Special Episode: The God of Remnant's UNKNOWN Golden Semblance

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the SPECIAL episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 5 where we will be looking at the events, right after the battle between Shadow in his god form, Raven as the Spring Maiden and Cinder as the Fall Maiden, the events before Volume 5 Episode 13 ended. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND BUILD. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, Build and Zi-O are from Toei. So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!!

Ohma Zi-O II: I'll ensure that everyone.... knows Da Wae~!!


3rd Person's POV:

Raven soon proceeds to the Relic chamber's doorway. She activates her Maiden powers again and begins the process to unlock the chamber. Eventually, the door opens up, and on the other side, a massive desert is shown with a path leading to the Relic of Knowledge, which rests on a stone pedestal.

Before Raven could enter the vault, you called her out.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): But still, I must know. Was it worth it?

Raven stops and stared at me.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): To think that you would side against us. And for what? Survival? But let me ask you this, Raven.... Who do you survive for? Why do you want to survive? Is it out of selfishness? Or is there someone or something that gives you the will to survive?

Raven: It's.... not that simple... it's--

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Complicated. I know. But to be honest, we should do this someday but, excluding the dropping to the abyss thing.

Raven: I will look into that. But yes, we should do this someday.

We both laughed the situation out as we both looked at the relic that is outside of the desert.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Do your thing, if you want.

I see Raven nod as she makes her way towards the desert biome until I conjured Plesio-Cannon and aimed it at her.

(A/N: Plesio Cannon from Plesio-Charge Megazord.)

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): But, I'm sorry... someone wants me to stop you, and that would be her.

As I said this, Raven stopped at her tracks and smirked to herself. Then, I noticed her eyes glowing in their usual red flame streaks while her back was still facing me.

Raven: So, you honestly think you can take me head-on in your premature God Stage? All on your own? Without Cinder getting in our way? With that Relic of Knowledge right at our presence, worth for the taking? Son of Apollonir and the Winter Maiden?

She questions and taunts.

I smirked a bit. Then, I slammed my cannon-wielded arm onto the ground for the cannon to shatter into many tiny bits, to conjure a new weapon which was the same weapon that clashed its blade against Cinder and Raven's conjured blades. Once my huge blade is conjured, I donned my attack pose, readying to strike.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Well, Raven. I am not alone. Summer isn't the only one within my soul. The four of them, including Summer Rose will always be by my side to guide me to the righteous path against the unspeakable evil who claims the relics before us....

I said in confidence.

Raven (In my Mind): Four of them??? growls The very First Maidens. I should have known he is not alone.... that explains how he managed to survive after Cinder speared him.... and I shouldn't have disposed of that fairy tale book in the first place... never thought that it's true....

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): So, Raven. Let's wager. If I win, I'm taking that. (Points at the Relic)

Raven: And if I win? What will you do in return?

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Easy. Same applies, I'll give you more of the Spring Maiden's Power, and you win by default. (In my Mind) Which is not gonna happen.

Raven smiled an evil smile while turning around gracefully and conjuring her huge blade from the battle just now, donning her own attack pose in front of me.

Raven: Interesting wager, boy. You sound just like your father when you wage things before our battle commences. Very well, then. I accept your wager.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Good. Then, let's commence our battle,... as gods, wielding the power of two of Remnant's fairy tales or histories!

Raven: Done!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Raven implied.

With our blades armed and ready, both Raven and I advanced and clashed blades with each other for a shockwave to occur by that one clash. While clashing, Raven jumped back to break the clash, causing me to trip forward, giving her the opportunity to strike me, but to no avail as I saw that trick from a mile away-

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices) (In my Mind): Hmph! Trying to outsmart me with that trick that Kaiden and Graphite pulled before?! Well, not a chance.... let's see if I still got it, shall we??

I said in thought.

-and straight away went on my knees instead of tripping forward to get struck by her blade. Then, as Raven's huge blade came closer to me, I leaned backwards for the blade to swing pass me from above, to Raven's shock. When opportunity struck and for me to be still leaning back, I leaned back even more to face Raven upside down while shooting a barrage of rounds at her with my conjured ShotRiser and Gashacon Magnum from behind, disarming her of her huge blade, shattering it in the process.

Taking a moment to process how everything was beginning to turn and unfold for Raven, I got myself back up and aimed both guns at her, with a slight smirk on my face.

(A/N: Gashacon Magnum & Shotriser.)

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Still got it... looks at ShotRiser hmmmm, interesting gun. Would love to show this to my friends after I'm done with you. 

Raven: So, the God has tricks, huh?

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Tricks that are necessary, Raven. You used that trick that I know of back then. So, I kinda figured how to maneuver around and counter what you did just now. So, third time doing that same trick again, Raven.

Raven: I see. Then let's have a little more "fun", then, shall we? I am eager to see more of your surprises.

She said as she swiftly charged towards me while unsheathing her odachi.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Heheh. Well, I'm ready when you are!

I implied.

Then, I charged forward while firing many rounds from my conjured Gashacon Magnum and my new weapon aka, ShotRiser, despite the fact it is a bad idea to bring guns in a sword battle but since Raven asked for more surprises, I have several tricks in my sleeves whilst using my guns that are now firing at her.

While firing many rounds at Raven, she used her bladed weapon to slice all my projectiles while getting close to me. As soon as we both are close, she raised her odachi up high in the attempts of cleaving me in two, but I used my conjured game weapon and raised it above my head, blocking her blade from reaching my head, giving me the opportunity to aim my conjured ShotRiser at the point in between the weapon's blade and wilt, shooting one round at it, for the entire blade to come off and shatter onto the ground while striking her mid-section, forcing Raven to stagger backwards, for her to snicker.

Raven: Not bad.... your little Genius Gamer taught you well.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): He's taught me everything I need to know. 

Raven: Good for you...

She implied while swiftly sheathing and unsheathing her odachi, revealing its blade to be of a different color. Then out of nowhere, she swiftly charged towards me, as if she teleported, in which she did not and struck me, only for me to conjure a pair of nunchucks with dragon heads on them to block her strike-

(A/N: Golden Nunchucks. (x2))

-and used another nunchuck in my other hand to shatter her blade and render her aura by just a smack on the face and on her sides, several times. After breaking her blade, I used my nunchucks to strike her effortlessly, making her back away from the vault doors, to her giggling a bit, knowing what  I'm up to.

Raven: I see what you are up to.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Oh yeah? Then tell me what I'm up to, then.

I requested.

Raven: You're trying to keep me away from the Relic, which is rightfully mine.

She implied.

I smirked when she answered my question (request).

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): That's right. But not just you! But me, as well. As after all, since this is a wager, we FOLLOW the wager's rules. 

Raven: Well, that makes one difference... I follow my own rules!

She growled.

Raven then sheathed and unsheathed her odachi again to strike me with her different colored blade at me again, only for me to clash with her blade with my conjured weapons that I can conjure out from my thoughts.

A few minutes later,

It has been a few minutes now and we both have been clashing our weapons like as if we have been doing that for an eternity. Then, I shattered my conjured Blade-Rouzer which cut several of her blades easily, but not enough to defeat her, conjuring another blade in the process, while Raven decided to broke the cycle when she advanced towards me, and for me to do the exact same thing. After advancing, we both clashed for one last time for her odachi to wield a red blade and for me to wield a conjured Kazakiri Sword.

(A/N: Kazakiri Sword.)

As we clashed our weapons for the last time, Raven twirled her blade, causing me to be disarmed from my weapon, for it to fly behind me, piercing the ground by the tip of my conjured sword, to my dismay. After disarming me, Raven swiftly pointed her weapon in front of me, barely touching my face by just an inch.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

I looked at my surroundings for an opening while Raven's odachi is just pointing at my face. Seeing that there is an opening, I stared at Raven dead in the eye, pretending that I have no plan in escaping this.

Raven: Hmm. What's wrong? Admitting defeat that easily?

I smiled, not saying a word to Raven.

Raven: Very well..... then consider this an honorable defeat,.... and the Relic, to be mine... 

She implied.

Then, she went up close to me while raising her blade up, in the attempts to have the final cut which brings to my soon-to-be demise.

Raven: Any last words you, "Bastard"?

She demanded.


(A/N: Pissed off Music starts here.)

However, what she said just now was the worst mistake of her life as one of the words in her demand that she wanted out of me, just made me feel ticked off about her now that I took a deep breath, and spoke out. However, just as I spoke out, someone voiced out by using my own mouth to speak, for Raven not to take notice of this, but for me to take notice on what is happening as I somehow got transported in my mind for some reason, again.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: What did you say?

Raven: Bastard!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: Bastard?

Raven: Bastard!!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: I'm a bastard?!

Raven: Damn right!!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: Let's get this straight here! You calling me that and you're not taking that back, are you?!

Raven: No chance!!! As soon as I get rid of you, the better!!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: SO, I'M a Bastard?!?!?!

Raven: You fucking DEAF?!?!?!?!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: SAY IT ONE MORE TIME, YOU SCAVENGING SON OF A BIRDBRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I yelled for my streaks to disappear and for my irises in my eyes to glow gold, for Raven and I not to notice what is going on and what is going to happen.

Raven: Bastard Bastard! Bastard! Bastard Bastard Bastard!!!

She said to me. Then, she lowered her blade and went up close to me, face to face to say that remark dead in my eyes.

(A/N: Music stops at 0:48.)

Raven: Basta-

Just before she could finish, she was suddenly launched back to where the Elevator Gates are which are now destroyed by Raven, being launched backwards, hitting them hard, causing her aura to deplete far more rapidly than the time during her battle against Cinder. Raven shook her head to clear her mind and sight from the daze and noticed a glow at her mid-section. She inspects it to see a Lynt Hieroglyphic-like symbol (Kuuga's Finisher) on her outfit at her mid-section, to her shock.

(A/N: Kuuga Finisher Lynt Hieroglyphic Symbol.)


(A/N: Ominous Music starts here.)

Raven: H-H-How....

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: It's gonna take a lot more than insults to get into my younger self's head, Raven...

Someone boasted out while taking over me for a brief moment, to Raven's confusion.

Raven then got back up as she readied her blade once again.

Raven: So, what are you? Another of Shadow's souls?

Raven questioned.

3rd Person's POV:

After hearing that question, Raven noticed Shadow having a smirk on his face. Then, she heard him chuckle. After chuckling, he began to speak.

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: No... I am still the Shadow Wrath you know today by my Younger-self, Raven Branwen..... but not the Shadow Wrath that you know, at the present moment.

Raven: Back up there, y-

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: Ah Ah Ah~ you misunderstood my Younger-self's Darkness Counterpart from up there just now, are you? Well, you can say I'm from another timeline.... the future..... long story short, my friend,.... I'm from 73 years to the Future.

The unknown being inside of Shadow who claims to be Shadow from the future as he says said, to Raven's confusion.

Raven: Then......

Raven hesitated.

Raven: T-Then what are.... you????

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/???: I, am your new Ruler of Remnant from the future, Ohma Zi-O II. In case you ask why,... well because my younger-self and I are born to be your New God of Remnant and King of Time.... present, Future... and NOW.

The being implied inside of Shadow, to Raven, for her eyes to widen in shock. 

(A/N: Music stops here.)

Then, Raven finally noticed Shadow's aura is glowing gold instead of his original color of Blue and Red, to her confusion.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

And so, Raven took the precaution to swiftly zoom forward towards Shadow while unsheathing her odachi, in the attempts to stop this crazy madness charade, once and for all, but to no avail.

Just as Raven's odachi was about to get extremely close to Shadow's face, he-

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: How futile. Branwen...

- took one step forward for the symbol of Agito to appear beneath my right feet for a brief moment, then gone the next when it got absorbed into his leg that took a step forward. Once the symbol's energy got absorbed into his leg, his same five horns from his god form appeared and did the same kick as the first one, causing Raven's blade to shatter (Agito's Finisher), to Raven's greatest shock that no one has ever destroyed her blade by a single kick before.

(A/N: Agito Symbol used for finisher. Make it glow like in the series and movies.)

Raven roared in annoyance while sheathing and unsheathing her blade to acquire a new blade for her odachi as she charged forward once again. Shadow smirked as his left leg is now equipped with a Drill Leg (Fourze's AstroSwitch Equipment) combined with a generated crimson energy drill around the drill on the Drill Leg (Faiz's Finisher), which pierced into the ground beneath him at ease, to his shock. As soon as Raven was at a specific distance, Shadow then did a roundhouse kick, for Raven's blade to shatter once again while giving her a good kick across her upper torso and her mid-section, causing her to fly to aside, hitting her head onto a boulder that landed from the ceiling of the humongous vault.

(A/N: Fourze Drill Leg Module & Faiz's Crimson Energy Drill. Combined these two together to match the description above.)

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: What's wrong, Branwen? At first you are all tough and bite! And now, you are just lying there, groveling at my feet.... how disappointing...

Raven: S-S- slowly while struggling to get up SHUT UP!!!!!

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: stand tall and do what you desire.... Fight me, in the attempts of defeating me and claim the relic from me...


I watched in my mind, unknowing what is going on as Raven screamed while doing the same process again to equip herself with a new blade again to strike me down. Outside my mind, I smirked cheekily as I swayed my hand forward for Four Rouze Cards based on Spade Ace, Diamond Ace, Clubs Ace and Hearts Ace (One of Ohma Zi-O's Ability used to utilize the Power of Kamen Rider Blade) and Two Rider Cards based on Decade and Diend KamenRide Rider Cards (One of Ohma Zi-O's Ability used to utilize the Power of Kamen Rider Decade) to fly towards Raven. As they got close, Raven slashed them all, cleaving all the projectile-like cards in half, destroying them.

(A/N: Blade Ace Cards, Decade & Diend Rider Cards.)

After slashing the cards, Raven proceeded to charging towards me, but just before she could do that, a DenLiner emerged out of nowhere by via the portal (One of Ohma Zi-O's Ability used to utilize the Power of Kamen Rider Den-O) as it rammed into her, rendering her aura greatly, to Raven's shock.

(A/N: DenLiner.)


Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: We in the Future will wield the powers of every rider in the timelines from past, present and future. And those powers themselves, will defeat you like it already has to Salem in my Timeline.... "Permanently".

When Raven heard this, she has a frightened reaction when she heard that my so called future me permanently stopped Salem in his future.

Raven: I thought she-

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: Unfortunately, her time was up. So, I've put her out of her misery, even though she's, like you said, can't be killed... we'll keep this between us until then.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Raven: Then I want to see the ability that defeated Salem, then... so I can bare witness to what it is like....

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: And that, I'll deliver.

He said through me.

I summoned Hinawadaidai-DJ-Ju and Musou Saber (Gaim's ability of Weapon Summoning) as I combined them both together to create a stronger weapon. Then, I raised it up, holding it in a katana-like way as a yellow energy extending out on the blade formed an energy blade with a line pink characters spelling 'Zi-O Saikyou' (Zi-O II's Saikyo Zikan Girade's Finisher), ready to strike Raven down with just one slash.

(A/N: Hinawadaidai-DJ-Ju and Musou Saber combined. Ensure a yellow energy extending out on the blade formed an energy blade with a line pink characters spelling 'Zi-O Saikyou' is connected onto the blade of DJ-Ju.)

Raven sheathes and unsheathes her odachi, reequipping herself with a new blade, ready to strike me down when ready. Then, we both charged at each other and when we got close to each other, we clashed our weapons, causing a huge shockwave to occur, the strongest one thus far from the several clashes from just not. After clashing, we ran past each other while delivering ourselves our own slashes with neither of us showing any signs of injury inflicted. However, Raven's blade got slashes at the mid-section as the other half of the blade fell onto the ground.

I then pixelate my weapon away as I stood up. I turned around to see Raven slowly standing up gracefully while turning around to face me, with a confusion look on her face.

Raven: I thought you said that this attack will kill me like it did to Salem, as you said you'll deliver?!

Raven growled.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: And I did show it to you.

Raven: Then why didn't it destroy me like you said it would?!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: Because my Younger-self spoke to me during our clash. Let's just say, he and I had a small chat and decided to spare your life, for the sake that  you are protecting something really important. Is that not true?


3rd Person's POV:

Then, they both charged at each other and when they got close to each other, Shadow and Raven clashed our weapons, causing a huge shockwave to occur, the strongest one thus far from the several clashes from just not. After clashing,-

Shadow (In my Mind): DUDE!!! STOP!!!!

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: Hmm?

In Shadow's mind,

In Shadow's mind, he is standing face to face with an unknown rider he has never seen before.

Shadow: I'm sorry to stop you but, may I know who you are?

I questioned.

???: I am you from 73 years to the future. But if you want, you may call me Ohma Zi-O II.

The being responded.

Shadow: Hmm. Well, me from the future aka, Ohma Zi-O II. Pleasure to meet you, and it is good to know that Sougo isn't the only one who wields the power of all riders.

Ohma Zi-O II: Pleasure's mine, my younger-self.

Shadow: Yeah. You and me both. Anyway, what are you doing? I was gonna see you trying to kill her with those killer moves, which I have to admit, they're cool and all, but I don't want her dead. Why have you come to interfere with my business?

Shadow questioned.

Ohma Zi-O II: I'm here because there is an abnormally in this World that requires attention. When I notice you about to be slain out of existence, I decided to pay your younger vessel a small visit and give you and hand.

Shadow: And let me guess, you went overboard.

Ohma Zi-O II: Necessarily go overboard as what she said to you, crosses the line.

Shadow: Heheh. You and me both. She really has crossed the line.

Ohma Zi-O II: Heheh.

Shadow & Ohma Zi-O II: BOIIII~!!!

Shadow: Still got it.

Ohma Zi-O II: Heheh. Tell me about it. Can't believe it's been a while since I said that.

Shadow: Well, you are from 73 years to the future so, time passes by quick, future me.

I implied.

Ohma Zi-O II: Heh. Guess that's true.

Shadow: Anyway, I appreciate your assistance,... but you're looking at the different Shadow. I don't use these gifts to kill like what you are about to do with Raven... I'm not like you although you and I are the same. Violence like what is happening up there is not necessary. Salem made her followers do the dirty instead of her doing it herself. In my mind and heart, I don't blame them. I'm sure you don't blame them, too. Do you, Future me?

Shadow said.

Ohma Zi-O II gave it a thought about what his younger-self said. After his train of thought, Ohma Zi-O II nodded once as he took his younger-self's statement in consideration.

Ohma Zi-O II: chuckles Well, I have to say, my younger-self. You have a point about one thing. As after all, you remind me about this similar situation when I fought Raven, at the exact same spot.

Shadow: Really? So the clash just now was-

Ohma Zi-O II: Indeed, my younger-self. Where we are currently slashing now outside your mind, was where Raven and I used to clash our blades, 73 years ago. And I have to say, it was a legendary battle I have to agree with Raven.

Shadow: Well, that was.... cool. So, you're gonna spare my Raven in this timeline?

Ohma Zi-O II: I will, since I can increase my powers and decrease it at my free will, I can decrease its output by a bit.

Shadow: Thank you, Ohma Zi-O II. It means a lot for Raven to live another day to protect something extremely valuable within her.

Ohma Zi-O II: chuckles You are an interesting one, Shadow. When we crosspaths once again, my younger-self.

Outside Shadow's mind,

- they ran past each other while delivering themselves their own slashes with neither of them showing any signs of injury inflicted. However, Raven's blade got slashes at the mid-section as the other half of the blade fell onto the ground.

Shadow (Ohma Zi-O II) (Inner Thoughts): Apart from her blade being cleaved by my blade, no one is hurt.... good.

Shadow then pixelate his weapon away as he stood up. He turned around to see Raven slowly standing up gracefully while turning around to face him, with a confusion look on her face.


Admitting that this is true, Raven sighed in annoyance, yet relief.


Raven: Well, I have to admit, yes. I'm protecting something extremely valuable from Salem.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: And that would be the Spring Maiden's powers, yes?

Raven: Correct. And the reason the vault is opened, is because I opened it.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: Indeed you are.

Raven: And I must say, this must be some battle we did. You really are Shadow from the future.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: Indeed I am.

Raven: But what is the Future Shadow doing here? If you don't mind me asking.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: To give you a short debrief similar to what I have given to my younger-self but in detail, there is an abnormally in this world that requires attention. That's why every single rider and ultra, even the other crossovers are converging here.

Raven: Interesting. And I'd bet that relic before us, will tell us why?

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: Correct.

Raven: I see. Heheh. It's been fun having this Legendary Battle against you. If it were the Shadow I know just now before you showed, it would have ended real quick. But I guess this would do.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices)/Ohma Zi-O II: Heheheh. It has been fun. I'll see you both later when I have the chance.

He said to me in my mind and Raven as the Golden Aura disappeared, reverting me back to my original state. Just as I was about to take one step forward, I  fell on my knees. As I was on my knees for a brief moment, I felt my aura depleting ever so greatly since my future-self did used vastly a lot of his power from me which I have yet to use whenever and however I have the chance to discover them. Then, Raven walked towards me as she helped me up.

Raven: You no need to walk towards me, God of Remnant. You used too much of your unknown power from your future-self of yours.

Me: Thanks. panting Don't worry,.... I'll live..... panting I just need to recover from that and it'll be fine. panting

Raven: Heheh, alright, Doctor. I'll let you go slowly, and once that's done,.... I'll grab the Relic... and--

She stopped halfway for me to slowly look up, wondering why she stopped halfway. Then, she continued.

Raven: And I'll pass it on to you. Consider your future-self as an exception so, you won this wager, by default thanks to him.

After hearing her saying that, I smiled and sighed in relief, knowing that she's gonna do the right thing, or is she.

Me: Well then, go for it, since you have made your decision.

I implied for Raven to proceed forward to the vault doors to claim the relic of Knowledge.

Me (Inner Thoughts): And they should be here in 3,.... 2,..... 1,.....

Just as I said that, as if right on queue, Raven and I heard a gunshot and we both turned around to glare at her daughter and my friend landing behind us as Pallad exits from her body, knowing that Yang wants to talk with her mom.

Me (Inner Thoughts): Huh. Right on queue. 

End of Special Episode.

And that's all, folks! The Special Episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Now that's interesting. What is Shadow's Future-self aka, Ohma Zi-O II doing here at this time? And what abnormally is he talking about? Hmmmmm.... let's wait and see in the next Volume, in the meantime for now, this Volume and Volume 6 is gonna show, Da Wae~. So, if you ladies and Gentlemen and other deviants and readers really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' it would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!!

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