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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME once again to the very first episode of RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose - HALO: The FLOOD World of Remnant. So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY, Kamen Rider and HALO!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth, Kamen Rider is owned by Toei and HALO is from/Created by Ensemble Studios, Robot Entertainment and Bungie. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow looked in shock to see Salem being not just infected by the Flood but, being one with the Gravemind along with her own associates for her arms to be covered with every single dust crystals embedded to it (Hazel) with her right arm to be embedded entirely out of Dust crystals forming a long huge blade (Cinder), with Watts's genius and super intellects in technology aka, his brain fused with Salem's brain (Watts), with Tyrian's Scorpion tail to be her tail but Shadow realized that the scorpion tail is mechanical with some extra touch ups by the flood infection (Tyrian) as it made it from a Poison Stinger, to a very long living missile platform-like tail filled with regenerating spikes on it, with a pair of Thief's Respite embedded on its left arm (Emerald) and a pair of Talaria embedded on the infection's legs (Mercury) which is made of Salem's legs infused with other infection forms and a single flood Tank form.

While looking at Salem's new appearance, I notice that she is donning some kind of Flood infection armour or some kind of armour from unknown origin as it suited her just fine, as a monster like she is now.

(A/N: Salem in a different world. Fuse these three picture together including the description above.)

Shadow: Heh. Have to say, nice armour. 

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): Hehehehehahahaha.... Human Sarcasm. (The Gravemind breathes Flood Spores in his face) I've heard this sarcasm a lot of times, and needless to say, from everyone here but you, they are just a pain in the ass....

Shadow: So, you've learnt something from me, Gravemind. Congrats to you, as another sarcasm to know that you saw through my first sarcasm.

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): Now, to cut to the chase. Where did you come from?

It asked.

Shadow: I came from the world you have claimed as your own world. However, I'm not from this world. I came from another which in future, will be ruled under my rule.

Shadow said.

Then, The Gravemind's Combat Biomass Form aka, Salem Keymind walked towards Shadow after he told her and the Gravemind where he actually came from. As she got close, she slowly circled around Shadow, looking at his appearance and his figure.

Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): Well, you do always keep your posse in check.

Shadow: (Scoffs) I always have when I talk to the leader of any army or organization.

Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): Impressive~ From all the planets from every Galaxy I have accumilated, this planet is filled with creation, destruction, choice, knowledge, strategies, secrets and lies.

Shadow: I'm aware of that. And I'm aware about the Creation, Destruction, Choice and Knowledge gig. In my world, I have claimed Knowledge.

Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): And in my World, I have claimed Creation, Destruction, Choice and Knowledge. I even consume and accumilated the powers of Light and Dark. 

Gravemind: And now, they are apart of us.

The Gravemind said as he raised two tentacles, showing a person gold in colour with horns on the left and another purple in colour with horns on the right, infected by the flood and disfigured all over the place, to Shadow's shock.

Shadow: .... mutiny.... 

I said in disgust.

Shadow: who are they?

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): Gods of Light and Dark.

Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): After the four are gathered, we lured them here and consumed them, turning them to our image as a species.

Gravemind: Once we accumilated and consumed them, we have gained full knowledge and access to everything the World knows and doesn't know. 

Shadow: Shiiiit...... my last question to you before I answer your questions. How did you claim the reli-

Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): It wasn't simple. But thanks to my abominations, they made it possible with their brute strength. We hadthe abominations to destroy every Communications Tower and Academies.... all but one....

Shadow: Atlas....

Gravemind: Yes.... Atlas is an impossible kingdom for us to surpass, (Hurling out ooze while breathing out flood spores from his mouth) but thanks to our air infection forms, we managed to destroy the Vault Room, and claimed Creation. leaving Atlas with only its scarce resources to survive our rule.

Shadow: I see.... now,... your turn.

I said.

The Gravemind breathed out spores once again as both Salem and Gravemind began to ask a series of questions.

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): What is your World like? Is it like this World? Are its Relics locked away in your World's Academies' Vaults that my Abominations can crush to pieces with their arms? Are the Kingdoms still standing for my consumption?

They asked.

Shadow: Well, is like this one but.... not as... "Floodified" like this one.....

Gravemind: Is that so?

Shadow: Yes. It's filled with wonders, nature, animals, people, power-hungry people you infected and all and well... you  get the picture before you colonized this World as your own planet.

Gravemind: I see... proceed with the rest.

The Gravemind commanded.

Shadow: The Relics are as usual, locked away in the usual vaults of each Academy. But good luck with one of them.

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): And why would you exclaim that, God?

Shadow: Because me and my army, we have claimed Knowledge. So, if you were to come to my world, good luck snitching Knowledge from us. And apparently according to a little Snow Angel, Atlas is recalling their forces so, for you to claim Creation, will be futile. And all Kingdoms are still standing, all but one.

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): "All but one"?

Shadow: Yes. Vale and Beacon Academy has Fallen by the hands of Salem's Faction.

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): BLASPHEMY!!!! CURSE SALEM AND HER FACTION TO THE FLOOD HIVES!!!!! 

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): I think you've just pissed them off...

Shadow: (Nods) No shit.....

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): No matter. Fallen or Non-Fallen, I will travel from this world to yours to consume, accumilate and colonize myself onto your Fallen Kingdom, making your Fallen Kingdom as my own Hive and after that, the three other kingdoms of Creation, Destruction and Knowledge are next. However, there is one complication to that plan, and the answers I seek lies within your mind. Yes, although Salem, Hazel, Watts, Tyrian, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury's minds are now one with the Catalog and Salem's, but the key-knowledge to slipspace or teleportation is not complete. Which is why I ask and demand-

Shadow: You're asking or demanding? Two words have different meanings, ya know?

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): How did you get here? How have you come to my world without causing any slipspace ruptures?

They said, for Shadow not to know whether that was a question or a demand (A/N: It's a question, dummy... -_-.).

Shadow: Sorry Gravemind, Salem. But that's something for me to know only, and for you not to know. 

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Shadow, I think it's time to go.

Shadow (In Flix's Mind): I know....

Shadow: And if you want my knowledge in my brain so badly, you would have to infect me and force me to become part with you, first.... like what you did to Salem's Faction in this world.


I boasted.

Then, I heard laughter from all over the Conference Room as I watched the Gravemind and Salem Keymind laughed their lungs of, that's only if they had lungs to breath. I took a few steps back as one of the Gravemind's tentacles slammed at where I used to stand before I moved backwards. After they were done, they stared at me with hunger.

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): That could be arranged. Once I take the information from you, one piece at the time, one flesh at the time, and one CELL, at the TIME... After this planet and its moon achieves their Intergalactic stages with our infection, we will go to your world and infect it. But for now.... I'll give you, a headstart....

Me: Well, thank you for giving me that headstart cause'.... we were just leaving.

I said while turning back and ran back from where I came in from, for the Gravemind to summon his Flood Combat Forms and Abominations.

(A/N: Flood Combat Forms & Abominations.)

Gravemind: Find the boy.... bring him to us.... Dead, or Alive. Once captured, bring his corpse to us and he shall be our final asset to our knowledge to countless worlds although his knowledge is from another altered one like this one. So, go!!! Seize him!!!

The combat forms and the Abominations roared as they did what they were told with the attempts of finding me in the vicinity of Evernight Castle. Meanwhile, I was running through a maze in the Flood-Infected Castle as most the doors that led me from the Entrance to the Conference Room are now locked. While running to many unlocked doors and several Portas naturally created by the Flood, several Flood Combat Forms came streaming out from every corner of the rooms and ceilings including the locked rooms when they barged in.

This worried me a lot as I know I'm outnumbered, but what doesn't worry me is that I have a trump card inside of me. Just as the Combat and Infection Forms got too close to me, I raised the Key-Slasher the Maidens and Summer Rose gave to me, transforming to my God Form, for the Infection and Combat Forms to back away due to the burning light. While looking at them keeping their distance, Flix began to talk to me.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Shadow, I think I found a way to kill them instantly.

Me: You think or you know?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): I know.

Me: Alrighty then. What did you find, so far?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): It would seem that some of your powers are driving the Flood away.

Me: What kind of powers and which ones?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): It's two of your Heat-Based Season Powers and your ability from your eyes. Summer, Fall and the power of the Silver-Eyed Warriors, Shadow.

Me: I see.... So, the Flood, too are afraid of the powers of the Silver Eyes? Neat. And the power of Summer and Fall, as in fire?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Yup.

Me: Well then. I think we just have to fire our way outta here. Summer Maiden? Ambie? Summer? Ready to do this???

I asked.

Then, I hear replies from the Summer Maiden, Amber and Summer Rose.

Unnamed Summer Maiden (In Shadow's Mind): You got it.

Amber (In Shadow's Mind): Let's do this.

Summer Rose (In Shadow's Mind): Let's go.

I nod as I raised my arms up in a 'X' formation above my head and swung it down, for me to transform into a Combination of Summer Coronoa Shadow, Fall Blazing Shadow and Shadow Summer Forms for me to acquire the power of flames and silver eyes at the same time. After acquiring that form, a Flood Stalker Form emerged from a small cavern on the walls as it pounced on me, but to no avail as I gave it a fiery punch, for it to fly to the other end of the corridor and burn to crisps, to my amazement.

Me: Whoa.... now this.... is something...

Amber (In Shadow's Mind): Blazing Coronoa Shadow. A fire-based form of your God Form. You will have the ability to do what you did just now, and any other fire-based attacks.

Me: Now that's sweet.

I implied.

Then, the Infection Forms and Combat forms began to flood around me, only for me to to deliver tonnes of different forms of fiery punches and kicks at them, for them to burst, burst to pieces and fall motionless to the ground. It was getting too crowded that I decided to deliver a huge devastating pulse around the area I'm standing at, for the Infection Forms to burst instantly and for the combat forms to fly far away motionless, burst to pieces for the pieces of their carcasses to fly at all directions, or both.

As soon as the horde are killed off, I sighed in relief and made my way to where I came in, only for me to stop halfway, realizing that the entrance may be locked as well like the rest of the locked doors. Then, Flix sounded of.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Shadow. if you can burn the ground in front of you, there is another pathway you can take.

Me: Oh? And where does it lead?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): To a new biomass location below the castle. There's a vehicle bay for both land and air units to dock at.

Me: But, it's now infected by the biomass and its hive. 

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Well, true but,... it's impossible for the Gravemind to infect vehicles. Giving vehicles a mind of their own? That's just.... impossible as vehicles don't h-.

Me: I get what you mean there, Flix. Well, I guess you have a point there. So, let's get down to the Flood Infected Vehicle Hive.

I said.

Then, I conjour a Flamethrower made of fire, glass and charcoal as I burnt a hole on the ground for me to gain entry to the lower floors. While burning a hole on the ground, a voice echoed for me to hear it clearly from a mile away.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Child of my enemy, you show much more usefulness in combat. I can use your corpse as my new Keymind like Salem so that you alone and I shall rule your world till it reaches intergalactic mass.

Me: Sorry, pal! I'm not going to rule a world filled with your Flood Hives and your Biomass all over my kingdoms and every inch of my planet that I come from. I'm going to rule my world in my own way, green from your intergalactic biomass. 

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Then I shall feast upon your BONES for not cooperating with us and for not surrendering your world to us.

Me: Oh, go ahead and try. And speaking of which. I have an interesting question for you. Why travel to other planets and accumilate them to become your own biomass for?

I asked.

The Gravemind stated something, followed by the answer I seek.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Hmmmmm... no one has ever asked that biological and yet, logical question before, for my soliciting.

Me: I'm listening. Because from the looks of things, you have just infected this world, weeks ago.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): That's because I only took 36 Days, 19 Hours, 51 Minutes and 59 seconds, to Infect and Accumilate this world till every inch of this pathetic and yet resourceful planet, is being infected by my biomass and newly created hives.

Me: Okay. And the reason you're saying?

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Well, to begin with, let us start with how the Gravemind came to be.

It said.

After burning hole number one on the ground, I jumped down to look around to see that I'm in some kind of cafeteria. Then, I called out.

Me: Alright, proceed.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): You see, child. The Gravemind starts out as a Proto-Gravemind. It's a Flood Form created by merging the bodies and biomass of numerous sentient life forms; some Flood forms may also be repurposed and merged into the Proto-Gravemind. 

Me: Uh-huh. Go on.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): After a Proto-Gravemind has been created, nearby Combat Forms, Pure Forms or both will continue to supply it with fresh bodies, allowing it to accumulate mass, increasing it in size, and gain more memories and intelligence from consumed hosts. Eventually, the Proto-Gravemind will reach a certain critical mass and becomes self-aware....

Me: And the Gravemind is born. You're born. 

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Hmmm... for a non-Catalog such as yourself, you do know how to catch on my Knowledge.

Me: Well, like what someone used to tell me, knowledge is a beautiful thing when you learn and when you are being taught new things.

I said while Blaze Punching a second hole downwards as I proceeded down.

Me: Go on.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): The Gravemind is a critical mass that tends to be made up of thousands of bodies if using any organic bodies as a measuring unit.

Me: So, anything like humans or animals?

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Precisely.

Me: Wow.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Continuing, the Gravemind and its subordinate Flood infection will then continue to accumulate. Eventually, when the Flood infection has become too large for even the Gravemind to control, or when no life remains in the galaxy, the Flood infection will reach the Intergalactic Stage, and Flood will leave the galaxy with the intent to create a new Gravemind elsewhere, just like what I am doing now.

Me: I see.... So, there's a limit to your madness?

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Well, as much as I hate to gloat but, yes. There is a limit to my Infection. 

Me: And the reason you are here is because the planets you have infected in the past have achieved Intergalactic Mass/Intergalatic Stages.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Yes. Know this.... The Gravemind makes up a distributed intelligence, with a single primary consciousness made up of multiple, smaller instances that seem capable of acting independently. This is shown in Silentium, where the Precursor Gravemind compares itself with Catalog, a group of modified Forerunners networked together into single mind acting in concert with many others.

Me: Forerunners? Well! That's insteresting.

I implied to the Gravemind while burning another hole down.

While burning holes down to the lower floors, I heard an ominous roar coming from my right, for me to look at the huge corridor on the right of the Flood Hive to see shadows of more flood combat forms incoming for me to ready myself. As they got closer, I got a big shock to see that those aren't any ordinary Flood Combat Forms i'm facing this time, they're Flood Atlesian Knight Forms.

(A/N: Flood Atlesian Knight Forms - AK-130. Fuse the two pictures together.)

(A/N: Flood Atlesian Knight Forms - AK-200. Fuse the two pictures together.)

Me: Uuuuhh, Flix! You may wanna reconsider what you said about the Flood not giving vehicles a mind of their own! And where are we?!

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Scanning! We are directly at the heart of a..... Infected Atlesian Knight Hive.....

Me: Then, I'd take it that this is where they process all the working and destroyed A.K.s, turning them into Flood Atlesian Knight Forms by the use of those guys charging towards us?!

I said while pointing at the pure flood forms behind and lurking along with the Flood A.K. Forms as they were running and trotting towards me.

(A/N: Flood Pure Forms - Infesters and Spawners.)

I took a few steps back to the entrance of the hole I created as the Infected A.K.-130 and 200s, and the Pure Flood forms began to swarm around me. Then, I lit my arms on fire as I did several fire punches and fire blasts at them, killing them instantly (A/N: Yes. The Flood's weakness is fire.), only for them to repopulate again from behind the horde as they began to charge at the crowd to join in the fight against me.

While the A.K. Forms are repopulating, several Flood Combat Forms began to stream in from the hole and into the Hive as they found me, catching me off guard by piling onto me in the attempts to make me become one of them. However, it was to no avail when I unleashed a burst of heat energy from my body exceeding the hotest metal's boiling point, causing the Flood to be obliterated and burnt to crisps entirely and immediately.

After dealing with one of its hives for now, I immediately ran out of the Hive as I proceeded past several hives which were were just made and recently made.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Shadow, are you alright?

Me: Never better! 

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): That's good. And also, you forgot t-

Me: I scanned them already.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Wait! How?

Me: While these boogers were piling on me, I managed to conjour a Flame Barrier just in time sothat they won't touch me. So, that's when I took the opportunity to scan them.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Oh~ So, that's how you unleashed that powerful burst that exceeded 1,000,000,000°C.

Me: Yup. And it showed me a lot of results, which I'll show you later. At the meantime, we gotta escape first.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Alright.

Me: So, where are we now?

I asked.

Then, I hear her scanning inside my mask as she's looking for data at where we are currently. After scanning, she answered.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Got it.

Me: Let's hear'em.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): We are currently at the center of the Hive. These passageways, corridors and tunnels lead to somewhere, few of which leads us back to the Gravemind aka, the Conference Room, the floors that you were at before when you burnt your way down here, several exits, a single entrance, pure hives, combat hives, Atlesian Hives with the one you were in is one of the hives you stumbled into, vehicle hives and super hives.

Me: Huh. The Gravemind sure loves to organize this Hive for a messed-up Biomass. 

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Well, that's Watts's mind in the nutshell.

Me: No kidding. So, Flix. Found a way out?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Yes but, they are heavily guarded by combat forms and vehicle forms. Outside,.... you are not gonna like it.

Me: Then, we will just have to fight our way outta here, then. Flix. About that, "Super Hive" you mentioned before. How many are there?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Loads leading all the way down. Why?

Me: Are you able to scan any vehicles in a long-distanced radius?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Yes, I can.

Me: I need your help to scan a non-infected vehicle once we enter the Super Hive. Because from the looks of things, I would require more than just this form to take these guys out.

3rd Person's POV:

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Scanning.

Flix said as she scanned the Hive.

Then, to Shadow's confusion, there aren't any single Flood coming in to greet them.

Shadow: I wonder why the Flood aren't persuing us....

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Yeah... now that you menton it, we should be expecting company by now but.... it's awfully quiet.

Shadow: Didn't the Gravemind mention something about "giving us a headstart"?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Well, that's one possibility. (Scanning a working vehicle in the Hive) .......... Got it. I found one in one of the Super Hives.

Shadow: Which one?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): There is a Flood Atlesian Paladin Super Hive. You have got to go straight ahead, there you'll see a humongous Porta. That will lead you to every Super Hives. The Paladin Hive is located above the Abomination Super Hive, One Floor up. You may expect more company along with the Abominations and the Flood Paladins.

Shadow: Meh, I don't mind loosing some steam a bit. So, straight ahead?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): That's right.

Shadow: Then let's go.

Shadow replied.

Just before he could start running, he heard numerous number of roars coming from some of the passageways, tunnels and corridors filled with its biomass for Shadow to look back upon hearing the roar. Then, he heard something bursting for him to look around the Walls of the Center Hive as he witnessed the walls bursting into a horde of Flood Infection Forms.

(A/N: Flood Infection Forms. Lots of it.)

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Now, it will be a very good time to head to the Paladin Hive!

Shadow: That's a copy!!

Shadow implied.

And with that, he ran straight ahead for him to see a humongous Porta Flix mentioned as he ran towards it. As soon as he got close, the huge porta opened by itself up for Shadow to run through it to escape the horde of Infection Forms, not before he threw a fireball out at the center of the hive while running.

(A/N: Porta. Make it humongous enough for Abominations, and other other bulky-like vehicles to pass or fly through.)

A few seconds later while running, I heard my fireball explode right after the Porta closed by itself along with tonnes of biomass bursting after the fireball exploded at the other side for Shadow to thinkthat the fireball did its job for now.

Now that the horde of Infection Forms are dealt with, Shadow ran his way towards the Super Hives where he will make his way to one of them to hitch a ride that is currently unifected by the Flood, for the Gravemind to sound off once again.

Gravemind (Echoed Voice around the Castle): Your resistance is futile, Child. In due time you shall be one of us, part of us, and we'll make sure that your knowledge and your powers will be put to use to rule this world, and yours.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The first episode of our RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose - HALO: The FLOOD World of Remnant Episode 1. If you ladies and gentlemen and, Halo fans and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (HALO) and RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader inserts. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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