Doubles and the Fall

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F/n's pov

I stand beside Weiss in the arena as I'm loading Ace of Spades and Weiss readying her weapon Myrtenaster

F/n: Weiss your from Mantle what are we expecting Atlas Academy?

Weiss: Giving it a military ran academy a we should expect heavy intelligence and no-

Port (announcer): And Team RWBY Fire King and Ice Queen oppenants from Atlas Academy Team FNKY led by Flint Cole with his partner Neon Kat.

We look at are oppenants then each other with two different reactions with her deadpan and me snickering

Weiss: Not a word sweetheart.

Flint: Yo Schnee, you must be good with Dust?

F/n: Yes my girlfriend is thanks for asking but if it leading somewhere shove it.

Neon: Oh wow she dating a Hunter Guardian or a wannabe Hunter.

F/n: I'm the Leader of the Hunter Vanguard corp actually.

Flint: My dad was good with Dust too until your father's company ran him out of business.

Weiss: I'm so sorry about that.

Neon: I'm so sorry about that, that what you sound like.

I draw Ace of Spades radiating Solar energy in anger

F/n: I normal wouldn't care about provoking as I do it all the time but no one makes a mockery of my girlfriend or me.

Flint: Neon take him and get him riled up.

Oobleck (announcer): Begin!

I fire at Neon with precision strikes at her roller staking trying to make her slip up as Weiss fighting Flint who using a trumpet and Neon trying to hit me with Nunchucks but I jump up above her on a street pole as I stare at Neon in her eyes

Neon: Your fast but I never missed a beat yet.

I jump up high and active my Golden gun as I aim at Flint trumpet and fire a bullet as it disarmed him as he looks at me angered

Flint: Neon take him out.

I fire five bullets at Neon as she dodges four and the fifth hits her left rollerblade in the back and she trips as I land beside Weiss

F/n: Ready Ice Queen?

Weiss: Yes my Fire King.

I grab Weiss left hand after turning around to face Neon and I spin Weiss around as she creates a ice tornado and and I fire Golden gun bullets to shatter their aura as blocking my super breaks aura and when we're declared victory we stop are attack and I twirl Weiss tango style then lean her back and kiss her passionately as everyone cheer more

Port (announcer): Mister L/n and Miss Schnee beat Team FNKY with a unique team attack and celebrating as a couple.

Neon: Team FNKY lose that was... amazing you should totally party with us.

I pull my lips away from Weiss and stand her up right up as we look at them

Flint: That was very gutsy you two... I can dig it.

F/n: Thanks Flint your not the prick I thought you were your actual a nice guy.

Flint: Thanks I guess.

We shake hands and leave the arena then watch the rest of the matches and when the Finals are about to happen I head to the arena with Sun, Penny, Pyrrha, and four others as Shaxx comes out and looks at us

Shaxx: Mayhem Rumble it a free for all and most points win so you'll get your own temporary ghost for this final match and transported to a random arena which will be broadcasted. Death doesn't mean nothing your ghosts will resurrect you.

Shaxx gives them temporary Ghosts and where teleported to the tundra of Mantle all over the arena away from each other

Shaxx: Mayhem Rumble! Begin!

I run forward and I spot Penny and fire at her head she defeated to await respawn and I reload and active Firefly perk and fire at Sun to defeat him

F/n: Nice try Sun I have knowledge.

I run and active my Super and fires at Pyrrha and the other four and I gain my super back quickly due to it being Mayhem and I keep dominating the match until time up

Shaxx: F/n L/n you won the battle keep your head up high.

We're teleported back and I bow as everyone clapping and cheering

Port (announcer): Attention I just received word that an Army of Grimm attacking Vale and heading to Beacon.

I draw Ace of Spades and my Ghost gets my ship to beam me up and take me to Vale and when I transmit out I start killing the Grimm like it my last stand but it too many for one Guardian I'm hit into a bakery window and my hood was knocked off me

F/n: Buddy don't heal me I'll be fine.

I walk out the window and smile as I aim Ace of Spades towards a Goliath grimm and when it charges at me a Nova bomb was sent past me and when I look I see Saint weilding his Prefect Paradox shotgun and Osiris weilding Garden Progeny 1 a simple scout rifle

Saint: These Grimm are so troublesome huh F/n.

They step beside me and I pull my hood back over my head and smile

F/n: Thanks for coming.

Osiris: We refuse to bury anymore friends and comrades.

We fire bullets but in the end Beacon fell with Grimm and the White Fang invading Beacon Pyrrha life was lost so was Penny life was lost and Yang lost her right arm as I'm standing next to Weiss in the hospital as Ruby was brought in after a silver light was seen by her uncle

Weiss: How did this happen?

F/n: I don't know Ice Queen but I'll find out soon.

???: Actually Weiss will be returning home with me.

We look towards the source of the voice and Weiss holds onto me at the sight of a old man in white with a mustache

Weiss: Hello father.

Weiss's dad: You will return home with me after all your no longer safe outside are home.

F/n: Sir listen I don't know who the hell you are to demand this beautiful flower but don't guilt or pressure her.

Weiss's dad: I'm the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company and Weiss's father. Well do remember your place boy.

F/n: And I'm her boyfriend plus wouldn't it be dangerous to travel with all the grimm in the air and on the ground.

Weiss: I'll go with you father but I'll call you when I get home sweetie.

Weiss goes with her father and my heart breaks but it broke more when Blake took Shiro and ran away as I watch Ruby and Yang on Patch to recover and when I'm given the clear from their dad Tai I head back to the Tower as Zavala requesting Guardians on Europa cause the Darkness and I get in my ship to leave Remnant temporarily to do my job

Weiss's pov

I'm riding in a Father's private bullhead back home as I remember F/n's face when I left it was horrible for him it like it broke his heart

Blake's pov

I'm aboard a boat with Shiro to take her to met my parents in Menagerie as I saw her father face when I took Shiro and ran away it was already devastated and I broke his heart more but I need time to think and Shiro should met her grandparents

Europa F/n's pov

I land on Europa with Ace of Spades in my left hand and BlueStar Revenge on my back learning about the Power of Darkness Statis from a Exo lady and I promise to myself I won't lose myself and return to Remnant to them one day

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