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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME once again to the very first episode of RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose - HALO: The FLOOD World of Remnant where things are gonna get extremely creepy, scary and horrifying! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY, Kamen Rider and HALO!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth, Kamen Rider is owned by Toei and HALO is from/Created by Ensemble Studios, Robot Entertainment and Bungie. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

In the Portal,

Shadow is seen flying inside the portal with the PROXY Gauntlet on his left hand with Flix, his Crossover Assistant flying beside him as it followed Shadow back to Remnant.

Flix: So, what are you going to do with that Gauntlet?

Flix asked.

Shadow looks at Flix, answering Flix's question.

Shadow: I'm going to use it against someone.

Flix: Who?

Shadow: Thanos.

Flix: Thanos?!

Shadow: Yep.

Flix: Then you need an arsenal of Infinity Gauntlets.

Shadow: That's right. This Gauntlet is a start.

Shadow implied.

Flix nodded in understanding and wished him well.

Flix: I wish you well when we meet again, then.

Shadow: Thanks.

Shadow said.

Shadow: OH! Question. 

Flix: Hmm??

Shadow: Are you...

Flix: Oh. Sorry. I'm a she.

Shadow: Female. Got it.

Flix: Why?

Shadow: You are a spark of light so I couldn't tell. No offense, Flix.

Flix: Non taken, Shadow.

Flix implied.

Then, a huge portal opened before us, for Shadow to smile.

Shadow: Welp. That's my ticket outta here.

Shadow said as he flew out of the portal with Flix following behind.

As soon as Shadow and Flix entered out the portal they wen through to travel from the Creepypasta World back to the World of Remnant, Shadow used his power to close the Portal, knowing that he's already home.... but is he?

Shadow: Thanks, Flix for being around when I need yaaaaaaaaaa....

Flix: Nah, no probs. Like I said, if there is an anormally somewhere in different worlds, I'll let you know.

Shadow: uuuh, Flix?

Flix: Even if there is the slightest of anormallies, I'll come calling.

Shadow: Flix?

Flix: So, if you need anything or you want to find me, just call me and I'll come flying to you and I shall a-

Shadow: FLIIIIIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flix turns to Shadow in shock.

Flix: WHUU!!! WHAT?!?!?!

Shadow: LOOK!!!!!!!!!!

I yelled while using both hands to point at the scene of Remnant, in annoyance.

Flix: Wha- What am I suppose to l- whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????

Flix exclaimed and questioned in shock.

With Flix finally looking at the view, both Flix and Shadow looked in shock to see that his Homeworld,... or is it, is being infested and destroyed by something unknown to him. And it would appearedthat the infestation has been spreading around the entire world, the entire kingdom, to Shadow's shock.

(A/N: Shadow and Flix's current location. Combine the four pictures together.)

Shadow: How long was I-

Flix: Y-you were only out for a few days which is a few seconds in your homeworld! This shouldn't-

Shadow: Wait!

Flix: (Looks at Shadow) What?

Shadow: What year is this???

Flix: Hmmmmm.... lemme give a check. 

Flix replied with confidence.

Then, a small screen appeared in front of her as she began to search for the world that they are in right now. While she's searching, Shadow looked around at the area he's at. He looked on to see that the air and the sky are lingering with Flood Spores making it easier to infect something or someone as these spores are now clogging the air and the sky, giving Shadow a tough time to breathe.

Flix took notice of this as she typed something on her screen for an object to appear before her as she flew to Shadow and passed it to Shadow.

Flix: Here. you'll breathe easily in this.

Shadow: Oh. Thanks. The air here is filled with these.... whatever these things are and it sure is suffocating.

Shadow implied as he wore the Mask by his ears for the handle-band to stick out behind my head. Then, he pressed a button on his techno ear-like mask on for an energy-like mask to form, covering my lower jaw, nose and my mouth, to my amazement.

Shadow: Whoa. Uuuh-

Flix: It's my State-of-the-Art Energy Battle Mask. It allows one to breathe easily while the mask is covering your nose and your mouth. You can even use it in space.

Shadow: Wow. Nice, I'll be sure to share this to the rest.

Flix: Okay. I'll be sure to put this in your Recommendations List.

Shadow: I got a Recommendations List? Cool. Sooo... (Looks at Flix) Have you found out where we are?? And what year is this??


I questioned.

Flix look at her screen once more as she finally got a search to where we are now.

Flix: Got it. Well.... you're not gonna like this....

Me: Try me.

Flix: Well, we are on Remnant, alright. However, not the Remnant you know.

Me: Okay. Go on.

Flix: This Remnant, is different as your said army and this world's you and your team, doesn't exist. And there's more.

Me: Okay....

Flix: This world is dated 29 March 2559. And these things you see before you, they are called, the Flood.

Flix implied, stating everything she knows about this Alternate Universe.

I nod in understanding as I look around, seeing that this area is infested by these unknown organisms that are known as, the Flood.

Me: How much has it spread?

Flix: Too late for you to save it.

Me: Shit!

Flix: I'm... sorry....

Me: No, don't be.... If this world is still surviving, then we must do our best to protect these people, from the so called, "Flood". Alright? 

Flix: So.... it's not over?

Me: (Shakes head) Not yet.

I said.

Then, I notice an unused Scroll on the ground as I picked it up.

(A/N: Unused Scroll.)

I then shook the infection off it, for Flix to pass me a screen cleaner, for me to recieve it as I began to clean the scroll, for me to smile while looking at Flix.

Me: Dude. I smell lavender in this cleaner.

Flix: Welp, no one could resist Lavender.

Me: Heheh. You got me.

Flix: I knew you love the sweet scent of Lavender.

After cleaning up the scroll,

I turned it on to see there is not data in it, no calllogs, nothing. Just a plain Scroll.

Me: Nothing.

Flix: Well, we can just use this to scan this place so, it's now useful for your research.

Me: Yeah.

Flix: But, where did you find that scroll.

Me: Oh! I found it at the ground over there, beside the dead guy.

I said, pointing at the dead guy beside me lying on the ground.

Flix flew past me as she began to scan the being. After scanning the dead guy, she flew back to me as she gave me intel about him.

Flix: Looks like he's dead only for three days. Identity of Person - Howard Christian. Occupation, Atlas Researcher.

Me: An Atlesian Researcher? But! Howard doesn't look like..... Howard? Look at it!!

I implied while pointing at the dead corpse in front of us.

(A/N: Corpse.)

Then, Flix went to scan it again until I had an idea.

Me: Hey, stop. Flix, you say he's a researcher, right?

Flix: Yes???

Me: What if this scroll I found id meant for Scanning these freaks?

I said to Flix.

Then, Flix began to have her train of thought as she thought about my question. After a while, she looked back at me as she did her best to answer my question.

Flix: Well, it is possible. So.... you can try it out if you want but.... all I can say is, he's a researcher and that's his scroll you're using.

Me: (Nods)

I nod as I tap on the scroll and noticed a Lifeform Scanner Button on it. So, I pressed on it for the screen on the scroll to show 'SCAN', 'SHOW LIFEFORM LIST', 'SHOW LIFEFORM DETAILS', 'ADVANCE SCAN' and 'OTHERS' selection buttons on the app. I soon pressed the scan button for a blue UV Ray Light to shine on the ground, for me to aim the scroll at the corpse, causing the UV Light to widen up horizontally first, then to move up and down, scanning the corpse head-to-toe.

Once the scan was 100% Complete, the 'SHOW LIFEFORM DETAILS' button began to glow in and out repeatedly for me to scan it while the UV Light to deactivate, showing the corpse's details along with a photo shown on screen.

(A/N: Flood Combat Form. Infected Researcher. Instead of combat armour, include research clothes to give it the Scientist look.)

Me: Hmmm.... -UNKNOWN- Form. Infected Researcher..... Uhhh, Flix, is it okay if you could uhhh... update this scroll, please?

Flix: Oh. Okay.

Flix shots a small beam for the screen to be updated.

Me: Thanks. (Looks at the Scroll) So!!! This is what they call.... Flood Combat Forms.... Infected Researcher, huh? Heh. I call it gross.

Flix: Okay, never knew they could give you this much of info. As if they knew that these organisms are coming.

Me: They knew.... cause' their target now, since this guy was here for only a few days ago, is Atlas Academy

Flix: Oh....

Me: So, Flix. Where are we at the moment, right now?

Flix: You won't like this. But..... we are now at the land of Darkness. You are at the very rooftop of the Evernight Castle. Former Occupants; Hazel Reinhart, Arthur Watts, Tyrian Callows, Cinder Fall, Mercury Black, Emerald Sustrai and Salem.

Flix said.

After hearing what Flix had to say, my eyes widened with shock to hear that I am now in Salem's Domain. Then, I looked around to see purple crystals everywhere.

Me: I see.... and why did you say, Former?

Flix: They're like the rest... But Salem, is different.

Me: What do you mean, different?

??? (Echoed Ominous Voice): Who steps foot on my planet? Find the intruder and bring the filth to me.

We froze in fear after he heard that ominous voice coming from everywhere on this World.

Flix: Whoa....

Me: I heard it, too. Flix, does this Mask have an A.I. System for A.I.s to go in and out?

Flix: Yeah.

Me: Get in. You need it.

I said to Flix.

I reached out to Flix for her to go onto my hand, causing her to pixelate to data as she flows through my arm and into my Mask Flix fished out for me to use. After Flix entered inside her own Mask, I began to look for a pathway to get down, but I found none.

Then, something was telling me to scan the air, in which I did. However, a normal scan was not enough. So, I used 'ADVANCE SCAN'to scan the air and look at the list once the scan was complete. Turns out those tiny particles polluting and clogging the air are called Flood Spores. I shook my head as I looked at its data. While looking at the data, I heard a scary and yet, horrifying noise coming from below the Castle infected by the Flood.

So, I took a peek from where I am to see what made those noises while scanning them. After Advance Scanning them as I saw a lot of them down there, I saw several number of Flood Forms in the 'SHOW LIFEFORM LIST' forum as it gives me the information on how powerful they are.

(A/N: Flood Forms.)

Me: Now that's a lot of little boogers there.... and these huge guys, are like Tanks!!

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): You're telling me.... So, any ideas?

Me: One.

I said as I stood up while wielding Parablade in hand.

Me: We Shut up and Fight, then,... we go to the source of that Ominous Voice.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Now that's the craziest idea yet. But to be honest, I love crazy.

Me: Then, let's go.

I looked behind as I see some Grenades. So, I picked some up, placing seveal behind me and for one to be held by me.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): Just one question. What if you die?

Flix asked.

I smirked as I answered.

Me: I won't

I said.

3rd Person's POV:

At the entrance of the Evernight Castle, the Flood Forms were looking for the intruder. While looking for an intruder, something fell from above as it land on the Flood-Infested ground, for some Flood forms to take notice of this. A few seconds later, that something that turned out to be a grenade, blew up, killing and bursting all of the Flood Forms except for two, in which someone from above took notice of this.

Then from above, Shadow is seen jumping down as he lands in right behind of the two remaining Flood Forms, donning his landing strategy. Shadow then swiftly turned around to face the Flood Tank form and Juggernaut-

(A/N: Flood Tank Form and Juggernaut.)

- as I aim Parablade in its gun mode at them, shooting them at their mouths, for one to defend themselves for me to shoot at the other, repeating the same process to the other. It kept on for a few minutes while Shadow kept moving backwards till the Juggernaut was too close to Shadow for it to strike Shadow, but to no avail as he dodged the strike.

Shadow switched Parablade to its axe form as I swiftly sliced its right arm off for its arm to fall off. Then, I rushed in as I went on top of the Juggernaut to forcefully inserts two grenades into its severed arm and mouth. After which, I went down from the Juggernaut as I lift it up and threw it at the Tank form. After a few seconds, two explosion were heard inside the infected castle as Shadow took a peek to see what happened to them.

When Shadow peeked in, he saw that both are now dead, to his relief. While relieving himself, his Metallize, Rider Cloak and three of his Muscle-Up Power-Ups were soon drained revealing Shadow's Rider form to be Kamen Rider Brave with a Combination of Snipe, with the Game-Driver aroud my waist.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Brave - Shooting Quest Gamer. Combine Snipe's helmet piece, Chestplate, his cloak, Snipe's Level 1 Faceplate and his shoulder armour on Brave. Ensure Brave's shield is still on and Brave's knight head is still on when Snipe's helmet piece is combined on him.)

Seeing that the small fight is done, Shadow sheathed Parablade back into its scabbard at his back (A/N: The Scabbard is not visible as it is hidden by the Level 1 Faceplate behind the Rider form.), for Flix to squeal silently in awe.

Shadow: Problem?

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): N-no. (Blushing in my Mask) I never seen someone use Game Genres in real-life combat before.

Shadow: Well, consider this your first.

Shadow said.

Then, he looked inside of the Infected Evernight Castle to see that the insides are covered with Flood Spores, some sort of disgusting liquid substance spewing out from every inch of the room and a lot of tentacles moving about around or hanging down around the walls.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): They don't seem to be moving.

Shadow: Something tells me that it is because whoever commanded these freaks probably knows I'm here.

??? (Echoed Ominous Voice): And I know you have come.

The voice boomed again.

??? (Echoed Ominous Voice): Who are you, trespassing on my World? On my Domain?

The voice echoed again, questioning Shadow.

Shadow gained his posture as he answered.

Shadow: I'm here to defeat you.

Shadow said.

When Shadow said that, tentacles began to emerge out from the inside for Shadow to take a few steps back. Then, they stoppedas they backed away, letting him in, to Shadow and Flix's confusion.

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): They seem to be letting you in.... I think....

Shadow: I guess so...

??? (Echoed Ominous Voice): Come, Warrior. Let us talk in here.

Shadow: Will you let us in without any company?

Shadow asked.

??? (Echoed Ominous Voice): Very well. Proceed.

It echoed.

Shadow shrugged his shoulders as he cautiously proceeded inside. 

Inside the Castle,

Shadow is seen walking through many corridors and room, with several doors gaining him entry aka, unlocked, and for some to be restricted aka, locked. However, for the doors that were restricted aka, locked, whoever the voice was somehow opened the door for Shadow, letting him enter through only some restricted area inthe castle, to Shadow's confusion on how he does it.

While he made his way to the source aka, the voice he and Flix heard passing through many unlocked doors and locked doors unlocked by the voice, he has been seeing tonnes of new pure flood forms. Some were flying, some were just pure forms and some are combat forms and usual ones that he blew up. Shadow looked at them with the Flood forms looking back at them as he took an opportunity to scan them all. Luckily for Shadow, they are not attacking due to the voice's instructions. That is until the voice sounded off.

??? (Echoed Ominous Voice): What are you doing, Warrior?

It echoed while asking a question.

I answered him while walking and scanning.

Shadow: Documenting. Never knew your kind would infect this World so quickly so, why dont I just document some forms for a bit.

??? (Echoed Ominous Voice): Hmmmmmm... (Ominous scoffing) You say it like as if you show purpose on that term. You are different from the Flesh and Blood that have been tricking me. Very well, proceed further, for you are close to salvation.

It boomed, sounding delighted.

Shadow: Oooooookaaayyyy????

Shadow implied while trekking forwards.

A few minutes later,

At the Conference Hall,


After going through many corridors, rooms, doors and locked door, I have finally arrived at the a huge room which appeared to be the Conference Room. My eyes widened in shock to see that the Conference Room is a mess filled and infected with its Biomass, several number of Flood Hives covering around the room, Flood tentacles filling up the room and flood roots emerging from the gound.

(A/N: Its Biomass, several number of Flood Hives covering around the room, Flood tentacles filling up the room and flood roots emerging from the gound covering the Conference Hall.)

As I looked around, I noticed a huge hole at the center of the Biomass-filled Conference Room, to my confusion.

Me: Uuuuuh, dude with the voice?! What's with the hole at the center of the Conference Room?!

I asked.

As if right on queue, tonnes of tentacles emerge from the hole along with a huge snake-like biomass emerging from the hole as well, to my shock. After emerging to reveal itself, it then showed its horrifying and disgusting fleshy-like face to me, which almost made me want to hurl so badly.

(A/N: Gravemind.)

Flix (In Shadow's Mask): What.... is that?

Me: flix.... i think we just found their leader.....

I replied with fear in my eyes while keeping my posture of confidence and bravery. After that, the serpent-like biomass began to move its mouth as it start to talk.

???: I am a monument to all your sins.

After speaking, I scanned its body for its info. WhenI got everything, it is revealed that the biomass's name is called the Gravemind, for me to nod in understanding to finally know that he is in charge with all the flood.

Me: What's your name?

???: (Chuckling) Don't think I don't know what you're doing, for you already answered your own question.

It said while breathing out Flood Spores in front of my face.

Me: Well, you got me. So, Gravemind. 

I said acting smug a bit.

Me: Why did you come here?

Gravemind: I.... have come, to accumilate this planet like what I did to several planets before coming here, including this planet's moon. Planet after Planet, Moon after Moon, I achieve Intergalactical Mass to consume and feast upon their flesh, blood and bones.

Me: I can only assume flesh, blood and bones as in the people you took to infect and feast upon.

Gravemind: That is correct.

Me: Okay, that makes it a lot scarier. Anyway, how in the world  did you get pass Salem and her associates???? They are tough to defeat in battle?!

I asked.

Then, the Gravemind laughed at my question, causing him to laugh out more Flood Spores in my face, to my confusion.

Me: Uuuuhhh... What's so funny???

Gravemind: (Scoffing out Flood Spores) You think I'm a fool not to know that? I am no fool, but the one you know as Salem, is. She may be unkillable, BUT unkillable she may be, I HAVE made her even more unkillable along with her other flesh and bones.

Me: UUUUUHHH, you lost me there.

Gravemind: Then allow me to reveal my so called to what you flesh and bones say, "Combat-Mode" to you.

He replied.

Then, it lunged back to add momentum for it to lung forward, slamming its own face onto the biomass-like ground in front of me, for me to hear the Gravemind hurling something out from its serpent-like body-like biomass, causing a lot of Flood Spores to emerge from its mouth.

After hurling something out, The Gravemind reared itself back up to show me what he actually meant when I noticed someone standing in front of me and in front of the Gravemind. I squint my eyes in shock to see that the Gravemind notonly infected her and her associates, he somehow merged himself and her associates into one body to make "Her" more powerful and immortal than my world's villianess.

Me: S-S-Salem?!

Gravemind/Salem (All of Salem's Associates, Gavemind and Salem's voice in sync): Now that you have asked, and I have answered..... NOW, I shall ask, and you shall answer.

Both Gravemind and Salem said it in sync as they are both one body, for me to look at them, while figuring a way out of here.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The first episode of our RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose - HALO: The FLOOD World of Remnant. If you ladies and gentlemen and, Halo fans and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (HALO) and RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader inserts. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (HALO)! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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