Donovan Romero (Supremedreams_1's OC)

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Hey everyone. Today, I am going to review to you my other OC that Supremedreams_1 and I have been planning so far for the upcoming war against Salem and Thanos (A/N: I'm making this short as you already knew which volumes and movies I'm talking about.). So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, Supremedreams_1's OC which goes by the name of Donovan Romero.


(A/N: This is what he looks likes. But, replace his eye colour from red to blue.)

-Personal Information-

Name: Donovan Romero

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Family: Jessica Romero - Mother (former huntress turned chef). She works in a restaurant that she half owns with her mother, Danielle Romero - Younger Sister (huntress in training), Akihiro Romero- Father (Huntsmen). His maternal grandfather Richard (Ray) Romero - Grandfather (former huntsman turned police chief). His maternal Mary - Grandmother (restaurantur). She manages the restaurant that she and her daughter own.

Favourite Colour: Fuchisa

Eye Colour: Red

Hair Colour: Black

Occupation: Adventurer, inventor, creative engineer and research scientist

Likes: Gaming, Friends, Reading, Music, Training, Cooking, Learning new things, making people laugh

Dislikes: Bullies, Chaos, Pretentious People, Cocky People, People who hurt his friends

Speed: 9/10

Strength: 8.5/10

Leadership Skills: 10/10

Outfit: Primary outfit is either a plaid or flannel shirt, Secondary outfit is a grey shirt with a black jacket hoodie, wears black shoes and long pants

(A/N: Plaid or Flannel Shirt.)

(A/N: Grey shirt with Black Jacket hoodie.)

(A/N: His shoes.)

(A/N: His pants.)

Height: 1.9 meters (6'2 feet)

Weight: 77.11kg (170 Ibs)

Race: Human (Japanese-American)

Now that his Appearance and Personal information has been stated, let us go through his Weapons and Accessories.

Weapons and Accessories:


Gashacon Sparrow

Drill Crusher

Hawk Gatlinger

4Koma Ninpoutou

Kaizoku Hassyar

FullBottle Buster


(A/N: Gashacon Sparrow.)

(A/N: Drill Crusher.)

(A/N: Hawk Gatlinger.)

(A/N: 4Koma Ninpoutou.)

(A/N: Kaizoku Hassyar.)

(A/N: FullBottle Buster.)

(A/N: Wizarswordgun.)


A shark tooth necklace - His father gave it to him

Music Player - Given by his mother to listen to music

Bracelet - Given by his sister

Portable Gaming Console

A Case full of Proto Gashats

Kamen Rider Chronicle gashat

Two Baksou Bike gashats (A/N: One for his base Level 1 to 2 forms and the other for his Turbo Lazer form Level 0.) and Giri Giri Chambara Gashat


Bug-Visor Zwei

60 FullBottles

RabbitTank Sparkling Can

RabbitTank FullFullBottle

Hazard Trigger

Genius Bottle


Cross-ZBuild Can

LazerCross-ZBuild Can

(A/N: Shark Tooth Necklace.)

(A/N: Music Player with Earmuffs.)

(A/N: Bracelets.)

(A/N: Portable Gaming Console.) 

Now that we have finished with his weapons and accessories, let us go through his Aura and Semblance.

Aura and Semblance:

Aura: Fuchisa

Semblance names:

1. Body Breaker 

Ability - Removes the Huntsmen or Huntresses' limiters which increases their strength, speed, and sense of immeasurably and continues to do so while their semblance/s are still active. This also turns off their pain sensors on the body so they can fight to his/her content.

2. Perception

Ability - This Semblance would alter the user's own preception of time. This would be like turning any battle into a slow-mo guys video. The user would be able to gain greater speed than Ruby and he is able to make precise attacks and last second/minute dodges. The intense focus allows the user to prepare deadly attacks in what would be almost an instant.

Limits: (Body Breaker) The person can only maintain this state depending on their aura level if they run out of their own semblance. The person will be completely exhausted and will experience aching pain depending on what the Huntsmen or Huntresses did during the body breaker state which leaves him/her open for attack. However, it will not be the case if Turbo Lazer form or Giri Giri Chambara form Level X are activated, and the user's Semblance is amplified by Jaune, or Maybe orochi Tenma can do something with that to conquer the odds.

(Perception) This ability is entirely based on the user's focus. If they are distracted by anything, they won't be able to move fast. If the user is emotionally unstable or in considerable amount of pain, his semblance won't activate. However, it will not be the case when LazerCross-ZBuild form, Giri Giri Chambara form Level X and the rest of hs Lazer and Build forms are activated, and the user's semblance is amplified by Jaune, or Maybe orochi Tenma can do something with that to conquer the odds.

Trivia: Donovan is a cheeky, cheerful, young man full of mischievous ideas. However, he is a well-mannered young man. He is most commonly known for having a sweet tooth; he loves everything sweet. He is also a quick-thinking person and often analyzes a situation with great ease and accuracy.

In spite of his young age, his way of thinking, knowledge and pragmatism gives him the attitude of an adult. He is initially very confident about his own abilities, going as far as questioning others capabilities and compares his strength with other people. As time passed, Donovan became humble about it, but when somebody compliments him, especially girls, he becomes easily embarrased.

However, his ruthlessness and aptitude in combat shows the other side of him----deadly, violent and bloodthirsty. Conflicting with Donovan's predisposal to commit acts of violenceis his unyielding loyalty to his friends and natural kindness.

Donovan often suffers immensely in his attempts to help his friends without a single complaint. He puts others before himself without being concerned about his own health or even his life.

Donovan has a fondness for music rock hip-hop R&B and rap music to name a few he has stated that his favorite rock song is alive by warbly jets because he can relate to it on a personal level. The song ponders on the intensity of life and the everyday individual bravery needed to live it, with each new arising challenge reminding him that it is in the struggle where he feels most..... "Alive." he also has a fondness for oldies in terms of music. His favorite video game is freedom wars which he often plays on his portable console. But he also enjoys other games such as third person shooters rpgs first person shooters adventure games etc.

Additional Trivia:

Donovan is an excellent cook: 

Donovan is a master engineer: 

Donovan is an expert inventor: 

Donovan is a master martial artist: 

Donovan is an expert marksmen: 

Donovan is an expert swordsman: 

Donovan is an expert hacker: 

Donovan is a master tactician and strategist: 

Donovan loves music and games and is constantly seen playing a game or listening to music or both at the same time. 

Donovan's favorite sweet is chocolate specifically chocolate balls. 

Donovan always trains to keeps his skills sharp. 

Donovan's foremost trait is his sense of humor. He is capable of coming up with witty quips on the fly. 

Donovan's wit becomes more cutting and sarcastic to those he dislikes. His rapier wit and fast talking quipping also allows him to diffuse the tension present in numerous situations. 

Donovan is an avid reader. 

Donovan has extreme weapons proficiency. 

Donovan can become easily embarrassed whenever someone compliments him or openly shows affection towards him. 

Donovan strongly believes in his father's philosophy "if there are things you can do better than anyone else, things that you could do to help people, it is your responsibility to do them." 

Donovan's godspeed closely resembles the real-life martial arts concept of mushin "empty mind" a mental state that highly-trained martial artists are said to be capable of entering during combat. It is essentially a moment where their body reacts without the need of any specific intentions or plans in mind, having refined their instincts and intuition to a level where they can respond to any threat without the need for thought. 

Donovan is not afraid to speak his mind but is also smart enough to know when to hold his tounge. 

Donovan is very personable. 

Donovan prefers Pepsi over coke. 

Donovan's favorite rock song is alive by warbly jets. 

Donovan is skilled in analysis and induction. 

Donovan's insecurity lies in his own weakness and not being able to protect 

Donovan is very good at dealing with women of any kind. 

Donovan claims he learned his way with women during his childhood experience with his mother, grandmother, and his mother's friends who often visited and taught him "a lot of things." 

Donovan is talented at bargaining being able to haggle shopkeepers to no end. 

Donovan is a very down-to-earth individual. He is never arrogant about is own talent or accomplishments, yet is not above telling others when they make mistakes. At the same time, he is open-minded, never stubbornly believing in one ideal solely and strives to see the unique nature of current situations before him. He is also shown to be highly perceptive and intuitive even from a young age, able to see through the emotional nature of others and likewise able to notice the smallest details around him. 

From a young age Donovan has been calm and insightful, showing noticeable maturity for his age and knowledge on how to deal with every situation. Donovan felt his own needs are secondary to the greater good and to that end he trains himself tirelessly to improve himself in any way he can and subjects himself to all of life's inconveniences without complaint for the simple motivation of being useful to others. His commitment borderlines recklessness, due to training privately using extremely deadly methods. 

Donovan can be quite observant, picking up on things others miss and retaining information casually gathered through conversation. 

Donovan is said to have a personality that draws people to him, inspiring friendship and loyalty through acts of genuine kindness that could change a person's world view. 

Now that his Aura, Semblance, Trivia and Additional Trivia are done, let us go through the special gimmick called the LazerCross-ZBuild Can.

About the LazerCross-ZBuild Can:

The LazerCross-ZBuild Can is a combination of Cross-ZBuild form and Lazer Turbo form. When activated, the User will be in Turbo Lazer form, but the chestplate will be in a combination of Perfect Knockouts chestplate and Cross-ZBuild's chestplate. One side of his chest willbe covered by a dragon wing as usual, his arms and legs will have the same articulation, details and armour like Cross-ZBuild but, his head sculp will be like Lazer turbo with Cross-ZBuild visor embedded onto it with a Dragonsculp piece connecting the center and holding them all like Cross-ZBuild, Cross-Z andGreat Cross-Z. 

The head piece of Lazer Turbo Level 1 will be behind his backas usual and the Rider Details of Lazer Turbo will remain to stand out with the Cross-ZBuild gimmicks and armour. He will have Build Hazard gimmicks on his head to have a dragonic turbo look. He wields his Front/Rear Armed Units as shooting, punching and shield units. When he wantsto wields his Gashacon weapons or his Build-based weapons, he will simply connect them onto his feet so that they will transform and become his own feet (A/N: Like Sideswipe and Arcee Twins from Transformers - Revenge Of The Fallen.).

When he turnsinto LazerCross-ZBuild form, the armed units will be connected there anyway so, it's convienient on whether or not he will use them with a tap of his feet. This form will only be activated when Hazard Trigger is present.

Welp, that's all for now for Supremedreams_1's OC, Donovan Romero. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against Salem and Thanos, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.

So, since this is Supremedreams_1's OC, do give him tonnes of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave, POUND IT, KNOCK IT!! Aaaaaaaaaaand SEE YA!!!!!

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