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They all stared at each other with instant they start walking then jogging and full on sprint

Then they collided sabers and swords with each other

Revis and dawn vs Vastor

As vastor came in with his two ended lightsaber and makes the first strike but luckily revis and dawn move out of the way. Then vastor makes fast strikes on revis but due to her speed she's able to block them but she wasn't fast enough to block his kick she go's to the ground then dawn came in with his chains swinging them left and right but vastor kept blocking then they both attack but vastor block them all

Wolf vs grevis

Grevis:you gonna die

Wolf:hey I take a fence to that

Wolf pulled out his daggers knifes but wolf didn't know that grevis had two lightsabers

Wolf:oh boy

Grevis started to attack with quick strikes but wolf blocks them with his knives then wolf tryed to do a quick stab but missed. They go into a push between knifes and sabers grevis push wolf back throws his lightsabers at wolf but wolf does a limbo

Wolf:ha! You missed


Wolf turned to see the lightsabers come back so he jumped avoiding them

Grevis:you will die by my sabers

Wolf:what ever

Ravenger vs demetor

Demetor pulled out his black Saber and ravenger retract his blade

Ravenger:(in mind):thank god my weapon is there proof

Demetor:(in his mind talking to him):interesting

Ravenger:wait how did you hear me?

Demetor:i can read minds

They both go into a duel hiting saber against blade the fight lasted for hours

Demetor:you got skills

Ravenger:you to

Phantom and venom vs starkiller and seline

Venom pulled the ground under them but they moved and throws there lightsabers at him but phantom somoned a shield blocking them as phantom puts his shield down they ran at the two sith's venom speared starkiller and seline force grip phantom and slammed him to the ground

Carnage vs darth stalker

They both pulled out there weapons

Darth stalker:join us carnage together we can be the greatest sith's in the galaxy

Carnage:i said no and I never will

Darth stalker:fine

He activated his lightsaber and ran at carnage he swung his saber every were but carnage blocked every on as both there weapons collided testing each others strengths stalker push carnage and about to slash him but somehow carnage sorta like telaport behind him

Carnage:(in mind): woah i guess that was one of the new powers

Darth stalker:impressive

Carnage did a fire blast and stalker jumped over it and force pushed carnage stalker does a lightsaber force slam but carnage jumps over the blast. Then carnage runs at him but stalker in a last resort he lighting strikes him making carnage tumble to the ground in pain then stalker force lifts carnage into a force choke as carnage was holding his throat gasping for air

Darth stalker: pathetic you are strong carnage but only your hatred will give you the power to save your self and your friends. Just give in the dark side

but not killing him he throws carnage in the wall hard making rubble collapse on him. Stalker turned away but senses something not right he turned back to see the rubble shaking seeing fire come from the crakes and burst out was some sort of thing that looked like it came from hell called fire knight

Fire knight carnage:(deep demonic voice):I AM FIRE KNIGHT I WILL KILL YOU!

Darth stalker:yes bring it

Fire carnage was now ten feet tall and dashed at stalker kicking him so hard that stalker flu through a wall were team rwby was at they see a huge demon looking thing step on stalkers chest somoned a spear and was going to stab him

Darth stalker:yes carnage use your hatred destroy me


Fire carnage looks at them with the spear still at stalker


Darth stalker:don't listen to them kill me now!


Darth stalker:use the hatred

fire carnage couldn't make a choice


Darth stalker:do it for you mother and farther (since stalker can read minds he knows that to)

Fire knight carnage:I-I-I......can't my parents won't like using rage to kill my enemy's

He fades the spear and pick him up and throws him away to another wall. He turned to team rwby and walks to them but turned back and collapsed on his hands and knees as rwby ran to him

Blake:you ok?

Carnage:using fire knight takes a lot out of me. I'm sorry you guys saw that

Ruby:dude that was awesome!

Yang:yeah is that part of you power?

Carnage:yeah I've haven't done that move for awhile

The symbiotes ran to carnage

Wolf:aright there down

Venom: that was fun

Phantom:now lets get out off here

Carnage:um team rwby do you guys mind helping me doing knight takes a lot of my energy plz my ribs hurt. Stalker though me into a wall and got crushed by rubble.

Ruby:say no more. Come on guys

They grabbed carnage and they all left back to beacon leaving the sith's unconscious

Khylen:well you guys saw carnage's fire knight but that's not all he can do in that mode so stay tuned i love you all and bye😊

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