Special Episode: The SECRET Behind STRM Combination

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the SPECIAL episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 5 where we will be looking at Ozpin and Shadow talking about the STRM Combination and the secrets revealed in this Combination. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND BUILD. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Build is from Toei. So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It has been weeks after the incident back at Haven Academy and two more days before we head to Atlas as everyone were still in the living room, resting until a text came in for me.

Ruby: Who's that?

Shadow: Gotta check my scroll...

I checked my scroll to see who sent me a text I'm about to read.

Mitchell: Who's it from?

Ryosuke: Yeah.

Shadow: It's from... Professor Ozpin.

My Team, with many other newcomers, remaining members of JNPR and Ruby's Team were shocked to hear that a scroll text came from Ozpin, himself.

Ruby: What does he want?

Me: Dunno... he said to "come over to the usual place where we spoke before, immediately. Leave your team... behind..."? Okay, that's a start...

Tenka: I'm not buying this...

Shadow: Guys. It's alright. If he wants to see me, it's fine.

I got up from my chair as I leave the dorm room.

Shadow: I'll be back.

Shadow said this as he leaves the room to meet up with Oz outside the training area of our house.


Ozpin's POV:

As I waited for Shadow outside the training room, I looked up at the stars and the shattered moon in the dark peaceful sky as I smiled, knowing that we have accomplished the impossible today.

Me: We did it.... with the help of everyone we've got. (Sigh) if only Salem could see this in the past.... it this way.... this wouldn't have happened.....

???: You called?

I looked back slowly to see Shadow walking towards me as I compose myself.

Me: Ah, Mr Wrath.

Shadow: Oz.... it's Doctor...

Me: Right... Dr. Wrath. So good that you can come over to talk for a bit.

I said while watching Shadow walked beside me as we both looked up at the stars and the broken moon.

Shadow: Beautiful, isn't it???

Me: Yes. If only it were like this years ago.... I would still be alive from the very beginning.....

Shadow: What do you mean by that????

I looked at Shadow as he looked at me with a serious look on his face as I brushed it off.

Me: That will be another piece of the truth, pieced together, soon.

Shadow: So, you are still keeping more secrets from us.

Me: You don't understand, Doctor. Some truths are best meant to be revealed, some.... are meant to hurt and separate us all. That's why I've been keeping this harsh truth from you all.... for now, until the time is right....

Shadow: Then by all means take your time. In time, they may beat you to it, Oscar may do the same as well.

I giggled at the remark that Shadow implied while we are both still looking up at the star-litted night sky.


As we both looked up in the sky, I turned to look at Ozpin as I know I'm here not just to talk about half-truths, it was skmething else.

Me: Ozpin, I mean to ask?

Ozpin: Yes, ask away.

Me: I know you summoned me here not just to chat. I know it is something to do with my other semblance I've got. So, what is it?

I questioned as I watched Ozpin turned to face me with a serious look on his face as he answered my question.

Ozpin: Well, I've got plenty of questions to ask you, well... a lot. I've been wanting to ask you this, even at the time after I placed you in your specific Teams. What's your Combiner's name???

I looked at him for a brief moment as I was shocked that he doesn't know my team's combiner name.

Me: Well, it's called the 'Muteki Maximum STRM' Combination, but we call it STRM Combinstion for short.

Ozpin: I see. So, your combiner name is not Storm Dragon, then?

Me: What? No no, it's not. Nothing li--

Just as I was about to continue talking, I suddenly stopped and began to sense something was wrong. When I recalled back when we first combined and my vision from back then, that was when I felt something suspicious was going on as to how he knows our secret.

Me: H-how do you know our Secret about our combiner name???

Ozpin: Well, two reasons to be precise. Down one is that it was a lucky guess. Two, is that I lived longer than you to witness the combiner war back on Remnant.

Me: (eyes widened with shock) Wait, Combiner Wars?! Here?! I thought Cybertron was t--

Ozpin: I know what you are going to say, Doctor. Well, just to give you a shocking info, Cybertron, Kieron's home planet wasn't the only planet and multiverse that was affected by the Combiner Wars.

Me: But... how?! How could a multiverse Combiner War end up here?

I questioned, only to hear nothing from Ozpin for a short period of time until,...

Ozpin: That, I can explain. Back then when I used to be.... a grown up, the Ozpin you have met at Beacon, still running Beacon Academy first discovered the first combiner on Remnant after a pulse hit the school at the Emerald Forest many years ago..... Glynda, Port and Oobleck went to investigate the matter in our own will. Well, long story short, like stated before, the first combiner emerged from the crater and introduced himself as Nexus Prime.

When I heard Nexus Prime, my eyes widened as I discovered two things; One is that he is one of the Thirteen Primes. And two is that he is Trinity Prime's dad.

Me: Nexus Prime?! One of the Thirteen?! And Trinity's Pops?

Ozpin: Correct. We brand him and ourselves as allies after that due to.... a great offer that he offered us.

Me: And that is?

Ozpin: Security, that's when the CCTs advanced technology and enhancement came in if you have observed.

Me: I see. Well that makes sense on why I noticed an autobot crest on one of the CCTVs in the CCT Tower at beacon, at the night of the dance. But.... what happened to him???

Ozpin: .... he.... Atlas came to Beacon one day wanting an assistance from Nexus to advance and enhance their weaponry and machinery. However, due to their greed, power and money.... and their goal to either turn the faunus to slaves or kill them, their "weapons" turned against them, having a mind of their own, almost eradicated the entire Schnee Dust Company.... that's when the World Defense Foundation came to be, founded by Nexus Prime, myself and the founder od the organization, his name wasn't told as he wanted his name to be confidential for now.... and we--

Me: knowing what Atlas were doing, you made your own army and destroyed the rogue machinery combiners and ended the massacre....

Ozpin: Hmmm, spot on.

Me: I happened to have read the news.

Ozpin: I have noticed when you were in Professor Port's class. Which reminds me, you've dropped this.

He said as he showed a page of a newspaper titled; 'VICTOR TO THE WDF AGAINST THE ROGUE COMBINER ATLAS MACHINERY! ATLAS TO BE SUED' to me as I got it back from him.

Me: Ah! Was looking for this. (Recieves it back) Thanks. And of course I've missed some details out to know that Atlas was sued after the massacre but due to their miney and power, they managed to accomodate for the cost.

Ozpin: Correct. However, due to what Nexus has witnessed,.... he.... disappeared a week after. Not to be found. Story cut short again, we looked for him at every square inch of the academy until we felt a similar presence in the Vault of the Fall Maiden--


Ozpin: Yes, when we were there.... and sensed his presence there, that's when we realized, he fused himself to the vault, sacrificing his own life....

Me: Oh dear..... so I take it he knew that his power can be used for peace, but it can be used for evil too???

Ozpin: I'm sure he knew what's coming. That's why he did this.

Me: Yeah.... but, that doesn't answer the question. Why did special people have that ability to combine??? Why do I have this.... Enigma of Combination which is supoose to be some weapon but turns out, it's my own semblance??? I'm sorry Oz but, I must know.... why???

Ozpin: Because to his dying breath, he said to me at the vault that one person, which is you is the only one that can wield its power and use it for good to take our enemies head on. When I saw your face in his vision, I never believed that it would happen.... but now, it has been proven that it has happened....

When I heard Ozpin said that I was the only one who can harness that kind of power aka, Nexus Prime's power of the combiners in my semblance mode, I was taken aback by it while having my eyes widened to the fact that I was entrusted with something that was given to me, spiritually.

Me: Okay.... words.... not working, For mouth.

Ozpin: I know it's hard to take in but,... it's true. That's when I dug the truth out of your parents, finding out that they went down to the vault with you when your were just an infant as after all, your father and your mother helped us to build up, and helped us found WDF. After we found Nexus Prime and discovered that he fused himself with the Vault, we never knew that he transferred part of his Combiner Spark and the remnance of the Enigma of Combination power to you, to what your parents told me when I fished the truth out from them when you first combined. And even better still, Nexus Prime wanted to create powerful Combiners like himself, but seeing what Atlas has done and abused the powers given by him, Nexus had other ideas in mind when he passed them on to you.

Me: I take it that Powerful Combiners, he's referring to my combiner and JEWL Combination?

Ozpin: Correct. Dragon Storm, Jewel Brave and TIME Ragnorak.

I was shocked when I heard that the whole secret of us Combining are out, and began to ask Ozpin a lot of questions.

Me: But, why didn't you tell us this before? Why now? And why keep this as a secret when you know that this has been happening before?

Ozpin: Ultimately, I had the same questions as you. But to answer your question,--

He lays his hand on my shoulder.

Ozpin: -- I wouldn't want to keep this as a secret, as well. But seeing this was a serious matter, Nexus Prime wanted this of us and we all vow to keep this as a secret, to keep his powers safe from harm and evil forces... and to keep you all safe, to those who are wielding his powers now.

Me: I see... (hanging my head)

Ozpin: Shadow, please understand what is happening. You and numerous number of people were chosen to wield his power for a reason. My personal reason is that he knows that the bunch of you will not be like Atlas, greedy, power hungry and many others to describe them. So, understand Nexus Prime's intentions and his deep secret, please... this is something that he would have wanted from all of you, and most importantly, you as well.

I looked at Ozpin as I know that he has kept this secret for a reaon which he has stated. Knowing that this is a lot to take in, and the fact that I hold something belonging to Trinity's dad, I sighed as I lay both my hands on Ozpin's shoulders, smiling as I said;

Me: Fortunately, I'm a huge fan of the Thirteen Primes. So, don't worry. Your secrets safe with the Combiner Team. And on Nexus Prime's behalf, we will make this world a better place with his powers.

Ozpin nodded to me as he smiled, knowing that I have accepred the truth.

Ozpin: Thank you, Doctor... for understanding. I'm sure Nexus Prime will be proud of all of you.

Me: (nods) Likewise.

Ozpin: (nods)

Me: Now, is there anything else?

Ozpin: That will be all.

Me: Can you tell me where the Vault of the Fall Maiden is at the moment?

Ozpin: ... no.

Me: Okay, when?

Ozpin: Soon.

Me: Soon?

Ozpin: Yes.

Me: Okay.

Ozpin: Okay.

I release my hold on Ozpin.

Ozpin: Okay. Now that this has been settled, you are free to go.

Me: Okay. Thanks for the secret unraveled about some of us being a combiner. At least that solves the mystery on how we combined.

Ozpin: Likewise.

I said as I took my leaves, leaving Ozpin outside alone as he spoke to himself.

Ozpin: .... hmmm....

Back inside the house,

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow returned to the group as the crowd looked at him when he entered.

Shadow: Hey guys.

Ruby: Hey, Shadow.

Tenka: What did Ozpin talked to you about?

Shadow: Umm, about that. It's a long story so,... okay screw it, I'm going to say it. Tenka, Rachel, Mitch, remember our questions about our combiner?

T/R/M: Yeah????

Shadow: Well, I'm gonna say something that will knock your socks off, which Trinity Prime must be around.

Trinity: You called?

Shadow: Yep. Come sit down.

And with that, I told everyone the secret delivered by Ozpin with everyone listening in to what I said, attentively.


Gemdeus Machina waited outside with Caleb Ares SixStrike as they waited at the large door behind them.

Gemdeus Machina: So you're telling me, that you can turn into a robot, human, gun, ship, tank, creature and base form?

SixStrike: Yes. That's pretty much it.

Gemdeus Machina: Outstanding. How did you manage to transform into all that, all at once?

SixStrike: Well, it takes the skills. But, I managed.

Gemdeus Machina: Right. So, I hope your leader, Jet Storm knows what he's doing as, Dark Energon implantation/infusion has a cost to what he said to your grace, Salem.

SixStrike: Have no fear, my lord. He knows what he's doing.

Gemdeus Machina: I see.

As they spoke, the doors opened behind them as they looked at the opened doors to reveal Jet Storm walking out with Salem walking from behind.

Gemdeus Machina: Is it done???

Jet Storm: She's ready.

Jet Storm walked aside as they looked at Salem, now having Red and Purple glowing eyes as her new infused mandibles from the monsters she fused with covered with Dark Energon began to grow sharp with Dark Energon shards as she looked at Gemdeus Machina and SixStrike.

Salem: It's time that we take action.... now......


Ozpin was still looking at the dark sky with the moon still shining bright, when someone mysterious was behind him.

???: Well, if you were gonna apologise, well apology accepted, dear Ozpin.

Ozpin sighed as he turned to look at the person who spoke up.

Ozpin: Well, long time no see, Drazen.....

Drazen: Long time no see, Ozzy.

Ozpin: So, how's your sister?.... Salem?

Drazen: She's been immortal and.... well, as always... and as usual....

End of Special SHORT Episode.

And that's all, folks! The Special Episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Well well well, the plot sort of thickens when Nexus Prime is involved in this. Cool. Cool. So, if you ladies and Gentlemen and other deviants and readers really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' it would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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