CHAPTER 2 - An Unexpected Ally and A Vehicle for a Getaway

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME once again to the second episode of RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose - HALO: The FLOOD World of Remnant. So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY, Kamen Rider and HALO!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth, Kamen Rider is owned by Toei and HALO is from/Created by Ensemble Studios, Robot Entertainment and Bungie. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow is seen running towards the Abomination Super Hive after hearing what the Gravemind has to say about his corpse in which he's referring his body, mind and soul. He sighed to himself, knowing that what the Gravemind is about to do, will not happen.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): He really is taking a liking to your powers and knowledge.

Shadow: Well, he's not getting them anyway!

Shadow implied.

Just as he reached at one of the Super Hives which hives in the Flood Abominations, he looked around to see tonnes of biomasses small hives forming up to make and expand the hive bigger and some kind of base-like biomasses which is known as Flood Spore Mounds, and Flood Cocooned Bases according to my Scroll in its scanner mode.

(A/N: Flood Spore Mound.)

(A/N: Flood Cocooned Base.)

After scanning them, Shadow heard something from both mounds and bases. Then, he noticed several Abominations emerging from the Mounds and Bases' openings in a form of a huge round biomass-like ball as they opened up from their ball formation and stood up, towering him in many different sizes.

Shadow looked around as he looked for cover. Then, he noticed an opening at the side in one of the Mounds and rushed over to take cover there while the Abominations are still out there roaming around in the hive. As he waited out, he fished out a bottle of Invisibility Power-Ups as while watching out for any incoming Abominations.

(A/N: Abominations.)

(A/N: Invisibility Power-Up (Energy Item).)

Seeing that the coast is clear, he deactivated his Blazing God Form while wielding his Game-Driver once again to transform into his Action Gamer Level 2. Then, he used an Invisibility Energy Item on himself as he turned invisible. After turning to his Rider Form and turning invisible, he then emerged from his hiding spot as he proceeded to the next hive which was not far from where he is.

When Shadow looked around the Hive, he notice that the Abominations are gathering as if they are awaiting for something.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid - Action Gamer Level 2.)

Shadow: (Whispering) Why are they standing around there and walking idly for?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Looks like their awaiting for the Gravemind's instructions to capture you, populate the planet, or worse.

Shadow: (Whispering) I see.... Well, consider that as our get-away headstart, then. While we're invisible, Flix, where's the entrance to the other Hive you mention with the working Paladin which is not infected yet?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): It's above you but, you have to take a pathway to your right. That way y-

Shadow: (Whispering) Or use one of those small little gaps above.

Shadow said while looking up to see several of its breathing gaps above the Abomination Hive for Flix to take notice of this.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Well..... that's, one other way up to the way you look at it.

Shadow: Mmhmm.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): So, how do we get up there?

Shadow: We jump.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): And how are we suppose to do that?

Shadow: We do that.


I said as I become visible behind the horde, then, I did the craziest thing that no one has ever done before in their lives.


I yelled.

Not just one Abomination turned to look but a horde of them turned to look at me.


I taunted the Abominations.

The horde of Abominations roared as they charged towards me with their arms swinging forward to strike me, only for me to wield Gashacon Breaker in its sword form to slice some of their tentacles and their arms off while dodging their attacks on me which nearly caused me to be smashed by their tentacled arms.

While slicing their limbs off, I jumped on top of one of the small abominations, followed by another one slightly taller than the one I jumped off. The process continues when I jumped onto another Abomination taller than the previous. As soon as I hopped onto the tallest Abomination, I looked at the breathing gaps I saw when I was at the bottom of the Hive to see that it's closer to me.

So, I took a leap of faith in the attempts that I can grab onto the gaps, only for one of the Abominations to grab me by using its tentacle arm. I looked back as I sliced the tentacle that grabbed me, freeing me but that may have been the worst idea yet as I began to fall, not before I was grabbed by someone.

I looked up to see someone armoured with with some kind of armour coloured red. The red-armoured being then pulled me up through the gap so that we won't need to deal with them any longer. Then, the armoured being and I took a peek to see the remaining horde of Abominations trying to catch me, but to no avail as the gaps are too small for them. After a while, they began not to bother about catching me anymore, for the both of us to sigh in relief. I then detransform, reverting back to my human form while looking at the Being.

(A/N: The Red-Armoured Being shown in the picture above. Exclude the prometheans. Change her weapon to her Crescent Rose.)

Me: Soldier. I thank you for your assist.

???: Your welcome, Spartan.

Me: So, what are y- wait a minute, you just called me Spartan??? And is that what you're called?

???: Technically, yes. I'm Spartan 3110. Just call me, Spartan Ro-

Me: Okay, I have to stop you there. Sorry, but you have to hear me out on what I have to say. 

I said, interrupting her.

Me: You see, I'm not a Spartan. I just got here and trying to escape and currently, we are here to make our getaway from this place.

???: Wait,... you just got here?

Me: Yes.

???: But, Spartan.... you went missing with a research team months ago....

Me: Yeah, I noticed. He got away but where, I don't know.

???: He did?

Me: Yeah.... the only thing I have with me is this Scroll.

???: Lemme see!

The Spartan said.

I fished out the scroll and showed it to her. She then took it from me as she began to inspect it. She went through file after file until she stumble upon a message from Shadow from this World and read it. After a while, I watch her nod her head as she understands what's going on.

???: So, he managed to escape....???

Me: Yeah. And from the looks of the footprints I found before I entered this dump, he had a rough fight against those combat forms. After that, he went South from here.

???: Combat.... forms?

Me: Here. 

I said as I turned the scroll settings to its scanner mode and showed her what I scanned so far. She took a look at it, for me to see her take a step back while returning the scroll to me.

???: So, that's what their called?

Me: (Nods)

???: (Looks at Shadow) You said he went South, right?

Me: From the looks of things when I scanned those odd-looking footprints which I can now tell he's wearing something similar to you, yes.

???: Then,.... who are you, since you're not from this World


Me: (sighs) Allow me to explain from the top.

???: Sure.

A few minutes of explaining later,

After explaining everything to the Spartan, she nod in understanding as she began to break down what she understood so far from me.

???: So I see.... You are Shadow Wrath from another Universe?

Me: That's right.

???: And you were on your way back from a mission to bring that Gauntlet back to your Universe.

Me: That's right. (Showing the Gauntlet)

???: However, you stumbled upon our World by an unknown portal, and now, you're kinda stuck here.

Me: Well, if you wanna be all, "Technical" about it, yes.

???: Soooo coool.... 

Me: So, you may already know me but still, I'm Shadow, Shadow Wrath. (Offers hand) What about you, Spartan?

???: Well, (Accepts my hand and shook it) Name's Spartan 3110. Spartan--

Me/???: Ruby Rose./-- Ruby Rose.

Ruby: EH?! How do you...

Me: Your weapon and the way you talk, slightly... gave it away.

Ruby: Oh... heheheheh....

Me: And you even chose your birth date.... as your Spartan Code Number Name. That gave it away, too.

Ruby: Well, I.... heheheh... 

Me: Guilty's charged.

Ruby: Yeah. Heheheh.... So, what armour were you wearing just now?

Me: Much explanations will wait. At the mean time, we must escape. 

Ruby: But how? I tried finding every exit but, every exit has been blocked by thes-

Me: Biomass....

Ruby: YES! Biomass.

Me: Looks like Atlas weren't informed about this.

Ruby: Yeah..... we weren't....

Ruby said while giggling nervously, knowing that she too, wasn't informed of the situation from Atlas as they don't shit about the Flood, but only I do.

Me: Don't worry, Ruby. Everything that you need to know, is right in your Shadow's scroll. All we need to do is get out.

Ruby: Yeah. 

Me: But question. What are you doing here?

Ruby: Me? Well, my Team is sent by General Ironwood to search for the other two of Shadow's Team and his Research Team. Seeing that I can't find them, I have to call back to Atlas but..... Communications are a bust....

Me: Yeah, I'm aware of that due to some resources and, about that. As said before, his Research Team has been KIA, as well as his Spartan Team. What happened to his Teammates?

Ruby: Oh... and oh! You mean Team STRM?

Me: Yes.

Ruby: Well, they're part of Shadow's Team. They managed to make it out from this territory except for the other two Spartans, Shadow and the Research Team.

Me: Thank god. Well, at least I have news for you that the Shadow from this World is still alive for you to report back. But he's out there somewhere so for now, he's MIA.

Ruby: Right. So, Shadow, from another world. You said you are here to at this specific location to find a way to escape, right?

Me: That's right.

Ruby: But how? This place was overrunned by Atlesian Paladins while looking for Shadow's Team. Well.... I kinda gotten things under control for now before they stand back up.

Ruby said.

I tilted my head to one side to see that the Flood Atlesian Paladins, sliced in pieces, blown up from the inside and cleaved in halves, to my shock.

Me: Ah, I can see that. That explains why there aren't any Flood Atlesian Paladins coming at us for the whole 25 minutes.

Ruby: Heheh. Yup, with immense training and some Weapon Customization on my Crescent Rose.

Me: I see.

I said while being amazed on how Ruby managed to kill all of these Paladins all on her own with her sort of "upgraded" Crescent Rose. After being amazed for a while, I began to answer Ruby's question.

Me: And by the way, I'm glad you've asked. (tilting my head a bit to the left while having my eyes turning to look to the left) Flix, is our objective still in this Hive?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): It's at one of the Biomasses in front of the pile that she piled those Paladins on.

Ruby: ???

Me: Follow me, and I'll show you.

I said.

I then rushed passed Ruby for her to follow me from behind. I looked at the pile of dead flood mechas while running passed several Mounds and Biomasses in search of the working Atlesian Paladin. While running pass every biomass and mounds while looking at the debris and corpses of every mecha that Ruby killed, Flix stopped me, indicating that I have reached my destination, almost running passed it.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Shadow, stop. We're here.

Flix said.

I stopped and looked at one of the Biomass and Mounds surrounding it as I looked at the Paladin to see that this one is not infected just yet but, it is just entangled and smeered with the Flood's biomass and tentacles.

(A/N: Atlesian Paladin-290 Advanced.)

Me: Retro. It's an Upgraded Atlesian Paladin. Glad you found this uninfected one, Flix.

Flix (In Shadow's mask): I do what I can to impress.

Flix implied.

Ruby: Uuuuh, what are we looking at?

Me: We, are looking at our ticket outta here.

Ruby: Oh. !!! Wait! We're driving this thing?!

Me: That's right. But first, allow me to burn these biomasses out of the way.

Ruby: Whaaaa...

Ruby said in confusion.

Then, I don my same blazing form from before as I blast flames at the Paladin, burning the biomass off it. After that, I turned to my Winter Miracle form and blast an ice beam at it, to not just cool the mecha down but to also shatter the remaining biomass that remained on the mecha, shattering it, to Ruby having an amazed look on her face behind her mask.

Ruby: (gasps)

Me: Surprised?

Ruby: Yeah!! This is awesome!!

Me: Yep, indeed it is. Heheh.

Me: (Inner Thoughts) Typical Rubes~

Me: Now, let's go!

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Hang on, Shadow.

Me: Hmm?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): This Paladin may plow through the Flood, but it won't be enough to plow through every wall.

Me: I see.... and I know just what to do to counter that problem.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): And that is?

Me: That, and that.

I said.

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow pointed at the pile of dead Flood Atlesian Paladins and some vehicles that are currently unaffected by the Flood, for Flix to scan them.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): A pile of dead Flood Atlesian Paladins and a pile of working and destroyed Reavers. Some of them wouldn't need to move at all as their guns work. So,.... in other words....????

(A/N: Reaver.)

A few minutes later,

At the Central Hive leading to other hives and locations around the hive and Evernight Castle,

Several Combat, Vehicle and Pure Forms were seen walking around the Hive, going to different hives to expand their hives and biomasses to expand their population. While the Flood were doing their own disgusting routine around the main Flood Hive, an explosion was heard, causing the walls of one side of the Hive to explode, for the debris to scatter around the hive, killing some of the flood instantly.

After the explosion, an upgraded Atlesian Paladin emerged from the hole that it created showing that it has been upgraded from the use of some scrap armour from the Flood Paladins that Ruby killed and some Reavers.

(A/N: Upgraded Atlesian Paladin. Basically it's an upgraded Atlesian Paladin but it's doubly armoured-up by some scrap armour from some of the Flood Paladins at the corpse pile, armouring it on its sides, its arms and its legs to make it bulkier, taller and stronger. Behind, the mech and its Rockets, are four Reavers mounted on the back of the Paladin to act as Turrets. At the back of the Paladin's legs are armoured with some scraps of armour from the Flood Paladins, tonnes of Jump Boosters from the Reavers and some stablizers to allow the Upgraded Paladin to stand, walk, turn, run and fight stablly.)

With Shadow piloting the Paladin and Spartan 3110 aka, Ruby Rose to pilot one of the four Reaver turrets above for Shadow to pilot the Paladin to run forward, crashing through every wall in sight as he piloted it to smash its way out of the Flood-Infected Castle while Ruby began to shoot every single Flood forms in sight.

Ruby (By via Scroll): This is some plan you have there! Do you always plan like this in your own World?!

Shadow: Yeah! Pretty much we love to go big in my World!

Ruby (By via Scroll): That's amazing! So, you haven't answered my question, though!

Shadow: Oh! Right! You see, what you saw just now, was a Kamen Rider!

Ruby (By via Scroll): Kamen Rider?!

Shadow: Correct. Kamen Rider is basically a Motorcycle-Riding Superhero in short to only have one purpose. Protect the World from total World Domination or Destruction. There are some good riders, and there are some bad.

Ruby (By via Scroll): So, what I saw was one of them?!

Shadow: Correct!! That was Ex-Aid. Genius of Games, and in Future, he's an Immortal Gamer Clad with Gold.

Ruby (By via Scroll): Wow. I must know more!

Shadow: You'll know more once we get out of here, first!!

Shadow said.

Ruby (By via Scroll)/Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Shadow from another world! When you bash through the next few walls, there will be contacts there! Lots of them!/Shadow, when you break through the next few walls, tonnes of Flood forms will be greeting you.

Shadow: Alrighty then. Let's kick some ass!!

Shadow said as he rammed through the next wall, only to be greeted by numerous gunfire and several rounds fired by Flood Scorpion Tanks and Flood Grizzlies Tanks which are equipped with machine guns equipped on the Grizzly Tanks.

(A/N: Scorpion and Grizzly Tanks. Turn them into Flood Forms like )

Shadow piloted the Paladin to use its arms to block their projectiles for Ruby to fire many rounds of projectiles from the Reaver Turrets' Dual Plasma Turrets and fire tonnes of missiles from the Reaver's Missile Pods at the tanks.

Then, while the Flood Tank Forms kept firing, Shadow piloted the Paladin to switch its arms from their Collapsible Fists mode to its Cannon Mode as he fired at the Tanks, killing some of them with Ruby's support from the Paladin's newly inbuilt Turrets Shadow upgraded the Paladin by using his powers.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Shadow!

Ruby (By via Scroll): We need to go! Not sure how long this will sustain!

Shadow: I know! And plus...

Shadow/Flix (In Shadow's Mask)/Ruby (By via Scroll): We may have overstayed our welcome...

They implied.

Then, Shadow piloted the Paladin to run as it bashed through a few more walls while firing everything have at the Flood Vehicle Forms, Pure Forms and Combat Forms  we encountered through every Hive, Corridor and Passageways.

While running, shooting Flood Forms and bashing through walls at the same time, a voice boomed once again for Shadow to hear, for him to sigh in annoyance.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Ah.... I see you stole one of my Paladins I'm using to invade Atlas as my personal range and smasher type of Robotic Infections. How genius, but unwise.

Ruby (By via Scroll): Uh... who's that?!

Shadow: That's the Infection's Leader, called the Gravemind. And when you're in his territory aka, this World right now, you'll be hearing tonnes from him....

Ruby (By via Scroll): From where it's sounding off, I'd say we are at the source!!!

Shadow: Yup! And oh! He's annoying....

Ruby (By via Scroll): Tell me about it.... General Ironwood has found that annoying, too!!

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): You will be stopped! You, and your companion, will be food! you will always be food....

Shadow: For us to be food, eh?! Wait for a million years for that!!!

Ruby said.

Shadow nods after hearing this comment from Ruby.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Shadow, STOP!!!! 

Shadow: Huh?! Wha-WHOA!!!!!

Shadow exclaimed after bashing through the walls again, only to be greeted by two other Flood Atlesian Paladins, but these two are the original and upgraded ones, individually as they land a punch at Shadow's Paladin, and tonnes of Flood Infected Elites with Energy Swords as they leaped towards Ruby,--

(A/N: Atlesian Paladin. A normal one and an upgraded one. Infect it with the Flood and you'll see that one arm and most of its legs are replaced as a tentacle arm and Abomination's legs to give it the Abomination vibe.)

(A/N: Flood Infected Elite wielding an Energy Sword. There are lots of them.)

-- only for Shadow to jumpboost backwards while catching their robotic and biomass-like tentacles and for Ruby to disembark from the turret as she jumped mid-air to wield her Crescent Rose to slice the Elites to pieces.

After grabbing the Flood Paladins and landed safely, Shadow piloted his Paladin's upper body to spin around many times, releasing its grip for the Flood Paladins to land roughly on the ground and hit their heads where ever they are against the wall real hard.

Shadow: Ruby!

Ruby: I'll take care of them while you deal with the Paladins!

Shadow: Alright!

Shadow said as he thrusted his Paladin's arm in its energy gun mode into the Flood Atlesian Paladin (Normal version) body as he shot it a couple of times, for the Flood Paladin to be deactivated and killed instantly while its upper body fell to the ground in half, and so did its lower half.

Then, the upgraded Paladin punched Shadow's Paladin from behind for him to stagger forward. The Flood Paladin kept punching Shadow's Paladin, only for Shadow to disembark the Paladin to deal with the Flood himself. After disembarking, he used one of his Power-Up Bottles known to contain 'Giant ' Energy Items--

(A/N: Giant Energy item.)

-- as he grew giant to take care of the Flood Paladin (Upgraded version) while donning his Blazing Coronoa Shadow form. A few minutes later, Shadow and Ruby were seen still combatting against the Flood Paladin and the Infected Elites wielding Energy Swords and to make this a shocker, Ruby is seen slicing the elites at ease and to make this even more interesting, her blade parts of her Crescent Rose is of Energy Sword-based like she just activated it and kept slashing away as if it were nothing. Shadow then punched the Paladin far away to the next hive thanks to the Paladin I piloted on to bash through and talked a bit about her weapon.

Shadow: Hey! Your weapon is more than customized! I'm impressed.

Ruby: Oh! Thanks! Doctor Pietro made these customizations for me. He even made other customizations for other Huntsmen and Huntresses like these.

Shadow: Now that's cool. Did Shadow from this world have the same Customization as this?

Ruby: Yeah. His blade and his gun were customized to resemble an energy sword like my Crescent Rose's blade but different (A/N: Like one of the Energy Swords on his mace Atriox wields from Halo Wars 2.). And for his gun to resemble a beam rifle (A/N: Beam Rifle from Halo 4.).

Shadow: Whoa....

Ruby: Cool, right?

Shadow: Yeah! And Ruby! Watch this!


I said to Ruby while charging up my attack on both my arms as a fire runic circle was summoned in front of me. I moved my arms back as they are now fully-charged while being engulfed with flames. Then, I clenched them to fists and--


-- lunged them forward hard--


-- to launch an extremely humongous and the most extremely hot beam from the runic circle to strike the last Flood Paladin, killing it, and to burn most of the hives in the process as I cleaved through almost one floor of the castle, to Ruby's shock.

Ruby: Whoa!

Me: Yep! That's how strong I am in my world. I'm... pretty sure Shadow from this world is strong, too.

Ruby: Oh! He's more than that! He's like a Top-Class Spartan in this world. I'll tell you later later but for now, we need to get out of here.

Me: Yup! You and me, both!

Weiss (By via Ruby's Comms): Ruby?! (Static) This is Weiss! Where a- (Static) -u?! You've sepa- (Static) - us after that blow, - (Static) -ou copy?! Over.

Ruby: Weiss!

Me: Heh! Looks like we regained communications and it's no longer a bust. Let them know you are okay and..... you found a survivor. While talking to them, I'll deal with repairs on the Paladin.

Ruby: Okay. (Responding to Comms) Weiss, this is Spartan Rose. I'm alright. No thanks to these boogers, I went deep inside the castle to try to escape them! No sign of the Research Team and the remaining two Spartan Team Members from Shadow's Team. They're KIA. Spartan Shadow however, MIA. And to give a short info, I found a survivor. Over.

Weiss (By via Ruby's Comms): Thank goodness. You had us worried out here!!! (Static) Roger that, I'll inform command and about that last info (Static) DID YOU SAY YOU FOUND A SURVIVOR IN THIS HEAP?!?!? OVER!!

Ruby: Yes. I'll explain later when I come and regroup with you. Over.

Weiss (By via Ruby's Comms): Yeah, about that. Our Airship's down and our pilot's been KIA by these critters. We will be requesting another Airship to come over. Over.

Me: That's a bad idea. More airships you bring in, more will be wasted and be infected by the Flood.

Ruby: So, what do we do?

Me: Again, we fight our way out.

I said.

I then tapped twice on the Paladin's foot, signalling to Ruby that I'm done with the repairs.

Me: Come on, I've repaired the Paladin and upgraded it, too.

Ruby: Oh yeah? (Looks) . . . !!! WHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU....?!?!?!?!?! 

Ruby exclaimed in shock when she saw the Paladin.


Me: My power of Creation does all, Ruby.

Ruby: Whoa.....

Me: Now, let's get out of here by the hole I made by my huge beam.

Ruby: Yeah.

Me: Then, get on board!! 

3rd Person's POV:

Ruby nods as she boarded on one of the Reaver Turrets behind the Paladin as Shadow boarded the cockpit of the Paladin but just before he closed the cockpit, Ruby called out to him.

Ruby: Shadow, before you start driving....

Shadow: Yeah?

Ruby: Here. You'll need this.

Ruby said as she threw something down to him for Shadow to catch it. Looking at it to see that it was a Spartan Helmet, a specific one at that.

(A/N: Spartan Helmet.)

Shadow: Is this....

Ruby: I found this along the way here before I rescued you. It.... it belonged to Shadow.... from this world....

Shadow: I see..... Then, I'll use it to honour him. Until he's found, I'll keep it safe for him.

Ruby: Thank you....

Shadow: (Nods) Now, let's ride.

Shadow said.

He then puts on the Helmet which suits him, while closing the Paladin cockpit as he is ready to run towards a new path behind him leading to a new exit he created. Once both Ruby and Shadow are ready, Shadow then piloted the upgraded Paladin to run around and back to where they were before to head to the exit Shadow created.

As they made their way to the newly-created exit, the Paladin began to pick up the pace as Shadow is not exactly using the controls as inside the Paladin Cockpit, its not just any Atlesian Paladin Cockpit, it was a cockpit resembling to a Time Mazine but with three differences, namely that there is no mode change function in the cockpit, you can't travel back in time by using the holographic time dialer as it will be used as a table, radar, and arm-mode change, and as stated, there will be a holographic table in front to safely place ones scroll or anything on it, and it will stay intact without it even falling. 

(A/N: The cockpit inside the Paladin. Description is stated above.)

The Paladin began to go extremely faster to Ruby's confusion as no Paladin can go that fast before. 

Ruby: Shadow!! How are you making this thing travel so fast!?!

Shadow: I'll show you later! For now, HOLD ON!!!!!!

Shadow yelled as when the Paladin was inches away from the beam-created hole, he piloted the Paladin to jump-boost out of here for Ruby to hold on to the controls real tight.

It was a long drop down to the ground as the adrenaline was beginning to take affect on them for a brief moment and on the Paladin with Shadow adding more power to the jump-boost to minimize it.

As soon as it's close to  the ground, Shadow piloted it to do a landing strategy on it. Once done, the Paladin stood back up and to Shadow's shock, the view on the ground, is far more worse, than the view at the rooftop.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Okay..... now, this.... is.....

Shadow: Disgusting....

Ruby (By via Scroll): Tell me about it. There are tonnes of these things.... these mounds everywhere including those that were shooting at my team before I got separated from my teammates.

Shadow: Those Flood Mounds shoot, too?! (Places scroll on holographic table while activating advance scan mode) Now that's something we wouldnt want to mess with...

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): And one of them obiviously took down their ride, and will strike once again when the next ship comes in.

Shadow: I see.... Ruby, you heard that, right?

Ruby (By via Scroll): Yeah. I heard it. For either Weiss, Blake or Yang to call for evac won't make any difference, wose of all, their on out other end at the right where I was separated.... Well,... that's Plan A gone in smokes.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): So now what do we do?

Flix asked.

Shadow turned four fists to Energy Guns as their locked and loaded.

Shadow: Plan B. We shut up and fight our way out of here.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The second episode of our RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose - HALO: The FLOOD World of Remnant. Looks like Shadow and Ruby from this world are gonna save their firends first before escaping. Now that is so Team STRM and RWBY would do back in Shadow's world. If you ladies and gentlemen and, Halo fans and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (HALO) and RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader inserts. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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