Volume 1: Black and White

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the sixteenth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, the very last episode of Volume 1! So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

*Hits gong real hard till the whole world hears it*

Blake's POV:

Sun: Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days and you gave me nothing but small talk and weird looks!

After hearing what Sun said, I gave Sun a firm look, not to say that I am angry but, I just need to cool off with him for a while, and that's all.

Sun: Yeah, like that.

I rolled my eyes before closing them and looked at him, sadly.

Me: Sun... Are you familiar with the White Fang?

Sun: Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me!

I took a sip from my drink while listening until I spoke up for the big reveal.

Me: I was once a member of the White Fang.

Extremely shocked to what I revealed, Sun promptly goes cross-eyed and chokes on his drink, making him put it down and wipe his mouth as he holds up a hand to process this information.

Sun: Wait a minute, you were a member of the White Fang?!

Me: That's right. I was a member for most of my life, actually. You could almost say I was born into it... Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between Humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as the voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference. But I was just a youthful optimist. Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly, our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fires to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor. And the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect... out of fear.

I then placed down my teacup in front of a stunned Sun.

Me: So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am: a criminal hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little black bow.

I wiggle my cat ears beneath the fashionable disguise to demonstrate. Coming to terms with this, he says...

Sun: So... have you told your friends any of this?

I merely looked down in shame and said nothing.

Sun: By the way, who was that samurai-armoured guy who saw you walk off back in Beacon. Is he your boyfriend or something?

I blushed madly at the mention of Tenka being called my 'boyfriend'. Oh, how I surely wished it was... Wait. What am I thinking?! I shook my head to clear those thoughts away.

Me: N-No, no, no. That was.... That was Tenka.

Sun: Tenka... Tenka who?

I stared at him incredulously.

Sun: Anyway, the way you just reacted just now when I didn't know that Tenka fellow, I'd say you got a liking for the guy.

I then suddenly spluttered my drink out of extreme shock, my face burning up in a deep shade of crimson red. I managed to compose myself as I stands up from my table.

Me: I-I have no idea of wh-what exactly you are talking about. And that guy has a name.

With that, I walked off, feeling embarrased.

Sun: See? There you go again! (Mutters) Women. Always in denial..... Hey, wait up!



Ruby: (shouting) Blaaaake!

Yang: (also calling out) Blaaaake!

Me: You know, things would have worked out okay if Ms. Ice Queen over there would just yell, much less say a simple word called 'Sorry'.

Tenka: True.

Me, Tenka, Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were walking through town and calling in vain for Ruby's missing teammate. Rachel and Mitchell were also helping by looking through others areas in the town, which Tenka suggested for some weird reason, since they had already checked the outskirts of town. Little what they didn't know was that Tenka was deliberately throwing them off of Blake's trail.

Ruby: (continuing to scream) Blaaaaaaaake! Where aaaare yoooouuuu!?

Yang: Blake!

Ruby: (turning on Weiss) Weiiiiss, you're not helping!

Weiss: Oh! You know what might be able to help? The police!

Tenka face-palmed in exasperation, while I groaned in annoyance. Ruby turns to Weiss with a firm look, crossing her arms in irritation.

Ruby: Ugh, Weiss...

Weiss: It was just an idea!

Ruby: (walking down the sidewalk) Yeah, a bad one.

Tenka: Look, Weiss. Whatever you're thinking, we are definitely not turning her in!

Yang: Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions.

Me: And besides, we couldn't have beaten that large Nevermore during the initiation without her help!

Weiss: Please... I could have done that by myself.

Me: And yet you didn't, Weiss. You've done it with Blake, me, Tenka, Mitchell, Rachel, Yang, and Ruby.

Weiss: Whatever. I think that when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right!

Me: You're not exactly serious, are you?

Penny: (following behind Weiss) And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!

We all jumped in surprise at the sound of Penny's voice, and turned around to see the ginger-haired girl standing right in front of Tenka, which didn't surprise him at all.

Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?

She cheerfully ignores the question.

Me: Hey, Penny. Good to see you.

Tenka: It is a privilage to see you again, Ms. Penny.

Penny: You too! So, what are you guys up to?

Ruby: Uhh...

Yang: We're looking for our friend Blake.

Penny: Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!

Me and the others stare at Penny in surprise.

Tenka: Uhhhwhaaaaa??

Ruby: Wait, how did you know that?

Penny: Uhh, the cat ears?

She points to her head to make point with her words.

Yang: (laughing a little) What cat ears? She wears a... boooohhh...

The realization leaves them in silence as a tumbleweed blows through in the wind.

Tenka: The heck is this tumbleweed coming from?

Ruby: (whispering) She does like tuna a lot...

Me: Heh. Then that would explain a lot. But let's go back to the subject.

Penny: So, where is she?

Ruby: We don't know. She's been missing since Friday.

Penny: (gasping) That's terrible!

She suddenly approaches an uncomfortable Ruby and grab her by the shoulders.

Penny: Well, don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!

Ruby: Uh, that's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right, guys?

She looks over Penny to direct her question at Yang and Weiss, but little does she know that they left her behind with the company of the strange girl, strangely enough, Tenka has disappeared as well. Out of nowhere, a tumbleweed blows past me again in the quiet.

Penny: It sure is windy today!

Me: Well, somebody forgot to say goodbye.

3rd person's POV:

Meanwhile, Sun and Blake are seen walking down an alley. With hands behind his head.

Sun: So, what's the plan now?

Blake: (contemplating) I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before.

Sun: (widening his eyes) What if they did?

He then lowers his arms, pacing in front of Blake as he continues his theory.

Sun: I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there! Right?

Blake: The only thing is, I've no idea where that would be.

Sun: Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a huge shipment of Dust and weapons coming in from Atlas.

Blake: How huge?

Sun: Huge. Big Schnee Company freighters.

Blake: You're sure?

At a nearby shop, Yang is seen coming out of it with Weiss, waving to the person inside.

Yang: Thanks anyways! (sighs) This is hopeless.

She turns at Weiss when she looks around nonchalantly.

Yang: You really don't care if we find her, do you?

Weiss: Don't be stupid; of course I do. I'm just afraid of what she'll say when we find her.

As she walks forward, Weiss calls over her shoulder:

Weiss: The innocent never run, Yang!

Tenka: Well, I suppose the afraid run then.

Weiss: What ever do you mean by that, Tenka?

Tenka: Never mind that.

With that, Tenka walks on ahead, secretly takes out his Scroll and quickly checks on Blake's position by using the tracking device he had placed on her bow. Back at the night where he had grabbed Blake's bow as it sailed through the air, he had placed a small tracking device, which was personally made by himself, on the bow. This tracking device allowed him to locate whatever he had tracked on, whenever he wanted. He was quite surprised to find that she was by the docks.

Tenka: (Inner thoughts) What are you doing there, Blake?

In an instant, realization struck Tenka suddenly as he knew what she was about to do.

Tenka: Crud...

Weiss: What?

Tenka: Girls, I just had a sudden realization. Blake once told me something about some kind of balcony café she liked here in Vale. According to my Scroll's GPS, it's about eight minutes away from here. You two go on ahead. I'll go check out the docks.

Weiss and Yang raise their eyebrows in confusion.

Weiss: Why the docks?

Tenka: Simple. It is because its the place where this situation began in the first place.

With that, Tenka runs off at breakneck speed as he activated his semblance, his blurred body quickly fading out into the distance by using his cloak vision technique.



Penny: So, Blake is your friend?

Ruby and I sighed simultaneously as we both make our way down the sidewalk.

Ruby/Me: Yes, Penny.

Penny: But you're mad at her?

Ruby: Yes. Well, I'm not. Shadow too. But Weiss is.

Penny: Is she friends with Blake?

I chuckled humorously at her question.

Me: Heh. If she is, then she's really good at hiding it.

My remark caused me to earn an elbow to the stomach.

Me: Ow! Hey!

Ruby: Don't be mean, Shadow. It's just....that's kind of up in the air right now.

Confused, she tries to contemplate this even more further.

Penny: But why?

Ruby: (sighs again) Well, you see, Blake might not be who we though she was...

Then, Penny gasps suddenly.

Penny: Is she a man?

I began to laugh hard at Penny's inquiry, before being quickly elbowed in the gut again by Ruby, harder this time which I winced painfully at the blow.

Me: OW!!!

Ruby: No! No, Penny. She's... I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off.

Me: And besides, I'm pretty sure I don't think Tenka would even find her more interesting if he's here.

Penny: What do you mean?

Realizing what I had just said, I frantically changed the topic back.

Me: N-Nothing. Y-Yeah! Nothing! Anyways, do you have friends from where you come from, Penny?

Penny turns her head down and shakes her head sadly.

Penny: I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things.

She turns her gaze downward sadly.

Ruby: Me too...

Just after the finishing second, my Scroll vibrates against my pocket. Fishing it out of my pocket, I witnessed that Tenka is on the line so I answered the call.

Me: Sky, any news on---

Tenka(In Phone): No time. Meet me by the docks, and come alone, cap. Please. No time to explain.

He said those to me in hurry before he literally hangs up after.

Me: Wai-- Tenka? Tenka?! Dammit!

Ruby: What? What is it?

Penny: What's wrong?

Me: I... I don't know. Tenka called me and told me to come into the docks. Alone.

Ruby's face then adapts a worried expression.

Ruby: D-Don't you think...... it's a trap?

I shook my head nonchalantly.

Me: No. Tenka's too smart. And he wasn't exactly sounding nervous on the phone too. The way he said it felt like he was really desperate about it.

Ruby: I-I'll come with you.

I shook my head in disagreement.

Me: No. If it's a trap, then I don't want you to get hurt. You and Penny will just keep searching around for Blake, okay?

Ruby and Penny hesitantly nodded. I transfigured myself into my snow form and rushed away towards the docks. It took less the amount  of time thanks to my Semblance, but I eventually made it. I looked around the area and found Tenka in a nearby alleyway, and ushered for me to follow him, and so I did. I got to the alleyway and suddenly saw Tenka on top of warehouse, realizing he had just used his semblance to get up there. I rolled my eyes before following him up top by using my semblance.

Me: What's the big deal anyway, Te--?

He placed a finger over his mouth....

Tenka: Sshh......

He then pointed using his index finger to the opposite side of the dock on top of another warehouse. I caught two blurred figures in the distance. I narrowed my eyes, and recognized one of them as Blake, and that monkey-tailed Faunus from before.

Me: How did you know they were here? And why are they here?

Tenka: I can't answer your first question. I promised Blake not to. As for the second, I'm guessing they wanted to find out who's been taking all the dust here in Vale.

Me: I see... I can also see that they are having the same idea as mine too then. Well... that is something.

Tenka: So, what happened to the girls?

Me: I told them to keep looking for Blake, but now, I don't think it's really needed. Hmm.. They seem to be having a conversation. 

Tenka: Yep.

Amidst the chirping of crickets and darkness of night, Blake lays flat on her stomach on the rooftop overlooking the shipment of Schnee Dust containers.

Sun: Did I miss anything?

Looking up, she sees Sun dropping down to her right.

Blake: Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there.

Sun: Cool.

He then holds out one of the green apples in his arms.

Sun: I stole you some food!

Giving Sun a questioning look, she asks...

Blake: Do you always break the law without giving a second thought?

Sun: Defensively countering. Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?

Blake delivers an angry glare at him, reacting to his reply.

Sun: Okay, too soon!

Just as he says this, the winds blows all around them, and they look up to see a Bullhead's searchlights flashing around for a landing spot, descending in the middle of the cargo containers and extending a ramp for a black hooded individual with a metallic fanged mask to come out of.


Tenka's POV:

Me: You stay here for a minute, cap. I'll just.. check on something. Don't worry, it'll only be a minute.

With that, I stoop up from my prone position, activating my semblance and dashes off somewhere in the docks.

Shadow: Tenka! (sigh) Oh well. Stay safe.

I quietly sneak in and hid myself in between the freighters as I observe more closely of what is happening. Then out of nowhere, I felt a sudden pain coming from my neck, incapacitating in the process before my weapons were taken away, and my hands were cuffed.

Me: UGH... Well, isn't this just great?! 


Blake: Oh no...

Sun: Is that them?

Blake: Yes... It's them.

White Fang Soldier:
All right, grab the tow cables!

Sun: You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?

Staring sadly at the scene, she replies.....

Blake: No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right.

She closes her eyes in despair, only to open them suddenly when she hears a new voice.

Roman: Hey! What's the holdup!? (the soldiers look up at Roman gesturing widely and coming down the ramp) We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?

Blake: This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a Human. Especially not one like that.

She then stands up and unsheathes the katana of Gambol Shroud before walking off the edge of the roof.

Sun: (alarmed) Hey, what are you doing?!


As I looked on, I couldn't bear to watch anymore. And Tenka hasn't even returned yet.

Me: That's it!

I stood up from my prone position, turned into my snow form and flew. I sneaked along as I sailed one with the wind, towards Roman. Keeping an eye on Blake as I did.

Blake falls to the ground in a crouch, then continues on to hide behind one of the containers, peeking around the corner to see Roman berate a White Fang member holding a coil of rope.

Roman: No, you idiot! This isn't a leash!

As he's looking around, Blake suddenly appears behind him with her blade at his throat.

Roman: What the- Oh, for f-

He rolls his eyes when he's cut off by Blake mid-swear.

Blake: Nobody move!

The White Fang soldiers ready their guns and equip their swords in response.

Roman: Whoa! Take it easy there, little lady.

As the White Fang closes in on her, Blake uses her free hand to go for her bow and remove it, causing the ribbon to fall away as her Faunus ears are shown to the world.

Blake: Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?

The White Fang members lower their weapons a little at this development, unsure of what to do a fellow Faunus, when Roman laughs.

Roman: Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?

Blake: What are you talking about?

Roman: The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!

Blake: Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation.

Then, a large White Fang Member emerges from just beside on one of the freighters, pushing a handcuffed-Tenka with his hand, as he carries his prized weapon with the other. All colors from Blake's face instantly drained at the sight. Mine did too, despite being in my snow form.

Me: No....

Tenka: Hey, kitty. I thought I said not to do anything stupid that I wouldn't do.

Blake: I could say the same thing for you, Tenka.

Seeing as they were both distracted by their conversation, Roman smiles and manages to fire his cane at Blake's feet, resulting in a large explosion. Using the opportunity of the moment, Tenka headbutts his captor as hard as he could, dropping Tenka's weapon in the process. He catches his weapon with his mouth before dashing off in an instant.


Penny and Ruby turn around upon hearing the noise, seeing the smoke rise from the docking bay just a few buildings away.

Ruby: Oh, no...


Blake's POV:

Feeling a bit dazed but relatively unhurt on the ground, I quickly rolled and ran out of the way of Roman's continued attacks, flaming missiles destroying cargo behind me as I retreated behind more containers. Roman is then seen approaching me slowly.

Roman: Here, kitty, kitty, kitty...

His taunt are interrupted when a banana peel lands on his head, causing him to look up and growl at the assailant. The Faunus leaps from the container above Roman and drops down on the criminal's face feet-first, rolling up and readying himself to fight.

Sun: Leave her alone!

The Bullheads open to let more White Fang members descend on the scene, standing by Roman as he gets up and surrounding Sun.

Roman: You're not the brightest banana in the bunch, are you, kid?


With that said, the White Fang charge at the monkey Faunus. But before he could manage to dodge a slash from a member of the White Fang, a whirlwind of snow came hurtling down from the sky. It exploded as it collided against the ground, before anomalies of living flesh began to take form. The storm finally died down and I was there, crouching. My weapon and an ice duplicate of it in hand. A White Fang Charges at me, but I swiftly evaded it by rolling out of the way before beginning to beat down each opponent that neared me, falling each one in a single cold slash and slice whenever I attacked. I raised parablade and my duplicate parablade and struck unto the ground, sending a chilling shockwave to beat the last of them.

I look over at the monkey-tailed Faunus to see how he was holding up, but he was doing pretty well on his own . It appeared that his weapon was some sort of collapsible staff-like nunchuck gun.

Blake's POV:

I peered around the corner of the container to watch Shadow slice and slash, and beat more White Fang soldiers, causing one to fly over Roman's head. The crime boss growls in annoyance and aims his cane at him, firing a shot that he narrowly evaded by quickly reverting into his snow form, then changing back again. Thus, I leaped into the action.

Me: He's mine!

Back to my POV:

I nodded after leaving this battle to Blake while I went off to face more of the White Fang. I threw my ice-duplicated weapon towards a small group of White Fang and it exploded on impact, creating a small blast. Thus, beginning my own fight, while the others have theirs.

Blake goes in close and becomes a blur of afterimages as she slashes both blades at Roman, who backs away and deflects each would-be blow with his cane at unbelievable speeds. Blake continues to dash, hop over, and slide around Roman to try and find a weak spot, but her enemy, while barely deflecting the attacks, lands a few hits on Blake until one final beating with his cane causes her to go down.

Just as Roman deals with his opponent, Tenka suddenly appears right in front of Roman, surprising him in the process. Tenka winks at him, a sudden glint appeared in his eye, indicating he is now using his semblance. He unsheathes his Tri-Sector Sparrows and swings it, along with the shots of his crossbow form, at Roman while firing everything he as at him, sheathing his weapons back at every pause before quickly drawing it back again to deflect or block an attack and retaliate. But even with the quickly rapid series of slash and point-blank shots, Roman manages to defend himself barely against every bullet and slice until a millisecond-long pause allows Blake to get a slash in and knock him back away from Tenka.

On his back, Roman notices a container hanging by a crane right above the two warriors, and gets up to fire his cane at its supports. Blake leaps behind it, but Tenka barely misses when he leaps forward, ending up right below the nozzle of Roman's cane. Just as he's about to fire, his and Tenka's attention are drawn to a familiar voice.

Ruby: Hey!

Ruby's POV:

I appeared on the rooftop overlooking them, my weapon extended and ready for action.

Shadow: Ruby? (Slices a white fang side-wards) What are you doing here?!

Roman: (losing interest in Sky, waving) Well, hello, Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?

Penny: (approaching Ruby) Ruby, are these people your friends?

Shadow: Penny too? (Dodges an overhead swipe) Could you take a breather? I'm talking here, for Oum and M's sake. (Punching the Faunus hard, which launched him away)

Me: (looking behind her) Penny, get back!

While my attention is diverted, Roman snarls and fires his cane at me. Just before the bullet landed on me, I was quickly picked up by a peculiar flurry of snow and was moved out of the way of the fiery shot just in the nick of time.

Shadow: Gotcha!

The shot flied past me safely, and I sighed in relief. I turned towards the person who picked me up and saw Shadow's face. My face was dangerously close to Shadow's that any more movement, I'd touch his nose.

Shadow: You okay?

I could literally feel my face heating up as Shadow realized he was carrying me by bridal style, plus the fact that he were to be really that close to my face clearly didn't help with the situation.

Me: I-I'm fine! I'm fine!

I quickly wriggle out of his grasps as I stood up next to him, with my face burning up. Meanwhile, Penny turns her head toward the criminal and gives her first glare that you've seen. Walking forward, I tried to stop her but Shadow grabbed me by the shoulder. I turned towards Shadow as he had a smile on his face.

Penny: Don't worry, Ruby. I'm combat ready!

Shadow: Have faith in her. She's probably got this.

Feeling a little assured by his words, I smiled a bit and hesitantly nods.

Her backpack mechanically opens up, and from its dark depths comes a single sword that extends and multiples into several blades hovering over Penny's back. Leaping from the rooftop with the weapons acting as wings, she sends three of her swords to knock two White Fang soldiers down before even landing on the ground, where she proceeds to fling the swords at one enemy, impale another to a wall, create a barrier of spinning steel against a running attack, leaping over a goon with her swords in tow, and finally making a wheel that she throws to knock multiple Faunus off their feet.

Sun: (observing the spectacle in amazement as he hold his ground) Whoa!

Finishing the last of his opponents, he runs off to safety.

Three Bullheads came from the skies and open fire on the battle, but Penny merely forms a shield and launches two of her swords into the wall behind her, which in turn pull their wielder back with their strings. When her swords swirl around her again, she commands them to open their points and build up a large glowing ball of green light. With a punching action, several bright lasers crack the pavement when they fire at the transports and slice each one in half, causing several of the White Fang members inside to fall and letting me watch as Bullheads fall in pieces behind her. Tenka watches on, clearly amazed at her weapon's demonstration.

Tenka: Wow.... she is officially Penny Machina. (A/N: lol but still, a cool name.)

Just as he said that, he felt yet another pain surging through his neck, that immobilized him yet again, before being dragged away between the freighters.

Meanwhile, Stunned, I  turned back to Penny as she aims her swords at the remaining Bullheads holding the crate of Dust and pulls back on their wires, tugging the aircraft with them.

Me: (watching in awe) Whoa... How is she doing that?

I took a step forward, only to be caught unsuspectingly and disarmed by a member of the White Fang.

Shadow: N-No kidding... That's a lot of strength of right there.


I turned to face her only to see her weapon lying there. A look of panic was stricken across my face as I literally turned my head in every direction finding Ruby.

Me: Rubes? Ruby? Ruby?!

Just then Blake runs at me.

Blake: Shadow, have you seen Tenka?

Me: No. I thought he was with you.

Penny, after her large green pupils dilate for a second, pulls with all her might on the strings, and the aircraft crashes into a stack of crates, causing an explosion as a result. Seeing the Bullhead's flight fell under Penny's control, Roman grimaces.

Roman: These kids just keep getting weirder...

Then, a member of the White Fang shouts at him.

White Fang Member:
Sir, we have to go.

Roman: No, I'm not done yet.

With that he began walking towards Penny, giving off an applause while doing so.

Roman: Bravo... Bra-vo.

Just as me and the others were about to advance on Roman and apprehend him....

Roman: Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh...... One more move from the lot of you....

He steps aside and shows Ruby being held at gunpoint by a bulky member of the White Fang. A look of shock has stricken your and others face.

Roman: Or she gets it.

Me: No! R-Ruby! Are you alright?

Ruby nervously nods as she trembles up a bit. I clenched my fists in anger and sneered at Roman.

Me: Let her go!

Roman: We're not even at the best part yet, Ice pop.

After he said that, much to my exasperation as he called me 'Ice Pop', Tenka too is then revealed from the freighters, being held at gunpoint as well. This shocked Blake to the bones.

Roman: Now, no idiotic sudden moves or they'll both get it.

We all stood there completely still as we all helplessly watch our two friends being held hostage at the situation.

Roman: Good. Now drop all your weapons.

Instead of dropping them, I all held them tight against my hands. Roman sneered.

Roman: I'm not gonna say it twice...

The tone in his voice clearly meant something like 'Drop your stupid weapons or they're dead'. I turned towards the others and reluctantly nodded. Slowly, I settled my weapons gently on the ground.

Me: There. Now let them go.....

Roman: Hmm.....

He places a finger on his chin as if thinking it over before replying.....

Roman: No.... I'm a bit bored out here. So, let's play a game.

Me: I have no time for some stupid---

Blake: Sh-Shadow!

I turned to face her and she adapts this face that I might as well just play along if I want Tenka and Ruby to see the next sunrise and live long.

Me: (sighs) Fine. What do you propose.

Roman smiles in satisfaction.

Roman: There we go. Now........ Choose.

His statement causes my mind to go into hyperactive, thoroughly mixed with confusion, aggravation, and most importantly, shock.

Me: Wh-What? Wh-

Roman: You heard me. Choose.

Me: You do know what would happen if something bad happens to The Tenka Kaito in the hands of a Faunus do you?

Roman: Does it look like they care once they finally have all the power they need?

They slightly lowered their weapon, unsure of what to do, before bringing it back in an instant. I took side glances between my teammate, and Ruby. Tenka had a desperate look in his eyes that clearly meant something else rather than himself, while Ruby had the most pleading look I have ever seen. Then amidst situation, I heard Blake whisper...

Blake: Save..... Tenka.

Me: Huh?

Blake: Save Tenka, please.

A thought came in your head. Despite the situation, I smirked in mischief, deciding to get something out of Blake.

Me: Now why would I do that?

Blake, and even Tenka, were surprised by my question.

Blake: I... I-I.. You.... He's.....

Blake was lost for words as she keeps on stuttering on trying to find the correct words. Then her face brightened.

Blake: He's your teammate! Yeah. He's your teammate.

My smirk turned into a grin.

Me: So, you mean to say is, Tenka is more worth saving than your own Team leader. Is that it?

Blake: No! No, no, no...I just.... I...

That got her pretty bad. Then out of nowhere, she shouted.....

Blake: I LOVE HIM, OKAY?! There.... I said it.

I was all caught off-guard by Blake's sudden outburst, especially Tenka, who was clearly blushing madly at this point. I smiled in triumph and satisfaction as Ruby, despite being held at gunpoint, shrieked in delight.

Ruby: I KNEW IT!!!

Roman: (Rolling his eyes) Yes, yes. We can all have our congratulations to the newlyweds when Ice Boy here picks.

The once comfortable air returns back to its distressing state.

Roman: So, what's it gonna be? Let your teammate suffer? Or let death take the girl who you fell in love with? Yes, yes I know. Don't think I haven't noticed.

I was completely shocked when he said that. Ruby too as her face turned bright red. It was that time I have finally found Ruby's true feelings for me. The feelings she had concealed throughout the first time I had made friends with her. And now, I have finally understood the weird feelings I have been experiencing whenever she smiled at me, or hanged out together. It was love.

Roman: Tick tock, tick tock, Ice Pop.... I haven't got all day.

Me: I swear, Torchwick, when I'm done with this, I'm gonna give you the cold medicine you so deserve, Roman.

Roman only grinned.

Roman: I'd like to you see you try, Ice pop.

I stared at him intensely, before lowering my head...

Me: (Inner thoughts) I never wished for leadership and the responsibility that comes along with the love topic. But now, it becomes painfully clear to me that it entails a lot more that I could've foreseen about it. The choice here before me will affect humanity. And it will affect both her team and family, most especially me now that I've finally found out Ruby's true feelings for me, if I choose Tenka. All have their own arguments: But.....

I raised my head back up to gaze at the two helpless hostages, which are my friends, as my other friends behind me were waiting for my answer anxiously. While deciding on my answer, I put my hands behind me with my scroll behind me secretly. To choose the answer, I said....

Me: Alright then. I'll choose. (Placing my hands behind me)

As I was about to say my answer, I started to hesitate a lot to whomshall I choose. Will I choose Tenka, or Ruby. Then, my hesitation was interrupted by Roman, gloating away.

Roman: Well? Time's running out, Ice pop. Who do you choose??

Though I was about to choose, I still haven't decided, and every second that passes slowly kills me in the inside as I try my hardest to decide. It really was a tough decision to make.

Me: I.... I....

Ruby gazes at me desperately as tears began to form in her eyes. Tenka grimaces as he fidgets greatly and tries to break free.

Tenka: Save Ruby, cap! Don't worry about me.

Blake: N-No! Tenka, what are you saying?!

Me: No! Don't you dare do anything stupid, Tenka! I forbid this!!

Tenka: Then you better hurry. If you won't choose, then I will.

I closed my eyes tightly as I try to calm down and think of a possible way to counter this with back-up. Should I turn myself in for them? Is it going to be enough? My life for theirs? My thoughts were interrupted when more Bullheads came soaring in and dropping off White Fang members that began surrounding me. Just as I was about to finally choose the person I'm going to save, an air of breath trickled through my ear, as if someone was breathing in it, that is until they revealed whothey were. Turns out, it was Mitchelland Rachel. And never in my life I am so relieved to hear Rachel and Mitchell's voice in my sides, their figures completely unseen from the situation as they were both invisible. Once they turn visible again, Rachel asks in excitment.

Rachel: Did I miss the butt whoopin'?

I inconspicuously shook my head and quietly chuckled in amusement.

Mitchell: So, do you have a plan, cap?

I nodded while smirking.

Me: Hey, Roman!

Roman: (Grumbles) What?!

Me: (grins) Tell you what. Take them, and my team as well.

Ruby/Blake: WHAT!?

Rachel: Cap!? Why?! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?!

Me: (whispering quietly) Look down....

As Mitchell and Rachel looked down, they noticed that I was holding my scroll behind my back. And it appears that he's calling back-up.

Rachel: (whispers) Ooooohhh....

Mitchell: (whispers) Right.

Roman: WHAT?! Are you seriously surrendering your own team and your love?

Me: Yeah. But in one condition, if you let them go with you, you stop all the robberies.

Roman: (chuckles a bit) Fine! It's a deal! I like your attitude. Men, Take the rest. But leave the kitty and ice-pop behind.

Two of the White Fang members grabbed Mitchell and Rachel. Just as they were captured, a Bullhead came in to pick Roman and his men up. Once it landed, a ramp was lowered for them. And the White Fang members who had Ruby, Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell are about to enter the Bullhead.

Roman: I have to hand it to you, Ice-pop. You have spirit.... but know that you wasted some lives here and there, bu--

Before Roman could even finish, the White Fang members who held Ruby, Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell hostages were thrown out of the bullhead. Once he saw this, he looked back to see that it is not his Bullhead at all, it is the Super Medical Team's Bullhead.

Me: Surprise~!!! (A/N: Surprise motherf**ker!!!)

After that unexpecting turn of events, Ruby, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell and the Super Medical Team came out from the Bullhead and rushed to my side.

Ruby: You planned this?

Me: Yep. Rachel saw the whole thing.

Rachel: Remember the time he had his hands behind his back? That was the time he was calling for back-up.

Me: That's right. And I will never leave you guys. As after all, one of the rules of being a doctor: You never leave your patients behind. And for this special case between me and Ruby, never leave the girl of your dreams behind.

With what I said, Ruby blushed real hard.

Roman: Well, I must have... underestimated you, Ice-pop.

I then looked at the Medical Team.

Me: Glad you can make it.

Emu: Anything for a doctor, for a friend as well.

Taiga: Glad you called. I was thinking that you weren't in trouble... but now this....

Hirro: (looks at Roman) You have taunted Doctor Wrath for the last time. Now, I shall eliminate you!

Kiriya: Good trick, Ace No#2. Now, let's get this party-fight started!

Dan Kuroto: You've toyed with Genius Gamer Shadow for the last time...

Pallad: Let us begin our fight.

Roman: If you want to fight? Then what about them? (Showing an army of white fang members behind him)

Ruby: Then we will take them down!

Me: (places my hand on her shoulder) together. (Winks at her)

Ruby then blushes harder than before. Then everyone got ready to fight.

Kiriya: So, (tilts bodyto the side to see me and Ruby) You must the "Girlfriend" Shadow was talking about? Pretty eyes and nice complexion on your face.

Me: Not now, Kiriya. Now we need to battle.

Kiriya: Rightyo, Ace No#2

All: We'll change our fates, IN OUR OWN HANDS!!!!






Hirro: HENSHIN!!

Taiga: HENSHIN!!

Dan Kuroto: HENSHIN!

Kiriya: HENSHIN!!

Pallad: HENSHIN!!













(A/N: Just remember from the eighth episode of the insert that this is what Team STRM's combined form look like, but different... 100% different. The legs are Tenka's Component, Left arm is Rachel's component, Right arm is Mitchell's component and the Upper torsoand head piece is Shadow's component)

Ruby: Wooooooowwww... (in awe about the forms they are in right now)

Me: Hey Rubes, let's do this!

Ruby: (nods) Okay. Blake?

Blake: (nods)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

S/T/R/M: (in my combined form) Ruby, Blake and I will clear this game, with no continues and with a super Co-op play!

Ruby: Ummm... Shadow?

Me: Hmm?

Ruby: I... I...

Me: We can talk about this later, okay? When this is done.

Ruby: (nods)

Emu: (in Hyper Muteki form and Perfect Knockout form) We will clear this game, with SUPER CO-OP PLAY!! 

Pallad: YEAH! (Low-fives Emu)

Hirro: Time to excise a band of White Fang members.

Taiga: Mission Start!

Kiriya: Let's ride on!

Dan Kuroto: I will clear this game... WITH CONTINUES!!!!

We then advanced towards Roman and his White Fang Members.


The army White Fang Members soon advanced as well. And we started shooting and slicing each other, only to Roman's shock that his men are going down fast. Just as he was about to fire his round at Ruby, I stood in front of him, sternly.

Roman: Heh.. Got anymore tricks up your sleeve, Ice Pop?

Instead of answering, I turned into my snow form in my combined form and quickly rushed at Roman, before reverting back to my original form and slashed at him. Completely unprepared by the sudden attack, he was sent flying back from the force.

You: As a matter of fact, I do. And take note as well, I am Shadow, not 'Ice Pop'.

Rachel: (moving my arm a bit) NICE!!

Before I could even give Roman the chance to defend himself, I made a sudden sprint and began attacking the criminal mastermind with my combined sword and made an ice duplicate of it. I made a side slash, from which he deflected the attack, but I quickly followed up with a flurry of slice and slashes from both of my combined weapons. The combined blade on my combined sword glowed eerily light blue whenever I'm making strikes. Slice after slashes, he barely blocked them all until he finally countered with his cane as it was going to hit my side. I barely blocked the attack with my sword, but the force was so strong that it shattered my duplicate in thousands of pieces.

Roman: That all you got kid?

I slowly turned to him, smirking wickedly.

Me: Heh. Don't get too excited just yet, Torch. We're just getting started.

With that I made another ice duplicate of my combined sword, and rushed at him.


Me and Roman began swinging our weapons at each other, but both parties block every strike. I made an overhead swing with my sword, but Roman blocks it and hooks my blade with his cane, pulls my beloved sword from my grasp and throwing it off somewhere, leaving me only with an Ice-duplicate of my weapon. Despite losing my weapon, I improvised.


Ruby and Blake nodded as they moved really fast and slice and slash Roman with everything they got while they started shooting at each other. While Roman was distracted, I enhanced my sword's durability by coating it in smooth, hard ice.

Huh, You think you ladies have the guts to take me down?! Well, that's smart, but how futile

Me: That's what brains are for, TORCH FACE!!!

I concentrated on enhancing my Aura, resulting in radiating off a cold atmosphere around me. Once done, I dashed at Roman. He was thoroughly surprised by the fact that I have suddenly gained an additional strength and speed, and was barely able to block my rapid swing of attacks. Roman advances on and tries to slam his cane over me, but my combined form made it hard to panetrate a hit on me. While he is still surprised and shocked, I made an upward swing with my sword to launch him up a couple of feet off the ground.

Me: Ruby, Blake, on me. Tenka, Jump high!

Ruby and Blake went onto my arms as I jumped up towards Roman, and the three of us kicked him straight on the stomach, sending him soaring straight to one of the storage containers. After that combo kick, I landed in between the cargo with Ruby and Blake.

Me: Ladies, go support them, they may need back-up. I  will take care of Roman.

Once ordered, they left to back the medical team up, while I looked around for Roman, and, pretty soon enough, I saw myself in a maze.

Me: Well, you think a maze made out of crates can save you? Well, you can run, but you can't hide from us, Roman!

I raised my sword as I focused my Semblance through it. When I've gathered enough energy, with a yell, I struck the sword down into the ground, creating a massive shockwave throughout the maze of containers, knocking them all back from the force. Dust crystals began spilling out of the containers. The crystals made a small brief fog around me, as they sparked on impact on the ground.

Roman, using the fog to his cause, surprised me by suddenly attacking me from behind. I, however, saw it coming, and I had just enough time to divert myself into my snow form before reverting back again behind him. Roman looked around to find me amidst the fog. I then tapped him ironically on the shoulder. He turned around only for his face to meet my fist of my combined form.

Just before he could rise back up, I held my ice blade at his throat, which Roman responded by raising his hands in defeat.

Me: Had enough yet? It's over Roman. You're so-called army, and your operation here is stopping now. It's done. You've lost!

T/R/M: YEAH!!!!

He looked around him and I was right. The White Fang were pulling back as they were losing a fight from my friends and with the aid of the Super Medical Team, Bullheads being pulled or shot down by Penny, Ruby, Taiga, Kiriya (Jet Mode) and Asuna/Poppy (TokiMeki Crisis), respectively. Little what I didn't know was there were two Bullheads advancing on me from behind. He then smiled at me evilly.

(A/N: Lazer Turbo's Jet Mode)

Roman: Think again, Frost boy.

I stared at him confusingly before I turned behind my back, and saw the two Bullhead raining lead on me. Having no time to evade, I conjoured Mitchell's silver wing shield with ice, upgrading it to block off all the bullets, effectively. I stayed there until the gunfire stopped. And soon, enough it did. I quickly thawed my icy-encased armor off of the shield and looked over to where Roman had been before. As I would've expected he was no longer there. A Bullhead flew over me, Ruby, Blake and the Medical crew and we spotted him inside it. He gave us a mocking bow and he waved his hat as he flies away from the lost battle.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

I deactivated my combined form and my Hyper Muteki form and was about to walk away when I stepped on something. I looked down and saw it was my weapon. I quickly crouched down to pick it up and checked on it if it had any damages of the sort. Finding no flaw in the weapon, I smiled in relief. I sheathed my weapon behind my back and stood up. Just then, I noticed Ruby a few meters away from me, and by the looks of it, she seems to be fidgeting out of nervous as she taps her index fingers together repeatedly. I began walking towards her.

Emu: Uuuuhhh... Shadow?

Pallad: What are you doing?

Ruby: Sh-Sh-Shadow..... I..... What I said.... I-I-I mean, what Roman said... He.. I..

Her face was incredibly bright red, and she desperately tries to hide it by lowering her head down. I smiled warmly at her.

Me: I'd hate to say, but... Although Roman is my enemy, I still have the thought to thank him for.

Ruby: Huh? For what?

Me: Oh, don't play dumb with me, Rubes~ You know exactly what I mean....

I slowly advance towards her. When I got close enough, I grabbed her by the waist, and made her look at my eyes by raising her chin up with my index finger.

Me: You're really cute when you're blushing, you know that?

Before Ruby could even speak further, I leaned in and gently placed my lips on her soft, delicate ones. She was completely shocked by the sudden show of affection. Her heart instantly beats at an uncountable pace. Soon enough, she started closing them and returned the kiss. She ran her fingers through my blue parts of my hair, as I rested my hand below her ear, gently caressing her cheek with my thumb, and ran my free hand up from Ruby's waist to her neck, deepening the case. Sadly, the need for air has caused us both to separate from each other, but we both leaned our heads at each other.

Ruby: Shadow... I.. I--

Me: I know. I love you too, Ruby. To the moon and back. To all eternity... and in M's name, and in Para DX's Fiery Fists.

Taiga: Hmph... love.

Hirro: (speechless as he smiles)

Kiriya: (snapping pics of us)

Pallad: Well, they get along well, like us. Eh, M?

Emu: Yeah.

Poppy: Yep.

Emu: (Looks at Poppy) Eh? Poppy? How did you get here?

Poppy: Well... long story cut short, I had another ship catered by CEO.

Pallad: Well, at least you made it here in time before it ended to back us up, eh? (smiles)

Poppy: YEAH!!~~ (jumps up while raising her fist in the air)

3rd person's POV:

Later, a handful of police cars arrived at the docks. For a while, the police interrogated Shadow, his friends and The Super Medical Team briefly, and they all explained it to them in full details. After they were finally interrogated, Shadow started walking away and went to where Ruby, his teammates and his team back at CR. Tenka went back into the docks to take care of something, Blake, Sun, and Penny are, sitting on boxes in silence. That is, until Weiss and Yang appear on the scene. Ruby stands up from her seat, speaking quickly as she explains the situation to her.

Ruby: Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute...

Weiss ignores her completely and squares off with Blake, who calmly looks her down.

Blake: Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the-

Weiss: Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you?

She pauses for a while, expecting to get an answer from the ex-member of the White Fang, before speaking again...

Weiss: Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided...

Shadow, Rachel, Yang, Sun, Ruby, and most especially, Mitchell look on, worried.

Weiss: I don't care.

Blake's expression looked surprised by this, but Shadow and Emu smiled in relief.

Blake: You....You don't care?

Weiss: You said you're not one of them anymore, right?

Blake: No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-

She instantly raises her hand, silencing her.

Weiss: Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some...

She turns over Blake's shoulder, looking at Sun behind her as she catches herself.

Weiss: ....Someone else.

Blake looks at Shadow and the others, grinning at her. She wipes a tear from her eye, before nodding in understand.

Blake: Of course.

Weiss smiles and nods. She then turns to Rachel, surprisingly. When Rachel caught Weiss was looking at her, she turns her head away from her, slightly whimpering.

Weiss: Rachel.

Rachel tenses up as she suddenly heard her name called by the heiress.

Weiss: I know that I've clearly said a lot of harsh things regarding about the White Fang and Faunus, but I clearly did not said any name. But you and Blake are much different from the others as I have foreseen them. And I just want you to know that I.... I'm......

Weiss struggles as if the word were difficult to come out of her mouth. Weiss closes her eyes for a moment, before taking in a huge deep breathe of air.

Weiss: I'm sorry!

They were all surprised at Weiss' forgiving response. For the first time and possibly forever, Shadow and the others have finally heard Weiss apologize. Most importantly, to a Faunus. Rachel looks satisfied and smiles at her brightly.

Rachel: That's all I ever wanted to hear from you, Weiss. It's water under the bridge now.

The moment is serious for a second more until Ruby screams as she waves her arms wildly.

Ruby: Yeah! Team RWBY is back together and is in now good terms with Team STRM!

Everyone gathered around, Weiss suddenly points accusingly at Sun.

Weiss: I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!

Sun laughs nervously at Weiss statement.

Yang: On good terms? Why sister, what ever do you mean by that?

Everyone looked at Yang with a confused expression.

Weiss: Huh? What do you mean?

Yang: Oh, nothing~ Just the fact that I heard these two lovebirds and Team Leaders over here are finally a thing now!

Me and Ruby blushed madly at Yang's statement.

Me/Ruby: Yang!!!

Kiriya crosses her arms as she puts on a smugly face.

Kiriya: No doubt about it. Such a shame that jacko lantern said it instead of you, Ruby. So I figured, I might as well inform you later that you guys are into each other. Anyway, I got pics. (Showing them to the group)

Yang: I saw what you two did. The way you kissed my sister? I must say, that was a very bold of you, Shadow.

By now, Shadow and Ruby's faces were literally in deep shade of crimson as I buried my face in my hands.

Shadow: Dear Oum and in M's name, Yang, Kiriya, please stop....

Ruby then starts looking around.

Ruby: Hey, wait a minute... Where's Penny?

Rachel: Huh? Blake's gone too.

Shadow: She's probably off with Tenka...

Weiss: Huh? Why?

Ruby: Well, Blake confessed he loved Sky before the fight started here.

Weiss: I'm sorry, what?! How did that happen??

Shadow sighed to himself before explaining what had happened in an understandable way. The decision I literally had to make, all of it. From the darkened back seat of a limo, Penny watches the group of me and my friends reuniting with each other.

Penny's Driver: You should know better than to go running around in a strange city.

Penny: (lowering her head, sadly) I know, sir.

The driver starts the engine, and drives away.

Penny's Driver: Penny, your time will come...


Tenka's POV:

On the edge of a dock, overlooking the vast ocean beyond, I removed my mask, closing my eyes, and breathes in the sea breeze that was coming to me and blowing through my armour. Then, I heard footsteps approaching me, thanks to my training. I smiled but not opening my eyes, knowing who it was.

Me: Hey, Blake

Blake: H-Hello, Tenka.

A comfortable silence looms over between the two of us as we stared at the faraway in the ocean. Then:

Blake: Listen, back there. When..... you know, you were held captive by the White Fang. I... What I said.. I...

Me: Tell me, Do you regret it?

Blake stares at him in surprise.

Blake: I....

She stays silent for a moment before she finally answers:

Blake: ...... No.

To her bewilderment, I sighed as I places my mask back on to my face to cover my eyes and turned my head to look at her right in the eyes, which literally took Blake's breath away as her heart suddenly beats fast.

Me: Tell me Blake, how do you see me?

Blake looks confused by this, but complies as she takes a small breathes of air before answering...

Blake: Before me, I see a courageous, trustworthy, selfless, hardworking and intelligent boy who will soon grow up to be a fine man. A boy who was grown up by a family that helps the oppressed and the helpless. A boy who's heart needing a piece to fill the gaping hole that resides. I hope that I can fill that hole for you.

She slowly advances on me and places a hand over his cheek, caressing it as she does so.

Blake: And a boy that I'm in love with.

She then slowly leans in...

Me: Blake.....I--

Before I could say anything further, Blake closes the gap between us as she kisses me passionately while removing my mask,covering my face and drops it. A great wind from the ocean suddenly rose and blew towards their way. Their hair streaming out with the windy sea breeze as they kissed under the cold moonlight.


Meanwhile back at Beacon, Ozpin is seen holding a scroll showing a "LIVE FEED" of Shadow and the others at the docks, together with Shadow's Medical Team. He closes the video and opens up a communication with Qrow, whose team name and other information is left blank and his only message is: "QUEEN HAS PAWNS."

Ozpin: Hmmm...


A person with a spear called Dragon Proudia, is overlooking Shadow, his team, his Medical Team and his friends nearby at the rooftop of a building not so far from them. He smirked in ammusement as he is proud of something.

???: So, you've made many friends while I'm gone and when you're on a job, eh? Well, I'm pleased. Maybe somedays... we can talk face-to -face, but for now... your strong man is out for a mission for quite a while. Until then... my son.

The person then opened up his four pairs of wings and his tail-like wing tip as he flew off to continue on his mission.


And that's all, folks! The sixteenth and the last episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, Volume 1. I might put some special episodes after this insert and I will also put in Volume 2 real, real soon. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well. 

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you guys so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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