Volume 2: Best Day Ever

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Hey everyone! It's me, ONCE AGAIN, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the first episode of  the SECOND VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose where everything will begin, ONCE AGAIN! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong real hard*

3rd Person's POV:

Inside Beacon Academy's cafeteria, Shadow, Tenka, and Team RWBY are sitting together as Blake looks over some notes. Shadow is peacefully eating his lunch as Tenka, with a mechanical pencil at hand, works on some upgrades for his armor on his sketch notebook while Rachel and Mitchell are seated beside Team JNPR.

Tenka: UGH! Why does this thing have to be so difficult?!

Tenka shook his head furiously and disapprovingly at the same time, glaring at the piece of paper in his sketchbook as he takes his eraser yet again for the umpteenth time that the page became faded, and starts erasing at in incredible pace due tothe use of his semblance.

Yang: Whatcha up to, Tenka?

Yang stood behind him, starting to gaze at Tenka's sketchbook with a curious look on her face. Tenka acted quickly by suddenly closing his sketchbook before she could even determine what he was working on.

Tenka: N-Nothing! I-It's something I'm working on my own. If you know how much people love to upgrade their armours and wea--

Yang: Boring.....

To his surprise, Yang rudely interrupted him before he could even finish. Tenka just shrugged his shoulders and continued whatever he was working on. Yang then slides next to Blake..

Yang: Whatcha doing?

Blake: Nothing. (Closing her book.) Just going over notes from last semester.

Yang, out of nowhere, suddenly catches a grape in her mouth.

Yang: Lame.

Rachel giggles as she continues to toss grapes at Yang with her spoon as Nora passes her the said fruits. Rachel launches another and Yang catches the fruit with ease, giving Rachel the thumbs up.


It's been months ever since the trouble at the docks, and the Dust Robberies that were usually happening in Vale have seemed to calm down a bit. Not that I really minded though, as we were actually quite thankful that day, the day where Ruby confessed her feelings as Blake did with Tenka. Just then Ruby walk in, giving an enormous heave as she slams a binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard, and for my lunch to leap a feet off the table before landing back, spilling all it's contents on my face.

Me: Ruby, careful! I was eating that!

Ruby: I-I'm sorry, Shadow!

I then wiped my face with a napkin.

Me: Tenka, eat your food before it gets cold.

Tenka, barely touching his food and not looking at me as he still continues to get focused on his sketch, replies....

Tenka: I'll eat later. Besides, I'm not really hungry at the moment.

I raised my eyebrows at this as I stared upon him out of confusion.

Me: If you say so..... What's that anyway, Rubes?

I peered over the table, and on the cover of the binder is written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee". This has been hastily crossed out with a red marker pen, and with the same pen, a new title, "Best Day Ever Activities", has been written underneath. Clearing her throat, Ruby gestures to everyone at the table.

Me: (Inner thoughts) A little thief she is... hahahahahaha.... (laughing in my mind)

Ruby: Sisters... friends... Boyfriend.... Weiss.

Weiss: Hey!

Rachel/Mitchell: Burn!~

They both yelled teasingly as they giggled after. I slightly blushed at Ruby's mention of being her boyfriend, not that I mind about it of course.

Me: Do you really have to announce to everyone that we're dating, Ruby?

Ruby: Why not? I love you enough to do it. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah. Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang: This ought to be good.

She then catches another berry from across their table that Claire threw in her mouth, and Yang nodded in approval in her tasting.

Ruby: A dream that one day, the eight of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!

Weiss: Did you steal my binder?

Ruby: I am not a crook.

Me: You're too cute to become a crook, Rubes.

Ruby slightly blushed at the mention, and punches me lightly on the shoulder.

Stop teasing me already, Shadow.

I brushed off the pain and just chuckled Ruby's pouting face.

Tenka: Wait....

Deciding to join in on the conversation, he sets down his pen.

Tenka: Isn't that binder a tad bit thinner the last time I saw it yesterday?

Weiss: It is... or it was, anyway.

Me: Whoa... Considering the size of that binder, I'd guess you have quite the obsession over this, huh?

Ruby: Meh.... Nothing I can't handle...

Blake: Wait, what are we talking about a while ago?

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!

She points her finger at Blake.

Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a Yang!

She looks around her hoping to for an approval of her joke, but unfortunately, nobody did. After Yang stated her ridiculous pun, Tenka planted his face on his sketchbook, while I face-palmed in exasperation.

Yang: Eh? Guys? Am I right?

Just then, an apple is tossed at Yang and hits her straight in the face, directly at her nose. She glares at Nora, who actually threw the apple at the blonde, who growls in annoyance, much to Rachel's entertainment.

Nora: Boooooooooooooooo!

Tenka: Just admit it, you deserved that....

Yang: How rude! I just thought it was hilarious!

Tenka flops his head down on the table as he sighs.

Me: No offense but, you seriously have to work on your definition of 'Hilarious'

Yang: Meh... Whatever.

Me: You're not clearly serious are you?!

Ruby: Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today.

Weiss: I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store.

Me: Bit of both?

Tenka: I doubt so.

Yang, still glaring, picks up an apple, and retaliates at Nora's attack by tossing it towards Nora across the room, and hits Mitchell instead. Nora giggled at Yang's futile retaliation.

Mitchell: Hey!

Yang: Oops. Sorry, Mitchell!

Blake: I don't know. I think I might sit this one out.

Tenka: Blake, sit it out or not, I think that however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team united with another! United as one!

Deciding to reciprocate from Yang's assault, Nora takes it to the next level as she suddenly grabs Rachel's white chocolate cream pie.

Nora: I got it!

Rachel: Hey I was eating that!

Yang sees the attempt and desperately shakes her hand to stop whatever she's about to do.

Weiss: Correct. Plus, I for one think that...

Weiss is interrupted at was she was saying when a pie lands on her face. We all turned towards Nora, who is shown to be the one who threw the pie, she sits down and points at Ren who has his head in his palm. Pyrrha and Mitchell's hand are over their mouth, Rachel, not even minding of losing her dessert, holds her stomach in pain as she laughs hard, and Jaune simply sits staring wide-eyed while covering his ear with his palm. I placed my forehead on my palm as I shook my head.

Me: Nora, admit it already that you're not actually great at lying, will you? Please admit it.

Weiss wipes most of the cream from the pie that was thrown on her face, only to reveal a death stare she was giving towards Nora, who begins laughing nervously.

Ruby: Weiss.... Shall we tone it down a bit?

Weiss: You fiend!

Weiss then grabs another pie from my table, which I was about to dig in, and threw it at Nora while screaming in frustration. Unfortunately, Nora dodged it and it ended up hitting Rachel, which silenced her laughing. Rachel stood up from her seat after seeing this commotion. With a wicked grin in her face, she shouted the two words Tenka and Mitchell did not want to hear at the moment.....


(At the view of the whole cafeteria)

After this was stated, in an instant, all hell broke loose immediately in the lunch hall. Almost all of the students made a break for it out of the hall dodging pieces of food being thrown around them while the remaining students joined in the fun. Rachel, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Mitchell, Nora, Pyrrha and Jaune had all joined in the fight and had been throwing with whatever food scraps they could find inside the lunch hall at each other and some other students.

Shadow, and the two silent member of the two different teams, however, had decided not to get involved in the fight and just watched from the far edge of the hall, doing your very best in dodging every stray of food being thrown towards his direction. Tenka, however, did not get up from his seat and just continued on his sketch, not even caring of what's happening in his surrounding. He would just lower his head or raise his sketchbook if a stray provision was thrown at his direction every now and then.

Tenka: Can you people please tone it down over there? I'm working here.

Shadow: Really, Tenka?!

Shadow yelled in irritation as he dodged yet another stray of food by crouching and letting it sail over his head.

Tenka then raised his head, and just now, he realized the Lunch Hall's situation and sighs in downcast as he closes his sketchbook, and tucks it inside his armour piece.

Tenka: So much for a quiet lunch break.

Shadow: (sighs) You guys really need to keep your teammate under more control, Ren. Things are getting wild here

Ren: You don't have to tell me twi---

Ren was interrupted by his reply when Jaune suddenly flew past over Shadow's head and hit the window right behind him and Ren.

Jaune: Ow..... Ren... A little help?

Ren sighed, and turned towards me.

Ren: Well, that's my cue...... unfortunately.

Shadow: Nah, S'kay. Get out there and kick some butt.

Ren gave him a nod, and Shadow watched on as he joins his teammates on the fight.

Shadow: Well, at least you're still here, right Tenka?

Tenka: if I hate food fights so much, true enough as you are right.

Blake: I agree...

Just then, a pie was thrown directly towards his way but he just zapped it in mid-air, covering it in ice, and see it shatter down on the ground. Mitchell and Rachel, who appears to be pinned down by Team JNPR as they hid behind a makeshift fortress, yells over towards Shadow and Tenka.

Rachel: Guys! What are you doing?!

Mitchell: Yeah, we need help. Or we will be forced to submit to their allegiance!

Shadow and Tenka's eyes were suddenly widened out of shock, and rush in to help.

Tenka: Hang on!

Shadow: Cavalry's on the way!

But they're already too late, as the makeshift fortress came tumbling down in pile with Mitchell and Rachel kneeling in front of Nora.

Mitchell: We submit, O great Queen of the Castle!

Rachel: Let the two of us join you. We'll promise you, your enemies will be our enemies.

Nora grins evilly, and accepts the offer.

Shadow: What's the meaning of this? Did I witness mutiny right before my eyes, Lieutenant Kaito?

Tenka: Aye, Captain Wrath. I suggest we should join forces with Commander Rose. It's the only way to defeat the opposition now.

Shadow: Very well, Leintenant!

They then rushed towards Ruby and saluted.

Shadow: Captain Wrath, and Lieutenant Kaito from the STRM Platoon reporting for duty, Commander Rose.

Ruby saluted back.

Ruby: At ease, soldiers.


Ruby looked over Shadow's shoulder and gazed in shock at the pile of tables Team JNPR and the two members of his team had suddenly made out of nowhere as a makeshift tower of some sort. The rest of the students who remained at the lunch hall noticed it as well and ran out of the lunch hall from fear. Nora gave off an evil cackle and yelled out to Shadow, Tenka and the rest of Team RWBY.

Nora: (in sing-song) I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

Shadow: Heh... I wish you good luck with that, O great Queen of the Castle.

Ruby suddenly slammed her foot down on the table she was standing on, causing all of the food and plates to fly upwards that were settled on it to fly in the air.

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be DELICIOUUUSSS!!!!

She crushed the carton of milk in her hand, adding effect to her words. Shadow and the others raised their fists simultaneously, yelling out a battle cry.

Me/Tenka/Team RWBY: YEAAAAAHH!!!!

Nora: Off with their heads!


Nora jumps down from the top of her tower, and the great food fight begins as Mitchell, Rachel, and Team JNPR grabs a ridiculous number of watermelons and throws them towards me, Tenka, and Team RWBY.

Ruby: Yang! Turkey!

Yang nodded and rolls over to the turkeys on the ground and sticks her fists inside them, proceeding to block and punch the melons as they speed toward her. Tenka grabs two table knives, and jumps towards the melons soaring on the air. Upon contact, he twirls the table knives between his fingers at an incredible pace and control, slicing and dicing the melons he encounters in the air. Upon landing with a swift crouch and completion, Blake then leaps in over Tenka's crouching figure and picks up two baguettes. Yang then throws her two turkeys at Pyrrha, who dodges out of the way and grabs a single baguette, leaving Jaune to take the blows, being launched off at the other end of the Lunch Hall after taking the last hit.

Me: Whoa.... Now that's just cold, Pyrrha.... cold.

Tenka: Fight first, pun later, cap.

Pyrrha turned her head back towards Jaune and yelled at him ruefully.

Pyrrha: Sorry, Jaune!

She barely enough time to turn back and dodge Blake from hitting her from above. Then Pyrrha and Blake duel in a one-on-one fight.

Me: Seriously, what do those bakers put in those baguettes to make them so hard?!

I was having a banana-to-turkey combat with Mitchell as I talked with Tenka, who holds his ground against a long-baguette-wielding Rachel.

Tenka: No clue! I'm just glad I don't eat the bread here!

Me: Your mutiny will not go unanswered, Mitchell. You and your fellow deserter will pay!

Mitchell: We shall see that when my turkey gauntlets meet your face, Captain!

Me: Oh we shall see... Tenka!! Time for our 'Tactical Food fight phase'

Tenka: Although I hate food fights, but still, Like old times... LET'S DO THIS!!!!

I used my semblance to conjour up a huge ice turret, enplanting it onto the ground.

Me: Tenka! Bring out the Patatoes!!!

Tenka: Uuuuhh... Scallop or... Mashed, sir?

Me: No, Leiutanent. "Raw"!

Tenka swiftly took two huge bags of patatoes and drops them into the ice canistor and locks it up to indicate that it is fully loaded.

Tenka: (salutes to me) LOCKED 'N' LOOADEEEED!!!!!

Me: And let's do this!!! HEY GUYS!!!!!

Rachel, Mitchell and Team JNPR:
(looks at me and Tenka)

Me and Tenka:

Flame streaks appeared on my eyes and my turret started to heat up. Once I pulled the trigger, tonnes potatoes are launched out of the turret, hitting Jaune, Mitchell and Pyrrha. Once the potatoes are in contact with them, they explode on them while turning into French Fries. Rachel dodged them by moving all over the place. While I was firing my turret away, Mitchell got up and punched a fried turkey into the turret.


We jumped over the ice turret as it exploded behind us, turning into a pile of fries with snow falling down to the cafeteria floors.

Meanwhile, despite Blake's attempt to disorient Pyrrha with her shadows, the duel ended when Pyrrha knocking her back and throws three more baguettes towards Yang. She successfully blocks the first two with the last knocking her down as well.

Ruby uses a food tray to slide towards Pyrrha across the tables. She threw a baguette at her until she launched into the air and hits the baguette back at her with the same tray; Pyrrha manages to dodge the shot, but is unable to stop Ruby from knocking her backwards with the same food tray.

I finished my fight with Mitchell, by stuffing the frozen banana I held in my hand inside his mouth. I wielded the other frozen banana in an off-hand position like a knife and started 'stabbing' his midsection at an incredible speed, switching my "knife's" hand position every now and then, before launching him back with a final 'stab'.

Me: Ha! Eat that, Mit---

I was cut off in an instant when a pie was launched at my face. I wiped the cream off of my face, and looked around to see Jaune holding up a baguette, with a smug look on his face, signifying he was responsible with the thrown pie. I gave him the same look Weiss had given to Nora a few minutes ago.

Me: That's it! You're gonna get it, Arc!

I dropped the frozen banana to my side, and kicked up a baguette from the ground and caught it in my hand. Jaune held up his own baguette and picks up a lunch tray from a nearby table, and holds it up in a defensive position like a shield. I then dashed at him by materializing myself in a snow flurry, and re-materialized right in front of him. Jaune was caught off guard as I began hitting him with a barrage of attacks. He blocked a couple with the help of his makeshift shield, but I eventually broke through his defense by kicking the lunch tray off of his hand and finally finished him off with a stab to the chest that sent him flying back into the wall behind him.

While I was busy fighting with Jaune, Ren and Nora charged at Ruby, but Weiss intercepts them and uses ketchup to cause Ren to slip and crash with a pile of tables which are launched in the air because of the impact. Nora jumps through the tables to grab a metal pole and attach a watermelon to it.

Me: Now, that is definitely not fair in a food fight....

Tenka sees the situation and finishes his fight with Rachel by breaking her baguette in two with the use of his own shorter baguette, and gave her a hard slash that sent her flying back, before he agrees with my statement.

Tenka: Agreed...!!

Nora attacks Weiss but hits Ruby instead, who manages to stand between them to protect her partner from the assault; however, the force of this impact knocks her back. Weiss grabs a swordfish and engages Nora in a one-on-one, but ends up being defeated after Nora throws her against a pillar, knocking her down, and causing the pillar to break. Before the debris crush Weiss, Ruby jumps in and saves her partner but shouts dramatically at her partner's apparent demise.

Ruby: (Cradling Weiss) Weiss, Weiss! Don't leave me! Nooo!

Yang grabs two more turkeys and duels Ren, who wields a pair of leeks. Ren is overwhelmed by Yang's reflexes and takes a lot of hits before being sent a few meters into the air by an uppercut. He recovers from the strikes and throws his leeks at Yang, but she manages to dodge them and proceeds to finish Ren by jumping high enough to punch him toward the floor, knocking him out.

Nora intervenes immediately afterwards, but was intercepted by a lunch tray at her face thrown by Tenka, who takes opportunity of Nora's disorientation and begins attacking Nora with two baguettes. With a cross slash, Nora was knocked back, resulting in losing a grip on her makeshift weapon as it sailed up in the air. Rachel suddenly appears out of nowhere, catches the makeshift hammer in mid-air, and slams it towards Tenka, who leaps back to dodge the attack. Tenka defends himself as he tries to outmatch her with the trays he has and throws them like shurikens, but the result was getting knocked to the side. Rachel followed up and attacked Yang with Nora's hammer. The fight didn't exactly last long as Nora's melon hammer had a longer reach than Yang's turkey gauntlets. With an upward bludgeon, Rachel sends Yang flying up through the roof with Nora's hammer, but destroys the weapon in the process.

Rachel looks unbelievably at the once-hammer and the sudden amount of strength she had displayed.

Rachel: Oh, mama! I've got to get me one of these! Damn!

Blake gets back up to dodge the debris of the roof and grabs a link of sausages. She whips it at a disarmed Rachel, throwing her against two soda machines. These leak some soda cans that Rachel throws at Blake, who manages to dodge them all by back flipping. Pyrrha then uses her Semblance of polarity on the puddle of soda, causing all the soda cans on it to rise after Blake. Before the barrage of soda cans would fall upon Blake, Tenka rushed her out of the crossfire in the nick of time. Blake blushes as she witnesses she is held via bridal style. Suddenly, two large watermelons were suddenly thrown at them by Mitchell and Rachel, launching them both at the other end of the Lunch Hall and they both high-fived as they made a direct hit, much to my exasperation.

Me: You just had to interrupt their special moment when it was getting good. Ruby, Rose Snowpedo~~?

Ruby turned to me and nodded with a determined look on her face. Both of us went into a running position then dash forward as I turned into my snow form. Using Ruby's Semblance of Speed and my Semblance with my Snow to dash through the food court, all the food, plates and cutlery behind me and Ruby followed through the tailwind caused by the combined forces of overwhelming speed. Ruby then jumps at my snow form and starts spinning, infusing herself with me, creating a white, red and black, forward-pointing hurricane, making my speed increase rapidly. Mitchell, Rachel, and the members of team JNPR too were then also caught by the tornado. Me and Ruby do a flip and skid to a halt in front of a wall, creating a massive crack by the sudden stop. Mitchell, Rachel, and the members of team JNPR were slammed against the wall followed by all the food me and Ruby had picked up on the way. I quickly reverted back to your snow form and Ruby had to jumped up to avoid the onslaught of food.

Me: (Inner thoughts) Have a nice meal in the onslaught of food, guys!

While still soaring through the air, I watched Mitchell, Rachel, Jaune and his whole team as they were beginning to get covered from head to toe in stains of different colors from the food as they powerless to defend themselves. I reverted back to my normal form once I safely landed on the ground beside Ruby, watching Rachel, Mitchell, and Team JNPR slide of the wall onto the ground, leaving only their outlines.

Me: Well, I guess we could that's a solid victory, don't you think so, Ruby?

Ruby giggled at your statement.

Ruby: Yeah, I can't actually believe that worked on the first try.

Me: Me either. Maybe were just.... made for each other, don't you think?

I swiftly grabbed her by the waist as I leaned in close to her face. Ruby turns her head away from me as her face began to take the same shade of color as her cloak. She wriggles out of my grasp and turns away from me as she taps her index fingers together nervously.

Sun: I love these guys.

I turned behind my back to see Sun with a blue-haired boy, who is drenched with soda from head to his torso and is not pleased.

Me: (Inner thoughts) aawww cheese...

The doors behind them burst open with a slam and Glynda enters the room growling. She then uses her semblance to block a small chunk of food and cutlery from the tornado, and moved all the tables back into place and order, fixed the roof and even the pillars destroyed in the food fight. As she puts the final table back, she turned to face me and the others.

Glynda: Children, please. (adjusting her glasses.) Do not play with your food!

Mitchell/Rachel: Yes, Professor Goodwitch!

Tenka: Our apologies, Ms. Goodwitch.

Me: Y-Yeah. Next time, we'll promise not to do it again. (Eating a burger)

Mitchell: Uuuuuhh... when did you get that burger, cap?

Me: Well,---

I was interrupted as Nora burps aloud, making Teams JNPR, STRM, and RWBY try and fail to compose themselves. A screaming Yang then crashes from the ceiling and lands directly at Mitchell, causing others to laugh loudly. Mitchell grumbled as she gets Yang off of him, while Tenka tries to compose himself as he was quite upset about the commotion he, his team and his friends did, although he was involved in this as well. I just looked at them all and smiled at what we are currently thinking.

Me: (Inner thoughts) I guess, this goes to one of Ruby's "Best Day Ever" activities, huh? Niccccccceee. (Smirks while my eyes are not glowing anymore)


And that's all, folks! The first episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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