize to him as well if you feel so bad about it," Velvet suggested.

"I… very much doubt he'll accept my… or even anyone's apology… ever again," Crocea Mors said, Velvet could almost feel the entire room go dark at Crocea Mors's grim and sad looking face.

"Crocea?" Velvet questioned worried.

"F-Forget about it, it's in the past," Crocea Mors told her, "I've learned long ago that you can't change what's happened, you only move forward."

"Um… r-right," Velvet said even more worried and confused.

"You!" they both heard. Yang and Weiss were approaching them both.

"Uh… h-hey… Velvet was it?" Yang asked the Fauna girl.

"Y-Yes," Velvet said worried.

"Hey uh… who's your friend?" Yang asked her.

"You can ask me you know," Crocea Mors told her, "I'm Crocea Mors."

"Oh thank goodness," Weiss said relieved, "Wait! Where's the other one of you?" she asked her.

"Other one?" Crocea questioned her.

"You know, you turned ala-alllala," Weiss held her tongue remembering that Velvet was still here, "I-I need to talk to Crocea here alone," she told the Fauna girl.

"Oh, alright," Velvet said disappointed that she had to leave, "Well it was nice meeting you Crocea, thank you for helping me."

"Yes yes you're thankful, just shoo already, shoo," Weiss hurried her waving the tops of her hands at her.

"Weiss!" Yang said annoyed at her choice of words for Velvet. The Fauna was also a bit hurt by her words.

"Not now Yang!" Weiss said.

"You better watch what you say around my friend," Crocea Mors warned her.

"I don't have time for this!" Weiss told the weapon, "You're coming with me now!"

"Maybe I should be clear about this," Crocea Mors told her, she looked at Weiss with a look of terror and hatred, "Apologize to her."

"I'm not taking orders from a…. a-a uh," Weiss was still wary of Velvet being near her, "J-Just shoo already, this has nothing to do wi-."


Weiss suddenly found herself bent over, arm bent behind her back, face pressed against the table.

"I really hate people like you," Crocea Mors said holding her down. A few people around them suddenly looked at what was happening.

"W-… w-when did she… I didn't even see her move," Weiss thought frightened, "G-Get off me!" she yelled at the girl non the less.

"Or what?" Crocea Mors asked her, "I think I told you to apologize, and you just ignored me."

"Yang! Help me!" Weiss told her.

"Uh right…. Hey you-," Yang was about to say something, but the moment she looked into Crocea Mors eyes she was suddenly feeling very afraid the look she gave her, "Never mind, let's go," Yang said tugging Velvet away with her as fast as they could go.

"B-Bye Crocea," Velvet waved to her.

"H-HEY! Don't leave me!" Weiss yelled at her.

"Now then," Crocea Mors said moving down closet to Weiss.

"D-Don't you dare try anything to me! Do you know who I am?" Weiss questioned her.

"Yeah, heiress to the Schnee Corporation Weiss Schnee," Crocea Mors said, "Come to think of it, I guess I would be in real trouble for messing with the daughter of a powerful corporation."

"Y-Yeah that's right, you better watch yourself or IAAAH!" Weiss cried out when Crocea Mors twisted her arm more.

"Don't go deluding yourself thinking you're strong just because of your title," Crocea Mors warned her, "I've dealt with kings, dictators, self proclaimed leaders. They were all nothing but whinny brats when they faced real power. Tittles and names are nothing but labels turned into illusions of power. You might think you're strong just cause you're a Schnee, but you're just as weak as any other human."

"Why you-," Weiss was silenced when Crocea Mors pointed two fingers at the side of the temple.

"I'm assuming you heard what happened to that Cardin fellow, how I made him defecate himself like the animal he is. How'd you like it if I put you on a little vomit timer?" Crocea Mors asked her making Weiss's eyes widen in horror, "You could just be walking along the school, talking to a friend or even a teacher then bam. You make a mess on them, and you won't know when it comes."

"N-No wait-!" Weiss tried to say.

"Or how bout I alter your speech so all you can say is 'woof woof', like some dog."

"Hold on-!"

"Or I could just poke around in your head, and change your manners and opinions on Fauna's. Manually," Crocea Mors threatened her.

"No no! No I-I'm fine! I'm sorry, I'm sorry for hurting Velvet's feelings," Weiss started spewing out.

"Tell me 'Fauna's are the best, and I wish I was like one'," Crocea Mors told her.

"Faunas are the best and I wish I could be one!" Weiss quickly said.

"There we go," Crocea Mors said getting off of Weiss who was furious at her, but still terrified of the woman, "If you got nothing to say I'm off," the weapon told Weiss.

"Now hold-."


"Never mind! Enjoy your day," Weiss told her stepping back from her, Crocea Mors walked off leaving Weiss alone.

"I'll have to get Jaune later, maybe he can convince her," Weiss said still shaking from the whole ordeal.

"Red Star this is Pink Ranger over, we have searched the south side blank slate I repeat blank slate over, Green Dads drenching a telephone poll and I am stuck on stand by over."

"Nora… we're not using code words," Pyrrha told her a bit annoyed. She and Nora were talking over the Scroll.

"I am not Nora I am Pink Ranger, what is the status of you and Vomit Boy? Over," Nora said sounding like some drill sergeant.

"We haven't found any of our weapons," Jaune told Nora over the three way call, "Also I want a different name."

"Ask like a solder Vomit boy, over."

"Ugh, requesting new code name… over."

"Request denied, over."

"I'm the leader! Shouldn't I be the one make the approvals?" Jaune asked her.

"Request Denied Vomit boyGreen Dad has returned, resuming mission, go for god, over," the scroll's disconnected from each other.

"sigh, I'm regretting telling her that story," Jaune said sadly.

"She'll forget it soon, don't worry," Pyrrha reassured him.

Pyrrha and Jaune had split up from Ren and Nora and the two teams started searching around the school. The two of them made their way to the school grounds near the path to the Emerald Forest.

"You really think there might be one of them here?" Pyrrha asked Jaune.

"Well I figure we have enough of use looking around the school, might as well check where the rest aren't," Jaune said.

"True," Pyrrha said.

"Can't believe what our weapons are walking around," Jaune said, "I didn't think something like this was possible."

"Me either, I guess I don't know everything about dust," Pyrrha agreed with him.


"Hmm? You hear that?" Jaune asked her suddenly.

"Yeah, it sounded like someone hitting something made of metal," Pyrrha said.

The two of them kept hearing the sound and started following it towards the cliff of Beacon where they all started their initiation. The looked down the path of squares that acted as launchers. Jaune got goose bumps at the memory of his flight into the Emerald Forest.

"You okay Jaune?" Pyrrha asked him.

"It still terrifies me, I keep thinking what could of happened if you hadn't of helped me," Jaune said.

"I'm sure you would have been fine," Pyrrha told him, "A fall from the height you were at would have more likely broken your bones rather than kill you."

"Uh… yeah," Jaune said grimacing even more.

"I-I mean-… s-sorry," Pyrrha said realizing the words she chose.

"Have you got it yet?" the two of them suddenly heard.

"I'm trying brother, but I can't get it to activate," the heard again from a different voice.

Jaune and Pyrrha pushed past the bushes and saw two people messing with one of the catapults.

The first person was muscular looking with surprisingly red tinted skin. He was only wearing what looked like a creased red kilt and boots. His hair was black reaching his ears and his eyes were a vivid green.

The other man was similar looking, except he was bald and his skin was more bronze tinted, and his kilt was a deep looking bronze color.

The bronze man was fiddling around with the launcher as the red one was keeping an eye out for something.

"Okay…Okay I think I got it," the bronze one said.

"Finally! Good job brother," the Red one.

"Miló? Akoúo?" Pyrrha suddenly spoke up signaling the two.

"What? Your weapon?" Jaune questioned surprised.

"Oh CRAP! Brother it's her!" the bronze one Akoúo panicked.

"Stay on the panel brother!" the red one Miló ordered, the two of them huddled together as the launching mechanism started ticking.

"W-Wait!" Pyrrha called out to them both.

"You'll never take us alive!" Miló told her loudly, "We're finally free of your tyranny! Free to live as fighters! Living for Glory and spending our days fighting for Honor! No more shall we live with the likes of a stuck up nosy woman like you!"

"Eh… huh?" Pyrrha tried to figure out what she should say.


*LAUNCH* Miló and Akoúo were suddenly flung into the air and slowly went out of both Pyrrha and Jaune's sight.

"Wh-… wh-…. What just happened?" Pyrrha questioned.

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