Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the ninth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong real hard*



It was two years before the Gemdeus War and here I was, on my way back to C.R., Seito University Hospital until I was called by a random Old Lady who calls herself The Fortune Teller, who prompted me to come over to see my fortune. So, without any delay and thinking that it won't take long, I went over to her to see my future.

Fortune Teller: I see a bright and dark future upon you, young one.

Me: Really? How bright and how dark?

Fortune Teller: Let us start with the dark part, first. (The magic ball turns dark purple and shows an image) The academy will be overrun by monsters and bad people, the tower will be destroyed, you will see friends come and go and the enemies will be the victor!

Me: ... (Stern look) You know that will not happen right here.

Fortune Teller: Oh, it would... but not where youare working now as your workplace is at the far corner of Vale where it isprotected by your past friends.

Me: Okay, but... what friends are you talking about?

Fortune Teller: You would have to see for yourself, to believe it so.

Me: Well, if you say so... What about my bright part. What is it?

Fortune Teller: Mmm... (magic ball glows extremely bright and shows a bright image of a person. That person appeared to be me when she mentioned me) You will save the world of Remnant by receiving the gifts of the four! And with the four gifts, you and your friends shall overthrow her, with your new-found power and strength! But take heed, once you received these gifts, you have to train yourself on how to perfect these gifts on your own as 10 percent of the four gifts will only be given to you!!! Take care of them, and DON'T LET THEM HAVE THEM!!!

Me: (Stunned) Okaaaaayyyy... Who is this "her"?

I watched the Fortune Teller writing a name on a small sheet of paper. Once she is done, she then passed the piece of paper to me with a name.

Me: S.A.L.E.M.??

Fortune Teller: Young man, LOOK OUT!!!

Once I heard this, I was shocked as the crystal ball suddenly shines even brighter, so bright that the ball exploded in between us.


Me: (waking up while sweating profusely after that intense dream I had) (panting) Man... that same Fortune Teller dream again... Ugh, what time is it?

I reached over to the side of my bed and grabbed my alarm clock from my nightstand to check the time.

Me: 7:00am... Still that early? Oh well, might as well get up and get ready. Classes are going to start up in a few hours' time, anyway.

I got up and was just about to start getting changed when I looked over to where my teammates are sleeping. We all took the corners of the room for more spaces. There were two small book shelves, two desks, and two closets, all shared with me and Tenka with the half, and Mitchell and Rachel with the other half. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. After a few minutes, you had finally exited the bathroom with my uniform on. I had, however, put my trench coat on instead of my blazer I had been provided as I felt comfortable in it, leaving me with only with a white shirt and tie under the coat, including an icy-blue scarf that I had that was given to me by my mom, which is covering up my neck.

(A/N: Icy-Blue Scarf like this one for example. Sorry if I have forgotten to add this in the accessories)

Better get the whole team up or we're gonna be late. So, I first walked up to Tenka. A slight shake was enough to wake him up. But, he disappeared in front of me while my eyes were open.

Me: Okay... Where are you, Ninja-boy?

Tenka: Up here, Huntsman Doctor Wrath.

Me: (looks up at the ceiling) ... Oh. I was gonna tell you to wake up...

Tenka: (lands on the ground) Anyway, it's Samurai, not Ninja.

Me: Okay.

Tenka: So, (light yawn) How was your sleep? Was it good?

Me: Yeah. I slept like a cute lil doggie. (A/N: (giggling) I like dogs so DON'T JUDGE ME!!!)

Tenka giggled a bit at my comment, which caused me to start cracking up, ending up walking both towards Mitchell and Rachel on the process.

Mitchell: Morning, Tenka. Morning, Doctor Wrath.

Rachel: Ugh, still tired. Give me ten more minutes, Doc... zzzzzz... 

Me: You can do that if you want to, while the rest can listen to the great idea I just came up with. But first things first, I suggest you all get changed into your uniforms, so that we can all finally go to class once classes begin.

They all nodded, all except for Rachel who continued snoring on her bed. I rolled my eyes at this as I conjured up an icy bolt from my palms. I thrust my hand forward and it trailed down to Rachel's backside. Her eyes shot wide open as she jumped up from her bed.

Rachel: AH! COLD! COLD! COLD! Okay, okay, I'm up! I'm up! Jeez... Cool it with the freeze spanking!

After a few minutes, they're finally on their uniforms. Mitchell, Rachel and Tenka were wearing standard uniforms, supplied for them. Although Tenka has worn his uniform, supplied for him, he also wore his armour to cover his arms and legs, making me smirk in amusement.

Me: You too, huh?

Tenka: My case is in terms of family tradition.

Me: Oh.

I turned towards the door, and saw a few of our stuff still unpacked from last night

Me: Ugh... Who would take all these much stuff?!

Tenka: My apologies for that huge baggage there. That is meant to be my armour upgrader. I still need to modify my armour though as it's slowly wearing off.

Rachel: I need those luggages too as I need to place something in it soon once it's mailed here.

Me: Rach, don't mind asking, what is this, something?

Rachel: It's a surprise.

Me: Okay.

Mitchell: I didn't bring much stuff with me! Honest!

I let out a huge sigh at their replies, except for Tenka which was understandable

Me: Fine. But let's hurry up, if you guys don't want to be late for the first day of school.

All: Got it!

While looking at my team hurrying up to get ready for our first day of school, I suddenly recalled back when I was five years-old.

Me: (Inner thoughts) Hmm... I wonder what they are doing right now. Being in Beacon right now reminds me of these four special people I have met when I was 5 years-old. (takes out an old photo) Mom, Dad, Amber... Spring, Summer, Winter, I will make you proud, through and through, with my team!

Rachel: (worried look) Doctor Wrath, everything okay?

Me: Huh? (quickly placing the photo into my pocket) Yeah... everything's fine.

Rachel: Alright, then. Come on, help out a bit, will ya?

Me: Heheh. Sure, Coming.


3rd person's POV:

Inside Team RWBY's Weiss Schnee is seen sleeping soundly in her bed. Her eyes flutter open and she stretches her arms above herself, yawning, while Ruby Rose, dressed up in her strangely-coloured school uniform, creeps up on her side and suddenly blows a whistle, causing Weiss to fall off her bed.

Ruby: Good morning, team RWBY!!

Weiss: (from the floor) What in the world is wrong with you?

Ruby: (ignoring her question) Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business.

Weiss: (getting up and brushing herself off) Excuse me?

Yang: (holding a collection of objects – pillows, pamphlets, a candle holder and other room accessories in her arms, also dressed alongside Blake Belladonna) Decorating!

Weiss: What?!

Blake: (lifting her suitcase) We still have to unpack. (the suitcase opens, spilling its contents) Aaaaand clean.

Weiss does not look enthusiastic, especially when Ruby knocks her back again with the blow of her whistle.

Ruby: Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! (raises her fist into the air) Banzai!

Ruby with Blake and Yang: (doing the same at her sides) Banzai! (they turn at an angle as Weiss lays on the floor)

Yang places a poster of six guys in various poses named "The Achieve Men" on her part of the room. Weiss positions the painting of the Forever Fall forest to perfection and walks away. Blake is busy putting away her books on the shelves, picking up a copy of 'Ninjas of Love' and widening her eyes as she warily looks around before putting it back. Ruby positions Crescent Rose at an exact angle against the curtains so she can perfectly slash a diagonal portion off. A quick zoom around the room (and the repaired curtains) ends with the girls admiring their handiwork... with one little problem. The beds are cramped together in the centre of the floor.

Weiss: This isn't going to work.

Blake: It is a bit cramped.

Yang: Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff...

Ruby: Or we could ditch the bed... and replace them with Bunk Beds!!

Weiss: Umm, that sounds incredibly dangerous.

Yang: And super-awesome!

Blake: It does seem efficient.

Weiss: Well, we should put it to a vote!

Ruby: I think we just did.

To the sounds of two dings and a single buzz, Blake thumbs up the idea, Yang makes a double-rocker gesture, and Weiss angrily curls her fists at her side. Decided, they rush at the beds, where sounds of jackhammering and sawing are heard until they gather back in front of the room.

Ruby: Objective: Complete!

While Weiss' bed is simply on the ground next to her art and luggage, Blake's bed is next to her books, which are used to raise Yang's bed over it by placing the novels on the posts, and Ruby's is hanging from ropes on the ceiling with a blanket used as a tent over it

Ruby: Allllright! Our second order of business iiiiiiiiis...!(the room spins until she lands on her bed and a book lands on her lap) Classes...(pulls out a pencil) Now, we have a few classes together today. At 9, we've got to be-

Weiss: What?! Did you say 9 o'clock?!

Ruby: Uuuum...

Weiss: It's 8:55, you dunce!

Weiss is the first rushing out of the room and down the hall, the members of RWBY and JNPR peeking out from their doorways to look at her go.

Ruby: (flabbergasted as she decides) T-T-To class!

Ruby runs out, followed by Yang and Blake.

Jaune: Class...?

Jaune loses his balance and ends up toppling Nora, Pyrrha and Ren on top of him. He manages to get out from under them and starts dashing.

Jaune: We're gonna be late!

At Team STRM's Dorm room,


Our Team's dorm was near Teams JNPR and RWBY. I stepped out of the room, stretching my arms out a bit.

Me: Man, that worn me out. Mitch, what time is it?

Mitchell checked his wristwatch, and his eyes went wide, instantly.

Mitchell: 8:57!?!?!?!

S/T/R: WHAT!?!?!?!

Me: Why the heck didn't you say so sooner!?!?!

Without second thoughts, we hurriedly ran towards class which was about to start in about 3 minutes time.

We all had only one minute left to get to class and Teams RWBY and JNPR weren't even halfway, this was getting bad. Then suddenly, something dawned upon me...

Me: OH, COME ON!!! Why didn't I see this!!!

Rachel: What?!

Me: (rummaging through my stuff and brings out a bottle, but not just any bottle) Ready to speed things up to, "race against time"? (swirling a bottle with only Speed-up power-ups)

Rachel: Oh yeah!

Me: Awesome. (passes three) Pass the rest to Tenka and Mitch! (rushes up in a flurry of snow to catch up with Teams RWBY and JNPR)

Rachel: Got it! (slows down to pass the power-ups to Tenka and Mitchell)

Me: (rematerialized my whole body while running at the same time as I caught up with Ruby) Hey!

Ruby: Hey!

Me: Pass your buds these! They'll help! (passes Ruby eight speed-up power-ups)

Ruby: Thanks!

Me: Your welcome! (activating power-up)


When everyone activated their power-ups, we dashed off to class in an instant. In the courtyard, Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch watch the three teams hurrying through the school in Mach speed. Glynda looks at her watch, and Ozpin simply sips his coffee.


3rd person's POV:

Port: Alright, let our class, beg-

Suddenly, the professor and the students inside heard the classroom doors burst open. They all turned towards the doorway, to see Shadow and his team, RWBY and JNPR. Port sighs upon seeing the late students as they made their way to their seats.

Ruby: Sorry we're late, sir!

Shadow: It won't happen again, I promise you!

Jaune: Same here, Professor!

Port: Very well. Now please sit down, so I can continue the lesson.

Shadow's team, with Teams RWBY and JNPR walked to our seats, facing the front desk, and behind it were boards displaying various species of Grimm – King Taijitu, Deathstalker, Beowolf, Boarbatusk, Nevermore and Ursa.

Port: Monsters! Deeeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!

Shadow and the rest of Team STRM are jotting down notes as this was quite new to them as they hardly seen any Grimm at where we were before, before we came to Vale. They were seated on the second row behind Team RWBY, who are being seated on the front row. They were in varying stages of interest; Blake and yang are sitting up and paying attention, Weiss is taking notes, and Ruby has her head propped in her hand as she takes a quick nap until she woke up by Port's bad joke, which receives a cricket-filled silence as a result

Port: Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen and Huntresses... (gives Yang a wink, which she groans uncomfortably at, and Rachel giggles at it, earning her an eye roll from Yang) Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!

Rachel: (raises her fist) Ayyyy-yep! (stands up for a moment as everyone was looking at her strangely before sitting down, embarrassed) Sorry. Got carried away...

Shadow: No worries, Rach.

Port: That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy...

His words fade into the background (and a series of "blahs") when Weiss notices Ruby is very confused on pencilling the paper in front of her.

Port: ... Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter', he told me...

The speech evolves into more "blahs" as Ruby snickers at her creation and shows it to her teammates: A general ball-with-limbs-and-a-head drawing of the teacher with stink lines coming from him and "Professor Poop" written underneath. (A/N: I know, I know... It's insulting. But hey, at least it's not as worse like the name "Professor PoopyPants" from some animated movie kids know off) Shadow and the rest of his team saw this too. Shadow and Rachel smiled in amusement a bit at this, Tenka rolled his eyes at the picture, but is impressed, while Mitchell, Blake and Yang are heard laughing, but Weiss looks annoyed.

Port: Ah-heh-hem! (he waits until he has their attention again) In the end, the Beowolf was no match of my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!

The teacher takes a bow, with Rachel and Mitchell making an applause, as Weiss slowly gets more and more frustrated with Ruby's antics.

Port: The moral of the story? A Huntsman must be honourable!

Ruby is balancing an apple on a book with her pencil held only by her finger while making a silly face.

Port: A true Huntsman must be dependable!

Ruby has fallen asleep again in the first class of the year.

Port: A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!


Ruby is not-so-subtly picking her nose, much to Weiss' building anger. Me and Tenka took notice of this.

Me: (whispers) Don't you think that she's gonna blow a fuse.

Tenka: (whispers back) Highly Possible.

Port: So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

Weiss: (still angry, she raises her hand) I do, sir!

Port: Well, then, let's find out! (he turns to gesture at the glowing red eyes surrounded by a shadow shaking the cage that traps it) Step forward, and face your opponent!


And that's all, folks! The ninth episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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