Special Episode: "Lovely Ca"-Tastrophe

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the SPECIAL episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 2 whereby we will be looking at the return of Lovelica, the intense battle between Lovelica and Shadow and Shadow's secret watch sillouette identity! This is also a 2.1k reader special so I hope you enjoy this, baby!! Do take note that this special episode links to the twelveth and last episode of this insert on Volume 2 right after the Grimm attack and 'Beacon's secret'. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND BUILD. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid  and Build is from Toei.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

Graphite: I'll ring the gong this time!!!

*Hits gong real hard*

My Pov:

It is now 8am in the morning and I'm still sleeping in due to the fact that I am extremely exhausted after that intense battle against the Grimm at Vale a few days ago. I was sleeping peacefully until someone shook me violently to wake up.

???: Doc? Doc! DOC!!!!

I annoyingly sighed as I woke up, turned my head and realized it was Mitchell who has been shaking me and Tenka, having a worried look on his face.

Me: Oh... it's you... (sigh) what is it?! Rachel is on a little Dragon run again??

Mitchell: Worse.

Tenka: Rachel, Team RWBY, Pyrrha, Nora, like... all of the girls in school, they're gone!

Me: Gone?!

I got up in sitting position while knocking the back of my head into the wall as I groan in pain over it.

Me: Aaah!!! (Holding my back of my head with my right hand) What do you mean "Gone"??

Mitchell: We checked the dorms, everywhere! I even asked Cardin and his team. It appears they're clean. I check JNPR amd RWBY's dorm, the girls are not there.

Tenka: Just Jaune and Ren... and us.

Me: ... (scratching my head) oh boy.... this is really a pickle in a jar.

Mitchell: A wha--

Me: Nevermind. Let's go and see Ozpin. (Sighs) He would know what to do.

Both: Right!!

So, without further delay, the three of us rushed over to see Ozpin to give him a report on what has happened to the girls. When we reached Ozpin's office, we noticed that Glynda is not with Ozpin. The only thing we saw is Professor Ozpin, sitting alone at his desk in his empty office. So, we rushed over to him to give him a report.

Me: Professor Ozpin! We got a problem.

Tenka: All the girls in the school are missing!!

Mitchell: And we might think that you may know wh---

Ozpin: I'm aware of that. Glynda has gone missing as well... so, yes I'm aware of the situation.

When we heard that he was awared due to the fact that Glynda is also missing, we stopped talking and I soon asked him a question.

Me: So,.... any idea where they went???

We were expecting good news but, Ozpin said otherwise.

Ozpin: That.... is something I don't know, yet.

Me: Oh..... i see.....

Ozpin: But... there is something I would like to show you.

So, Professor Ozpin picked up a small card from his table and passed it to Mitchell.

Mitchell: Thanks.

After Mitchell took a look at the card, I noticed his eyes widened due to shock. Then, he faced us to say something.

Me: what?

Mitchell: This isn't any name card...

Tenka: ... okay... then what is it???

Mitchell: (passes card to me) It's a name-card.

Me: (accepts the card) Name-card???

I took the card and took a look at it. After a while, my eyes widened as I knew one person who would give these kinds of name-cards which is in Pink with his full name and his usual motto.

Me: You sick pervy bastard.

Tenka: (looks at the motto behind the name-card) oh no.... not this guy....

Ozpin: You know that person??

Me: Yeah. Not just any person. Amagasaki Ren, also known as Lovelica Bugster. He is ruthless, dangerous and full of affection with style. And he also make love with really, beautiful women due to his charms and his charming, handsome look which I AM RIGHT NOW REA---PPFFFFMMMFFFFFMFFFMHHHHMMM!!!!

Mitchell: (covers my mouth) Yep, yep, yep! We get it, you're pissed.

I then slowly calmed down after being silenced by my winged teammate. After a while, I am now fully calmed down and he puts his mouth down from my mouth so I can speak.

Me: Sorry about that. I really hated him.

Ozpin: Right.

Me: Anyway, allow my remaining members who are still with me find the girls and Professor Goodwitch. Once we've found them, we will bring the ladies out of... wherever they are right now.

Ozpin: Okay then, I trust that you will do a good job in finding them, Team STRM.

Tenka: You can count on us, Prof. Oz. .

A few minutes later,

At the central plaza at Vale,

Me: Okay, we split up, we look, when anyone of you find anything, let each other know, alright?

Tenka & Mitchell: Okay.

Me: Alright, LET'S BOOK!!!!

And with that, we all split up to look for all the students (A/N: Who are obiviously girls) who are now missing.

A few hours later in the afternoon,

Tenka's POV:

Mitchell and I are the only ones to assemble back at Central Plaza, except Shadow.

Me: Anything???

Mitchell: No, you?

Me: Nothing. Shado-- eh??? Where is he??

Mitchell: He said it himself to meet back here, now he's not here.

Me: Don't be like this, Mitch. I'm sure he has a valid reason for not doing so.

While we are discussing on what happened to Shadow, my scroll start to vibrate. So, I picked up my scroll from my pocket and accepted the call.

Me: Hello???

Shadow: Guys!

Mitchell: Doc?!

Me: Where are you?! And what's with the blades clashing battle at your side?!

Shadow: No time!!! I'm engaged by Graphite!!! I could use an assistance, immediately!!!!

Mitchell and I look at each other with worried looks and we then rushed over to our leader's location.

Me: Doctor, where are you?! We will come look for you there!!!

Shadow: Remember the last time Mitchell, Blake and Sun were in some kind of White Fang Hideout?!?!

Me: Ummm, yeah???

Mitchell: Don't tell me...

Shadow: Yep! I'm there! Just me fighting with Graphite!!

Me: Alright! Don't move! We're on our way!!! (Hangs up scroll) Mitch!! Hold on to my armour!!!

Mitchell: Umm, why???

Me: DO IT!!!

Mitchell swiftly grabbed my shoulder armour as I focused all of my aura on to one location. Once that was done, I used my aura which is now focused onto my legs and ran extremely fast to Doc's location, leaving Mitchell to dangle behind me quite a bit with his wings flapping up and down due to my semblance and speed.




I am at the same building where the Faunus used to gather there to be recruited by the Infamous Roman Torchwick, battling with Graphite, weapon-to-weapon, hand-to-hand. Fortunately we have a lot of space as the building is completely empty after what Blake, Sun and Mitchell had pulled.

Graphite used his Dragon Fang to charge up his attack.


After saying his finishing move, he slashed his weapon, emitting a fire dragon to charge towards me in my Hyper Muteki Form. Unfortunately for him, I deflected his attack by conjouring a Dragon Gauntlet on my left arm, in which it absorbed his attack.

Graphite: What the...

Me: (Looking at my left arm that was equipped with a Dragon Gauntlet made of ice, coal and fire) A gauntlet? Gauntlet with a Dragon Head to absorb any fire attacks?? Wow, that's a start... and a new one as well.

Graphite: Hmph!! You just got lucky!!! NOW, TIME TO GET SERIOUS!!!!!

Me: (Turning my attention back at Graphite) GLADLY!!!

We both advanced at each other as we clashed our weapons with each other, trying not to move an inch to indicate either of us are exhausted or weak. However, due to the fact that I have other important things to do, I asked a ridiculous question thatno Player has asked before.


Graphite: I said, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!!!


When Graphite heard me saying that all of the girls in the academy I'm studying at have gone missing, he looked at me anxiously which made me confused as to see why he has an anxious expression. Then, without warning, Graphite broke the clash and I fell onto the ground head-first. When I got up, I saw him sheathing back his weapon while deactivating his bugster form as he sits further away from me against the wall, head hanging downwards. I cautiously walked towards him as I asked him some questions, but before I could ask, he asked his own questions first.

Graphite: Tell me... is Blake one of those missing???

Me: (Stunned that he asked about Blake) ... Y-Yes... That's what I was trying to ta--


After that sudden outburst, I was shocked that he yelled at me that I could have mentioned about Blake first then go into the details next.

Me: Graphite, I need to know. Why is your attention on Blake now?? Did you like her? Or, you love her?

Graphite: WHAT!?!?! NO!!

Me: Come on, admit it.I know yo--

Graphite: I'M NOT, OKAY?!?!?!?!

I took a few steps back after that other outburst. Then, I heard him sigh as he explained everything.

Graphite: (sighs) It's not that simple but, I will try to explain things here. (Looks at me) Come, sit down.

Me: (Inner Thoughts) Okay, never get offered a seat by a bugster before but,... oh well then.

I walked towards Graphite as I sat down beside him.

Me: So,... why have sights on Blake and, why did you save her??

Graphite: Remember when I got destroyed so that you can summon Gemdeus?

Me: Yeah, why?

Graphite: ... I was still alive back then... strangely.

Me: (Eyes widened when I heard this) What?!

Graphite: Yeah. I was alive, but not near C.R or anywhere near to the places we'd always been battling it out. It was different...

Me: Okay... how different??

Graphite: Well, after I was brought back to life, like I said just now but to rephrase it a bit, I was in a different area much... bigger than our island. A lot of houses made of wood that I can engulf to flames and a huge house right at the end of it.

Me: Whoa.

Graphite: Yeah, whoa. And to be honest with you, Ididn't expect Blake to be living in that huge house with her family.

Me: Oh, nah. I'm sure her family is a li--whaaaaaaat????

Graphite: yeah.

Me: Okay... go on.

Graphite: Alright. I'm just going to get to the point right now so as to not waste your time, alright?

Me: Okay.

Graphite: So, how Blake and I met, well... it happened when I saw smoke from where I respawned. I was quite curious as to see what caused it, so I ran towards the source as I transformed myself into my Dragon form. When I arrived to the source, turns out, that source is a small village caught on fire by Black Creatures with skulls on their heads.

Me: Grimm.

Graphite: That's what they're called? Grimm?

Me: Yeah.

Graphite: Heh, interesting. So, I looked in horror as those Black Creatures called Grimm attacking and killing innocent lives that I could have infected, but I didn't... instead, I killed the Black Creatures without breaking a sweat. I used all of my strength to take every single Grimm down, until I heard someone saying that some huge Black Creature passed their defenses and has entered the huge house. So, I pixelated myself to transport myself to the huge house and then---

???: ---It happened.

Graphite and I stood up and noticed Mitchell and Tenka standing by the entrance of the building as they slowly walked towards us.

Tenka: Blake filled me in that you saved her father from the Beowolf's deathswipe. She told me everything about you.

Me: You... saved Blake and her family???

Graphite: ... yes. That was when I decided that I watch over her while being on Gemdeus Machina's side.

Me, Mitchell & Tenka: Ooooh...

Mitchell, Tenka and I looked at each other as we try to think of something. Until,...

Me: Actually, Graphite. Do you know where Lovelica is??

Graphite: No, as he got a game clear due to the crash. But I still feel and smell his lustrious prescence nearby. Why???

Tenka: (Holding a name-card) Our headmaster found this name-card after the ladies went missing. So, w--

Graphite then snatches the name-card from Tenka's hand. (A/N: Talk about rude.) He then observes the card until he crushes it and throws it onto the ground in anguish.

Graphite: Okay.... So, let me get this straight.... I told Lovelica not to touch, Blake... but now he's gotten her in captivity, breaking my deal and promise... and you three, are now telling me, that he (Our heads sunk as he got closer to them, showing my true anger) . even got the CHEEK (Got even closer to us) . TO GIVE . HIS . BLAZING NAME CARD (Got extremely closer to us while being on fire due to extreme rage like as if he was about to explode)?!?!?!?!?! (A/N: If you find this quite familiar, I got Graphite's attitude to the max from Hades from the Movie, Hercules.)

We were about to freak out when Graphite was about to explode, but I stood by my teammates and tried calming him down.

Me: (Timid talking) Look, Graphite... I know you're pissed off. Tenka and I are too. But could you at least tell us where we can find the girls.... since you've sensed.... Lovelica.... nearby.....???..... heheh... please.... ??? (Both Tenka and Mitchell are just nodding away)

Graphite: (Stands straight back up from leaning my face extremely close to Genius Gamer Shadow and his friends due to rage) Right. It's somewhere around at the docks. However, when I looked there, I found no signs of him. Hopefully you know where he is when you get there.

Mitchell: Okay... thanks for your help.

Tenka: Thanks for the info, Graphite.... for once....

Me: Thank you, Graphite. We shall take our leave.

And with that, we left the building, but before we could even do that, Graphite called me back.

Graphite: Shadow.

Me: (Turns around) Yeah?

Graphite: (Stern voice) When you're done, leave the spoils to me... and the spoils, I mean Lovelica and his little Love-Bugster crew.

Me: I will look into it.

After that smallconversation, I turned back forward as Mitchell, Tenka and I leave the building, leaving Graphite behind.

Graphite: Lovelica... once Shadow and his friends are done with you... and once I confirm that Blake is safe, (Clenches fist) I will destroy you....!!!!!


Mitchell's POV:

Thanks to my flight capabilities, we managed to reach the docks within two minutes, and so far we agree on Graphite on one thing, there's nothing but the docks filled with boxes and crates, and ships docking.

Me: Soooo... any ideas on how we find Lovelica???

Shadow: I have no idea. Tank??

Tenka: Nothing. And I--- Shadow, did you just called me tank??

Shadow: (looks at Tenka as I tell a little lie) Umm, no.

Tenka: Okay... So, any ideas on how we fi--

Me: Guys.

Shadow & Tenka: (looks at me) Yeah?

Me: (Points downwards below one of the boats)

When Shadow and Tenka looked at the bottom of the boats that are docked, they noticed one of them at the further right hand corner has something attached below it.

Me: You see that??

Tenka: Yup. What do you think that could be??

Shadow: Submarine, maybe? It could be another of those secret rooms, I don't know.

Me: Could be. But I don't understand! Why do this secretly???

Tenka: Maybe Lovelica wants to keep a low profile while doing his lil' dirty work?


I switched my position from looking at the docks to looking at the same Dust Shop that the Dust Robbery happened while I tried to figure out why Lovelica is doing his schemes underwater, when suddenly...

Me: Well, maybe he's into sea creatures or something? I don't kn-- (spotted something)

Tenka: Yeah, maybe.

Mitchell: Well,... since they are in the water, what do you expect us to do then??

Me: Uh... guys???

Tenka: How in Gutton's pistons are we going to get the ladies outta there?

Me: (worried expression) guys...

Mitchell: I think I have an idea. How about I sneakily fly you over there, then you creep inside, defeat Lovelica, grab the girls a--

Tenka: Hold it. (Raises hand up then drops it) Okay, good idea. Fly us over to that ship, then we--

Me: GUYS!!!!!

Mitchell & Tenka: (looks at me) WHAT?!?!

When they looked at me, I then point at something in front of me. When they looked what's in front of me, their eyes widened as they have found one of them. And that one of them, wields a spear and a shield.

Tenka: Pyrrha!! (Runs towards her)

Me: I'm having a bad feeling about this.

Mitchell: (looks at Pyrrha's eyes to see that something isn't right) Oh crap, Tenka! Get away from her!!

Tenka was quite close to Pyrrha, but when he heard Mitchell, telling him to get away, he stopped and turned back with a confused look on her face.

Tenka: W-why??? There's nothing wrong with h--


Tenka: (turns back) huh???

Tenka looked back, only to see a spear about to be thrusted into him, but luckily for him, he used his semblance and clashed her weapon with his own.

Tenka: Pyrrha!! What's wrong with you?!

Pyrrha: ....


Pyrrha: ... Those who dares to oppose Ren-Senpai, will be discontinued~~

Tenka: Eh? Ren?! Oh yeah, Lovelica... Right!!! Well, sorry Pyrrha, but WE have to oppose him!!!

Tenka said this as he kicked Pyrrha at the stomach, making her fly all the way until she hits the concrete wall. When Tenka turns to face us, we have shocked looks in our faces.

Tenka: What?

Mitchell: Although it was cool... But--

Me: That wasn't really necessary, Tenka.

Tenka: ... okay, although that might be true, but at least we found one of his victims, right??

Me: Yeah??

Mitchell: So, what do we do with her???

Tenka: Hmmm....

Me: Hmmm....

Mitchell: Hmmm....

While we are hatching out a plan to return her back to normal, The Hypnotized Pyrrha got back up on her and started charging towards us, in which we noticed as out of nowhere, a huge iron pole came out of nowhere in front of us to knock her out unconscious. When the three of us looked at each other to figure out who did that, a figure appeared in front of them, revealing the other me holding a huge iron pole, in which both Tenka and Mitchell stared at me (A/N: The one without the iron rod.)

Me: I know this isn't necessary but, if we don't stop fighting her, we will be exhausted when we reached the girls.

Mitchell & Tenka: Okaaaayyyy....

Me: But, I will be sure to apologise to her later...

Tenka: Okay.

Mitchell: Now that this is out of the way, wanna ride???

Me: Sure, But to where???

Mitchell: To that ship that we found that secret base.

After looking at some secret base below the ship, I gave Mitchell a thumbs up.

Me: Let's save them.

Both: RIGHT!!!!

And thus, Mitchell took off, levitating himself from the ground as Tenka and I grabbed his legs so that we can enjoy his one ticket ride to the ship we found the secret base underneath it. Once we arrived, Mitchell dropped me and Tenka down at the upper deck of the ship as he made a sharp turn around us as he lands in between us, as the three of us readied our weapons.

Me, Tenka & Mitchell: Let's go!

A few minutes later,

Tenka's POV:

After finding our way down to the secret hideout, we started looking all over the hideout, room to room, place to place, court to court, but nothing. So, we kept on looking around the hideout. As we looked, we started talking.

Me: So, what's going to happen when we find them?

Shadow: (Thinks) Hmmm, we free them, find Lovelica, end his stupid love game, and that's it.

Mitchell: Yeah, a game clear to your terms.

Shadow: Yep.

Me: But, problem. Where will we find them, I mean, i expected the hideout to be small but... LOOK AT THIS!!!! THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!

I shouted so loud that it echoed all the way to the end of the corridor.

Shadow: Bro, don't worry. I'm sure Blake's gonna be okay... Ruby and the rest of the ladies too.

Mitchell: Yeah! What's the least that can go wrong???

And just as Mitchell stated his point, we suddenly heard the P.A System coming up online. After hearing this, we heard a man's voice stating his welcome address to us, and that voice is none other than, Amagasaki Ren.


Shadow: (whispering) Well, a warm welcome.

Mitchell: (whispering) mmmhmm.

Me: Thanks for the welcome. Name's Tenka Kaito, this is Mitchell Striker, that's Shadow, Dr. Shadow Wrath. Question, where have you taken THE GIRLS!?!?!

Amagasaki Ren: Oh, I see~ I see you three are looking for, my honeies, right~~???

When he said honeies, Shadow, Mitchell and I looked at each other with puzzled looks and looked back at the P.A System's Megaphone where Ren's voice is projecting out from.

Shadow: Sorry, help me to recall again please??? Uuuuhh, what honeies???

Amagasaki Ren: Well, I can show you~ Missies, would you be so kind as to demonstrate to them your strength, if you would???


When he said this, we noticed three girls appearing out from a secret door, and worse comes to worse, they were wearing Maid Costumes, which made us blush a little. When we saw them standing and staring at us, we realized that those girls are none other than Yang, Blake and Nora themselves.

Me: (whispering to Tenka) Graphite is not gonna like this....

Tenka: (whispering to me) Yeah... same goes to you know who, who is extremely mad now.

Mitchell: Tenka, we know.

Tenka: Right.

Me: So, what now???

Mitchell: Shadow, you got Yang.

Me: (nods)

Mitchell: Tenka, you got Blake.

Tenka: (nods)

Mitchell: I got "Fem. Thor".

We both nodded, but when we heard him say a nickname, we were caught off guard by it and looked at Mitchell.

Me: Mitch, did you just call Nora, Fem. Thor???

Tenka: You serious??

Mitchell: What?? She is.

Amagasaki Ren: Show them some love, Honeies~!!!

Blake, Yang & Nora: Yes, Ren-Senpai.

As we heard the girls heeding their Charmer's orders, they readied their weapons, in which we readied ours. The six of us then advanced at each other, in which we clashed our weapons at each other, and thus the battle begana. However during the fight, the three of us noticed that they are quite stronger than before, most probably Lovelica must have charmed them to not just to love and serve him, but to be highly capable in fighting.

Me: Guys!! I feel that we should take this battle someplace else!!!

Tenka: Agreed, Mister Doctor!!!

Mitchell: Good idea! It's -- (deflect Nora's hammer) -- cramped around here!!!

As we agreed on the idea to find somewhere spacious, we went to our separate ways. I decided to take Yang where we are now, Tenka and Blake used their semblance to take their battle at the docks and Mitchell and Nora decided to take the battle at the upper deck of the ship where it's more spacious.

My battle with Yang wasn't the battle I expected it to be as everytime I strike her, she ducks and strikes me a few times, with a few misses. So, I decided to conjour Dragon Gauntlets that I conjoured back when I fought with Graphite and decided to try fighting by using her way on fighting.

Me: Okay, let's give these a test drive!!! (Charges towards Yang)


Tenka's POV:

At the docks, Blake and I are just recieving slash after slash in which we are just scarring ourselves during this battle. Just as she is about to deliver the next slash, I countered it by blocking her slash with my other unsheathed Tri-Sector Sparrow and points another Tri-Sector Sparrow at Blake, pulling the trigger.

Me: Sorry, Blake.

I pulled the trigger, shooting two arrow-like projectiles at Blake, making her stagger back by a few steps. After seeing her stagger, I charged towards her to give her a finishing blow. However, it was soon put to a halt when Pyrrha came out of nowhere to block my attack with her shield and by using her semblance to push me away real far until I reach the end of the docks. When I broke my fall by using my weapons, I simply stared at Blake and Pyrrha as they walked towards me, with a sweat demeanor.

Me: Well, I guess I'm outnumbered....

Blake & Pyrrha: Make it two against one now, opposer.

???: No!! Make it two!!

When the three of us heard this, Pyrrha and Blake looked behind me and I looked back to see a woman in some Dragon-like mask, wearing some kind of japanese clothing (A/N: Fyi, those japanese clothing that I'm referring to, is pretty much similar to Raven's clothing but they are in a few shades of blue.) and she is even equipped with two different set of armour combined together as on her left side, it looked Dragon-like, and on her right side, her arm and her wasteline has some chains coiling around her and she wields two weapons that are if I am not wrong, Dust-based and some kind of golden key-like blade embedded onto her left arm.

(A/N: Front view)

(A/N: Back view)

(A/N: Her mask is a combination of Raven's Mask and the Dragon mask drawing. But take note, I don't own those pics. Another disclaimer here.)

Me: Who... are you???

???: Orochi, Orochi Tenma.

Me: Right.... But still, it would be an honour to be assisted by you, Orochi Tenma. (Bows)

Orochi: Why it sure is. (Bows) So, what's the story?

Me: Amagasaki Ren, aka - Lovelica, charmed all the girls in Beacon, even Glynda Goodwitch has been charmed as well. So, Doctor Shadow, Mitchell and I are here to save them and uncharm them... then, this happened.

Orochi: I see... So, Lovelica is toying with their feelings to go against you, is it correct?

Me: Yeah, you can say that...

Orochi: Then, let us fight them. I got red-head. You got your target.

Me: Right! Thanks!

And thus, the both of us then unsheathed our weapons, Blake and Pyrrha did the same. Then, we charged at each other, clashing our weapons against each other.


Mitchell's POV:

Nora was staggering back once again after I gave her a critical hit right in the face by uaing my fist equipped with my gauntlets in knuckle form.

Me: HAH!!! Hey!! I got her twenty times in a row!! IS THAT ALL YA GOT!?!?!

Nora then got up from her daze as she turned her weapon into a bazooka form and shot some rounds at me, in which I dodged them and shot some with my gauntlets when I turned it from its knuckle form into its crossbow form.

Me: I see your "Prince Charming" has taught you well and taught you everything.

Nora: Why thank you for the compliment! Why don't I boop it in for y--

Me: But not everything!

Nora: Wha--

Just before Nora could finish, I opened up my wings and spun around real fast, catching her off guard as my wings swipe her many times while she is still holding Magnhild in her bazooka form.

Me: Although you have been charmed by your so called Prince Charming, but you still have a lot to learn, Ms Thor!!!


Back to my POV:

Me: HYYAAHHHH!!!!!!!

I managed to punch Yang real hard into the wall until she is now in a daze. I was worried that she would have a concussion from that but, my thoughts over her head was soon put to a halt when I noticed the same door that she, Blake and Nora came in, slightly broken.

Me: (Inner Thoughts) Hmmmm... I wonder if that door leads me to the girls that Lovelica charmed and nabbed. Aha! I got it!!

Just as I got an idea, I noticed Yang getting up, most probably she is cleared from her daze. So, I quickly transformed into Bakusou Gamer Level 2 and revv up my engines into max mach speed.

-Bakusou Dokusou Gekisou Bousou Bakusou Bike!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Lazer Level 2, Bike Form)

Yang: Ugh.... what happened???

Me: HEY!!!! EAT IT!!!!!

I released the brakes automatically (A/N: As after all, he's a living motorbike, lol) and sped up towards her and rammed into her while ramming through the secret door that was slightly dented, causing it to burst open, revealing a huge dark room. Once the deed was done, I transformed back into my original form and rushed towards Yang, worried that she might be injured due to the impact of my ramming attack and the impact made when the both of us rammed through the door.

Me: YANG! YANG! YANG! YANG! YANG! Can you hear me!! I'm so, so sorry! Can you hear me?! Answer me!!!

Yang: Uuugh... my head!! Shadow?

Me: Oh, thank goodness you're okay.

Yang: Shadow....

Me: (asking nervously) uuuhh... yeah???

Out of nowhere, she suddenly grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. So, thinking that she is still charmed, I grabbed both her hands as I struggled to get her to let me go. Just as I was about to give up and stop struggling, Yang lunged forward towards me and locked her lips against mine, to my great shock. Due to the shock that I got because of this, I tried struggling out from that unexpecting kiss but Yang prevented that from happening when she forcefully pushed me onto the ground and pinned my arms down to prevent me from struggling out from this romantic embrace. It went on for a few minutes until Yang broke the kiss, giving me a smirk as my cheeks were now as red as Ruby's cloak.

Yang: Thank you, for saving me, handsome~~

Me: (stuttering) U-u-u-uhhh... u-u-ummm... well, your welcome.... I-I-I-I--

Yang: (uses her finger and place it onto my mouth to silence me for a bit) Promise me, you won't tell Ruby about it, alright???

Me: (nods)

After that awkward moment, both me and Yang got up to examine the huge dark room.

Me: So, where is this place???

Yang: I don't know??? The first thing I only know is that, I was brought here, then I was forced to wear a maid costume, then everything went blank. Then here we are.

Me: I see...


Tenka's POV:

I am now totally exhausted from the fight, and decided enough is enough. So, I dropped both my weapons and raised my hands in a T-formation due to the fact that I can't fight her like this anymore as she is something important to me, in which Blake took notice.

Blake: What's wrong? Giving up???

Me: I am not going to fight you, anymore!!

Blake: Very well. Then, I shall kill you right here, right now!

Then, I watched Blake advancing towards me with her gambol shroud. Just as she was going to strike me down, I grabbed both her weapons, and I disarmed her as I hugged her real tight that she can't struggle to break free.

Blake: Let . ME . GO!!!!!

Me: No.

Blake: WHY!?!?!

Me: Because I love you!!!! And I know you do, too.... no matter what.

Blake continued to squim violently until she settled down a bit after hearing my words.

Blake: (getting to my senses) no... matter... what....

Me: No matter what.

As soon as I said the words again, I heard Blake crying after a few seconds as she tries to recall everything about how she and Tenka confessed their love to each other. And how the Black Dragon Man known as Graphite always save her when there are troubles, minor or major. While she is still crying, I patted her on the back to calm her down.

Blake: I'm... so sorry... Tenka.... I'm so sorry....

Me: There there, Blake. You're fine... you're safe now... you're safe now....

Then, Blake and I decided to hug it out for a little while so that to make Blake feel a lot better. During our little embrace, a familiar voice called out to us.

???: Tenka! Blake!

When the both of us looked up at one of the ships, we saw Pyrrha and Orochi standing on one ship, Pyrrha waving at us and we soon waved at her, then we noticed the other figure beside her.

Blake: Tenka, who is she???

Me: Oh, her name is Orochi Tenma. She assisted me in helping you break the charms casted on you two by Lovelica himself. Now, let's go meet the others, I will explain along the way.

Blake: Okay.

And thus, the four of us soon rushed over to see how Mitchell is doing until we heard thunder and saw a lot of lightning activity close to where he is. So, we made our way to his location fast.


Mitchell's POV:

I dropped Nora's Magnhild after shocking her by using her own weapon and power as I started to pant non-stop.

Me: (panting) Now that.... (panting) is something that I.... (panting) I will personally not want t-- (panting) to try when I use Nora's weapon.... (panting) and that is to use her "Thunder" on her hammer.... (panting)

I soon walked towards Nora to check if she is okay.

Me: Nora!! (Shaking her to wake up) Nora, you okay???

Nora: Uuugh... where am I??? (Looks down) and tell me why I am wearing a maid's dress?! But still, it suits me quite well, though.

Me: Heheh! Well, it's a loooong story.

We both giggled to the situation. Then, Nora soon asked me a question.

Nora: So, you managed to use my hammer?

Me: Yeah... I might have used a little too much of Thunder and Lightning but still, at least it worked out well.

We soon laughed at what I did, in which it was so cool and yet reckless... and a bit funny for some reason due to the fact that my hair is now sticking out like a porcupine.

As we are still laughing, we noticed four people running towards us. When I helped Nora up to see to them, I noticed that these four people are Tenka, Blake, Yang and some other girl, in which both Nora and I asked.

Me: You saved them!

Tenka: Yep! Without her, this wouldn't be the end result.

Nora: So, her name is....

Tenka: Orochi Tenma.

Orochi: (bows)

Nora & Me: Right....

Me: Anyway, we need to check on Doctor Wrath and find the rest. Come on!

All: RIGHT!!!!!


Back to my POV:

Yang and I are now walking around the huge dark room aimlessly, not knowing where to look as we have cocered like the whole room already. Then, I sighed.

Me: (sighs) Nothing here...

Yang: You said you saw me, Nora and Blake coming from this room by via the secret door, right??? It should be impossible that there is nothing here. There should be something we're missing.

Me: Hmmmm... If there is something missing here, then we should look more into th--

As I looked around the dark room, the room suddenly lit up in a different shade of purple, red, cyan blue and yellow. After the lights lit up, we both didn't noticed that there was a stage in front of us and, it would also appear that Amagasaki Ren has been watching us as well with that usual smirk on his face.

Me: Amagasaki Ren.

Yang: You...

Amagasaki Ren: I see that you have freed four of my honeies, how lovely... yet noble... yet... idiotic. (snaps fingers)

After seeing himsnapping his fingers, Yang and I felt it was quite suspicious as to know he is up to something. Suddenly, a few doors opened, then out of nowhere, the rest girls that went missing appeared before us with maid costumes, with Velvet, Weiss, Glynda and a hooded girl walking towards Amagasaki Ren to be by his side as they readied their weapons.

Yang: That bastard...

Me: What did you do to them?!?!

Amagasaki Ren: Nothing really. I only made these honeies to do my bidding, that's all~~! Kill them.

And with that, all of the missing girls walked towards us, readying their weapons. The hooded girl, Weiss, Glynda and Velvet readied their weapons and semblances from where they are standing until...

Amagasaki Ren: O-Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay, enough! enough, enough!

When he said that, everyone suddenly stopped as they lowered their weapons, which made me and Yang feel a little suspicious about his hesitation. Then, from behind, Tenka, Mitchell, Blake, Pyrrha and Nora except for Orochi Tenma, came to the scene to see the missing girls, in shock.

Mitchell: Is it just me or is there a Maid Costume Party goin' on here?

Tenka: I doubt that.

Me: Why did you hesitate, Ren?! You could have taken us down within seconds you know!

Amagasaki Ren: Well, to be really honest with you, after some thought... Idecided to let one Honey to deal with just you. (Points at me) She has been obedient, and to be honest, I like the eyes. Honey Rose, you can take it over from here~~.

Me: Wait, Honey Rose???

Tenka: I've got a bad feeling about it.

Mitchell: Same...

Me: I don't get you, who is Honey Rose? The Rose I only know is Ruby Rose, so where did the HoneyRose co--- OH MY GOD, YOU DID NOT JUST---

Amagasaki Ren: Yes, I did. (cockily smirks)

Then, a hooded figure that appeared to be Ruby Rose, jumps from Amagasaki Ren's side to face me. She then unravels her hood and cloak, unsheathes her Crescent Rose and goes to defensive position, and so did the rest of my remaining team, Yang, Pyrrha and Nora, but I told them not interfere.

Me: No. Let me deal with this.

Tenka: But,--

Me: I have to try! (Turns into Action Gamer Level 2) (wielding Gashacon Breaker and Parablade) Ruby? I know you're in there. So, please... snap out of it.

(A/N: Ex-Aid Level 2)

Instead of hearing a response from her, she shot some sniper rounds at me, in which I hammered, slash and chop them up frantically, trying not to get shot by her bullets. While deflecting and blocking them, Ruby charged towards me and thrust her Crescent Rose down onto the ground in front of me as she kicked me away from her, making me to fly all the way to the end of the room, hitting against the wall.

All: SHADOW!!!

Me: I'm fine.... man, she's strong when she's charmed... I wonder if Lovelica leveled up??? Heh, could have.

I soon got up, still holding my weapons in hand as I advanced towards her, giving her cuts and bruises by my slashes, jabs and shots and Ruby doing the same as well, giving me cuts and bruises at my arms and legs. I then held my weapons together to do a thrust at Ruby to get her to her senses, but due to her high capability in fighting, she somehow flipped her weapon into sniper mode to disarm me instead of shooting me, to me and everyone's shock as to not know that she can do that. Once my weapons were locked into her sniper mode which was halfway completed, she reverted it back into its scythe mode after flinging her weapon around in circles to disarm me.

Me: Okay, never knew she could do tha--

Before I could finish, Ruby thrusted her scythe into my left shoulder and flung me over to the other side of the room while I screamed in pain and in a daze, which made my teammates and my friends worry.

Tenka: DOCTOR!!!

Mitchell: SHADOW!!!

Blake, Yang and Nora: SHADOW!!!

Yang: Ruby, stop this!! This is NOT you!!!

Amagasaki Ren: (Clapping his hands out of joy) Lovely, dear~! Now, let's end him, Shall we~?

Ruby: Yes, Ren-Senpai~

While clearing my daze, I grabbed my left shoulder as I groaned in pain as my Ex-Aid form deactivated itself. Just as my daze cleared, I noticed Ruby walking towards me with a blank adoring look in her face with Crescent Rose behind her. As I tried to get up after my daze has cleared, I heard a faint voice in my head, saying something repeatedly.

???: Open your watch... unleash my power... Open your watch... unleash my power... Open your watch... unleash my power...

Me: (Looks at my watch) Huh?! What is it now?!?!?!

Just as I said that, I noticed Ruby right in front of me as she raised her weapon to inflict a finishing blow on me.

Ruby: Di-- (Help me...) Die...

Me: Oh, for Arunbura's ruin sake!!!!




I screamed as I opened my watch and place both hands in front of me, trying to block Crescent Rose's death blow. However, instead of seeing Ruby thrusting her weapon into me, a silver light suddenly shined into her eyes and mine, including everyone else's eyes, blinding them for a few seconds, illuminating the whole room.

Tenka's POV:

Once the silver light illuminating the whole room finally dims down, I opened my eyes to see Amagasaki Ren still standing but rubbing his eyes, my group behind me uncovering their eyes and the girls who are charmed getting up from the sight of the bright light.

Me: What... was that???

Yang: Whaever it is... that silver light looks familiar...

Blake: Wait... How familiar??

Yang: Very fami--

Mitchell: Guys....

Everyone on my side looked at my sliver-winged teammate.

Mitchell: Why is Doctor Wrath.... a girl???


(A/N: Music starts here)

When we look back to see Shadow, Mitchell was right. We also saw Ruby, who had just dropped her weapon in shock to see Shadow, but not Shadow. As we looked on, I noticed my Team Leader, having black hair with red tints at the end of his long hair instead of his own hair, his facial complexion is fairly pale instead of his own facial complexion. He has a white cloak on him and he has silver eyes instead of his blue and red eyes. And finally, he or she is glowing in a bright silver sillouette so as to not let anyone of us see him or her fully.

Amagasaki Ren: Who is that... beauty???

Ruby: (Still charmed but shocked to see Shadow to be someone familiar) M-m-m-mom???

Then, I notice Shadow, in his unknown form holding up his hands over to Ruby so as to let her embrace him or her. Suddenly, I heard him say something, which made me ask a lot of questions.

Shadow (???'s voice): Come, my little rose, embrace your mother.

Tenka: What...

Mitchell: ... the heck did he just said?!?!?!

Yang: Summer?? Mom???

Then, as we heard those unknown words coming out from our team leader, we heard Ruby crying as she was hesitant to go up to Shadow as Amagasaki Ren prompts her not to do so many times. Then, after a while, she went up to Shadow to embrace him and Shadow embracing her too after Ruby hugged him first.

Me, Mitchell, Pyrrha, Blake, Yang & Nora: Awwwww~~~

Yang: Now that's cute.


Our embrace went on for about 5 minutes until my watch mysteriously closed by itself as my unknown sillouette form suddenly dissipated. I then opened my eyes to see that all of my wounds are completely healed, and when I looked at Ruby, I could see tears coming out of her sockets as she apologises to me many times for hurting me.

Ruby: I'm-I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm-I'm so... so... sorry, Shado--

Me: It's okay... your Doctor here is alright. (Smiles)

As I said that, we both heard Amagasaki Ren screaming in rage after seeing what I did and said to Ruby after I broke his charm on her.


Me: Ruby, take your weapon, tell the others to lure the girls away from here. I got this.

Ruby: Okay... (Sniff) But, come back to me,okay?? You promise, right??? (crying a bit)

Me: (looks at Ruby) Okay, Rubes. And that's a promise. Oh! You may wanna pass them these.

I passed Ruby some ammo cartridges with Maximum Mighty X symbols on them.

Me: These are personally made by a good friend of mine. (A/N: And that is, Dan Kuroto.) So, tell them to knock themselves out with them, Rubes.

I saw her blush when I said her nickname, then I saw her going over to her teammates and her friends to tell them what they have to do and passed them the ammo I gave her. I walked forward towards Amagasaki Ren as I readied my Gashats.

(A/N: Music ends here.)


Charmed girls: Yes, Ren-senpai!!

And with that, I watched Ruby and her friends, and my teammates began running out of the hideout and ship to keep the charmed girls busy, which I smirked as Ren has fallen for half of my trap that he hasn't noticed yet.

Amagasaki Ren: You shall pay for what you did to my honeies, including my darling that you uncharmed~~!!!! Replicate!!! (Equips Bugvisor and pressesa red button ton top of the visor)

-Infection! Let's Game! Bad Game! Dead Game! What's your name?! The Bugster!-

I watched on as Amagasaki Ren transformed into Lovelica Bugster as some Bugster Grunts in Maid Costumes came out of nowhere to stand by his side.

(A/N: Lovelica Bugster)

Lovelica: Your move, Shadow.

Me: Fine by me... (feeling pissed off) LEVEL SHIFT!!!! GENM.... (Eyes glows purple) Grade Billion... (activates gashat)


(Dramatic choral music)

Me: God Henshin!! (holding onto a Gashat as I insert it into the Game-Driver, pulled the lever and forcefully press the button down to activate Level Billion)

-Maximum Gashat! Gachan! Fu~met~su! Saijoukyuu no Kami no Sainou! Kuroto Dan! Kuroto Dan! God Maximu~u~m X~!-

(A/N: God Maximum Gamer Level Billion)


(A/N: FallOut Boys - Centuries. I would like you readers to give a shout out to Zombienitroz as he gave me some ideas for this special episode.)

(A/N: Music starts here.)

Lovelica: Grade Billion?! Impossible?!?! Genm is the only one who can---

Me: Lovelica, omae wa mou shindeiru. (A/N: English translate is "You are already dead")

Lovelica: Wha--

Just before he could finish, I equiped my Parablade in which the handle became longer and the axe's blade became larger.

(A/N: Pretty much like the one in this pic. But remember, I don't own this pic and the other pics above. Anther disclaimer.)

Me: Well, well, well. Looks like this Godish Gashat has some surprises, huh? Now, let's see what it can do for me.

So, I advanced forward to land a hit on Lovelica, but his Bugster maids intervened to my objective. Due to my rage that Lovelica charmed Ruby, my eyes glowed red, indicating that something is about to happen. Then, I motioned my hands to all of Lovelica's Bugster maids and thrust Parablade onto the ground real hard as meteorids fell upon them from the sky, right out of nowhere. When Lovelica saw his lovely companions got eliminated by me by using my meteroid attack, he went onto his knees, depressed.

Lovelica: NOOO!!!! (Goes down to my knees) My.... honeies.....

Me: That's your weakness?! Seriously?!?! Bugster Maids getting destroyed are your Achilles Heels?!?! Oh well then... HAH!!!

I took the advantage to strike him once again with my upgraded Parablade in which Lovelica took a lot of damage. I kept slashing Lovelica many times as fast as a speeding cheetah faunus. Unwilling to stop due to anger, I pressed a button on the Gashat in which it allows me to eject from the Mechanized suit so that I can fight Lovelica in my so called Level 2 form which was meant to be level billion still as the Mech is still around. I gave Lovelica a flurry of punches. Then, I gave him one good punch in the face and decided to give him another one right at the bridge of his nose, but he instantly blocked it.

Lovelica: You maybe powerful... but you can't outlove, the handso--

Me: Yeah yeah, you jerk!!!

Lovelica: You fool!!!

With that insult, Lovelica then used his powers to strike me with his rose petals attack which has no affect on me but, I staggered a few steps back to get into firing range.

Me: Thank you for making me stagger back a bit.

Lovelica: What?!

Me: Now, I can do this.

I pushed down the button on top of the gashat as I jumped back into the mech as I gain control of it as I inserted the God Maximum Mighty X gashat into Parablade and an ice dust crystal in it, which is a new one.


Me: Huh! Dust Crystals can be placed there, but below the Gashat slot, eh? Welp, that's a new one. (I said as I smiled)

Lovelica: .... (Inner Thoughts) Oh no...


Ruby's POV:

My teammates, Pyrrha, Nora, Shadow's teammates and I are still firing our weapons at the charmed girls who are charmed by Amagasaki Ren. When I see my Icy and yet unpredictable boyfriend later, I'm going to thank him for the special ammunition and cartridges that his friend gave us as whatever that they put into these are working as after shooting numerous girls who are charmed, they somehow returned back to normal after a few seconds.

Rachel: So,... that love-me guy is at it again?!

Tenka: Yes, Rach.

Weiss: I'm sorry, you mean that appointment I just went in was a fake?!

Tenka: Yes, Weiss.

Weiss: When I'm done here, I am going to report this!

Me: Weiss, watch it!!

I shot down a purple streak that was flying towards my teammate which was a close call and noticed that Professor Glynda was there in the crowd too.

Mitchell: You have got to be KIDDING ME?!?!?!

Coco: I'm seriously gonna sue Mr. Amagasaki for that!! (Instantly shooting minigun rounds at Glynda Goodwitch with 200 Maximum Mighty X minigun rounds.)



I aimed my weapon in its gun form at Lovelica as my finisher is charging up.


I pulled the trigger of my weapon as it fired a laser with an ice beam, combined with it while Lovelica launched his own attack by using the combination of his rose petal attack, heart-shape love attack and his affection charm attack. Our projectile then clashed at the center of the room as my attack soon overpowered my opponent's attack. When my finisher reached Lovelica, it hit him, causing a purplish barrier to trap him inside, then it disappeared after a few seconds.

Lovelica: Hmph! Your attacks are useless to me. This is a love game we are doing here. So, Ladies!!!

Nothing happened.

Me: Hmmf! Where are your lil' companions you've charmed, eh???

Lovelica: Uuuhh... LADIES!!!! (snaps fingers)

Nothing happened.

Lovelica: No no no... what did you do to me?!

Me: I've reprogrammed you, of course. Now, the ladies that you've charmed, are all discharmed for good from your lusty lil' hands.


3rd Person's POV:

The remaining girls who are charmed suddenly stood still as their eyes suddenly changed back to their normal iris colours, trying to figure out what happened to themselves when they first went to their appointments, councilling and others lead by Amagasaki Ren. After seeing that everyone is back to normal, Ruby and her teammates, her friends and Professor Goodwitch then led the girls who are now discharmed back to Beacon Academy and into the Infirmary to be checked that they are cured from Lovelica's love-virus. (A/N: Charms for short for my terms.)

Back to my POV:

When Lovelica heard me say that I've reprogrammed him and his attacks, he went to his knees once again, depressed again.

Lovelica: My... honeies....

Me: Now, let's finish this.

I pulled the lever forward and back to its opened formation again to activate the Gashat's finisher.


When my finisher was activated, I flew up into the air, inside the building as I drop-kick Lovelica. Lovelica then attempts to counter my attack with his rose-petal attack once again, but to no avail as my level is extremly higher than his. When my attack came in contact to Lovelica, he was then dragged all the way to the end of the room, creating a huge hole behind him, allowing river water to gush into his hideout.

(A/N: Music ends here)

After seeing river water gushing into the hideout right after finshing my finishing move, I have a sweat demeanor on my face as it would be a mistake doing that.

Me: Okay, maybe I raged too much and overdid it....


I quickly deactivated my Grade Billion form as I fished out my Bug-visor Zwei from my utility case. When I'm equipped with my Bug-visor Zwei, I quickly imprisoned Lovelica into the device as I said.

Me: Lovelica, under the General from Atlas and the Headmaster of Beacon, I'm placing you under arrest for kidnapping, charming Beacon's girl students and bribbing them from their free will to not attack me and my boys. But since, someone wants to dealwith you, I'm going to let him do it himself.

Lovelica: ... now that you've caught me, how are we going to get out, then.

When he asked me that, I looked around the room, to see that he's right. How am I going to get out of here? Water is gushing in fast and is now at my waist level.

Me: Good question... how...

As I looked around for an exit, that is when it hit me that I cam do something.

Me: Oh, right. I forgot I can turn into snow.

Amd with that, I turned into snow flurry form and spun around like a tornado and flew out of the hideout, and back up to shore. However, while escaping, I reverted back to my original form due to exhaustion. Now, I am stranded underwater trying to breath. Just as I was about to give up, a dragon with chains and keys all over it clamped its jaws over me and swam up to shore.

After a minute later, the dragon flew out of the water and in front of the docks as it laid me down onto the ground. As my eyes slowly opened, I saw the dragon transform into a human girl with a skull covering her face, that was when I figured out that, the dragon and the girl are the same beings that protected me before back when I was younger.

Me: Orochi... Tenma.... (coughing out water)

Orochi: (nods)

Orochi Tenma then nods as she slashes her weapon to create a portal. Then, she enters it as the portal closes, to my surprise.

Me: Heh! Guess I'm weak after that watch stunt, eh? At least my icy tricks hasn't been weakened yet, which is a good thing. Heheheh! Welp, let's head back to Beacon to... see how the ladies are doing.... (slowly getting up) but before that....

Back at the abandoned building where I fought Graphite,

Graphite's POV:

I am still waiting results from Shadow as I am worried about Blake. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I stood up, only to see Shadow walking towards me with a Bug-visor Zwei in hand.

Me: So, any results?! How's Blake?!

Shadow: Tenka broke the charm over Blake by making her recall the times you and Tenka protected her. The rest of the girls are in Beacon Infrimary to ensure that they are cured.

Me: GOOD! Then, Lovelica???

Shadow then throws the Bug-visor Zwei in which I caught it.

Shadow: All yours, Graphite.

He said that as he left me behind for me to do all the work. I smirked at him and at the device imprisoning Lovelica that he passed, as I released Lovelica so that I can deliver a death blow at him.

Lovelica: Wha-where? Where am I- Oh! Graphite, you're here... wait.... what's going on?

Me: SO, You promise you leave Blake alone, huh?!

Lovelica: Y-you mean the girl with the black bow covering her cat ears???

Me: (pissed off by the question) You think I'm stupid...???

Lovelica: Okay, okay okay! I can explain. Y--

Me: No! You have explained enough!

When I said that, Lovelica became more worried and shot his attacks at me in which I deflected it with my Dragon Fang.

Me: You've toyed with Blake's emotions for the last time, Lovelica!!! BEGONE!!!!! DO-DO-DO-DO-DO-DO-DO-DO-DO-DO-DORAGON GURREN BAKURYU KEN!!!!!!!! RRRRAAAA!!!!!!

I powered up my finishing move over the maximum level as I slashed my Dragon Fang vertically, causing four dragons made of fire to emit from my weapon to charge towards Lovelica. When it reached Lovelica, the attack destroyed him completely with no effort needed. After the finishing move, Graphite sighs.

Me: Although I am nowa traitor, I still keep my stand as Gaurdian... Gurren Graphite. Better look out, Gemdeus, cause' I'm going to take you down... with my friends...



I used a Speed-up Power-Up to run as fast as I can to head towards the Infirmary at Beacon to see how all the girls are doing. When I reached the Infirmary, Professor Ozpin was the first to exit the Infirmary and spotted me, in which I quickly tried to stop myself from running due to the Speed-up Power-Up.

Me: Professor Ozpin! You're here!

Ozpin: Indeed I am. So, I see you and you've freed all of the girls in this school... including Professor Goodwitch.

Me: If it weren't for my teammates, friends and Orochi Tenma, it wouldn't be possible.

Ozpin: Orochi Tenma??

Me: Oh, right. You never seen her before. She wears a mask which is of a dragon, she has two weapons by her waistline, chains all over somewhat.... and she's an extremely good fighter.

Ozpin: I see... well Shadow, if you see her, tell her that I said thank you.

Me: Oh, will do, sir.

Ozpin: So, about Amagasaki Ren... is he...

Me: I gave him to Graphite to be judged. I promised Graphite that after I defeated Lovelica, I apprehend him to Graphite so that he can deal with him... as he has feelings for Blake.

Ozpin: (nods) Interesting. Is that all??

Me: Yes. That would be all.

I then hold onto the door nob to open the door of the Infirmary until Ozpin spoke up.

Ozpin: Oh, and Shadow, when you go inside, please do be careful. I've been told by Ruby that there will be a surprise awaiting for you. Mitchell, Tenka, Ren and Jaune are already inside to... see the surprise. So, good luck.

He said this as he leaves me alone, puzzled and now having tonnes of questions in my head.

Me (Inner Thoughts): Ummm... surprise??? I wonder what that would be and what he meant by that??? And why is Ruby, and the guys part of this with the other girls.... Well, one way to find out.

So, I opened the door slowly as I entered the room, only to see the girls I saved wearing nothing but their bikinis or their sexy attires. I also noticed some girls holding onto Tenka and Mitchell in a really.... lustful way and romantic way.

Ruby: (blushing) Ummm... hi.... Shadow...

Yang: Yo, handsome. (Winks)

My face turned bright red, whichwas as red as Ruby's cloak when I saw the whole sight in the Infirmary. Then, I reponded as I stuttered.

Me: (blushing madly) Uuuuuuhhh.... h-h-h-h-hi.....

Tenka: Help....

Mitchell: (sweat demeanor on my face) Doc, please...?

I said this as I take my leave.

Me: I'm just gonna.... g--

Just as I was about to finish my sentence and take my leave, I was suddenly grabbed at both my arms by some girls and one of them is Ruby who is holding me by my waistline.

Ruby: Please??? We just want to say thank you that's all....

Rachel: Please???

I looked back as I saw Ruby's face turning into an extremly cuter face that I can't deny, it is extremely cute and I can't get out of.

Me (Inner Thoughts): Why are you involved in this... Rachel!!!!

Me: I... well.... I..... uhhhh.....ummmm...

The other girls: (giggling as some of the girls are now teasing me a bit on how nervous I am now)

Me: Well... I.....


Orochi's POV:

I overlooked Beacon from the highest point of the CCT Tower as I watched Shadow being teased as he tried to answered. So, I giggled.

Me: (Giggling) You've grown, Shadow. You've grown. Although you have your quirks, but still, you've grown... like what mother and father said that you would, like me. (smiles)

As I overlooked Beacon, three armoured riders came up to me from behind. I turned around to see them as they give me a report.

Me: Tank Tank Sento, Grease Kazumi, Magma Cross-Z Banjou... anything to report??

Sento: Yes, our base is located at Mistral at the far West.

Kazumi: I've gathered guardians and hard guardians to improve our defenses from Seito, Touto and Hokuto.

Banjou: Got some candidates to be chosen to be Smashes. So, it's copies of Full Bottles coming up! Man, it feels like we are winning this.

Me: Oh? So, we need three sets of all 60 Full Bottles, eh?

Banjou: Ummm.... uuuuhhh....

Sento: Just one set first, Leader Orochi.

Me: Alright. Good work, the three of you. At least the set-up of our base is done.

Kazumi: But wait, we have to be wary of one thing.

When I heard Kazumi said those words, I sighed as I asked him more questions.

Me: And the wary part would be???

Kazumi: Our tribe may be at the west part of Mistral, but there is another tribe at the far east from here, Leader Orochi. And the Tribe name is 'Branwen Tribe'.

Me: Another Tribe, far from my tribe, 'Build Tenma Tribe'?? Interesting.

I said as I opened a portal back to our camp.

Me: Let's head back. We need to teach our trainees how to be smashes by the use of Full Bottles.

Sento, Kazumi & Banjou: Yes, mam!! / You got it!! / I feel that I'm going to win this!!

And with that, everyone entered the portal, except for me as I looked at Beacon for the last time.

Me: In time we shall see each other again when the Vytal Festival starts, Shadow... my brother.

I said as I entered the portal. Then, once I entered the portal, it closed behind me as I made my way back to my Tribe.


And that's all, folks! The Special episode of our second volume of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. And it appears that there are some cliffhangers here and there in this episode. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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