Special Episode: Visiting an Old Friend

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to another SPECIAL episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 2 whereby we will be focusing on a Grimm that saved Shadow during the Grimm Attack back in the twelve and last episode of Volume and how the Grimm came to be a friend of Shadow. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

*Grimm Tyrant blasts a fireball at the gong*

Ruby's POV:

It's now two weeks before the Vytal Festival Tournament and my team, and I, JNPR and STRM are totally excited about it. So, to start, we all trained since this morning till now and we have breaks here an there. Our training went well until... it happened when Shadow's Team arrived, without Shadow.

Me: Hey guys.

Tenka: Gretings, Ms Rose and friends.

Mitchell: Sup.

Rachel: Yo, girl.

Me: Hey, you guys seen Shadow?

Teams RWBY and JNPR started to look at the remaining members of STRM as Tenka answered.

Tenka: We were... gonna ask you the same thing, too.

Rachel: Yeah. Thought he was with you guys.

Yang: Well, he hasn't been here since morning.

Nora: Yeah! Where is he, anyway?

I then noticed everyone starting to feel worry about my boyfriend. So, I stood up for I said this.

Me: Alright, nobody panic. He could be anywhere around the school grounds. Let's go.

Several hours later,

We've searched high and low for Shadow but we found no trace of him. We checked the library, the dorms, the roof, the classrooms, the ballroom, the CCT Tower, and the town but to no avail. So, we gathered back to my dorm to discuss this.

Jaune: There is no sign of him.

Pyrrha: Probably he went somewhere with Professor Ozpin?

Weiss: Well, (looks at Ruby) that's a high possiblility.

Me: But, he wouldn't just leave without telling us, right?

Ren: Well, let's just hope he is with Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch.

???: Well, on the contrary, he isn't with me,and neither is he with Professor Goodwitch, I'm afraid.

Everyone stopped talking as we all looked at the doorway, revealing Professor Ozpin in front of us as he entered my dorm room.

Ozpin: Mr Wrath personally told me in my office that he will be off to somewhere. He was a bit of a rush so, I thought it is best that I come by and tell you where he is.

I stood forward and ask due to my concern for Shadow.

Me: Where is he?

Ozpin: Well, he is at the Emerald Forest. He said he needs to attend to... something.

Ren: The Emerald Forest? Why attend something there when the forest is infested with Grimm?

Ozpin: I'm afraid you have to see it for yourselves, students.

So, without hesitation, we quickly rushed off to the Emerald Forest where Shadow is at, hopefully nothing goes wrong.



I'm squatting behind the bushes to see the facinating unknown Grimm that saved me before right in front of me devouring a Grimm that used to battle the unknown Grimm. I was amazed that this Grimm is so powerful and it took down an alpha Beowolf.

Me: Whoa... this Grimm is strong....

When I was about to grab my Gashat to transform, the Grimm turned towards my direction, not knowing I am spying on it. My eyes widened when I saw what it looked like. This creature have a horn at its snout, huge ears for a Grimm, some sort of black hole device on its stomach, a harpoon-like mace and a miniture scythe embedded onto its arm to replace them as hands. Its eyes are different as instead of red iris ones, it was blue which would only mean one thing like the last time.

Me: ... It has been a while... Gladiator... T--

Just as I was about to say something, I suddenly jumped when someone or something touched my shoulder. When I swiftly turn around with my weapon to shoot, I stood still as I was on the ground with my weapon pointing at the crowd comprising my members of STRM, followed by Teams RWBY and JNPR, squating down in front of me.

Me: (whispering) Guys, what are you doing here?!

Blake: (whispering) Looking for you!

Ruby: (whispering) I was worried. Why are you here??

Mitchell: (whispering) We were all over the school loo---

Me: (whispering) SSSSSHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Everyone kept their silence as I pointed at the Grimm.

Me: (whispering) This is why.

Team STRM, RWBY and JNPR slowly crawls closer to the bush where I was hiding and they took a peak at what I'm looking at.

Jaune: (whispering) What... is that?

Ren & Tenka: (whispering) Grimm./It's a--

Me: (whispering) Not just any Grimm. It's a rare type of Grimm and.... an old friend.

After saying that, everyone looked at me with a confusing look on their faces.

Ruby: (whispering) Uuuhh... what?

Weiss: (whispering) I'm sorry. I didn't hear that correctly. Could you say that again?!

Me: (whispering) an old friend.

Rachel: (whispering) Whoa whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait wait wait!!! You said you used to have a pet right??

Me: (whispering) Yeah. Just one day. And that's the guy right there.

Mitchell: (whispering) So,.... THAT'S YOUR PET!?!?!

Me: (whispering) Yes. You and Rachel answered your question, like twice ya know.

Pyrrha: (whispering) But, no Grimm can be tamed by a human. How did you do it?

Me: (whispering) It saved me when Cronus wanted to discontinue me. He went to me and we fought together... I named him Gladiator Ty. as he fights like a gladiator, and I raised him for just one day as my own pet.

Nora: (whispering) Question, what's with the Ty?

Yang: (whispering) Yeah.

Me: (whispering) The "Ty" is the Grimm's name in short form as the Grimm's name is Grimm Tyrant. The rarest Grimm around.

After telling everyone what Grimm that is, I noticed everyone readying their weapons.

Ruby: Then let's kill it.

Me: No. When you all shoot it, you might not just make it angry, aaaaaand... your attacks will be sucked into his stomach.

Blake: (whispering) What?!

Me: (whispering) Yep. See that Trapezium-shaped metallic piece and some blackish-red fleshy thing in the middle of its stomach? That's the spot that will absorb our attacks. And even better still, it can use that spear on its mace to spear anyone.

Pyrrha: (whispering) You mean....

Me: (whispering) Yep, my old friend may only utilize those weapon-like hands, he also does what we do as well in terms of abilities... well, most of them.

Everyone's eyes widen as they heard what that Grimm is capable off. Then, Tenka soon ask.

Tenka: (whispering) So, what's the story behind this Grimm?

Me: (whispering) Wait.

Everyone noticed that this new Grimm is done feasting on the Grimm and it started growing just a bit. Then, without hesitation, I walked out from my hiding spot.

Me: I must see to him.

Yang: (whispering) Oka-- WAIT!!

Ruby: (whispering) DON'T GO!!!

Tenka: (whispering) We dont know what that thing might do to you!!

But, I didn't listen as I walked towards the Grimm. And it noticed me walking towards it. It then stood up and roars at me as I did nothing.

Rachel: (whispering) Cap's doomed.

Mitchell: (whispering) Shut your dragon breath.

3rd Person's POV:

It has been one minute and Shadow and the Grimm are just standing there face-to-face. Then, a few seconds later, the Grimm suddenly sat down, and I soon followed, much to my Team, Teams RWBY and JNPR's greatest shock.

Blake: (whispering) What...?

Jaune: (whispering) Did that Grimm just sit down??

Tenka: (whispering) In a way, yeah....

Shadow: Hello, old friend. I see that you're still surviving. And, you've been well, yourself.

The Tyrant Grimm roared softly at me as I pat its snout.

Shadow: I thought you perished when Gemdeus Machina used his strongest attack against us. How?

The Grimm then stood up and clashed his weapon-like arms together and smashes the ground, creating a crater. Then, it sat back down beside me again.

Shadow: I see, you smashed a hole in and dug your way out. Clever. And I also see you've been... growing, in an attempt to achieve Alpha Form.

The Grimm roared loudly as I said its objective. Much to my surprise that it wants to be stronger.

Shadow: I see....

Meanwhile, as the remaining members of STRM, and Teams RWBY and JNPR were hiding behind the bushes, they are still speechless at what is going on right in front of them.

Weiss: (whispering) Did that Grimm just understood at what Shadow was saying???

Mitchell: (whispering) Yes... and I have no idea what is going on either, just to read your mind a bit, Ice Queen.

Weiss: Why does everyone always have t---

Before Weiss could even finish her sentence, Ruby swiftly covered her mouth with her hand.
The creature then took notice as it tilted its head towards the bush behind me. I sighed as a sweat demeanor appeared.

Shadow: Heheh! Fear not, G.T. I just happened to have friends who came along with me. They're nice, really. Hey, STRM, RWBY, JNPR, COME OUTTA THERE!!!


Tenka: Well, he saw us after all.

And with that, everyone stood up from their hiding spot and walked towards the Grimm, cautiously, which I took notice.

Me: Oh, come on. Don't be shy.

But everyone still kept their distance. Until...

Mitchell: Okay, screw it, I'mma come over!!

Mitchell stood up as he walked towards the Grimm, amd patted its head. Much to his surprise, nothing happened.

Me: See? What did I tell you?

Ruby: Okaaaayy...

Ruby used her semblance and hugged the creature at the left arm.

Yang: ....

Blake: ....

Weiss: ....

Rachel: Okay. It's official. The Grimm's tamed.

Me: What did I tell you?

Yang: So, what can G.T do???

Me: What can he do? Excellent question. G.T, show them what you can do. Guys, fire at will.

When everyone heard my order, they didn't do anything as they knew it will hurt the Grimm.

Me: (sweat deneamor) Guys, trust me. Remember I told you about its belly...

Everyone looked at each other with confused looks until...

Tenka: Ooooohhh...

Tenka then fired tonnes of arrows from his dual Tri-Sector Sparrows. Just as the arrows are about to hit G.T, it motioned into a defensive position that all of Tenka's arrows were being absorbed into its belly, like what was stated.

Tenka: Okaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy....

Mitchell: This is something Limp Bizkit would've done to music in the late 90s...

Everyone looked at Mitchell, awkwardly.

Mitchell: WHAT?!?! I'm serious!!!

Ruby: Okay, let's try this.

I watched as Ruby turns her Crescent Rose into her Scythe mode as she shot her way towards G.T. As she got near, she gave G.T a flurry of sniper shots and slashes but to no avail as G.T managed to block her attacks by using its Scythe-like hand and Mace-like hand. During a small sparring mach between Ruby and G.T, everyone watched in awe as to see how trained this Grimm was trained in fighting.

Jaune: Wow, I have to admit, you've really taught him tricks.

Rachel: Yeah.

Me: Aye. Tricks like this one. (Points at G.T's mace)

Rachel: Huh??

Just as we resume watching, we saw Ruby staggering back a little. Then, she lunged forward to deliver a powerful blow, but G.T had other ideas as it swayed its arm with a mace on it, releasing some kind of whip with a spear-like tip at the end of it as it coiled around Ruby's weapon as it swung her around until she hits the bushes. Luckily someone caught her to breakher fall.

Mitchell: Got her.... ugh...

Me: Thanks! And sorry!

Ruby: I'm fine! He's good!

Me: Heh! I know right??

Nora: I WANNA TRY!!!

We watched as Nora jumps high up in the air as she is about to land her hammer towards G.T. But, G.T was a few steps ahead of her as it used its tail to whack her out of the way so as to not get hit, much to everyone's shock.

Ren: Whoa.

Blake: That is something that you don't see in a Grimm.

Me: Yep. So, who's next to spar???

-A few hours later,-

-5pm in the evening-

It has been hours since everyone of us sparred with G.T and it would appeared that our visit to G.T paid off as we all kind of treated our spar as our own training session. So, right now we are still at the Emerald Forest, now resting as we are all lying down on the greens with G.T. Just as everyone was about to fall asleep, Tenka and Yang turned to look at me to ask a question.

Yang: Hey, Shadow.

Me: Hmm?

Yang: How did you meet Gladiator Ty.?

Tenka: Yeah, there has to be a start and finish on how you guys met, right Doctor???

Me: Hmmmm... well, yes. But it's a really long story.

Ruby: Then let's hear it.

I watched Ruby and the rest getting upfrom their lying down position as they gathered around to hear how I met G.T.

Me: Well, okay. It all started right before that parking ticket incident even started and came to Vale... Emu and the others, including me are just having a usual fight against Dan Masamune as he's been playing with people's lives and crap. We tried to stop him but due to his pausing ability, we don't stand the chance except me as my semblance, can surpress pause so, I can move while pause is on. But still, I stand no chance until,... it happened.


Dan Masamune's POV:

I am now in my Kamen Rider Chronos form as I have already activated 'pause' to freeze everyone, all except for Shadow.

Shadow: I am going to make sure your pause ability will be discontinued, right before you discontinue me.

Me: Hmph! I like to see you try, Shadow.

Shadow: Oh, I will.... HENSHIN!!!!!


-Mighty! Mighty Action X!-


I tranformed into Action Gamer Level 2, wielding Gashacon Sword in fire mode and Gashacon Breaker in sword mode as I advanced forward towards Cronus while everyone is still frozen. Cronus readied his Bugvisor-Zwei saw mode as he advanced towards me. Once the both of us were quite close, we then clashed our weapons against each other, trying not move from our position.

Cronus: I have to say, you've grown strong than the last time I saw you!

Me: Well, that is because last time, we just met!

I said this as I kicked him in our clash, making him stagger back by a few steps.

Cronus: Hmph!! You've got tricks on under your sleeves. But perhaps I should use these then.

I watched on as he heldup a small folder.

Me: What's in that pocket book ofyours, eh??

Cronus: As if I were to tell you, Shadow!

Me (Inner Thoughts): Meanie....

I watched on as he flip opened his small booklet to remove something from it. Then, he looks at me, showing me a Power-up. My eyes soon widened.

Me: It's a Power-up collector book!

Cronus: That's right! (Flicks power-up in the air as it lands down on him to activate Power-up) See if you can dealwith this situation.


When I heard him say this, I saw him also splitting into eight similar copies of himself. I have a sweat demeanor on my head, trying to figure out what to do.

Me: That doesn't look good...

Cronus: Heh! (I soon advanced towards Shadow with my clones)

I swiftly tried to hit the clones of Cronus but to no avail as there were too many of them striking me, slashing me and kicking me all over the place. And to make matters worse, Cronus and his clones activated their finisher as they launched their saw finishers at me. So, in an attempt to counter their attacks, I used both my weapons to block each and every attack that reached me. However, due to the number of attacks that Cronus inflicted on me, I couldn't hold on any longer and lost my grip, taking the hit and being diarmed by Cronus.

After his attack is done, his Shadow Clones merged back to the real clone indicating that his power-up has been drained. Cronus then slowly advanced towards me as he placed his Bug-visor Zwei back onto his belt as he chuckled.

Cronus: (Chuckling) I must say, you are strong, but not strong enough to face me... SHADOW!!

I tried to get to face him once again but due to the critical hit I got from this jerk, I couldn't. And to make it worse, my Action Gamer Level 2 form deactivated itself.

Me: Rrrrrrrrr.... This is a major problem...

Cronus: Hah! You're too weak now!

Me: HEH!! Not yet.... I'm just... (attempting to get up) warming up... (As I got up, Iinstantly fell down due to exhaustion)

Cronus: Hmph! You could barely stand. So, stay where you are as... (pressing button on top of the Visor and pressed a button on my left) ... you're about to be discontinued!!!!


I watch Cronus as he was about to inflict a death blow on a weak teenager who can't even stand. So, I closed my eyes, awaiting his judgement. However, just as I felt the kick getting near me, the both of us felt the ground rumbling, in which Cronus stopped his finisher to try balance himself.

Cronus: What the-- (Looks at me) What trickery is this?!

Me: (Shrugging my shoulders)

Just as we are about to dosomething about this aftershock, out of nowhere, a creature in black with skeletal details covering his face and body appeared from the ground as it bite Cronus by the foot and threw him at one side, giving him a critical hit. This also caused Cronus to deactivate his pause ability, making everyone mobilize once again.

(A/N: Remember that Tyrant will be in Grimm form.)


Emu's POV:

We suddenly broke free from our frozen state by Cronus's power of pause. As we got up, we notice a creature in black standing in front of Genius Gamer Shadow.


Hiiro: Shadow, RUN!!!

As we told Shadow to run, we notice that he wasn't running and noticed Cronus trying to get up from that hard hit from the wall.

Kiriya: What's he doing?! And what is that?!?

Taiga: I don't know... But it has to go!!

My POV: 

I watched as the creature turned around to face me as it reached out to me by using his weaponized hands, which made everyone worried.

Emu: SHADOW!!!


Hiiro: (Activates Taddle Legacy Gashat)

Kiriya: (Standing there doing nothing)

As they watched on, the creature grabbed me and helped me up, for an unknown reason.

Me: Ummm... thanks???

The creature roared as a reply.

Me: Okay...?

Cronus: You will regret the day you throw me to a WALL!!!!

Cronus charged forward as he activated pause, but the creature, unknowingly knows what to do, ejects Barraba whip from his mace-like hand as it pressed onto both buttons instead on piercing through the Bugvisor, deactivating pause, to Cronus's shock.

(A/N: It won't pierce into the Bugvisor, in time it will have its chance in the next volume/s.)



Cronus: What?! How can a mere creature know how to deactivate pau--

Before Cronus can finish his sentence, the creature slashed him with its scythe or sickle-like hand, giving him a 'Great' hit and gave hima flurry of samshes, slices and jabs like how a gladiator fights.Then, toconclude the attack, the creature kicked him aside. The kick was so powerful like Maximum Mighty X, that Cronus was kicked all the way to the other end of a building. My eyes and my Team's eyes widened at the act and scene.

Hiiro: What power...

Nico: He can play games?! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT?!?!?!

Me: Awesome.

The Grimm looked elsewhere and looked at me, making me sweat a bit.

Me: Wh-what are you looking at??

The Grimm faced its whole body at me, as he looked at me, touching my head with its sharp weaponed hand. I didn't get where it was going at this until my eyes started to view images of Power-Ups and Cronus. That was when I realized, the creature was hatching a plan, in which I smirked.

Me: I see...

Emu: Eh??


And then, I felt a tail coiling around me as the creature flung me up in the air. As Cronus saw this, he equipped his Bugvisor-Zwei with his Gashat on it, in gun mode as he fired rounds at me, but to no avail as I kept dodging them every single time as I reached the first Power-Up which is the Muscle Up Power-Up. Then, I transformed into Taddle Quest Level 2 and activate Mighty Action X aura and jumped to the other Power-Up, in which Cronus tried shooting me down, preventing me from reaching it but this time, the creature intervened by taking the shot as it fought it. When I was in mid-air, I noticed the creature's fighting style as it fought Cronus like a Gladiator and a Tyrant. That was the day I named him, Gladiator Ty. in short, Gladiator Tyrant. After seeing him fight, I grabbed another Muscle Up Power-Up, followed by Speed-Up, Jump-Up, Muscle Up, Invisible and Rubberize Power-Ups after every leap and jump. Once that was done, I placed Taddle Quest Gashat into the Finisher Slot Holder as I press the button to activate the finisher.



Me: Time to do a Royal Finish!!


Me: Yo, Gladiator Ty!!!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!

When the creature whom I now name  him Gladiator Ty turns around to look at me to see why I shouted, it saw me about to do a finisher. So, it moved out of thw way and blasted a Fireball Blast at Cronus as I followed up with the finisher which is extremely strong for a level 2 due to many Power-Ups I endosed myself with.

Once my attack and G.T's attack made contact with Cronus, Cronus then took a heavy hit on the chest and got a ''Critical' and ''Great' hit''' from them as he was dragged back real far until he hit the wall once again, but only this time, his Cronus form got deactivated.

Hiiro: He... They beat him?!

Taiga: How?! A creature can't possibly know Cronus's game!

Me and G.T looked at each other and we shook hand and weapon.


Me: That is the story on how I met G.T. and how he saved me. He's a really good Grimm.

Mitchell & Ruby: Wow.

???: So, it seems that we have a pet in my school.

When everyone heard someone spoke up, we all shot up from our lying down position to face to the source of the voice, so did T.G. When we faced the source, we realized it was Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch. It would also appear that they were looking for us as it is also nearly time for dinner.

Me: Professor Ozpin! Professor Goodwitch! I.... uuuuuhhh.... (looking at my team, Ruby and Jaune's team) well...

Ozpin: So, this is the "something rush" that you are attending to???

Me: (sighs) Yes. An old friend came to my rescue back then during the Grimm attack. So, I came here to find him alone to talk and thank him you see.

Ozpin: I see...

Ozpin went forward towards the Grimm as G.T. took a step a bit, much to Professor Goodwitch and my worry.

Glynda: Professor Ozpin! Keep your distance!

Me: No need for alarm, Prof. G.T. is tamed under my wing when we first met. G.T., no need to worry about Professor Oz. . He's cool.

Ozpin's POV:

When I stopped right right in front of G.T. , I simply glanced at him and his weapons as the I nod my head in amazement.

Me: Is this... Creature called, G.T. ... experimented on by you???

Shadow: No. It came to me.

Me: I see

I then looked back at the creature that Shadow named him G.T. as I noticed him growing quite a bit.

Me: I see that he's been growing.

Tenka: Apparently G.T. wants to achieve Alpha form.

Shadow: (points at Tenka as he had a point there as I nod a few times) Yeah, like he said.

Me: Interesting...

G.T. roared as it offered a scythe at me.

Shadow: (giggles) He wants to shake your hand as he knows he wants to thank him.

Me: Really?? Well, I must say, this Grimm is highly intellegent.

I then accepted it by grabbing its scythe to shake it.

Glynda: Umm... Professor Ozpin, our objective.

Me: Right. (Lets go of G.T.'s scythe) I'm here basically to excort you back to Beacon as, it is almost close to dusk. I'm sorry Dr Wrath but---

Shadow: I understand. That's why I let him roam free around Remnant, to fend of the Grimm. I know your regulations about Grimm.

Me: Very well. Come now, Children. The Bullhead's waiting for us. Shadow, I don't mind giving you 5 minutes if that is okay with you.

Shadow: Oh sure, why not.


I watched everyone leave towards the Bullhead as I said my goodbyes to G.T.

Me: Well, G.T. ... like I said before, you are still at where you belong now. I want you to grow strong and level up fast to become the strongest and the largest Alpha Grimm alive. So,... take good care of yourself, my friend.

As I said those last words, G.T. licked my face. Then, I soon hugged him, in which G.T. returned it as well to me. We then broke the hug as we both went to our separate ways.

-a few minutes later-

I reached the Bullhead as I hopped onto it, looking at the Emerald Forest as I shed a tear, which Ruby noticed as she hugged me from behind.

Ruby: Don't worry, Shadow. G.T. is going to be fine.

Tenka: That's true. I can see him growing stronger by each day.

Me: (smiles) Yeah... stronger....

As the Bullhead took off, we then see the scenery of the sun setting right in front of us. That was when something slipped my mind.

Me: Oh yeah...

Yang: Hmm?? Something in your mind???

Me: Yep. G.T. does know some combat and tricks, he can also do this trick too.

Blake: (curiously asking) Trick like what???

Me: Trick like that which is right behind us when you open the hatch. (Looking at the other side of the Bullhead as I point at G.T.)

When everyone heard my sentence, they all went to the other side of the Bullhead, opened the hatch and sees G.T. flying in the air like it is nothing.

(A/N: Tyrant flight.)

Weiss: Wha-- how?!?!

Me: G.T. is also a Flying-Type kind of Grimm due to one of his seven components.

Rachel: Okay.... never actually knew he can fly....

Ren: Same....

Nora: Same here, too....

Me: Welp, who says Ground-Type monsters' don't fly??? (Smirks)

Glynda: A Grimm with no wings that can fly??? Interesting.

Ozpin: Well, that's a new one.

We all remarked as we watched G.T. flying further away from us as the Bullhead that we are in made its way towards Beacon.

End of Special Episode.

And that's all, folks! The Special episode of our second volume of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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