Chapter 5: Magnhild The Destroyer

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Class couldn't have ended any sooner, the moment that professor Port's class ended she rushed up the steps to where Cress Rose was. Unfortunately when she got there he was nowhere to be found. She looked all around the classroom but there was no sign of him.

"Where the Hell is he?" Weiss asked panicking still searching.

"He must of left during class," Blake said.

"Man I wish I could do that," Yang said envious.

"Where in the world could he be? He can't be walking around in a student uniform, what if one of the teachers talk to him!? They'll know he's not a student here!" Weiss stressed.

"Maybe they won't really notice, I mean professor Port didn't notice," Ruby said.

"I doubt it's difficult to trick him," Yang said, "Let's just send Ruby out on here own down the halls, maybe that'll get his attention."

"W-Huh!?" Ruby suddenly blushed, "I-… I-I don't know, you really think he-."

"Stop stop stop!" Weiss nearly shouted, "You are not doing this!"

"D-Doing what?" Ruby asked nervously.

"Starting a relationship with him!" Weiss told her.

"What!?" Ruby almost shrieked, "I-I wasn't- I-I mean I didn't think-."

"Oh please," Yang said, "It was clearer than the drool coming off your lip."

"I-I wasn't drooling," Ruby defended.

"Suuure ya weren't," Yang teased, "Oh this is soo adorable, my baby sister's first crush."

"S-Shut up! I don't have a crush!" Ruby argued back, face blushing scarlet.

"You're damn right you don't," Weiss practically ordered, "You cannot fall in love with an inanimate object."

"Oh I wouldn't go to far," Yang said.

"Enough of your cursed innuendo!" Weiss told her, "As soon as we get him he and everyone else are going right back into the weapons!"

"Aw, do we have to?" Ruby asked sadly.

"Yeah I wanna play with my weapon at least once," Yang said.

"They're not people!" Weiss said.

"Fine then, I wanna play with my toys for a while longer," Yang corrected.

"This is serious Yang!" Weiss told her.

"Yeah, and I seriously want to play with little Yang, and I seriously wanna see how many bases Cress Rose makes it to," Yang told her.

"Bases?" Ruby questioned a bit nervously.

"Oh it's a fun way to say how far a guy gets, with the first base being kissing," Yang said.

"W-What!?" Ruby shrieked.

"Base two is-."

"NOO nononononono!" Ruby called holding her hands over her ears and shaking her head.

"Ha ha! This is just so much fun!" Yang teased happily, "Just wait till I tell you about home base."

"You're not going to say anything," Weiss commanded.

"Fine… we'll have fun later," Yang said, "Let's hit the lunch room."

"What!? That weapon escaped us, and now you want to have lunch!? Weiss asked angrily.

"Yeah, come on we've been hunting these guys all morning, then we spent three hours listening to Port. We got five of the weapons, we know Ruby's isn't going to go crazy or Jaune's, and for all we know Nora's is just as tame as the others," Yang told her.

"We have no idea how he'll act here!" Weiss said, "You know how hyper Nora is right!?"

"Yeah, but then again Jaune's a pretty timid guy, and I sure didn't expect his weapon to turn into a badass that could make Cardin literally crap his pants."

"Cardin crapped his pants?" Blake questioned.

"Oh yeah, he stinks, it was awesome. People think he did it cause Crocea rejected him," Yang said.

"Can we get back on subject here!?" Weiss told them.

"Lunch?" Yang asked.

"That last weapon!" Weiss told her, "Despite what happened and what we know, we don't know how it'll act or where it is!"

*Beep beep* "Huh? Oh uh… hello?" Ruby answered her scroll.

"Hey Ruby it's Jaune, listen we found your weapon and Nora's."

"WHAT!?" Weiss nearly shoved Ruby over trying to listen to the scroll, "What are they doing!? Have they caused any damage!?"

"No… they seem pretty nice, though there's a huge crowd of women surrounding… I'm assuming he's Crescent Rose."

"You're sure it's him?" Weiss asked.

"He's calling himself Cress Rose, is that him?"

"Oh yeah that's him," Yang said.

"What about Nora's? Is her's doing any damage!?" Weiss asked still worried.

"Magnhild? He's sitting right next to Ruby's. I… don't think he's a threat… but then again I can't really understand him."

"Well get over there and take them to the room," Weiss told him.

"The guys are surrounded by girlsthey won't let us take them," Jaune said, "We tried asking him but he said no, and every time we try to convince him we get ganged up on by his admirer's."

"What?" Ruby suddenly spoke, "He… H-He's not… what is he doing with the women?"

"Ruby!" Weiss said annoyed at her question.

"Oh get this, the girls keep going after him, but he keeps rejecting them," Jaune said envious, "Keeps saying some cheesy stuff like… I-I don't know something about plucking a chosen Rose."

"I-… I-I see," Ruby said a bit dazed.

"Uh sis," Yang said pointing to her nose, Ruby tapped herself under her nose and felt a small trickle of something wet, and then she saw that it was blood on her finger.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Weiss said annoyed, "We'll be right over just keep an eye on them."

"Got it," Jaune said hanging up.

"What'd they say?" Pyrrha asked him, she along with Nora and Ren were all sitting at their usual spot in the cafeteria. A few tables down they could see Ruby's weapon, as well as his friend who was twice his size. He looked muscular wearing a large chainmail shirt with pants held by red suspenders. His hair was curly red and his eyes were light green.

"How the hell is he doing it?" Jaune questioned, the jealousy was evident in his voice, "Seriously, why do women like him?"

"Jaune you have your own qualities," Pyrrha told him.

"Not enough to get that," Jaune said pointing to Cress Rose.

"You got us and team RWBY," Nora told him.

"Not the same thing," Jaune said dejectedly poking at one of his chicken nuggets.

"I'm sure it's not as glamorous as it seems," Ren told him.

"You can't tell me you're not jealous," Jaune told him.

"I have plenty to deal with on my own," Ren said motioning to Nora.

"You think I should go talk to him?" Nora asked them.

"What?" Ren suddenly spoke with worry.

"Well despite the attention he gets he does seem like a pretty noble man," Pyrrha told her.

"What? No not Cress, I mean mine," Nora told them.

"Magnhild?" Jaune questioned, "Of course you should go talk to him, he's your weapon."

"I know but… what if he doesn't like me?" Nora questioned worried, "I mean I've done a lot of weird things before with my weapon, playing house, scratching my back, getting the dings out of my dads care when I accidentally made dings in it, playing literal whack a mole."

"Literal whack a mole?" Pyrrha questioned.

"Well they were gophers, there was once an infestation of them in my back yard," Ren said.

"And you just went to kill them off? Geeze," Jaune said a bit worried.

"What? Exterminators do it all the time, and I gave them a proper burial," Nora said.

"She just hammered the ground everywhere and left them there," Ren said.

"Anyway you think that would make him happy? Or do you think that he'll hate me like Pyrrha's weapon?" Nora asked.

"They don't… hate me do they?" Pyrrha questioned still concerned and looking at Jaune.

"I don't think they hate you, they looked like they were afraid of you," Jaune told her.

"What if mine fears me!?" Nora questioned, "Wait would it be better that I was feared?"

"Sure," Ren answered.

"You could just go talk to him," Jaune said.

"Nah too formal," Nora told him.

"So you're just not going to go speak to him because you're shy?" Pyrrha questioned.

"I'm not shy," Nora said looking away, putting her lips and scrunching her shoulders.

"Aw you look adorable," Jaune teased, *SPLAT* he was responded with a bit of mashed potatoes to his face.

"Excuse me! Out of the way!" Weiss told the dozens of other women, pushing past them to meet with her target, "YOU!" she cried out to Cress Rose who was in the middle of snacking on a cookie.

"Yes hello, Weiss was it?" Cress Rose told her, unfazed by her angry stare.

"Uh… h-h-hi," Ruby meekly said waving her hand to him.

"And YOU!" she said pointing to Magnhild the man.

"Hebido!" he told her cheerfully.

"Wh-d huh?" Weiss questioned, "A-All of you leave!" she told the other girls around her.

"Aw… seriously?" "No Fair!" "You're not taking him." Dozens of girls started getting angry at Weiss's demand.

"Uh-oh, tread carefully Weiss," Yang told her.

"Ladies please," Crescent Rose said holding both his hands up, he instantly got the attention of all the women, "I wish to speak to Miss Schnee and her team alone. This is purely business, please… allow us our peace" he told the women with a captivating innocent smile.

They all groaned in slight annoyance, but the women did what he wanted as they all tried to get on his good side. Many of them told him to call them, others offering similar services, or saying that they'll be waiting for him.

"Now then, you wish to speak to me?" Cress Rose said taking another bite of his cookie.

"Wha- Are you eating!?" Weiss questioned worried.

"Yes… is that a problem?" Cress questioned.

"Do you know how to eat?" Blake questioned.

"Really Blake? It's not that hard to do, I eat everyday," Yang told her.

"Yes, but when I met my weapon he didn't know how to read. And yet yours did since she could see you reading and learn from watching from your wrist," Blake explained.

"Learned from… they were alive the whole time!?" Yang questioned.

"Well not exactly, they can't explain it to us though," Ruby said

"And… they learned from us?" Yang questioned nervously.

"It's true, I was able to learn how to eat because Ruby always ate with me," Cress Rose said, Ruby started blushing again from embarrassment.

"D-Don't tell them!" Ruby cried out.

"Magnhild however," Cress started, he took one of the cookies and placed it right in front of him.

"…?" *SMASH* Magnhild immediately leaned forward and smashed the cookie with his forehead.

"Magnhild seems to have a fondness for smashing and breaking things," Crescent Rose stated.

"They picked up some of our habits?" Yang asked still nervous, "Uh… how deeply can a weapon inherit habits," Yang asked.

"Why?" Blake asked her.

"Oh my god, Yang I swear if you've been teaching a little kid things she shouldn't know-," Weiss started.

"I thought they weren't humans?" Yang questioned her.

"They-.. d-d- I-… I just don't want the chance to see an ill behaved little girl! Especially if it gets the attention of the school" Weiss told her.

"Oh I'm sure that's the reason," Yang said smirking, "But yeah Ember probably knows a few inappropriate things. Probably not what you're thinking, but if a guy bugs her she'll hurt him the funniest way possible. That's what I did to the last guy I didn't like."

"Oh my god!" Weiss said palming her face.

"Did you need something or can I leave?" Crescent Rose asked her.

"You're not going anywhere!" Weiss said, "You are coming back to our room right now!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way about you, there is already another," he said giving a small glance at Ruby who blushed once again.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Keep it in your pants!" Yang told him, "Wait, do you even have a- mph," Blake was quick to cover Yang's mouth.

"You're coming back with us, and you are going right back into the weapon! That's final!" Weiss told him.

"Are you sure I can't attend my next class?" Crescent Rose asked her.

"NO! Wait, where did you even get a school uniform?" Weiss questioned him.

"Oh my friend Magnhild was able to find a few of them just laying around," Crescent Rose said.

"Hebido!" Magnhild said waving.

"Lying around where?" Blake questioned.

"There was plenty of them lying around the different rooms, around that area where you all sleep," Crescent Rose said.

"Wait a minute!? You stole them!?" Weiss questioned.

"I didn't steal them, they were left alone in a drawer in a locked room," Crescent Rose said calmly.

"When they're in a room like that and you take them, that's STEALING!" Weiss told him angrily.

"Who's room did you steal it from?" Blake questioned.

"Hm? I dunno," Crescent Rose said.

"What the hell made you think it was okay to steal!?" Weiss said starting at Magnhild, "You better not have left made a mess! Or better yet, evidence!"

"Iba Ibocent! Huba Iba subbobda noga Iba noba alloba fu seel?"

"… … what's wrong with him?" Weiss asked Crescent Rose.

"He's spent a majority of his life hitting things with his head, I'm sure you can tell me," Crecent Rose told her.

"Wait so… he's dumb?" Yang questioned.

"No not dumb, he thinks about the average way, he just talks like this," Crecent Rose said, "Honestly though don't worry about it, something like this isn't a big deal to a weapon. Compared to you it's like getting a scar."

"Brain Damage is just a scar?" Yang questioned in disbelief.

"It's not like we had to spend our lives talking to one another," Crescent Rose said.

"Iba Jubs live epemody welts," Magnhild said.

"Well that's not going to be annoying," Yang said sarcastically.

"You know what, I don't care anymore," Weiss said, "You two are coming back with us, you're going to wait in our room, and then you're all going back into your weapons. That's final."

"Oh I suppose I could go," Crescent Rose said, "However… Ruby must be the one to command me."

"Huh…?" Ruby was a bit in disbelief.

"Fine, Ruby tell him," Weiss said annoyed.

"Uh…o-o-o-o-o-o-okay," Ruby stuttered, nervously looking into Crecent Rose's eyes, she could already feel the sweat coming off her face.

"Uh C-Crecent R-R-Rose… Would you plese… c-come back with me to… my roooooo-*THUD*," Ruby suddenly lost consciousness and fell back.

"RUBY!" Yang cried out picking her sister up.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Weiss said annoyed.

"Ah, welcome back miss Weiss," Myrtenaster said politely bowing to her.

"We got two more, we just need that last what the hell happened to our room?" Weiss questioned, Team RWBY and team JNPR both arrived at team RWBY's room to drop off Crescent Rose and Magnhild.

The place was now a mess, the small room looked as thought a tornado ripped through it. The beds were in a pile, pillows were everywhere, all the decorations on the walls had fallen off, and there was a small fort of sheets in the back near the window.

"Ah- I-I apologize," Myrtenaster said quickly, "but Ember Celica and the Storm Flower Twins insisted on fighting against Miló and Akoúo in a pillow fight for territory dominance as well as hiding places."

"I don't- I… I don't know where to begin with that," Weiss said annoyed.

"Ember Celica?" Yang called into the room.

"Hmm? YANG!" Ember Celica popped her head from the fort, when she saw Yang she hurried over to her side.

"AWWWW! I got a really cute one!" Yang cried out hugging her, "She's just as cute as Ruby was… how is she?"

"Ceba Dobin Lowkey," Magnhild said holding up Ruby.

"I have no idea what that means," Jaune said.

"Oh he said she's doing okay," Nora said.

"Wha- you understood him?" Jaune questioned.

"Why not? He's my weapon," Nora said.

"That- huh?" Jaune said still confused. Blake stepped to the side and entered the room where Gambol Shroud was sitting in the corner of the room still trying to read.

"How's it going?" Blake asked him.

"Ah, miss Blake," Gambol Shroud said, "It fares well… I think I can scarcely understand some of the words, though I need to guess by the context of a sentence to fully understand any of them."

"REN!" "REN!" both Stormflower twins cried out as the glomped onto his legs, he nearly lost his balance but kept standing while the Twins hung onto him.

"Aww that's adorable," Nora said, "Magnhild swing Ren around like a swing."


"Wait- No-!" Ren cried out, but Magnhild had already picked him up by the scruff of his collar and started rocking his body left to right like a pendulum. The twins hung onto Ren laughing from the ride.

"Sigh," Crescent Rose held Ruby bridal style before pushing one of the beds over resetting it back on all four legs. He gently laid Ruby down as she slept.

Pyrrha was looking around at the scene before looking around the room for her weapons, the fort was still up and she could clearly see parts of them sticking out.

"Uh… Miló, Akoúo?" Pyrrha called to them.

"We're not here!"

"We ran away!"

"We were kidnapped!"

"Alien Abduction!"

"We're dead, we died."

"We're not here we ran away and got kidnapped by aliens and died."

Pyrrha just stood there dejectedly, feeling as though she got dumped. Looking around the room as the others got along so well with their weapons she started feeling a bit jealous.

"What's wrong with me?" she asked depressed.

"Hey it's alright Pyrrha," Jaune told her, "I mean… you got a lot of good qualities."

"Why don't my weapons like me?" she asked, "I never abused them, I always took care of them, I didn't use them to kill gophers."

"Really? Man you missed out," Nora said.

"Well at least you have yours, I don't know where mine is," Jaune said.

"Row! Sheba Apita Frafue," Magnhild told him.


"He said she's at the statue," Nora told him.

"Really!?" Weiss said excited, "Okay, Jaune I need your help in getting her," she told him.

"Huh? Uh, sure I guess," Jaune said.

"Yang, I need your help too," Weiss said.

"What for?" Yang questioned.

"I'll tell you later," she said dragging her away from Ember Celica.

"Hurry back! Myrtenaster was breaking the war rules and we're executing her at sundown," Ember Celica said.

"I seriously hope she's just playing," Blake said worried.

"Her plan is to hit her with pillows till she dies, I'm pretty sure she'll get bored long before that," Gambol Shroud told her.

"All of you make sure the weapons Do Not Leave!" Weiss told them all.

"Yes Mom," Nora said annoyed.

"I'll come as well," Pyrrha said, "I'm pretty sure my weapons won't wander off."

"Fine but let's hurry, I don't want any of the other students to find her," Weiss said.

Crocea Mors was still sitting underneath the large statue of the school, staring intently at the knight on it. Reminiscing the past she tried to pry her attention away but she couldn't help herself.

As she was occupied, Jaune was slowing and carefully approaching her, Weiss, Yang, and Pyrrha were all hiding in some bushes' nearby watching.

"Okay all of you get ready," Weiss said.

"What's Jaune's weapon like?" Pyrrha asked Weiss.

"She's a maniac, a psychopath who would slice off your head the moment you piss her off," Weiss said.

"Wh- and you sent Jaune out to speak with her?" Pyrrha asked worried for her leader.

"She's not going to attack Jaune, at least not that quickly. He just needs to distract her long enough for Yang to knock her out from behind, Pyrrha you can try and keep her still with your semblance," Weiss explained.

"I have a bit of a problem with using Jaune as bait," Pyrrha said lightly irritated.

"It's fine, she wouldn't harm him if she's his weapon," Weiss said.

"Ooh… now that I think about it, Jaune's weapon is actually a hand me down," Yang said.

"What?" Weiss asked suddenly concerned, "He didn't make her?"

"Nope, she was handed down from great great grandpappy," Yang said.

"Then she-!?" Pyrrha was suddenly very worried, she was about to go and get Jaune out, but Weiss held her down.

"D-Don't, if she knows we were spying on her she'll go crazy on us," Weiss told her.

"I have to help Jaune," Pyrrha told her.

"Oh here he goes," Yang said a bit excited, Pyrrha and Weiss turned their attention to Jaune and Crocea Mors.

"Excuse me," Jaune said a bit timidly.

"Yes?" Crocea Mors said not bothering to turn around.

"Um… Crocea Mors?" Jaune questioned looking at the woman a bit questionably.

"Who wants to know," she asked harshly.

"Oh boy here it comes," Yang said, Weiss and Pyrrha both got ready to move.

"It's… it's me Jaune."

"TCH!" Crocea Mor's body suddenly tensed up, her body started shivering. She slowly turned her head around to see Jaune who just stood there.

"I-… I-I see," she said with a shaky voice.

"Huh?" Weiss and the others suddenly got less worried.

"Uh… why are you backing up?" Jaune asked.

"I'm not backing up," she said, even though her back was suddenly against the statue in a mere half a second.

"Uh… Crocea Mors-?" "EEP!" the moment Jaune took a step forward Crocea Mors suddenly tensed up again in fright.

"Um-," Jaune took a tentative step forward again.


"She… she's afraid of him?" Weiss said astonished.

"Why would she be afraid of Jaune?" Pyrrha questioned.

"This is too good of an opportunity!" Weiss suddenly ran out of hiding over to Jaune's side, "Hey again!" Weiss said smugly.

"Weiss?" Jaune questioned.

"You again!?" Crocea Mors questioned.

"How you doin Crocea? You been a good girl?" Weiss said sounding sweet.

"What the hell are you-?" Crocea Mors was about to say something, but Weiss gave Jaune a bit of a push forward, "A-AH!"

"So you're afraid of Jaune are you?" Weiss questioned on the verge of laughing maniacally.

"I-I'm not afraid of him!" Crocea Mors said, though she was still trying to back into the statue as much as she could.

"Uh Weiss?" Jaune questioned worried.

"Heh heh," Weiss suddenly went behind Jaune and started pushing him forward.

"Whoa- wait!" Jaune tried to stop Weiss from pushing him closer to her.

"N-No! Wait!" Crocea Mors was suddenly trying to crawl up the statue.

"HAH!" "W-WAHH!" Weiss gave a hard shove to Jaune pushing him closely to Crocea Mors.

"EYAAAAAH!" Crocea Mors let out a girly scream and started scampering over the Statue, stepping between the two stone figures she landed on the other side and started running away as fast as she could.

"HA! Serves you right!" Weiss yelled at her triumphantly.

"What… was that about?" Jaune questioned.

"No idea," Weiss said, "But it doesn't matter, now that I know her weakness I can easily take her down."

"Wasn't our mission to capture her?" Yang asked, coming out of hiding with Pyrrha.


"You completely forgot didn't you?" Yang asked her.

"N-No I-!?" Weiss tried to defend herself.

"You know she's probably going to get you again when you're not with Jaune," Yang said.

"She-…," Weiss suddenly felt her own sense of dread, "Then he'll just have to stay with me!"

"What?" "HUH?" Jaune and (mostly) Pyrrha questioned.

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