Special Episode: 'Hiro -vs- Adam' & 'A Gift Beyond Death'

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the SPECIAL episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 5, where we will be looking at the events after the battle for Haven Academy when Hiro got into Adam's way upon his escape. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND BUILD. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Build is from Toei. So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Afterwards, everything returns to normal, Ruby and Rachel are seen hugging each other as they shake in fear, before they come to terms with what they had just witnessed. Everyone in the room including our JEWL Combiner friend are still present, with the exception of Emerald, Another Pallad, Mercury and Hazel, who have all disappeared.

Rachel: Whoa....

Blake: Wha-- what was that?

Ozpin: An illusion. But an accurate one. That... was Salem.

Shadow/Summer (Summer and Shadow's voice in sync): No. That is not Salem. That... is my Nightmare.... that,.... was Gemdeus Salem Machina....

Roland: Guys.... where's Hiro??

Roland asked.

Shadow said as he watched as the others are still trying to comprehend what just happened.

Outside, Hazel is seen running and carrying an unconscious Emerald over his shoulder, with Mercury following not too far behind him. Up in the tree branches, Adam watches his allies run, before he too fled the scene. As he fled the scene, his path is soon blocked by Hiro.

(A/N: Adam Taurus.)

Hiro snuck upon Adam as he blocked Adam's path from getting away as he had a score to settle with him, causing Adam to feel annoyed by this.

Adam: Out of my way, FOOL!!!!

Adam demanded.

Hiro: Fight me.

Hiro said.

As Adam heard this, he chuckles as he point his katana at Hiro.

Adam: You're a fool when you say you want to challenge me.

Hiro: I'm not a fool. I want to avenge for my love that you took her life away from me.... away from this world....

Adam: Hmph! Jessica....

Hiro: Exactly. I want to make sure that you . pay for your crimes by my hand!

As he stated this, Adam sheaths his weapon into his scabbard as he smirks.

Adam: Very well, then. You'll have the same fate as your girlfriend.... and your parents....

Hiro: For my new friends,.... for my family..... for my love. 

Hiro (Inner Thoughts): If I make it out alive, I will return to Haven to see to my new friends once again.

Hiro stated in his thoughts.

Then, he don his Super Cross-ZBuild Genius form and Adam swiftly charged at each other as they both clashed blades with each other, causing some trees to get knocked down by the intensive power by their clash.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Build - Cross-ZBuild Genius Form.)

Adam: (Scoffs) I see you've grown powerful than the last time we've met, right after I've dealt with your parents and your lil' girlfriend for a Wolf Faunus!! Well, it will still do you not to get in my way!!

Hiro: Oh, I don't intend to get in your way... I'm here to challenge you...

Adam: Challenge me?

Hiro: Yeah!

Hiro said.

Then, both Adam and Hiro broke the clash as they went twenty feet away from each other.

Adam: What do you have in mind, fool?

Hiro: If I win, you stand down as White Fang Leader and let the Belladonnas reclaim their rule.

Adam: And what do you know ab-

Hiro: Remnant's History Class....

Adam: Riiiiiight. And what if I win?

Adam asked.

Hiro then went into a train of thought till he had an interesting answer for him.

Hiro: If you win, you'll have all me and my Rider stuff I have.

Adam: Interesting. So, have you as a prisoner and slave, correct?

Hiro: .....

Adam: Hmm??

Hiro: ... yeah.

Hiro replied.

Adam smirked as he nodded at me.

Adam: Very well, then. I accept your challenge.

Hiro: Good. Cause' I won't intend on backing down from it.

Adam: Feeling's mutual.

Adam said.

Then, they readied their weapons as they donned their own fighting style. Once they've gotten their groove, they went super speed at each other as they used their strength and clashed weapons with each other, causing another shockwave to be created due to the clash. After the clash, they gave each other a flurry of slashes which ended up in a flurry of clashes causing tonnes of sparks to start flying out from the clash made by two blades clashing with one blade belonging to Hiro's FullBottle Buster and the other belonging to Adam's Wilt.

While two blades were clashed together, Adam took the opportunity to strike by kicking Hiro by the gut, only for Hiro to switch his weapon into its gun mode and shot Adam right after he kicked Hiro away, rendering Adam's aura and for him to fly back, hitting his back on a tree and Hiro to fall on the ground, back first.

Adam yelled with rage as he sheathed Wilt into Blush, transforming his weapon toits gun mode, aiming his weapon at Hiro as he began to shoot several rounds at him, for Hiro to wield Beat Cross-Zer in his other hand as he began to slash all of Adam's shot by the use of both weapons while rushing his way towards him.

Once close, Hiro then gave Adam a flurry of slashes, for Adam's aura to be rendered more. Then, Hiro inserted a 'Lock' FullBottle into his Beat Cross-Zer, 'Tank', 'Jet', 'Gatling' and 'Rocket' FullBottles into his FullBottle Buster.



Adam: You should know whatmy semblance can do, right?

Hiro: Heh! That's why I'm risking it!!!

Hiro yelled.

Then, he threw FullBottle Buster in the air as he pulled the Grip End Starter three times. After pulling the handle thrice, he spun around three times to increase the sword's slashing momentum and- 

-HIPPARE! HIPPARE! HIPPARE! (melodic electro music with synths) MEGA SLASH! (repeated synths with dragon roaring and guitar riff)-

- slashed Adam. After slashing his family and girlfriend's killer, Hiro thrusted Beat Cross-Zer to the ground as he caught his FullBottle Buster from flying mid-air,-


- pointing and touching directly at Adam's stomach for Hiro to smirk as he pulled the trigger, launching a ball of blue, gray, and white energy with the images on Bottles mixed together that gives off cyan energy shockwaves upon impact, causing Adam to fly back with the energy ball, hitting some trees causing to fall and to fall to the ground son after.

After seeing Adam fall, Hiro picked up his Beat Cross-Zer and took his leave. While leaving, he sensed something and swiftly turned around at the spot where he struck a bomb at Adam, only to see him still standing with his red outlines on his mask, outfit, weapon and his hair glowing, to Hiro's prediction that it will happen.

(A/N: Adam's semblance activated.)

Hiro (Whispers): (Scoffs) ..... figures as much....

Adam: Didn't you forget what my semblance can do? I absorb your attacks and use them as my own, killing you within an instant.... just like how I killed your parents....

Adam smirked.

Hiro then clenched his weapons tight when Adam mentioned his parents.

Hiro: Shut . UP!!!!

Adam: And since you're getting in my way, and gave me my scar,... I'll give you that same, slow treatment I gave to your wolf girlfriend when I slashed her until you die.

Hiro: I said.... shut up....

Adam: She's strong but.... she's a weakling to have lived on this planet and to have you as a boyfriend....

Hiro: I said, SHUT UP!!!!!

Hiro yelled as he charged towards Adam, giving him a double slash, only for Adam to block the slashes and swung his blade around to disarm Hiro from his weapons. After which, he slashed Hiro at the chest area, causing sparks to emerge from his rider form, to Hiro's shock.

Adam: Consider this, the first slash....

Adam evilly stated.

Hiro had a pissed off look on his face as he rushed in towards Adam while wielding Kaizoku Hassyar in hand. Then, he shot some trains for projectiles at Adam for him to deflect and absorb them by using Wilt. While he's busy deflecting and absorbing them, Hiro took the opportunity and slashed him across, to catch him off guard.

Just as Adam fell to the ground, he slashed Hiro across his body for Hiro to stagger several feet away from Adam, causing him to deactivte Hiro's Cross-ZBuild Genius form as it revert to Cross-ZBuild form.


(A/N: Kamen Rider Cross-ZBuild Form.)

Hiro then charged towards Adam with Beat Cross-Zer in hand as he slashed Adam, for him to block Hiro's slash. Hiro looked in shock to see Adam managed to clash his blade with his blade, for Hiro to break the clash as he slashed the mid-section of Adam's body for Adam to stagger. After getting that nasty slash, he yelled as he rushed at Hiro, with Hiro doing the same as they exchange blows and slashes on each other, giving cuts, slash marks and damage on themselves, ignoring the fact that they will be losing a lot of blood, Hiro mostly.

After giving themselves cuts, slashes and damage, Hiro activated his Dragon semblance (Dragon FullBottle Semblance) as he did a flurry of slashes, for the slashes to fly towards Adam, only for Adam to absorb Hiro's slashes. Seeing it as an opportunity, while Adam was busy absorbing his slashes, Hiro cranked the lever on his Build-Driver as he donned his finisher and-


- made a short dash towards Adam. Seeing that Hiro is close to Adam, he use the golden rabbit to jump high into air as he performs a Rider Kick, before a blue and silver energy Chinese dragon flies behind him, breaths fire, sending him high into the air before a golden and silver double helix energy chart secured Adam in place to where he now stands before delivering an another Rider Kick whilst riding the chart's line, striking Adam by his weapon while absorbing Hiro's slashes using Wilt.

While clashing blade and finisher, Adam finally absorbed Hiro's slashes as his semblance made him glow red again for him to sheath and unsheath Wilt from Blush in a fast rate, slashing Hiro, clashing with Hiro finisher against his Semblance. After a while, their clash began to grow unstable within each second until their clash emitted a huge shockwave of slashes, striking both Adam and Hiro down and making them fall onto the ground hard, rendering their auras.

Adam: (Inhales hard) Okay.... I wasn't expecting this..... (Scoffs) No... matter! But damn, it hurts....

Adam implied to himself as he slowly got back up on his feet. After getting back up, a bright light suddenly blinds him for him to cover his eyes. As soon as the brightness dimmed down a bit, Adam slowly lowered her hand, only to be greeted by a slash directly at his mask which caused it to crack a bit, courtesy of Hiro's FullBottle Buster while donning Build - Genius Form.


(A/N: Kamen Rider Build - Genius Form.)

Adam: You'll pay for that....

Hiro: I love to see you try!

Hiro said.

After which, Hiro taunted Adam to make his move, for Adam to growl as he made his move by charging towards Hiro. Then, Adam jumped towards Hiro as he slashed him, only for him to block it by using FullBottle Buster. Hiro pushed Adam away as he shot rounds at Adam, only for him to absorb it once again and slash Hiro, giving him a critical hit with the help of Hiro's shot Adam absorbed. While Hiro got up from that strike, he cranked the lever once, followed by twice a few seconds later, then thrice a few seconds later to acquire three finishers.




Then, Hiro channeled the energy of all 30 biotic Fulbottles, making the red, magenta, and orange parts of his body glow before delivering a punch covered in red energy. As soon as his fist is full of energy, he charged towards Adam while Adamis seen slashing Hiro, only for Hiro to grab Wilt by using his free hand as he used his charged-up hand and punched Adam, causing him to stagger.

Hiro's attack then continued by his next attack when he channeled the energy of all 30 abiotic Fullbottles, making the blue, cyan, and violet parts of his body glow before delivering a side kick at Adam covered in blue energy that created a shockwave upon impact, sending Adam flying, while Adam took the opportunity to shoot several shots at Hiro, rendering his aura. After shooting several shots, Adam lands on his feet onto the ground despite of his aura rendering by that powerful kick.

Finally, performs an enhanced version of RabbitTank Form's Vortex Finish, with the graph being rainbow colored and Hiro emitting rainbow-colored gas in order to accelerate into Adam. Adam took notice of this and sheathed Wilt into Blush, activating his semblance. As soon as Hiro got close to Adam, Hiro did a powerful kick on Adam and Adam did a powerful slash on Hiro, forcing Hiro to deactivate Genius form and for Adam's aura to be rendered more.



(A/N: Kamen Rider Build - TankTank Form.)

- Hiro donned to his TankTank Form as he charged towards Adam as he gave Adam a good punch in the face, for Adam to stagger backward for him to bleed out.

Adam: So..... you wanted it that way.... fine. Let's see who dies first once one of us defeat one of us, then!!!!!!!

Adam yelled.

Then, Hiro smirked at what Adam said.

Hiro: Raising the steaks, are we? Then, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!

Hiro yelled.

Adam roared and then, he soon charged towards Hiro as he slashed Adam at Hiro's waist, for Hiro to grunt in pain a bit but he didn't gave up when he spun 360° after that slash was inflicted on him, doing a Blue Tank Roller strike on Adam's chest, in which the tank tread-like units are enable to do some high-speed cutting power, causing Adam's inner shirt to shred a bit.

Then, Hiro used both his arms and did a powerful bash on Adam while using its tank treads to cut him, only for Adam to use his Wilt and Blush to block them and absorb its cutting power in terms of the sparks emitting out of the clash made by Wilt and the Tank Treads.

During the clash, Adam used Blush and shot several rounds at Hiro, only for Hiro to withstand them for a shrt period of time till he had to kick Adam away as his rounds were gonna break and deactivate his TankTank form. Hiro charged towards Adam as both of them went from weapon combat, to hand-to-hand combat on each other for a brief moment, with Hiro taking the upper hand.

Seeing that Adam has had enough of Hiro's Tank form, he took out a knife and thrusted into Hiro's side, for him to be taken aback of this. Seeing this as an opportunity, Adam slowly walked to Wilt and Blush, grabbing them from the ground. After grabbing his weapons from the ground, Hiro at the meantime pulled out the dagger, throwing it away while-


(A/N: Kamen Rider Build - RabbitRabbit Form.)

- jumping towards Adam as he gave Adam a flurry of kicks, rendering his aura. He soon land on the ground as he gave Adam a flurry of punches for Adam to block and dodge some, and for him to be inflicted by some of Hiro's punches. As soon as Hiro inflicted the last punch, Adam grabbed Hiro's fist while inflicting a flurry of slashes on Hiro by using Wilt.

Hiro's aura began to dissipate rapidly due to the flurry of slashes he's being inflicted by Adam that his eye-visors glowed, for him to do a side kick at Adam's side, for Adam tostop slashing and to release Hiro. Adam took no time to strike as he slashed Hiro, only for Hiro to activate his semblance as he jumped high, dodging Adam's slash. Then, he did a flying kick on Adam which soon became a flurry of kicks inflicted. After kicking, Hiro landed onto the ground as he began to inflict several blows on Adam, for Adam to get struck by Hiro's blows while blocking some.


Adam yelled.

He then activated his semblance as he inflicted an extremely powerful slash whle shooting several shots at Hiro, causing Hiro's RabbitRabbit Form to downgrade like the rest of his other forms. While Hiro grew vulnerable by Adam's endless flurry of slashes, he-


(A/N: Kamen Rider Build - RabbitTank Sparkling Form.)

- downgrade his form to RabbitTank Sparkling Form as he used both his blade arms to utilise close quarter slashing attacks, slashing Adam's flurry of slashes in close quarters. While slashing, Hiro wields Hawk Gatlinger as he launched a flurry of rounds at Adam, for Adam to be taken aback by that sneak attack while both parties (A/N: Both parties as in Adam and Hiro clashing their slashes and slashing each other.) were slashing and clashing their slashes at each other in close quarters. 

(A/N: Hawk Gatlinger.)

Then, Hiro wields Drill Crusher in its gun mode while slotting Rose FullBottle into the slot at the back of the gun, utilizing the FullBottle's ability-

(A/N: Drill Breaker - Gun Mode.)


- as he aimed both ranged weapons at Adam, firing aflurry of projectiles and rose petal-like projectiles at him, for Adam to get struck by them. While Hiro is launching rounds and flurry of projectiles at Adam, he advanced towards Adam in the attempts of getting close to him.

When he was close to Adam, Hiro stopped launching bullets from Drill Crusher in Gun Mode and Hawk Gatlinger as he used his blade arms to inflict a flurry of slashes on Adam for Adam to sustain cuts from Hiro's blade arms. Then, Adam activate his semblance once again as he sheath and unsheath Wilt, slashing Hiro, only for Hiro jumped high, landing behind Adam and did a powerful kick from behind, making him fallto the ground.

On the ground, Adam started growling while clenching Wilt and Blush tightly as he immediately got up as he ruthlessly charged towards Hiro. Hiro then took notice of this as he aimed Hawk Gatlinger and Drill Crusher in its gun mode as he opened fired once again. While opening fire at Adam, Adam slashed Drill Crusher away by using Wilt and shot Hawk Gatlinger away by using Blush, disarming Hiro. After being disarmed, Hiro looked in shock as Adam gave him a flurry of slashes then, several stabs at his limbs and his torso. After which, Adam did a powerful slash across Hiro's body once again, forcing Hiro to downgrade to his base form.


(A/N: Kamen Rider Build - RabbitTank Form.)

After downgrading, Hiro lands on the ground, injured. He tried getting up but the injuries that were inflicted to him was too much as he grunts in pain.

Adam: You might as well give up, Hiro. You are back to your base form.....

Adam said while stopping halfway.

He used his arm holding blush to wipe away the blood on his mouth as continued on.

Adam: That proves me right that I should be the Leader of the White Fang, and the human, including you will be the Faunus' servants!

Adam stated.

Both parties breathed heavily as they are losing a lot of blood. Currently Hiro is losing more blood than Adam. Then, Hiro got up as he wield FullBottle Buster while holding two FullBottles, to Adam's confusion.

Hiro: You think you're right? You sure ab..... about that? Cause'.... these babies are saying otherwise.

Adam: What was that?!

Hiro then activated his semblance as he soon wielded the powers of both the Gold Rabbit and Silver Dragon FullBottles' powers. Then, Hiro placed them in the FullBottle Buster, wielding it in its sword mode as he don his fighting stance, utilizing the weapon's finisher.


Once the finisher announced that the Bottles were inserted, Hiro charged towards Adam, making him laugh.

Adam: You ignorant fool! You think that'll work?!

Hiro (Whispers): I do.

Hiro whispered to himself.


Once closer to Adam, Hiro did three powerful slashes on Adam, for his aura to deplete rapidly, giving Adam no chance to block, defend, counter or absorb Hiro's slashes, to Adam's shock.

Hiro: This is for you..... mom... dad.... Jess....

Hiro said.

He then retrieved the Bottles from FullBottle Buster as he replaced Rabbit and Tank FullBottles and inserted the Gold Rabbit and Silver Dragon FullBottles into the Build-Driver, cranking the lever swiftly, activating RabbitDragon Form, the for that defeated Kamen Rider Evol's FeverFlow Form.

-(Funky music) BEST MATCH!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Build - RabbitDragon Form.)

Hiro: Now, the laws of victory have been set!

Hiro yelled.

He then cranked the lever once again, acquiring his finisher as he readied to jump.


Once the Finisher was announced, Hiro jumped high up in the air, performing an alternate version of RabbitTank Form's Vortex Finish with gold and silver energy. Adam activates his semblance once again while smirking as his blade sheathed inside of Blush began to glow. As soon as Hiro got close to him, both Hiro did a powerful kick at Adam which struck him and Adam did a powerful slash at Hiro which struck him as well.

After striking each other out, Hiro and Adam were seen further away from each other, back to back, standing. While standing there doing nothing for quite sometime, Hiro went to his knees first as he reverted back to his Human Form from his Rider Form. Adam smirked while turning to face the down Hiro as he made his way to him.

Hiro tried getting up, but Adam placed his foot on his throat, preventing him from getting up while giving him a hard time to breath.

Adam: Although I hate you on where you now stand, I... admire your spirit, boy! Y-you would have made.... a fine servant.... but now..... you made me waste it....

Hiro: As long as I..... don't have to be your servant.... then it's still fine by me....

Hiro said.

Adam soon growled by the comment as he raised Wilt above his head.

Adam: You should have saved your skin and yourself..... when you had the chance.... right from the start.... (Aims Wilt at his throat) This.... will be the 999th cut! Normally I'll stick to tradition..... like how I did it to your girlfriend..... but.... I will let you bleed out and rot here....

Adam weakly said.

And with one last ounce of strength, Adam slashed Hiro by the throat to finish him off. Then, he released his foot off as he left Hiro to lay there to die as he spoke for the last time befor eleaving.

Adam: You have spirit, Hiro. But not enough to defeat me..... which still proves my point. You're even more "Pathetic" than the other humans I killed and enslaved once before.... Absolutely Pathetic!!!

Adam commented for the last time.

Then, Adam stomped his foot on Hiro's face, forcing him in defeat. Once done, Adam released him while sheathing Wilt backinto Blush as he took his leave, seeing that his business with Hiro is done, but little did he know, that their battle was not over just yet.

Hiro clenched his fists as he weakly turned his body to his crawling position, looking up at Adam as he spoke;

Hiro: Screw.... you.....

Adam stopped and took a step back while turning backwards to see Hiro looking at him.

Adam: What did you say???

Adam asked sternly.

Hiro despite his 999 slashes from Adam's Wilt, slowly got up while staggering in position, covered with blood all over from head to toe as he slowly looked up at Adam.

Hiro: I said,... screw you.... 

Adam: Hmph! Like father like son.... both your attitudes are the same.... just like your girlfriend..... you both are the same as well.... refusing to die... their lives are worthless compared  to the faunus.

Hiro: That doesn't mean they're useless...

Hiro interjected. 

Adam: What is that?

Hiro: You say that to me as if they're useless..... but their not!!! Sure I love my mom loves me very much.... Jessica loves me as much as my mom does..... my dad.... sure I hate him in whatever forms he take but guess what.... I still love him for a father... 

Adam: And the fact that you treasure them is pointless.

Hiro: It's not pointless!! They never gave up on me.... and I never gave up on them... because their family... to me, even if they and I love them or hate one of them.... Well, no point telling you since you don't know about family, since you don't have one....

Hiro said.

Adam then laughed at what Hiro said as he walked several feet away from him. After which, he stopped and turned to face Hiro while laughing at Hiro's words. Then, he point Wilt at Hiro, menacingly.

Adam: You fool. And all because you wanted to love your loved ones. That's why you're weak. And for your girlfriend... she's nothing, but a mutt....

Hiro said nothing but accept his defeat.

Adam: It's time you become my slave..... and surrender everything you know.....

Adam said.

However, Hiro refused.

Hiro: Never....

Adam: ..... then let this be.... your 1000th cut of death by my blade, where you now stand......

Adam stated.

Then, he sheathed his Wilt into Blush while activating his semblance. Once his semblance was fully charged, he swiftly zoomed in front of him for Hiro to just stand there while bleeding out and with one last strength, Adam unsheathed Wilt, slashing Hiro across his body while smirking to himself that he has accomplished in defeating Hiro.

However after the slash, Adam was confused that Hiro didn't fall to the ground defeated and dead, for him to get back up to see what was wrong. All he see was Hiro with no emotion at all, still in deep  shock at what Adam just said to him. He growled as he slashed Hiro once again, only to see his enemy still standing at the same spot, to his shock.

Adam: WHAT?! This should be impossible!! No one has ever survived my semblance and my Thousand Cuts of Death!!! 

Adam yelled with rage.

He then took it to another level by using his semblance and sliced Hiro's head off, only for Wilt to be grabbed by Hiro's bare hand, in which it bled out while in the process, his blood flowed back inside of his hand, to Adam's shock.

Then, he heard something flowing down and emerging on Hiro's waist, looking down at the Driver to see that it is different than before.

(A/N: Evol-Driver.)

After the Driver emerged and formed on Hiro's waist by a blood-like liquid, four trinkets emerge from Hiro's chest as three small trinkets activated themselves while inserting themselves onto the Evol-Driver.

(A/N: EvolBottle. The entire Bottle will be silver and the movable jaw head sculp will be a wolf, the eyes will be orangish red, the symbol will be a Wolf Symbol with a small Smartphone Symbol below the Wolf Symbol, there will be blue outlines and details on the silver EvolBottle with several small apps on it to give it the Smartphone gimmick and SmartphoWolf BestMatch gimmick on the special EvolBottle and finally, the shielding cap will be coloured Blue with silver tints.)




After the trinkets inserted themselves on the Driver, the last trinket in a shape of a panel inserted itself into Hiro's chest while the lever on the Evol-Driver began to crank itself, acquiring Hiro his Evol form.... no, his other form.

Adam: What are you doing?!?!

Hiro looked at Adam with his red-glowing eyes, to Adam's confusion.

Hiro: You made it personal to me by calling my parents useless.... and my girlfriend a mutt.... now I'll make it personal for you, by defeating you.... right here.... and now....


Hiro yelled.

Then, an extremely high surge of aura enveloped Hiro inside for the Evol-Driver transformed Hiro into something else, more powerful than Evol's Feverflow form, to Adam's shock.

(A/N: Hiro's Feverflow Ultimate State - EvolWolf Form. Replace the chestplate area above to Evol's chest with some spikes on it. The wolf humanoid seen at the picture above, its entire body which is coloured Black will be replaced to the colour silver to match the SmartphoWolf FullBottle base colour and the red details on him will be relaced to colour blue to match up the outlines and the fine details on the FullBottle as well. His gauntlets will be silver with blue details, techno veins and tints to add some details to it, with its tractable claw-like nails for claws to be coloured black. He will alsohave Shoulder-Mounted Blasters on his shoulders which has spikes all over it to give it the furry gimmick, not only that, they'll have two similar wolf heads to blast anything out from its mouth and they both have sharp jagged teeth. Add some fur on the blasters as well to hide the spikes. Include the Evol-Driver on him.)

Hiro's POV:

After transforming, I looked at myself to see that I have transformed into a different form, far more different and more powerful than my Build forms, my hated Evol Forms and Evol Feverflow Form as this form I'm donning on now, its powers are currently surging inside of me, surpassing my wounds as I could feel my wounds healing by themselves. Although it hurts a lot but due to my rage and to me showing no emotion, I paid no mind of the painful agonizing feeling at all, to Adam and my shock when I looked at myself and when Adam watched on as he looked at my new form.

Adam: How.... How are you a wolf like your IDIOTIC MUTT?!?!?!?!

Then, I realized something. I decided to look down, to see my Evol-Driver with Evol-Trigger, Rider System EvolBottle and a special EvolBottle that I never seen before. I removed the EvolBottle from the Driver as I inspect it. Seeing that it had a Wolf and Smartphone symbol on it, with tonnes of detailing on it. I turned the bottle around to inspect it until I saw my girlfriend's name on it.

My eyes soon widened when I remembered something back then when I was quite getting used to the Build-Driver and some of the FullBottles.


Jessica shows a small box with a her signiture on it to Hiro.

(A/N: Jessica.)

Hiro: Wow. Nice box, Jess.

Jessica: Thanks.

Hiro: So,what's in the box?

Jessica: Oh, something special for you when you're ready. Your parents told me not to give it to you till then.

Jessica responded.

Hiro: Hmph!

Jessica: Oh don't worry, my little Hero. When the time comes, I'll give it to you.

Hiro: (Sighs) Alright, alright! I was joking around with the "hmph"s this time. I know how protective my parents can get. Yours, too...

Hiro implied.

Jessica: Oh, you....

And with that, they giggled while looking at the sunset.


I gripped onto the EvolBottle while fishing out the same box from before as I opened it, to see that there are no contents inside of it. That's when I realized that the box was holding this special EvolBottle this whole time, for me to use when I'm ready. As I was a bit carried away in the moment, Adam yelled.

Adam: This can't be.... you're a werewolf?! But how?! When I beaten you up to a pulp in the past, you were human!!!!! And I killed your parents, and your filthy Mutt!!!

Adam gloated over what he did in the past.

My eyes set its sights on Adam as I insert the EvolBottle back onto the Evol-Driver. Then, I placed the box back in me when I heard a faint noise like a bell inside it, to my confusion. I opened the box again to inspect it more while Adam was standing there in terror, seeing something new in his very own two eyes.

After inspecting the box, I found a small gap in the box and decided to open it, and to my greatest shock, there were two rings in the box, in a shape of a wolf with diamonds on it. I picked it up and admire it as I had a final flashback about one final detail.

Me: For my love.....-


Hiro: Jess, if we get married.... what would you wish?

Jessica: Isn't it obivious? Cubs.

Hiro: Heheh, typical you as after all, you're a "W.W.U.", right?

Jessica: Mmhmm. That's right, my little hero~

Jessica implied.

Then, she revealed her ears and tails to Hiro once again.

Jessica: Just promise me something, Hiro.

Hiro: Hmm?

Jessica: You won't leave me... and promise me, that you'll protect me.... even in  death....

Jessica said.

Hiro looked confuse at what she said.

Hiro: Uuuuuh, protect you, even in death? I.... I'm not following. Sorry.

Jessica: Well, that's what the gift is for, Hiro (Shows the box again). "A gift, beyond Death".

Jessica implied.

After she implied that, her eyes glowed in an odd colour. While her eyes glowed, she questioned again.

Jessica: Do you promise that you won't leave me... and that you'll protect me.... even in death.... Hiro????


After realizing what she meant, I looked down to see the same SmartphoWolf EvolBottle to sense and smell that Jessica's blood was used to make this EvolBottle, for me to shed a tear a bit. I then had a brief moment to see an image of Jessica's face on the Bottle itself, before it disappeared. 


(A/N: Music starts here.)

I looked back at Adam as he was trembling while wielding Wilt while I was just standing there, holding the two rings in my other hand. Then, my eyes glowed orangish red as I placed the two rings on my ring finger and the other, on my other ring finger while answering the question Jessica asked me way before.

Me: - .... "I do"....

I answered to myself.

I placed the empty box back in me in my pocket while revealing my werewolf ears and my werewolf tail onto my form.

Adam: This is impossible!! You were human!!! Humans and Faunus shouldn't fuse together just like that! And Humans and Faunus shouldn't be toget- wait a minute....


Adam: You should have joined us and not rebelled us, when you had the chance....

Adam said.

Hiro dragged himself towards Adam as Adam is seen holding the critically injured Jessica with blood all over her.

Adam: Any last words before you die, Mutt?

Adam asked.

Jessica's eyes turned orangish red, to Adam's shock as she said her last words.

Jessica: Killing a rare species.... will be your downfall in the future.... (Looks at Hiro) "A gift, beyond Death"....

Jessica implied.

Hiro watched in horror and in saddness.

Adam: Bastard!!! DIE!!!!!!!

Adam yelled as he raised Wilt in the air and swung it downwards.



Adam realized something that he took a few steps back in fear.

Adam: So, that's what that mutt meant.... "A gift, beyond Death".... no.... no, no, NO!!!!!!!!! YOU KNEW!!!!!!!

Me: Hmph! It's about time you've figured that out!

Adam: She..... I could have recruited her as my strongest member of the White Fang!!! Your Filthy Mutt.... is not so useless after all!!!!! She's a Werewolf Ultima!!!!!!!!!!! That's how you got those eyes, those ear and that tail!!!! She used her eyes and made you become a Werewolf, DIDN'T SHE?!?!?!?!?!?!

Adam questioned while yelling at me.

Me: And you DIDN'T and decided to kill her without thinking TWICE!!!!!!! And to answer your question.... 'yes'. (Places hand on SmartphoWolf EvolBottle) And this that I'm holding, is what's left of her.... "A gift,.... beyond DEATH"!!!!!!!!! It means she gave up her life.... to make this... to defeat you.... and my family nutured me, to what I am, today!!!

I yelled.

Adam soon got his composure back, and yelled at the top of his lungs as he lunged in towards the Wolf Kaiju-like Rider with his semblance glowing again, only for me to use my Wolf Shoulder-Mounted Blasters to blow him away by using a very strong 'Howling Roar' (A/N: Howling roar resembles to a wolf, werewolf and werewolf ultima's roar. But for this case, the roar is a combination of their howls, sonic booms and shockwaves which can repel any types of grimm away.) at him, for him to fly backwards, hitting several trees real hard while dropping Wilt and Blush in the process.

Seeing that I got Adam where I want him, I began to walk towards him. Adam got back up and ran towards Wilt and Blush, grabbing them as he charged towards me while activating his semblance. As we got close, Adam activated his semblance and slashed my gauntlets when we charged passed each other, thinking that he got me but actually, he didn't. Adam expected to hear body parts and a body falling to the ground after that powerful slash but, to his shock, he didn't. 

I turned around to see Adam swiftly turn around to see me still standing. And to his horror and shock, he noticed his power slash still embedded into me as it soon got absorbed into my body, giving me more power than I imagined as I copied the way Yang activated her weapons, but for this case, I did so to unleash my gauntlet claws which were as long and sharp as Adam's Wilt, to his shock.

Adam: This... can't be... you absorbed it!!!

Me: Hmmmmm... (Fishes out Rabbit, Gorilla, Tank and Diamond FullBottles) let's see if these can work out to subdue you...

(A/N: Rabbit, Gorilla, Tank and Diamond FullBottles.)

Adam: You wouldn't dare!!! 

Me: And why not?!

Adam: Werewolf Ultimas accelerate their powers when they fight!!! That's their specialty!!!! If you insert those Bottles in you, your transformation will be permanent!!! You will forever be in this form!!! You will never be the SAME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!


Adam: Sienna Khan has mentioned a story about Ultimas to the White Fang before... about their myths... about how the Werewolf Ultimas fight!! After each battle, they learn from their every battles and use those learnt strategies against their new enemies. They even accelerate their powers just doing that and eventually, they become super-weapons until their bodies can't take it!!

Me: Well!!! Guess what?! I don't give a damn what you said!!! I'm gonna use these powers and WHOOP YOUR ASS!!!!!!

Adam: Then, you're a LOST CAUSE!!!!!!! DIE!!!!!!

Adam roared as he activated his semblance once again and advanced towards me with his sheathed weapon, ready to slash.

Me: NO YOU DOOOOOONNN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I yelled.

I then advanced towards Adam while inserting Rabbit and Gorrila FullBottles into my right clawed gauntlet and, inserted Tank and Diamond FullBottles into my left clawed gauntlet as my right gauntlet and my left leg were equipped with RabbitRabbit's Hop Pop Gauntlet and Jump Champ Legger which are armoured up by Gorrila parts and my left gauntlet and my right leg to be equipped with TankTank's Fight Might Gauntlet and Dash Mash Legger which are armoured up by tonnes of Diamonds coated all over the Tank parts as armour.

Once I have inserted them onto my clawed gauntlets, I began to pick up speed towards Adam. As soon as we got close to each other and clashed blades with each other, I felt I was getting the upper hand as Adam staggered a few steps back during the clash when our blades bounced off when they clashed. Seeing this as an opportunity, I pointed my left claw and gauntlet as if aiming a cannon at my enemy and shot a diamond round for a tank projectile at Adam, for him to absorb it.

Adam: Hmph! You still never learn, do you?

Me: (Scoffs)

I scoffed while having a smug look on my face.

Adam: What's with that cocky smug and that scoff?

Me: What's with those? Heh! I wasn't technically done, yet. If I were you, I'd rather watch your front and your back!

I implied.

Adam was confused at what I told him that he looked backfor a brief moment, only for me to launch my claw-like blades at him as they serve as projectiles for blades. Adam swiftly looked back as he tried to absorb my projectiles into his blade, but to no avail when they gave him cuts on his arms, legs and body, despite them being cut to halves by Adam's Wilt and being blasted to pieces by Blush. 

I smirked at Adam as I snapped my fingers, for the sliced and shattered pieces of the bladed projectiles to turn into blood, then digitizing themselves into wolves and werewolves, to Adam's shock that they came out of nowhere from an organic lifeform to a technological being which digitizes organic beings just by a snap of a finger. Then, they began to attack Adam as instructed by me as I witnessed them, clawing him, sinking their jaws into him and many more. Seeing that enough is enough, Adam shot and sliced the wolves and werewolves to pieces till they withered away and looked back at me with dagger eyes staring at me.


Me: Funny. I was thinking the exact same thing.....

I said.

I then crank the lever in a fast pace as I don my finisher. Once my finisher was activated,-


- I dashed towards Adam and with remaining strength that Adam has, he dashed for it as well while activating his semblance which suddenly glowed bright red, sseing that he's extremely pissed off now. Once we got close to each other, my left gauntlet unleashes its claws once again as both Adam and I slashed blades at each other, only for our slashes to cause an energy surge and an explosion to occur, for us to be taken aback by this.

Adam ignored what was in front of him as he began using Blush to shoot projectiles inside the surge and explosion, in the midst that he gets a shot at me, but to no avail as I dashed up to him on four limbs and pounced on him, delivering a flurry of scratches, slashes, howling roars and beam blasts onto him while my aura was glowing bright red, blue, brown and diamond blue with my finisher still active.

With one last push, I did one powerful kick which struck Adam extremely hard, rendering his aura greatly and thanks to my Rabbit FullBottle and Rabbit FullBottle Semblance, my left leg stretched far and wide in a fast rate, causing Adam to strike several trees down to the ground and for him to destroy a huge boulder behind him.

After my finisher was done, I pulled my leg back slowly. Once I got my leg back, I slowly walked towards Adam who is now weakly on he ground after that impact done on the boulder behind him. Seeing that I'm in front of him, I point my gauntlet at Adam's head as he slowly look up to me.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

3rd Person's POV:

Hiro: You lost, Adam. Relinquish your role as White Fang Leader at once.....

Adam: .... 

Adam had nothing to say. That is when an explosion was heard further inside the forest for both Adam and Hiro look at the direction to where the explosion was heard (A/N: That's when Special Episode: Four down, All are Gathered, came about.). Once they heard nothing, Hiro looked back down at Adam, only to see that he has escaped from his grasp for Hiro to growl like a werewolf.

Hiro: He got away.... but no matter.... we'll meet another day to settle the scores. (Sighs)

Hiro sighed.

Then, Hiro dehenshin back to his human form while hiding his werewolf ears and tail back in him. He then looked at the SmartphoWolf EvolBottle as a tear dropped on the EvolBottle. Hiro then looked up at the moon, smiling.

Hiro: .... I'm gonna make you proud.... mom.... Jess.... and dad.... although I hate you but.... I'll still do what I can to make you proud... all ofyou proud....

He said to himself, thinking about them.

Hiro: Now, with Adam out of the way, I really need to do something about thes-

Hiro stopped halfway as he looked at his wounds, only to see them fully healed, to his shock.

Hiro: Well, looks like Jess or my dad programmed this EvolBottle to heal my wounds. Heheh. Typical dad and typical Jess~

Hiro said while looking at SmartphoWolf EvolBottle.


Back at Haven Academy,

Shadow and his entire group regrouped inside Haven Academy as the officers from Mistral Police were there to ask them questions. While the Mistral Police are seen questioning them, Hiro is seen making his way back to the academy, for Roland and Shadow to take notice of it that they made their way towards him and hugged him, glad that he's safe.

Shadow: Hiro.

Hiro: Hey. 

Roland: What happened out there?

Roland asked.

Hiro: Honestly, I almost had him. But he escaped.

Shadow: Hazel?

Hiro: No. Adam, Adam Taurus.

Hiro said.

Roland: Whoa. How did you-

Hiro: (Shows SmartphoWolf EvolBottle) .... (Smiles) 'A gift, Beyond Death'. My late girlfriend gave it to me beyond the grave....

Hiro said.

Both Shadow and Roland hugged Hiro to comfort him.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The Special Episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Whoa... Hiro must have went through a lot to get back at Adam... Well, he's got some Retribution here now, does he... So, if you ladies and Gentlemen and other deviants and readers really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' it would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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