A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 1)

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the SPECIAL episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 2 whereby we will be seeing Team RWBY, JNPR and STRM hosting and organizing a Halloween Party. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND BUILD. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Build is from Toei.

Take note this happened before the Vytal Festival and in between Volumes 2 and 3.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! 

3rd Person's POV:

It was the 28th of October. It was already quite late, 3 to 4 days late, but there was still a lot of activity in the prestigious fighting school of Beacon Academy where young Huntsmen and Huntresses were trained to be the best. However, this particular day which is on the 31st October, there was something special going on. Teams RWBY and STRM had watched a lot of movies lately and in those movies they saw a special holiday which was celebrated on the fictional "Earth ", the planet on which the stories of most of the movies they watched took place. That holiday was called "Halloween" and its concept attracted the three teams. So teams STRM and RWBY decided to ask the headmaster of Beacon, Professor Ozpin, whether they could organize a costumed party for the whole school, in which he inquired and after which took it okay.

Ozpin: A Halloween Costume Party? I don't see why not. It sounds interesting.

Rachel and Ruby squealed in delight, while the others look elated and excited. However, Professor Goodwitch interjects.

Glynda: However, whatever you do and spend for your occasion on the whole school will be entirely up to you all. So, you'll be spending your own money and sweat on this. Are we clear?

All: Yes, Professor Goodwitch!

They all said simultaneously, as they find these things all accounted for. Besides, the three teams had someone who have a wealthy background, but Weiss didn't seem to mind about it.

Mitchell: Thank you, Professor Ozpin! And don't worry, Professor Goodwitch! We'll make sure to pick a nice costume for that really cute guy with the glasses and scarf so you could---mmmmphffmm!

Tenka: N-N-Nothing, Professor Goodwitch! A-Absolutely nothing at all!

Shadow: Y-Yeah! What he said! 

Shadow desperately agreed as he and Shadow still placed their hands on Mitchell's mouth, who's words were muffled under their hands. 

Shadow: Anyways, we should probably go so we could... uh.... Prepare for the party! Thank you for your time, Professors!


I continued on as Tenka and I literally had to drag Mitchell out of the office with our hands still intact in his mouth, the rest of the group followed afterwards.

After reaching the lobby, with Mitchell's mouth finally free but not before he lashed at the two of us who covered it, Ruby steps out of the elevator first and turns towards the group as they exit the elevator.

Ruby: All right guys! Let's make this Halloween costume party the best party ever! Banzai!

All: Banzai!

Me: (Inner Thoughts) Do we always have to yell 'Banzai!' every single time we agree on something?

One Day Later,

The next day, the two teams have already started decorating the ballroom with anything creepy and spooky, which included Jack'o Lanterns, cloth ghosts, and cobwebs, which Rachel apparently hates because of the cobwebs. Mitchell, and Ruby we're in charge of arranging the Jack'o Lanterns, while Rachel and Yang were in charge of placing some cobwebs and, Tenka and Blake were left doing some Halloween wreaths.

Rachel: Gosh darn it! I hate these cobwebs!

Rachel exclaimed in exasperation as the 'cobwebs' kept tangling in her hand and her hair.

Mitchell: Here, lemme help you out with those. As after all, those things are just made out of cotton, Rach.

Mitchell stated as he removes the webs off her hair as he began to arrange the Jack'o Lanterns on the ceiling with Yang holding down the ladder she's standing on as Rachel groans as she tries to remove the last remaining cotton sticking in her hand.

Rachel: Still.....

Ruby: By the way, where are Weiss and Tenka???

Me: Well, seeing as she is wealthy and Tenka's mom happen to be a good sewer, they both went to the stores to buy the stuff we need and sew for us what we need. (Unknown Voice) Aaaaah, There we go.

As I was doing something, Mitchell decided to check what I was doing.

Mitchell: Doc? What are you.... Whoa.

Mitchell's jaw dropped in awe at what he is witnessing. The others started to walk towards him, and when they all suddenly heard a sharp snap of a finger. And then, each pillar in the room emitted a cold fog that started to cover the entire floor of the ballroom. I stood up from my crouching position, looking proud of myself, as the rest of the people in the room lied themselves on the floor to feel the soothing cold sensation from the fog. Needless to say, it blended perfectly for the creepy theme, because it really gave off that mysterious look for the whole room.

Yang: This is.... cool.

Me: (Chuckling) Pun intended?

Yang just nods, contemplating with the cold fog. Just then, Weiss and Tenka finally arrived from their shopping spree and Dojo, a truck, no doubt full of stuff for the planned party, is parked just outside.

Tenka: What? Are you guys just going to lay there all day, or are we going to get this party on the road?

Weiss: Yeah! Learn how to take some initiative to help.

Tenka inquires as he crosses his arms and Weiss exclaims, staring down at all other team members as they began to stand up and went back to work.

-----30th October-----

Time: 2355 Hours

3rd Person's POV:

Somewhere in the outskirts of Remnant, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald are at Mountain Glenn as they were tasked to look into the unknown disappearance of Grimm after the Grimm attack at Downtown Vale.

Emerald: Cinder,... don't you think it's weird for Grimm to... disappear just like that?? Like after all, they grow in numbers by fear created by the people. Is there something that the Grimm... fear as well that she didn't tell us???

Mercury: Yeah, boss. Don't mean to be suspicious and all but... Is there something that we should know about??

Cinder soon sighed as she turned to her so called teammates.

Cinder: That is something thatI am not so sure for now. Right now, our grace wants us to investigate about this and we must make this fast before the Vytal Festival because if we don't have enough Grimm to invade Vale and Beacon even if we have Adam and Gemdeus Machina's help, getting what's ours from Beacon won't be easy.

Mercury: Got it, boss.

Emerald: Cinder, look.

Emerald alerted Cinder as she points behind her. She soon looked with her eyes now widened as she and her teammates are witnessing Gemdeus Machina battling with something unknown to him and to them with spikes and shelled all over.

When Gemdeus Machina saw the trio, he flew next to them as everyone are in their battle stances as they prepared for the worse to come as the creature which is twice the size of a human began to walk towards them.

Cinder: Maxima! Explanation!

Gemdeus Machina: I was investigating the disappearance of mymen and brethren, until I bumped into this Shell armoured spikey-like creature who is eating grimm and my brethren as well! And here we are.

Mercury: Well, at least we know who's been causing the Grimm and your brothers to disappear.

Gemdeus Machina: Precis--

Spikey Shelled-like Creature(Mixed Voices): You'll never escape my territory, Demons!!

Everyone slowly looked at the creature after it spoke as Emerald soontook a few steps back in fear.

Emerald: Did it just....

Mercury: Talk?!

???: Of course I did. Now to deal with ALL OF YOU!!!

The creature's arm soon shed its skin on its arms as it glowed as it now wields Salty's  left Salty Knuckle and the right arm of a Atleasian paladin, to everyone's shock.

Gemdeus Machina: Wait!! It can wield Mechanical beings like the Atlesian Paladin as well?! That's impossible!!

When the creature walked extremely close to everyone, Cinder found out what thatthing is after witnessing it changing its arms to different parts of tech, Grimm or Bugster.

Cinder: Project........ Grimmpho---

Cinder was soon cut off when the scene changed to the view of Mountain Glenn as Cinder, Mercury and Emerald's screams are heard including blast shots, arrow shots, slashes as well.

-----31st October-----

Time: 2055 Hours

Teams STRM and RWBY were inside RWBY's dorm to prepare. Needless to say, the room was pretty crowded and rowdy. The girls were rushing around the room while Shadow and Tenka just waited patiently, sitting on Ruby's and Weiss' bed respectively. Rachel and Mitchell decided to dress as vampires, while Tenka decided to dress as some sort of Ghost Samurai. Shadow on the other hand decided to dress as a Grimm Humanoid with some parts of his arms, torso and legs revealing with my face exposed. As for team RWBY: Yang decided dress up as some sort of harlequin, Ruby dressed as a red-cloaked Grimm Reaper. Blake dressed up as witch, and Weiss decided to dress up like the heroine of her favorite movie "Frozen", Elsa. (A/N: I watched Frozen so DON'T you judge or mock me!.)

Meanwhile, Blake was in a spot of bother. 

Blake: Shadow, can you please get the dog to stop chasing me?


I smirked as I shifted my attention from the girls and towards Blake, who was running around the room, being followed by a playful Zwei. 

Me: Well, why would I do that? Don't you see he just wants to play with you? That's what dogs do with people they like, Blake.

Blake: Oh yeah? Well, have you considered that cat Faunus may not like to play with dogs?

Me: Okay, okay, I'll help. I'll get his attention away from you, Blake.

I replied as I jumped off of Ruby's makeshift bunk bed. I lured Zwei away from Blake with a dog cookie that I grabbed from my coat. Shadow knew Zwei liked cookies just as much as Ruby did.

Tenka: Now that this is out of the way, let's leave the dorm and search for team JNPR.

Tenka interjected as he stood up from the bed he was sitting on. The teams agreed, flicked off the lights and locked the doors. They were glad that the day of the party is close at hand. It was the first time that a Halloween party was being organized at Beacon after all, and it was thanks to teams RWBY and STRM who had convinced Professor Ozpin to allow for a party that day. And with the added efforts of Team JNPR, the teams were able to finish the preparations ahead of time. 

Zwei was going to the party with the teams. They couldn't let him stay alone in the dorms and it had taken some effort from STRM to reassure professor Ozpin that Zwei would not mess anything up at the party. It was also a good opportunity for Professor Oobleck to see Zwei again. The two of them had really bonded when Ruby snuck Zwei with her when they were on the field trip to Mountain Glenn.

As I was about to leave to find Team JNPR with my friends, my scroll soon vibrated in my pocket, puzzling me. I fished out my scroll as I saw a 'Private Number' name on it.

Me: Huh? Wonder who's calling me?

And with that, I picked up the call and answered it.

Me: Hello?

Gemdeus Machina: Shadow? Can you hear me??

Me: Hello?! Who's this?! Oh don't tell me. Cardin. Yeah, nice try, Cardin. Like how you changed your voice there.

Gemdeus Machina: NO YOU IDIOT!!! IT'S ME!!!

When I heard that outburst, my eyes widened as I know that outburst from somewhere.

Me: Gemdeus Machina?! You are alive!!! How?!?!

Gemdeus Machina: It doesn't really matter now!!! Why I'm contacting you, is because You and your friends, the people of remnant are all in danger, and so am I!

When I heard his change of voice, I felt suspicious, concern and puzzled as this is the first time hearing him in a worried way.

Me: What's going on, Gemdeus Machina?! You sound different.

Gemdeus Machina: I will explain later, but now... I'll send you coordinates to where I am. Please hurry like your damn life depends on it!!

As I was about to ask more questions to him, he suddenly hung up, making me feel puzzled as Ruby's team and my team looked back at me.

Ruby: Shadow, is everything alright?

I looked at Ruby with a concern look.

Me: Yeah. I'm sorry guys but... I think I'm gonna sit this one out....

When I said the news, this made everyone questioned as they are shock to hear this and Ruby was saddened when I said the news.

Tenka: But... why??

Ruby: Why??

Me: My father.... wants me to do something for him... it's a personal matter....

Ruby: Ooooh. Okay, you take care now.

Me: I will.

Mitchell: Send him my regards ya?

Me: I will. And Rubes... I promise I'd be back before it ends.

Ruby: Promise?

Me: Promise.

Ruby: Okay, Shadow... Take care...

Me: I will.

And with that, I ran to the other direction while the others ran to their current direction to find Team JNPR.


TIME: 2122 Hours

Team JNPR had arrived at the rendezvous point before the remaining members of teams STRM and RWBY did, but they only needed to wait 5 minutes for the other teams to arrive. The three teams had agreed to go to the Halloween party together after all. Jaune was wearing a mask and red cape, Pyrrha was dressed up as a Valkyrie, Nora's costume is nurse outfit, while Ren dressed up as a jiangshi, also known as a Chinese hopping zombie.

Mitchell: So you guys finally made it. I was beginning to worry that something had happened, though.

It seemed that Team JNPR's leader had even more worries than Weiss ever did. Yang looked at Jaune curiously and said;

Yang: Of course we did. What could have possibly happened? Did you think we would have fallen out of the window or something?

It looked like Jaune was cursing himself for saying something stupid again. 

Jaune: Well, no, now that I think of it, there's not a lot that could have happened I guess. But anyway, shall we go inside?

Pyrrha: Hold on. Where's Shadow?

Rachel: Oh... his dad called up saying he's got something for him.

Tenka: So, he's gonna sit this one out.

Ruby: Yeah.... (head hanging low)

Pyrrha placed her hand on Ruby's shoulder, saying;

Pyrrha: Don't worry, Ruby. I'm sure he will be here before the ends. You'll be fine.

Ruby: Thank you, Pyrrha.

Nora: Come on! Leeeeet's go!!

After saying that, they went inside together. The two was soon followed by the others in pairs: Nora and Ren, Ruby and Mitchell, Tenka and Weiss, Yang and Blake, Rachel being with Mitchell and Ruby as company. Apart from the regular lighting, several Jack-'o- lanterns were added. A catering company was hired by Weiss to make sure that there were plenty of snacks, all Halloween-themed of course. There was also music, which originated from a DJ stage. Yang and Rachel immediately recognized the DJ as "Redbear", the same DJ who was at Junior's club the night they smashed the place. The two girls had to resist the urge to go up to him and punch him again for shooting at them as they don't want to create a ruckus of things. 


I flew across Remnant towards Mountain Glenn in my Snipe Level 5 form as I scanned the area for Grimm activity, Bugster activity and White Fang patrol activity as I land onto the grounds of the ruins of Mountain Glenn as I began to patrol the area with a puzzled look behind the mask.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Snipe - Hunter Gamer Level 5.)

Me: Weird... there should be Grimm here. All I see are.... ruins. Even if Gemdeus Machina is my mortal enemy... hope he is okay so that he can explain to me what happened here.

I stated as I looked at the ruins before me. While I kept walking as I patrolled the area, I noticed some scratch marks, blast marks and slash marks on the walls, the ground and along the pillars of the ruins as I began to examine them carefully.

Me: hmmmm... something doesn't seem right.... yes, those are slash marks made by a sword and blast marks made by gunshots and shotgun rounds but, these claw marks.... doesn't add up to any Grimm I've seen before.... wonder which Grimm made these marks.

As I kept on examining the marks, I sensed something watching me as I readied my blades as I quickly turned back and don my defensive posture, only to see nothing behind me.

I sighed in relief that no one is behind me. As I looked back to the claw mark on the pillar, I freaked out as I came face-fo-face with an unknown humanoid Grimm with bone-platted armour and spikes covering his legs, left arm and its head as its lower jaw ripped to two as it opened wide open to roar in my face.


That being of a Grimm lunged at me as I dodged his claws as I decapitated its arm.

Me: You missed an arm?! Aaawww poor little---

Before I could even finish, I witnessed the thing's decapitated part of his arm glowing as it created a new arm belonging to Gutton as my jaw dropped.

Me: --thing.... (Jaw drop) oh crud...

The thing soon roared at me and soon, two others, one in the same colour as the first and the other being grey in colour with beowolf legs and arms as the three of them charged towards me as I sliced their limbs until they're immobilize as I began to run into safe cover which turned out to be a huge cave.

As I entered the cave, here I thought it was taking forever to get through this long cave, but I was so wrong as it led me to a huge nest of something, in which my eyes widened to the sight.

Me: Oh my Gemdeus' spark, Gutton, Motos and Charlie's pistons, Hiro's Scalpel and M's Geniatic Mind....

I said as I saw some Grimm in their skeleton forms, some half eaten, inluding those belonging to huntsmen and huntresses that some are from Atlas. There are even drones and Paladins in the nest or home. As I quickly glance through the whole area, I was punched from behind by one of the three things that I fought as they forced me to deactivate my Level 5 form as I crashed into one of the cocoons that are at the center of the nest.

As I got up, I looked back, neither did I know someone called out to me, the same someone that contacted me by via scroll.

???: What took you so long??

Me: WHUU!! Gemdeus Machina!!

I jumped off of the trapped Gemdeus Machina as I was shocked that he was captured. Just as Iwas about to ask him why he's like this, the three beings with their different limbs began to assult me as I activate Brave Level 2, then I went to level 50 soon afteras I began to slice them with Gashacon Sword.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Brave - Quest Gamer Level 2 & Fantasy Gamer Level 50.)

I wasn't going to hold out long until my mortal enemy sounded off to grab something from the ground filled with different kinds of weapons.

Gemdeus machina: The sword. Use my sword that you've seen in battle before!

I looked back at Gemdeus as I gave him a nod as I ran towards his sword. Just as I was about to grab it, I hesitated.

Me: Wait.... Why should I trust you??

Just as I asked, as if right on queue, the being grabbed me as our fight continued once again as Gemdeus spoke mockingly with annoyance.

Gemdeus machina: Oooooh, alright Shadow. This is my most elaborate plan yet. Do you know how hard it was... TO STRAP MYSELF TO THIS FUCKING CONCRETE FLOOR WITH LANCER STINGERS AND THEIR TAILS?!?! USE MY SWORD!!!!!!

I looked at him, dumbfounded as I shoved the three beingsoff to one side as I grabbed the black sword as I tried to decapitate them, which only did a little damage to them as it broke to pieces, to my shock.

Gemdues Machina: Whoops. Sorry. I mean the other sword. The red one that you've seen in battle before. Not some kind of other one which breaks easily.

I then rushed back to grab his actual sword as I swiftly slashed the three beings, causing them to glass as they broke to pieces as they became ashes soon after within a few seconds, to my amazement.

Me: Huh, never knew your sword has that kind of potential.

Gemdeus machina: Well, sure... (Struggling) Now, YOU CAN THANK ME LATER, NOW GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!!!!

I walked over to him and immediately gave it a good slash, freeing him from his coccon trap as I helped him up from the ground as he grabbed his weapon back. While he brushed all the residue and dust remaining inside the cocoon, I began to askquestions.

Me: What's going on here, Gemdeus Machina? Who or what is responsible for this? And where did it come from?

Gemdeus Machina: Don't ask me first that's one first detail. Ugh! I never knew one of your kingdoms, Atlas can be, SO DESPERATE WHEN IT COME WITH SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST!!!!

He stated as he activated his scroll as he turned on the other to tap into Atlas Secret Files and lookedinto the specific file that links to what is happening now. As he does so, I got confused when he mentioned Atlas.

Me: Wait? Atlas?

Gemdeus Machina: Precisely, you fool! They were the ones who made that thing! Grimmphos said something about some engineer with other engineers including Ironwood creating him for military purposes. But they dispose of him because it was a failed experiment.Grimmphos was the first... A specific Robot Girl which was a successful experiment, was their second experiment.

Me: Penny?

Gemdeus Machina: Oh, you know her? Well, glad to know her name. NOW JOKES ASIDE!!!

Me: Okay okay, so what does this... Grimmphos want?

Gemdeus Machina: To what I have overheard when he was talking to his mindless creatures of his, he said something about himself wanting to be improved to become better!! He has taken my virus to amplify his genes and his DNA, allowing himself to expand from it... and to duplicate himself!

As he explained, he looked at me as he sounded worried.

Gemdeus Machina: Those creature you've fought was his FIrst Phase of Attack. This... (Shows part of his arm partially turning into the same beings that Shadow fought)... this was his Second Phase of Attack.

I cringed when I saw his arm.


Gemdeus Machina: Halloween maybe one thing.... But somehow, Halloween is just making him stronger. And either way, halloween or not, Grimmphos is taking over... Soon, at this very night.... at THIS VERY HALLOWEEN NIGHT!!!! GRIMMPHOS IS GOING TO TURN THE WHOLE WORLD,.... INTO HIM!!!!!

I began to freak out as lightning struck as a huge wave of thunder are heard.

Me: Yep... I'm living in a Halloween nightmare now!!! SO,.... definitely having nightmares!!!


3rd Person's POV:

Time went by and the leader of Team RWBY overlooked on a handrail at the second floor and saw everyone including the teachers at the party seemed to enjoy themselves.  Mitchell and Blake were happily dancing together, they waved their hands towards her who just shook his head in amusement and waved back. Tenka and Weiss were sitting together on a table on the sides, happily chatting together, while Rachel and Yang were drinking a lot from the punch tables. It looked like the party was going to end without any major accidents. It was almost 12 o' clock and nobody knew what was about to happen at Beacon. While Ruby is looking down at the main hall, still upset, Ozpin in his old wizard costume came up to her.

Ozpin: Miss Rose, where's Shadow?

Ruby: Oh, Evening Professor Ozpin. Ummm, Shadow is with his dad doing some errands. So, he's going to sit this one out.

Ozpin: Well, that's funny.

Ruby: (Puzzled)Huh? What do you mean?

Ozpin: Because I was just on the phone with his father. When I noticed Dr. Shadow not around, I asked him if he was with him. But he's not.

When she heard the news about this,her eyes widened as she now knew that he is sort of lying to her.

Ruby: Where is he?

Ozpin: I'm afraid I'm not sure.

???: I think I may know where.

As the both of them looked behind, they witness a teenage girl wearing a dragon mask as she is covered by a black cloak.

Ruby: Who... are you?

???: It doesn'tmatter for now. All it matters is that everyone here, including the worldof Remnant are in danger. And so are your gravest of enemies.

Ozpin: What threat are you talking about?

???: Atlas, TOP Secret Experiment. The first one of all, named Project Grimmphos. General Ironwod never told you this, didn't he?

Ozpin: I...

???: Let's say he didn't. His mad project is about to turn the whole world into his image so, I'd rather suggest that you call Atlas, call Shadow as you all need all the help you get get. Because this Halloween, is going to be a Real Grimmphos Halloween Nightmare.

As the mysterious Lady in a Dragon Mask stated her point, they including the crowd below heard a defeaning roar which attracted their attention towards the kingdom of Vale as their Halloween Nightmare has just begun.



Gemdeus Machina and I heard defeaning roars from further away, presumably from Vale as we now realizd that Grimmphos's Invasion has started, as Gemdeus stated;

Gemdeus machina: I may not know about Grimmphos, but what I know is that he is only getting started.  And soon he will be unstoppable! I have a plan, but it will work while the both us are working together!!

I looked at him as I began to think of other ideas. However, nothing came up and decided thatI have no other choice but to follow his plan, for now.

Me: Fine, but while we are doing your plan, you do what I say and ONLY, what I say. Got it?

Gemdeus Machina: (Places his hand out) Sounds like fun. I'll be on my best behaviour during our truce,"I promise".

He stated this as I cautiously shook his hand to his agreement. While shaking his hand, Gemdeus Machina has his free hand behind his back as he had his fingers crossed.

Me: Then, let's go to C.R. They may know what to do.

Gemdeus machina: Then let's go, then.

And with that, we ran out of the nest as we immediately found an abandoned Atlesian Airship as we boarded it and piloted it as we took off, making our way to Seito University Hospital where C.R is stationed as we attempt to get urgent help from my friends who are the Super Medical Team.

(A/N: Atlesian Ariship.)

Special Episode To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The SPECIAL episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, Halloween edition Part 1. Let's see what Gemdeus Machina and Shadow can do when they get to C.R to get help. Next part is coming soon and shortly. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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