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Team rwby woke up from a terrible fight

Ruby:uh what happened

Yang:we got beat. That's what happened

Blake:that didn't go as plan


:well well look who's awake

They look to see darth stalker

Ruby:were have you taken us

Darth stalker:why your in our new base

Blake:this was a white fang base how did you take it over

Darth stalker:my apprentices did this the two that you guys fought before. They toke over this base by there selfs

Ruby:when we get out of here we'll kick your butt

Darth stalker:(chuckles) well see. You don't want to end up like last time

He walks off as rwby trys to find away to get out

Back with the symbiotes

Max:it been a while since rwby got back

Alex:relax there gonna be okay (in mind):I hope there ok

Later alex got a text

Alex:hey ruby just text me

Help we've been capture help us please!

Alex:guys we need to go now


Alex:team rwby has been captured

There all in shock

North:let me scan the area............found them there in a white fang base thats-

He stopped in shock


North:its been taking over by the siths the ones that carnage fought

Alex:dawn stay with crimson.


Carnage:aright let's go. It's good to be back in action

Five hours later

Wolf:that took longer than I thought

Phantom:stop complaining

Revis:you know you two will get us caught if you don't stop

Carnage:focus symbiotes. Phantom what do you see

Phantom scans the base

Phantom:every were just every were there's no flank spots ether

Carnage:ravenger,revis go cloke and sneak up on those guys

He points in font of him

Ravenger and revis:yes carnage

They both went into cloke and it was perfect no one could see them. With one swith both guards drop dead they all went in side

Phantom:according to my scan there in the prison cells down stairs

Venom:how far is down stairs

Phantom:not far. Just through this door

A huge door was there

Phantom:there's two guards behind it

Ravenger:what do we do

Wolf:carnage do you remember that day when you voice copied the guards and we got in the park at night

Carnage:oh yeah . okay move they might look to check

Symbiotes:got it

They moved out of the way as carnage knocked on the door

Sith guard:yes what do you want

Carnage:(in sith voice):me and my sith team are here to check out the prisoners

Sith guard:ok your free to go in

The door opens but the sith's could look wolf used his speed skills and kills them. Then they just walked down stairs


After searching for twenty minutes through cell there were a lot of monster that they collected until we saw them all sitting there

Wolf:guys we found you

They looked up to see them

Ruby:guys you came for us

Carnage:of course your all our friends and part of the symbiotes and we leave no symbiotes or friends behind

Weiss:wait you consider us symbiotes?

Carnage:yeah. Look we don't have much time how do we free you guys

Blake:there's a panel next to you

He looked and with one press there free

Yang gives alex a tight hug


Carnage:your welcome. Now lets get out of here

Ruby:wait our weapons

Wolf:oh great

Phantom:there in the armory

They go to the armory and there's no guards. Both wolf and carnage think something is wrong

Carnage:wait this is to easy somethings not right

Wolf:my sentiments exactly

They got there weapons then left


When they reached the exit someone force pushed them flying them back they looked to see six sith's in front

Darth stalker:(claps slowly)did you really think you can slip past us

Wolf:see it was to easy

Darth stalker looks at carnage then he recognized him

Darth stalker:your the guy that my apprentice fought. Your carnage

Carnage:yeah im carnage

He looks at carnage's right arm

Darth stalker:i see you got a new arm

Vastor:my lord what should we do

Darth stalker:kill them but carnage is mine

Sith's:yes sir

Venom:this is not good

Wolf:what's the plan carnage

Carnage:we fight

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