Volume 1: Atlas's Most Crucial & Important Relic..... The Beta Spark

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the after events after the sixteenth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose where the Quest of saving Weiss from the Nightmare Grimm continues! So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei. Take Note that in this Episode and in another Episode, these Episodes are based on RWBY: Ice Queendom, well,... mostly touched on and about the Nightmare Grimm.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

In the Room again outside the Dreamscape,

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone looked with confusion and shock after what they have witnessed to now see that Tenka is also under the influence of the Nightmare Grimm along with Blake.

Shadow: This..... this is the first procedure yet that we have to attend to three Nightmare-infected patients...

Shion: Indeed....

Pyrrha: But why did Tenka- or how did he do that?

Ozpin: Well, the only explanation is Mr. Kaito's father, to our guess.

Ozpin said.

Everyone looked at Professor Ozpin.

Nora: I.... I don't follow.

Ozpin: You see, what you witnessed was Mr. Kaito most likely controlling his own body while in his slumbering state.... or in his astral state.

Ren: So that means Tenka can actually move freely at will not just physically, but in his spiritual being, too?

Ozpin: Correct.

Shadow: And that involves Tenka's dad, how???

Ozpin: Well, back when Mr Kaito's father used to study in this Academy, he did share with me that when Mr. Kaito reaches a specific age, he will then begin his training so as to prepare him to be the one who takes his father's place as Village Guardian.

Ozpin explained.

The members of Team JNPR nods in understanding by this. Shadow looks at Tenka with concern in his eyes.

Shadow: Then that means-

Glynda: It is most likely that what Tenka did is probably part and one of the many techniques taught of and through his father's training.

Shion: I see.... 

Shadow: But that doesn't change the fact that Weiss's life is now in greater danger!

Ozpin: Doctor please.... we understand-

Shadow: What if she doesn't wake up?! What if this is too much for one body to handle?!

Glynda: Shadow, we understand your doubts bu-

Shadow: Can't we do something? There has to be a way to conceal three victims and two Nightmare Grimm at once!

Shion: Doctor, please calm d-

Shadow (Unknown but with a God-like voice in sync with the Unknown Voice): DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN UNLESS THERE IS A WAY TO SAVE WEISS FROM DYING!!!!!

Shadow yelled.

As Shadow exclaimed, causing a small wave of snow and a golden halo to emit out of him as the wave and the halo engulfed the whole room for a brief moment until they disappeared when they touched the room's walls, for everyone to stay silent as they saw this coming from Shadow's outburst.

Upon seeing this, everyone looked with concern at what was happening to Shadow, only for the Doctor to calm himself down as he left. After slamming the door close behind him as he left the room, Pyrrha looked at the Professors with concern.

Pyrrha: Professor Ozpin? Professor Glynda? ..... what.... was that?

Pyrrha ask.

The two professors look at each other as they too have concern looks planted on their face, as Ozpin replied.

Ozpin: Something.... that was meant to be awakened in future,... but it was too soon to be awakened....

He replied.

Back in Weiss's Dreamscape,

Negative Weiss is seen fighting against another Negative being based on Negative Tenka and Negative Blake as they both clashed blades with sparks flying all over the place everytime when both blades come in contact together hard.

Nightmare saw an opportunity as he shot the Negative being from behind, but to no avail as it looked back, causing vines to emerge from the ground to act like a shield to block the shot, to Nightmare's annoyance.

Nightmare: BLAST!!!!!

???: Blast? Now there's a concept on things~

Nightmare: gasps and looks back

As Nightmare looked back, the Negative being is seen pointing a Nightmare version of Budou Ryuhou (A/N: Basically Budou Ryuhou but the grape details will be replaced to really grapes and the gun details will be based on a dragon.) as it pulled the trigger for several projectiles to fly towards Nightmare's face, only for Nightmare to use his weapon to block the projectiles with one to hit him at the side, for him to grunt in pain.

Seeing Nightmare kneeling from his injuries, the Negative being conjured a Musou Saber and a Sonic Arrow in the attempts to bring him out of his misery, only for Negative Weiss to interfere as she swooped forward as she thrust at the being, only for it to clash with her blade again as the fight between Negative Weiss and the Negative being continued.

Negative Weiss: Nightmare! Go somewhere safe to recover! I'll take care of this one here.

Nightmare: ... Alright... but be careful.... this one is powerful...

Negative Weiss: nods

So, Nightmare rushed in for cover while Negative Weiss fought against the Negative being.

Negative Weiss: Stop this foolishness. If I must judge you further, it will go far beyond exile! Blake! Tenka!

Negative Weiss said, landing a stab and a slice.

The being dodged them at ease at it stopped in front of her.

???: Judgement? Judgement, you say? When has your kind ever judged the faunus fairly? How many innocent faunus have suffered one-sided judgement at your whim? 

The being said, lunging forward as it kept slashing.

Gaining the upper hand, the being caused Negative Weiss to stagger backwards while making her go to a corner and towards the edge of the rooftop of a building.

Negative Weiss: What did you say?

???: You robbed us of our land, you robbed us of our pride, and when we resisted, you robbed us of our lives! That's who you are!!

The being said, clenching its weapons tightly.

Negative Weiss kept her ground, awaiting for the being's next move.

???: Oh, and by the way.... It's Anomaly.... Negative Anomaly, Shadow of the Beginning form (A/N: To combine Blake's semblance name and Tenka's future status as future Man of the Beginning.)...

The being intoduced itself as an Anomaly conjured several shadows as they charged towards Negative Weiss.


Outside the Dreamscape,

Shion used the Dream Catcher to sustain Blake and Tenka for a little longer by wrapping dust-infused ribbons around their arms.

Without Shadow's assist, all they can do now, is talk and wait.

Shion: The Nightmare is growing rapidly.... Not only does Blake and Tenka have robust Auras, but Blake also intentionally accepted the Nightmare, with Tenka intentionally wanting the Nightmare to infect him for his own reasons.

Shion said.

Pyrrha: Won't that make it much harder to rescue them?

Pyrrha ask.

Shion looks at the hour glass with worry, then explains.

Shion: Since it was intentional, there is a strong possibility Blake and Tenka's hearts can maintain their resistance. The question is whether or not my Semblance will hold.... Also, whether or not they can defeat the Nightmare possessing Weiss and defeat this Nightmare person we've been hearing so much about. If things do not proceed according to Ruby and the others' plan,.... there will be no longer be a way to save Weiss....

Shion said with worry.

Everyone watched with concern as well as the professors.


At Team STRM dorm room,

Shadow can be seen sitting on his bed, cooling off and trying to get his thoughts together on how to save everyone from two Nightmare Grimm infecting not two, but three victims which are Weiss, Blake and Tenka.

Thinking hard, Shadow ruffled his hair feeling irritated in the fact that he's still thinking of a way but no ideas have turned up. Feeling annoyed by having not a single clue, he slumped backward, lying on his head as he groaned with annoyance knowing that there is no time and time is running out to save everyone.

Shadow: How can I even save Weiss, Tenka and Blake, when I can't even do a single stupid thing right here?!?!

Shadow exlcaimed to himself.

While sulking all by himself, a knock on the door can be heard, for Shadow to let someone behind the door know to leave.

Shadow: Go away! I'm not in the mood...

Shadow said negatively.

Then, the door can be heard knocking again, for Shadow to tell whoever to leave again.

Shadow: I said leave me alone! I need to think!!

Shadow said with irritance.

After raising his voice, there was no knocking, for Shadow to place his pillow over his face to think.

However, the door began to knock yet again after a few seconds later, for Shadow to throw his pillow aside and storm his way to the door to see who that is.


Shadow said, stopping midway while he stormed towards the door.

Once reached, he grabs the door and swung it open hard as he stormed out of the room.

Shadow: - YOU HAVE ANOTHER THING COMING KNOCKING AT A WRONG TIME, WHILE I'M TRYING to...... think...... of a........ way........ t-........ save'em.......??????

Shadow said while opening and storming out of the room.

After storming out of the room, Shadow's expression quickly turned from being pissed off, to a look of confusion to see that in front of him is no longer the corridors of the Dormitory, but instead a White Mansion with a view.

Shadow: whaaaaaaaaaaaaat is going on?

Shadow said still confused.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut, for Shadow to swiftly turn to see that the door slowly disappearing from existance, to his shock.

Shadow: Okay..... not good... turns back but what's going in my mind now is.... who knocked on the door and led me into this.... Mansion belonging to whoever that is....

Shadow said as he began to walk to have a look around.

As he trekked forward, he sees white pillars, grass, trees, garden of flowers at the garden area surrounded by pillars in a rectangular formation. Shadow kept walking till he noticed a group portrait, with someone in the group that looks familiar for him to have a closer look at the portrait photo.

Looking closely, Shadow's eyes widened as he now understands where he is in right now and what is going on.

Shadow: Okay!!!! Now I see where this is going! I'm in Weiss's mansion! So that means.... I'm transported here!

Shadow said.

So, he quickly fished out his Scroll as he began to dial for Professor Ozpin and began to speak.

Shadow: Uh, Prof. Oz? Dunno how I got here but long story.... ??? Prof. oz?

Shadow said.

But, the Scrioll was only emitting a static sound, then it hung up on itself due to no signal.

Shadow: DAMMIT! Now how am I gonna get outta h-

???: Hey, hey, Grandfather Nicholas!

Shadow: - Here? looks at whoever called out to someone

Upon turning to see who that was, Shadow looks to see that the pillared corridor has now turned into an open space with a fountain at the center of it, with a person donning in some kind of armour and a little girl to be sitting by the fountain as they were talking amongst each other.

Shadow: That girl.... and that man....

Shadow said silently as he listened.

???: Everyone says the mansion looks like a castle! They say Grandfather Nicholas built a Schnee family castle.

The girl said.

The man chuckled for a moment before talking to the little girl.

Nicholas: That's going a little far.

???: But why? People already respect you like a king.

Nicholas looks up at the sky as he explains.

Nicholas: My joy in life comes from serving others, not from becoming a king. looks down to the girl Weiss, my little friend,-

Shadow's eyes widened upon the sudden revelation.

Shadow: The little girl is Weiss...??? Then that man is what she calls her.... Nicholas?! Wait a minute?! Now that I mention it.... that Man looks awfully familiar from before the third procedure-

Nicholas: -someday you may need to leave this house as well.

Little Weiss: Like when you went searching for Dust for everyone, Grandfather?

Nicholas: Yes. Until then, the Schnee family will be like a castle protecting you. Eventually, however, you yourself will become a castle that protects others. And that should make the Schnee family, and yourself, very proud.

Little Weiss: Hmmm.... Should I build a castle like you did, Grandfather?

Nicholas: laughs for a moment then looks at Little Weiss That's right. Inside your heart, build the grandset, most noble castle you can. There is still time so, don't be in a big rush on things. Build it together with the friends you will one day meet.

Nicholas said to Little Weiss.

Shadow looked in shock, knowing who that old man he met before the third procedure really is.

Shadow: That old man..... he's-....

Nicholas: looks at Shadow and smiles Hmmm, so you finally figured out who I really am? Well done.

He said as he stood up, for Little Weiss to look at Shadow.


I was taken aback that Nicholas and Little Weiss are somehow able to see me as I took a step back, knowing that I'm in trouble. But Nicholas chuckled as he brushed my doubts away.

(A/N: Sir Nicholas.)

Nicholas: Fret not, my friend. You are not in trouble. The only reason you are here now is because I brought you here to see this, and save my Granddaughter.

Nicholas said, making his way to me.

Me: O-Oh. Okay...???

I said nervously.

Nicholas slowly made his way towards me as he spoke.

Nicholas: I saw you were under stress due to the Nightmare Grimm that is inside my granddaughter getting worse. So, I brought you here to give you a little test on whether you can figure me out on who you were talking to before you started the operation.

Me: I-I know.... bows down f-forgive me.... I.... didn't know who was behind the door and that you were knocking....

Nicholas: Please, my friend. No need to be like that so please, stand tall. You are forgiven.

Me: .... stood back up

Nicholas: So... as I was saying, I saw you observing your surroundings, analyzing who is who, and where you are. Not only that, you figured out who the little girl is seated beside me, too.

Me: Yes, Sir Nicholas. I... I never knew it was Weiss until you mentioned her name.

Nicholas: nods And not only that, too.... you also figured out who I really am, too. 

Me: Yes but... what's the point of all this, if you don't mind me asking.

Nicholas: What's the point of this little test? Well, it is to tell you to keep calm... think positively. Not allowing your emotions getting the better of you, and analyze the situation and solution carefully and calmly. Yes, you may have missed out some criterias, but after our brief encounter before the procedure, I think you're ready.

He said.

Me: R-Ready? For what?

I ask.

Then, I watched as Nicholas slowly fished out two trinkets from each of his side pockets, presenting them to me, for me to look at it with shock and confusion as I tilt my head to one side slightly.

(A/N: These two trinkets. The one on the left (X Sparklence) will be fused with the GUTS-Sparklense (A/N: GUTS-Sparklense From the Trigger Series.) and the one of the right (X Beta Capsule) will be fused with the G Flash Bracelets, making these to become the New Gen X Sparklense and New Gen X Beta G Capsule.)

Nicholas: These.... or should I say, "This" is Atlas's most crucial and important relic.... X GUTS Sparklence and the X Beta G Flash Capsule..... Klein named them under the letter of the symbol that is on the armour's chestplate and the information stated on these trinkets in an ancient write up.

Me: I see.... but.... this i-

Little Weiss: Grandfather? Why are you giving the most important relic of Atlas to him? Shouldn't one from the Schnee family be holding and wielding it, too?

Nicholas and I look down to see Little Weiss beside Nicholas, looking up with confusion.

Nicholas placed the Sparklence onto his other hand and place his free hand onto Little Weiss's head.

Nicholas: Yes, Weiss. It's true that the Beta Spark is the most important relic of Atlas, and also to the Schnee family. But do you remember what I told you about the Beta Spark?

Little Weiss: Yyyyes? It can only be wielded by the Schnee family? It is a Schnee family symbol? It is what keeps the Kingdom of Atlas standing tall?

Nicholas: Well, yes. But it wasn't just that. You missed one more point

Little Weiss: Oh? 

Nicholas: The Beta Spark chooses its wielder, worthy of the Beta Spark, until its original wielder returns.

Little Weiss: Oh....

Nicholas: It can be anyone in the Schnee family. It can be you, too. It can be anyone who's hearts are at peace such as myself.

Me: But what happens if one has a peaceful heart.... but it actually isn't?

I ask.

Nicholas looks at me smiling, as he raise his hand off Weiss's head as he held onto the trinket again, holding it forward in front of me.

Nicholas: Then, it will either not deem you worthy,..... or for your case since you are ready, let the Beta Spark, guide you.

He said.

I was nervous on what happens if I were to grab the two trinkets at each hand. But seeing that there is no time and three lives are at stake, I slowly yet quickly grabbed the Lence and Capsule as the two trinkets began to show me several visions of the former and first user of the Beta Spark, then it came to Nicholas wielding it, fighting off the Grimm. After that, it showed a sillouette indicating the next and future user of the Beta Spark using it to fight against evil.

After the trinkets showed me these visions, I released my hands from holding them as I took a few steps back due to the visions and utter shock, panting heavily from the effects and the surge of power within the trinkets.

Then, Nicholas spoke up again.

Nicholas: So, my friend.... has the Beta Spark guide you and let you see on what's to come on what you must do?

Nicholas ask.

I took a moment to calm myself while looking at the trinkets. Then, I thought to myself that this trinkets or trinket is obiviously from another world found in the Kingdom of Atlas. It also hit me that it has showed me the way in some way on what to do and how it's going to help me to stop this upcoming evil rising, and maybe this could also help fight against the Nightmare Grimm and Nightmare through the weapon's guidence.

So, I slowly took a deep breathe as I look at Nicholas.

Me: Yes..... I'll let it be my guide as it has showed me what I must do.

I said.

Nicholas nods.

Nicholas: That's all I wanted to hear..... next user of the Beta Spark. Use this weapon well. Let it guide you. And protect it with your life.... as after all, as you heard before, this Relic is the most crucial and important relic of Atlas, originated from a different world.

Me: And that, I shall....

Little Weiss: Protect it, mister. When you protect it, that means you're protecting Atlas, too.

Little Weiss said smiling.

I chuckled, understanding what she meant.

Me: Understood, little snowflake. The Beta Spark, is Atlas. That's what I'm gonna remind myself on.

I said.

Little Weiss giggled.

Nicholas: And my friend.

Me: Hmm?

Nicholas: If Negative Weiss asks how you got to wield this Relic. Tell her, that I sent you there.... to save her.... and your friends, too.

Me: nods Got it, sir Nicholas.

Nicholas: And!

Me: Hmm?

Nicholas: Promise me, my friend. Promise me, that you save my little girl.

Nicholas requested.

I nod at this.

Me: For the sake of the Beta Spark and Atlas, I shall and will. And for your sake, my friends' sake and mine....

I said, holding onto the trinkets as I raise them to my chest level.

Me: .... I do....

I finished.

Nicholas and Little Weiss nods at what I said and finished.

Then, Nicholas grabbed my wrists as he raised my hand holding the capsule and lowered my other hand holding the lense.

Nicholas: Then go forth, my friend! To my granddaughter's dreamscape.... to save her and your friends.

He said, swiftly moving my hands together as the trinkets combine together to become a sword.

3rd Person's POV:

Suddenly, the scenery of the mansion changed as everything around Shadow began to turn sparkly rainbow, with multi-coloured sparkles to continuously and repetitively rain downwards to an empty voice with Nicholas and little Weiss disappearing before his very eyes.

Once everything is going downwards and set, Shadow began to look at his entire body as he sees that there is some kind of armour digitizing onto his head, chest, shoulders, arms and legs. Once the transformation is complete, a vision guided Shadow to use the sword to exit this loop plain, for him to use the Beta Spark to carve through the endless rainbow void, making an 'x' sign below him for the multi-coloured sparkles to burst through, leading Shadow into Weiss's dreamscape where the battle is currently playing out.

A few minutes ago,

At Weiss's Dreamscape,

Somewhere inside the Building deep inside of Weiss's Dreamscape, Ruby Rose can be seen fighting off the Nightmare that is currently holding Weiss's Conscious and Life hostage as Ruby is on the verge of killing off the Grimm after cleaving several vines in front of her, revealing Weiss's levitating dress that represents Weiss's Conscious. 

As she proceed to slicing off more of the vines, Ruby had a hunch on something as she swiftly turned back to shoot at her own shadow, revealing the Nightmare to be hiding at plain sight as it emerged from Ruby's shadow, for her to shoot at it once more, eradicating the Grimm, only for the vines behind her to be still wrapped up around Weiss's conscious while several vines began to lash out, grabbing Ruby, disarming her from her weapon and hoisting her up in mid-air while revealing its true size to the struggling Huntress.

Ruby confinued to struggle as more of the Nightmare's vines began to coil all over her body, limb from limb as it was about to consume her whole. Because of that fear to be consumed by the Nightmare, Ruby suddenly closed her eyes tightly, tearing slightly before opening again to reveal a bright silvery light that engulfed the room, ridding the room of all the vines, for the Grimm to shriek in pain while releasing the Huntress from its grip. Seeing this as an opportunity, Ruby grabbed her weapon as she aimed at the Grimm, shooting at it, only for it to flee yet again as it moved around the room.

The battle rages on as Ruby kept shooting at where the Nightmare was fleeing around the room for her to think ahead as she aimed ahead and in front of the Grimm, blasting a shot there to block the Grimm's path, only for the grimm to turn to Ruby's direction as it jumped towards her.

Just as Ruby is about to aim and shoot at the Nightmare at its center aka, its eye, a blinding rainbow of light engulfed the entire room from the ceiling for the Grimm and Ruby to stop what their doing as they looked up to see the ceiling is entirely engulfed by the rainbow of light, to Ruby's confusion.

Ruby: A rainbow of light?

Ruby said to herself with confusion.

While both of them are seen looking at the rainbow of light, Ruby noticed two energy slashes swiftly descending, emerging from the light causing her to gasp while using her semblance to get out of the way, only for the two slashes to cleave the Grimm in pieces, causing the Grimm to shriek in pain. During those slashes, Ruby watched in shock as those slashes were seen cleaving the Grimm in pieces, leaving its head behind while she heard some flapping noises for her to look up to see a person donning in somekind of armour slowly descending in front of the Grimm.

(A/N: This Armour. It's mainly the Armour only and the Sword itself. Ensure the armour has Trigger and Ribut's features on it to give it the New Generation gimmicks considering the Sword's two trinkets have some changes stated in words at the image about the two trinkets above.)

Once the person has landed onto the ground, the person watched as the Grimm slowly regenerated its vine-like body and its vines while slowly turning back to see Weiss's conscious for a brief moment exposed thanks to Ruby's weapon that sliced an opening through the vines that are covering up her conscious. After awhile, the person slowly looked back at the Grimm while the Grimm can be seen lunging its vines at the person.

Ruby: Look ou-

Just before Ruby can finish, the armoured person can be seen swinging its sword in an 'X' Formation, then lunging slowly its sword backwards as the sword's blade began to charge up as it glowed bright blue.

???: New Gen. Beta Spark Blaster!

The person yelled.

Then, it lunged its sword at the Grimm for a beam to emerge from the sword's blade, piercing the Grimm directly to its redness, causing it to shirek once again before it slowly withered away. While watching the Grimm wither, the person charged up the sword's blade once again for the person to swiftly spin in a circle while conjuring an energy slash, for the slash to completely annihilate the vines, freeing Weiss's consciousness at last.

(A/N: The scene is something like this but show the vines disappearing after they were sliced.)

After freeing her consciousness in a form of a dress, the person slowly turns back to see that the Grimm has completely withered away, to the person's relief, for the person to proceed towards Ruby, for the Huntress to notice the person coming. While the person is making his or her way towards Ruby, Ruby looked in awe as to see the glowing person donning in armour is seen walking towards her, mostly she is in awe because of the person's armour and the person's weapon, of course.

Seeing the person in front of her, Ruby expressed her gratitude for saving her and Weiss from the Nightmare Grimm.

Ruby: ummmmm.... t-t-thank you... for saving Weiss and me... if you didn't turn up.... w-we, wouldn't have accomplished this....

Ruby said.

The person nodded as he removed its helmet equipped with a sword on it, revealing his face, to Ruby's shock to see that the person was none other than Shadow Wrath as he is seen smiling back at her.

Shadow: Hey, Rubes. And no problem.

Shadow greeted and said.

Ruby, still looking in shock, is now seeing her lover before her very eyes which in her mind, is telling her that this is impossible unless something happened.

Ruby: But how?! Shion said tha-

Shadow: Come on. We have another Nightmare to take care of.

Shadow interrupted as he grabbed her wrist after putting his helmet back on while making their way out of the castle where another battle is playing out.

Ruby: Or unless you are a dream.... one of Weiss's dream, of course.... as I love the armour you're wearing and that sword...

Ruby said with her eyes sparkling in enthusiasm.

Shadow chuckled while walking.

Shadow: I can assure you, I'm real.

Ruby: gasps Then how did you get here??

Shadow: It's a long story but,... when we get to Weiss, I'll tell you and everyone.

Shadow said.

Then, just as Shadow and Ruby are about to leave, everything went black to their confusion. That was until they notice their Weiss standing where their battle against Weiss's Nightmare took place, for them to slowly and cautiously make their way to her.

As they did, Weiss began to speak.

Weiss: I really did want one. That wasn't a lie.

She said as through her vision, she sees Team RWBY's dorm and their bunk beds made by her Team.

As she looked on, she heard someone stop in their tracks as she turns to see Ruby and Shadow as they began conversing with her.

Ruby: But you had siblings... 

Weiss: Even with five people in my family,... I felt totally lonely...

Weiss said as a family portrait of Weiss's family appeared behind her.

Ruby turns to Shadow, for him to nod at her, for Ruby to keep talking to Weiss, knowing that he is a current stranger inside the Dreamscape, sent by Weiss's grandfather.

Ruby: Weiss.... Will you trust that I'm on your side? Will you be my friend?

Ruby ask.

As the both of them watched on, they notice a smile appeared on Weiss's face, indicating to them that they have gotten their answer to Ruby's question as everything began to fade into the darkness. After awhile, the scenery changed back to the interior of the castle as Shadow and Ruby are seen standing back at the center of the room, looking at a dress that represents Weiss's consciousness.

Ruby: Weiss?

Ruby called out softly.

Then, the dress motioned its sleeves, causing a glyphs to appear beneath Ruby and Shadow's feet as they began descending downwards, disappearing from the room to somewhere else.

Ruby: Shadow?!

Shadow: Don't worry. I sense that Weiss is leading us back to her.

Ruby: Then that means... realizes something Oh! Oh no!

Shadow: Hmm?

Ruby: There is someone else with Nightmare Weiss. I forgot to mention that to you. He seems to be helping Nightmare Weiss. I'm not sure if my team and your team are holding up okay while I was in there before....

Shadow: Welp, that's where Weiss is taking us now. We're saving our friends.

Shadow said as they are still being transported to where Weiss is.


Back at the Battlefield outside the Castle,

The remaining members of Team RWBY and STRM, Dreamus and Nightmaric are seen fending off against the Nightmare Anomaly's army of White Fang Grimm and Inveses while the Nightmare Anomaly is seen fighting against Nightmare. Barry and Jaune are also seen with Dream Pyrrha and several little Weisses as they are seen still surrounded by Nightmare Grimm vines as they got even more closer.

As the fight rages on in Weiss's Dreamscape, Rachel and Yang are seen standing back to back as they fought against the White Fang Grimm and the inveses with Mitchell trying to hold the line against more of them from getting closer to the building that they are on.

Rachel: Well, this escalated really quickly!!!

Yang: Yup! Not sure how long we can keep this up!

Mitchell: We just need to hold out for much longer until Nightmare Weiss wakes up!

Dreamus: Nightmaric! Behind you!

Nightmaric: blasts a White Fang Grimm away Done with thanks, Dreamus! But still, we can't let them touch Weiss, now that the Nightmare Grimm is off her!!

Dreamus: Agreed!

Dreamus said as she and Nightmaric are seen standing around the unconscious Weiss, protecting her from the Nightmare threat that are still pouring in towards them and the three teammates.

Meanwhile, Nightmare and the Nightmare Anomaly are seen clashing blades with each of them becoming stronger as each second passes.

Nightmare: I must say.... you are a fine and strongest Nightmare Version of two people merged to one. Why fight against each other when you know we can work together?! Join me, and we can rid of these Huntsmen and Huntresses, once and for all!!!

Nightmare Anomaly: I'm counting on it!!

It exclaimed.

While the two are fighting, a glyphs appeared beside Weiss, for Weiss to look at her left after she woke up a few seconds later to see Ruby emerging from it, for Yang to notice this as she happily called out to her sister.

Yang: Ruby!

Rachel: Great job, Ruby!

She called out.

Ruby looks at Yang's direction.

Ruby: Yang! Rachel! Mitchell! Dreamus! Nightmaric! notices Weiss Oh?

Ruby called out to her friends and her sister while noticing Weiss in her Nightmare uniform as she knelt down in front of her to talk to her for a brief moment.

Ruby: Weiss? It's you, isn't it?

Ruby asks Weiss with relief in her voice.

Then out of nowhere, Ruby lunges in to hug Weiss, for Weiss to look at her with confusion.

Ruby: hugs Weiss I'm so glad, Weiss! You're the real thing!

Weiss: What are you doing? looks at my weapon and her outfit And what in the world am I wearing?

While Ruby is embracing Weiss and Weiss is still confused at what is going on, Yang and Dreamus called out to stay alert.

Yang: Both of you, heads up!

Dreamus: Blake and Tenka are still possessed by the Grimm and are now fighting against Nightmare!

Both Yang and Dreamus stated.

So, Ruby released Weiss from her hug as she don her defensive pose.

Ruby: Blake and Tenka?!

Weiss: They're what?!

Weiss and Ruby looked in shock as to see that the Nightmare Anomaly is a combined Nightmare version of Blake and Tenka as Yang, Ruby and their allies don their defensive stances at the two still fighting after the horde of Inveses and White Fang Grimm were dealt with.

While donning their defensives stances, waiting for an opening to strike, Ruby remembered that Shadow was with her as she gasped.

Ruby: Wait!

Dreamus: Eh?

Nightmaric: What?

Ruby: Where's Shadow?!

Ruby said, confusing everyone.

Yang: Wait, isn't Shadow suppose to be keeping an eye out on the procedure?

Mitchell: Yeah. Why the question, Ruby?

Ruby: Because, he-

Just before Ruby can finish, numerous of Energy slashes are seen descending down towards the battle as it broke up the two nightmares from fighting while some cleaved several vines into numerous of pieces, keeping them away from Barry, Jaune, dream Pyrrha and several little dream Weisses, to everyone's surprise and confusion.

After seeing those slashes descending down for a brief moment, Ruby knew one thing that is going on that answers her question why she asked where is Shadow. He's here.

Ruby: He's here.

She said.

Then, a bright ball of light slwoly descended down in between the group and the Nightmares as it slowly dissipated, revealing itself to be Shadow donning the Beta Spark with wings as he is seen slowly descending down towards everyone, to everyone's shock.

Once down on the ground, Shadow landed on the rooftop of the same building everyone's at as he looked at the anomaly and Nightmare.

Mitchell: .... whoa....

Mitchell exclaimed silently.

Nightmare stepped forward while aiming with one arm his weapon, pointing his weapon at Shadow as he spoke.

Nightmare: Who are you?! You're not from here!!!

Shadow: No. raising my hand up to show the Beta Spark Sword I'm actually outside the Dreamscape. The real world, if you will. 

Shadow stated.

Everyone looked in shock as to see Shadow is now here physically in Weiss's Dreamscape which surprises them as no mere human is able to travel here, all except Nightmare Hunters or those invited by them could only enter the Dreamscape.

Dreamus: H-Ho-H-how?

Nightmaric: Yeah... how???

Weiss: And wait!

Shadow: looks back to look at Weiss

Weiss: That's Atlas's Important and Holy Relic that was kept away by Nicholas for centuries. Only a Schnee is able to release it. How and when did you get it out without leaving Vale?!

Weiss ask.

Shadow looks back at Nightmare as he resumed.

Shadow: Since I'm here, I might as well say it in front of Nightmare, too. inhales and exhales Well, to answer everyone's questions, long story short and many answers summarized into one answer.... Weiss,... Sir Nicholas aka, your Grandfather... sent me and gave me this Relic to save you, your consciousness, and your Dreamscape....

Shadow said.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: X's Battle.)

Upon hearing this, this caused everyone's eyes to widen in shock except for the anomaly as to hear the revelation that a certain part of Weiss's dream sent him to save Weiss. This revelation however, angered Nightmare as he roared while dashing towards Shadow while shooting his weapon at him, only for Shadow to deflect every projectile at ease.

Once close, Nightmare attempted to use his weapon to melee him, to knock Shadow out, only for Shadow to conjure a 'Beta Spark Strong Net' to engulf Nightmare in a sphere-like net, giving Shadow the opportunity to kick the sphere net away by using his armoured feet, sending Nightmare flying in a distance, away from the battle field.

Seeing that the threat has been taken care of, Shadow went in front of everyone as he donned his defensive stance, protecting everyone from the anomaly.

Nightmare Anomaly: You're using your friend and the Beta Spark's chosen one as your shields? Fine, then. I'll deal with them, too.... with the Chosen to be dealt with first... Daughter of the Schnee Family!

The Nightmare Anomaly said as it began to equipped itself with Blake's Nightmare weapon and Tenka's Nightmare version of Hinawadaidai-DJ-JU.

Weiss: I see. Blake and Tenka has been possessed by a Nightmare. Which means this is a Dream World. But then... does that mean... I didn't even notice there was something wrong with Blake!

Ruby: Umm... that wasn't how it started.... Hey, sis, why Blake, though?

Dreamus: Guys! We can talk later! At the mean time, we have to deal with the Grimmand whatever those things this Anomaly summoned!

Yang: Yeah! The professor will bring Blake back to normal.

Yang and Dreamus said.

Outside the Dreamscape,

Shion is seen trying to wake everyone up, but to no avail, for Shion to figure out that the Nightmare has dug deeper into Tenka and Blake.

Shion: The Nightmare has dug deeper into their hearts than I expected... furthermore... the Nightmare that took over Weiss hasn't emerged even though the marks on her are gone...

Shion said as she began to look at her hourglass.

Shion: ... Don't give out on me, Aura...

She said to herself with worry.

Back in Weiss's Dreamscape,

Everyone are seen fighting off the White Fang Grimmand Inves with Barry to join in the battle whilst donning his Super Gatakiriba Combo as he began cloning himself while teleporting about, assisting his allies in taking down the Grimm and Inveses and for Shadow to take down the strongest Grimm and Inveses by just a mere swing of his blade.

While fighting, Shadow noticed a White Fang Grimm Inves mutant sneaking up behind the original Barry in his Super Combo, for him to jump above them, landing in front of barry as he shoved him out of the way, blasting a projectile from the Sword's blade through the mutant, causing the mutant to wither and explode.

Barry: Huh! Thanks, Shadow.

Shadow: No problem, Barry.

Barry: By Oum, man. This sword aka, the Important Atlas Relic as Weiss said looks to be very powerful.

Shadow: I had no idea that it was even that strong. But still, we'll talk later. We need to save Tenka, Blake and take down that Nightmare Grimm and its followers of Grimm and Inveses.

Barry: Back atcha.

They both said as they resumed their fight.

Meanwhile, Yang can be seen fighting against the Nightmare Anomaly as each of them delievered each other powerful blows of punches and slashes, causing both of them to slide backwards while on their feet. After awhile, they delivered the same blows of punches and slashes again, for the anomaly to do a double slash, and for Yang to do a backflip and spinning backflip to dodge those slashes. After dodging its double slash, Yang composed herself while smirking as she was pumped about the fight while being serious in freeing Blake.

Yang: Come on, one little punch won't kill you. I'm only trying to wake you up!!

Yang said and exclaimed, lunging in for several more punches at the anomaly.

While Yang delivered her punches, the anomaly began to deliver several punches to her enemy, only for its arms to be grabbed and held tightly by Barry's Super Gatakiriba's clones preventing the anomaly from attacking Yang, giving Yang the opportunity to to deliver and inflict several powerful punches onto the anomaly until that last punch managed to wake Blake up by merely a punch that shattered the left side of its mask.

As soon as the left side of the mask has been shattered, revealing Blake's left eye, Blake called out to Yang with her innocent voice.

Blake: Y-Yang....?

Yang: Blake! stop inflicting punches upon hearing Blake's voice Come on! Wake up!

Yang said, reaching out to Blake within the anomaly.

Mitchell: Come on, Blake! Tenka! Fight it!!! Wake up! We need you back.

Rachel: Yeah!

Rachel and Mitchell said with concern.

Then, with determination, the clones released the anomaly upon seeing it struggling to hold out a coin in front of its in its bare hands, to indicate that Blake and Tenka are fighting the anomaly from within. Once the coin is in place in front of it while being held in the anomaly's hands, inside the anomaly, Blake could see an opening behind Adam, for Tenka to nod at her, telling her it is her queue, for Blake to run through the Adam nightmare as she jumped to the opening. Outside, Blake can be seen emerging from the anomaly as she can be seen reaching out for Yang.

Blake: YANG!!!

Blake called out!

Yang saw this as she helped Blake out of the anomaly, in which she succeeded into freeing Blake from the Nightmare grimm's clutches, to everyone's relief.

Ruby: Blake!

Weiss: You're back to normal.

Mitchell: Yes!

Rachel: WOOHOO!!!!! Blake did it!!!

Shadow: Let's not celebrate yet. 

Nightmaric: Shadow's right! Tenka is left inside the anomaly.

Nightmaric mentioned.

Then, as if right on queue,-


(A/N: Pine Iron.)

A large Pineapple-like wrecking ball can be seen emerging from within the anomaly as it can be seen crashing an piercing through on of the buildings, hooking itself in place, to everyone's surprise. Then, the rope began to tug tightly as Tenka can be seen using the rope-like cable, struggling to pull himself out of the anomaly as he slowly emerge out.

The anomaly can be seen trying to use its weapons to resist Tenka from emerging, only for Shadow to use his Beta Spark Sword to cleave its arms off while pulling the rope to help pull Tenka out of there. After a brief moment of pulling, Tenka is finally out for Shadow to grab him in his armoured arms, to everyone's relief that everyone is no longer under the influence of the Nightmare.

Mitchell: YUSH!!!!!

Barry: YES! WE GOT HIM!!!

Blake: Tenka!

Blake called out while Mitchell and Barry can be seen exclaiming with relief.

Tenka composed himself for a moment while looking at his team leader to see that he is different in terms of what he's wearing.

Tenka: D-Doctor...??? Is that really... y-you?

Shadow: Yes, it's me.

Tenka: H-How did you get here?

Shadow: A long story, old friend. Can you stand?

Shadow asks.

He then releases Tenka, for Tenka to try to keep himself steady whilst standing up, which he manages to.

Tenka: Yeah... Yeah, i can stand, Doc.

Shadow: Can you fight?

Tenka: Welp, we all know the answer to that.

Tenka said, wielding his Tri-Sector Sparrows in each hand.

Shadow: Well, that's good. Now, all we need to do now is to beat that Nightmare Grimm and the procedure can end in no time.

Tenka: Well said, Doctor.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Nightmare: I believe this procedure is far from over.

Nightmare said.

Everyone looked at the direction of where the voice came from, to see that Nightmare is seen flying back towards the group with the Nightmare Seed in his hand.

Nightmare: My name isn't Nightmare for nothing.... As a matter of fact, allow me to show you all a demonstration!

Nightmare said as he looked at the anomaly.

Nightmare: Anomaly! You resisted me only because these fools intervened with your thoughts and your ways! Allow me to help you by you and this Nightmare in its seed form assimulating me to become something far more greater, to take them all down for good! STARTING WITH THE INTRUDER WIELDING THE BETA SPARK!!!!

The Nightmare stated.

The anomaly complied as it turned itself back into its Nightmare Grimm form as it engulfed Nightmare into its vines while Nightmare drops the seed to release the other Nightmare Grimm to do the same, as well, to make himself even more powerful.

Everyone watched in horror as to see that more vines are growing around Nightmare to reveal his superior form. 

Rachel: I-I'm not liking this one bit....

Tenka: Don't worry. We'll persevere through this fight.

Tenka encouraged.

After a while, Nightmare revealed himself as he showed his face and upper body having vine-like marks while his arms are covered in Nightmare Grimm vines and their very heads, with his legs being covered by vines to imitate tentacles with spikes all over them. After assimulating to his superior form, Nightmare laughed maniacally to the result for a moment, then stops to look at the Huntsmen and huntresses.

Nightmare: Behold! My superior form combined with the Nightmare Grimm!!!! Now, to rid of you, FIRST!!!!

Nightmare stated as he aimed his Nightmare Grimm's heads for arms, launching projectiles based on his weapon's projectiles at Shadow first.

Shadow smirked as he saw this coming from a mile away as he charged up his sword and his wings, slicing each projectile into two while preventing any of them from hitting him or his friends and allies that were behind him. While Shadow is seen deflecting and slicing Nightmare's projectiles launched from the Nightmare Grimm's heads, Team RWBY and the members of Team STRM began to discuss a strategy.

Blake: If the Nightmare Grimm are still here, that means they still hold on to both me and Tenka.

Dreamus: Let's not forget Weiss, as well. I sense that Nightmare still holding onto her, too.

Nightmaric: That makes two of us, Dreamus...

Ruby: I know how to defeat them. looks at Weiss Weiss taught me how.

Weiss: Huh?

Tenka: Alright then. Tell us what to do, Ruby!

Yang: And we'll follow your lead, Leader!

Blake: Let's do this. looks at Tenka All together. 

Tenka: blushes then nods in determination

Rachel: Let's end this!

Mitchell: Once and for all through Ruby's guidence!

They said.

Suddenly, a bright light can be seen shining bright in front of them, for the group to see Shadow flying mid-air thanks to a pair of gold blue wings he conjured behind his armour. Then, he raised his sword up high as his wings and his sword began giving the Humtsmen, Huntresses and the Nightmare Hunters a enormous boost of light, aura and semblance, to their surprise.

While everyone is receiving the Light, Weiss began to hear a voice in her head.

??? (In Weiss's Head): Weiss, my little friend.

Weiss: gasps then looks up to Shadow It- It can't be.... G-Grandfather.... Nicholas....?

Nicholas (In Weiss's Head): Use the Relic's power, passed down to him. Work together with them to smite the Grimm.

Weiss: I... I...

Nicholas (In Weiss's Head): Weiss. No matter where I am, no matter what you do, and no matter where the relic goes.... I will always be your friend... and will always be with you. You can do it, I know you can.

Upon hearing this in her head, Weiss then sees Shadow's head slightly turning to see her as he nods at her, indicating Nicholas's presence for a moment, causing Weiss to shed a tear as she smiled.

Weiss: I will... Grandfather...

Weiss said.

After awhile, everyone began to notice that their outfits are beginning to change, to their their confusion while Shadow can be seen descending back down while his wings close back into the armour.

Upon seeing the Light transfer process is complete, Team RWBY and the members of Team STRM looked at themselves as to see that they are back wearing their usual outfits outside the Dreamscape, only this time, they are donning the same armour as Shadow is wielding with their weapons being transformed based on the Beta Spark Sword of each of their weapons' designs, and the Nightmare Hunters to do the same as they see that they are now donning the same armour with their scepters to be based on the same design of the Beta Spark Sword.

Barry however, had his armour differently as he sees that his seven combo medals began to clone itself while merging themselves together to form a new combo based on the medals that were just cloned as they set themselves into the Driver, for the scanner to scan the medals by itself, to allow Barry to be introduced to a new and powerful combo made of the Beta Spark's light and his combos he has been using.


(A/N: Kamen Rider OOO - Divine Truth Combo. Fuse these two images above. Description of this Combo is stated in Barry White's OC Page. Link of OC will be in comment section. Pls refer.)

After everyone is set and ready, Nightmare looked in shock and fear to see that everyone is donning the same armour as Shadow.

Nightmare: What?!?! You all... except that Nightmare Hunter are bearing the same armour as the Beta Spark's chosen?!?! IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Shadow: Nothing's impossible, when your heart is pure. Barry is considered an exception as his Medals have receieved the Light, transforming the armour into a Special Combo used to destroy you.

Shadow stated.

Barry: Whoa! Welcome to the big time of a powerful combo made of all combos!

Shadow: You like, Barry?

Barry: Me likey~!

Nightmare growled with hate at Shadow's words. Then, Shadow looked at his lover.

Shadow: Rubes, how do we defeat the Nightmare Grimm and Nightmare?

Ruby: Well, follow my lead.

Shadow chuckled at what his lover said as he usher his hand at Nightmare.

Shadow: Well, like how things go when it comes to the ladies, my dear; Ladies First.


(A/N: Music starts here. Song Name: Wake Up Decker.)

So, Ruby walked pass Shadow while smiling as she advanced a second later, for everyone to follow suit from behind.

Nightmare used his new appendages as he swiped Ruby off her feet, only for her to limbo while blasting herself past it and away from the Nightmare Grimm-infused Nightmare while slicing Nightmare at his side by using the scythe side of her weapon. Upon being struck, Nightmare roared with pain and anger as he looks back to target Ruby once again, only to be intervened by Shadow as he delivered a flurry of slashes at his body, for him to wince in pain from them. Nightmare tried punching him by using his right Grimm Nightmare head, only for Shadow charged up an energy slash to cleave it in half while charging pass it, for the Nightmare Grimm on the right to shriek in pain and for Nightmare to wince once more.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Weiss summoned a multitude of glyphs due to the Light's influence as she launched a multi-elemental blast at Nightmare, for him to deflect them while receiving hits from numerous elemental projectiles. Distracted, Tenka and Blake can be seen in the air as they swiftly descend down towards the Grimm as they cleaved the Nightmare Grimm heads off Nightmare's vine-like arms, for Nightmare to shriek from this. Blake and Tenka were about to cleave the vines off Nightmare, only for the latter to block their attacks by using his vines and then using the other vines to inflict arm on them, causing them to stagger backwards.

Then, Rachel came in with two Beta Spark Spears as she began twirling them in circles while fighting Nightmare head-on, giving Mitchell an opening in the air as he transformed his Beta Spark Gauntlets into Beta Spark Crossbow Gauntlets as he launched a flurry of projectiles at Nightmare from above. Nightmare took every hit and feels annoyed by this, for him to conjure a pulse that repelled Rachel, Mitchell, Tenka and Blake away. Thinking that he has the opportunity to get his hands on the Beta Spark while regenerating his wounds, he was interrupted by shotgun rounds and other projectiles, courtesy of Yang, Nightmaric and Dreamus, launching their own attacks and projectiles at Nightmare with yang to launch her shotgun rounds from her Beta Spark Ember Celicas, Dreamus and Nightmaric to conjure many multitudes of dream and nightmare magic as they launched them at will, for Nightmare to do the same as he launched thorn-like spikes at them.

While launching many spikes and projectiles at each other, Barry went in for it while utilizing his Left Tora Claws, Right Kamakiri Sword, Left Zou Feet and Right Unagi Legs for its electricity as he clawed, slashed and kicked his own way towards Nightmare. Once in close proximity, he deactivated his core medal powers as he began to fight close combat with Nightmare, for Nightmare to do the same. Both of them were evenly matched as they didn't show any signs of back down while delivering punch after punch and kick after kick to each other.

Nightmare: You're strong, whoever you are! I sense you and I are the same! 

Barry: We're not the same! Even if what you say is true, then so be it! But I'm different from you as I have something you don't!

Nightmare: And what would that be which makes us different?

Barry: Friends who cared! And the will to fight! Restore order in Dreams, and fighting for people's righteous desires to overthrow their evil desires! 

Barry said.

Nightmare growled as he regenerated his arms, lunged in for a double Nightmare Grimm Knuckle punch, only for Barry to block them by using Kame Shields to block them at ease. During that block, Barry smirked as he called out.


Nightmare: WHAT?!?!

Suddenly, sniper rounds can be heard as Ruby can be seen flying towards Nightmare with incredible speed. As she reached him, Ruby delivered a flurry of slashes and a barrage of shots, causing Nightmare to be sent flying and falling back down to the ground hard.

After that onslaught of attacks, Ruby lands beside Shadow, for them to have a brief moment to smile at each other while Nightmare is seen slowly standing up, clearing his daze from that attack.

Nightmare: I literally have had enough of all of you....

Nightmare said.

Everyone gathered beside Shadow and Ruby while noticing Blake's consciousness inside Nightmare's superior form linguring there, for him to sink down on and into the ground, disappearing like a shadow as he went somewhere within the Dreamscape.

Meanwhile, Jaune is seen donning his own version of the Beta Spark Armour and Saber as he is seen slashing the remaining vines from getting close to Dream Pyrrha and Little Dream Weisses, protecting them. While slashing away, unbeknownst to Dream Pyrrha, a shadow appeared behind her in the attempts to take her away, only for the shadow to be pierced by the Beta Spark Saber, for Nightmare to scream in pain.

Jaune: Not this time, Nightmare!

Jaune exclaimed.

Nightmare: You.... You imbecile!!

Nightmare hissed as he and Jaune occupied themselves in a brief weapon to weapon fight, only for Jaune to be the victor after a few slashes were inflicted on Nightmare's chest and arms.

Jaune: I'll have to thank the Doctor after he told me something about my experience to be my asset or something.

Nightmare: growls then disappears from sight

Jaune: Well... he's gone. But I'm still going to protect you guys!

Jaune said as he kept his guard up against the advancing vines getting closer.

Back at the rooftop, the group can be seen looking at their own shadows after turning around to wait for any movement. 

After a few minutes, there was movement in everyone's shadows for Ruby to start firing, with everyone to follow her lead, flushing Nightmare and the Nightmare Grimm out from hiding while getting shot and blasted by everyone's weapons' attacks. Seeing this as an opportunity,-

Shadow: Blake, Tenka, Weiss! With me! We got a Nightmare to subdue while everyone is firing at it!

Shadow said, for the three to nod as Shadow charged in first, followed by the rest that were named.

Nightmare saw the four coming as he launched several severed vines while firing projectiles from the Nightmare Grimm's heads, for Shadow to use his shield to block and deflect them. As Shadow got close, Nightmare raised his arms to smash Shadow to the ground, but Shadow sacrificed his shield for it to be removed from its arm while spinning in circles, cleaving one arm off Nightmare, while Tenka used hia Beta Spark Tri-Sector Sparrows to spin cleave the other, and for Weiss, and Blake to do the same to cleave many vines off Nightmare, disarming Nightmare from its superior form and from holding onto Blake and Weiss's consciousness, to Nightmare's dismay.


After taking two of the Nightmare Grimm down, they reverted back into their miniture forms as they began to fly up in the air, while disappearing into nothing

Nightmare: NOOO!!!!!!! growls and looks at the group I'll make you all pay and I curse you all for what you have done! You have delayed the inevitable!!!!

Nightmare yelled.

Nightmaric: No. This is payback for what you have done to me. And this!!! Is for harming Weiss even further!

Ruby: Yeah!

Tenka: YEAH!

Shadow: And this,... is for everything.... EVERYONE!!!!! PRESENT ARMS!!!!

Shadow said as he transformed his Sword into a bow-like weapon as he charged it up, for everyone to charge up their weapons by their own methods, with Barry to scan the Medals again to acquire his finisher.


Upon seeing them charging their weapons, Nightmare did the same as he charged up his own weapon.

With everyone's weapons fully charged and ready, Nightmare launched his attack by firing a beam first, for Barry to do a powerful jump kick at the beam, slowly cleaving it in half while disarming Nightmare after swiftly kicking pass him. After that kick, everyone began firing their own attacks from their weapons as their combined attack struck Nightmare, rendering his aura, causing him to retreat with frustration, knowing that his fight is lost.

While firing, everyone began to see that there was a huge explosion from where Nightmare stood, indicating that he has been defeated (A/N: But what they didn't know was that he retreated.), for everyone to stop firing while lowering their weapons, for a moment of silence to take over.

After awhile,

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Rachel: ... did we win?

Nightmaric: I sensed that Nightmare has gotten away. So, in away... it's our victory, for now.

Mitchell: WE MOTHERF-

Tenka: Language please, Mitch! But still, yes. We won.

Yang: Alright!

Barry: YEAH!!!!

Shadow: nods then looks at Ruby and Weiss, nodding at them

Ruby: smiles

Weiss: smiles and nods at Shadow, knowing that my Grandfather was guiding him from within the Relic Thank you....

Tenka: Hmm? Weiss?

Shadow: Tenka. I know what she meant. So, looks at Weiss He has... somethings to say to you so, i'll be saying it on his behalf.

Weiss: Me?

Then, Shadow placed his hand on Weiss's shoulder.

Shadow: He wants you to know that he'll always be watching you. No matter how far away he is. And he also say this.... "Look at how much you have grown up.... my little friend."

Shadow said.

Weiss: .... I.... I....

Shadow: He knows. He misses you, too.

Shadow responded then, gives Weiss a hug. 

Suddenly, Shadow felt Weiss hugging him, too. After awhile, both of them broke the hug while Shadow lowered his head.

Shadow: He's gone... knowing that he his assistance is accomplished.

Shadow said.

Weiss notice herself tearing for her to wipe her eyes with her sleeves.

Weiss: Sorry.

Shadow: It's okay. It's okay to cry, Weiss. We do that sometimes when we must.

Tenka: .... he's right. When times are tough, that will also be the time for us to cry, as well. So, there's no shame to it.

Tenka said, supporting Shadow's point.

This made Weiss hug Tenka, for him to hug back, patting her back while sensing tears rolling down his armour.

Tenka: I know, Weiss.... I know....

Tenka said, understanding Weiss's pain, for everyone to crowd in for a hug for a brief moment.

Outside the Dreamscape,

Shion is seen sealing the two Nightmares away into her Jar, to her relief.

Shion: sighs Luckily, they made it in time.

Shion said, looking at the hourglass to see that the top just went empty.

Upon hearing the news, Nora and Ren are seen high-fiving, with Ozpin, Glynda and Shion exchanging smiles, and for Pyrrha to smile at the unconscious Jaune, knowing that he has done well.

Pyrrha: You did well, Jaune.

Pyrrha said.

Back inside Weiss's Dreamscape,

Dreamus, Nightmaric and Barry are seen restoring Weiss's Dreamscape into what it was before the Nightmare Grimm attack while the vines can be seen slowly dissipating away.

While the Dreamscape is being restored, Jaune and the Dreams are seen witnessing the entire restoration before their very eyes. As they were watching this, the remaining group can be seen walking towards Jaune with smiles on their faces.

Weiss: Jaune? 

Jaune: looks to see the group and Weiss calling out to him

Weiss: What are you doing?

Jaune: Weiss?! You all beat the Grimm?

Ruby: Yeah. nods

Mitchell: And I see you're donning Shadow's Beta Spark Armour, as well, along with your new Sword which I could assume it is the Beta Spark Saber?

Jaune: Whoa! So that's what that Light was?! looks at Shadow Man, thanks for the boost.

Shadow: No problem. I heard and felt your feelings. You've handled yourself well down here, protecting your little dream friends.

Jaune: scratching my head Aww come on... you're making me blush.... but still, it was nothing... lowers my hand without you, I wouldn't be surviving till the end. So again, thanks.

Shadow: No problem.

Jaune: Seriously, Team RWBY and STRM really are awesome.

Shadow: heheh. Thanks.

Shadow acknowledged.

Weiss: Eh?

Weiss looked in confusion as she noticed several of her little-selves and a dream version of Pyrrha.

Ruby: Thanks for fighting alongside us.

Shadow: Yes. You few have our thanks. If it weren't for you, things would've gotten worse. So, Weiss's thoughts are indebted to you.

Ruby and Shadow said.

Pyrrha smiled and the little Weisses giggled. Soon after, they disappeared in sparkles for light.

Jaune: Oh! Th-They disappeared!

Weiss: Was that Pyrrha? And who were those little kids?

Weiss wondered.

Yang: The residents of your own dream.

Blake: They called them Sillies.

Weiss: Huh?

Tenka: Weiss.... I think it's best that you let me and Shadow explain things here. I'll do part one, and Shadow will do part two of it.

Shadow: Yeeeah....

A few minutes of Shadow and Tenka explaining lateru,

After explaining throughout the whole restoration, Weiss suddenly went on her knees out of shock, knowing that everything has been revealed inside her thoughts while everyone is fighting for their lives.

Weiss: shocked Y-Yo-Y-You're kidding....??? I can't believe I was possessed by a Grimm...! Please tell me it isn't true...

Ruby: Don't be sad, Weiss.

Rachel: Guess Ms. Uptight here had a sensitive side after all.

Yang: Yeah.

Blake: Come on, Yang...

Mitchell: Yeah, come on, Rachel...

Tenka: Yeah, come on!

Then, everyone looked at Weiss as they began to hear Weiss whimpering out of embarrassment.

Weiss: I've never been this embarrassed!

Suddenly, she turned to face the group.

Weiss: Please! I beg you, DON'T tell anyone! Keep it a secret between us!

Weiss begged.

Soon, she turned her attention to Jaune.

Weiss: Jaune, too. If you tell your Team, I'll never forgive you!

Jaune: Umm... I think it's a bit too late for that...

Jaune said nervously.

Mitchell: Aw, come on, Weiss. Lighten up a bit.

Ruby: Yeah. Everything will work out now that you're awake, Weiss.

Yang: What she said.

Shadow: And fret now, Weiss. We'll support you, every step of the way, one hundred percent.

They said.

After cheering Weiss up for a bit, Yang then fished out the last coin.

Yang: Alright! Let's use our last coin to wake up!

Ruby: Wait! looks at Shadow Shadow... what about you? How are you going to get out of the Dreamscape?

Ruby ask worriedly.

Shadow smiles at her.

Shadow: Don't worry about me, my love. holds out Beta Spark Sword Like what Sir Nicholas taught me, the sword will guide me out.

Tenka: Then we'll meet you back in the room with the Nightmare Hunters?

Shadow: Yeah.

Mitchell: Then we'll see you back.

Shadow: nods

Yang: Alright! Let's get a move on~!

Yang said, tossing the last coin.

After tossing the last coin, everything began to shatter as everyone began to wake up after everything inside the Dreamscape has been restored. 


While watching my teammates, my lover's Team and Jaune disappearing, indicating that they are waking up, Dreamus, Nightmaric and Barry are seen flying mid-air in front of me.

Dreamus: Everything's restored.

Barry: And it seems everyone is waking up!

Nightmaric: Yep. No traces of Nightmare Vines in sight.

Me: I can see that. Great job, guys.

Dreamus: So what will you do?

Me: I know what to do, guys. Teleport your way to Shion and I'll catch up.

Dreamus: Very well. We'll meet you there.

I nod at Dreamus's reply.

So, Dreamus used her scepter (A/N: Staff) to open a portal to where Shion is as the three left me. After seeing them leave and I am the only one left, I began utilizing the sword as used every ounce of semblance and aura I had to summon a Beta Spark Glyphs beneath my feet as I slowly get lowered into it, transporting me back to where the procedure is being held.

Outside the Dreamscape,

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone on the purple threads slowly woke up as they slowly sat up. As soon as they sat up straight, before their eyes they see Pyrrha, Ren and Nora and Professors Ozpin, Glynda and Shion with smiles on their faces, glad that they are finally awake.

Weiss soon got up after seeing the sight of her friends and teacher smiling.

Nora: They are all awake! YAHOO!!!!!

Ren: It was a long battle, wasn't it?

Pyrrha: I'm so glad you are alright, Weiss.

Weiss: Uh... T-Thanks... I-It wasn't a big d-d-deal....

Weiss replied.

Then, a portal opened up behind the table as Dreamus, Nightmaric and Barry are seen emerging from the portal.

Barry: SURPRISE!!!!!!!

Dreamus: Bet you missed the three of us, eh, Professor Shion!


The Hunters said, greeting Shion.

Shion smiled as she went up to them.

Shion: Dreamus, Nightmaric, Barry. Well... that's quite a surprise. But what were you three doing here?

Dreamus: Nightmaric sensed Nightmare's presence closeby so, the three of us had to come in. But when Shadow mentioned the same thing, we kinda planned a surprise for you to show and tell you we are here to assist you.

Barry: What Dreamus said.

Shion: Well, considering there were a lot of results as of late.... you three have done well, as my disciples.

Nightmaric: Awww... thanks.

Dreamus: Yeah, Professor. Thank you.

Barry: Yeah.

Ozpin: Well, that aside. We must let Doctor Shadow know tha-

Tenka: Umm, Professor Ozpin? 

Ozpin: Hmm?

Tenka: Speaking of Doc. He's helped us a lot.

Glynda: Huh?

Suddenly, a small hole engulfed in a bright white light opened up at Weiss's neck as a ball of light emerged, to everyone's surprise.

This surprised Shion, as well as she grabbed her Dream Catcher again, only for her disciples to stop her.

Dreamus: WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!!

Nightmaric: WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!!

Barry: Professor Shion! WAIT!

Shion: Huh?

Ruby: Professor! That's Shadow!

Glynda: What?!

Glynda asked with shock.

As the ball flew around the room, it suddenly swiftly lands on the floor beside Ren and Nora, for both of them to step out of the way when a huge glyphs exploded open. There, Shadow can be seen emerging slowly from the glyphs, to the Professors' shock to make them realize that he was inside Weiss's Dreamscape after he left the room.

(A/N: This Glyphs. Ensure there's an 'X' Symbol turning with it at the center of the Glyphs.)

After Shadow fully emerged from the Glyphs, it them slowly disappeared from beneath his feet, allowing him to separate the Sword into two fusion components again, deactivating the armour as it disappeared before their very eyes. Seeing the the de-transformation is done, Shadow looks at the Professors as he smiled at them.

Shadow: Weiss, Tenka and Blake are good to go. They're Nightmare Grimm free... and the Procedure is a success.

He said.

Suddenly, he fell, for him to catch himself with both fists and a knee, just in a nick of time, for Barry to catch Shadow in time, as well.

Barry: Whoa! catches Shadow Easy, Doctor.... I can tell you've used up all of your aura and semblance by getting back here while using the Beta Spark.

Shadow: panting Y-Yeah.... I think I used too much... panting

Ozpin: Doctor.

Shadow: looks up

Ozpin: This Beta Spark Barry said.... where d-

Weiss: My grandfather gave it to him.

Weiss answered.

Ozpin looks at Weiss upon hearing her answer, then looks back to the Doctor.

Ozpin: Is that so?

Shadow: Yeah... he came to me. And he told me to let it guide me, which led me to saving everyone and bringing me back here.

Tenka: Which means he came to you and gave it to you,... from beyond the grave.

Glynda: ... interesting. I thought the Beta Spark is meant for the Schnee Family's usage, according to its history.

Shadow: Well... there was more to it, Prof. slowly gets up with Barry's help Sir Nicholas kept that information a secret from everybody so that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. He said that anyone with the purest of hearts can also wield the Beta Spark.

Weiss: He... said that?

Shadow: Yeah. He did.

Shadow said.

Rachel: Does that mean we can wear that armour again?

Shadow: Well.... I suppose you ca-

Rachel: GIMMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! jumps all over Shadow


Tenka: RACHEL!!!!

Mitchell: GET OFF HIM!!!!! That's not how you express your thanks to your Team Leader!!!


Mitchell: I- okay, you got a point, Rachel so... GIMME THAT SPARK!!!!!!!!!! jumps onto Shadow

Shadow: MITCHELL!!!!!!

Everyone laughed at the sight they are witnessing.

However, Weiss on the other hand was still feeling embarrassed after what she was told by Shadow and Tenka, for Barry to slip by to talk to her.

Barry: Don't worry, Weiss. I'm sure things will be alright.

Weiss: Y-Yeah....

Barry: Hm? tilting my head You alright?

Weiss: Y-Ye-Y-Yeah.... I hope.... so....

Weiss said nervously.

To be Continued at 'A New Day Begins'....

And that's all, folks! The after events after the sixteenth episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose based on the Episode that transpired in RWBY: Ice Queendom. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!


In the Team RWBY Dorm Room,

Team STRM, Ruby, Blake and Yang are seen looking at Weiss's lower bunk bed being covered completely by bedsheets and blankets due to Weiss not getting over the fact that everyone knew about her sensitive side inside her Dreamscape (her mind), for Weiss to be heard whining and crying over it out of embarrassment.

Weiss: I can't believe the Professors, Professor Shion's Disciples and Team JNPR know all about it, too! My life is over!

Weiss said, still crying.

Ruby: Nobody's going to laugh at you, Weiss.

Shadow: Yeah. We all have our sensitive sides. Just that, we don't want to show it that's all. That's what our minds are for. To keep it there. So, like what Rubes said. Relax. Everything's gonna be fine.

Yang: We'll keep quiet about what we saw in your dream.

Tenka: Mhm! Indeed ww shall.

Blake: You really don't need to be so worried about it.

Rachel: Yeah. It's water under the bridge.

They said.

Then, Weiss opened up the covers for curtains, revealing herself to have tears in her eyes as she began to complain about what Blake said.

Weiss: How can you even say that?!

Weiss exclaims.

There was a moment of silence filling the room as the seven of them look at each other for a brief moment. After awhile, they began to laugh, causing Weiss to blush even more, flustered over the matter as she puffed her cheeks while holding her tears.

Weiss: You said you wouldn't laugh! You all are so mean!

Weiss yelled.


At an undisclosed location,

Nightmare can be seen patching himself up from the wounds he got from his failed mission as most of his body is covered in burns, scars and burnt marks. After patching himself up, he then wore his clothes back on and loading his weapon, ready to strike somewhere else while talking to himself about his battle.

Nightmare: The Beta Spark.... I thought I injured him back then before.... hmmm... it would seem the Royal Schnee has managed to choose a new user of that blasted thing, which caused me my mission in consuming the young Schnee to FAIL!!!! But no matter....

Nightmare said as he looked out into the sky.

Nightmare: It's only a matter of time before we get to her again.... and my fellow Nightmare Grimm shall flourish and mature to become superior beings... so I in return shall become superior and no one.... not even the new Chosen user.... can stop me....

Nightmare said.

Behind him, red dots and green glows can be seen glowing behind Nightmare while vines can be seen coiling around Nightmare's surroundings as they readied themselves to strike, once again.

Nightmare: Patience, my army. In due time.... in . due . TIME.....

Nightmare said, smiling in the darkness while a weapon is still loaded in hand.

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