Volume 1: The Emerald Forest

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the sixth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei.

So, enjoy the insert.

So sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong real hard*

A/N: Hmm, for once nothing happened

Almost all of the Huntsmen and Huntresses-in-training are now inside the vast, thick forest. Yang Xiao Long is passing through trees and bushes, looking around.

Yang's POV:

I was looking for my little sister, Ruby. I hear no reply so, I have to expand my search even further while calling out for her.

Me: (calling out) Helloooooooo? (not seeing anyone around, including a shadow quickly passing her) Is anyone out there? Helloooo? (stops and raises her arms) I'm getting bored here! (hears a rustling noise in the bushes behind her and turns) Is someone there? (the rustling continues as Yang walks over and peaks inside) Ruby, is that you?

A low, inhuman growl is heard, and my head rose up as I stared at the creature.

Me: Nope!

I quickly roll to the side as an Ursa charges out of the green. I got up and activate my Ember Celicas, staring at the monster before another Ursa runs out behind me. I leap over it, and its companion runs at me again, only to get knocked back by my fiery punch. The other Ursa and I charge at each other, and I managed to get under it and deliver several punches and a kick to send the creature back

Me: You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood, would you? (the Ursai merely growl at he) You could just say "no".

One of the Ursai stands on its legs and swipes at me twice, I barely dodged those attacks.

Me: (laughing) Geeeeez, you two couldn't hit the broad side of a ba--

Before I can complete my insult, a single strand of my golden hair falls in front of my face and lands on the forest floor.

Me: You...

I closed my violet eyes, then opens them to reveal red, making the Ursai look at each other confusedly before I Screamed.

Me: You MONSTERS!!!!

An inferno surrounds me for a moment, and I rocketed forward, unleashing a devastating combo of flaming hits and blows on the offending Ursa, making if fly through several burning trees. (A/N: And that my friends is what I called a "-insert number- HIT COMBO") The other Ursa runs over, but stops short at my gaze while a tree falls to the ground behind me.

Me: WHAT!! You want some too?!

The Ursa rears up and prepares to strike... right when a whirling noise is heard and the monster makes a befuddled noise, falling down a second later. Once the Ursa fell, it was revealed soon after that Blake Belladonna with her Gambol Shroud in the beast's back.

I pant in exhaustion while Blake recalls the weapon back to her hand, sheathing it on her back and smiling to the side. Whereas for me, now violet-eyed again, spoke to my new partner over the smoking remains of the Grimm.

Me: I could've taken him.

Blake: Right...


My POV: 

After hearing a Beowolf roar near Weiss's location, Tenka and I didn't hesitate to run to that location. Our number one priority is to help anyone in need, then find the temple to grab the relic, and get the heck out of here.

After a couple of dashes and turns, and rightafter our power-ups are drained, we finally arrived to see Weiss, all alone,surrounded by Beowolves. Tenka decided to sink into the shadows, and onlyintervene when it is necessary.

Weiss's POV:

To my predicament, I deflected the swipe from a Beowolf with my Myrtenaster and gets pushed back into the middle of the beastly circle. I held out my sword as I went through her duelling motions.

Me: (Inner Thoughts) Remember your training, Weiss. Now, what was it again? Oh yes. Heads up, shoulders back, right foot forward – not that forward! – slow your breathing, wait for the right time to strike, and... (brings her rapier up, the revolver starts spinning for a few seconds) NOW!

I dashed forward with my loaded weapon at the Beowolf in front of me, just when Ruby suddenly appears between the two in a blur of rose petals and a swipe of her Crescent Rose in its scythe mode, landing a hit on the Grimm.

Ruby: Gotcha!

Me: Gaah!


Weiss widened her eyes and screams as she quickly stops at her tracks, swinging the sword in a random direction and creating a line of fire that trails up to the tree me and Tenka were hiding at, followed by the rest of the forest around the clearing in a matter of seconds

Tenka: Watch out! (Pulling Shadow by his back collar and disappeared in a flash, leaving a trail of Black and Gold highlights behind on the ground, just in a nick of time as the tree suddenly engulfed into flames)

Me: That was close!

Tenka: I know, right?

Weiss' POV:

Ruby, distracted by my mess-up, is barely defended when the same Beowolf then scratches at her weapon, knocking the younger girl into me, a heiress.

Ruby: Hey, watch it!

Me: Excuse me! You attacked out of turn! I could have killed you!

Ruby: You'll have to try a lot harder than that... 

The duo wield their arms as the pack of Beowolves whine and growl around them. Ruby reloads her scythe just as a flaming tree falls near them.

Me: (grabbing Ruby's arm) We must go, now!


I watched as Weiss leads Ruby out of the blaze as it engulfs the grass and sets the Grimm to running back the way they came or suffer in the forest fire.

Tenka: Great... Now we lost them. And make matters worse, WE ARE LOST TOO!!!!!

Me: Umm, Dude...

Tenka: Yeah?

Me: Behind you... (points behind Tenka)

Tenka: (looks back) Oh... oh right, now we are not lost as we have found the temple.

Me: Yeah... looks like we aren't the first ones to be here though.

Tenka: True.

I used Gashacon Magnum, in Sniper Mode and scope around the forest while Tenka and I are walking down a small hill towards the Temple.

Once we have arrived at the temple, I noticed that the relics on each Podium are Chess Pieces, much to my ammusement.

Me: Is it just me or is the school in a Chess Gaming spree... cause' I'm in for a game. (giggling) Okay okay, let's go back toreality and let's take one and get the heck outta here.

Tenka: Agreed. I don't want to have to face more Grimm here.


Ruby's POV:

After running away from the Grimm and the forest fire, Weiss is seen leaning over and pants as I look behind her.

Me: What was that?! That should've been easy!

Weiss: Well, perhaps if you had exercised even the slightest amount of caution with the placement of your strikes, I wouldn't have set the forest on fire!

Me: (scoffs) What's that supposed to mean?

Weiss: I'm just surprised someone who talks so much would communicate so little during an encounter!

Me: Well, I'm sorry you need my help to win a fight. I'm just fine on my own.

Weiss: Well, congratulations on being the strongest child to sneak your way to Beacon. Bravo!

Weiss begins to walk off on me, yet again. To my complete frustration and with an agitated shriek, I unfold Crescent Rose, and slice a tree down and refolds my weapon back, and follow my partner as the tree crashes behind me. Neither do we both know a dark feather floating onto the fallen trunk behind us.


3rd person's POV:

In the Northern part of the Emerald Forest, Rachel and Mitchell are walking through tall bushes, and overlapping vines until they finally came across an abandoned temple.

Rachel: Is this it?

Mitchell: Maybe, and what's with the crater and all?

Rachel: Huh?

Not far from the temple, a crater about four feet deep, and a shape of a human body is clearly visible at the very bottom. Much to their confusion, they decided not to mind it, at all thinking that someone wasn't prepared for their proper landing. They then examined the place and realized that this destroyed temple had lots of podiums in a large semi-circle. Each podium had different large chess pieces on it

Rachel: Chess pieces?

Mitchell: Well, they said we needed to find a temple. So, I'd recon this is it.

???: So, what are you waiting for, you guys? Grab one. Heheh...

Rachel and Mitchell: Huh?

Rachel and Mitchell looked back and noticed Shadow and Tenka jumping out of the tree behind them.

Rachel: Doctor Wrath, good to see you again, you too Tenka.

Shadow: Yeah.

Tenka: Well, it looks like we got the gang back together again.

Mitchell: Yep.

Rachel: So, what piece did you get?

Tenka: Black Knight. You?

Mitchell: We kinda just got here so...

Rachel: Don't worry you guys. I know just the thing.

After the decision is made, Rachel decided to pick a Black Knight.

Tenka: You always like horses, do you?

Rachel: Of course!

Shadow: Okay you guys. It's settled. At least we got what we came for, alright?

Tenka: True.

Rachel: I agree with the doc.

Mitchell: I couldn't agree more.

A few seconds of thinking later.

Mitchell: So, what happens now?

Rachel: Well, ...

Just before Rachel can finish her answer, a pack of Beowolves with their Alpha in front charges out of the bushes, and starts to surround the four individuals.

Rachel: This... Not good.

Mitchell: Surrounded, you guys...

Tenka: We know that.

Shadow: Okay... Guys, ready your weapons! It's now time that we show them who they're messing with!

Mitchell: (readies his sliver wings and his silver claws that retracted from his sleeves) I couldn't agree more!

Tenka: (readies his Tri-Sector Sparrow and rips it into a pair of sickles) I'm ready!

Rachel: (readies her spears) Let's rock their world like as if a "Storm" hit them!

Shadow: (turns into Action Robot Gamer level 3 once again) THEN LET'S ROCK THEIR WORLD!!!

At this moment, we fired, slashed and fought our way through the Grimm to defend the temple until the next group or pair arrives, which we are hoping that the noise that we are making could reach out to them so that they know where the temple is.

Meanwhile, just a few meters away from the temple across the Forest, Pyrrha Nikos, armed with her weapon, and Jaune Arc are making their way through the bushes. Jaune hears a noise almost nearby and turns his head.

Jaune: Did you hear that?

Pyrrha: Gunfire. It seems some of our comrades have encountered the enemy.


Back to our location, we are really exhausted after defending the area from a massive horde of Beowolves that came out of the green, one by one, leaving us lying on the ground with our weapons, trying to catch our breaths.

Me: MAN! What a way to kick the storm...

Tenka: Yep!!

Rachel: True... what a way to kick the storm...

Mitchell: I couldn't agree... more... Anyway, you guys still got the relics??

Me: Got it! (holding one up)

Rachel: Here. (holding the other one up)

Mitchell: NICE!!! Ugh... (raises up a thumb up and the thumb up then falls to the ground)

When we finally caught our breath, we decided to stay at the ruins to defend the area. As we are defending the area from Grimm, Mitchell and Rachel hears gunfire nearby the temple.

Rachel: Wanna scout around for a while?

Mitchell: Sure. Why not.

3rd person's POV:

And thus, both Rachel and Mitchell start to trek through the forest to find the source of the gunfire. As they trekked through the forest, they noticed a male teenager with long black hair, wearing a dark green, diagonally-buttoned, long-sleeved tailcoat walking through tall grasses alone, indicating that he hasn't found his partner yet. The two hid behind the bushes, and observed furthermore.

Approaching from behind, they saw a King Taijitu slithering around Ren and gathers itself in front of him, before making two large strikes with its head. Ren avoids the first strike, then blocks the second strike, sending him sliding a good distance away from the serpent-like Grimm. The serpent-like Grimm immediately coils itself around Ren, prompting the hunter-in-training to draw out his StormFlower.

Back to the watching duo, they gave each other own smirks before Rachel holds up her hand, and Mitchell accepts it, combining and sharing his Semblance and abilities to the young girl.

As the King Taijitu continues to coil around Ren in an attempt to smother him, Ren leaps upwards and narrowly escapes the snake's efforts. While in mid-air, he fires many rounds from his weapon, and when the Grimm retaliates, he kicks the serpent in the face.

Rachel: This isn't good. Mitchell, you still have those gauntlets that can let us go invisible?

Mitchell: I thought you'd never asked. (taking a pair of gauntlets out) I thought you would need it so, I saved it.

Rachel: Thanks. (wears gauntlet) I owe ya. Now, let's assist.

Mitchell: Right.

Rachel and Mitchell: (pressing buttons on their own Gauntlet they equipped and turns invisible)

As the Grimm starts to get up from the hit, Rachel unseeingly jumps in and cuts it with her spears which are known as Broad-Bane and Ice-Bane, much to the young hunter-in-training's confusion. Managing to get up, the King Taijitu gains some distance before making a fast charge at Ren. He, however, jumps over the strike, which was so fierce the impact zone began to splinter and crumble. Using the momentum from his jump, Ren lands on the King Taijitu's head, impaling it with both bladed ends of his StormFlower.

While Ren was being occupied with the black end, the white end of the King Taijitu becomes active, and strikes Ren, forcing him to gain distance. Both heads of the King Taijitu becomes active, and move in concert to attempt to kill Ren. Using their smooth scales as an advantage by using the scaled body as a makeshift slide, Ren moves around the coiled mess, dodging where necessary and getting off plenty of shots with his pistols.

Eventually, the white head finds an opening and hits Ren out of the air, causing him to drop StormFlower. Immediately following up, the black head dives at Ren with its mouth open. Rachel jumps in between them invisibly, protecting Ren with her cyan-red Aura as a shield, she manages to block the King Taijitu's charge, her aura then reverberating against the snake's teeth. Mitchell flies in invisibly as well, grabbing Ren, much to his confusion, to him he felt like a force is carrying him. After a while, he set down a few meters away from the fight. He slouches against the tree and begins to watch the fight between the King Taijitu, and the 2 invisible duos.

Grasping at the fangs in the Grimm's open mouth, Rachel tears both fangs right out of their sockets. Despite its pain, the black head attempts another blind at her, but the young huntress-in-training easily dodges and stabs one of the fangs into the King Taijitu's eye. With a yell, she deals a vicious palm strike, charged with her Aura, to the fang in the creature's eye. The force is so great that the fang acts like a bullet, surging through the King Taijitu's skull, utterly destroying it and effectively killing the black side. With that, she and Mitchell takes a moment's breather while finally becoming visible.

Rachel: Hey Mitch, how strong are you?! I've never punched a Grimm like that before!

Mitchell: Heh... I've been training on my aura during the weekends. So, you may have felt and seen that my aura has grown quite stronger over the years.

Rachel: My, my, what a "trainer". I gotta owe you one as your semblance and aura packs a punch. And it also seems like you have gone to the gym...

Mitchell: Uhh... (lying just a bit. lol) nope.

After their small discussion, they both turned to Ren and gave him a quick salute before disappearing again, unseeingly dashing towards the white end.

Mitchell twirls around while flying and shoots a round of shotgun to the ground, propelling himself in mid-air as he turns his gauntlet (Not the gauntlet he used to be invisible) into claw mode and starts slashing the white head of the King Taijitu, leaving some claw marks on its head, while Rachel deploys her spears, connecting them together to form Twin-Blade Dragon, while activating her semblance. She dashes forward and delivers a couple of cuts and swipes, while Mitchell swoops in with Claw-Draco, transforming them into gauntlet mode (Shooting and Punching Mode) and gave the Grimm a good, hard ram punch on the head. (the ram part was the time when he was flying, so hopefully it clears the confusion)

The last head of the King Taijitu gets up almost instantly from the hit and starts to blindly strike at its surroundings. Rachel did a backflip to evade the charge, but the Grimm continued thrashing around until Mitchell was unfortunate enough to get hit, being thrown back against a tree, rendering his consciousness and visibility.

Rachel: How... how DARE YOU!!!!!!!!! (her green eyes are replaced by scarlet-purplish red eyes (Darker than Yang's red eyes of rage)) 

This angers Rachel as she rips Twin-Blade Dragon back to Broad-Bane and Ice-Bane and does another combination configuration and combines them into a Saber called Dragon's Judgement, and her aura including the combined aura of Mitchell's aura started to increase, radiating of heat and flaming steel feathers. Satisfied with her weapons condition, she charged at the Grimm. Meanwhile, Mitchell stirs for a moment until he finally regains his consciousness, but not until she felt a shot of pain ran through his head. Seeing the fight, he reloads his weapon and reconfigured the code and goes invisible again, while activating his semblance.

It took a while to take the Grimm down, but they both succeeded. Now the invisible duo stand atop of the body of their enemy as Rachel deactivates her semblance and aura while placing her spears at her back, and Mitchell removes his invisible gauntlet from Claw-Draco and retracts his weapons into his sleeves while transforming them into brace. (Like Yang's weapons) They both dusted themselves off before a strange, animal-like noise is heard twice. With that, they both disappeared from the scene, but not before seeing Ren meeting the upside-down eyes of Nora Valkyrie.

Ren: (chuckles) I still don't think that's what a sloth sound like.

In response, Nora giver her friend a "Boop!" on the nose, causing him to smile.

Mitchell: Well, that's not something you see everyday.

Rachel: But, I ship it!

Both of them started giggling as they start walking off back to where Tenka and Shadow are at.


While Mitchell and Rachel are heading back towards the temple where Shadow and Tenka are at, defending it, Count Salty is preparing to attack by using his forces and his new forces of the Grimm, known as the Bugster Grimm.

Salty's POV:

Salty: Now that my forces have grown, it is time to attack! Come my minions, let's season them up, then we shall see who feels salty now?!

With that said, he started laughing while he and his New-Found Army headed their way towards the temple.


And that's all, folks! The sixth episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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