Volume 1: The Nightmare has Weiss?!?!

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the after events after the sixteenth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei. Take Note that in this Episode and in another Episode, these Episodes are based on RWBY: Ice Queendom, well,... mostly touched on and about the Nightmare Grimm.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

At Downtown Vale,

Shadow can be seen buying some roses from a florist shop with a happy and cheerful expression on his face. After buying some roses in a bouquet, he immediately skipped towards the airship bay so he could be transported back to Beacon Academy so he can deliver these flowers to Ruby.

Shadow: Man... what good luck. From meeting her in a snow-ridden forest, to being a friend, to being a boyfriend. And on top of all that, Tenka and Blake are a thing, too. Now that's kinda cool.

Shadow said to himself while skipping his way.

As he kept skipping, he slowly began to walk as he began to think about what is currently situation right now, knowing that someone is currently in danger by the hands of the Nightmare Grimm.

Shadow: however.... it is true on those two facts. But, I'm more worried about Weiss....

Shadow said.

Shadow: sighs .... I hope Rubes, Blake and Yang are coming up with a good strategy as for they sake... they really need a good one, otherwise.... their lives, and most importantly, Weiss's life will be in serious danger by the Nightmare Grimm that is currently growing rapidly.... within Weiss's mind and soul...

Shadow said to himself, sighing while being saddened over this.

Just as he was about to enter the Airship, two cloaked individuals, one hooded and one not hooded can be seen walking up to the Doctor as the hooded-cloaked figure reached out its hand onto his shoulder, for the Doctor to turn around to see the hooded and unhooded-cloaked figures, to his confusion.

Shadow: Uuuuhhh.... may I help you two?

Shadow ask.

The hooded figure lets go of his shoulder as the figures began to star a conversation with Shadow.

??? 1: Good tidings to you, dear friend. Why so stressed and doubtful? We saw you feeling cheerful at first but now, you're in this state.

??? 2: What troubles you?

They ask.

Shadow: sighs I would love to stick around but.... let's walk talk.

??? 2: Sure. By all means. We'd like to hear from you.

The second figure said as the three began to board the airship back to Beacon.

Inside the Airship back to Beacon, the three began to talk as Shadow began to explain what happened, starting from this morning till now.

Shadow: You see, it all began earlier this morning.

Shadow said.



Just as I was about to leave my dorm room for town once again to fetch something, a call came from Rubes as I picked up the call.

Me: Mornin', Rubes. How's it going?

Ruby (By via Scroll): Shadow! Weiss is in trouble!!

Me: ?!?! What is it? What's wrong? Is she alright?!

Ruby (By via Scroll): No... a Nightmare Grimm got her.

Me: WHAT???

I exclaimed for my teammates to look in confusion upon hearing me exclaim.

Ruby (By via Scroll): I'm not sure when she got it, but she has those similar markings on her like Jaune,.... but worse.

Me: A-Alright! Calm down, Rubes. I'm coming over now! We'll call Professor Shion and the Professors.

Ruby (By via Scroll): Okay... but please hurry...

Me: I will...

I said, for both Ruby and I to hang up at the same time.

Me: Team, go to Team RWBY's Room Dorm and call the Professors. I'll bring my Medical Kit.

Rachel: Why, what's wrong?

Me: .... Weiss.... has Nightmare inside of her....

Upon hearing this, Tenka shot up in shock.

Tenka: WHAT?!?!?!?! How did this happen?!?!?

Me: I don't know for certain. But what I do know from Rubes and from the sounds of her, the Nightmare Weiss is dealing with is getting worse...

Mitchell: Well, less talk, more action. Let's go! You get your stuff, we'll unleash the hounds! We have to cure Weiss, ASAP!!!

Rachel: Uhhh.... Hounds?

Mitchell: scoffs The Professors and the Headmasters! I'm talking about Professors Ozpin, Glynda and Shion!!!

Tenka, Rachel & Me: OOOOHHH!!!!

Me: Okay, we'll do that. While that, I'll get myself ready, too.

I said.

My teammates nod as they hurriedly rush to tend to Team RWBY while I donned my Hospital Uniform again while grabbing my medical kit as I made my way to my Lover's dorm room.

A minute has passed since that emergency call and my preparation as I arrived to Team RWBY's dorm room as I began to do my similar checks on her like I did with Jaune. While checking, my face began to have a looks of concern and worry as this is nothing compared to what happened with Jaune.

Once my checks were done, I went up to the members of Team RWBY and my teammates to break the news. But then, Professors Ozpin, Glynda and Shion arrived just in time before I could break it to them.

Me: Professors. Just in time.

Ozpin: We heard the news. How is Ms. Schnee?

Ozpin ask.

I look back for a moment, then looks back at the group.

Me: Similar to Jaune's case, but...

Ruby: But?

Tenka: what... is it....???

Me: ..... this possession of the Nightmare Grimm is.... severe.... We can still save her but.... it'll be very difficult.

I said.

Everyone had worried looks on their faces upon hearing the news. Tenka however, clenched his fists as his emotions are getting the better of him, knowing that he was meant to take care of Weiss no matter where they go and what they do.


Tenka: Heiress, huh?

Tenka ask.

Weiss: Yeah. It's gonna be a big job though when father steps down. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it....

Weiss said with her head down.

Tenka smirks as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Weiss looks at Tenka.

Tenka: I'm sure you're ready enough.... no matter what desires that you have in your mind and your heart, I'll always be there for you, Weiss. 

Weiss giggles softly.

Weiss: No matter where I go, no matter what I do. That's so you, Tenka.

Weiss said.

Tenka: Yeup. That's so me, no matter what, Weiss.... no matter what.

Weiss: Promise?

Tenka: Promise.

Tenka said.

Weiss and Tenka smiled as they did a pinkie promise on that.


Tenka: ..... Weiss....

Tenka said with worry in his voice.

Yang: .... tch....!!

Rachel: That no-good Grimm...

Suddenly, Tenka swiftly grabbed me by the collar of my coat as he slammed me into the wall out of rage and sorrow, for some books to fall of from the shelf beside me as he yelled.

Tenka: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo...!!!!!!!!!!! No.... noooohohooo....!!!

Tenka exclaimed.

Me: .....

Tenka: This is one thing I feared the most.... this is the very last thing I ever wanted to happen... Weiss has fallen victim to the Nightmare, as well.... I know she wasn't strong enough, but I was too naive to see it... she wanted to forge her own path without knowing the risks, and I failed her as a childhood friend to help her out... And now, she is not strong enough to repel the Nightmare and that thing is going to destroy her from the inside.... inside of her mind...

Tenka said, increasing his grip on me, with the group looking at us with concern still.

Then, Tenka felt his wrists were grabbed by me as I pulled his hands away.

Me: It's not your fault, Tenka. You're her childhood friend and that's what matters. It's not her fault and it sure as Gemdeus's virus it isn't your fault as well.

Tenka: But-

Me: Tenka, if we don't do something now, it'll be too late. So, set aside your emotions and think on what we must do to bring Weiss back. We got this.

I said.

Then, Rachel and Mitchell stepped in as they share nods for a brief moment. Tenka looks at them, then me, for him to nod in understanding as he decreased his strength as he relaxed while taking a deep breathe to relief himself for a moment.

I went up to Shion who is checking up on Weiss.

Me: It's bad, right?

Shion: Yes.... and it's only getting worse by the second. We need to get the Nightmare out of her, now.

Me: nods Same room?

Shion: Same room.


In the same Empty Room,

The group, the Professors and I are seen in the same room as a similar procedure has begun a few minutes ago but only this time, it's an extremely dangerous procedure. There, we see Ruby, Tenka and Weiss are seen lying down on the dust-infused webbing held up by an icy platform as Ruby and Tenka are now inside of Weiss's Dreamscape at the moment of time as we all waited for some news.

As we waited, the telephone rang for Shion to pick it up so she can speak through it to talk to whoever is on the line that is now inside Weiss's Dreamscape.

Shion: It's me.... Yes, I can hear you. Have you found the gate?.......... Did anything appear on the tracks?...................................... You musn't, Ruby.... You must not intervene in things there yet............................................. Are the train tracks all right?... Try following the tracks. Remember to set markers along the way... The enemy will be hiding in unexpected places. Be careful not to overlook any signs, both of you.

Shion said to Ruby and Tenka.

After that, she hangs up by placing the telephone back onto cradle as Shion looked at me.

Me: Results...?

Shion: As suspected by you... this procedure is going to be a difficult and dangerous one.

Me: nods

I nod to Shion, knowing that this'll be a very difficult procedure.

And with that, we all waited out until everyone hears from Tenka and Ruby again.

A few minutes later,

It has been a few minutes now since the first phone call as everyone is seen pacing, some are just merely watching the procedure happening and some are seen seated down, resting their eyes for a moment thinking about Weiss, when another phone call came in, for everyone to crowd around behind Shion and I as Shion picks up her telephone again as she began to speak.

Shion: It's me....... Did you pass through the gate, Tenka? Ruby?...... Keep setting markers, and proceed very carefully. If you get caught trespassing, reconnaissance will be difficult... And Tenka, also, be careful to not waste the coins. Each one consumes some of my Aura. If you run out, I won't be able to help you..... I know you and Weiss are childhood friends, Tenka. But remember what Doctor Shadow told you. Set aside your emotions, and stick to the task at hand...... What you're seeing is how Weiss views you. Which means that there's another you in her dream.... It's gone for the time being. If you replace one of the dream's characters,  it's harder for the Nightmare controlling the dream to spot you. If you were someone like me who isn't close to Weiss, you wouldn't have a character in the dream, and you'd be recognized as an alien...... nods

After a long talk, Shion once again, hangs up her telephone.

Ozpin: How does it look?

Ozpin asks.

Shion: She's trapped more deeply than I expected. This may prove troublesome.

Shion answered, for Ozpin to nod at this with concern.

I looked at Weiss with concern as I notice more markings forming on her.

Me: Weiss......

I softly spoke.

Yang: Um, what if we all fight the Grimm together like we did with Jaune?

Rachel: Hmmm... yeah. Can we all do that?

Yang and Rachel ask.

Shion: It's not time yet. The Nightmare has spent time burrowing into Weiss's heart, and has hidden itself. We have to find it within the dream first.

Shion said.

Blake: I can't believe I didn't even notice... I've only been thinking about myself.

Blake said with remorse.

Yang then placed her hand over her head.

Yang: Jeez.... I'm the one who needs to think about what being a good teammate means.

Yang said.

Me: Blake, Yang. You are not to blame for any of this. Nor either of you, too, Rach, Mitch. We never wanted this to happen, too either way. Like I told Tenka, we'll get through this. I know we will. So stop blaming yourselves and squander in self-pity.... looks down This isn't what Rubes and Tenka wanted.... not even Weiss, too.

Ozpin: I have to agree on Doctor Wrath here, students. 

Ozpin said as he and Glynda approached Blake, Yang, Rachel and Mitchell.

Ozpin: Stop blaming yourselves. Instead, focus on your dangerous and terrifying opponent, the Grimm. Now is when Weiss needs her loyal friends. She needs your help.

Glynda: If we tried to enter her dream, we would be rejected. You all are the ones Weiss believes in. For now, prepare for battle. For now, prepare for battle.

Ozpin and Glynda said.

Blake, Yang, Rachel and Mitchell: Okay.

They said in unison.

Then, arms can be seen wrapping around Blake and Mitchell's shoulders as I  huddled the four close to me with a smile.

Me: We're the ones who'll save Weiss. Despite the Nightmare Effects to be worse, it isn't too late to stop it at its tracks. Am I right?

I ask to cheer them up a little.

One by one, Rachel, Mitchell, Blake and Yang smiled as they nod at me with determination.

A few minutes later,

Another few long minutes have went by with no results yet, and Weiss's condition is slowly turning for the worst. While waiting, the telephone rang once again, for Shion to pick it up, only for me to intervene.

Shion: Hmm? 

Me: Let me take the call.

I said.

Shion was surprised by this, but still allowed me to do what I must as I picked up the telephone as I spoke with whoever is on the line at the moment.

Ruby (By via Telephone line): It's me.

Me: It's me, too, Rubes. 

Ruby (By via Telephone line): Shadow...

Me: What's the situation there?

I ask.

Ruby (By via Telephone line): ... I still can't find Weiss, yet. Maybe she doesn't want to see me...

She said, sounding sad.

Me: Ruby, my dear rose. These figments of Weiss's dreamscape isn't caused by her, but by the Grimm's actions. So, why would you say that she wouldn't?

Ruby (By via Telephone line): I... I don't know. It feels like she hates me.

Ruby said.

I nod at this as I thought of something.

Me: You.... musn't let your heart be swayed by the dream affected by the Grimm, Rubes. Tell me, have you ever swam in fast currents before?

Ruby (By via Telephone line): Well... umm... when I was a child. Dad got mad at me and said I could've drowned.

Me: Well, to put it in Shion's context back when we dealt with difficult Nightmare cases back in the Hospital,... a river, ocean, sea, or even any beds of water isn't deliberately trying to drown you as it flows. When you enter the river, the flow of water changes.

Ruby (By via Telephone line): Umm, what does that mean?

Me: Well... to simply put... A dream is a larger bed of water where many different souls assemble. if some are evil, some are good. Lies and Truths are but small fragments of a dream. Take the Bugsters on our side that are good and the ones that I said to you that are bad before as an example. Most of them are evil, and some are good like Pallad, Poppy and-

Ruby (By via Telephone line): snickering Burgermon... I still never forgotten about his burgers.

Me: See? Now you get the idea, Rubes. So, don't let your doubts or that bed of water swallow you up. You must face it head on like an obstacle getting in your way.

Ruby (By via Telephone line): Face it.... head on? Like an obstacle?

Me: Yes. I wish to explain more, but if we keep talking, you'll use up all your coins, and I'll use up Prof. Shion's aura from talking to you at this current situation.

Ruby (By via Telephone line): I understand, Shadow. So, it's okay.

Me: Thank you. So, is there anything else before we resume?

Ruby (By via Telephone line): No. Thank you very much, Shadow.

Me: No problem.

And with that, we both hung up as the procedure resumed.

Shion: Any results, Doctor?

Me: nods Rubes's heart is at the right place, but doubtful due to the Nightmare's effects in Weiss's dreamscape. So, I gave her a confidence boost for her to keep going.

Mitchell: Since when you've become a motivator, Cap?

Mitchell curiously ask.

I turn to the group and answered.

Me: When I became a Doctor who is still in-Training.

I said, smiling.

Mitchell nods at this, for Ozpin and Glynda to look at this, for them to smile at what I said.

Ozpin: He's come a long way from back then till now, didn't he, Glynda?

Glynda: nods I wish his mother could see this now....

Ozpin: hmm... me, too.

Ozpin said, talking to Glynda among themselves for a brief moment.

Another few Minutes Later,

While waiting, I notice Ruby breathing heavily as the doll above her began to have a small scratch on the right, leading from the collar of the doll's clothes to the side, for Ruby to wince at this as Ruby felt that similar pain from where the doll was damaged at, for me to panic a bit.

Me: Ruby?!?!

I exclaimed.

Upon hearing me exclaim,-

Shion: This is bad....

Shion said.

- Shion picks up the telephone as she placed it onto a device. After everything is in place, Shion swayed her Dream Catcher as the Type Writer began to type some letters automatically on an old TV Screen that looks revamped under Shion's design, in which the letters spelt, 'WAKE' in captial letters on Screen.

After awhile, Ruby shot up gasping, for me to comfort her for a moment.

Me: Easy... you just woke up... here.

I said, giving her an ice glass with water in it, for her to drink it while the group gathered around Rubes and me with concern looks on their faces still.


3rd Person's POV:

After explaining the first procedure while they are halfway towards Beacon, the two figures nod in understanding on what Shadow is going through.

??? 1: So, that mission was a failure?

Shadow: Not entirely.

??? 2: Hmm?

??? 1: Explain.

Shadow: According to Prof. Shion, Ruby's first Reconnaissance Mission was a success as she brought this back with her from Weiss's Dreamscape. A map.

??? 1 & 2: Show us.

They said.

So, Shadow fished out his Scrollas he showed them an image of the map that Ruby took inside.

(A/N: The image Shadow's showing.)

??? 1: I see.

??? 2: It would appear that the closer she gets to the City's Center which is a Mantle-like Dystopian City, the deeper she'll penetrate into Weiss's mind.

Shadow: My thoughts exactly.

??? 1: However, we must not faulter. This City is actually a Fortress that the Grimm has created by it hijacking Weiss's not only her mind, but her thoughts, as well.

Shadow: I heard and noticed. Which means Weiss could be at the center of the City, deep inside it.

??? 2: Correct, you are.

??? 1: And the reason why the City is a Fortress is because the Grimm doesn't want your girlfriend to reach Weiss. That is why the Grimm also created a Negative Version of Weiss known as, Negative Weiss as you said. That's why I'm here, too.

Shadow: And that's? 

??? 1: To stop him....

Shadow: Him?

??? 1: I'll.... explain in due time. For now, please keep explaining on the second time Ruby went in with Blake and Yang.

??? 1 requested.

Shadow nods at this as he continued to explain.

Shadow: So, the second procedure began, this time, Ruby won't be going alone. Blake and Yang will be tagging along.

He said.



After seeing the entire Team RWBY settling down on their individual Ice Beds and on the dust-infused thread-like webbing with four dolls of Team RWBY to appear instead of two, I nod at Shion to initiate the Procedure a second time.

Me: Prof. We're good to go for a second time.

Shion: nods Then, let's begin.

Shion said, holding onto Dream Catcher as she swayed it around, saying some kind of trance to begin this procedure.

Shion: Silence your hearts, and entrust yourselves to me. I will now invite you into the dream.

Shion calmly said.

Then, once Shion was done on what she said, I immediately did the same process as I induced three Sleep Dreamscape Energy-Items onto Ruby, Blake and Yang, for the procedure to begin.

Once the operation began, everything went silent. While I was observing the four, Tenka approached.

Tenka: While you attend to them, I'll think of a strategy with Rachel and Mitchell. So, for the time being, we'll be dismissing ourselves.

Me: Go where you are needed, my fellow teammates. There is currently nothing we can do but to wait at this time.

Tenka: nods Keep us posted, Doc. 

Rachel: Mhmm. We're worried about her.

Mitchell: nods

Me: nods I'll do what I can.

I said.

My teammates nod as they proceeded back to their dorm room to think of a strategy on how to save Weiss from the Nightmare. 

After seeing them leave, I turn to Team JNPR.

Me: You're... staying?

Pyrrha: Emotional and Moral support.

Pyrrha said, for Team JNPR to smile at Pyrrha's answer.

After hearing and seeing this, I smile at the sight as I carried on my observation on Team RWBY.

Me: Very well, Team JNPR. You may stick around and watch.

I said, still smiling, for Team JNPR to continue observing the procedure with the Professors and me.

A few Minutes Later,

A few minutes went by as I continuously observe Team RWBY, mostly observing Weiss as she kept getting worse at each second, when Shion's telephone rang for Shion to wake up from sleeping on her dust-infused thread-created hammock upon hearing her telephone ringing.

After getting up, Shion and I approached the telephone as Shion picked it up to begin communicating with whoever is on the line in the Dreamscape.

Shion: It's me... Did you find Weiss?..... Oh?........... Hmm. That is likely s manifestation of Weiss's will to resist the Nightmare.

Upon hearing this, I looked at Shion with a surprise look on my face.

Shion: A key to enter the depths of her mind and wake her up. Please take care of it.

Shion said and hangs up her telephone.

I went up to the Professor.

Me: Prof. Results? What I heard just now isn't just "News". Please tell me they have something.

I said.

Shion: They do. And yes, it's not just news. They found a Relic at where they are now. As stated, this relic is likely a manifestation of Weiss's will resisting the Nightmare and a key to wake her up.

Shion said.

I sighed in relief when I heard this. I then texted my teammates on the results I heard from Shion. After that, i sighed in relief again.

Me: Thank Oum... looks at Team JNPR They found something that may help them wake Weiss up.

I said.

Team JNPR smiled as they are relieved that progress has been done during the procedure. Seeing their happy looks on their faces, I look at Weiss with a smile.

Me: Won't be long now, Weiss. We're taking you home with us.

I said to Weiss.


It has already been many minutes close to an hour as Team JNPR has already left the room as their class is about to start. Then, another phone call came in for Shion to pick it up, but it was cut off, to her worry.

Me: What is it? Results?

Shion: It would seem that Negative Weiss has disrupted ou- 

Just as Shion was about to finish, I notice Shion staggering for me to hold onto and keep Shion steady.

Me: What happened?

Shion: Someone... is also destroying their markers in the dream...

Me: What?! Who???

Shion: I don't know... but whoever it is... seems to be strong.

Shion said.

Just as things are about to get worse, I heard Rubes wince for me to look at her to see some cuts that just formed on her right hand, to my shock. I immediately turn to Shion.

Me: Shion, wake them up! NOW!!!

I yelled.

Shion wasted no time as she swayed Dream Catcher then points it above the web, ordering Ruby, Blake and Yang to wake from their dream in Weiss's dreamscape.

Shion: Wake up, now! Immediately!

She exclaimed.

Then, Ruby, Blake and Yang shot up, wide awake, with Ruby to pant heavily from what she just experienced.

Shion and I sighed in relief that the three of them are up.

Shion: Did you all wake up?

Shion ask.

The three slowly nod as I approach them to give them ice glasses of water made from my semblance, for them to drink from it.

After awhile, Blake can be seen leaning against one pillar while looking at the unconscious Weiss, with Yang leaning against the other, with me to patch Ruby's injured hand by using a bandage from my medical kit close to Yang, and for Shion to be sitting on her threaded-created hammock.

Then, Professor Shion spoke.

Shion: I can sense that all of the markers in the dream have been destroyed. However, it wasn't destroyed by the Nightmare and Negative Weiss. It was destroyed by someone else. We have no choice but to enter the dream a third time and replace them.

Shion said.

Blake: Starting again from scratch...

Blake said.

Shion: The landscape and the rules on Weiss's dream should not change significantly. But whoever destroyed your markers, is changing that effortlessly. Utilize what you have learned thus far and devise a new strategy.

Ruby: A strategy....

Shion: Because of that unknown threat, it will take some time for my Aura to recover. Until then, the three of you should think about your plan. If you do not succeed in the next attempt, however,... Weiss's life will be in danger.

Shion said.

Ruby, Blake, Yang and I look at Professor Shion with worried looks on our faces, knowing that this time, Weiss's life is now at stake.


3rd Person's POV

After explaining what went down, the two figures look at each other with concern at what has happened, then looks back at Shadow.

??? 2: So, what brings you in town?

??? 2 ask.

Shadow: Oh, me? Well, Prof. Shion instructed me to cool off after doing my part for a moment. So, I got the opportunity to not just cool off but, give my girlfriend, Rubes this.

Shadow said, showing a bouquet of Roses.

The figures awe at this as they knew Shadow loves Ruby after telling the jist between him and her during those two attempts.

Shadow: However, there is one thing I must find out.

??? 1 & 2: Hmm?

Shadow: Rubes told me as she was going to reach Negative Weiss, not only was she obstructed by a Grimm, but someone else, as well.

??? 1: realizes who that someone else is Can you.... describe that someone to me?

Shadow: Gladly. He wears a full white suit, he takes the top part off in battle, has a gun and some kind of mask, OH! he does have an evil intent as he is helping Negative Weiss. 

Shadow described.

??? 1 understood the description, for ??? 2 and Shadow to notice this as ??? 1 knows who they are up against.

??? 1: Yeup. That's the one I'm after. His name, is Nightmare.

Shadow: Nightmare? As in the Gri-

??? 1: No. As in a person.

??? 1 said, shocking Shadow.

Shadow: A person?!?! For a NIGHTMARE?!?!?! This is- This is absurd! Prof. Shion's semblance's functionality is-

??? 2: We know. But you must know that different Nightmare Hunters, have their own different method in capturing Nightmares. Including the Nightmare Grimm to be the exact opposite. Yes, they may be identical, but they have different ways in possessing a victim.

??? 1: And the one Weiss has at the moment, has not just one which is a Grimm, but another one, as well.... in a form... of my brother.....

Upon hearing this, Shadow nods in understanding while in a state of shock as to hear ??? 1's brother is also currently possessing Weiss.

Shadow: W-What is he- Why is he doing this?

??? 1: His negativity was formed from his good counterpart, my sister, Nightmaric.... due to an..... incident against a particular Grimm.

Shadow: I see.... How is your sister? And where is she?

??? 2: She'll be catching up with us as she also sensed the dangers in this Kingdom, also.

Shadow: I see. And also...

??? 1: Hmm?

Shadow: Nightmaric.... I heard of that name before. From my Father's stories back when I was a child. She's one of the Members of the Guardians of the Mind.

??? 1: That's her.

Shadow: And I assume, since you know so much about her and about the Nightmare Grimm and.... "Nightmare", then you must be.... gasps Dreamus.

Shadow said.

??? 1 began to giggle as she revealed herself to Shadow, revealing to be Dreamus, herself.

Dreamus: Heheh, Yeup! You caught me. I'm Dreamus. The Dream Guardian, Keeper of Dreams of all that're Pleasant, and also a Nightmare Hunter. thumb points at ??? 2 Him, too. And so as my sister.

Dreamus introduced herself.

Shadow: One of the Guardians of the Mind before me who keeps guard dreams along with her sister who keeps guard nightmares who's catching up... it is a true honour to meet you.

Dreamus: Feeling's mutual.

Shadow: And you must be?

??? 2: I'm Barry, Barry White. Not only as said by Dreamus, a Nightmare Hunter, but I'm also a Greeed Hunter.

Shadow: Greeed?

Barry: They're beings made of Cell and Core Medals that feed on other people's greeds, and using their greeds for evil. That's the long story short of it.

Shadow: Ah, I see.

???: Did I miss the fun?

Shadow: WHUUUUAAAAAOOOHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow jumped as someone shocked him from behind.

The girl giggled, for Dreamus to facepalm at what transpired a second ago.

Shadow: Okay.... that's surprising....

???: Hi, sister.

Dreamus: Hey... Nightmaric.... Jeez, sista (sister)! You oughta stop scaring people like that, even when they are awake.

Nightmaric: Aw, come on! Where's the nightmares when they are no scares? And where's the shock, and fright when there's no scares, too, huh?

Dreamus: sighs fair point...

Shadow: So.....

Dreamus: OH! Nightmaric, this is... ummm...

Shadow: Oh yeah. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shadow, Shadow Wrath. Kamen Rider Ex-Aid codename: Genius Gamer Shadow. Or Genius Gamer S. for short. And, a Doctor-in-Training.

Dreamus: Genius Gamer S for a Kamen Rider and a Doctor? Neato~

Nightmaric: Nice to meet you, Shadow. I'm Nightmaric. The Nightmare Guardian, Keeper of Nightmares of all that're Pleasant and Unpleasant to keep the dreams and Nightmares in order, and I'm also a Nightmare Hunter.

Dreamus: Sister. Apparently he knows us through his father telling him stories about us.

Nightmaric: Oh~ That's grand.

Shadow: Indeed it is.

Barry: Wait. Shadow, did you say Kamen Rider?

Shadow: Yeah, why?

Shadow ask, tilting his head.

Barry lifted his cloak from his right, revealing what looks like a Driver, for him to catch on that Barry is also a Kamen Rider.

Shadow: That Driver?!?! That's the OOO-Driver!!

Barry: Well... y-yes. Seeing that you know what Driver it is, I assume you know Eiji-kun?

Shadow: Yes, I do. Eiji, a few Riders and myself fought together in Build's World against that army of enemies led by that two-faced evil Kamen Rider.

Barry: Yeah. Eiji mentioned about that.

Shadow: How is he now?

Barry: Well. He's seen better days.

Shadow: Then I assume he's doing well after Ankh's sacrifice.

Barry: nods

Shadow: That's good to hear.

Nightmaric: Anyway, sorry to interrupt but, what did I miss?

Nightmaric ask.

The three of them look at each other as they nod at each other, then looks back at Nightmaric.

Shadow: We'll put you up to speed from the beginning till now.

Dreamus: But... you're not gonna like it.

Nightmaric: Try me!

Barry: Okay.

Barry said nervously.

A few Minutes of explaining Later,

At Beacon Academy, 

At the Courtyard,


Nightmaric exclaimed for the entire school to hear her and for the whole world to hear her.

Shadow: Well.... I guess my dad wasn't joking when he said Nightmaric's screams are..... treacherously louder than a Grimm Banshee and a Grimm Nuckaleeve put together....

Dreamus: yeeeeeeeeup....

Nightmaric: Nightmare?! That guys's here?! You have got to be kidding me?!?! Oh wait till Dreamus and I kick his sorry a-

Shadow & Dreamus: Language, please!!

Nightmaric: ..... Hick his sorry butt out of that girl... which we will do it eventually!!

Shadow: But, do you three Nightmare Hunters even have a plan?

Shadow ask.

Barry: We do, but.... we're conjuring a strategy on how to do it now, at the moment.

 Barry said.

The Guardians of the Mind sisters nod at Barry's statement.

Shadow: Well, conjure it fast. Soon, I'll be doing a third procedure.

Shadow said in worry.

While the three thought about their plan with Shadow waiting for them to conjure one, they've thought of a strategy and a plan, for them to look at him.

Shadow: Hmm?

Dreamus: We may have one strategy. Which involves surprising our teacher-in-charge of us who taught us how to be a Nightmare Hunter.

Nightmaric: nods

Barry: And we wanna surprise Professor Shion big time.

Shadow: I see. So, you're taught under her wing as Nightmare Hunters.

Dreamus, Nightmaric & Barry: nods

Shadow: And this strategy and plan are gonna work?

Dreamus, Nightmaric & Barry: nods

Shadow: And there's no turning back at this?

Dreamus, Nightmaric & Barry: nods

After some taught, Shadow decided to screw it and play along with their strategy and plan.

Shadow: Alright. Screw this. Weiss's life is on the line here. So, bring me up to speed on your strategy and plan before they call up.

Dreamus, Nightmaric & Barry: We thought you never asked.

And with that, the three began to tell Shadow about the plan they devised during their journey to Beacon while talking to Shadow.

Shadow nods at what they said as he kept listening.

After listening to their plan, Shadow give them a thumbs up as he began to start their plan.

Shadow: Alright. Let this plan begin in a flash, with Phase 1 to be bringing them into Weiss's Dreamscape. As for you three, remember what you must do.

He said.

The three nod as well as Shadow left for where Weiss lies at this moment, and for the three to head towards the direction of the Emerald Forest so they won't be seen, and while there, they could catch and slay some Nightmare Grimm in the process until they get the signal from Shadow.

To be Continued at 'The Nightmare Hunters Arrive'....

And that's all, folks! The after events after the sixteenth episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose based on the Episode that transpired in RWBY: Ice Queendom. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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