Volume 1: The First Step (Part 2)

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the fifth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! This episode, we will be finding out about Rachel, Mitchell, Tenka and my semblances today. Hopefully this will help sort things out for you, beloved readers. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, an LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong real hard*

A/N: Hmm, nothing happened.

Shadow: BONG! *hits me in the gong real hard*

A/N: OW! Dude, you are supposed to be in there now!

Shadow: Come on, just play along!

A/N: OH, WHY YOU...GET BACK HERE YA FOOL!!! *chasing after him now*

3rd Person's POV:

It probably a few seconds ago that all the firsties were being launched to begin our initiation. Things were going well until a black bird is slowly flying magnificently, right up to the moment it gives a final shriek and Ruby crashes through it in a burst of feathers as she plummets downwards.

Ruby: Birdie, no!

She rids the bird of her face, but the bird then plants itself on Shadow's face as he descended

Shadow: HEY!! I can't  see a thing!!

He tried removing the bird from his face, only to find out that he is now 45 feet of the ground

Shadow: WHOA!! (He quickly inserted two gashats into his Game-Driver and pulled the lever) LEVEL SHIFT!!! EX-AID LEVEL THR-


Ruby: Sorry!

Ruby then fires off a few rounds from her Crescent Rose to slow down, then turns her weapon into its scythe form to catch the branch of a tree with her blade and fall downwards at a slower pace.

Weiss, armed with Myrtenaster, summons a white snowflake glyphs under her and leaps off, of it to the forest below.

Ren descends as Tenka sees Nora briefly being seen next to him at a faster speed, and spins in the air, eventually using StormFlower's blades to spiral around the trunk of a large tree and hit the ground, brushing off his clothes before looking up to see... 

Yang: Woo-hooo! Yeah! Ally-oop!

Yang, soaring right over the treetops, is using her gauntlets and its fiery force to push her through the air further and further north of the Emerald Forest, spinning and laughing with each blast, even when she rashes through the leaves of a tree and leaps off two trunks to tumble to the ground, and eventually getting up, to stick to the landing strategy.

Yang: Nailed it! (runs off)

Meanwhile with Pyrrha, her weapon in spear form and armed with a shield, crashes through several trees and rolls on a branch, immediately shifting her blade into a rifle and looking through the scope at Jaune as he continues to scream as he falls, helplessly. Pyrrha calmly transforms her weapon again to its spear form, takes a moment to evaluate her throw, and rockets the javelin deep into the forest until a faint "THUNK!" is heard.

Jaune: (further distance) Thank you!

Pyrrha: (waving) I'm sorry!


Exactly a few meters away from the temple, Tenka lands while posing in a samurai way as he clutches his weapons as he already encounters 8 beowolves, surrounding him, while growling. Tenka smirks at himself before separating his weapons into a pair of sickles and activates his semblance as he winked at them, making a blackish gold glint appear on his eye that he used to wink. A beowolf then lunges at him. Tenka slashes one beowolf that was lunging at him and within seconds, the beowolf is then sliced into four pieces. The other beowolf charged in, followed by the other, and Tenka looks back and his weapons glow bright gold and two beowolves are now sliced after a second.

When the rest of the three beowolves saw three of their kind being killed, all of them lunged at him and just as he was about to combine his sickles back into a bow-like sparrow to shoot them, I slipped into the picture and punched all three beowolves in the face. Once I'm done punching the Grimm at one side, I went to Tenka's side. Both me and Tenka took a good look at the beowolves and the they took a glance back at us, then we struck them without letting them move from their positions and not letting them see us. Once we sliced them all, I deactivated my Ex-Aid Level 3 form and Tenka place his sparrow back into his scabbard.

Tenka: Well, I guess that makes the two of us, partners for 4 years, Doctor Wrath.

He then held out his hand for a shake, which I gladly accept.

Me: Yes, Tenka Kaito.

Tenka: By the way, how did you turn into Emu's level three form so quickly? And to add another question in, how did they not see us, nut we can see each other?

Me: Well number 1, a bad landing by a bird had to change the game plan of my landing strategy. And number 2, is that, after I punched them aside and went beside you, I secretly placed an invisibility power-up on us.

Minutes ago:

 Ruby rids the bird of her face, but the bird then plants itself on my face as I descended.

Me: Hey! Can't see a thing!

I tried removing the bird from my face, only to find out that I am 45 feet of the ground

Me: WHOA!! (I quickly inserted two gashats into my Game-Driver and pulled the lever) LEVEL SHIFT!!! EX-AID LEVEL THREE! DAI-DAI-DAI HENSHIN!!!


-Mighty Jump! Mighty Kick! Mighty Mighty Action X! A Gacha! Buttobase! Totsugeki! Gekitotsu Punch! GEK-KI-TOT-TSU ROBOTS!-


I then took a rough landing, at least I punched my Gekitotsu Gauntlet on the ground to save me from falling flat in my face, but it really did collapse some trees due to the impact I did

Me: At least this gauntlet can hold. And at least he said that we could destroy anything in our path. And boy, how I love the gauntlet, *looks at my left arm that is equipped with Gekitotsu Gauntlet* just look at th... oh yeah, I forgot. I must find a partner.

Then I heard Grimm noises close by and decided to take a look. As I was getting near to the source of the noises, I saw Tenka fighting with six beowolves, taking down three of them, which I questioned myself, how did he do that within a second.

Me: Damn... How did he dothat?? Well, he's still not going to do this alone.

I inserted the red Gashat into another slot and pressed the button twice


-Kimewaza! Gekitotsu Critical Strike!-

Me: (jumps forward and punches the three beowolves away with 20% destructible force) Nailed that jump.

Present time:

Tenka: Okay...

Me: Yeah... Anyway, let's get moving. I don't think we've seen the last of the--

Tenka: (expert shoots the last beowolf that was hiding behind the trees) Now, we can go. (smirks)

Me: ... Show off. (I then smirk back at him)


3rd person's POV:

In the middle of the forest, Ruby lands in a crouch, then darts off with a single mantra in her mind

Ruby: (Inner Thoughts) Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang, gotta find... (shouts) Yang! Yaaaang! (thinking as she sees herself partnering with various people) Oh, this is bad, this is bad... What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first? Well, maybe there's Jaune. He's nice. He's funny... and I don't think he's very good in a fights, though. There's Tenka! So calm, loyal, he has cool armour and weapons! There's also Rachel. So, cheerful, conscientious, strong, I think. Then, there's Mitchell. Cheeky person, So cool at certain things, awesome with those silver wings of his. And of course, they'd probably found a partner already... What about Blake? So mysterious, so calm... Plus she likes books! Then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her, plus the fact that I--- Ugh! Well, there is also Shadow. Very kind, so unpredictable, well-known as a doctor, and those cute blue and red eyes and... (shakes her head of daydreams) Ugh! What am I saying?! Okay... Who else do I know in school? There's Yang, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell, Jaune, Blake, Shadow aaaaand...

Time seems to slow down as Ruby skids to a halt in front of Weiss as she turns her face to her. She stops just in time for her eyes to meet and a moment of silence besides the chirping noises of crickets, follows. The moment of silence ended when Weiss turning on her heel and walks the other way.

Ruby: (following her slightly) Wait! Where are you going?! (stops and kicks the ground dejectedly) We're supposed to be teammates...

Weiss is seen struggling through the forest, giving an occasional grunt or "Ow!" as she pushes plants out of her way. She then brushes herself off and sighs in relief when she hears a voice above her.

Jaune: (trying to free himself) Come on, come on! Stupid...!

Weiss sees Jaune hanging a few feet in the air by the spear embedded in his hood and the tree behind him. As he gives up trying to pull the spear out, he looks down and sees Weiss, giving an embarrassed wave. Weiss simply heads back in the direction she came from and Jaune groans in dejection.

Weiss: By no means does this makes us friends.

As she passes Ruby, she pulls on her hood, and begins to drag an overjoyed Ruby as she's dragged away into the bushes.

Ruby: You came back!

Jaune, seeing the scene, frantically waves his arms at them.

Jaune: Wait! Come back! Who's gonna get me down from here?!

Pyrrha: (below) Jaune? (Jaune then looks down to see Pyrrha) Do you... have any spots left on your team?

Jaune: Very funny... (looks away)

Moment of silence

After a mere moment of pause, he eventually looks down at Pyrrha and gives a smile, which she in return smiles back.


In another part of the forest, Rachel was seen walking through the forest while speed forest-pruning some plants, bushes and vines by using her two spears to clear a path in front of her. She swung one of her spears at a nearby bush and she felt like she had hit something, metallic.


There was panic across her face as she didn't know whether she hit someone by accident or she hit a Grimm, since she's pretty much useless without somebody combining her semblance with someone else's semblance.

Rachel: (Inner thoughts) I can use my own semblance... but, that wouldn't be enough as I need someone's semblance as well to boost it more... ok... looks like I have to do this the old fashion way...

She then walks three steps up, readying herself to strike.

Rachel: One... Two... THREE!!!! (turns around in her battle stance, only to see Mitchell doing the same)

Awkward silence

Rachel: Um... Hey.

Mitchell: Sup, Rach. 

Rachel: Partners?

Mitchell: Yep.

Rachel: (Inner thoughts) (Doing a victory pose) YES!!

Mitchell: Um, you know I can see you posing in front of me---

Rachel: Quiet!


Ruby s POV:

Back to Weiss and Ruby, Weiss is seen trudging through the forest with Ruby trailing behind her.

Ruby: What's the hurry?

Weiss: I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow! I swear, if I get a bad grade because of your-

Ruby: (smiling as she uses her semblance to appear next to Weiss, surprising her)

Weiss: What the-

Ruby: I'm not slow, see? You don't have to worry about me!

Weiss looks back, looking slightly amazed.

Weiss: When did...?

Ruby: Weiss, just because I don't exactly know how to deal with people doesn't mean I don't know how to deal with monsters.

Ruby then puts her arm around sceptical Weiss' shoulders.

Ruby: You're about to see a whole different side of me today, Weiss, and after it's all over, you're going to be like, "Wow! That Ruby girl is really, really cool... (somewhat mousily)... and I want to be her friend!"

Ruby disappears in a shower of rose petals, which Weiss waves away from her face just as she hears crackling and rustling noises in the bushes around her.

Weiss: (calling out to Ruby) You may be fast, but you still excel at wasting time! Ruby? (A/N: There is a term called, "Silence, save more noises" well, the noises come later soon enough)

The forest darkens, forcing Weiss to lean in to try and find her new partner as a pair of red eyes are unnoticed, glaring at Weiss, behind her.

Weiss: Ruby...?

Behind Weiss, multiple pairs of red eyes began to stare at her from the bushes and a deep growl is heard. She turns around to spot a large, jagged Beowolf emerging from the bushes and started to approach her.

Weiss: Ruby!

Few minutes earlier....


Tenka and I have been trudging through the forest as we both held a conversation.

Me: So, since we are quite lost here now, I wonder how Rachel and Mitchell are doing right now.

Tenka: Same. I hope they found their partners already.

Me: Yeah, I hope so.

Tenka: Never fearn, Doctor, I'm sure they will be fine. Rachel and Mitchell were good fighters after we left C.R. three years ago. That was when we got our semblance.

Me: Wait. You started to have semblance already back then, that's awesome. What semblances do you guys have?

Tenka: Well, me for starters, my semblance is speed and times two (x2) agility, that means I can run fast, and I can be agile easily that no one can see me move, with or without my weapons. That is what you saw back then when you have no idea how I killed these Grimm within seconds.

Me: Okay, now it makes more sense when I saw you fought some Beowolves.

Tenka: Next, there's Rachel. Her ability is combining her semblance with other people's semblances. Let's say for example, Rachel and Mitchell. If they team up, Rachel's semblance will not only be Fire Starter and Spinning Dance, it will also be Flight and Eagle's fury if she uses her semblance to combine Mitchell's semblance. And Mitchell's semblance is like I said, but in different terms, Air Manipulation, meaning he not only can fly, he can manipulate air.

Me: So, Mitchell is Air Manipulation, Rachel is Fire Manipulation and yours is speed.

Tenka: Correct.

Me: Awesome.

Tenka: Actually, about Rachel's semblance, yes Fire Manipulationis her semblance but, she has a long way to go as Sensei told me that she only has half of her semblance. A---

I stopped Tenka halfway as I held up my hand.

Me: Don't worry. I will help you three complete Rachel's Semblance. It's gotta take a lot of training, but we will help her get it. We will help get her smile when her semblance is complete.

Tenka: Thanks, Doctor.

Me: Your welcome.

After assuring that we will help Rachel, we both continued walking until Tenka asked a question to me.

Tenka: So, What semblance do you have?

Me: Well... my semblance is... is... weird as... my semblance is Mighty Genius Manipulation to what some Fortune Teller told me that is extremely rare.

Tenka: Wow. That's sounds cool. That's how you turn to all of Ex-Aid, Brave, Snipe, Lazer, Genm, Para-DX and Cronus forms.

Me: Yeah. My thoughts to myself exactly. (smiles)

Tenka: But remember, Doctor, our semblance is important to every one of us, not just me, Rachel, Mitchell, or you. It's everyone's semblance that is important as it is our life that is at stake if we don't have semblance.

Me: (I find his opinion rather convincing and treat it as a life-lesson) Ok. That's agreeable, and point made, by a fine Huntsmen.

Tenka: Thank you, Do--.

Weiss: (in a distance) RUBY!!!

Me & Tenka: (eyes widen) Weiss? / Weiss!

Tenka: Sounds like she and her partner are in trouble...

Me: Yeah, more like Grimm trouble as I am now hearing packs of Beowolves right now.

Tenka: Let's waste no time.

Me: Right! Level Shift! Snipe Tactic 2! Henshin! (inserts a gashat onto the Game-Driver and pulls the lever)


Ba-Ba-Bang! Bang-Ba-Bang! (Yow!) Bang! Bang Shooting! GO!!!

(Upbeat jazz music)

Me: (picks up two similar power-ups) Wanna give it a go?

Tenka: Sure. We need to get there fast!

I tossed two power-ups and it went into us, then a visual, appearing for only a few seconds shown and said,"SPEED-UP" . Once we received that power-up, we ran as fast as our legs can take us to where Weiss is, hopefully that she will still be ok with her partner, and hopefully these power-ups will be enough to not draw any attention to us like the time I snuck up to Tenka's side while punching those Beowolves in the face.


And that's all, folks! The fifth episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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