Special Episode: Build Tenma Tribe and Team STRM meet up

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I am grabbed by the collar of my shirt, being carried single-handedly by "Purple Crocodile" dude whocalls himself Rogue as he forcefully pushes down a lever on his Sclash-Driver as it made a sound of a finisher just like a Game-Driver, delivering the finishing move at me.


Rogue: Now, whatI am about to do toyou, is what I should done to Sento back in the third round, of OUR FIGHT!!!!!!

Just as Rogue was about to deliver his finishing punch at me right in front of my team, he reared back his fist, trying to gain momentum. However, his assault came to a halt when he reared his fist back, hitting something as hard as The Pandora Box which made me cover my mouth out of shock and embarrasement with both my hands.

Me: (Covering my mouth with both my hands) Oh my oum....

Rogue: WHAT?!?! Trying to distract me, are we?!?!

I shook my head weakly as Rogue kept touching something hard, then soft which is behind me.

???: Ooooohhh~~~ Looks like someone's being bold~~

When Rogue heard this, he swiftly look back, only to be faced by the same Dragon Masked girl that I knew of and it is none other than, Orochi Tenma, in which Rogue knows her too.

Rogue: Oooooohh shit... you...

Orochi then grabbed Rogue by the collarline of his chestplate and threw him, causing him to drop me tothe gro---

???: Okay, okay, hold it, hold it!! I think we missed out something here. Ahem Ahem!!! (Claps hand) Music!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Deadpool: 5... 4... 3... 2...1 ... ACTION!! Why hello to you fellow readers and to my fellow Deadpool fans around the globe, your one and only Deadpool here, is here to address to you good motherfuckers here on behalf of A/N, WELCOME, to..... uuuuuuuhhhh (Looks at Title)..... right, to another Special episode on RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose which took place after the previous special episode called, 'Visiting an Old Friend' from Volume two, where we will be focusing on Shadow's Team and Orochi's Tribe and Mitchell and yang's reason why they're blushing. Wait a minute!! Orochi is a 8-headed dragon, right??? Then why the fuck is it a hot chick's name now?! Well, weeee should find out soon enough, then. Anyway, going to back to the fucking subject, keyliners, "We" don't own RWBY, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Kamen Rider Build. RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Build is owned by Toei. If you think we are thieves, go fuck yourself in the ass.

So, sit tight, weapons out, and let the FUCKING GAME BEGIN!!!!!!

*Rams into the gong*

Deapool: Thanks, A/N.

A/N: Don't mention it, Mr D.P.

Deapool: Rewind! (Presses remote to rewind back to the beginning before Orochi flung Rogue to a wall)

-8 Days before the Vytal Festival-

-In the afternoon after lunch-

-at Shadow's dorm room-


My team and Ruby's Team are in my dorm room to write down some strategies for the upcoming Vytal Festival Tournament and we all are psyched about it. And for some reason as well, as I looked at Yang, she is mysteriously having an eye on Mitchell, seductively, which I'm not sure why. So, I decided to ignore that until my scroll rang. I picked up my scroll and accepted the call and started talking.

Me: Hello, Shadow Wrath of Team STRM/Doctor Wrath of Cyber Rescue, speaking???

Ozpin: Doctor Wrath, glad you recieved my call.

Me: Professor Ozpin?!?! (Seeing everyone looking at me as they tensed up as I gesture them to settle down) Ummm, please... no need to be formal. And uuuhh, how may I help you???

Ozpin: Very well. So, I would like you and your team to come up to my office. It's urgent.

Me: Okay... my team will be right over.

I hung up my scroll.

Ruby: What is it??? 

Me: He says my team has to go somewhere.

Yang: Where??

Me: Not sure. We have to find out. But, I promise we'd be back to discuss more on our strategies, ya? Come on, Team.

T/R/M: Right, Doctor.

As I gesture myteam to "Let's go" after reassuring my girlfriend that I will be fine, Ruby hugged me, and I returned it with mine.

Yang: Yo, Mitch. When you come back, I got a surprise for you.

Mitchell: Okay... thanks...

Me: See you guys.

RWBY: See you, STRM.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

3rd Person's POV:

It was still early afternoon and we are now walking towards Beacon Tower where Ozpin is. An--

Deadpool: Wait, wait, wait!!! Ozpin, the Wizard of Oz, the Ozpin?! I bet he can be a god or an immortal like me. And Beacon?! Beacon Tower and Beacon Academy?! Well damn, son!! This could be The fucking Journey to the Wizardof Oz 2 if you ask me.

--d when we past the first door leading us directly inside the Tower, we all saw two injured Atlas Soldiers with General Ironwood,leaving the Tower in a rush. So, with the same idea, we rushed over to meet up up with Professor Ozpin.

One minute later,

Ozpin's POV:


Me: Come in, please.

As I granted their permission to enter, Team STRM then exited out from the elevator in a rush to see me with Professor Glynda Goodwitch standing beside me.

Shadow: Professor Ozpin, those soldiers, what happened to them?!

Tenka: Who did this to them?!

Me: That... is the matter and the reason why I brought you four up here. So, calm down as I explain.

I then watched Team STRM taking their seats in front of me as I explain the situation on what happened.

Me: So, there has been reports that a purple rider with a bluish-cyan and white rider turn up at Vale today, looking for something to what the purple rider said they are.... Fullbottles.

Shadow: Bugster??

Me: No. A Rogue Crocodile. And Two Gear Brothers.

Rachel/Mitchell: Rogue Crocodile??/Gear Brothers??

As they questioned, I revealed a video footage from minutes ago, showing three riders wrecking some parts of Vale when Atlas Military arrived. When they engaged them, they seem to be using some kind of Dust-Infused Bottles like what I said, they're called Fullbottles as tools to go against Atlas Tech.

Shadow: Fullbottles?? Never heard of them.

T/R/M: Same.

Rachel: All we heard are Gashats, Double and Dual-Gashats and Maximum Gashats from yours truly, Doctor Wrath.

Shadow: Right.

Me: Hmmmm... then something's awfully wrong, then. Well Shadow, I need you and your team to investigate this matter. After you defeat them, bring them here, and ensure they're... secured, as the General shall be returning here with a swat team.

Shadow: No problem. (Looks at my Teammates) STRM, let's role out!!

T/R/M: YEAH!!!


And with that, we rushed down from Beacon Tower, with our weapons locked and loaded, and went on our way to investigate the matter. As we boarded the Bullhead, I noticed Mitchell feeling uneasy and decided to check him out.

Me: Yo Mitch, you okay??

Mitchell: Huh, wha-- (Looks at me) Me? Oh, I'm fine, thanks.

Me: Funny, because you're blushing.

Stating the point correctly, Mitchell has been blushing during our run towards the Bullhead, worrying Rachel, making her think that he had a fever. But, I knew it wasn't that.

Me: Come on, Mitch. Tell me what's going on. You're in love with someone???

Mitchell: Well... I... umm... no, I'm not. Not yet. Just a little thought went in my mind on something, that's all.

Me: Okay... If you need anything, remember, your Doctor is right here to assist you.

Mitchell: Heheh. Yeah, Doc. And thanks.

After assuring that Mitchel is fine, I then left him be as the Bullhead took off to indicate that our mission has started. As we are looking out at the view of Vale, Mitchell is secretly talking inside his mind about something.

Mitchell: (Inner Thoughts) Should I tell him that I love his girlfriend's sister... or shouldn't I... hmmm... I could always tell him and Ruby later.... Yang.... youmay be a hothead, but you are something else deep down...

A few minutes later,

The Bullhead then lands at our destination where Ironwood and his Atlas Drones and soldiers held their battle against the unknown ider Trio. When we looked around, it was nearly a complete wreck with bite marks, gear marks and diamonds all over the place, that includes fire as well.

Me: Whoa...

Rachel: Now that is something that you don't see everyday, now do we?

Mitchell: Yeeeeuup!

Tenka: Let's not sight-see right now. Let's search through the debris for survivors and evidence.

Me: That's true. Come on guys, let's search.

And with that, my team began our search through the wreckage, full of crators, burnt areas and diamonds all over the place.

An hour later,

Tenka's POV:

I searched the entire area at the East Quardrent of the wreckage area and found nothing in sight. It was then I realized it was too quiet. I began to feel suspicious until I notice a small piece of paper flying by. I swiftly caught it and read the paper.

Me: (Catches paper and reads it) Warning, beware of Kamen Rider... Rogue, Remocon and Engine Bros...??? Huh! This my Doctor should see.

So, I ran back to the location where the Bullhead dropped us off.


Rachel's POV:

It has been an hour since I've searched through the entire west quardrent and I still found nothing around the wreckage. I sighed in frustration.

Me: Ugh...!!! Everything is burning here... and there are no evidence, nothing... nothing but flames, tongues of fire.... (Clenches fist)... ALL OVER THIS PART OF TOWN!!!!!

I shout in rage as I punched my fist forward, causing a dozen dragons made out offlames to emit out from my fist, causing the flames around me, covering the town to be extinguished, to my shock as I widened my eyes.

Me: Okay... Now that just happened.

I said this as I looked down, to see evidence of rounds and diamonds on the ground.

Me: I'mma assume that our unknown foes came through here... (Thinking for a moment)... Yes, they have.

And with that, I simply ran back to the same location where the Bullhead dropped us off to let my teamleader and teammates know what I found.


Mitchell's POV:

I soared through the sky to look at the view of what our unknown riders did to this certain area of this town in Vale and from the looks of things, they are not going to stop burning the town until they get what they want. So, I kept looking for evidence but to no avail as that part of town, that part of the kingdom is nothing but flames all over. I was about to give up and call it a day until something turn up at the North side of the wrecked area of town. As I swooped in closer, I noticed a Phoenix on fire, burning up the area that I am at now. I smiled as I knew I had found the culprits.

Me: Heheh!! Shadow's going to see this. (Smiles)

I said as I flew away from the scene to our landing point, smiling.



It has been two hours and I have returned back to our landing point with an unknown weapon from the South Quardrent. As I waited for the rest to arrive, I examined the weapon carefully. As I examined the weapon, I was in awe in its mechanism.

Me: Hmmmm... this weapon is particularly complexed. Tonnes of gears, wires... and---

As I pulled the weapon to check the insides, it then split into two parts, to my shock.

(A/N:This is what the weapon looks like.)

Me: It can split to two??? Wow. One is uuuhh... Blade-like dagger... and the other one is a support for some gun.... interesting.... Why didn't Genm Corp. made these for Gashacon weapons and whydidn't Atlas think of this???

As I kept examining the weapon more,  my teammates have returned from their search to our landing point, and it lookslike they've got  news to tell me during the search.

Me: Ah, you guys are back. So, any survivors??

T/R/M: No survivors, doc.

Rachel: But, I grabbed some of these. (shows diamonds and ammunition)

Me: Hmmm...okay, good, good.

Tenka: I got a piece of paper to caution us about the three unknown riders. (Shows paper)

Me: (Reads it) Warning, beware of Kamen Rider Rogue, Remocon and Engine Bros. Okay, good to know their names.

Mitchell: A Phoenix kept burning the North side of this town. Just north from here.

Me: Okay, good work you guys. And a phoenix?? Interesting. Guys, ready your weapons as we are about to face powerful enemies here when we reach Phoenix boy's burning streak.

T/R/M: (weapons ready) READY!!!!!

Deadpool: Okay, pause it there for a sec. A phoenix, made of fire?! Thought those doesn't exist, unless you know we are in a motherfucking franchise. (Laughing it out) But still, about the weapon he described, I want one of those so that I can fuck people with them. Really, I fucking want one of those swords to place it on my weapons. But fer now, RESUME.

After we readied our weapons, we rushed over to where Mitchell said there was a phoenix burning the North area of town. When we arrived, every single building is engulfed in flames and we also notice a phoenix flying in between the building burning them, much to our shock.

Me: My oum and in Graphite's claw...

Tenka: This is worse than Gemdeus machina's damage around town.

Rachel: Let me deal with our fiery problem.

Rachel shoved us aside as she did that same new attack once again, extinguishing the flames that are engulfing the building and eventually subdued the fire phoenix as well, much to her teammates and my shock due to our jaws suddenly dangling down.

Tenka: Rach.......... how did you do that?

Mitchell: A dozen dragons came out of your fist!!!!

Rachel: Long story...heheh.

Me: Well, cut it short, it may have extinguished the fire. And thanks to you, Rachel... which is a good thing, we found our culprits.

Rachel: Ooooh!

As I said that, my teammates looked forward, seeing three armoured individuals standing up from the ground due to Rachel's 12 Flame Dragon Fist.

Me: Let's do this, shit.

Tenka: Agreed

Rachel & Mitchell: Oh yeah.

Deadpool: Now, to recap on what I said before, right before I fought Francis which I will now imply it to here, but differently... Not often dudes ruin your town skull-stomps your sanity, grabs your future baby mama and personally sees to four of your five best or worst shittiest moments in your life. Let's just say it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas for Shadow's team's case due to the destruction made by three people and a fucking phoenix.

My team walked up towards the three unknown riders, keeping our distance as I spoke to address myself.

Me: I am Shadow, Shadow Wrath. Leader of Team STRM.

Tenka: Tenka Kaito.

Rachel: Rachel Claws.

Mitchell: Mitchell Striker.

Me: We are here to investigate the cause of the attack at this part of the kingdom and town. Are you responsible for this?!?!

I heard no answer, until purple croc decided to speak up.

???: Yes. I am Gentoku Himuro, also known as Kamen Rider Rogue. This (looks slightly to the left) is Rai Washio, also known as Engine Bro's. And this (looks slightly to the right) is Fu Washio, also known as Remocon Bro's, the Gear Brothers. And I believe you have something that belongs to me.

(A/N: Gentoku Himuro.)

(A/N: Rai Washio.)

(A/N: Fu Washio.)

Me: So... Rogue or Gentoku, this belongs to you??? (Shows weapon that I was examining)

Gentoku: Yes.

Me: Hmmm, okay. If you want it, come and get it... "nicely".

Gentoku: (Gritting my teeth as I growled) Fine... If you insist. (Secretly readies weapon behind)

Gentoku also known as kamen Rider Rogue, then walked towards me, calmly as he seems very calm, much to my suspicion. When we are facing each other now, he revealed his golden-geared weapon as I returned his weapon back to him. As he retrieved his weapon back, he split his melee weapon into two and combined them to his gun, combining it into somekind of rifle sword which amazed me.

(A/N: Rogue's weapon of choice. Exclude the Fullbottle equipped onto the gun.)

While I was amazed, he pointed his weapon at me, pulling the trigger, but due to my speed, I moved aside and pushed his hand to the right, letting Rogue to miss the shot ashe shot at the wall of a completely burnt building, in which it collapsed.

Rachel: Whoa....

Gentoku: H-How are you so quick?!

Me: I wield the power of games, croc-face! So, let's have it, when you beat me, you can do whatever you want here. If I beat you, we bring you to my Headmaster and General... where you three shall be judged. How about that??

Gentoku then smirks evily as he replied.

Gentoku: I accept your challenge.

Me: Good.

After agreeing with my idea, we then walked back to our positions together with our specific teams as we both get ready to transform.





Me/Gentoku: Level Shift, Ex-Aid Level 5, Dai Dai Dai Dai Dai Henshin!!/Rogue Henshin!!



-Wareru! Kuwareru! Kudakechiru! (Heavy metal music with horror violins) Crocodile in Rogue! Oraa! (scream)-

(English Translation: CRUSHED! CONSUMED! CRACKING! (Heavy metal music with horror violins) CROCODILE IN ROGUE! ORAA! (scream))

(A/N: Ex-Aid Dragon Knight Gamer Level 5.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Rogue.)

Me: So, it's Dragon vs Crocodile. Interesting.

Rogue: No matter, I will win this fight due to experience!

Me: We, will change people's fate...



(A/N:Music starts here.)

Deadpool: I love this fucking song right now.

Once we said our catchphrase, we then advanced towards our enemies with weapons in hand. Rogue advanced as well towards me, except for Rai and Fu. Once we both got even close to each other, we both clashed blades with each other, not moving an inch. When my teammates stopped in front of Rai and Fu, they readied their weapons.

Rachel: (Points Dual Spears at Fu and Rai) Put your hands in the air, and come with us, nicely.

Tenka: (Points Dual Tri-Sector Sparrows at Fu and Rai) Or we will do it for you by force.

Both boys smirked at them as they said:

Rai: Fu, you want to have a go?? I got an extra here. (shows another identical Fullbottle in hand)

Fu: Sure. Pass it on.

Tenka's POV:

I watched as Rai tossed his Fullbottle to Fu as they equip their weapons to transform. I then caution my teammates.

Me: Guys, be careful with the Blue guy. I'm having a bad feeling about him.

Rachel: Thanks.

Mitchell: This is gonna be quite bad...

We watched on as Rai loaded his Fullbottle onto his gun as his weapon announced;


We also watched Fu as he does the same as well, but this time, he loaded Rai's Fullbottle onto the gun as well after removing his own Fullbottle from his gun, revealing a different announcement from his gun;


Rai/Fu: Jundou!

They pulled the trigger as they transformed right in front of us.

-(Rock music, engine revving) Engine Running Gear!-

-Fever! (Rhythmic beeping, engine revving) Perfect!-

(A/N: Engine Bro's. -Rai-) 

(A/N: Hell Bros. -Fu-)

Me: Well... Fu just combined two gears into one.

Rachel: That's a problem, right?

Mitchell: No. No problem actually. Tenka, You and I deal with... Uuuuuhhh... (Looks at Fu with a questionable look) you are what now?!

Fu: Hell Bro's.

Mitchell: Right... Thanks, Hell Boy, we deal with Hell Boy. Rach, Engine Boy.

Me: Wise.

Rachel: Thank you, Mitchell. Let's do this!

And with that settled, Mitchell and I dealt with the one with Blue and White gears, while Rachel dealt with white gears.


Rogue and I gave each other slash after slash, shot after shot as we both didn't show any signs of backing down. Just as I saw Rogue about to do a front stab at me, I clashed my blades on my arms with his weapon, causing sparks to emit out from our weapons, which was still fortunate as I managed to prevent Rogue's weapon from piercing through me by just a centimeter, to Rogue's shock.

Rogue: I see you've been training... even though we both just met!

Me: Well, everyone needs a hobby. And for some, they have tricks in their sleeves.

Rogue: Tricks??

He questioned as I turned into snow flurry form and flew past him, in which I reverted back to my Level 5 form in an instant, much to Rogue's confusion as he looked back at the last minute when I punched him directlyin the face, disorienting his vision quite a bit.

Me: Yeah, tricks like this for example.

I watched as Rogue was trying to maintain balance after that strong impact he sustain in his face by my one punch.

Me: This won't take long...

I said this as I charged towards the daze Rogue.

Tenka's POV:

Mitchell and I tried to hold back Hell Bros' attack but to no avail as his attaks are too strong for us to handle. Then, he summoned two  giant gears from his arms and threw them at us, injuring us and rendering our auras quite badly.

Me: Mitch... are you... (holding my shoulder tightly) Alright??

Mitchell: Not too good.... he's too strong!!

Me: At least Rach is doing well at her side... (I said as I watched her spinning around with her spears as Engine boy tried to shoot her many times but to no avail.)

(A/N: Music stops at 1:40.)


Orochi's POV:

I am now having my lunch in front of the TV screen, watching some educational news until a news report kind of triggered me when they mentioned Rogue.

News Reporter: Breaking news! A part of city of Vale is under siege by three armoured individuals whom appeared to be armed and dangerous. Atlas Military had an attempt to take them down but to no avail. Police has been notified by this also and has evacuated the citizens who are staying around that area. Now, it would appear that the three armoured individuals are now being assualted by a team from Beacon Academy and has identified one of the armoured individuals as Rogue. In other ne--

I turned off the Television as I stood up.

Me: Rogue and Gear brothers. Build, Grease, Cross-Z, Kaiser! We have a mission to do!!

I called as I walked into a hallway where the five of us gathered as we walked through the same hallway together.

Sento: Something made you mad?

Me: Yes. It would appear that Rogue is at it once again... but this time, on my brother and his team... and burning down Vale.

Banjou: Burning down a Kingdom?! You serious?!

Kaiser: I will not tolerate this.

Me: Good. Which is why we are going to pay them a little visit. As I gave him and his lackeys chance after chance to change, but they never listen!

Kazumi: Let me at'em! For Miitan's sake.

Me: Yes. Be careful with Rogue and Gear brothers. I can't say this enough but,... they will break your bones.

We talked as we stopped at a dead-end of the alleyway.I then unsheath my weapon as I slashed open a portal which goes to where my brother is at, fighting with Rogue.

Me: Everyone, transform!!

Sento, Banjou, Kazumi, Kaiser: YES, MAM!!!!! HENSHIN!!!!!

-Kurenai no Speedy Jumper! RabbitRabbit! Yabei! Haeeeeei!-

-Gokunetsu Kinniku! Cross-Z Magma! Achachachachachacha Acha!-

-Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! (epic orchestral music) Robot In Grease! Buraa!-

-Fever! (Rhythmic beeping, engine revving) Perfect!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Build RabbitRabbit Form. -Sento-)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Cross-Z MAGMA. -Banjou-)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Grease. -Kazumi-)

(A/N: NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead. -Kaiser- <I renamed this guy into quite of a long name as this name sounds cooler.>)

After seeing them finishing their transformation, I then did the same thing, but this one is different as I used the powers of the Pandora's Box to tranform. Once my hand and my mind telepathically and psychopathically coded the box which is in front of my throne correctly, some parts of the fortress wall fused into me, forming armour made of many Panels from Pandora's Box, covering some parts of my clothing, even though the Box is still in front of my throne.

(A/N: Much like this guy but exclude the Panel Driver and make its armour to be like what warrior princesses wear, but otherwise it's okay. Shout out to DynamoTOM, he's good at this.)

I don my Dragon mask over my face, the five of us entered the portal to see to the matter once and for all.

(A/N: Music resumes at 1:40.)

3rd Person's POV:

Its been many minutes now and Shadow's team isn't doing well as Mitchell and Tenka are badly bashed up by Hell Bros, Rachel was doing so well but was hit by a huge gear many times, shot by Engine Bros, and whereas for Shadow, he was about to do his finishing move on Rogue but to no avail as his assualt was then put to a halt by Rogue's finisher, hitting Shadow in the gut as he flew to wall, rendering his aura as his Level 5 form deactivated itself, much to my shock.

Shadow: Okay... he's strong... guys???

Rachel: Not too good, Doc...

Mitchel & Tenka: Same... Not too good...

My POV: 

I slowly got up as I tried using my aura in which it glowed Reddish pink (Taddle Fantasy) as I swiftly flew towards Rogue to punch him, but he soon grabbed me by the throat as he chokeslam me to the ground, much to my teammates' worry.

T/R/M: DOCTOR!!!!!

Me: (Coughing) Okay... his strength... is unmeasurable...

Rogue: Hmph!! Good that you know better about my strength now. I take pity on you as you are too naive... helping the weak!!! BUT NOW,... (Grabbing Shadow by the collar)

Me: Helping the weak... (Panting) is what I do... (Panting) That's a doctor's job anyway... (Being held up by Rogue)

Rogue then grabs me by the collar of my shirt, being carried single-handedly as he forcefully pushes down a lever on his Sclash-Driver as it made a sound of a finisher just like a Game-Driver, delivering the finishing move at me.


Rogue: Now, what I am about to do toyou, is what I should done to Sento back in the third round, of OUR FIGHT!!!!!!

T/R/M: DOCTOR!!!!!

Engine Bros: Yes! VICT-- (Interrupted by something)

Hell Bros: Victory... will be ou-- (Interrupted by something)

Just as Rogue was about to deliver his finishing punch at me right in front of my team, he reared back his fist, trying to gain momentum. However, his assault came to a halt when he reared his fist back, hitting something as hard as The Pandora Box which made me cover my mouth out of shock and embarrasement with both my hands.

(A/N: Music stops at 2:55.)

Deadpool: And at this moment Rogue realized, he fucked up.

Me: (Covering my mouth with both my hands) Oh my oum....

Rogue: WHAT?!?! Trying to distract me, are we?!?!

I shook my head weakly as Rogue kept touching something hard, then soft which is behind me.

???: Ooooohhh~~~ Looks like someone's being bold~~

When Rogue heard this, he swiftly look back, only to be faced by the same Dragon Masked girl that I knew of and it is none other than, Orochi Tenma, in which Rogue knows her too.

Deadpool: And at this moment Rogue finally realized, he fucked up as he is touching some hot chick's fucking titties!! ROGUE!!! WHEN I FIND, I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD AS MY TROPHY!!!

(A/N: Music resumes at 2:55.)

Rogue: Oooooohh shit... you...

Orochi then grabbed Rogue by the collarline of his chestplate and threw him, causing him to drop me to the ground as he is being thrown towards an abandoned burnt truck. Then, everything froze.

Deadpool: I think you readers can all agree that shit for Rogue just went sideways in the most colossal and tribal ways possible. (sighs) Okay, let's pro-con this Tribal thing. 

Time resumes as Rogue went through the truck as it exploded and lands through a pillar of a burnt building as he falls onto the concrete ground hard. 

Deadpool: Pro: When you're in a tribe, you can recruit as many people as you want to be powerful and almighty like gods. You even get to nab bad guys by stealing their stuff fuck them up by using their own weapons and you can even assassinate people who oppose ones tribe, in which you are looking at the best mercenaries around. And Con: They're all lame-ass teacher's pets still like heroes, but in a tribal way the fucking possible.

I looked at Orochi as she held her hand next to me, in which I acceptedit as she helped me up from the ground like what she always do when I was younger. Then, I looked at my teammates who are about to get up to come over to my side when they saw a similar Hell Bros gathering the two riders and place them next to Rogue as Red Rabbit tied them up with a really long chain made from the powers of Pandora's Box itself. Then, Red Blue Hell Bros ordered the three to stay put as Orochi sternly walkedtowards them and gave them a pep talk, much to my team and my greatest shock.

(A/N: Music ends here depending on your reading speed.

Deadpool: If some are fast readers, loop it at the last part.)

???: Stay right here!!!

Orochi: (Crossing my arms as I walked towards them, sternly) You have been warned many times, Rogue. THIS is a shameful and reckless use of your weapons and powers!! You will all be coming with us once again.

Our eyes widened as she said "Once again". Could it be that this incident happened before like many times, I asked myself. And they are going to take them away to be jailed, this isn't good at all that I stepped up to her and state my statement.

Me: Ummm... Guardian Angel, about that! (Walking up to her) I'm not sure what ties you have between them but, it is me and my team's jurisdiction to bring them in to see Professor Ozpin and General Ironwood so that they can be dealt with properly.... (Looks at another Hell Bros beside Orochi) and you are????

???: NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead.

Me: NegaSonic MetalGeaaaaaaaawwwhat the heck of a shit!!! That's just the coolest Rider name ever!!!

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: Heheh! I get that a lot. (Shrugges shoulders)

Me: And you three are....????

??? 2: Kamen Rider Build, RabbitRabbit.

??? 3: Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma.

??? 4: Kamen Rider Grease.

Me: ... (In awe by the cool names and forms) You have the coolest names and forms, EVER!!!

I said that as the three scratched their helms as they chuckled and giggled a bit. Then, I look at Orochi.

Me: So, they're your... trainees??

Orochi: No. Right and Left hand men. Four of my personal best. Sento and Banjou are my right-hand men, Kazumi and Kaiser are my left-hand men.

Me: I see, I see.

Orochi: So, your team? (looks at my Teammates)

Me: Yes. (Points out every teammateone by one) This is Rachel Claws, this is Mitchell Striker, and I believe you've met Tenka before as I was told you helped us out in our lovely - ca tastrophe previously.

Orochi: Yes, I have, and I aided you gentlemen in that case with Tenka and Mitchell. (Looks at tenka as I bowed) Mr Kaito, it would appear that we have crossed paths once again. It's an honour to see you, again

Tenka: Well, feeling's mutual, once again, Orochi. (bows)

After the sudden introduction, Orochi then grabs the chain that is tying Rogue and his Gear brothers towards the portal that she opened and walks into it. When tenka saw this, he used his semblance to go in front of her, stopping her in her tracks.

Tenka: Listen, Orochi, I know you want to take them in under your power but, we are instructed to bring them in by our headmaster and General. So, if it is possible, you could give them to us first, then we will see to the outcome of their judgement, Orochi. What do you say??

Rachel: He's right! Atlas have stronger ties with his family so, it shouldn't be a problem.

Mitchell: Yes.

After hearing his statement, Orochi gave it some thought about what Tenka and I said, in which Mitchell and Rachel backed us up a bit to say that it's true. Then, I heard Orochi chuckled as she said:

Orochi: (chuckles) Okay, then would it be okay if I personally come with you to see your Master, with my Right and Left-hand men??

Tenka: Ummm... Well, you cou--

Rachel: Sure! You helped us, so I think Ozpin and General Ironwood deserves to know who you five are, right Mitch?

Mitchell: Yeah, sounds true.


Orochi: Then it's settled then. (Looks at me) Shadow-Kun, since we know each other, how about you lead us there.

Me: Ummm... (Looks back up to face Orochi as I was focusing at something else) Why sure! Why not!! (I said this as I smiled nervously)

I was acting nervous as I was actually looking at how sexy my guardian angel is. Can't lie but, she's as sexy as my current girlfriend right about now that I blushed, in which Orochi noticed but she doesn't mind it. Then, it dawned upon her that she needs to discuss something with me.

Orochi: But before I do that, Build, Cross-Z, Grease, NegaSonic, keep his teammates company, will you??

Sento, Banjou, Kazumi & Kaiser: (Looked at each other as they answered a questionable one word answer) Okay????

Tenka: Wait... what???

Tenka asked as something crawled behind Orochi that appeared out of the portal as it encased our Team leader and Orochi inside some kind of cube, much to Tenka's worry.

Tenka: DOCTOR!!!!!

Sento: Don't worry, he's fine.

Kazumi: If there's something important to discuss, then Leader Orochi has her reasons to encase herself and your leader inside this box.

Rachel: Ooooohh... okay, thanks for the trivia.

Kazumi: Your welcome.

Inside the box,

Me: Okay, what news do you have???

Orochi: (Nods) There are mercenaries out there, far more worse than the riders that you've fought.

Me: R-Really?? What is that??

Orochi: I was only told about its stories about it. The Grimm... have a master... 

My eyes widened as I heard about the Grimm having a master, which made me more curious as we talked more.

Me: So, this... king of Gri--

Orochi: Queen.

Me: Fine, Queen of Grimm, is she dangerous???

Orochi: Yes, that is why I urge you, stay close with your girlfriend more. she and her band of mercenaries are going after her.

Me: (Eyes widened) WHAT?! Why her?!?!

Orochi: Her eyes... their silver. And she hates it. She loathes it.

Me: Okay... how do we defeat them??

Orochi: Combined power of the maidens and her eyes are the only thing thatcan dothe trick, my friend... but that has yet to be tested as the maidens' weakness are people with silver eyes.

It was then my jaw dropped when I heard this, like how can Maiden powers have Silver eyes to be their weakness. But, I simply accepted the facts for now.

Me: So, is there anymore things I should know of???

Orochi: No. (She answered straight away until something dawned upon her that she said otherwise) Actually, scratch that answer, yes! Two things actually.

Me: Okay, and they are???

Orochi: Second thing is, please protect these from Thanos.

She said this as she passed me a small tiny sack containing something in it. So, I opened the tiny sack, revealing six different colour stones as its contents, making my eyes glitter.

Me: They're beautiful....

Orochi: Indeed they are. Beautiful, and powerful.

Me: Indeed they a-- (When I heard this from my guardian angel, I slowly turned my head towards her) wait what?? Powerful???

Orochi: Yes. They are extremely Powerful. They are called the Infinity Stones, but since they are found on Remnant, they are called the Infinity Stones of Remnant. Each wielding different powers. The Stone of 'Creation' wields the power of Winter, Stone of 'Destruction' wields the power of Summer, Stone of 'Choice' wields the power of Fall (Autumn), Stone of 'Knowledge' wields the power of Spring, Stone of 'Darkness' wields the powers of Salem's abilities and Stone of 'Light' wields the powers of the Silver-Eyed Warriors.

Me: Wickedly cooooolllll....

Orochi: I know right? But, make sure, that when you hold on to them, you must make sure Thanos must not take them away from you.

Me: Who's Thanos???

Orochi: I'm not sure. All I know is that he is from another world, and he has his own Infinity Stones sooner or later.

I became nervous when she said that sooner or later Thanos, who I don't know of will claim my stones and his other six stones to rule and destroy the world. Then, I shook myself back to reality as I feel amazed that the stones I got from Orochi has powers. Then, i asked another question.

Me: So,... the third thing???

Orochi: The third thing is nothing much really.

Me: Okay.

Orochi: The third part is very simple. You must promise me that you don't tell anyone about what I told you today. Not even your parents, friends, your girlfriend or Ozpin.

Me: So, no one that means?

Orochi: Yes, no one. Understood???

My head lowered in disappointment that I can't tell anyone about the stones, but I simply went with the flow and accepted he condition.

Me: Okay, I won't tell anyone.

Orochi: (nods)

Me: Now, (smiles) Let's go see Ozpin.

Orochi: Let's go, then.

Orochi replied as she motioned her hands as the cube that we are in swiftly crawled itself to pieces like a snake as it quickly slithered through the portal. Once every piece of the cube went through the portal, Orochi motioned her hand to close the portal, much to my amazement.

T/R/M: Shadow!

I turned to see my teammates walking towards me as they asked me some questions.

Rachel: What happened in there?

Me: Nothing much, just a little talk that's all.

Tenka: About?

Me: Good old day when she had to jump down from a building to show my bullies who's boss. Right, Orochi?

Orochi: Yeah. (Grabbing chain that is still holding Rogue, Engine Bros and Hell Bros in place)

Mitchell: Okay. Good to know that you two have some time. We have some time talking with them as well too.

Me: Oh, that's good to hear. So, let's go to Beacon to settle their arrest.

And with that, my team and I, and Orochi's group walked back to the landing point where our ride is waiting for us so that we can head to Beacon and show Ozpin and Ironwood what we have for him.

Deadpool: Boy, it's just like Christmas Day when you show your presents to you fucking children.

As we are walking, Mitchell went up to Rachel as he asked her a favor.

Mitchell: Rach, you still got those diamonds with you???

Rachel: Well, (shows them in a plastic bag) yeah. Why?

Mitchell: I need a favor. I need some of those.

Two hours later,

At Beacon Tower,

Ruby's POV:

My team and I are waiting inside Ozpin's office for Team STRM's return, but from the looks of things, they are taking an awful long time to come back, which made me worry.

Me: I wonder if they have completed their mission...

Yang: Don't worry, sis. (Place hand on her shoulder) They're strong. They will return.

Ozpin: I'd take her word for it. As after all, Shadow's team is one of the strongest team there is.

Glynda: I couldn't agree more.

Weiss: Yeah. I know one thing and that is Team STRM is one of the most powerful team there is here in Beacon... like what he said

Blake: Well, that's true.

Ironwood: SWAT Team, you know what to do when they arrive. Present arms if they attack, understood?


Just as the SWAT Team replied Ironwood, a "*Ding*" was heard from the elevator as Ozpin accepted entry.

Ozpin: Come in, please??

The elevator doors opened to reveal Shadow exiting out of the elevator alone.

Shadow: I have returned from m--.

Me: Shadow!!

I rushed over to Shadow as I hugged him real tight right before he finished his sentence, in which he hugged me back, to calm me down as he is now here.


Ozpin: Mr Wrath, your investigation... is it successful??

I let go of Ruby to break the hug as I answered.

Me: Well, it is a success. The culprits are chained up, they will be delivered up here to be shown to you soon enough. And Ozpin?

Ozpin: Yes?

Me: Remember the time you told me to thank Orochi for assisting us in the case of the missing girls in our Lovely - ca tastrophe in our school weeks ago???

Ozpin: Yes. Why ask??

Me: She's here

I said this as a portal opened up behind me. I moved aside as the three unknown riders that are chained are now flunged into the room first. Then, Orochi came through the portal first, followed by her followers and my teammates. Then, I noticed Ironwood's Atlas SWAT Team advancing towards the trio that we defeated as they point their weapons at them.

Me: Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch, General Ironwood, allow me to introduce to you Orochi Tenma. Leader of the Build Tenma Tribe. Orochi, (I said her name as she looks at me) Professor Ozpin (motioned my hand to point at Ozpin as she looks at him)

Orochi: A headmaster of Beacon, an immortal who dies and rise up again and a god of protectors, it's a true honour, Prof. Oz. .

Ozpin: The honour is mine, Ms Tenma. And I believe you are the one who helped my students from what Tenka said, "Charm-Boy" from taking my students to do his bidding, correct?

Orochi: Yes. That's me. And the mission that you brought him into earlier on, that's also on me, too.

Ozpin: I see. Well, Ms Tenma. You have my thanks, for looking out for Shadow and his team, and for assisting us in these two dire moments.

Orochi: Not a problem.

After recieving a thank you from Professor Ozpin, General Ironwood came up to her and complimented her righteous doings.

Ironwood: Ms Tenma, I think it is appropriate to inform you that although you are a leader/chieftain of a tribe. I would like to thank you for helping Ozpin's students today. I'm not sure how you recognize a threat, but you did it within a split second, and somehow you were at the right place, at the right time.

Orochi: Heheh. Thank you, General. (Looks at Ozpin) Now, I'm not here to just recieve thanks from previous missions I helped you on. I'm here for something else, that's why I have them chained up. Which is why, General, I want your SWAT to lower their weapons as I address the matter to everyone here.

She said this as General Ironwood became very hesitant of her instruction. But, with a sigh, he motioned his hand to the SWAT Team to lower their weapons, in which they've listened.

Orochi: Thank you. Now, to address the matter. I would like to take them in custody under my jurisdiction, Oz.

When everyone heard this, everyone except Orochi's followers and my Team took a step back in shock when they heard this. But, Ozpin was calm over the matter as he asked:

Ozpin: And why would you want them to be under your care?

Orochi: Well, because I know them better then you do. I know their little tricks in their sleeves, I even know that after I gave them chance after chance, they will still do what they want in their own taste of fun.

Ironwood: Then, I assume you know what they use, correct?

Orochi: Yes those bottles are Sento's creations that they stole.

Sento: Hi?? (Waving my hand to say hi)

Orochi: Which is why I'm requesting permission that you let me take them, so that I can knock some sense into them... if you don't mind that is.

Ozpin's POV:

I took a moment to think as General Ironwood and Glynda came close to me to discuss this matter swiftly.

Deadpool: I forgot to mention that... well, Ozpin may be cool including General fucking Ironwood and sexy chick Glynda Goodwitch but, students here are all lame-ass teacher's pets.

After some thought, both Glynda and Ironwood gave me a nod of agreement, to which I returned them with mine as we turned our attention back to The Leader of the Tribe.

Me: Very well, Ms Tenma. Your request has been granted. You may take them under your custody and jurisdiction.

Orochi: Huh! Well, you have my eternal thanks, then, Wizard of Oz.

Me: ... I'm going to treat this as a compliment.

Orochi: It is a compliment. Oh, and Oz, may I speak with you... privately.

When I heard this, I felt that this may be important. So, I told Glynda, Ironwood and his SWAT Team, Team RWBY and STRM to leave my office.

Me: Glynda, Ironwood, Teams RWBY and STRM, please leave my office.

Shadow: (shocked expression) But, Ozpin...

Ironwood: Oz, what about the tri--

Me: That has been settled. So, Everyone! Please.

When they heard me raise my voice a bit, they stopped talking as they followed my instruction as they left me, Orochi and her group behind in my office to begin our important talk.

Me: So, what is it that you are willing to talk about???

Orochi: Well, I'm quite curious. One of my best right here, spotted another tribe lately. Just to be curious, do you by any chance knew anyone by the name of Branwen???

When she asked me this question, my eyes widened to the question as I haven't heard that name for awhile since she went missing. So, I tried to answer her question, calmly.

Me: Well,... yes. I knew someone by that name. Raven Branwen, team member of Team STRQ. Why ask???

Orochi: You do realize that Raven is running a tribe right, according to Kazumi's report that was told to me by him.

Kazumi: (raises hand) Yep. There's another tribe by then name of Branwen Tribe.

Banjou: (Inner Thoughts) Stating the Obvious once again....

When I heard then saying that Raven is running a tribe, my eyes then widened at the shocking discovery and what Raven has done while she went missing.


A few hours later,

At night,

Mitchell's POV:

Me: Finally, it is finished.

I said as I raised a necklace up to check if it shines brightly. Once I checked that they're well polished, I simply nodded my head as I looked at a bigger diamond in the middle of the rest in different colour which I carved it into a Dragon Head as I smiled.

Me: (I compose myself as I tried not to blush at this Now, I think it is about time, I tell her how I feel... and stop hiding my feelings.

I said this as I placed Yang's about-to-belong-to Necklace into my pocket as I left the room to RWBY's dorm room, not knowing that Doctor Wrath is watchkng me trying to figure out why I'm blushing and what I'm hiding from him.

Deadpool: Go on, Mitchell my man! You got this lover-boy, I know you fucking do!! And when you officially make her your girlfriend, hold her tight and never let her the fucking go. Tie her with a ribbon all over, and make her fucking proud!!

A minute earlier,

Yang's POV:

I am all alone in my dorm as my teammates are out to get dressed ready for bed. I'm just lying on my bed aimlessly, thinking about Mitchell so badly. As I thought about Mitchell, my thoughts are then interrupted by someone knocking on the dorm door. So, I went down from my bed as I walked towards the door.

Me: Coming.

I said as I opened up the door, only to see Mitchell. Then, I noticed that he is blushing as his face is about to turn as red as a rose.

Me: Oh. Hey, Mitchell. I see you're patched up. A-- whoa. You're blushing. Are you okay?

Mitchell: Well, you said that when I return, you said that you have a surprise for me, right???

Me: Oh yeah. Almost slipped my mind. Well, tha--

Mitchell: Umm, about that. I have a surprise.... (blushing madly) for you too....

Me: Oh yeah?

Mitchell: Yeah. So... here.

I watched on as Mitchell rummaged into his pockets as he tried to find something. After a while, he finally fished it out from his pocket as he passed it to me.

Mitchell: Here.... for you... (holds up a necklace)

I was shocked as I accepted his surprise. It was a diamond necklace with an Amber-like crystal at the center of the necklace in a shape of a Dragon head.

Mitchell: If you are wondering where I got it from, well... I got it from our investigation when Rogue shot skme diamonds out. There were also some diamonds on the ground as well, so I used them and tuen them into a necklace. It really took a lot of time to carve and polish them as they are covered in soot and scratches.

Me: M-Mitch... is this.... for me???

Mitchell: Yes. It is... (face turning as red as a tomato) which is why I have something to say to you.

He said this as I looked up to him, awaiting for his words.

Mitchell: Yang, the thing here is.... I have feelings for you. Ever since I... first met you which was like the very first day when we came to Beacon, my heart like froze when I saw you. I didn't want to tell you this as I-- (trying to get the words out of my mouth) Ugh! Look! I'm a coward! A liar! I'm a silent type for some reason when I first got here. I didn't want to tell Doctor Wrath about it on why I have been acting strangely, why my face is red. You may be wondering, why?? Because I never seen someone who can be as hot as Shadow's girlfriend... (points in a swaggish way possible)... and that be you.

I was extremely surprised that Mitchell had feelings for me and expressed it out by saying a whole speech and giving a necklace that he made for me... well, not that surprised as needless to say, I secretly had feelings for him too that I suddenly blushed as well until a thought came in mind that I have to do something.

Mitchell's POV:

And at this very moment, I began to be up front with her as I said the four words, with courage.

Me: Yang, I have at least four words to tell you. 'Yang, I . Lo--' mmph?!?!

Just as I was about to finish, Yang lunged at me as she kissed me right out of nowhere. During our romantic embrace, we both started to loose our balance. So, by accident, I used my wings to push myself up that I pushed Yang to the wall which looked like me doing something that rough which wasn't true.

Deadpool: First lie. Lol, you love her.

Our kiss went on for three minutes until Yang broke our kiss as she catch her breath to say something to me.

Yang: Don't worry, Mitchy. I know what you were going to say... I love you too, Silver Jet. I don't care if you are a coward or a liar, or even a silent type... but that doesn't mean you have to hide it from me. You're still strong as you literally said about how you felt about me. It's crazy and... it true as I do have the same feelings about you, too.

Me: Awwww... looks like the Dragon has gotten soft.

Yang: (giggling) looks you've got ways in teasing people, aren't ya?

Me: (blushing) Ummm... the first. But yet again, you're still my Sunny lil' Dragon, Yang.

Yang: And you're now my Silver Jet.

As we gave out our nicknames, we both laughed as we knew that we are now in a really good relationship like Ruby and Shadow.



I am still in my Snow Flurry Form as I watched my teammate and Yang get along together and also are now in a relationship. I smirked as I knew skmething was up all this time.

Me: Heheh! So, you love Yang all this while?? Well, surprise, surprise, surprise. I'm proud of you, Mitch... not saying that you have been hiding this from me but, I'm proud to have a teammate like you.

I said this as I flew away so as to let them have their time on their own as I said this.

Me: You make a fine Doctor one day, Mitch.

In my dorm room,

I reverted back to my human form as I went to my desk and place a small sack that my guardian angel gave me. I sat on a chair in front of the desk as I took out the Infinity Stones of Remnant out from the sack and look at them carefully in awe.

Me: They're beautiful. Beautiful stones that are also weapons of peace or destruction. Hmmm... protect them from Thanos, eh? Wonder who that jerk-hole is.... However, from the looks of things, although I have the stones, there is still something missing....

Realizing that something is missing, I gave it a thought about what I'm missing here. While thinking about what I'm missing, I thought about Yang's Ember Celicas and my Hyper Muteki arm and their details and mechanisms. That was when, I realized i need a weapon to operate them.

Me: Okay.... (light bulb above my head brightens up) I need a weapon, and I know one person who can make me that weapon. But for now....

I stood up from my seat as I placed the stones back into the sack as I turned off the lamp as I went onto my bed to sleep.

End of Special Episode.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Deadpool: And that's all, folks! The Special episode of our second volume of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. (Sniff) This... this is the most romantic insert I've ever read. It'sawesome how Mitchell gets to express hislove with Yang, and Yang having the same feelings for him...(sniff) My fucking god, you two... you two make a great couple like Shadow and Ruby. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and readers really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want A/N to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you fucking enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how A/N can improve himself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) and X-Force which will be coming up really soon and today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) and to you, Deadpool fans on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! Stay fucking sexy for ladies and stayfucking handsome for boys, and (Does an X-sign while pointing middle fingers) PEACE OUT, FUCKERS!!!!

(A/N: Enjoy the music until it ends.)

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