Special Episode: Special Training

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the SPECIAL episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 5, where we will be looking at how Shadow became a god and what he's been doing inside the White Void with Summer and the Four Season Maidens. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND BUILD. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Build is from Toei. So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! 


I woke up from my sudden death by being speared by Cinder's spear, but when I got up, I noticed that I am now inside the white void once again. I looked around, finding no one around.

(A/N: This is what the white void looks like with a lot of roses.)

Me: Am I.... dead??? W-why am I here?

While looking around, I suddenly realized that Ruby is still out there with her friends and my friends fighting Cinder's little gang and the Headmaster that betrayed us.

Me: Ruby!! Uh... uh!!!! I need to go but where am I suppose t--

Just as I was about to finish my line, I heard a giggle, in which I recognize it from before as previously before Beacon fell and the time I excused myself from the dance to see my arm, I heard the same giggle and some voices from before.

Me: Who is that?! Show yourself!?!?

I reached to my back to grab my weapon, only to figure out that I am unarmed for some reason. Then, a voice spoke.

???: Do not be alarmed, Young Shadow. You are safe here, for now.

I was puzzled when the girl-like voice said that.

Me: What do you mean, "safe"?

???: That means I can talk to you.

As she said that, a white hooded-like figure slowly appeared before me as she walked towards me.

As she walks towards me, I noticed a small tear at the tip of her cloak. My eyes widened when I quickly opened my watch to reveal a white rose petal in it. Then, I looked back at her, figuring out who she really is.

Me: Ruby has the same Semblance as you, and everytime she uses it, petals appear and disappear, like yours to what my father said. That means... you're....

???: Yes, I'm Ruby's mother, Summer Rose.

(A/N: Summer Rose.)

She introduced herself as she unraveled her hood over her head, revealing her beautiful face, in which I blushed a bit as my eyes widened.

Me: Okay... now that is something, I don't usually see everyday.

Summer: Indeed. Now, you may be wondering why you are here, correct?

Me: Yes. And I must hurry! Cinder and her lackeys are about to defeat your daughter, her team, her friends and my team! I need to get to her.

Summer: That I'm afraid... you can't.

Me: But... Why??

Summer: Because you and I... are in my world, with the other four.

I tilted my head as I was confused on what she is saying.

Me: Other Four??

As I asked, four figures appeared behind summer as two went in between her. I was shocked to see that they are here too, and by they, I meant the maidens.

(A/N: The Four Season maidens (A/N: As in the original four.).)

Me: The four Season Maidens? But, why are they here?!

Unnamed Summer Maiden: We are all here because we all including this silver-eyed warrior volunteered ourselves to help you, with your special training,...

Amber: ...In which it will help you gain the advantage in fighting against Salem and her lackeys.

Me: Oh,... okay.

I looked down, saddened. However, when I heard special training, my sad expression turned into shocked as I swiftly looked up at Summer and the four maidens.

Me: Wai- what?! Special Training?!?!

Unnamed Winter Maiden: That's right. We will all help you obtain the full potential of all of our powers by Special Training.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: But fear not. For time here is faster than the time you know before. Meaning that the amount of time you stay here will be like only a few years, and it will be a few minutes that you will miss the battle in real time.

Me: (feel convinced) Okay.... that sounds very convincing as it is not time consumi--

Before I could finish, I'm now experiencing a headache, the worst one that I've ever experienced. While having a headache, I have several visions in my head, showing weapons, warriors, mages, robots, armors and other accessories and utilities used in battle that was never seen before in Remnant. When the visions stopped, the headache stopped as well as I looked at Summer and the other four maidens.

Me: What... was that??

Summer: Those are visions, known as crossovers. They are showing you that you can utilize them by using your maiden powers.

Unnamed Summer Maiden: Like for example, in basic, Amber's weapon. You can conjour it by using your maidens powers.

Me: Eh? 

I was puzzled at first, but when I used my Maiden powers, the Summer Maiden was right. I conjoured Amber's weapon by using the power of Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.

(A/N: Amber's Staff made of the powers of Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.)

Me: Whoa.... now that is something that i dont know about their powers. (looks back up) Alright then, when do we start???

The unnamed Winter Maiden, out of nowhere striked me with her sword, in which I quickly conjoured my own to clash with hers, much to my shock.

Me: Whoa!!!! Give me a heads up, will you?!

I said as I noticed unnamed Spring Maiden took this as an advantage as she jumped above us to strike me, in which I noticed as I activated my aura to split myself to a pair of mes as the other me took care of the Unnamed Spring Maiden.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: Shadow, why stick to only your powers? Use what you have seen in your mind! Your visions!

Me 1: How?!

I asked as we clashed blades again.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: Empty your mind, focus and say the weapon that you know, first.

She said as she spun around and elbowed me in the guts, causing me to stagger back a lot, catching my breathe, hastily as she charged towards me.

Me: Okay.... i got to think of a weapon before she comes striking me.... empty mind... focus.... 

I soon closed my eyes to think of a weapon, like instructed until a mech wielding a weapon for a arm revealed itself in my mind.

(A/N: Plesio-Charge Megazord.)

Me: (eyes closed) what... is that???

As I asked and as if it is right on queue, ancient letters came out of nowhere to form a name which I can translate due to classes back in Beacon.

Me: (eyes closed) Pleasio... Cannon??? Right. Let's use that!!

I soon motioned my hand as a runic circle soon appeared surrounding my arm. As I soon opened my eyes.


I shout out my weapon name from my head as the runic circle quickly moved forward, passing my fingers, forming a Plesiosaur-like cannon connected onto my arm made of Ice, fire, coal and crystals as my eyes have four streaks of four different colours now, to the Spring Maiden's shock.

(A/N: Plesio-Cannon.)

Unnamed Spring Maiden (Inner Thoughts): What?! That should be impossible!! What I expected from him was that he use basic weapons. But this?! Hmmm, this boy seems interesting like what Isodle and Summer stated... let's keep this up!

Me: Yo, Spring!! Say hello to my lil' friend! Plesio-Zord Cannon!!! 

I said as I held onto the handle below of the cannon as I cocked it three times.


Cocked it once while the mouth of the Plesio-Cannon opened wide.


Cocked it twice.

Me: ONE!!!!!

I cocked the weapon three times as it is now fully charged.


I shout my finishing move as the cannon fired a snake-like Pleasio-zord at the Spring Maiden, causing her to fly far far away, to the others' shock and to my shock as well.

Me: ... whoa....

Summer looked back to see the Spring Maiden coming back towards them as she wields her magic consisting of ice shards as she swayed her hands, causing the shards to fly towards me.

My eye streaks glowed as the cannon broke into tiny pieces, creating a sword that appeared on the same hand that my arm was turned into a cannon.

Me: Purple Heart CPU - ODACHI!!!! (Holds the sword in a samurai way) CPU SLASH!!!!

(A/N: Purple Heart's CPU Odachi.)

I said as I spun in a circle as I slashed the shards, causing it to be sliced into halves and break in pieces.

My eyes glowed again as I charged towards the maidens and Summer Rose as we began our "real" challenge which turned out to be......

.....a battle on whether I am worthy of their full potential of their powers.

A few years later.... or would it be, minutes later at the outside world,

It has been years in the white void-like Realm filled with white roses as plants to walk on and regrow in seconds but only a few minutes in the real world as the maidens and the silver-eyed warrior and I battled each other out. Slash after slash, shot after shot, magic after magic, punch after punch, kick after kick, and we still kept on fighting with the maidens and the silver-eyed warrior using their own weapons and I used every single weapon I thought from my mind like, Titano Axe, Crescent Rose, Ultimate Aegis - Bow form, Captain America's Shield, Tiamat (Drag-Ride), Bahamut (Drag-Ride), and many more. As we all stood in our defensive positions without giving out a sweat, we smiled at each other.

(A/N: Titano-Charge Megazord, Titano Axe.)

(A/N: Crescent Rose.)

(A/N: Ultimate Aegis - Bow Form.)

(A/N: Captain America's Shield.)

(A/N: Tiamat.)

Unnamed Summer Maiden: You're smiling?

Me: Yep. To be honest with you, we should do this more often.

Unnamed Summer Maiden: Yeah, but there is a lesson behind our training you know.

Amber: We won't wish to tell you as you have to figure this out on your own. Which still rings in you when I asked you this before.

Me: Yep. This question still rings in my head as I still need answers which I will answer it eventually.

Summer: Alright then, since we all still have the energy to fight, let's see if you could counter this attack.

Me: And that would be???

The maidens and Summer soon combined their magic as a huge ball of pure energy appears above them as a halo appeaeed to be surrounding the energy ball, to your shock.

Me: whoa....

Right on queue, the five individuals swayed their weapons at me, causing a beam to come right at me from the energy ball itself. Just as it was about to reach my face, I conjoured an ice shield to block its attack which overwhelmed me, big time as I tried to keep my balance.

While shielding myself from tbis overwhelming attack, I felt myself slowly being dragged backwards as ther powers are too great, and to make matters worse, my ice shield is breaking.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: You are not holding so well.

Amber: ...

As i heard them saying that, I was about to give up until....

Me: Wait.... the key to success is....


Flashback 1:

Ruby: We will take them all down!

Me: (Places my hand on her shoulder) Together. (Winks at her)

Flashback 2:

Seeing Shadow with his new found friends as they fought against Grimm, work together and study together as a team.

Flashback 3:

Seeing Shadow and Ruby being together and some, romance moments between them.


My eyes widened as I realized something.

Me: I remember now...


(A/N: Music starts here.)

I talked to myself as my eyes glowed bright blue, with a multitude of colours, strangely as I motioned my hands around the shield as it start to rebuild itself to the maidens' and Summer's shock.

The four Maidens: Impossible! How did you rebuild your shield?!

Me: Nothing's impossible, when you think about the people you love and work together with! And that is one part of your answer!

When they heard this, one of the maidens asked.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: T-then where is this power coming from??

As I heard her question, I reponded as a huge amount of aura started to radiate around my body and it's rising fast.

Me: My friends and allies are the source, OF MY STRENGTH!!!!!

I shouted as I pushed the shield, causing it to move in towards the Maidens and Summer while they are launching their attacks on the shield, causing it to hit them hard along with their own attacks, rendering their semblance.

I then took an opportunity to charge my attack while they are still down. I then conjoured my dragon gauntlets from the tournament while turning into Action Gamer Level 2 as I activated my semblances from all the games while I said my finisher by slotting the Gashat into the Finisher Slot.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid - Action Gamer Level 2.)



I shouted as I jumped into the air as I drop kicked at the group. As Summer saw this, she took the opportunity and activated her silver eyes as she tried rendering my semblance as she gave me a flurry of slashes, but to no avail as I kicked my way through her attacks as I kicked and punched the silver-eyed warrior, freezing part of her, but to my shock, she managed to break the ice with her blades as she took a few steps back to my confusion.

As I noticed this, the maidens charged towards me as I gave each of them kicks and punches, but Amber is the difficult part as I had to dodge her wind and fire attack from her staff. As I did so, she shocked me with her lightning attack as I knelt down in a shock. 

Me: (seeing Amber charging towards me) We'll see about that!

She soon charged towards me as I used her charge against her by conjouring a huge dragon gauntlet on my right arm as the surge went through my arm as I dodged her staff as I gave her a right hook at her stomach--


--Causing her to stagger a lot of steps back towards the group, with Summer catching her to break her fall as the maidens and Summer Rose soon smiled at me as Summer addressed to me.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Summer: Well done. You finally found the answer, and you finally did it, Shadow.


My Level 2 form deactivated and my semblance deactivated as well as I answered.

Me: Yeah. It's worth the donkey years of training here.

Unnamed Summer Maiden: With this trainig and test you have finally passed and achieved, you can master this new power now with your training.

Amber: Yes. With your powers, new-found powers and training, you will be able to tap in to different powers, including this new power you will recieve from us.

I looked at the maidens and Summer, confused.

Me: New... powers???


(A/N: Music starts here.)

I said in confusion as I saw the maidens including Summer Rose raising their hands at me as their powers came to me as I shined in different varient of colours.

Summer: First, these are our powers that we will gave you, to acquire the full extent of their powers and my power, Shadow.

Me: So,.... the Maidens' powers and the silver eyed warriors powers are in a complete 100%???

The maidens and Summer soon nod at me, only for me to have a shocked expression as I tried getting words out of my mouth which I couldn't.

Summer: Here is your second and last of our powers. One of which, we have to hide it from Salem from the longest of time.

Me: Huh??

I simply said in response as I saw the maidens and Summer raising their hands at me, only for their powers to be combined as one in front of me as their powers formed a similar Build of Gashacon Key-Slasher but it's different.

Summer: Second, this Key-Slasher can wield not just your game gashat abilities, but also Dust Crystal abilities.

Unnamed Winter Maiden: All Dust Crystals varies as there is a Dust Crystal slot for you to place it in to activate the dust abilities. And you will also recieve these Dust Crystals which are special.

Unnamed Summer Maiden: These special Dust Crystals wields all our powers, including yours. And you can use these to transform yourself into your ultimate form which starts today.

Me: whoa.......

I said as I grabbed the special dust crystals and the Key-Slasher. After doing so, they repeat their hand magic again, only this time, I felt something holy and different about this device. As the light dims around this weapon, my eyes widened as I am now face-to-face with a holy weapon of magnificence.

Me: Whoa..... what is that???

The four Maidens & Summer: This is the Holy Excalibur that would have won us the war against Salem and her dark faction. Behold!!!! The Holy Excalibur known as the Remnant Calibur.

(A/N: Orb Calibur. Rename it to 'Remnant Calibur'. Change Orb's Symbol at the center into 'Hyper Muteki Symbol', replace Flame Symbol into 'Atlas Symbol', replace Water Symbol to 'Vacuo Symbol', replace Ground Symbol to 'Vale Symbol' and replace Wind Symbol to 'Mistral Symbol'.)

They said as I grabbed the holy excalibur as I looked at the blade until I came to see five empty black slots on the sword. While looking at them and as I was about to ask them what's with the five slots, the center slot shined my semblance symbol (A/N: Hyper Muteki Symbol.) as the symbols of all the four nations, Atlas (A/N: Top Slot.), Mistral (A/N: Left Slot.), Vale (A/N: Bottom Slot.) and Vacuo (A/N: Right Slot.) shined at all of the four slots surrounding my symbol at the center, to my amazement.

Me: This is.... whoa.... I see.... (I looked at the Maidens and Summer) What I saw in the past........ and earlier..... was a vision of the future??

Summer: It is because you have what's left of my remains which has been keeping you alive for all these years, in your watch, which also cause you to tap into this realm, your time here might have flowed backwards into you after you recieved my remains of a rose petal from your father, Shadow.

She said this as the Maidens nod at me to prove her point.

Me: I see.... I must thank you, for helping me.

The Four Maidens & Summer: No problem.

Summer: Now, open your watch, let me enter, for your test is done.

As ordered, I opened my watch, only to reveal a White Rose coming out of it as I hesitantly asked;

Me: Will I see you gales again?

The Four Maidens & Summer: In time if you need us, Shadow. So, now.... try out yoyr new powers, Shadow.

I simply nodded as I smirked.

Me: Sure!!

(A/N: Music ends here.)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

I answered as Summer went into my watch as the rose and my watch turned into a bracelet, and Summer taking over me as I have silver eyes as our ultimate transformation commenced.

Summer: (In Shadow's mind) Let's go, Shadow!

Me: Yeah!!!

I said as I wield Gashacon Key-Slasher and held onto a Fire Dust Crystal as I shook it as it glowed bright red.


I yelled as I placed a Fire Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as dust particales and tongues of fire emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Summer Maiden appeared by my front left corner.

I removed the Dust Crystal and shook another Dust Crystal as it glowed bright icy blue.


I yelled as I placed a Ice Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as ice dust particales and a flurry of snow emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Winter Maiden appeared by my back right corner.

I then loaded back my Fire Dust Crystal into the loaded Key-Slasher with a Ice Dust Crystal in it as it combined and raised my weapon in the air again, shooting one round, emitting a combination of flames and flurry of snow above me to combine both illusions as two dust crystals divided into two similar crystals as the other pair merged into one as the Key-Slasher announced;


As the merged Dust Crystal levitates in the air, and I grabbed two dust crystals and places them into my pocket as I got ready two more Dust Crystals and shook them.


I yelled as I placed a orange Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as dust particales and tongues of fire emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Fall Maiden appeared by my back left corner.

I removed the Dust Crystal and shook another Dust Crystal as it glowed bright orange.


I yelled as I placed a Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as ice dust particales and a flurry of golden leaves emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Spring Maiden appeared by my front right corner.

I then loaded back my Fall Dust Crystal into the loaded Key-Slasher with a Spring Dust Crystal in it as it combined and raised my weapon in the air again, shooting one round, emitting a combination of coal tinted sparks and flurry of golden leaves above me to combine both illusions as two dust crystals divided into two similar crystals as the other pair merged into one as the Key-Slasher announced;


As the merged Dust Crystal levitates in the air, and I grabbed two dust crystals and places them into my pocket as I got ready three more Dust Crystals and shook them.


I yelled as I placed two Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as a dragon made of red golden flames and a flurry of white rose petals emit from my gun as an illusion figure of my dragon father and Ruby's mother appeared in front (Apollonir) and behind (Summer Rose) me.

(A/N: A/N: Stop music at 1:44 and repeat music from 0:00.)

I pressed the trigger again as both crystals combine to one as the merged Dust Crystal levitates in the air 


I then grabbed three of my merged crystals and placed them into my key-slasher to charge my weapon up one by one. 




Once that is done, I removed my third merged crystal as I shook my last Dust crystal.


I yelled as I placed a golden Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as gold particles emit from my gun as an illusion sillouette-like figure of me merged with me holding my weapon.


I lowered my weapon as I posed and shout out;

Me: I will change Remnant's fate... IN MY OWN HANDS!!!!!

I pulled the trigger as I let out a dragon roar as I shout;


(A/N: Music ends here.)


(A/N: This is the only video that I can find so far. It will be temporary but don't worry. Once I found the actual vid with clear music, I will replace it. Focus on 2:29 - 2:42 for the transformation theme.) 

After shouting these two words, church bells are heard as a dragon roar is heard, too as six of the strongest beings on Remnant merged into me with my golden sillouette form as I shined from Red, to Blue, to Orange, to Dark Red, to Golden Red, to Silver, to Gold and then to an infinite change of colour from red to purple and bright gold in an infinite loop of colour change as my Key-Slasher conjoured itself into four Key-Slashers as it went onto my head. Two Golden Dragon horns emerged from my head in between my Key-Slashers as my appearance began to change.

(A/N: Music ends at 2:42.)


(A/N: Music starts at 12:14.)

My coat that my mother gave me have extra colours of red, orange, yellow and silver with blue crystals embedded onto it at the shoulder areas and the back of my coat. Six pairs of wings appeared behind me as the first pair belonged to my father, second pair has Summer, third has Fall, fourth has Winter, fifth has Spring and the last comprising of Silver-eyed warriors' power as the last pair of wings are different as they are like Summer's cloak but it's dragon-like.

My upper torso has only little changes as it had two G-like ice dust crystals embedded into me (A/N: Like Ultraman Ginga, Ginga Victory, Ultraman Orb - Lightning Attacker and Ultraman Zero Beyond.) and a diamond-like crystal embedded onto the center of my chest in between two G-like crystals, changing its colour repeatedly.

I then felt my arms embedded with the same crystals on my chest that changes colour repeatedly as six different small dust shards are embedded into my arms.

This process continued at my legs when the same process was done like my arms. Six different small dust shards appeared in between the crystal while my legs are encased with unbreakable ice. My shoes are then encased with molten lava and coal and beneath the soles of my shoes are encased in ice, forming my shoes into dragon feet.

A tail then appeared behind me as it has different kinds of dust crystals embedded on its tail and forming a Trident-like tip made of fire and ice dust crystals, and an orb at the center of the trident that changes colour repeatedly at the tip of its tail.

To finish the transformation, I closed my eyes, and opened them up again, causing two streaks of flames to emit from my eyes, changing its colours repeatedly while showing my eyes to be silver instead of my original red and blue eyes. Blue vein-like details stated to form on my eyes and from my jaw to all over my body (A/N: Not like Salem's eyes. Treat it as Ultraman Zero Beyond's detailing that are kind of vein-like details).


After the transformation is complete, the four maidens including Summer Rose looked in awe as they stated;

Summer: This will be your...

The four maidens: ... new powers from now on!

They stated this as I immediately rise up in my Ultimate form and opened up a portal to where the battle is still at play.

End of Special SHORT Episode.

And that's all, folks! The Special Episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Welp, that's how he got his powers and stuff. So, if you ladies and Gentlemen and other deviants and readers really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' it would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

(A/N: Music ends here.)

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