Volume 1: The Nightmare Hunters Arrive

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the after events after the sixteenth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose where the Quest of saving Weiss from the Nightmare Grimm continues! So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei. Take Note that in this Episode and in another Episode, these Episodes are based on RWBY: Ice Queendom, well,... mostly touched on and about the Nightmare Grimm.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

A few minutes after reaching the room, Teams RWBY (A/N: Ruby, Blake and Yang only.), JNPR and STRM (A/N: Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell only as Shadow got there first a minute before they arrived.), Professors Ozpin and Glynda were seen arriving a minute after Shadow as Ruby, Blake, Yang, Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell  began to talk to Professor Shion about their strategy that they devised.

After a few minutes of listening to the six of them, Shadow nods at them as knowing that he, too is a strategist, can tell that all of their strategy may work out in this third procedure, for Shion to think of the possibilties on six of their strategies.

Ruby: Well? What do you think of our plan?

Ruby ask.

While Shion is seen thinking, Shadow went to Shion's ear as he began to whisper on their possibilities as he began to explain on how they were done individually, for Shion to nod at what I said.

After awhile, Shion spoke up to address about their strategies.

Shion: First, regarding Yang's idea. Yes, it is possible to change what happens in a dream.

Yang: Mm-hmm~

Yang hums happily.

Ozpin: But only if the dreamer sees it as a positive change. If Weiss considers it to be a negative change, you will encounter resistance.

Ozpin states.

Blake clenched her fist with determination.

Blake: I feel like I understand how Weiss wants to change. I was the same way. raises fist to my chest level, looking down at my fist I knew I had to change, but I couldn't find the way to.

Yang: I want to tell Weiss, deep in her heart, that it's okay to change.

Ruby: I'm sure that Weiss will also think that what we're about to do is something good. I believe that.

Ruby said.

Then, she looks at Weiss as she continued.

Ruby: I didn't understand, but we're not the only ones who are struggling. Even Weiss is fighting against the Grimm in her heart. 

Tenka: It's alright to change.... even if it is a small change, or a big change. WHat it matters is that as long as it is a change for the better, Weiss needs to know that she has friends who cares about her.... and a closest friend who cares about her, too. I want to tell her that... and such....

Rachel: We're friends with Weiss even Mitch and I just met her for a few days or weeks. We just wanna tell her that it's cool to change, despite having the same goals that you want to reach. Sure you want to achieve your goals but, there has to be some changes to achieve that. That's how I achieved mine despite the struggles.

Mitchell: Yeah!

They said.

Shadow nods at them.

Shion: Very well. After hearing what Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell and Blake had to say, by all means, you may carry it out. One last thing. Regarding Ruby's idea, it actually does have precedent, and it has generally produced a positive result.

Shion said.

Jaune: Is that right?

Jaune asks.

Pyrrha: So, prior experience with Nightmare possession can be useful?

Pyrrha asks.

Shion: Yes. Jaune's heart still retains the memory of hosting the parasitic Nightmare. Other Nightmares will mistake Jaune for someone who is still possessed, and will likely ignore him. As said from Doctor Shadow, Jaune has an advantage.

Jaune: Uh? Really? N-Never knew there were positive effects on them.

Shadow: The Grimm provide Huntsmen and Huntresses pros and cons, according to what I told Prof. Shion. Take your Ursa experience, Jaune. After fighting against it, you gained a combat experience. And soon, you'll have an advantage against the Grimm in no time, no matter their size. the cons are simple, they maul you and swipe you like that time. Much like the Nightmare Grimm has its pros and cons.

Jaune: I-I see. Never knew that to be an advantage for me.

Ruby: Whoa... no kidding?

Nora: You mean he's not worth noticing?

Ren: No, Nora.

Shadow: Highly unlikely he'll be noticed due to his immunity that he's developed.

Shion: looks at Shadow So to speak.

Shadow: nods

Shion: But anyway, the closer Jaune gets to the Nightmare's body, the more of a reaction he'll have. 

Shion said.

This made Jaune nervous as he has a sweat demeanor on his head.

Jaune: Eeeh... what kind...???

Jaune ask.

Shion: The most common ones are itching and difficulty breathing.

Shadow: It's something like an allergy. But I'm sure you'll get through this.

Shadow assured.

Jaune: I'm having a bad feeling about this....

Shadow: Oh, don't be so nervous, Jaune. Besides, you'll still be able to move quite freely in a dream controlled by the Nightmare.

Yang: Seriously?! That's great!

Yang said, looking at Jaune due to the advantage that he has after his Nightmare experience.

Ruby: We can totally use your help, Jaune.

Ruby said.

Shion: However, if the rejection is too strong, there is a risk he may die from shock inside the dream.

Shadow: Which will be a major flaw.... if the rejection is too strong. Be careful.

Shion said.

Upon hearing that, everyone looked at Shion with worry looks on their faces.

Nora: Ew... dying in your sleep? 

Ren: Please stay alive, Jaune.

Jaune: Ugh.... but this is for her sake. I hope I can pull it off...

Jaune said with worry.

Pyrrha placed her hand on Jaune's shoulder.

Pyrrha: I know you can do it, Jaune. Believe in yourself and your Aura.

Pyrrha encouraged Jaune.

Jaune: I'll try....

Jaune said.

Shion: You have to search for the key in her heart. Somewhere in the dream, there should be an item identical to the one you found before. 

Ruby: Okay, Professor.

Shion: I do not mean to frighten you, but if you fail again,.... in the time that it takes for my Aura to recover, it is quite likely that Weiss will lose her life. Do you understand?

Shion ask.

Ruby: We won't fail again.

Yang: We gotta hurry and wake Weiss up so we can tell her how tough this was, right guys?

Blake: Yeah. Right now, I just want to talk to her. About all sorts of things.

Tenka: And the three of us want to talk to her, too. About change.

Rachel and Mitchell nods.

Shion: All right, prepare to enter the dream.

Shion said.

A few minutes later,

Ruby, Blake, Yang, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell and Jaune are seen lying on the dust-infused thread-like web with an ice bed below them as the third procedure commenced while Shadow did the usual thing by placing the seven into a deep sleep into the Dreamscape by via Sleep Dreamscape Energy Item.

While placing them into a deep sleep, Shion carried out the same Dream Catching-like spell for a Semblance as Shion spoke gently to the seven who are lying down together with Weiss.

(A/N: Include Jaune, Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell into the picture.)

Shion: I now invite you all into the dream.

Shion said, for the lot to be transferred into Weiss's dreamscape.

After the transfer, Shion placed her Dream Catcher onto the same table as she went onto her hammock again.

Shadow: What happens now, Prof. Shion?

Shion: Now, we can only rely on them,.... to safely save Weiss from the Nightmare.

Shadow: Noted.

Shadow said as he walked to one side of the room while the procedure is being carried out.

At the certain spot that he's further away from the group, he fished out his scroll as he phoned the three Nightmare Hunters he met earlier. As he waited for a reply, he thought about what the old man said to him earlier before he arrived here, when the three spoke.

Dreamus (By via Scroll): Hey, Doctor. Got anything?

Barry (By via Scroll): What's the progress?

Nightmaric (By via Scroll): Where is he?

Shadow: Relax, guys. I'm talking as soft as possible so no one can hear us. For now, we just started the procedure. And for Nightmare, Nightmaric, no news about him, yet. We just started.

Barry (By via Scroll): I see.

Shadow: Fret not. Again I say this, once you get my signal, you do whatever is you do and assist them. I.... just need to find my own way into the dreamscape.

Dreamus (By via Scroll): Alright. We'll wait. At the meantime, we're capturing several Nightmares we spotted.

Shadow: Alright. Take all the time you need until you get my word.

Dreamus, Nightmaric & Barry (By via Scroll): Alright.

They said in unison.

Shadow soon hang up after he hears their reply to indicate they'll wait, for him to return back to the are where the procedure is in progress as he sees Weiss getting worse while observing the others.

Shadow: Progress?

Shion: I haven't heard from them yet.

Shadow: Alright. Then let's wait.

Shadow said.

And with that, the Professors, Shadow, and the members of Team STRM waited out for any results or phone call from either one of the seven who are now in the dreamscape, trying to save Weiss from the Nightmare.


It has been almost an hour with only silence surrounding the room. Everyone grew anxious about Weiss's condition, as well as Professor Shion and Shadow, when a phone call came in. Upon hearing the phone ringing, Shion picks it up as she hears who's at the other line in the dreamscape calling.

Shion: It's m-......... I see....... If the changes are too much, her heart will start to resist them........ The Nightmare is taking advantage of the resistance from Weiss's heart..... There's no turning back now. If you can't get her to stop resisting, then Weiss will no longer have the means to wake up...... is that so.... I see..... avoid him as much as you can.

Shion said.

Then, she hung up, sighing looking at her time glass, for Shadow to walk up to Shion.

Shadow: I take it it's..... bad news....

Shion: nods There are too many changes causing more resistance inside Weiss's heart. Now, the Nightmare is taking advantage of the resistance. And furthermore, there is a man inside her dream,.... helping with the resistance.

Pyrrha: A Man?

Ozpin: What man?

Shion: He seems to be,... according to Jaune, helping Negative Weiss in taking over Weiss's mind. Has a range weapon, and he's powerful.

Ren: Wait. I thought only you can transport people mentally into people's mind, accoridng to you and Shadow?

Shion: I know.... it would appear he somehow slipped in from somewhere to take over Weiss's mind and heart, as well.

Shion said.

Shadow is seen clenching his fist as he already knew who that man is.

Shadow: whispering nightmare....

Shion: Everything alright? Doctor?

Shadow: Huh? looks at the Professors Oh, no. It's nothing. I was just.... about to take back about what I said....

Ozpin: Doctor, you don't have to worry. I know you have done your best so, don't push yourself down over this setback-

Shadow: Yes, sir! But, now that possibility is about to cause us Weiss's li- notices something G-Guys... points at Ruby was that suppose to be there?

Everyone had puzzled looks until they notice something on Ruby.

Upon seeing a nightmare vine-like mark on Ruby, Shion to quickly use the Telephone, Nightmare Coupler and type-writer to type 'WAKE' many times so that everyone can wake up except Weiss, for everyone to panic silently at what is going on.

Shion tried to wake everyone up, but to no avail, for Shadow to looks in worry and sweat profusely out of worry.

Ozpin: Is the situation serious?

Ozpin asks.

Shion: Ruby has been trapped by a dream inside a dream. The Nightmare must have snuck inside her heart. My Semblance is being obstructed and can't help her escape.

Shion said.

Shadow's heart sank upon hearing this until a text came in, for him to secretly looks at it as a message came from Dreamus asking if they can mobilize now. He looks at what's going on as he nods at this, looking down once again as he type out, 'NOW' in his scroll, sending it to Dreamus.

After sending the message, he went up to Ruby as he went on one knee before her lying body as he shed a tear, looking at her suffering, too.

Shadow: Rubes.... be well..... please....

He said.

Meanwhile at the Temple Ruins in the Emerald Forest, the three Nightmare Hunters waited after a few long minutes of catching several Nightmare until Dreamus got a message from Shadow. Upon receiving his message to mobilize into Weiss's Dreamscape, she stood up.

Dreamus: Alright guys! Double time!!! We're going in!

Barry: Let's rock and role!


Dreamus then wield a snow-based Liberty of Dreams  as he twirled it around in circles. After that, she aimed it in front of her.

Dreamus: To Weiss Schnee's Dreamscape!

Dreamus exclaimed as he voice angelically echoed.

After saying where she wants to go, a portal opened for the three to dash inside the portal, about to enter inside the Dreamscape belonging to Weiss.

Back in the room where the procedure's being held, just as everything is getting worse, Shion's Dream Catcher stopped acting up while Ruby's vine marks began to disappear, to everyone's confusion and relief.

Shadow on the other hand, noticed it and smiled while looking at his Scroll that read, 'Nightmaric here. I managed to help Jaune get that vine tentacle shit off your girlfriend so you can relax a little, okay? She's fine now. Furthermore, Nightmare essence are also on her, too. Suspect that the Nightmare Grimm must have been from him. So far, I got everything out by helping your friend Jaune here, get to the tip of the sword and it just did the trick. Gtg, more Nightmare Grimm and Nightmare to kick.'. After reading it, he closed his Scroll.

Shion placed the phone back on the craddle, for Ozpin to look at Shion.

Shion: It's not clear how, but she appears to be out of danger. My Semblance has not been completely exhausted yet, either.

Shion said.

Everyone sighed in belief. 

Then, Ozpin spoke to Jaune's team.

Ozpin: By the way, looks at Jaune what kind of power does his Semblance have?

Ozpin asks.

Pyrrha: Well, we don't know yet.

Ren: He has only just learned how to activate his Aura.

Nora: Seriously! I was so surprised that he was fighting without using his Semblance.

Jaune's team answered.

Ozpin: Sometimes battles helps to awaken powers... powers hidden deep inside oneself.

Ozpin said, for Pyrrha, Nora and Ren to nod.

Then, Shadow began to laugh while smiling with happiness for everyone to notice this.

Ozpin: Doctor? Is there something up?

Shadow: gets up while holding his scroll to read a new message from Barry Barry, my friend, you are a Genius!

Shadow said.

Shion looked at Shadow, with eyes widened when Shadow mentioned Barry.

Shion: Barry. As in Barry White?

Shion ask.

Shadow look at Shion with a smile on his face.

Shadow: Surprise~

He said.

In Weiss's Dreamscape,

Dreamus: I see.

Dreamus said.

In one of the train cars, numerous of little Weisses, Pyrrha, Jaune, Ruby and Dreamus are seen inside as they were discussing about what went on in Weiss's dreamscape while barry is somewhere around outside the train, looking around.

Jaune: -and now that this, Nightmare person is getting in our way, we don't have much time to save Weiss from him and the Nightmare that's taking Weiss over.

Dreamus: True..... that's why the three of us are here. To restore the dreamscape and save both Weiss and your ass.

Ruby: Well, you did save us from Nightmare and those robots. So, thank you.

Dreamus: Heheh, no problem.

Ruby: So, where's Nightmaric now?

Dreamus: Oh, she's got a thing to settle with Nightmare.

Jaune: What? Why?

Dreamus: Well, long story short, they had a dramatic Nightmare-like history after a both battle and an incident during our fight against a powerful Grimm Monster.

Dreamus said.

Ruby and Jaune looked at each other as they tried to process it for a moment. But, they nod at what Dreamus said, taking her word for it.

As they were talking about Nightmaric for a moment after Jaune and Ruby explained what went on in Weiss's dreamscape, a door of a car train that they are in opened as they all see Barry coming in.

Dreamus: Good news?

Barry: Yeah. We can still keep going while save Weiss in the process.

Jaune: Huh? H-How?

Barry: How do ya think? By train of course.

Barry said.

Ruby: Actually.... Barry has a point. This train... nothing blocked it from coming in, right?

Jaune: Hey, now that you mention it, y-yeah...

Ruby: I wonder if we can ride the train all the way to that building.

Jaune: Are you serious? There aren't any tracks.

Ruby: There weren't tracks before, either. It should move as long as I'm here.

Jaune: You? What do you mean?

Ruby: Weiss said to me. That I can move around freely. Weiss didn't hate me, either. So, I'm sure she'll let us through. So, I'm sure she'll understand.

Jaune: But, that was Weiss, not Negative Weiss. Negative Weiss is the one that'll come after us.

Ruby: If she does, that means Weiss hasn't fallen asleep yet. We could buy some time while we wait for Yang and the others to return.

Dreamus: And you said she told that?

Dreamus ask.

Ruby: Yes.

Barry: That means, Weiss is trying to communicate with you from within your mind without the Nightmare Grimm's knowledge, while she's in her slumber.

Dreamus: And she's only telling you this now because she knows you're all here to save her. And that means, looks at Ruby and Jaune we must save her now, no matter the cost.

Jaune: Got it... but,.... are we going to bring these girls along, too?

Jaune ask.

Ruby, Jaune, Barry and Dreamus turn to look at Little Weisses and Pyrrha.

Dreamus: Well, you saved them, and we have a train so... guess we should, to help with the supposed change you all want to make for Weiss to feel the positive vibes to let you through more. 

Ruby: Dreamus has a point. I want to help Weiss become more free. It might sound selfish, but I think it's the right thing to do, so I think these girls should fight, too.

Ruby said.


Back in the Real World,

Shion: I see.... so, they're now in Weiss's dream to help them save Weiss, as what you and my pupils planned?

Shadow: Yes. I don't mean to hide that but.... it was their idea to surprise you that they were around.

Shadow said.

Ozpin: So, in other words, chances of them saving Weiss will be....

Shadow: According to Barry, Dreamus and Nightmaric, it'll be a 50/50 chance, but they'll make it count.

Glynda: Then we'll be counting on them.

Shadow nods at what Glynda said.

While waiting, Shadow looked at Shion to see a concern look planted on Shion's face.

Shadow: Fret not, Prof. They are here now, and as after all, they're your pupils. If they can help us and you, I'm sure our friends will be fine.

Shion: That's true. But,.... I'm worried about that Nightmare Person they spoke of....

Shadow: Don't worry about that for now.... I'm sure they'll find a way to take care of him.

Shion: Being optimistic, I see?

Shadow: Hey, you're the one who told me to do that despite the the situations.

Shadow said.

Shion chuckled silently, for Shadow to smile at this.

The three members of Team JNPR watched as they smiled at the sight. The two professors simply watched as the situation unfolds.

A few minutes later,

While waiting, a phone call came for Shion as Shion picked up the telephone.

Shion: It's me..... hmm? You have a new strategy?........... Before that, you must be sure not to lose the Relic you acquired. That is probably the final Key.....

Shion said.

While talking on the phone, Nora began to speak.

Nora: A new Strategy? Does that mean the last one failed?

Ren: It might. I wonder if there's some way we could help.

Ren answered Nora's question.

Pyrrha: looks at Professor Ozpin Professor Ozpin, could we enter Weiss's dream, too?

Ozpin: We've already sent seven people into Weiss's dream. Let alone three Nightmare Hunters to help them. More would be too much for Shion's Semblance.

Shadow: Seven is already difficult enough, Pyrrha.

Shadow said, walking to Pyrrha.

Shadow: More people Shion takes in, it'll put more pressure to Shion and Shion's semblance.

Nora: Then how about we switch places?

Ren: That's right. Ruby was in danger.

Pyrrha: Let us take their place.

Shadow: If that were to become necessary, Prof. Shion will let me know. For now, we wait.... have faith, and have trust in them.

Shadow said.

Ozpin: Doctor Shadow has a point. Believe in the friends who will one day fight by your side.

Ozpin said, looking at the procedure.

Back at Shion, Shion is seen still talking to Blake on the phone.

Shion: .... If we use the Nightmare that possessed Jaune, this strategy is possible..... There is a chance neither of you will survive, however. I can't guarentee your success..... Unfortunately we do not......

Shion said and listened as Shion looked at Ozpin, for Shadow to notice what is happening.

Shadow: What? What is it? What's wrong?

Glynda: They're.... going to use the Nightmare that possessed Jaune on Blake.... as a new strategy.

Glynda said.

Shadow looked in shock as he began to object on that new strategy.


I exclaimed.

Shion: Doctor, I understand your concerns.... of our previous failed procedure. But there is no other choice, and no other way.

Shadow: But this will also endanger your life, Prof.!

Ozpin: Doctor.... please....

Ozpin persuaded to Shadow.

Shadow looks down at this, knowing this'll not end well. Then, Ozpin went up to Shadow as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

Ozpin: I understand your concerns, Shion does, too. Believe us, we do. But, this is the only option we see left...... We must use another Nightmare Grimm.

Ozpin said.

Shadow turns his back for a moment to think. He tried thinking of other ways but, there was none. So, he turned back as he sighed in defeat, knowing that using another Nightmare is the only option left.

Shadow: ....fine.... let's do it.....

Ozpin: Thank you...

Shadow: nods

Ozpin turns to Shion as he nods.

Shion: The Headmaster and Doctor Shadow has given their approval..... Yes. You still have your coins, yes?...... You two must save one coin each. If the Nightmare's control over you is weak, a coin can be used to awaken you. You will need the other coin to get everyone out of the dream... It will possess you immediately. Yang, Rachel, Mitchell, Tenka, please move as far away as possible from Blake. When the two dreams overlap, it may transform things into unexpected ways.

Shion said as Shion hangs up.

Then, Shion looks at Ozpin and Shadow.

Shion: It is a dangerous gamble, but I have faith that they will succeed.

Shion said.

Ozpin: They are very strong-willed. And they are still hiding their true powers. 

Ozpin said.

Nora: If what happened to Weiss happened to you, Ren, I'd probably be doing the same thing as Blake.

Ren: I am very adept at avoiding the Grimm, though. Or have you forgotten?

Nora: I was just saying.

Ren: If it happened to you, Nora, I would do the same.

Shadow: smiles How very noble of you, Ren, Nora. I'll give you two that.

Nora: Thanks!

Ren: Thank you.

While talking to Ren and Nora, Pyrrha is seen looking at Weiss.

Pyrrha: You've found an outstanding team and a team to look out for you and us, as well, Weiss.

Shadow: Indeed she has, Pyrrha. Indeed she has.

Shadow said, for both him and Pyrrha to smile, with Ren and Nora to soon follow suit at what they are doing and smiled with them.

Pyrrha: Good luck.

Pyrrha said.

While talking to Pyrrha, Ren and Nora, Shion took out the same container that is still concealing the Nightmare Grimm inside as Shion placed it in front, with everyone to watch from behind Shion as Shion began, holding the Dream Catcher above the container-like prison.

Shion: I shall begin.

Shion said, moving the Dream Catcher about until Shion points it up at the center of the dust-infused thread-like webbing that is also webbed on the ceiling as more thread is conjured to connect themselves onto Blake and to the container as they unlocked the lock on it, entering inside.

Inside the container, the threads reawakened the Nightmare Grimm as it began to trail along the threads towards Blake. Everyone behind the desk behind Shion watched as the Nightmare Grimm latched onto the drust-infused threads as it began to trail towards Blake, to Shadow's worry. As everyone watched, Ozpin looked in concern at the Grimm, knowing that desperate times calls for desperate measures, for Shadow to notice this, for he too look with concern as the Grimm trailed closer.

Once the Grimm was an inch close enough, it latched onto Blake as planned, however, "it went wrong" when for some reason, Tenka's left arm swiftly grasp Blake's right arm, for everyone to look in shock at this. Shadow however, didn't take it quite well.

Shadow: slams my hands on the desk TENKA!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!

Shadow yelled.

Shion: This should be impossible.... There should be no way that Tenka is awake. He is fast asleep and inside Weiss's dream.

Ozpin: Then how did he manage to move his limb to grab on and allow himself to to possessed by the Nightmare, as well?

Ozpin ask with worry.


In Weiss's Dreamscape,

Blake looks at her arm to see that there are vine-like markings on her, to indicate that the Nightmare is possessing her as they speak.

Blake: It's starting. Go, Yang, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell.

Blake said.

Yang: You can count on us to wake you up later.

Rachel: YEAH!

Mitchell: Well, hustle your bustles, guys. We're leaving.

Mitchell said.


Bashful Klein constantly tried to close the door but to no avail as Blake's Gambol Shroud's scabbard blade is still seen blocking its way, preventing Bashful Klein from closing completely.

Bashful Klein: It won't close! aw....

The door said.

Suddenly, Yang punched the door open, for Rachel, Mitchell and Yang to exit out of the house, for Bashful Klein to feel that hard punch and see them leave.

Bashful Klein: OW!!! seeing the three leaving Oh? Are you leaving already?

Bashful Klein asked as he closed the door completely.

After escaping from the house, Yang, Rachel and Mitchell stopped to take a breather.

Yang: Is.... Is everyone alright?

Rachel: We are, yes.

Mitchell: So am I. Tenka?

Mitchell asked, but there was no answer.

Then, the three looked around to find Tenka, when they realized he stayed behind.

Mitchell: OH CRAP!!!!! HE STAYED BEHIND!!!!!

Yang: What?!?!?! Why did he do that for?!?!?!?!

Inside the House,

Blake looked at her marking, when she heard a familiar voice.

Tenka's POV:

Me: So, it's just the two of us, eh?

Blake: Yes... Just the tw- !!!! looks back to see Tenka in his sitting position T-TENKA?!?!?! W-Why are you still here?

Blake ask.

I got up while removing my armour on my left forearm, to show Blake the same similar markings on me, to her shock.

Me: Because I'm coming with you.

Blake: But didn't you hear what Professor Shion sa-

I interrupted by putting a finger on her mouth to silence her for a moment.

Me: There's no time... so tell me, Blake. What did you say when I asked what you see within me...

Blake: shedding a tear ... I... I... I said, I see a courageous, trustworthy, selfless, hardworking and intelligent boy who will soon grow up to be a fine man..... A boy who was grown up by a family that helps the oppressed and the helpless. A boy who's heart needing a piece to fill the gaping hole that resides an-

Me: That's right. If I were to do that which I will, I must do it, together with you, to free Weiss from the Nightmare's clutches and stop Nightmare from helping Negative Weiss.

Blake: But what if your strategy doesn't work?

Me: It will. That's why I used my body outside the Dream to latch the Nightmare on me, as well. 

Blake: W-Why? And how?

Me: My master. He taught me a skill that helps me control my body even if I'm asleep, or here. Why? Because I love you, Blake.... and I want to do fight off Nightmare and Negative Weiss with you, Blake.... so what do you say?

I ask.

Blake wiped her tears for a moment, then looks back at me.

Blake: O-Okay... But how are you going to get out after I get out?

Me: Oh, don't worry about that. I'll work on something. As for you, once you're out, you do what you do best. Okay?

Blake: nods Okay.... I trust you.

Me: That's my kitty cat.

I said.

The both of us giggled.

Then suddenly, a voice boomed out.

???: What was all that about friends?

A voice boomed, asking.

Blake and I turned to see who that was, to see Adam Taurus in front of us.

Blake: Adam!

Adam: Do you seriously think you can see eye to eye with a member of the Schnee Family?

Adam ask.

Blake: So, my Nightmare is you.

Adam: I bet you regret betraying the White Fang , don't you? Are you going to continue to hide the fact that you are a Faunus?

Blake: I don't regret a thing. I know that my friends will accept me.

Blake said.

Then, vines of the Nightmare began to envelope Blake, for me to see this. Then, a familiar presence is felt behind me, for me to look back to see the two figures.

Me: So, you're my Nightmares.... my father's enemy for a friend and rival.... Baron Overlord....

I said, for Baron Overlord to stand in front of me.

Lord Baron: For a child to take Kouta's place to protect a small mere village? What makes you think you can be as strong as your father?

Lord Baron ask.

Me: Strength is not what matters, Baron. It's the friends that fuels my strength counts.

Lord Baron: Oh? And what makes you think you can stop the unspeakable evil? Or are you simply hiding the fact that you're the son of the Man of the Beginning?

Me: I have nothing to hide! Like what she said, I'm sure my friends will accept me, as who I am, a human, and in due time, the son, of the Man of the Beginning.

I bravely objected.

Then, like my lover, vines began to envelope me from beneath Baron Overlord's feet as they began to wrap around me, and so the same situation is happening to my lover, Blake, for us to pay no mind to them as our resolve to what we said are high.

Adam & Lord Baron: The darkness in your heart seems to think otherwise.

Adam and Lord Baron said while smirking.

While being wrapped by the vines of the Nightmare Grimm, I held onto Blake's hand, for Blake to hold onto me, as we began to feel a lot of changes happening as we became something more terrifying than just Negative versions of my lover and me.

Back at the City Fortress,

3rd Person's POV:

Nightmaric, Dreamus, Barry and Ruby are seen feeling a bit weakened from Negative Weiss and Nightmare's attacks, but they still hold their defense stances as they stood against them.

Nightmare: Still resisting, eh? Negative Weiss? Shall we deliver their judgement?

Negative Weiss: Of course, Nightmare.... my trustworthy partner.

Nightmaric: Guys, this is bad...

Ruby: Ideas, anyone?

Barry: I got one, but I need time to recover.... Dreamus?

Dreamus: I could only buy us some time by turning Liberty of Dreams into a barrier-based Liberty of Dreams.

Nightmare: Unfortunatey, combining with Negative Weiss's strength, your barrier won't work in this Dream, Dreamus....

Nightmare said, smirking.

The four look at their enemies with worry.

Negative Weiss: Now,... I shall deliver you all, my judgem-

Just as Negative Weiss is about to finish, a huge crack appeared in the sky as it shattered, for the same house to levitate above the City Fortress, to everyone's confusion.

Negative Weiss: WHAT THE?! Nightmare?

Nightmare: T-That wasn't suppose to happen!!!! That means someone or something must have penetrated through to get here!

Nightmare said.

While everyone is looking up at the house, Nightmaric noticed something emerging from within.

Nightmaric: Guys, don't look now.... but we've got company!!

Nightmaric points.

The three look to see numerous White Fang Members and Grimm along with several unusual creatures emerging as they are seen fighting, destroying and fending themselves from the Atlesian robots and armour, to their shock and greatest confusion.

hat's more confusing is that they seem to not to be focusing on them, but instead on the Atlesian army, Negative Weiss and Nightmare, for them to slice and shoot them down. 

Negative Weiss: The White Fang?

Nightmare: And whatever those things are...!!

Negative Weiss: But... why?


A voice in unison with a male and feminine voice echoed.

Everyone looked up to see a blacke shadow with four eyes clad with armour and a long dress coat-like skirting with long horns with cat-like ears, along with it wielding two weapons, is seen descending fast at Negative Weiss as the figure used his weapon to slash Negative Weiss, only for her to block its attack by using her personal weapon while seeing that the figure turns out to be someone that looks like Blake and Tenka in their Negative personas, combined to one.

Nightmare looked in shock and fear at the other Negative Persona to have a certain extent of fear planted in its face while its seen clashing weapons with his partner, Negative Weiss.

???: Daughter of the Schnee Family, and my Childhood Friend! Between Faunus, Humans or Inveses, I... no,... We'll show you which among the two are superior and JUST!!!!!

The figure exclaimed.

To be Continued at 'Atlas's Most Crucial & Important Relic..... The Beta Spark'....

And that's all, folks! The after events after the sixteenth episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose based on the Episode that transpired in RWBY: Ice Queendom. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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