Frozen Fire and Ice Queen in Menagerie

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Weiss's pov

It been nearly a few months since I heard from F/n as his Ghost transmitting silent and I been stuck in my room but my thoughts are on my boyfriend as Whitley knocks on my door after opening it

Whitley: Dear sister still thinking about that rogue guy?

Weiss: He not a rogue he a Hunter and a Vanguard leader and he my boyfriend.

Whitley: Well father asked for you but he seems to be yelling at someone in his office at the moment.

Weiss: F/n is he here?

Whitley: No it a older gentleman then that Vagabond boy.

I head to father's office after giving my brother a deadly glare and father asks me to sing for a charity and when I'm about to sing I see a Ghost of my beloved in the rafters above and smile before I start singing about a song for freedom hoping he saves me

F/n's pov

I listen to Weiss sing beautifully from above wearing my Europa armor as it was cold as fuck on the moon and when everyone leaves they get in a ball as I wait patiently in outside the room for my cue and I see Wiess summon a Boarbatusk and it charges at a lady and I fire Ace of Spades into the skull killing it

Weiss's pov

I summoned a Boarbatusk after a lady was talking bad about the Guardians and Beacon before it attacks the lady who deserves it but a bullet takes it out from a hand cannon as I see Ironwood drawing his and I look around

???: I go off planet and now I must bail my Ice Queen out of trouble.

I look towards the source of that familiar voice and see a man in snow armor with a ace painted gun

Weiss: F/n? Is that you?

The man removes the helmet under the hood and I see F/n's face and I run to embrace him and he holds me lovingly in his arms

F/n: Hey Weiss I missed you.

I pull him in a long waiting kiss in front of everyone without a care and we melt into it before he pulls his lips away as I smile

Weiss: Get me out of here please.

Father: Absolutely not cause your not leaving home with hi-

He points Ace of Spades at my father like how he did to me at Beacon when Ruby tripped over my luggage

F/n: Jacques Schnee I'm with my girlfriend who happens to be your daughter. So I'm leaving with Weiss and I won't cripple you to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life.

Father: Are you threatening me?

F/n: I don't make threats I make promises Jacques so I'm leaving with your daughter.

He put me behind him and a Ice Scythe appears and he freezes my father solid and he grabs me before running out of my home and we see armed police waiting aimed at F/n

Weiss: How much trouble did you get into?

F/n: I got back yesterday and well I just started casually weilding darkness to clap ass in whole new ways.

Weiss: Officers he my idoit of a boyfriend he just helping me leave my family as it shamelessly hopeless with my father running it to the ground. I'm a huntress not a company girl.

F/n pulls a bag on wheels in the bushes and my weapon Myrtenaster and hands me my weapon as he holds Ace of Spades and aims at the officers and before any firing happened where transmitted on his ship Queen of Hearts and we fly to the Tower quickly and we head to his office with a bed on it and I see him stripping to get a hot shower and I join him and we well had showered together

Time skip afterwards F/n's pov

Both Weiss and myself get in new clothes well as I'm wearing my Vanguard outfit and her a grey blue dress and we look at each other as I sit at my desk

Weiss: We need to find Ruby cause knowing her she getting in trouble and with your new subclass it will be no problem to fight.

F/n: Weiss it wasn't easy to harness the power of darkness and it wasn't easy to take in.

Weiss: Sweetie what happened?

I tell her about a old friend called Variks, about Statis, the Pyramids, about everything and more importantly why I had to embrace the darkness into my arsenal and she looks at me and looks outside at the City

Weiss: Why didn't you tell me about this before?

F/n: The night came to Remnant I just avenged Cayde and the day I returned from my moon is when I learned about the Pyrminds from Eris Morn discovering them on my home planet Earth moon and I had to face my Nightmare called Crota he was the one who killed my wife.

Weiss looks at me and sighs loudly

Weiss: I love you my Fire Ace so who we picking up next.

F/n: Blake and Shiro cause daddy misses his little kitten.

We head to the Hanger and board my ship to head to Menagerie and when we transmit out Faunus looks at us

F/n: Hi we mean no harm my daughter a white cat faunus and her mother a black cat named Blake Belladonna.

Blake and Sun in the crowd run through the crowd and Blake practically tackles me into a hug

Blake: F/n I missed you so much.

F/n: I'm here kitten, so you lived here?

Blake: The natives says the Guardian's city been sending funds to expand the village and faunus are supporting your people.

I kiss Blake on her lips as I pull my hood down to show a human in love with a faunus before I pull my lips away

F/n: Kitty where are kitten I haven't been on Remnant since two days ago and I saved Weiss from her father in Mantle.

We stand up and Blake leads us to her house and all I do is whistle at the sight and when we enter I'm treated by a older version of Blake and a older gentleman next to the older female cat faunus

Blake: Mom and Dad met Shiro's father and my boyfriend.

Blake's dad: You don't mind her being a faunus boy?

F/n: Mister Belladonna I came from space across the cosmos of space so what Blake is doesn't matter it all in the heart.

Blake's mom: I change my mind about you and Sun now.

F/n: Sun Wukong did you try making moves on Blake?

I look at Sun as I twirl Ace of Spades before Blake's dad place his left hand on my right shoulder

Blake's dad: But what bothers me is the harem and my daughter sharing.

We hear pitter patter on the wooden floor which I get on my knees and open my arms for the sounds of my six year old kitten

Shiro: Daddy you came here.

Shiro jumps into my arms and I hold my little kitten lovingly as Blake's mom looks at me

F/n: Sweetie when I went off planet the thought of holding you in my arms kept daddy warm on the moon I was on.

Shiro: Did you get me something?

Failsafe: Captian did you get her something?

I pull out a nine toy machine penguins and hand them to Shiro

F/n: I brought you toys from Europa.

Shiro: Thanks daddy and how cold was it?

F/n: Cold like way below freezing and Failsafe thanks for staying with Shiro.

Failsafe: No problem Captian.

We sit at a table and Blake and Weiss sit beside me on each side as Shiro playing with her penguins

Blake: So what did you do on Europa?

F/n: I learnt to harness the power of darkness Blake I can use Statis aka Ice Queen element.

Weiss: Shut up and I haven't heard anything from Neo yet in the world is she ok?

Blake: Neo was captured by the White Fa-

I grip my cup abit to hard shattering it as my blood dripping on the table and my ghost heals my hand injury

F/n: Who took my Icecream devil?

Blake: Adam Taurus he wants Neo to help him destroy the Guardians with her access. He the one who took Yang's arm too.

I look at Blake's parents and stand up as I load Ace of Spades before going to walk out

F/n: I'm going to kill him cause one he attacked Beacon, two he harmed my loved ones, and three he pissed me off.

Blake's dad: Calm down F/n your a father now don't leave Shiro again.

F/n: Ghira and Kali he has Neo and if he wants to destroy the city I gotta inform my Vanguard team.

Weiss: Blake do you think Neo still alive?

Blake: Adam wouldn't normally take prisoners but Neo knew him so she probably being tortured for her cooperation.

I sit near Shiro and pet her lovingly as she hugs me

Neo's pov

I been hanging by my arms in these chains after Adam kidnapped me but what makes the matters worse is I'm naked and I'm alone but I have hope F/n will find me but now I need to find a reason to throw my capturers off

Adam: Neopolitan give us information on the city and a merciful death will save you from anymore torture.

I roll my eyes and try speaking but nothing happens as Adam shows signs of frustration that I'm not cooperating

Neo's mind: F/n save me, please.

Adam leaves and my torturer comes in and begins his torture on me

F/n's pov

I'm walking around the village after a few days with Shiro sitting on my shoulders nibbling on a fish on a stick and I see a White Fang member on the rooftop following us as I sit Shiro down

F/n: Sweetie go back to grandma at the house daddy has to work.

Shiro nods then runs to the manor ahead of us as I see a petite girl who looks human but I know a faunus

Stalker: Leave Menagerie human.

F/n: I'm here to spend time with my daughter before me and her mom return to being Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Stalker: You mean Blake Belladonna, I know everything about you two being a couple and Adam wants you dead.

I draw Ace of Spades and point at my stalker as I see her sword at my throat I pull my gun away but she keeps her sword at my throat

F/n: I did nothing to Adam beside give the faunus of the White Fang a second chance Seinna Khan saw the city herself with her guards and it not just Humans and Faunus but Awoken and Exos and three out of four have children so do you want to be responsible for innocent people lives.

She pulls her sword away and looks down as we put are weapons away

Stalker: Just leave the island and take the Schnee with you or else.

She disappears by camouflaging her body and I head back to the Belladonna's manor and when I arrive I go to Ghira's office and hear him talking to Blake about Sun as I knock

Ghira: Who is it?

F/n: It F/n but if your busy with talking to your daughter we can talk later.

Ghira: Come in.

I walk in and I sit on the couch next to Blake as Ghira looks at me

Blake: Sweetie Shiro came home without you saying you had to work.

F/n: Love we were followed by a chameleon faunus and told me to leave Menagerie.

Blake: Ilia confronted you and said the same thing to me before you arrived.

Ghira: F/n do you think you could leave Menagerie with Weiss and Shiro to the Guardian city.

F/n: Blake I think we should return to Yang and Ruby to help find Neo?

Blake: I'm not ready yet I'm not ready to face them after I ran away.

F/n: Well Mister Belladonna it was great meeting you and before I leave to I have your blessing to wed your daughter.

Blake blushes deeply as I look at her father

Ghira: You do have my blessing but don't mess or play with her heart.

I stand up and bow slightly before leaving to see Kali cooking dinner

Kali: F/n how is it being a Guardian?

F/n: Pay good and we get to travel alot. But I'm leaving Menagerie with Shiro and Weiss so after a family dinner we'll leave beside I don't think Shiro safe with White Fang on the island.

Kali: You see us has family?

F/n: Well I have Ghira's blessing to marry Blake so yes I do see you as family.

Kali: My kitten brought home a kitten now my kitten getting married.

F/n: Not yet on marriage I wanna wait a bit longer to tie the knot.

Kali: Oh well when you do tell us the wedding date.

I help Kali cook dinner and set the table as everyone shows up to have a family dinner and when everyone eats I help with dishes and pack Shiro's stuff up as she busy with Weiss and when her stuff packed we say are goodbyes and we transmit on my ship to head back to the tower and when we arrive I carry Shiro to her room in the tower before heading to my room to cuddle with Weiss

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