Elias Veturius (ShawnLaughren's OC)

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Hey everyone. Today, I am going to review to you my other OC that ShawnLaughren and I have been planning so far for the upcoming war against Salem and Thanos (A/N: I'm making this short as you already knew which volumes and movies I'm talking about.). So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, ShawnLaughren's OC by the name of Elias Veturius.

(A/N: Elias Veturius.)

Name: Elias Veturias

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Family: Quin Veturius (grandfather) ((Occupation: Former General) (Status: Alive)), Keris Veturia (mother) ((Occupation: Commandment of Blackcliff) (Status: Alive)), Arius Harper (father) ((Occupation: Mask) (Status: Deceased)), Avitas Harper (half-brother) (Status: Alive)

Favourite Colour: Black

Eye Colour: blue

Hair Colour: brown

Occupation: Student at Blackcliff Academy (formerly), Aspirant (formerly), Fugitive and Soul Catcher

Likes: Cookies, Muffins, Cats

Dislikes: Thanos's Infinity Rocks (Stones), aliens (except Xenomorphs)

Speed: 9.5/10

Strength: ∞/10 (due to xenomorph changing)

Leadership skills: 10/10 (If he were to have a Xenomorph army, peeeeerrfect)

Outfit: refer to picture above. Take note he will have black pants and sports shoes which are nike.

Height: 1.9m

Weight: ∞ (due to xenomorph changing)

Race: Formerly Human. Xenomorph Faunus (Due to portal crossing)

Now that his Appearance and Personal information has been stated, let us go through his Weapons and Accessories.

Weapons and Accessories:


Xeno-Steel Armour - It's strong aloy-platted armour that allows the user to change his armour into different modes to any types of Xenomorphs. He can also turn his hands into guns, claws or blades and wield an infinite number of weapons.

Connect-Tek - Connect-Tek works together with the Xeno-Steel Armour as once one part of the armour is destroyed, it allows the armour to reconfigurate itself into a multitude of weapons, armour or both simultaneously before, during and after battle.

(A/N: Xeno-Steel Armour. (Use some armour parts on the chest, arms, legs, lower torso and helmet.).)

(A/N: Connect-Tek. (Inside the Xeno-Steel armour itself, and it is removable depending on the user/wielder.).)


Mask - To show that he is a fugitive and a soul catcher. His mask will have xenomorph details on it.

(A/N: This is the mask that he will use. Combine the two masks into one so, you can get the xeno-like look of an Xenomorph Empress.)

Now that we have finished with his weapons and accessories, let us go through his aura and semblance.

Aura and Semblance:

Aura: Blue

Semblance names:

His semblance is currently unknown but for this case, his semblance has one of the abilities of allowing him to turn into any Xenomorph forms in his freewill. And when he is angry, he can turn into any forms in a faster rate. He also can react and adapt to their abilities and use its powers against his enemies.

Welp, that's all for now for ShawnLaughren's OC, Elias Veturius. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against Salem and Thanos, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.

So, since this is ShawnLaughren's OC, do give him tonnes of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave, POUND IT, KNOCK IT!! Aaaaaaaaaaand SEE YA!!!!!

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