Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 7 - Epilogue)

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To be concluded here.

3rd Person's POV:

One day later,

At night,

It is night time and it's been a day now since the Grimm - "Aced" Game attack and Swartz's short assault in the game world as everyone around the World of Remnant are resuming with their everyday lives, some rested for the day and some still carrying out their chores outside and around work or their homes.

Back at the house at Mistral, the current group that are with our heroes are sleeping in for the night after what has happened, skipping dinner and supper. However, Shadow was standing at the Balcony, looking out at the breathe-taking view of Mistral as if being able to see the entire world from where he is.

He smiled to himself after his brilliant and good accomplishment with his Player Group, C.R. and the unknown Demon King of Time, Oma Zi-O, knowing that this wouldn't have been possible, if it weren't for them. As he looked out at the view, Oscar aka, Ozpin who now has control over Oscar's body walked towards Shadow as he spoke to him.

Ozpin: Like the majestic view???


I turned my head to only look at Oscar walking towards me, knowing that it is Professor Ozpin that is talking to me.

Me: Yes. Beautiful, isn't it?

Ozpin: Yes.... it may be now, but.... but--

Me: I know what you are going to say, Oz. I know. Chaos will reign supreme in due time. But know this, if chaos reign, we will be ready. What happened yesterday is merely a warm up on what is bound to happen in the future.

Ozpin: And, we must, prepare for the worst... even if you lose your loved ones.

I looked back at the beautiful view.

Me: That's right. Every success, every failure.... there's always a cost. A price to pay.

As I said that, Ozpin placed his hand on my shoulder.

Ozpin: But still, you saved everyone in this world, together with your team.

Me: And Team CRDL.

Ozpin: Wait, say that again?

Me: Team CRDL. Due to their thick-headed and care-less behaviour, they managed to aid us and save the world with us. You should be grateful to have worthy Huntsmen like Team CRDL as well, Professor.

Ozpin: I see.... then I will be sure to thank them, in the mere future.

Me: (nods)

Ozpin: And I also thank you for uncovering the truth behind Tachibana's plans. Because if it weren't for your gaming abilities and thoughts, we wouldn't be here today.

Me: And I've obliged it. Your welcome. Now, you should get some sleep now, Oz. You are still exhausted after the battle at Haven.

Ozpin nod as he walked back inside the house to get some rest. After watching him leave me behind, I looked back to see Ultraman Dyna levitating silently in front of me.

(A/N: Ultraman Dyna.)

Me: Hey, Asuka. I didn't wait long so, it's cool.

Dyna: Alright. The Ultra Brothers are ready for you.

Me: Alright. Let's go.

I said as I don my God Form while opening up my wings to stretch them. Then, we both took to the skies. When we reached space however, I noticed a portal in front of us, to my confusion.

Me: Asuka? Is that--

Dyna: My portal? Yes. And that is how, we are going to go to the land of light. Come on.

And with that, I followed Ultraman Dyna as we both went through the portal that Dyna made before meeting me a few moments ago, leading us to Dyna's planet, The Land of Light Nebula M78), to my amazement and shock.

(A/N: Land of Light (Nebula M78).)

Me: Wow. Within a few seconds or minutes of flying and we are already here?

Dyna: Yeah. That's our mode of transportation. Flying, and teleportation by creating portals.

Me: I see. Your planet is something else, really. I can feel its pure and positive energy, coursing into me.

Dyna: Well, that's because this planet is one, an artificial sun. And two, this planet is powered and our powers are given by that tower further up there.

Me: Oh yeah?

Dyna: Plasma Spark Tower, and in it, consist a powerful source of energy that will only choose ones Ultra that can only be worthy of its powers, like Ultraman Zero for example.

Me: Sweet.

Dyna: However, the light may be a gift of pure energy and good.... but, it can also curse you to do evil when ones Ultra becomes too ambitious and too immature.... just like Belial.

Me: Belial. Yeah, I heard of him before.

Dyna: Then I assume your father has told you much of our history back then, including Geed?

Me: Yes, they have. I also know there is one who has managed to overcome that power, too. He's a Reionix, isn't he?

Dyna: Yes. Rei-san is a powerful Reionix, he helped us to stop Belial's ordeals before by commanding 100 kaijus in one huge kaiju that Belial created. He is a strong one and is forced to be reckoned with.

Me: Neat.

I said as we kept talking. Dyna began to explain more about the ultras and Rei as we go closer to a structure known as the Space Patrol Headquarters where I will be meeting the Space Garrison, the Ultra Brothers and a few other Ultras. Then, the both of us land onto the glass floors of the Space Patrol Headquarters as I noticed that everything is made of glass, to my opinion.

(A/N: Space Patrol Headquarters.)

Me: Is this planet made of glass or something???

Dyna: Heheh. Not exactly... it's crystals

Me: Huh.

???: I see you admire the view of our planet.

Me: ???

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow swiftly turned around to look at who was the one who spoke. When he did, he was taken aback by a breathe-taking sighting as the Space Garrison and the Ultra Brothers are walking towards him and Ultraman Dyna.

(A/N: The Ultra Brothers.)

Shadow: They're--

Dyna: Yeah. The Ultra Brothers themselves. Zoffy, Ultraman, Ultraseven, Ultraman Jack, Ultraman Ace and the Ultra that I spoke of during our battle, Ultraman Taro.

Shadow: Cool.

Ultraseven: So, you must be, Shadow that my son was talking about.

Shadow: Dyna, explain.

Dyna: Oh. If you notice some similarities to Zero, Ultraman Zero is the son of Ultraseven.

Shadow: Aaaahh. I see. So, you're Zero's father, yes?

Ultraseven: (nods)

Shadow: A pleasure. (Offers hand)

Ultraseven: Pleasure's mine. (Accepts)

Zoffy: We have heard about your activities when Zero has informed us about you.

Ultraman: And we are glad that there are people like you to carry out our cause in their own way, such as yourself.

Shadow: Thank you. As after all, a world requires heroes after all. Heroes that can protect a planet, no matter the cost.

Ultraman Ace: And that, we are thankful to have you on our side.

Shadow: And I'm grateful.

Shadow implied as each of the brothers gave each other nods.

Shadow: So, tell me more about this planet. I'm curious as to know how did it become the artifical sun??? And why am I here?

Ultraman Taro: Well, it is a story that us Ultras, will never forget. Even the times when Ultraman Zero saved us as well with the help with some of the remaining Ultras who remained surviving to that day.

Taro said as Shadow saw Ultraman, Ultraseven and Dyna giving each other nods, to indicate to Shadow that they were able to live to tell the tale on what happened.

And with that, they began to explain that the Land of Light was like our Solar System with people living jn peace and harmony until one day, the sun blew up. Knowing that this marks the end of the world, the people in the land of light never gave up and built a Tower called Plasma Spark Tower, in which lit up the entire planet like the sun and also giving the ultras who were formally human, superhuman powers, to Shadow's shock.

Shadow: That marks the beginning of the age of Ultras.

???: You know us all too well, Shadow - Son of Apollonir.

Everyone looked at the source of the voice and to Shadow's shock, it was Father of Ultra who has spoken, and by his side is Mother of Ultra.

(A/N: Father of Ultra & Mother of Ultra.)

Taro: Father. Mother.

Father of Ultra: (nods at Taro. Then faces Shadow) To summarize what has been stated by your father, what is created here, lies the creation for peace, whilst for some are created for destruction.... for one, when a young, determined Ultra known as Belial touched the sacred light which corrupted him, causing him to lose his way and path of an Ultra. We had no choice but to exile and expel him from our home.

As such, they continued talking about the battles against Belial, the kaijus and all other events, unknown forces such as Killer the Beat-Star and Dark Lugiel to name a few that they have fought in the past.

Shadow: I see. Looks like you guys have been through a lot like my world is going through now.

Father of Ultra: And with that, we caution you with the kaijus, aliens and the unknown forces that lies ahead of you and your friends.

Shadow: I will keep that in mind, Father of Ultra.

Ultraman Jack: Yes. And Shadow, since you are here, we would like to caution you about something, if you know what I'm referring to, Auska Shin.

Dyna: Oh yeah.

Shadow: Hmm?

Ultraseven: We have reasons to believe that an unknown dark force, who takes the form of a dark Ultra known as Ultra Dark Killer has taken sight on our planet. And worst of all, your planet as well.

Dyna: That's why we always come to your aid to see if Ultra Dark Killer has come. And if he has, it will be a Dark History for our planet and yours.

Zoffy: As if he comes to our planet and your planet, it will be the end of us all.

Mother of Ultra: That is the reasons why you are here, to urge you not to let your guard down, at times of need.

Shadow: Understood, Ultra Brothers! Father of Ultra! Mother of Ultra! However, if what you say is true, is there a way to defeat him???


When everyone heard my question, they looked at each other with worried looks on their faces, only for me to figure out that they are still figuring out a way to defeat him, when Ultraseven spoke.

Ultraseven: The only solution we have at the moment is by the powers of the New Generation Ultras.... including my son, Zero.

Ultraman Jack: Yes. Zero, Ginga, Victory, X, Orb, Geed, Rosso and Blu's powers should do, but we worry that may be not enough.

???: That would be the case, no more. And it is high time that we meet at last, at this desperate time of need, Son of Apollo.

We head a voice boom as a shiny, bright light engulf the area that we are standing in the Space Patrol Headquarters as it descended. As it did, the light slowly extinguish as it revealed a Ultra, far more powerful than any other, to my greatest shock.

(A/N: Ultraman King.)

Me: You're...

???: (nods)

Me: You are the Ultra who defeated ad imprisoned Ultraman Belial before. The great of all greats... Ultraman King.

I watched the Ultra Brothers, the Mother and Father of Ultra and Dyna nod at me to indicate that I was correct while Ultraman King states his words.

Ultraman King: Ultra Dark Killer is beyond measure from Belial, Dark Lugiel, Alien Empera, Reiblood and Reibatos. He is the destruction to us all if he were to set foot on this planet. All I can say is, Zero is assembling all the new generation heroes here when he out to reach through them. For Ultra Dark Killer, I fear that he is preparing to strike any moment, from his dimension.

Me: I see.

Ultraman King: Which is why I brought you here, for I had Ultraman Hikari to invent something specially for you in case Dark Killer sets eyes at your planet as well, or if you set eyes on him being on his way here.

Me: Invent something?

Ultraman: You see, you are here not just to be gratefully thanked for your service that you are doing us and to hear about our past, you are here because we need your help as well.

Ultraman Taro: The desperate help, we require. That's why Ultraman King and ourselves agreed that you, should be the only one to wield whatever Ultraman Hikari is inventing for you.

Me: I see. Well, it's alright. It is understandable.

Ultraman Ace: We appreciate your understanding, Son if Apollonir.

As Ace thanked me for my understanding, a Sign appeared in the air, out of nowhere, only for the ultras to see it, and for me to look at it as well, to my confusion.

(A/N: Ultra Sign.)

Me: What is that?

Dyna: That's an Ultra-sign. For this one in particular, it's Ultraman Hikari's Ultra sign.

Ultraman King: Then it means that his invention is ready.

Ultraman Ace: Follow us, Son of Apollonir. To the Plasma Spark Tower.

Me: (nods)

And with that, we all took to the sky as we flew across the crystal city towards the Plasma Spark Tower where we will all be meeting Ultraman Hikari.

A few minutes later,

(A/N: Plasma Spark Tower.)

As we reached Plasma Spark Tower, we notice a blue ultra waiting for us at the base of the tower.

(A/N: Ultraman Hikari.)

Me: Is that Ultraman Hikari?

Ultraman: Yes. Our scientist who first made the Ultra Capsules for Geed.

Me: I see... cool.

I implied as we finally set foot before the tower as we aee now face-to-face with an Ultra-Scientist to what I call him.

Ultraman Hikari: King. Is he...

Ultraman King: Yes. He is here.

I waved my hand to show that I'm present as he made his way towards me and looked at me for a few seconds.

Me: So, you must be the Ultra-Scientist, Hikari?

Ultraman Hikari: Well, that's right. I see that the Son of Apollo is here.

Me: Yes.

Ultraman Hikari: Very well then. Mother of Ultra, Father of Ultra, Ultraman King, Ultra Brothers. The inventions are at the top of the tower together with the Plasma Spark.

Dyna: This is where I remain here. I trust what they say about you is true, my friend. (Smiles)

Me: And I know you have done your part to bring me here, my friend. (Smiles)

And with that, the ultras except for Dyna went inside of the tower as they made thsir way to the top of the tower, where Ultraman Hikari's inventions are laid just for Shadow in future use. As Ultraman Dyna waited for Shadow, someone spoke to him, in a calm and yet menacing way.

???: I see our little novice is here~

Dyna: (swiftly turns) You!!

???: Come now, Dyna~


It has been a few minutes we finally reached the top of the tower to look face-to-face at the Plasma Spark and the inventions that are placed at each individual podiums.

Me: So, this is the Plasma Spark.

Father of Ultra: Yes. And the inventions surrounding the Plasma Spark are the inventions Ultraman Hikari has made.

He said as I went forward to take a look at the Plasma Spark and the two inventions. When I set my eyes on his inventions, my eyes widened and looked at the Ultras.

(A/N: Plasma Spark.)

Me: Two Gauntlets plus the powers of the Plasma Spark. You guys are inventing a pair of infinity gauntlets by using the Plasma Spark. Who's plan was it?

Ultraman Hikari: It was Father of Ultra who came up with the idea as he has seen through the future that a new threat is coming, and he also saw that only you can wield its powers as a last resort. So, he consulted with Ultraman King and I, and we agreed to make them, but the only problem is, we can't take the relics out from the light you see before you... unless you are here aka, the one chosen to wield these gauntlets, it can be done.

Me: (looking shock in awe) whoa.....

I look at Father of Ultra, with him looking back at me as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

Father of Ultra: I have heard stories about your world, and I'm sorry for your losses, Son of Apollo. But since there are new dark entities upon us soon including yours in your world growing stronger, we must make these gauntlets, to benefit our world, and to benefit yours to save others.

Me: I see........................ I understand your intentions, Father of Ultra. Something needed to be done to do the right thing. And I'm sure I will make things right. And I know what you all did, is the right thing to do.

Father of Ultra: And I'm sure you will as prophecized in the future that I'm seeing now.

Me: (nods)

3rd Person's POV:

In the morning,

Tenka: He's not in the Training room.

Ruby: He's not at the balcony!

Everyone in the house at Mistral have been looking for Shadow ever since they woke up, thinking that he's missing or someone or something took him.

Qrow: Oscar, are you sure he was just outside when Ozpin spoke to him?

Oscar: I know he was out there ever since. After that I don't know what happened when I got back to sleep.

Apollonir: Maybe he's somewhere around Mistral???

Rachel: That's possible. As some of our group are outside looking for him.

As Rachel said that, Mitchell, Haruto, Kori, Jason, Crystal, Neon and Katie returned from their search as they found nothing.

Mitchell: We searched everywhere. We found nothing.

Ruby: Oh no....

Yang: It's alright, little sis. I know Shadow won't go far. You know him.

Blake: After all, he should be somewhere around Mistral to all we know.

Sougo: Uuuhh, guys.

Everyone looked at Sougo Tokiwa.

Sougo: Is that a meteor coming at us???

Kori: (heads towards the balcony and looks up) WHAT?!?!

Kori looked up to see that a huge ball of light is heading towards the house with incredible speed, much to everyone's worry that it may hit the house.

(A/N: Meteor.)

Jon: Uuuuhh, guys??? Options???

Apollonir: .... SHOOT IT!!!!!!


(A/N: Kieron Prime's new Robot Form.)

(A/N: Fortress Maximus - Fortress Mode.)

As ordered, everyone gathered at the balcony with Fortress Maximus going online and levitating above the house as everyone began shooting at the ball of light, but to no avail as it began to do some maneuvors to dodge their shots and projectiles, to everyone's shock.

Clancy: Whoa!!! Can meteors do that?!

Jacob: No they can't. Something's wrong.

Apollonir: Then, CLEAR THE WAY!!!

Everyone quickly got out of the way from the meteor that was about to hit the house, but nothing happened when it stopped midway in front of them, levitating. As the ball of light still in its levitating state, it began to form a figure in which everyone could recognize when the light slowly disappeared.

When the light disappeared, everyone was shocked to see Shadow, currently injured but still standing as he somehow withstood a really powerful attack.

Ruby: SHADOW!!!!

Ruby ran towards him and gave him a big hug, to him struggling to breathe.

Shadow: Okay.... well... akk!!! I deserved that!!! Now please.... i know... (hugs back) I missed you and you guys too. So, lemme go now, please??

Ruby soon let go of my from her bear hug as everyone gathered around him to ask what happened to him. Shadow managed to answer some questions at ease.

When Apollonir looked at him with a worried look on his face, his expression changed when he noticed that he's wearing something and hiding it at the same time with tonnes of cloth covering it.

Apollonir: (sigh) Still... it's glad to see you again but, what's that you got there on your arms, bandaged up???

Shadow: Oh these. Oh yes!! I was gonna show it to you guys.

Shadow implied as he unbandaged his arms, revealing something hidden on him. When he's done unraveling the cloth, everyone looked in shock as to see that my arms are armed with Gauntlets, no... Infinity Gauntlets.

Weiss: Wait, are those--

Shadow: Yep.

Ozpin: Are they really--

Shadow: Yep. The Ultra Gauntlet which wields the power of the Six Ultra Brothers and the New Generation Heroes Gauntlet which wields the power of six of the new generation heroes' super forms.

Shadow said as everyone still looked shock and also in awe at the Gauntlets I have.

Ozpin: Where did you claim them as your own????

Apollonir: Wait..... son.... if you have these Gauntlets, wait.... did Ultraman King sent you???

Shadow: Well,.... yes. He has, and he gives his latest greetings and a caution, to this world about a new threat that awaits us all.

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the OFFICIAL FINAL episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Well..... deja vu that this is happening, in a Game kind of way. And we never expected Another Decade to be here, too. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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