Chapter 6: Ember Celica The Daring

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Currently with the little time they still had until their next class, Weiss continued her search for the last weapon with Yang and Pyrrha in tow. In front of her she pushed Jaune ahead, using him as a shield in case Crocea Mors had appeared and made good on her threat.

"Is it necessary to use me as a shield?" Jaune commented as Weiss held onto his arm, holding it close to her like some child with a stuffed animal.

"She obviously won't do anything to you, but me; she'll make me start liking Fauna's against my will, by altering my brain," Weiss told him worried about herself.

"You hate Faunas?" Jauen questioned her.

"No I don't! And not the point!" Weiss told him.

Meanwhile Yang and Pyrrha were both following behind them. Yang seemed to be smirking manically watching Pyrrha watch both Jaune and Weiss. Her once kind eyes seemed to be filled with silent malice and envy. This did not go unnoticed by Yang who immediately began scheming of the different things she could say and do.

"Do you need to hold onto me so tightly?" Jaune asked trying to get his arm free.

"Will you stop complaining, you're not the one in danger here. She's a crazy and psychotic woman… sword… thing," Weiss told him.

"If she's such a big threat then shouldn't we tell the teachers?" Jaune suggested to her.

"And let my father know I stole from him?" Weiss said.

"Oh right," Jaune said remembering her predicament.

"Just stick with me until we find her, she can't hide forever," Weiss told him.

"Can she? I mean, wouldn't a weapon be pretty much okay just laying in one place?" Jaune asked her.

"I don't know, just shut up and stick close," Weiss said.

"rrrrr," Pyrrha silently mumbled to herself, her eyes slanting and focusing on Weiss who was tugging on Jaune.

"The things that I could say and do," Yang grinned, "So how long till you decide to go and take wonder boy for yourself?" she asked.

"Wonder boy?" Pyrrha questioned a tad annoyed.

"Eh, Ruby told me about the whole Ursa incident. Gotta say I didn't expect vomit boy to be able to behead an Ursa," Yang said, "Though I guess that's what made you start crushing on him."

"What!?" Pyrrha almost shouted out, she checked to make sure Jaune and Weiss weren't listening in, "I-I didn't-," she said quietly blushing.

"Better do something, I think Jaune might like having quote 'Snow angel' un-quote hanging on to him," Yang teased.

"D-… Jaune's free to do what he wants," Pyrrha said.

"Oh yeah I'm sure he's enjoying this," Yang said sarcastically.

"Ow OW!" Jaune cried out when Weiss pulled on his arm.

"Well maybe you should do something, I mean she might have a different opinion of him as well," Yang said.

"My opinion of Jaune never changed," Pyrrha argued.

"So you've liked him the same this whole time?" Yang asked.

"YeNo Wait!" Pyrrha dropped back.

"Oh please, your crush on Vomit boy is more obvious than a Nevermore at a dog park," Yang told her.

"I don't have a crush on Jaune, I just love him."


"LIKE! Like is what I said!"

"What do you like?" Jaune suddenly asked, Pyrrha and Yang both noticed that Weiss and Jaune were both looking at them.

"Uh..," Pyrrha stuttered, trying desperately to hold back her blush, "T-This whole… team bonding thing we're doing. Working together to help team RWBY. We should do more things with team RWBY together," she nervously smiled, though Jaune didn't seem to know the difference.

"Oh… yeah I guess so," Jaune said a bit confused as Weiss tugged him again.

"Smooth lover," Yang teased.

"Quiet," Pyrrha hissed trying to keep her voice low.

"mmmmnnn," Ruby's eyes began to stir.

"Ah Ruby, you're awake at last," Crecent Rose said looking down on her.

"Eheheheheeeee-… *Thud*," Ruby's head fell back on her pillow.

"Perhaps you shouldn't be that close to her when you have such obvious intentions towards her," Gambol Shroud said, he and Blake were both reading though Gambol needed Blakes help every few seconds.

"Well now that she's asleep, time to inconvenience her!" Ember Celica said grabbing a marker.

"No no no wait!" Myrtenaster tried to grab the pen from Ember Celica before she could use it.

"Ren come on!"

"Yeah come on!"

"I just need a few minutes to rest, let's just have another dog pile on Nora," Ren said.

"Wait no-! Oomph!" both of the Storm Flower twins suddenly jumped on top of Nora.

"Fee Beck's!" Magnhild called out.

"BOOF!" Ren cried out when Magnhild just fell over on top of him.

"Now a dog pile on Ren!" Nora cheered.

"MM NNNNN! MPH! MPH! MPHHHH!" Nora and the Stormflower twins all jumped on top of Ren as he yelled out for them to get off.

"This brings up a good point," Blake said.

"We should crush Ren?" Ember Celica asked still being held by Myrtenaster.

"No I mean the sleeping arrangements," Blake said, "I assume that Weiss isn't going to let you guys leave the room."

"I'm not sleeping on the floor if that's what you're thinking!" Ember Celica spoke up.

"We demand to be separate from you all!" Miló said.

"Or from Pyrrha at least," Akoúo said.

"Well it might be a tight fit for most of us, the Stormflower Twins and Ember look like they don't take up much space, but Magnhild and Miló and Akoúo all need more space," Blake said looking around.

"Ruby and I will gladly make a sacrifice for everyone," Crescent Rose said, "Me and Ruby shall share a bed."

"You're really lucky Yang isn't here," Blake told him.

"You guys can just do what we do, split the room in half for two people," Nora told her, "Me and Ren can share our half, and then Jaune and Pyrrha can share their half."

"Um… shouldn't you and Pyrrha be sharing a half?" Myrtenaster asked her worried.

"But then Me and Ren couldn't have fun," Nora said, "Oh speaking of," Nora jumped off the pile of friends and got on the floor sticking her hand underneath Magnhild and reaching around. When she pulled out her hand she also pulled out Ren who seemed to be a bit unconscious, but she just tossed him around her back and started carrying him.

"Wake up Ren, we got class again soon," Nora said happily skipping off with Ren in tow.

"Oh that's right, better get Ruby then," Blake said closing her book.

"No need, I shall take her to her next class," Crescent Rose told her.

"You need to stay here," Blake flatly said.

"I believe people might get suspicious if I do not arrive again, there will be many women sending out search parties to find me if I don't make some sort of appearance," Crescent Rose told her.

"… you might be right," Blake said thinking about what he said.

"Then I shall-."

"I'll take her," Blake cut him off.

"Surely she wouldn't mind if I were to-."

"The last thing we need is a bunch of girls knowing your taken and making Ruby a target," Blake said propping Ruby up.

"If any of the girls do try and attack Ruby I'll just kill them off."

"GASP We can do that!?" Ember Celica asked excitedly.

"Absolutely not," Blake told them with a stern look, "why did you say that as if it were going to be an acceptable solution."

"Is it not?" Ember Celica asked.

"No," Blake said.

"Sorry, we're weapons, we were born to kill," Crescent Rose said.

"You were made to kill Grimm," Blake corrected him.

"Yeah I guess it was strange that whenever Ruby went against people she would never kill them, only hurt them badly," Crescent Rose said.

"Yeah I feel the same way when Yang twist instead of tears off a guys-."

"We get it, we get it!" Blake said cutting her off.

"Rrrgh! This class schedule is going to be the death of me," Weiss said.

Unfortunately for Weiss this was the time when team JNPR and RWBY had to split apart for different classes. They were all standing between a fork in the hall, one class was to the left and the other to the right. Despite this, and her perfect attendance preferences, Weiss was reluctant to let her shield go.

"Weiss, there's no alternative, you're going to have to let Jaune go," Pyrrha told her.

"There's no possible way that I'll do that, he can just come to class with me," Weiss said.

"What? My grades are suffering already, I can't miss class," Jaune told her.

"I'll help you study! I'll give you A class dust for free! I'll pay you!" Weiss said/pleaded.

"Okay, now I'm getting more worried than entertained," Yang said grabbing Weiss by her collar.

"Wh- Unhand me!" Weiss demanded still clinging onto Jaune.

"Weiss, let Jonny boy go," Yang advised her tugging.

"If that crazy weapon catches me she'll kill me!" Weiss told her.

"She's not going to do anything to you while we're in class, she seems to smart for that," Yang said, "Pyrrha get Jaune and split em up."

"Huh? Uh right," Pyrrha said tugging on Jaune's arm and pulling him away from Weiss.

"No! He's my shield!" Weiss cried like a child.

"Don't I get a say in this?" Jaune asked her.

"NO!" Weiss said holding on as Yang pulled on her. Weiss crushed Jaune's waist trying to keep ahold of him while Yang pulled on her. Meanwhile Pyrrha started tugging on Jaune a little harder, unaware that he felt as though his arm was about to pop off.

"G-Guys!" Jaune cried weakly.

"Give him to me!" Weiss ordered.

"Let go!" Pyrrha ordered back.


All three of the girls stopped instantly, letting go of Jaune who fell face first onto the floor. Standing between the two ways was Glynda Goodwitch who was looking at them with a bit of a curious gaze.

"M-Miss Goodwitch!" Weiss instantly straightened up and stood at the ready, "H-How are you this day?" she asked trying to be polite.

"As I'm sure you're all aware, lunch period is nearly over and you all seem to be having an argument. Is there something I should be aware of?" Glynda asked them.

"Oh… n-no no there's nothing wrong at all!" Weiss said.

"Then may I ask why you, miss Nikos and miss Xiao Long here were all tugging on Mr. Arc?" Glynda asked.

"Nnngh," Jaune weakly got up trying to get rid of the discomfort of his arm.

"Oh that! U-Uh well you see-!" Weiss tried to think up an excuse.

"Oh these two were just fighting over Jaune," Yang told her in a very convincing tone.



Both Pyrrha and Weiss suddenly looked worried at Yang's sudden statement.

"I'm sorry?" Glynda asked straightening her glasses.

"Oh you know, the usual problems between one guy and two girls and… well… you ever read the book Dawn?" Yang asked her.

"That book about the Aura-pire and WereGrim? I've heard of it yes," Glynda said.

"Similar situation, but you know without all the drama," Yang explained.

"W-wait hold on!" Weiss tried to speak up.

"Is this true miss Schnee? Miss Nikos?" Glynda asked them.

"We- No I-," Weiss tried to say, but Yang interrupted her.

"Weiss, just tell her the 'truth'," Yang said, Weiss instantly knowing what she meant by 'truth'.

"gggggrrrh… Y-Yes… it's true," Weiss said feeling her energy drain as she said those words.

"Miss Nikos?" Glynda asked looking at her.

"Huh? U-Uh well… y-yess," Pyrrha said nervously pushing her fingers together.

"Mr. Arc?" Glynda said looking at him.

"Uh… Y-yeah sorry, I'm not trying to start any fights though," Jaune told her.

"I should hope not," Glynda said.

*Ding-Dong* A small bell was heard signaling the first bell for class.

"There's the class bell, very well I'll let you off with a warning for now, but I better not see any more of this quarrelling," Glynda said looking at Weiss and Pyrrha.

"No wait I-," Weiss tried to explain, but Yang nudged her from behind, "Grrrrrrrrrgggh," Weiss quietly grunted to herself.

"Mr. Arc," Glynda then said, "Despite your improvements you're still trailing behind the other students, please try not to let any relations distract you from your school work."

"Uh… yeah I can promise you that won't happen," Jaune said, his double meaning passing through Glynda's ears.

"See that it doesn't," she said turning around and leaving.

"Come on Weiss let's go," Yang said tugging. The two teams splitting up and leaving each other.

"Why… what in Dust's name would make you say that!" Weiss nearly shouted to Yang.

"Well it was the only excuse I could think of," Yang told her.

"Couldn't you have thought of anything else besides me and Pyrrha fighting over Jaune Arc!?" Weiss questioned her.

"Probably, but this was the first thing I thought up of," Yang told her.

"You only said all that because you thought it would be funny didn't you!?" Weiss asked her.

"No, I swear… although now that you bring it up this 'is' pretty funny," Yang said.

"It's not funny to me Yang!" Weiss told her.

"Okay fine, let's go back to Glynda and tell her the truth," Yang suggested with a tease in her tone.

"I hate you… sooo much right now," Weiss said angrily.

"I know you mean you love me."

"Alright… I spy… with my eye… something that looks…. "

"Flib bloso."

"Eh… oh who the hell cares," Ember Celica said, she was bored out of her mind, "Man this sucks… why does Crescent Rose get to have fun going to school while the rest of us are stuck here!?"

She and the rest of the weapons were started to feel the effects of solitary confinement. Ember Celica was just laying around in every which directions. Magnhild was spouting whatever he could, despite the fact that nobody understood him. Stormflower twins were now bored of their fort and couldn't jump on the bunk beds.

The only one's not completely hating their situation was Gambol Shroud who was still reading, Akoúo and Miló who were still determined to hide till Pyrrha died, and Myrtenaster who stayed on Weiss's orders.

"We need to find a way out of here," Emer Celica said.

"Isb nub woor fupen?" Magnhild asked.

"Okay I heard door and open… oh yeah, I almost forgot that we're not in jail," Ember Celica said.

"Yay!" the Stormflower twins said heading out with her.

"W-We can't," Myrtenaster said instantly standing in there way, "Miss Schnee has forbidden us from revealing ourselves.

"Oh don't worry, we'll keep our clothes on," Ember Celica said.

"T-that's not what I meant!" Myrtenaster said suddenly blushing.

"If I might," Gambol Shroud spoke, "Crecsent Rose was able to stay outside because he was dressed as a student, perhaps if you dressed as students as well then maybe you would be allowed outside."

"Hey yeah!" Ember Celica said excitedly, "Come on Myrty we won't be breaking the rules if people don't know we're weapons."

"I… I don't know," Myrtenaster was a bit nervous.

"Myrtenaster shame on you," Ember Celica said, "You should be by Weiss's side, not here. You're her trusty weapon."


"Don't you want to show Weiss you're dedication? Don't you want to make her proud?" Ember Celica asked.

"Proud?" Myrtenaster was suddenly filled with visions of Weiss looked at her proudly, "Do… you really think she'll be proud of me?"

"Oh yeah definitely," Ember Celica said very convincingly.

"V-Very well, we'll go," Myrtenaster suddenly opened the door and headed out.

Five seconds later she came rushing back in as fast as she could slamming the door closed behind her, "W-Where do we get uniforms?" she asked.

"Yo big guy, can you show us where we can find spare uniforms?" Ember Celica asked Magnhild.


*SMASH* Magnhild pushed the door in front of him with such force that the lock and knob broke off of the door as it swung open and then fell from it's hinges.

"jn flare!" Magnhild said pointing to the dresser in the room of the unknown team.

"Perfect," Ember Celica tore out the dresser drawers looking for any of the girl uniforms, "Oh, found some for you guys!" she said tossing three uniforms at the guys.

"Okay… does anyone know about fashion?" Ember Celica asked as they all looked at themselves in the mirror.

The only one who could really fit into the uniform was Myrtenaster.

Ember Celica and the Stormflower twins had to rip apart the arms and legs of their pants to make them fit, and the tears could be clearly seen.

Magnhild just wore his uniform over what he was wearing and the only parts that weren't torn in half were the collar and waist of the pants.

"I don't know." "Me neither," the twins said.

"We look… good? Do we just say was look good and awesome and we just go outside and people say we look good and awesome and sometimes sexy?" Ember Celica asked them

"Is that how it's supposed to work?" Myrtenaster asked questioningly.

"Eh, that's how Yang does it," Ember Celica said.

"Then I… guess I look good?" Myrtenaster said.

"We look awesome!" the Stormflower Twins said.

"E poob qwuasem!" Magnhild cheered.

"Perfect, let's go find the others than," Ember Celica said.

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