Volume 2: Breach

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the twelveth and the very last episode of the SECOND VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

Me: Hit it, G.T!!!!

G.T: (Roars and slams its weapon-like hands onto the ground, causing an aftershock)

Back in Beacon, Team JNPR, along with Mitchell and Rachel, walks out of the school entrance at dawn towards their Bullhead, while Jaune was trying to worry over the fact that Ruby called on his scroll out of nowhere that night.

Pyrrha: I'm sure they're fine.

Jaune: You think?

Nora: Probably a butt dial...

Ren: Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field. We should be focusing on our own mission.

Rachel: He's right. And with Tenka and Shadow as their protectors, they should be totally fine, considering those two always have their backs or each other, and especially with Ruby's Team and yours, Jaune.

Nora: We're gonna be deputies!

Mitchell: Oh, I really can't wait!

Pyrrha: You've been saying that for three times now, Mitchell.

She laughs in amusement as she said this, much to Mitchell's embarrassment as he smiled sheepishly.

Jaune: I just got this feeling... I don't know.

Pyrrha: Jaune...

Then suddenly, alarms ring out in the distance. They all turned towards the to see the city up in smoke.

Jaune: We're changing our mission. Everyone on board!

As the team heads toward their Bullhead, Jaune does a headcount.

Mitchell: Aw.... No deputy duty?!

Jaune: Don't worry, Mitchell. We'll make it to that village another time. Take us into the city!



Me: Stay in a circle formation and attack whenever they charge!

Ruby and her team are doing their best to fend of the Grimm while I was supporting Tenka's ground as he is about to be patched up by his robot guantlets.

Tenka: Augh!! E-Easy....!!

Que: Sorry. It has to be tight so that the pressure can hold the wound in place so thst it will not bleed.

Torpedo: Last one....

Just then, a beowolf emerges and pounces over me, but Blake makes quick job for it.

Blake: S-Stay back!

Me: Weiss! Right!

Weiss quickly turned at that direction and stabbed a Beowolf before it could attack her, killing it. Unknown to Ruby, I saw four Creeps running directly behind her, but I gunned them down with ease before they could reach her by using Shadow Clone and Metalize Power-ups. She turned to look at me and nodded as a thanks and kept slashing down more Grimm. After a few minutes of struggle, me and the others found ourselves in the middle of the collapsed courtyard.

Me: Can you still fight?

Tenka: I'm ready! Que! Torpedo! Return!!!!

I looked at Que and Torpedo as they turned into their guantlet form and attached themselves onto Tenka's arm.

Me: Here.

I grabbed Tenka's hand as I pulled him back onto his feet while getting ready to strike a Grimm down.

Me: You ready to role?

Tenka: Always been ready for anything!

Me: Heheh. Don't get cocky. Blake!! Support fire!

Blake nodded at me. Nodding back at her, I stood up and held up my weapon in my fighting stance with Tenka as the rest of the team did the same, whilst making a circle, who rotates my blade into its gun mode, and began aiming. 

Me: Whenever they're ready.....

Just as I said that, the King Taijitu unleashes a mighty roar, signalling the Grimm to attack. And with that, me, Yang, Ruby, Weiss, then rushed off into opposite directions, while Blake and Tenka, began firing down the horde of Grimm in the courtyard.

I activated my semblance by turning into a snow flurry and flew into an area where there is a pack of Beowolf. In my snow flurry form, my aura turned goldish orange in colour (Dragon Knight Hunter Z) as I created a whirlwind out of it. After that, I came hurtling down from the sky. I exploded in my snow form as I collided against the ground, creating a shockwave that knocked the Grimm away as I reverted back to my normal form. An Ursa came bounding towards me, but I just threw my Parablagun in axe mode, embedding it in its skull with enough force, killing it.

Me: So, this is the brute power of Dragon Knight Hunter Z? NICE!!

I dashed into my snow form towards it, took out my weapon from its head, then moved on to another. Ruby embeds her scythe into the ground and uses it as support to kick away at the Grimm around her. Yang uses a Creep as a springboard to jump high into the air and bombard the Grimm with her gauntlets until she is brought down by three small Nevermores, crashing her down to the ground. Blake and Tenka dodges a swipe from a Beowolf and kills it by stabbing and shooting it in the head, then they both proceeds to shoot the Creeps that are charging at then, with her weapon in pistol mode and Tenka with his Double wield of his Tri-Sector Sparrows. Weiss slashes three Beowolves, before summoning a glyph to conjure up an ice blade and uses to it kill the other approaching Grimm.

Yang, back on the ground, then sends several cars flying towards the Grimm. As Ruby finishes slashing at a Grimm, she notices the King Taijitu ready for the attack. I saw it, and I was about to rush over to help, until Nora makes a dynamic entry by flying on her hammer towards the King Taijitu, slamming it on the head and killing the beast.

Nora: Nora Smash!

Jaune, Pyrrha, and Ren soon followed, with Rachel and Mitchell on their heels, ready for combat.

Me: Thanks for the assist!

Rachel: Your welcome!

Pyrrha: Let's move!

Rachel: Right!

Me: LET'S GO!!!!

As she said this, they all rushed off and began fighting the Grimm. I continued fighting as well, when two Ursa, a dozen of Beowolf, and a horde of Creepers appeared. Even though I was completely outnumbered, I smirked at them before flipping my weapon in an off-hand position. My aura glowed pink and green (Shakariki Sports) and started spinning around, as I began levitating two feet off the ground, with the help of my semblance. Winds of ice and snow started gathering up around me in a swirl. When the horde charged, so did I. Spinning around with my parablade in axe form and an ice replica of my weapon in hand, I caused a bladestorm of destructive force around me, slicing off every Grimm that came in my way. Limbs of Grimm was flying in the air, and their screeches in pain was heard across the courtyard. With one final spin, I created an Aura arc around me and it sliced off every Grimm that came in its way. Grinning at my 'handiwork,' I suddenly planted my palm in your knees in slight exhaustion.

Me: Well..... that happened.... kinda... and that.... was an epic.... move....

Just then Sun, and Neptune make an ineffectual display of "helping," by flashing their Junior Detective badges proudly.

Sun: Nobody move! Junior detectives!

Neptune: We have badges so you know it's official!

Mitchell: Whaaaaat?! Not fair!

Rachel: Mitch! A little help?!

Mitchell: Coming!

A fleet coming from the Atlesian Military, consisting of dropships deploying Atlesian Knight-200 units and the flagship of General Ironwood. Sun and Neptune react in awe of the fleet as Sun drops his badge to the floor. Just then, Rachel runs up to Sun touches him, her whole body glowing for a moment in the process.

Rachel: Mind if I borrow some of your Semblance for a bit to combine with mine? Thanks!

Sun: Wait, wha..?

Rachel: Thanks~

Me: (Looks up)  Heh, about time!

As me, my team, and Team RWBY looks up in the sky, an Ursa takes the opportunity to attack Ruby from behind. However, I shot it down just before it reaches her.

Me: Stay awake, people. We are still fighting!

Ruby: Right, sorry....

As the robotic Knights deploy, they start gunning down the Grimm. Tenka and Blake both didn't notice the Death Stalker approaching behind them, until.....

Tenka: Blake! Look out!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

When Blake looked back, a Death Stalker swiftly clamped her by its claws, disarming her from her weapon, leaving her helpless. Tenka then quickly took action by wielding both of his Tri-Sector Sparrows and shot tonnes of arrows at the scorpion's claws, but to no avail as its claws are inpenetratable. While he is still firing his weapons, the Death Stalker holding Blake threw Tenka away by a whack of its tail. Just as Tenka was about to come in contact with the ground, something grabbed him and broke his fall. Tenka then went back up on his feet, puzzled looking.

Tenka: What... was that??? (While figuring out who saved me, I divert my attention back at Blake who is still under the Death Stalker's grip) BLAAAKE!!!!!

He readied my weapons again but when he was about to fire, he saw someone or something delivering a slash, a slash so powerful that it sliced both of the Death Stalker's claws off, freeing Blake. Blake then went on her knees due to exhaustion. Tenka, worried for Blake, rushed over to her to ensure that she is okay.

Tenka: Blake, are you okay???

Blake: I'm fine.... I just sustained few wounds on my arms to where it clamped me.

Tenka: Don't worry. You're gonna be okay.

???: But I'm not!

When they heard that other remark, they both looked up and noticed someone completely in different shades of red with spikes with armour covering his shoulder comprising of dragon skulls and he wields a double-edge bone-like blade called Dragon Fang in hand. After observing the creature-like being, Tenka then came to realized that this being was the same being that infected him and his teammates before he met Shadow.

(A/N: Guren Graphite Level 99)

Tenka: Graphite! You're he--

Graphite: How dare you....

Upon hearing this, Tenka's eyes widened when he heard this.

Graphite's POV:

After finding out that Blake is injured by the arms and her little boyfriend got hit by the scorpion's tail in front of my eyes, I felt extremely angry at this as I clenched my fist and decided to aid them, for once. But, for Blake's case, it would be a second time.

Me: How dare you....

Tenka: ... what?!

Me: HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!! You hurt Blake, and her little boyfriend?!?! You are worse than me!! You are all MONSTERS!!!!! IT'S TRUE THAT I AM A MONSTER AS WELL, BUT THIS TIME, I'M DIFFERENT, FOR BLAKE'S SAKE!!!!  And I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOU ALL!!!! AND WITH THAT, YOU MUST PAY!!!!! (Grabs Dragon Fang. Before I attack, I turned back to look at Blake and Tenka) You both stay here and try protect yourselves and the others! I got them!!

I activated my ability and slashed the scorpion many times. When I finished my attack, the scorpion grimm then burst into pieces and withered away. I then looked up to see Nevermores, small and huge sized ones. My eyes glowed in a streak of red and slash them. During the slash, a huge dragon in flames appeared out from my blade and with just one powerful slash, I somehow eliminated all of the Nevermores, although some dodged them. Some beowolves, creeps and ursa went charging at me, and I instantly whack, slice, ram and slash them without stopping due to my rage.

Tenka's POV:

When we saw Graphite protecting us, I was in shock as to see him do that for us after what he did to me, Rachel and Mitchell. I looked down at Blake to see her hugging me as she hid her face from me as she said something.

Blake: Black Dragon Man...

Me: Wait, what?

Blake: The Black Dragon Man. (points at Graphite) Him. I knew him from before as he saved my family once from a Grimm attack back at Menagerie...

When she said that Graphite saved her before, my eyes widened by her explanation.

Me: Wait! Wait wait wait!! NOW i'm lost.

Blake: Before we met which was like about months or a few years ago, there has been a Grimm attack in Menagerie. dozens of Grimm and an alpha. The alpha manage to pass the frontline of defense and broke into the main house... where my family and I lived. My dad tried to hold it off, but...it was too strong. And just as the Alpha is about to inflict a death blow on my dad, that's when the Black Dragon Man came in from the sky, took out the Grimm with just one slash. He even took out the rest that invaded Menagerie. My family and I thanked him for saving us and our town... but he said, "My name is Graphite. Although it is a true honor to save a former leader, but know this, I will not be as kind as today in the future,... well, I could be wrong" And right after he said that,he disappeared in front of us. That's the whole story about the Black Dragon Man.

Me: Oooohh... So, that dragon boy there, saved you like months or years ago?!

Blake: (Looks down) ... yes.

Me: Whoa... But why...?


At that moment, Tenka looked back to see another Death Stalker coming their way. So, he pushed her out of the way as the Death Stalker's claw came at them. Just as it was about to clamped Tenka hard against his wounds, his dog came to knock it off.

Tenka: MAX!!!! (earning a bark from Max) Is Zwei with you?

Max whimpers to convey that he stayed with Professor Oobleck.

Tenka: Okay... hopefully they're alright. I'm just glad you are okay, Max.... and I sure hope th-- SHADOW LOOKOUT!!!


I was about to rush in and help the the other students whom had arrived to help us out when a large Beowolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere and swatted me back, launching me off my feet and landing flat on my stomach, dropping my weapons in the process. I gritted my teeth in anger as I stood up, grabbed my weapons back, (my aura of Dragon Knight Hunter Z started glowing brighter as I started shooting at the Grimm that are now crowding around me. Just as my surroundings are cleared, Ruby worriedly came up to me.

Ruby: Shadow! A-Are you okay?!

Me: I-I'm fine, Ruby. It's just a small flesh wound on my arm, that's all.

She helped me stand up as she guided me out of harm's way, leaving Mitchell and Rachel to deal with the Grimm, but she was also leading me farther and farther away from Tenka and Blake.

Me: W-Wait! Ruby! We have to help them!

Ruby: I know, Shadow. But you'll get yourself killed with that injury if you still continue!

Me: I said I'm fi---

But I was cut off when, she suddenly hugged me tight, burying her head in her chest. I felt my clothe slightly getting wet an that's when you realized she began to sob. I soon started regretting myself, and hugged her back.

Ruby: No, you're not. And I won't let you kill yourself like this. After everything we've been through together, I won't let it end with you doing something reckless.

She raises her head up at me, revealing her glossy cheeks, tears visible in her eyes. Even in her crying state, she looked adorable to me. It really broke my heart to see her like this. I sighed a bit before I smiled at her and nodded as my Dragon Knight Hunter Z's aura started to turn icy blue.

Me: Okay... But---

Tenka's POV:

Then, a dropship swooped in from the sky, and gunned the Grimm around me and Blake before they could do any harm. When it made another run, six figures dropped down from the ship, and landed with a crouch, making cracks appear on the ground.
A horde of Grimm began surrounding them, then, a hooded figure came out of nowhere and sliced the horde with just his sword.

???: Are you alright, you two?

While the figure was making sure me and Blake are okay, he started slashing and stabbing behind him with the Grimm around them brutally. Suddenly, an Ursa appeared before the figure and roared. The figure was unfazed by the roar and shows this by smirking. The Ursa swipes its claws but, the figure unraveled his cloak to blind its vision.
The Grimm tries to find the person who blinded it with his cloak as he suddenly sliced its head off in a split second.

???: Getting a little distracted so soon, Young Kaito.

Tenka: Wait! Sensei?!

Sensei: Yes, it is I, my boy. Don't let looks confuse you. You will never know when I'm around. (Chuckles a bit as he deactivates his disguise)

Ruby: Who?

Tenka: That's my sensei who brought me up. And he's my grandfather.

Shadow and Ruby were surprised to see Tenka's grandfather here, despite me telling Shadow that he is a very busy person back in the dojo, and yet here he is, standing right before an Ursa fearlessly, and Shadow was unsure if he was capable of handling a weapon himself.

Shadow: Then, don't you think we should---

Shadow was then cut off and surprised at the same time when the Ursa makes another swipe at Tenka's grandfather, but he merely swats it away with his katana, before he twirls it, letting the blade of the katana glow bright white as if it was on fire. He reels the katana back horizontally, and thrusts forward and the light contained inside the katana explodes on the Ursa's stomach, creating a large hole in it, before falling back down lifelessly and starts disintegrating. 

Shadow: Whoa.... your grandfather is strong.

Me: Yep. That's my Sensei who is also my grandfather. Now, Blake. Give me a moment while I cover your wounds and you can get back in action.

Blake: O-Okay.


3rd person's POV:

Then, out of the opening comes Zwei, followed by Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck in a damaged Atlesian Paladin-290. Shadow looked up to see an airship arriving, dropping off Team CFVY and Professor Peter Port. As Yatsuhashi is surrounded by a pack of Grimm, he swings his mighty greatsword on the ground, unleashing a shockwave. Velvet Scarlatina and Fox respectively kick and punch the Grimm, and Fox unleashes a combo of slashes and punches that make a spiked Ursa explode, impaling the nearby Grimm with its spikes.

Coco: Nice hustle, Fox. Good job.

Coco then approaches a large Beowolf, as she lowers down her aviator glasses and looks up at the Grimm.

Coco: You just destroyed my favorite clothing store. (Spits) Prepare to die.

Coco, after swatting away its right hand, kicks the Beowolf in the crotch. She, as it falls to the ground and looks at her, leans down and slams her bag onto its head. She effortlessly swats away more beowolves, and the rest of Team CFVY resume fighting. Velvet steps forward, about to open her box.

Coco: Hey, come on, you just spent all the semester building that up. Don't waste it here.

Velvet looks a little disappointed, but Mitchell walks up to her and pats her on the shoulder, which Velvet smiles at. Coco then transforms her handbag into a giant minigun, and starts firing, slaughtering the advancing horde of Grimm, including a Death Stalker and three Nevermores.

Rachel: Whoa..... Remind me not to get on your bad side, girl.

Coco: (Chuckles) I'll be sure to remember that.

Port and Oobleck regroup at the opening, nodding their heads. They fire their weapons at the approaching Grimm, clearing out a street of Boarbatusk, Creeps and Beowolves, while Glynda mops up the remnants and immediately closes the opening with her Semblance in telekinesis.


While the rest of the teams went off to clear out the remaining Grimm, Ruby went off to join her team. Tenka, Max, Rachel and Mitchell were protecting me as I sat in a meditating position, my eyes closed.

Mitchell: We have more Grimm here, Cap!

Rachel: We would likely appreciate it if you speed it up a bit.

Me: Just a little more....

While my team gathered, I saw my body began to glow slightly. I could feel my Aura regenerating, but very slowly but steadily.

Me: There, that should be enough.

I stood up from where I was sitting, now filled with energy. I then turned my head around to look for Ruby, only to see a Beowolf creeping behind her. She wasn't able to notice it since she's busy dispatching a group of Creepers.

Me: Ruby!

Mitchell: Cap!

I looked at Mitchell with a worried look on my face.

Mitchell: I have an idea. Let's use Protocol M.M.S.

Rachel: MMS??

Mitchell: Maximum Muteki STRM!!!! JEEZ!!! Can't take shoracranymphs???

Me: Well, okay... (looks at Max then looks at Tenka) Tenka! Have you kicked your dog before?

Tenka: Well,... when i want to create holes in Grimms, yes. Why?

Me: We're going to use him today.

Tenka: Does it work?!

Me: Let's test our theory!

Tenka: Then LET'S DO THIS!!!


The five of us then shine in a very bright color of our own semblances. Then, we combined together into our STRM combination, leaving a hole on the combiner's right foot. Max then conjoured itself its own armour as he curled into a metallic ball, only revealing its head, well protected by a metallic helm. . It then inserts itself into the gap that is exposed at the combiner's right foot. When the combination sequence is done, I looked at myself and my right foot as it is now replaced by a armourised Max.

Me: Nice.

Tenka: Pretty sweet

Mitchell and Rachel: Let's get them.

Me: Let's take out the TRASH!!!!

I kicked my right leg up, releasing Max from my foot as started juggling the ball on my knees and foot a few times.

Me: Hey Grimm, catch the football!!

I then kicked Max at the Grimm. The kick was so strong that Max managed to eliminate the Grimm that were about to rush me, pounce and strike me. Once all of the Grimm were cleared, I caught Max by using the empty gap on my right foot. Then, we deactivate our combined form, still fully energized. I looked at Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell and Max who are nodding at me.

Me: Tenka... your wolf.... is a badass.

Tenka: Well, I thank you for this compliment.

My team then laughed at my cool remark about Tenka's dog until...

Ruby: LOOK OUT!!!!

We all stopped laughing as I turned face-to-face with an Alpha Ursa as it swiped me away from my team in which I hit the wall at a nearby shophouse.

Tenka: Doctor!!

Mitchell: CAP!!!!

Rachel: SHADOW!!!

Max: (growls loudly)

The Alpha rushed towards me as I tried to regain my sight from my daze as I was trying to get up. When I finally recover from my daze after a few seconds later, I saw that the Alpha Ursa was right next to me and it's about to swipe me again, worrying everyone, and Ruby the most.

Ruby: SHADOW!!!!!!

I brought out Parablade and tried taking a defensive position while I'm still on the ground. I was expecting the Alpha to give me a death swipe, but that didn't happen as I felt the ground rumbling. Just as the situation gotten worse, a Grimm eventually emerges from the ground, right below the Grimm, throwing the Alpha Ursa away from me, to everyone's shock. I looked at the Grimm that has spikes from head to toe, weapons embedded onto its arms, bat ears and a horn at its snout.

(A/N: It's actually Tyrant, in Grimm form.)

Ruby: What Grimm... is that...

Tenka: SHADOW!!!!!

Just as I was about to ready my weapon, the Grimm offered its scythe-like hand at me. That's when I realized, this has happened before. So, I went with the flow and grabbed its scythe and the Grimm helped me up. I looked at the Grimm, then I looked back at the Alpha Grimm, the Grimm then looked at the Alpha Grimm as well. The Ursa roared as it charged towards us. The unknown Grimm fired its ray projectile from its ears and fired a fireball from its mouth, disorientating the Ursa, while I charged forward with Parablade as I place Dual Gashat Alpha into Parablade and an ice dust crystal as well. As I was about to swipe the Grimm, the Ursa was about to swipe me but to no avail as the unknown grimm I knew before wrapped its tail around my waste and threw me up in the air as it fired a strong fireball at the Grimm. As the Grimm loosen its hold on me, I used my semblance and swiftly fall towards the Grimm. As I am near the Ursa, I swiftly cleaved the Ursa in half after the shot, shot by the unknown Grimm hit the Alpha Ursa. Once our attack is done, the Alpha Ursa withered away. 

(Energy Ear Needle Darts)

(Tyrant Fire/Fireball Blast)

After watching the Grimm wither away, I turned to the unknown Grimm and walked towards it, saying:

Me: I think I knew you before from somewhere... but for now, you have my thanks, for being the first Grimm to stand by my side.

I then offered my hand to it, in which somehow it understood as it accepted it by using his mace-like hand to shake my hand. Then, it burrowed down to the ground until it is no longer visible, to my amazement, in which I sighed.

Me: (Inner thoughts) Heheh, Grimm Tyrant... Gladiator Ty. ... (sighs) G.T, you always surprise me... in so many levels. And you've grown strong. I'm proud of you, my pet.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Later on, everyone meets in the middle of courtyard.

Roman: Oh, I can't believe that you caught me, you've really taught me the error of my ways. 

I turned to the voice and saw Mercury and Emerald escorting Roman into an Atlesian airship. I then rushed towards them quickly.

Me: Hey! Hold on a sec!

Mercury: Huh? Oh, hey. Shadow right? What do you want?

Me: It's Shadow alright. And nothing much, I just wanted to give this guy the cold medicine I promised to him a few a months ago.

Roman: Wait, wha----

Before he could even finish what he was about to say, my aura became red (Knockout Fighter) as I encased my whole hand in ice and punched him in the face with it, knocking him down to the ground, much to everyone's surprise.

Mercury: Nice....

Me: That's for making me choose for some stupid decisions.

With that Mercury and Emerald carried Roman up, who had been knocked out unconscious by your punch in expectancy, and dragged him inside the airship. After that, I began walking back towards my team, and they gave me questioning looks.

Me: What?

Rachel: Was that really necessary, Cap?

I only shrugged in response to her question, much to her aggravation. The rest of my Team, RWBY and JNPR gathered around until Tenka's grandfather showed up.

Sensei: Tenka, are you okay?

Tenka: Never better, Sensei. (bows) Oh, these are my friends, to whom you've met before. And this is the Doctor that I've been talking to you about. His name is--

Tenka was then cut off when his grandfather went to me.

Sensei: You must be Shadow. I'm Tenka's grandfather and Sensei, delighted to meet you and the rest of your team.

Me: (inner thoughts) Whoa... for an old man, he's tough..

Ruby walked before me with a confused face as he saw my conflicting face, and snapped her fingers in front of my face in trance. Right after, I shook my thoughts away and finally greets Tenka's grandfather.

Me: D-Delighted to meet you too, Sensei. (bows)

Sensei: Young Kaito has told me a lot about his teammates, especially you, Shadow. Including the times that you come by to treat him and my daughter.

Me: Well, we always treated each other like brothers and sisters would during the past few months. Even the times when I was at my job. And... well, the treating part, it's part of my job, Sensei.

Sensei: I see. And he has told me a lot more interesting things about a girl named Blake, which I already guessed is that girl a couple of minutes ago.

He said by motioning his head towards Blake.

Tenka: So, how's everything? How's mom?

Sensei: Everything is fine. Your mother is doing okay as well. As a matter of fact, I hope you like the guantlets we made in private for you.

Tenka: Wait!! Th---

Sensei: It's probably best if you hold on to that, so that they can help you, Young Kaito. Come along now Max, Sofia is waiting for you back home, and yes, she brought bones for you so you can crunch them up. 

The wolf barked excitedly and followed his master's grandfather to the ship where they will be returning home.

Sensei: Oh, and Shadow.

Me: Yes, Sensei?

Sensei: Take good care of my grandson, and more importantly.... yourself.

I was puzzled when he said the last word after a few seconds, but, I went with the flow.

Me: Yes, Sensei. Until we meet again. (Bows)

As I bowed, the Sensei nod his head as he entered the airship with Max, leading them back to his hometown. Meanwhile, Emerald and Mercury then approach Ruby and they smile at each other. Team JNPR is seen exchanging smiles, Sun and Neptune bump fists, Team CFVY likewise smile at each other, I gave Mitchell a high-five and I was about to the same to Rachel, but she just tackled me in a hug, which caused me to loose my balance and fall down with her, much to the others amusement, and Port and Oobleck exchange smiles as well while Glynda watches from behind.


Afterwards, me and my team, Team RWBY and Zwei are sitting on the edge of Beacon's landing platform, overlooking the City of Vale from across the lake, with the sun slowly setting down, adding magnificent color accents to the lake.

Yang: Well, we did it.

Blake: We did it.

Weiss: If we don't get extra credit for that, I'm gonna be seriously disappointed.

Yang: Weiss, a two-headed snake literally crushed a bakery.

Rachel: Yeah, I wouldn't count on it, if that were to be the case.

Mitchell: But that was my favorite bakery.... how am I gonna get my cookies and my favorite cakes!? (Whining away)

Me: Aw, cheer up Mitch! There's probably other bakeries you should be able to like.

Mitcehll: But that bakery served really good Taiyakis too.

Rachel: Tai--what?

Mitchell: Taiyaki. Fish-shaped cakes.

Rachel: Ok, stop there. I get what you mean.

Me: Rachel, direct order.... behave....

Rachel: What?

Ruby: Plus, I mean, we didn't solve everything. A lot of people were hurt, and we still don't even know why they did this, or who that mystery girl was, or why there are bugsters in our way. And plus, what's that Grimm, Shadow? Why did it help you???

Me: I'm not sure... I am not sure why it helped me...

Tenka: And why Graphite helped me and Blake.

Me: (Goes to sitting position in shock) Graphite did what?!

Tenka: He supported our fire.He helped us cleared most of the Grimm. Then he took off.

Me: Hmmm... Wonder why...

Weiss: Well, not every story has a neat and tidy ending.

Blake: We might not have all the answers, but we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars. And I think that's something we could be proud of.

Ruby: Yeah! And if anyone tries something like this again, we'll be there to stop them.

Yang: Yay, teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright, good job... So, what now?

Blake looks at Tenka. Rachel scooted a bit close to Mitchell and patted him on the shoulder with a smile on her face. Looks like Rachel would be able to comfort him, much to my relief. 

Weiss: I suggest training for the tournament, but I guess we have that covered at this point.

Blake: So then...

Tenka: Enough rest is imminent.

Ruby: Uhh... Time for bed?

Yang: Please.

Blake: Absolutely.

Weiss: Yes.

Yang: I'm going to sleep forever.

Rachel: Well, Mitch and I'll just head over to Vale for now to find some bakery shops that serves good tai--, taiya-- tago--taiyaga--taiyagayawhata-- The heck-- How in Charlie's pistons do you say it?!

Mitchell giggles at his partner twisted tongue when trying to say the word as he helped her speak it. Team RWBY and Zwei then stand up and heads back towards Beacon's main campus, with Mitchell and Rachel heading off for Vale, but I just stayed where I was. Ruby sees that I'm currently not following them so she told her team to go on ahead, and sat down beside me and leaned her head against my shoulder.

Me: I knew leadership was hard... well, worse than hard. To be honest, I didn't really know it could be this tough. I have three crazy teammates, who always find themselves in trouble, but they always get along, and a very faithful, loyal, and sacrificing one, who nearly got himself killed for it.... which fortunately no one did... well, actually Tenka was nearly at the verge of it.

Ruby: I get the feeling, since we're both leaders, but actually you're the one who has a more conflicting problems right now, so if you need me, you know I'll always be there to help you, right?

She said this as she began snuggling into my chest, putting her arms around me in an embrace. I gently raised and cupped her chin up so she looked at me with her loving silver-eyes that I always find so fascinating,.

Me: I must know from you, why did I have to deserve you, Ruby?

I asked her this, but before she could reply, I gave her a gentle kiss, much to her surprise, causing Ruby to widen her eyes in surprise before blushing and kissing back. After a few seconds of lip-lock, the need for air forced us to break the kiss. We both looked lovingly at each other before we both looked gazed at the setting sun that started to come down more and more. As the minutes pass, I looked down at my loving girlfriend while she laid her head half asleep on my lap. 

Me: Tired?

Ruby: (Yawns) Yeah....

Me: Let's go inside then, the campus provides a more comfortable pillows than my lap, Rubes.

Ruby giggled at my humor before she nodded, but before she could even get up, she already fell asleep, her constant snoring became a proof of it. I laughed a bit at it, and then I carried her on my arms, and started making my way towards the campus.

Meanwhile, Vale's Government Council calls on Ozpin, who responds in his office. The headmaster aloofly stares outside his window.

Ozpin's POV:

Councilman: Ozpin? Ozpin!

I turn my chair towards my desk.

Me: Yes, Councilman.

A video feed of the councilmen is shown on a holographic screen with Ironwood's video feed in the corner.

Councilman: You've left us no choice! The Vytal Festival tournament cannot be broadcast, let alone held, if we are unable to ensure the safety of the citizens.

I sip from my cup.

Councilman: Ahem... Therefore, we have reached out to the Atlas Council and together have decided that the best action is to appoint General Ironwood as head of security for the event.

Ironwood: Thank you, Councilman. Our Kingdom is happy to lend as many troops as it takes to ensure that the event runs smoothly and safely as possible.

Councilman: And we thank you, General.

Me: Will that be all?

Councilman: For now. But after this festival comes to a close, we are going to have a serious discussion about your position at Beacon Academy. General Ironwood's reports over the last few weeks have left us somewhat... concerned. I am sure you understand.

The faceless councilmen's video feed disappears, leaving Ironwood's video feed alone with me. We silently stare at each other for a moment.

Ironwood: This is the right move, Ozpin. I promise, I will keep our people safe, you have to trust me.

Ironwood hangs up the video call. I then turn my chair around to look at the large Atlesian Ariship outside his window. Just as I was looking outside, I was nearly startled at the sudden voice present in the office.

???: I thought you two are friends, Professor Ozpin.


I watched Ozpin turn around to see me, leaning near the elevator with my arms crossed over my chest.

Ozpin: I can assure you, we still are.

Me: Alrighty then. So, what's up with the General? You're likely to get fired now because of him.

Ozpin: I'm sure it wasn't intentional, Mr Wrath.

Me: Doctor. Anyway, are you sure? Think about it, Professor. He shows up out of the blue, just before things start to go wrong. Then, he reports to the council everything he thinks "you" have done wrong.

I paused, in hope of letting the professor talk his way out of this, but he stays silent.

Me: The night of the dance, the day before yesterday. Someone infiltrated the academy, hacked into the system and vanished. And what does the general do about this? He sits in the communications room and keeps an eye on Ruby, my team and I, who tried to do something about it, and sends a bunch of simpletons to find a woman, who had left a quarter-of-an-hour beforehand. I mean, how could you just miss a glass mask on the floor, I don't know.

Ozpin: Then, do you think he is involved with the recent 'incidence'.

I was caught off guard when he said that, but luckily, I was able to counter it.

Me: Well, Despite no evidence found at all, I don't think he is involved. But his idea is a bit idiotic, if you ask me. To deal with an army, you have to send a bigger army. But we're not exactly dealing with an army now, are we?

Ozpin: Don't worry, I'll be on constant alert.

With that, I gave him a nod as I began to walk away, but not before I remembered something.

Me: Oh, and one more thing. As much as I'd want to hold back from saying this but, it runs in the family, I guess. Some advice and a warning, Professor. As much as we are not that related, I think I might know what is going on... I think your enemy wants the General to be head of security for the festival. Think about it; all those soldiers, all those ships. People are going the get uncertain, and worried. And with all that uncertainty in the air, (my eyes began to glow orange(left eye) and blue (right eye)) they are going to do something big. Everyone will be watching the event, everyone. All these uncertain people.... all these uncertainties. Imagine: if something were to go wrong, live on TV..... all that panic. And you know what is drawn to emotions like that.

I paused for a moment before I gave the Professor a grave look,

Me: You may want to keep your allies close, Professor... real, real close. This event.... won't go well. Or maybe, I'm just being unpredictable as always..... 

I replaced my grave look into a smile.

Me: Later, Professor. If you need me, you know who to call. (Unknowingly winks)

Ozpin watches me leave the office as he turns back to his window after, deep in thought.

Ozpin(Inner thoughts): You were just as every bit as your mother, Mr. Shadow. Unpredictable and precise.


Graphite's POV:

I was standing at the CCT Tower watching over Beacon. While my watch, I thought about how strong Blake was, even if she's wounded. Even his boyfriend as well, Boy, I now regret infecting him, I thought as I smiled. While I was watching over Beacon, someone came to visit. So, I spoke up as to know who is up here now.

Me: Missed your guardian, Blake?

Blake: Well, I do miss the time you saved me and my parents. Including what happened at Vale, it will will be twice. But, I must know from you, why did you help us???

Me: Well, I told you and your parents "I could be wrong", now didn't I??

Blake: You did, but---

Me: Blake, listen. I helped you not because I want to take advantage of you and your boyfriend, not because I am a spy which I am truly not. I helped you because I've seen the truth behind my leader's intentions. His intentions are monsterous, brutal, all he wants is power, and I don't want to be like him. That's why, I've decided... from now on, It will be my mission to help you and the rest, in secret if I'm not caught by him.

Blake: (blushes a bit) I see..... Hey Graphite.

Me: (Turns around) Yeah???

As I turned around, out of nowhere, Blake lunged at me and hugged me. My face turned red a little, although my face is already red.

Blake: Thank you... Guardian Graphite...

I was stunned when she called me 'Guardian' Graphite, but I kind of liked it. So, I return her a hug as I looked up in the sky as I sighed, thinking about the good things I did, for a few times.

Me: (Sigh) Guardian Graphite, eh? Cool name. It make me feel that I... have a purpose here now... hmph, I should really keep that name as long as I still stand, as a Game Character, like Pallad.

End of Volume 2... or is it??

And that's all, folks! The very last episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. I will be publishing special episodes real soon sowait patiently, as after all, 'Patience is a Virtue'. So, If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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